Anwar Sadat Chair Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland University of Maryland with Zogby International with Zogby International 2010 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Public Opinion Survey Professor Shibley Telhami, Principal Professor Shibley Telhami, Principal Investigator Investigator Anwar Sadat Chair for Peace and Development and Anwar Sadat Chair for Peace and Development and Nonresident Senior Fellow, Saban Center at Brookings Nonresident Senior Fellow, Saban Center at Brookings Special thanks to the Carnegie Corporation of New York Special thanks to the Carnegie Corporation of New York

Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

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Page 1: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Anwar Sadat Chair Anwar Sadat Chair

University of MarylandUniversity of Marylandwith Zogby Internationalwith Zogby International

20102010Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public

Opinion SurveyOpinion Survey

Professor Shibley Telhami, Principal InvestigatorProfessor Shibley Telhami, Principal InvestigatorAnwar Sadat Chair for Peace and Development andAnwar Sadat Chair for Peace and Development and

Nonresident Senior Fellow, Saban Center at BrookingsNonresident Senior Fellow, Saban Center at Brookings

Special thanks to the Carnegie Corporation of New YorkSpecial thanks to the Carnegie Corporation of New York

Page 2: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Survey conducted October Survey conducted October 20-November 320-November 3

Sample size: 600Sample size: 600Margin of error: +/- 4.0%Margin of error: +/- 4.0%

Page 3: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland


Page 4: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Identity – most important

When you think about yourself, which of the following is your most important identity?

Page 5: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Identity - Muslim

When you think about yourself, which of the following is your most important identity...?

Page 6: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Identity - Christian

When you think about yourself, which of the following is your most important identity...?

Page 7: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Identity - Druze

When you think about yourself, which of the following is your most important identity...?

Page 8: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Identity – 1948 war refugees

Palestinian Israeli Arab

Do you have any relatives - refugees of the 1948 war?


Page 9: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland


Page 10: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Attitudes toward the U.S. - aggregateGenerally speaking, is your attitude toward the United States:

Sadat Chair

Very favorable

Somewhat favorable

Somewhat unfavorable

Very unfavorable

Not familiar



Page 11: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Views of President Barack Obama

Sadat Chair

Very positive

Somewhat positive


Somewhat negative




Page 12: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Evaluating Obama Administration policy: What are the central issues for you?

Page 13: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Attitude toward Obama Administration policy in the Middle East

Page 14: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Obama’s policy:

What policies do you like most?

Page 15: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Obama’s Administration Policies:

Most disappointing (choose two)

* Percentages add up to more than 100%

Page 16: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

American policy drivers in the Middle East (first)

Page 17: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland


Page 18: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Opinion on Iran’s nuclear research purpose

Sadat Chair

Iran is merely conducting research for peaceful purposes

Iran is trying to develop nuclear weapons



Page 19: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Opinion on Iran’s nuclear program

Sadat Chair

Iran has the right to its nuclear program and the international pressure should cease

Iran should be pressured to stop its nuclear program



Page 20: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Opinion on Iran’s nuclear program – 1948 war refugees

Sadat Chair

Iran has the right to its nuclear program and the international pressure should cease

Iran should be pressured to stop its nuclear program



Do you have any relatives - refugees of the 1948 war?

Page 21: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Outcome for Middle East if Iran acquires nuclear weapons

Sadat Chair

The outcome would be more positive

The outcome would be more negative

It would not matter



Page 22: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland


Page 23: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Palestinian refugees’ right to return - aggregateHow do you feel about Palestinian refugees’ right to return?

Sadat Chair

Not too important

Important but a compromise should be found

Important and cannot be compromised in any way



Page 24: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Outcome if no two-state solution is found

What do you believe is the likely outcome if the prospects of a two-state solution of the Palestinian/Arab-Israeli conflict collapse:

Page 25: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Israel as a Jewish state - aggregate

Your opinion towards defining Israel as a Jewish state:

Page 26: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Israel as a Jewish state - 1948 war refugeesYour opinion towards defining Israel as a Jewish state:

Sadat Chair







Accept w/o conditions

Only if Palestinian state established, Arab/Palestinian citizens of Israel given full rights

Do not accept

Page 27: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Prospects of lasting peace

Which is closest to your view about the prospects of lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians?

Sadat Chair

In the next 5 yrs

Inevitable, but it will take more time

Don’t believe it will ever happen



Page 28: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Palestinian sympathies

In the current conflict among the Palestinians, with whom do you sympathize most?

Sadat Chair



Fatah Hamas Both Other groups None of the above

Page 29: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Preferences for Palestinian government

As you look at the internal Palestinian political divisions, do you prefer to see a:

Sadat Chair



Fatah government

Hamas government

National unity government


Page 30: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Transfer of Arab/Palestinian towns

Sadat Chair

Yes No



Would you accept the transfer of some Arab/Palestinian towns currently in Israel to a new Palestinian state, when established?

Page 31: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Transfer of Arab/Palestinian towns

If ‘No’, which of the following reasons is most important to you?

Page 32: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Attitude towards proposed loyalty oath - aggregate

Page 33: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Attitude towards proposed loyalty oath – 1948 war refugees

Sadat Chair



Oppose Support Support if only applied to new citizens

Support if Israel was defined as state of all

Page 34: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Reasons for rejecting loyalty oath - aggregate

Page 35: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Arab/Palestinian rights in Israel

If peace prevails between Israel and Palestinians through an establishment of Palestinian state at peace with Israel, which is

more likely about the status of Arab citizens of Israel:

Sadat Chair



Rights will improve Rights will decline Will not change

Page 36: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Recruitment of Arab/Palestinian citizens

Your opinion of possible recruitment of Israeli Arab/Palestinian citizens into non-military national service program:

Sadat Chair



Reject under any circumstances

Accept if Arabs granted equal rights to Jews

Accept only after Palestinian state established

Page 37: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Jewish Holocaust movies – aggregate

When you watch a movie or a program about the Jewish Holocaust which of the following is closest to your feelings:

Page 38: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Jewish Holocaust movies – Jewish friends

Empathize with Jews who suffered under Nazis

Resent - brings sympathy towards Jews at the expense of Palestinians/Arabs

Mixed feelings

Which of the following most accurately describes you?

Page 39: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Jewish Holocaust movies – 1948 war refugees

Empathize with Jews who suffered under Nazis

Resent - brings sympathy towards Jews at the expense of Palestinians/Arabs

Mixed feelings

Do you have any relatives - refugees of the 1948 war?

Page 40: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Palestinian civilian casualties – aggregate (first)

When you see Palestinian civilian casualties in the conflict with Israel, which TWO of the following best describe your feelings:

Page 41: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Palestinian civilian casualties – aggregate (second)

When you see Palestinian civilian casualties in the conflict with Israel, which TWO of the following best describe your feelings:

Page 42: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Palestinian civilian casualties – 1948 war refugees

Empathy with Palestinian victims

Need for revenge against Israel

HelplessDo you have any relatives - refugees of the 1948 war?

Angry with Palestinian leadership

Angry with Arab governments

Page 43: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Israeli civilian casualties – aggregate (first)

When you watch Israeli civilian casualties in the conflict with the Palestinians, which TWO best describe your feelings:

Page 44: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Israeli civilian casualties – aggregate (second)

When you watch Israeli civilian casualties in the conflict with the Palestinians, which TWO best describe your feelings:

Page 45: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Israeli civilian casualties – 1948 war refugees

Empathy with Israeli victims

Israelis brought it upon themselves

Revenge for Pale-stinians

Do you have any relatives - refugees of the 1948 war?Same as when other civilians killed

Angry with Israeli leaders

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Page 47: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

International news source - aggregateWhat international news do you watch?

Page 48: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

International news source - 1948 war refugeesWhat international news do you watch?

Sadat Chair







MBC Al Manar Al Jazeera An Israeli network

Al Arabiya

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Page 50: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Country - biggest threat to you (first)

Name two countries that you think pose biggest threat to you?

Page 51: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

World leader sympathies

Hassan Nassrallah

Saddam Hussein

Barack Obama

Recep Erdogan


Please tell me which world leader (outside of your own country) you admire most?

Page 52: Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland with Zogby International 2010 Israeli Arab/Palestinian Public Opinion Survey Anwar Sadat Chair University of Maryland

Superpower sympathies

USA Russia China France Germany

In a world where there is only one superpower, which countries would you prefer more than others to be that superpower?