je Ksienzyk artment of Gene Regulation and Differentiation [email protected]

Antje Ksienzyk Department of Gene Regulation and Differentiation [email protected]

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Antje Ksienzyk Department of Gene Regulation and Differentiation [email protected]. model of systemic virus infection. Infection. Replication in first organ Primary viremia. Secondary viremia. other organs. dissemination. Replication. MCMV. Herpesviridae  herpesvirus - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Antje Ksienzyk Department of Gene Regulation and Differentiation aks08@helmholtz-hzi.de

Antje Ksienzyk

Department of Gene Regulation and Differentiation

[email protected]

Page 2: Antje Ksienzyk Department of Gene Regulation and Differentiation aks08@helmholtz-hzi.de

Replication in first organPrimary viremia

Secondary viremia



other organs

model of systemic virus infection


Page 3: Antje Ksienzyk Department of Gene Regulation and Differentiation aks08@helmholtz-hzi.de


-Herpesviridae herpesvirus

-Cytomegalovirus-MCMV: mouse cytomegalovirus

HCMV :major risk factor for immunoincompetent and immunocompromised patients

(AIDS patients and organ transplant recipients)

MCMV: represents the rodent model

MCMV replicates in a broad spectrum of cell types: vascular endothelial cells and


Page 4: Antje Ksienzyk Department of Gene Regulation and Differentiation aks08@helmholtz-hzi.de

The Cre-Loxp system

Page 5: Antje Ksienzyk Department of Gene Regulation and Differentiation aks08@helmholtz-hzi.de

The used Cre-Loxp system

Page 6: Antje Ksienzyk Department of Gene Regulation and Differentiation aks08@helmholtz-hzi.de

MCMV- flox and –rec replicate in the same manner

Page 7: Antje Ksienzyk Department of Gene Regulation and Differentiation aks08@helmholtz-hzi.de

Experimental set-up

Page 8: Antje Ksienzyk Department of Gene Regulation and Differentiation aks08@helmholtz-hzi.de

106 PFU of MCMV flox

Analyses of MCMV-rec and MCMV-flox plaque forming units

EC and HC are important cell types for MCMV replication

Tie2-cre: Cre under control of Tie2 (endothelial tyrosinkinase receptors: only in EC) promoter in vascular ECAlb-cre: Cre under control of albumin promoter in hepatocytes

Page 9: Antje Ksienzyk Department of Gene Regulation and Differentiation aks08@helmholtz-hzi.de

Hepatocytes are the main producer cell type

Hepatocytes derived MCMV-rec do not disseminate from the liver to other organs (alb-cre)

Page 10: Antje Ksienzyk Department of Gene Regulation and Differentiation aks08@helmholtz-hzi.de


Influence of route and dose

Amount of cre expression, the route and dose of infection have no influence on the results

Page 11: Antje Ksienzyk Department of Gene Regulation and Differentiation aks08@helmholtz-hzi.de


Virus isolation out of liver

i.v. injection


Hc-derived MCMV has potential to replicate in spleen and lung

Page 12: Antje Ksienzyk Department of Gene Regulation and Differentiation aks08@helmholtz-hzi.de

Bidirectional spread of MCMV between EC and Hc

EC and Hc produce virus which can infect neighboring cellsNo explanation that Hc derived virus can’t disseminate

Tie2-cre: MCMV from EC to HcAlb-cre: MCMV from Hc to EC

Page 13: Antje Ksienzyk Department of Gene Regulation and Differentiation aks08@helmholtz-hzi.de

MCMV infection is controlled by CD3+ cells

Elimination of MCMV is correlated with liver infiltrating T-cellsReason for dissemination stop?

Page 14: Antje Ksienzyk Department of Gene Regulation and Differentiation aks08@helmholtz-hzi.de

Immunosuppression has no influence on Hc- derived virus dissemination

1 untreated2, 3 -irradiation4 immune suppression by cyclophosphamide 5 proinflammatory stimuli. Con A

No increase of dissemination after immune suppression and proinflammatory stimuli

- untreated+ immunodepleted

Page 15: Antje Ksienzyk Department of Gene Regulation and Differentiation aks08@helmholtz-hzi.de


- Hepatocytes and EC are target cells of MCMV in vivo (replication)

- HC are important target cells but are not involved in virus dissemination

-Infected EC contribute to viremic dissemination by serving as transport vehicle and

by uptake and release of virus

- Hc derived MCMV never leads to a second viremia (unlike to former publications)

-But what is the reason for that?

-Independent on immune cells or irradiation

-Independent on ability to infect other cells

- IFN???