SO THEY TELL ME Hello againl I lie party line hasn't boon too busy tins week and there is very little to report. This is your column and we would like to include news about you and your friends, but we cannot do so unless you let us know what: is going on. Please call us at #87-0141 and tell us what is happening in your neighborhood, who is on the sick list, and when you are entertaining guests. It is the little amusing things that help make a column worth reading so let us hear from you. Birthdays come in bunches ai the Kichard potes house on Rivcr-st. and Wanda has been baking cupcakes ty the dozen and they will all have t.ieir fill ot birthday cake before the month is over. Son Murray cele- brated his 6th birthday on Saturday the 8th with a family get-together including grandparents, aunts, unc- les, and cousins. On hand for the occasion were the Leo Murrays, the Barth Murrays, the DoranMurrays, all of Sparta and the Charles Potes of Casnovia. lie also treated his kindergarten class on Friday. Son Kelly will be two years old on the 11th with another family party, son (Formerly Sparta Locals) by SUE BRAND Mark will be 15 on the 17;h and daughter Julie will be 12 on the 29th. Even Dick's mother, Mrs. Charles Poles, will observe a birthday on the 17th of this month. Mrs. Mary Etettes, Peach Ridge- ave. returned Sunday from a three- week vacation in Sanford. Florida, where she visited at the home of h e r granddaughter and her husband Mar- cia and Harry Emniert. Marcia's parents, Ralph and Virginia Barnum and her brother, Steve, Peach Ridge- ave. drove to Chicago to pick up Mrs. Bettes on her arrival at O'Hare Field. I he Barnums spent the week- end at the home ol former Sparta area residents, Wendell and Dorothy Beuschel and their children, Karne, Keith, and Nancy, in Mt. Prospect, Illinois. David Morgan celebrated his 15th birthday with a party in his honor on the 27th of January at the home of his aunt and uncle, Chuck and Jns Merrill, River-st. A group of his friends from the freshman class helped him enjoy the happy occasion. Hie weather may be staying mild but don't forget the birds who depend on us for food during the winter months. You don't have to be a bird- watcher to enjoy the antics of a pair ol cardinals or blue jays at the suet or seed feeder. PROBATE NOTICE File No. 110-878 ORDER FOR PUBLICATION Appointment of Administrator and Determination of Heirs STATE OF MICHIGAN The Probate Court for the County of Kent. ESTATE OF WIL.MA MORTON, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 24th day of February, A.D. 1964, at 10:00 A.M., in the Probate Courtroom, County Build- ing, Grand Rapids, Michigan, o hearing will be held, on a petition by Stanley Morton praying that an Administrator be appointed and a determination of the heirs at law bo made. Publication and service shall be made as provided by law and Court rule. Dated: January 22, 1964. A. DALE STOPPELS Judge of Probate. Kent County, Michigan. A true copy. ROLAND R. ROBEY Reglstei of Probate. Godfrey Vander Werff 618 McKny Tower Grand Rapids 2, Mich. 2-12 File No. 107-133 ORDER FOR PUBLICATION STATE OF MICHIGAN Th- Probate Court for the County or Kent. ESTATE OF MYRTLE PINCKNEY, deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on ttie 13th day of March, A.D. 1964. at 10:00 A.M., in the Probate Courtroom, County Build ing, Grand Rapids. Michigan a hearing will be held on a petition by Philip L Hogan praying that the Final Account be allowed. Publication and service shall be made as provided by law find Court rul?. Dated: February 4, 1964. A. DALE STOPPKI.S Judge of Probate. Kent County, Michigan A T r u e C:>py. ROLAND R. ROBEY, Registei of Probate. Hogan & Johnson. Attys. Box 96, Sparta, Mich. V.-26 THE SENTINEL-LEADER Wednesday, Feb. 12, 1964 File No. 100-852 ORDER FOR PUBLICATION STATE OF MICHIGAN The Probate Court for the County of Kent. ESTATE OF MABEL AUSTIN, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 24th day of April. A.D. 1964, at 10:00 A.M., in the Probate Courtroom, County Build- ing, Grand Rapids, Michigan n hearing will held on a petition by James A. Stevens, administra- tor c.t.a., praying that The Court order a hearing on claims and de- termine the heirs at law of said deceased; creditors, of said do- ceased shall present their claim* to the court and send a copy to the fiduciary at 171 Orchard Dr., Sparta. Michigan. Publication and service shall be made as provided by law and Court rule. Dated: February 4, 1964. A. DALE STOPPELS Judge of Probate. Kent County, Michigan. A true copy. ROLAND R. ROBEY Register of Probate. Hogan Johnson. Attys. Box 96, Sparta, Mich. 2-26 Area Cows Noted By Hoistein- Friesian Assn. Registered llolstein cows in the North Kent area have established new production records, according to the Holstem-Friesian Associa- tion of America. Daisy Fields Happy Audrey,^ a six-year-old. produced 19,210 pounds ot ituIk and 823 pounds of butterfat in 305 days. Dais> Fields Supreme Paula, a five-year-old, had I w.810 pounds ot milk and 689 pounds ot butterfat in 305 days. Daisy Fields Paula Supreme, a six-year- old. had 17,570 pounds of milk and b62 pounds of butterfat in 305 days. Daisy Fields Happy Princess, a seven year-old, had 10,250 pounds of milk and 6'4 pounds ot buttertat in 305 days. All of the cows are owned by Norn m Bradford of Spar- ta Ave. Wylwood Bonnie Bess, a seven- year-old, owned by Byron J, Harris of Ravenna, p oduced 15,050 pounds of milk and bob pounds of butterfat in 305 days. Dawnera 1 earl Linda Lynne, a five-year-old produced 19,860 pounds of butterfat in 305 days. Masterpiece Shore Pontiac, a six- year old. had 17,740 pounds of milk and 6*5 pounds of butterfat in 305 days. Ri Val Re Boburke Nora, a threw®-year--old, had 17.030 pounds o milk and 675 pounds ol butterf it in 305 days. All a r e owned by Emil and David Kober of Sparta Ave. According to the national Holrftein organization, the newproductioi fig- ures compare to an annual output of 7.211 pounds of milk and 270 pounds of butterfat by the average II c Hftirv cow. SPARTA METHODISTS SET ANNUAL MEETING Ihe Sparta Methocist Churcl will hold its annual meeting at 6 p.m. on Sunday evening, February 16, under the direction of the District Super- intendent, the Reverend Keith Avery, rhis is a family affair and children and youth arc welcome. Nursery care will be provided for small youngsters. Supper will be served by the Women's Society of Christian Service and the conference will con- clude at S;i5. Reservation!- should be made at the church no later than Thursday. from —, (DwBibU If ye be willing and dient, ye shall eat the of the land. —(Ioa, 1:19). Whenever faced with diffi- cult circumstances we must re- member that Christ is with us in all adversity; that He can- not fail to bless our life. THE ANTIQUES. COLLECTORS ITEMS & PRICELESS TREASURES OF SIX GRAND OLI) ESTATES MAKE THIS SALE OUTSTANDING! Antique Auction Community Building Sparta, Michigan ONE BLOCK NORTH OF THE SPARTA STATE BANK ON UNION STREET SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15th, 1964 10:00 A.M. UNTIL SOLD Doors Open 9:00 A.M. This Unusual Collection of Fine Old Pieces Will Be Well Displayed LUNCH COUNTER W ITH GOOD FOOD Sale Held Inside For Your Comfort IT LS DIFFICULT TO LIST AND DESCRIBE THE MANY TANTALIZING KEEPSAKES THAT THIS SALE PRE- SENTS: Tiffany, Milk, Carnival & Colored I>ecanters, Bottles, Candy Dishes Stemware - Candle Sticks - Tumblers Complete Tea Sets - Coffee Grinders Chickcn on the Nest & Novelties Bennington - English Willow Ware Some Nice Jardineers - Iron Pieces Pressed Glass - Iron Stotie - Hobnail Compotes - Syrup Pitchei-s - Vases Bone Dishes - Salt Dishes - Tea Pots Bowl and Pitcher Sets with odd pes. Jugs, Crocks, Jars & Containers Nice Selection Trivets «& Irons Staffordshire - Cranberry Pieces Patterns, Cut and Hand Blown Glass Decorated Dishes Tureens Pewter - Silver - Metal Pieces Many Assorted Boxes of Goodies Plaques, Plates and Mugs Stoppers - Pulls & Odd Hardware Cranberry Pickle Castor THE MOST DISCRIMINATING COLLECTOR WILL FIND MANY RAKE AND LARGE ASSORTMENT: Rosewood Fife (rev. war) 25 Leather Cards — Tin Types Early Advertising - Buttons, etc. A Jillion Picture Frames Iron Kettles - Pots - Pieces Assortment of American Coins Rimwind Car Clock — Car Horn Over 100 Small Items in Boxes The Old General Store Equipment Very Nice Frames - Books - Pictures Old Violin Squeeze Box Arrow Heads and Odd Stone* Buffalo Horns — Cow Bttlls Trunks Unusual Collectors Items in Wood Nice Clocks & Shelves (assorted) A Heavy of Oil Lamps (complete) Churns with Dasher - Fancy Jugs Advertising Pieces of Old Days Cant Iron Banks and Toy-, • Animals PLEASURABLE ITEMS IN THIS Edison Phono and Records World War 1 Equipment Old Books, Boxes, Containers 100 Records (78 R.P.M. Tools and Gadgets (eary vintage) Powder Horn Loading Tools Campaign Buttons and Ribbons One of the First Hearing Aids Confederate Paper Money 8 Piece Toilet Set - Rose (beauty) 7 _ OLD RIFLES AND EARLY MUZZEL LOADER SHOT GUNS — 7 Dandy Walnut Organ and Stool, restored (a cutie) Marble Top Commode - Solid Walnut (been rel'inished) 3 Drawer l*ine Chest — An Oldie Restored Marble Top Castor Table in Mint Condition (ordinal) i-piece Sectional Book Case in Oak with (Jlass I>oors Large Magazine and Book Rack Spindle Bjick Several Old Pieces of Furniture at need restoring One of the First Gasoline Ranges - small, unusual Nice Assortment of Old Sheet Music Solid Mahoganv Danish Tilt Table - Bench Combination 21 Jewel Gold 'Elgin Watch Hunting Case (perfect) WE WILL HAVE SEVERAL GOOD TYPEWRITERS ON THIS SAJ.E (THESE ARE NOT ANTIQUES) Eight Foot Deacon Bench in Pine (refinished) Good Selection of Hanging Kerosene Lamps Lamp Tables Stands Night Tables in Pine Extra Large Round Table with t> Chairs (mahogany) Solid Wilnut Corner What Not — 5 ft. Floor Model Many Unusual Odd Chairs and Rockers Love Seat 2 Dandy Spinning W'heels - One Completely Restored Walnut Spinet Desk Drop Front Desk Secretary Wagon Wheels Large Copper Kettle Lighted Book Case with Glass Doors, Adjustable Shelves Some Nice Pieces of Jewelry Shoe Cobbler's Tools The Purchase of One of These Fine, Old, Well Preserved Keepsakes Is Not Money Spent, But An Investment That Will ItrinK a Nice Return After You Have Enjoyed Ownership. Antiq ues Grow More \ aluable As Time Passes. THE LARGEST SELECTION OF ANTIQUES EVER SOLD BY AUCTION IN THE AREA TERMS: 100% Down and No Further Payments Nothing Will Be Sold Until Sale Time at 10 :00 A.M. NOTHING RESERVED—ALL MUST BE SOLD — AS ORDERED BY THE HEIRS SHERRY'S COMPLETE AUCTION SERVICE AUCTION: SHERRY CLERK: MIS3 DOROTHY SALE MANAGER: MARTY

Antiqu Auctionspartahistory.org/newspaper_splits/The Sentinel... · order a hearing on claims and de-termine the heirs at law of said deceased; creditors, of said do-ceased shall

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Hello againl I lie par ty line hasn ' t boon too busy t ins week and the re is very l i t t le to r e p o r t . This is your column and we would like to include news about you and your f r i ends , but we cannot do so unless you let us know what: is going on. P lease cal l us at #87-0141 and tell us what is happening in your neighborhood, who is on the sick l is t , and when you a r e enter ta in ing gues t s . It is the l i t t le amusing things that help make a column worth reading so let us hea r f r o m you.

Bir thdays come in bunches ai the Kichard po t e s house on R i v c r - s t . and Wanda has b e e n baking cupcakes t y the dozen and they will all have t . ieir fill ot b i r thday cake be fo re the month is over . Son Mur ray ce l e -bra ted his 6th bir thday on Saturday the 8th with a family ge t - toge ther including g randparen t s , aunts, unc-les, and cousins . On hand for the occasion were the Leo M u r r a y s , the Barth Murrays , the D o r a n M u r r a y s , all of Sparta and the C h a r l e s Potes of Casnovia. lie a l so t r ea ted his k indergar ten c l a s s on Fr iday . Son Kelly will be two yea r s old on the 11th with another family pa r ty , son

(Formerly Sparta Locals)

by SUE B R A N D

Mark will be 15 on the 17;h and daughter Ju l ie will be 12 on the 29th. Even Dick ' s mothe r , M r s . C h a r l e s Poles , will obse rve a b i r thday on the 17th of this month.

M r s . Mary Etettes, Peach Ridge-ave. r e tu rned Sunday f r o m a t h r e e -

week vacat ion in Sanford . F lo r ida , where she vis i ted at the home of h e r g randdaughte r and he r husband M a r -cia and H a r r y E m n i e r t . M a r c i a ' s p a r e n t s , Ralph and Virginia B a r n u m and he r b ro the r , Steve, Peach Ridge-ave . d rove to Chicago to pick up M r s . Bet tes on her a r r i v a l at O ' H a r e Fie ld . I he B a r n u m s spent the week-end at the home ol f o r m e r Spar ta a r e a r e s i d e n t s , Wendell and Dorothy Beusche l and the i r ch i ldren , Karne, Keith, and Nancy, in Mt. P r o s p e c t , I l l inois .

David Morgan ce lebra ted his 15th bir thday with a par ty in his honor on the 27th of Janua ry at the home of his aunt and uncle, Chuck and J n s M e r r i l l , R i v e r - s t . A group of his f r i e n d s f r o m the f r e s h m a n c l a s s helped him enjoy the happy occas ion .

H ie weather may be staying mild but don' t forget the b i r d s who depend on us for food during the winter

months . You don't have to be a b i r d -wa tche r to enjoy the an t i c s of a pa i r ol c a r d i n a l s or blue j ays at the suet or seed f e e d e r .


File No. 110-878 ORDER FOR PUBLICATION Appointment of Administrator and Determination of He i r s

S T A T E O F MICHIGAN The Probate Court for the County of Kent. E S T A T E O F


t h a t on the 24th day of F e b r u a r y , A.D. 1964, a t 10:00 A.M., in the P r o b a t e Cour t room, County Build-ing, G r a n d Rapids, Michigan, o h e a r i n g will be held, on a pet i t ion by S tan ley Mor ton pray ing t h a t an Admin i s t r a to r be appointed and a d e t e r m i n a t i o n of the heirs a t law bo made .

Publ ica t ion and service shall be m a d e as provided by law and Cour t rule .

Dated: January 22, 1964. A. DALE STOPPELS

Judge of Probate. Kent County, Michigan.

A true copy. R O L A N D R. ROBEY Regls te i of P roba te .

Godf rey V a n d e r Werf f 618 McKny T o w e r G r a n d Rapids 2, Mich. 2-12


P r o b a t e Cour t for the County or Kent . E S T A T E OF M Y R T L E P I N C K N E Y , deceased

N O T I C E IS H E R E B Y GIVEN t h a t on ttie 13th day of March, A.D. 1964. a t 10:00 A.M., in the P r o b a t e Cour t room, County Build ing, G r a n d Rapids. Michigan a hear ing will be held on a peti t ion by Phi l ip L Hogan pray ing that the F ina l Account be allowed.

Publ ica t ion and service shall be m a d e as provided by law find Cour t ru l? . Da t ed : F e b r u a r y 4, 1964.

A. DALE STOPPKI .S Judge of Proba te .

Kent County, Michigan A T r u e C:>py. R O L A N D R. ROBEY,

Registei of P roba te . Hogan & Johnson. Attys. Box 96, S p a r t a , Mich. V.-26

THE SENTINEL-LEADER Wednesday, Feb. 12, 1964


P r o b a t e Cour t for the County of Kent . E S T A T E O F


tha t on the 24th day of April. A.D. 1964, a t 10:00 A.M., in the P roba te Cour t room, County Build-ing, Grand Rapids, Michigan n hea r ing will held on a petition by J a m e s A. Stevens, adminis t ra-tor c.t.a., p ray ing tha t T h e Court o rder a hear ing on claims and de-te rmine the heirs at law of said deceased; creditors, of said do-ceased shall present their claim* to the cour t and send a copy to the f iduciary at 171 Orchard Dr., S p a r t a . Michigan.

Publ icat ion and service shall be made as provided by law and Court rule . Da ted : F e b r u a r y 4, 1964.

A. DALE S T O P P E L S Judge of Probate .

Kent County, Michigan. A t rue copy.

ROLAND R. ROBEY Regis ter of P roba te .

Hogan Johnson. Attys. Box 96, Spa r t a , Mich. 2-26

Area Cows Noted By Hoistein-Friesian Assn.

Regis tered l lols tein cows in the North Kent a rea have es tab l i shed new production r e c o r d s , accord ing to the H o l s t e m - F r i e s i a n A s s o c i a -tion of Amer ica .

Daisy Fie lds Happy Audrey,^ a s ix -yea r -o ld . produced 19,210 pounds ot ituIk and 823 pounds of but terfat in 305 days . Dais> F ie lds Supreme Paula, a f i v e - y e a r - o l d , had I w.810 pounds ot milk and 689 pounds ot butterfat in 305 days . Daisy Fields Paula Supreme , a s i x - y e a r -old. had 17,570 pounds of milk and b62 pounds of but te r fa t in 305 days . Daisy Fie lds Happy P r i n c e s s , a seven yea r -o ld , had 10,250 pounds of milk and 6 ' 4 pounds ot but ter ta t in 305 days. All of the cows a r e owned by Norn m Brad fo rd of S p a r -ta Ave.

Wylwood Bonnie B e s s , a s e v e n -year -o ld , owned by Byron J , H a r r i s of Ravenna, p oduced 15,050 pounds of milk and bob pounds of but ter fa t in 305 days .

Dawnera 1 e a r l Linda Lynne, a f ive -yea r -o ld produced 19,860 pounds of bu t te r fa t in 305 days . Mas terp iece Shore Pont iac , a s i x -year old. had 17,740 pounds of milk and 6*5 pounds of but te r fa t in 305 days. Ri Val Re Boburke Nora , a threw®-year--old, had 17.030 pounds o milk and 675 pounds ol butterf it in 305 days. All a r e owned by Emil and David Kober of Spar ta Ave.

According to the national Holrftein organization, the newproduct ioi f ig -u re s compare to an annual output of 7.211 pounds of milk and 270 pounds of but ter fa t by the a v e r a g e II c Hftirv cow.


Ihe Sparta Methocist Churcl will hold its annual meet ing at 6 p.m. on Sunday evening, F e b r u a r y 16, under the direct ion of the Dis t r i c t Supe r -intendent, the Reverend Keith Avery, rhis is a family a f f a i r and chi ldren and youth a r c welcome. N u r s e r y c a r e will be provided for sma l l youngsters . Supper will be s e r v e d by the Women 's Society of Chr i s t i an Service and the conference will con-clude at S; i5 . Reservation!- should be made at the church no l a t e r than Thursday .

f r o m —, (DwBibU If ye be w i l l i n g and

d ient , ye sha l l ea t the of the land.—(Ioa , 1 : 1 9 ) .

Whenever faced with diffi-cult circumstances we must re-member that Christ is with us in all adversity; that He can-not fail to bless our life.


Antique Auction Community Building — Sparta, Michigan


SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15th, 1964 10:00 A.M. UNTIL SOLD — Doors Open 9:00 A.M.

This Unusual Collection of Fine Old Pieces Will Be Well Displayed


Sale Held Inside For Your Comfort


Tiffany, Milk, Carnival & Colored I>ecanters, Bottles, Candy Dishes

Stemware - Candle Sticks - Tumblers Complete Tea Sets - Coffee Grinders Chickcn on the Nest & Novelties Bennington - English Willow Ware Some Nice Jardineers - Iron Pieces

Pressed Glass - Iron Stotie - Hobnail Compotes - Syrup Pitchei-s - Vases Bone Dishes - Salt Dishes - Tea Pots Bowl and Pitcher Sets with odd pes. Jugs, Crocks, Jars & Containers Nice Selection Trivets «& Irons Staffordshire - Cranberry Pieces

Patterns, Cut and Hand Blown Glass Decorated Dishes — Tureens Pewter - Silver - Metal Pieces Many Assorted Boxes of Goodies Plaques, Plates and Mugs Stoppers - Pulls & Odd Hardware Cranberry Pickle Castor


Rosewood Fife (rev. war) 25 Leather Cards — Tin Types Early Advertising - Buttons, etc. A Jillion Picture Frames Iron Kettles - Pots - Pieces Assortment of American Coins Rimwind Car Clock — Car Horn Over 100 Small Items in Boxes The Old General Store Equipment Very Nice Frames - Books - Pictures

Old Violin — Squeeze Box Arrow Heads and Odd Stone* Buffalo Horns — Cow Bttlls Trunks — Unusual Collectors Items in Wood Nice Clocks & Shelves (assorted) A Heavy of Oil Lamps (complete) Churns with Dasher - Fancy Jugs Advertising Pieces of Old Days Cant Iron Banks and Toy-, • Animals


Edison Phono and Records World War 1 Equipment Old Books, Boxes, Containers 100 Records (78 R.P.M. Tools and Gadgets (eary vintage) Powder Horn — Loading Tools Campaign Buttons and Ribbons One of the First Hearing Aids Confederate Paper Money 8 Piece Toilet Set - Rose (beauty)


Dandy Walnut Organ and Stool, restored (a cutie) Marble Top Commode - Solid Walnut (been rel'inished) 3 Drawer l*ine Chest — An Oldie Restored Marble Top Castor Table in Mint Condition (ord ina l ) i-piece Sectional Book Case in Oak with (Jlass I>oors Large Magazine and Book Rack — Spindle Bjick Several Old Pieces of Furniture at need restoring One of the First Gasoline Ranges - small, unusual Nice Assortment of Old Sheet Music Solid Mahoganv Danish Tilt Table - Bench Combination 21 Jewel Gold 'Elgin Watch Hunting Case (perfect)


Eight Foot Deacon Bench in Pine (refinished) Good Selection of Hanging Kerosene Lamps Lamp Tables — Stands — Night Tables in Pine Extra Large Round Table with t> Chairs (mahogany) Solid Wilnut Corner What Not — 5 ft . Floor Model Many Unusual Odd Chairs and Rockers — Love Seat 2 Dandy Spinning W'heels - One Completely Restored Walnut Spinet Desk — Drop Front Desk Secretary Wagon Wheels — Large Copper Kettle Lighted Book Case with Glass Doors, Adjustable Shelves Some Nice Pieces of Jewelry — Shoe Cobbler's Tools

The Purchase of One of These Fine, Old, Well Preserved Keepsakes Is Not Money Spent, But An Investment That Will ItrinK a Nice Return After You Have Enjoyed Ownership. Antiq ues Grow More \ aluable As Time Passes.


TERMS: 100% Down and No Further Payments Nothing Will Be Sold Until Sale Time at 10 :00 A.M.





Pre-Wedding Activities Keep Altvin Rogers and Miss Joan Pipon Busy

M r . and M r s . Melvin C. Roge r s will honor the i r son, Alwin L, Roger s , and Ins f iancee . Miss Joan Pipon, on I t iursday evening, F e b r u -a r y 13. with a r e h e a r s a l d n n e r at Lanmng ' s Resrauran t . The couple will be m a r r i e d at 8 o 'clock Fr iday evening;, F e b r u a r y 14, in the Spar ta Bapt i s t Church with the Rev. Jay DeBoer of f ic ia t ing.

M i s s Pipon is the daughter oi M r . Wi l f red Pipon ot J e r s e y Channel I s -land, Fngland, and the late M r s .

Township Reports Mother's March

b:a :a. I y rone and Alpine Town-s. . - c r ibuted a total of $2,836.90

the Mothers ' March of D imes whid ended J anua ry 30.

Ihe Spar ta lownship total was >1.3'-i0.47 col lected under the c h a i r -manship of M r s . led Bake r , j r . In Tyrone lownship, M r s . A r t h u r

Johnson was cha i rman and $575 was rece ived .

Alpine lownship r e s i d e n t s gave $901,43. Mrs . Ra\ Mi l le r was the Alpine Cha i rman .

Pipon. Three miscellaneous s h o w e r *

w e r e given the b r i de - e l ec t by the following: M r s . Jon Pike and C a r o l -yn Rogers , M r s . Lloyd Hansen and Kirs . Victor Hansen and by M r s . W a r r e n Schut and M r s . Ca r l Hofman.

IN THE SERVICE Army P F C Max E. King, whose

wife, Nancy, l ives on Hall Rd., R a -venna, and nea r ly 3000 s o l d i e r s oi the 25th Imant ry Division's? Second B r i g a d e l a sk F o r c e began leaving Hawaii by a i r p l a n e J a n u a r y 25 for Okinawa to pa r t i c ipa t e in E x e r c i s e QUICK RI I EASE, I lie 18 -vea r -o ld so ld i e r , son ot Mr . and M r s . H a r r y King of Casnovia , a t tended Kent City High school .

COMMUNI'J Y CLUB Ihe Algoma Communi ty Club will

meet Thursday a f t e rnoon , F e b r u a r y 20, with M r s . B e r t Put man at the home of h e r daugh te r , M r s . Henry Blaauw, 515 13-Mile Road.

— o

If y o u h a v e b e e n b a d l y w r o n g e d , fo rg ive a n d f o r g e t .

Marv Baker Eddy




—Yes, and keep your phone hill down, too! Here's how: We save scraps of leftover copper wire and cable, and periodically melt

them down in big furnaces. The copper salvaged is then used to make new wire. It's one example of the ninny ways we salvage materials wherever possible, to help keep telephone costs low.

c » c - » 9< • ->r « "r • oc» s c J c * - c ^ - i i r * J ( > • J ( > • J"r+o

H A V E A " H E A R T - T O -

HEART" TALK w i th your

Va lent ine this February 14

—even if he or she is m a n y

miles a w a y . Just p ick up

the p h o n e , a n d y o u ' r e

there! A Long Distance ca l l

g i v e s a w a r m , p e r s o n a l

touch to your Va len t ine

gree t ing . . . a n d the cost is

low. W h y not t r ea t your-

self, a n d your f avo r i t e per-

son, to a Long D i s t a n c e

visit this Valent ine 's D a y ?

K3 t£; tfit yi ryj tyi iy ;y 'V 'V t\" tfr lOt t#l Ki $ t#J tft

HOW TO BE IN when you're out: one way is to use a telephone answering service! You'll be in good company. Answering ser-vice customers include doc-tors, repairmen, salesmen who are often away from their offices —even stores that take orders after busi-ness hours. Some answer-ing bureaus offer "wake up"

services for customers, to make sure they aren't ignoring the alarm clock! There are 140 answering services in Michigan alone. They are not owned or operated by Michigan Bell, but they do play a part in giving many of our customers Ihe fullest possible use of their phones.

THE SENTINEL-LEADER Wednesday, Feb. 12, 1964

Final Rites for George A. Afton

S e r v i c e s w e r e hold Saturday at t e rnoon in the H e s s e l Fune ra l Home f o r George A. Afton, 91, of C a s -novia, who p a s s e d on Wednesday, F e b r u a r y 5, at the Pant Nurs ing Home in Comstock P a r k following a shor t i l l nes s .

M r . Afton had been a f a r m e r in Ty rone Township for many y e a r s . In addition to Casnovia , he a l so had lived in Kent City, Sparta and Rock-f o r d .

S u r v i v o r s include four sons , Floyd and C la i r , both of F ent City, C o u r t -ney of Rockford and William of Spar-ta ; two daugh te r s , M r s . Ethel Cook of Spar ta and M r s . L a m a r C r e e g e r of G r a s i e Point; 13 g randch i ld ren ; 44 g r e a t - g r a n d c h i l d r e n ; one g r e a t -g rea tg randch i ld ; two s i s t e r s , M r s . El la DeVoe of Grand Rapids and M r s . Alicc Green of Kent City; two b ro t h e r s , Phil of Kent City and Henry of ( I randvi l le .

Off ic ia t ing was the Rev .Dwigh tO . J a c k s o n . Bur i a l was in Idlewild C e m e t e r y .


Mark H e r s e y of Casnovia and a m e m b e r of the Casnovia Methodist Youth Fel lowship is a de lega te to ihe Uitl ted Nat ions Washington Sem m a r , sponso red this week by the Michigan C o n f e r e n c e Methodist Youth Fel lowship . He will spend s e v e r a l days studying the pu rpose of the United Nations as well as the c ruc i a l i s s u e s which f a c e it, and then will t rave l to Washington fo r a s i m -i la r s tudy of our F e d e r a l gove rn -ment .


4'/f "When ii man a n s w e r s the

phone he r eaches fo r a penc i l ; a woman r eaches fo r a cha i r . "

LEGAL NOTICE B: (>6629 LGH 2;" 2414 X 18514

MORTGAGE S A L E Defau l t has been m a d e in the condit ions of a m o r t g a g e made by R A I F O R D W. DALSTRA AND PATRICIA C. DALSTRA. husband and wife to .Tames T. B a r n e s ,v Company , a Michigan corpora t ion , Mortgage*', da ted April 1H, 1961, and recorded on April 21, 1961, in Liber 1534, on page 1024. K e n t County Rec-ords, Michigan, and assigned by said Mor tgagee to T h e M a n h a t t a n Li fe I n su rance Company by an as-s ignment dated May 10, 1961, and recorded on J a n u a r y 22, 1964 in Liber 1596 on page 47.'<, Kent County Records, Michigan, on which m o r t g a g e t he r e is claimed to be due at the da t e hereof t i ie sum of F o u r t e e n Thousand Seven Hundred T w e n t y - O n e and 31 /100 Dollars ($ 4,721.31), including in-terest at 5 U per a n n u m .

Unde r the power of sale con-tained in said m o r t g a g e and the s t a t u t e in such case made and provided, not ice is he reby given that said m o r t g a g e will be fore-closed by a sale of the mor tgaged premises, or some part of them, at publ ic vendue, at the f r o n t en-t r a n c e to ihe County Building in the City cf Grand Rapids, Kent. County , Michigan, at 10 o'clock A.M., E a s t e r n S t anda rd Time, on Wednesday, May 6, 1964

Said premises a re s i tua ted in City of Wyoming , K e n t County , Michigan, and a r e described as:

Lot 140 except West 41 feet and West 45 feet of Lot 139 of P a r k -wood Addition No. 3, to the City of Wyoming . Section 23, Town 6 Nor th , Range 12 West , Kent County , Michigan, accord ing to the recorded plat thereof .

Da t ed : J a n u a r y 27, 1964. The M a n h a t t a n Life I n s u r a n ee Com pa n y, Assignee of Mor tgagee .

Grossman, Hyman &. Grossman, At torneys . 930 First Nat'l Bldg., Detroit 26, Mich. 4-29


Mr. and M r s . Ca r l Day of Mark St ree t have announced the engage-ment of M r s . Day ' s daughter , Miss Sally Hill, to Andrew G. F ry , son of Mr . and Mrs . Kenneth D. F ry of Grand Rapids . Miss Hill is a g radua te of Spar ta High School. The fu ture b r idegroom is at tending I)eVry Technic*I Inst i tute. A March 2s wedding is planned.

C t - M R A I J1RCLE Cent ra l C i r c l e of the Spar ta

Me hodiat Church will meet at 12:30 o 'c lock I ue sday. F e b r u a r y 18. at the home ot Mrs . Hugh Finch fo r pot luck d inner .



U.S. TROTTERS Featuring 6*8" Ed Burton, ex-Harlem Globetrotter and player for the New York Knicks of the NBA; Bill Fox, renown basketball showman; and "Teeter Babe" Mc-pherson, a clown supreme.

vs. Rockford Faculty & Coaches

Saturday, February 15 8 : 0 0 P . M .


• It's Tops in Comedy • Tops in Entertainment

• Tops in Fun and Laughs!

" B I G ED" BURTON o v e r s h a d o w s t h e l i t t l e guys MCPHERSON, D A V I S , a n d HALL.

The FABULOUS and AMAZING U.S. TROTTERS will appear at Rockford on (heir tour; Put on a great show; Wow fans; Dazzle Crowds!

Tickets will be sold at various business places and from varsity athletes at the high school at $1.50 for a d u l t s

and 7 >c for students.

Sponsored by the Rockford High School R Club and Rockford Parent - Player Club.

• H mm