Chiang Mai J. Sci. 2015; 42(1) : 173-184 http://epg.science.cmu.ac.th/ejournal/ Contributed Paper Antioxidative Properties and HPLC Profile of Chloroform Fraction from Ethanolic Extract of the Peel of Citrus hystrix Kah Weng Chua [a], Chiaw Mei Sia [a], Gabriel A. Akowuah [b], Loshnie Samuagam [a] and Hip Seng Yim*[a] [a] Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Faculty of Applied Sciences, UCSI University, No. 1, Jalan Menara Gading, UCSI Heights, 56000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. [b] Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, UCSI University, No. 1, Jalan Menara Gading, UCSI Heights, 56000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. *Author for correspondence; e-mail: [email protected] Received: 27 September 2012 Accepted: 2 July 2013 ABSTRACT Citrus fruits are known to possess high antioxidant activity due to active compounds present in it such as vitamins, carotenoids, flavonoids, and phytochemicals. The present study aimed to evaluate the antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of chloroform fraction from ethanol extract of peel of Citrus hystrix. The peel of C. hystrix was extracted with 77% ethanol and the crude extract was partitioned between hexane and formic acid (1:1). The formic acid layer was further fractionated with chloroform and n-butanol. The chloroform fraction showed the highest antioxidant activity; therefore it was subjected to further purification on column chromatography using hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol in varying proportions. The eluates from the column were monitored using thin layer chromatography and aliquots with similar TLC profile were combined to give sub-fractions I, II, III, and IV. All the sub-fractions showed free radical scavenging activity. Qualitative HPLC analysis of all the sub-fractions showed presence of ascorbic acid, catechin, hesperetin, and apigenin; however, further purification and identification studies are needed to warrant their presence in the peel of C. hystrix. Keywords: peel of Citrus hystrix, free radical scavenging activity, flavonoids, total phenolic, HPLC 1. INTRODUCTION Citrus fruits are edible fruits of the plants under the family of Rutaceae or orange family and belong to the genus Citrus. They are considered to be an important fruit crop and are consumed freshly, processed into juice or added to dishes and beverages such as lemon and lime. Citrus fruits are widely consumed because they are rich in vitamin C, dietary fibre, beta-carotene, and folic acid [1]. The extracts of citrus fruits have been found to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti- tumour, anti-fungal, and blood clot inhibition activities [2]. Citrus fruits also have low ratio of sodium to potassium and low in fat and

Antioxidative Properties and HPLC Profile of Chloroform

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Chiang Mai J. Sci. 2015; 42(1) 173

Chiang Mai J. Sci. 2015; 42(1) : 173-184http://epg.science.cmu.ac.th/ejournal/Contributed Paper

Antioxidative Properties and HPLC Profile ofChloroform Fraction from Ethanolic Extract of thePeel of Citrus hystrixKah Weng Chua [a], Chiaw Mei Sia [a], Gabriel A. Akowuah [b], Loshnie Samuagam [a]and Hip Seng Yim*[a][a] Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Faculty of Applied Sciences, UCSI University,

No. 1, Jalan Menara Gading, UCSI Heights, 56000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.[b] Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, UCSI University,

No. 1, Jalan Menara Gading, UCSI Heights, 56000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.*Author for correspondence; e-mail: [email protected]

Received: 27 September 2012Accepted: 2 July 2013

ABSTRACTCitrus fruits are known to possess high antioxidant activity due to active compounds

present in it such as vitamins, carotenoids, flavonoids, and phytochemicals. The present studyaimed to evaluate the antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of chloroform fractionfrom ethanol extract of peel of Citrus hystrix. The peel of C. hystrix was extracted with 77%ethanol and the crude extract was partitioned between hexane and formic acid (1:1).The formic acid layer was further fractionated with chloroform and n-butanol. Thechloroform fraction showed the highest antioxidant activity; therefore it was subjected tofurther purification on column chromatography using hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol invarying proportions. The eluates from the column were monitored using thin layerchromatography and aliquots with similar TLC profile were combined to give sub-fractionsI, II, III, and IV. All the sub-fractions showed free radical scavenging activity. QualitativeHPLC analysis of all the sub-fractions showed presence of ascorbic acid, catechin, hesperetin,and apigenin; however, further purification and identification studies are needed to warranttheir presence in the peel of C. hystrix.

Keywords: peel of Citrus hystrix, free radical scavenging activity, flavonoids, total phenolic,HPLC

1. INTRODUCTIONCitrus fruits are edible fruits of the plants

under the family of Rutaceae or orange familyand belong to the genus Citrus. They areconsidered to be an important fruit crop andare consumed freshly, processed into juice oradded to dishes and beverages such as lemonand lime. Citrus fruits are widely consumed

because they are rich in vitamin C, dietaryfibre, beta-carotene, and folic acid [1]. Theextracts of citrus fruits have been found tohave antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumour, anti-fungal, and blood clot inhibitionactivities [2]. Citrus fruits also have low ratioof sodium to potassium and low in fat and

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dietary energy, which make citrus fruits asnutrient-dense, energy-dilute foods with lowglycemic index [1].

Citrus fruits have been found to haveeffects in preventing cancer, coronary heartdisease, stroke, diabetes, cataracts, arthritis,macular degeneration, Alzheimer’s diseaseand inflammatory bowel disease [3]. Theprotective effects of citrus fruits are relatedto the biologically active elements such ascarotenoids, flavonoids, phytochemicals suchas limonoids as well as the high antioxidantactivity among all the fruit classes [1]. Ascorbicacid is the major component responsible forthe high antioxidant activity; however, othercompounds such as carotenoids, polyphenolslike flavonoids, glutathione and variousenzyme systems also contribute to the highantioxidant activity index [4].

Citrus peel constitutes almost half of thefruit mass and it is a rich source of bioactivecompounds. Citrus peel contains high amountof phytochemicals such as flavonoids,carotenoids and pectin which can contributeto health [4,5]. One of the flavanoneglycosides in the citrus peels is hesperidin,which help to improve vascular integrityand is able to decrease capillary permeability;as well as anti-inflammatory and immunomo-dulatory effects [6].

Citrus hystrix known as Kaffir lime is asmall evergreen tree and found commonly inIndonesia, and Kaffir lime tree is hardy andcan reach up from 1.8 m to 7.5 m in height,the pyllodated leaves that are aromatic aredark glossy green colored that can reach2.5 cm to 15.0 cm in length [7]. Therefore,the leaves and the rinds are often used asspice as well for flavouring purposes. The juiceis not consumed directly but it is usually usedin the preparation of food and beverages.Some studies had shown that common fruitand leaf possess potent antioxidant capacity,which include bitter melon [8] and Vites

negundo (commonly known as the five-leavedchaste tree) [9]; as well as the edible portionof C. hystrix fruit extracts that had been shownto exert promising antioxidant activity [2,6].However, there is still limited information onthe antioxidant potential of C. hystrix peelextract. Therefore, the aims of this study wereto evaluate the antioxidant activities and totalphenolic content; and to identify qualitativelythe presence of potent phenolic compoundsin chloroform fraction of ethanolic extractof C. hystrix peel.

2. MATERIALS AND METHODS2.1 Chemicals and Reagents

All the chemicals and reagents were ofanalytical or HPLC grade. Ascorbic acid,formic acid, gallic acid, 6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-2-carboxylic acid(Trolox), 2,4,6-tripyridyl-s-triazine (TPTZ),sodium carbonate anhydrous, chloroform,iron (III) chloride anhydrous, and potassiumpersulfate were purchased from Fisher Scien-tific (Leicestershire, UK). Folin-Ciocalteu’sphenol reagent, 2,2’-azino-di[3-ethyl-benzthiazoline sulfonate] (ABTS), glacialacetic acid, hydrochloric acid, 1-butanol,diphenylboric acid-β-ethylamino ester (NP),polyethylene glycol (PEG), and methanol(HPLC grade) were from Merck (Darmstadt,Germany). Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA),2,2-diphenyl-1-picryhydrazyl (DPPH), sodiumacetate buffer (0.3 M), α-tocopherol, catechinhydrate, and hesperetin were purchased fromSigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). Hexane,ethyl acetate, methanol were from KofaChemical Works (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia).Water used was of Millipore quality.

2.2 Sample Extraction and FractionationCitrus hystrix fruits were bought from a

local market in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia. The peel of the fruits was removedfrom the flesh and blended using a blender

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(SHARP EM-11, Malaysia) and dried in oven(SHEL LAB 1350FX, Canada) at 40oC untilconstant weight was achieved. The driedpeels were milled using milling machine(IKA®WERKE Model MF10 basic,Germany) at 3873 rpm. The fine powderwas vacuum-packed using vacuum packager(Model DZQ 400/500, China) andwrapped with aluminum foil to preventlight exposure and was stored in dark atroom temperature.

A total of 120 g of powder wasextracted with 77% ethanol (1:10 (w/v) usingwater bath (Memmert, Germany) withshaking at 31oC for 120 min. These extractionconditions were based on the optimizedconditions by response surface methodologyas reported by Chan et al. [10]. The samplewas first filtered and the residues went throughthe second extraction under the samecondition. All the filtrates of both extractionswere combined and centrifuged with centrifuge(Model UNIVERSAL 320R, HettichZentrifuge, Germany) at 3,000 rpm for10 min. The supernatants were collected andthen concentrated with rotary evaporator(Rotavapour R-200, BUCHI, Switzerland) at45oC with rotation speed of 30 to 40 rpm.The crude 77% ethanol extract was partitionedbetween hexane and formic acid (98%) at aratio of 1:1. The formic acid layer was furtherfractionated with chloroform and n-butanol.All the fractions (hexane, chloroform, n-butanol, and formic acid) were concentratedwith rotary evaporator.

The chloroform fraction was fractionatedusing gravity column chromatographytechnique with silica gel as stationary phaseand solvents mixture of 100% hexane, 5%methanol in ethyl acetate in order of increasing

polarity till 100% methanol; and all thealiquots eluting from the column weremonitored using thin layer chromato-graphy (TLC) [11,12]. Aliquots with similarTLC profiles were pooled together andconcentrated with rotary evaporator untildryness at 45oC to yield four sub-fractionsof increasing polarity (SF I – SF IV). Thecrude ethanol extract, the chloroform fractionand sub-fractions were tested forantioxidant activity, as well as qualitativeidentification of potent antioxidative com-pounds present in the sub-fractions wasdetermined using high-performance liquidchromatography equipped with diode-array detector (HPLC-DAD).

2.3 DPPH Radical Scavenging Activity2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH)

was used to measure the free radical scavengingactivity of crude extract, fractions and sub-fractions based on the method by Sharma andBhat [13] with slight modification. DPPHreagent was prepared by dissolving 7.8 mgof DPPH powder in small volume ofethanol. The solution was topped up to100 mL with ethanol. Ethanolic DPPHsolution (500 μL) was added to 2.0 mL ofsample solution in test tubes wrapped withaluminium foil. Distilled water was used inreplace of sample solution as control. Themixture was shaken vigorously using vortex(VORTEX V-1, BPECO, Germany). The testtubes were covered with aluminium foil andwere left to stand still at room temperaturefor 30 minutes. The decrease in absorbancewas read at 517 nm using a spectrophotometer(PRIM, Secomam, France) against ethanol asblank. The capability to scavenge DPPHradical was calculated using equation below:

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Calibration curve was constructed byplotting the percentage of scavenged DPPH(y) against natural logarithm (Ln) of sampleconcentration (x) to form a calibration curve.From the linear regression equation, amountof sample required to scavenge DPPH radicalby 50% (IC50, expressed as μg/mL of extract)was determined.

2.4 Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power(FRAP) Assay

The ferric reducing power was determinedaccording to the method of Benzie and Strain[14] with modification. FRAP reagent wasprepared by mixing the acetate buffer,FeCl3�6H2O solution and TPTZ (2,4,6-tripyridyl-s-triazine) solution together. Acetatebuffer was prepared by mixing 3.1 g ofsodium acetate with 16 mL of glacial aceticacid and 1000 mL of distilled water. TheFeCl3⋅6H2O solution was prepared bydissolving 3.24 g of ferric chloride in 1,000mL of distilled water, whereas TPTZ solutionwas prepared by dissolving 0.031 g of TPTZpowder in 10 mL of 40 mM HCl. The freshlyprepared FRAP solution was incubated inwater bath at 37oC. Three milliliters of FRAPsolution were added to 100 μL samplesolution in test tube wrapped with aluminiumfoil. The mixture was shaken vigorously usingvortex and was left to stand for 4 minutes.The increase in absorbance was measured at593 nm against reagent as blank. The ferricreducing ability of sample was expressed asTrolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (μgTE/mL of extract).

2.5 Total Phenolic Content (TPC) AssayThe total phenolic content analysis was

performed using the Folin-Ciocalteu methodaccording to Zhao and Hall [15] with slightmodification. Folin-Ciocalteu’s reagent wasprediluted 10-fold and the 7.5% sodiumcarbonate solution was prepared by dissolving

7.5 g of sodium carbonate in 100 mL ofdistilled water. Four milliliters of diluted Folin-Ciocalteu’s reagent were added to 1.0 mL ofsample in test tubes. The mixture was shakenvigorously using vortex and was left for 3minutes. Five milliliters of 7.5% sodiumcarbonate solution was added into the testtube and the mixture was shaken vigorouslyusing vortex. Next, the mixture in test tubewas left to stand still for 30 minutes. Samplesolution was replaced with distilled water asblank. The increase in absorbance wasmeasured at 765 nm. Total phenolic contentwas expressed as mg of gallic acid equivalents(mg GAE/g of extract).

2.6 Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC)Analysis of Chloroform Sub-fractions

Sample solution was spotted on silica gelaluminium plate (Silica gel 60 F254, Merck,Darmstadt, Germany). The mobile phase wasa mixture of ethyl acetate and formic acid(10:0.1) for the TLC analysis. The TLC wassprayed with 1% methanolic NP(diphenylboric acid-β-ethylamino ester)followed by 5% methanolic PEG(polyethylene glycol). Instant florescence wasproduced in UV light at 365 nm. Flavonoidswere appeared as orange-yellow bands,whereas phenolic acids formed bluefluorescent zones. The TLC plate was sprayedwith 0.04% methanolic DPPH reagent toallow the free radical scavenging compoundsto become visualized with positive resultsshowed yellow spots on purple background.A separate TLC plate was sprayed with 0.5%FBB (Fast Blue B salt) reagent to allow thephenolic compounds to become visualizedwith positive results showed blue spots onwhite background [16].

2.7 High Performance Liquid Chromato-graphy

HPLC analysis was performed using

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Agilent 1,200 series (Agilent Technologies, CA,USA) equipped with G1311A quaternarypump with G1322A degasser, G1315D diodearray detector (DAD). The chromatographicseparations were performed on a Chromolith,RP-18e column (5 μm, 100 × 4.6 mm) (Merck,Darmstadt, Germany). The mobile phasecomprising of HPLC grade methanol anddeionized water (90:10, v/v) with a flow rateof 0.5 mL/min and a column temperatureof 25oC. The mobile phase was filtered undervacuum through 0.45 μm pores nylon filtermembrane (Agilent Technologies, CA, USA).Sample solution (1 mg/mL) was preparedfor each sub-fraction by dissolving the driedsub-fraction in HPLC grade methanol.Similarly, standard solutions were alsoprepared by using HPLC grade methanol.The sample solutions and standard solutionswere filtered using 0.45 μm syringe filter(Jet Biofil, Guangzhao, China) before beinginjected into HPLC system. UV detection wascarried out at 280 nm. A volume of 20 μLof sample solution was injected each time.The peaks in the chromatogram wereidentified by the comparison of retentiontime and UV spectra of standard compounds[17].

2.8 Statistical AnalysisStatistical analyses were conducted using

SPSS 17.0 and the results were expressed asmeans � standard deviations. All antioxidantactivities were performed in triplicate and

one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) withTukey’s post-hoc comparison tests werecarried out to assess for any significantdifferences among the means. Significantlevels were based on the confidence level of95% ( p < 0.05).

3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION3.1 Extraction and Fractionation

Formic acid was used to dissolve thecrude ethanol extract because its highpolarity compared to hexane, chloroform, andn-butanol. The formic acid fraction was firstpartitioned with hexane, the least polar solventto extract the non-polar compounds from thecrude extract. As shown in Table 1, the yieldof hexane fraction (Fraction I) was 1.05 g(1.51%). The formic acid-extract fraction wasthen partitioned with chloroform, which ismore polar than hexane to extract compoundsin middle range of polarity. The yield of thechloroform fraction (Fraction II) was 4.25 g(6.10%). The formic acid fraction was thenfurther partitioned with n-butanol. Althoughn-butanol (polarity index = 4.0) and chloroform(polarity index = 4.1) had the similar polarityindex, n-butanol extract was chosen forextraction to extract because it has thefunctional OH group, which could attractother compounds by forming hydrogen bond.The yield of n-butanol fraction (FractionIII) was 16.62 g (23.84%) and formic acidresidue fraction was 9.40 g (13.48%). Thechloroform fraction was fractionated using

Fraction Weight of fraction (g) Weight of crude extract (g) Percentage of yield (%)I 1.05 69.72 1.51II 4.25 69.72 6.10III 16.62 69.72 23.84IV 9.40 69.72 13.48

Fraction I = Hexane fraction; Fraction II = Chloroform fraction; FractionIII = n-butanol fraction; Fraction IV = Formic acid fraction.

Table 1. Percentage of yield of fractions from liquid-liquid partitioning chromatography.

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gravity column chromatography with hexane,ethyl acetate, and methanol in the order ofincreasing polarity. Aliquots with similar TLCprofiles were combined to yield four sub-fractions of increasing polarity (SF I – SF IV).

3.2 Antioxidant Activities and TotalPhenolic Content of Fractions and Sub-fractions

The free radical scavenging activities ofC. hystrix peel fractions and its related sub-fractions are shown in Table 2. Based on theresult, the scavenging activity of DPPH assayfor chloroform fraction was significantlyhigh among the crude extract and the fractions.The inhibitory concentration (IC50) of samplesolution at which the DPPH radicals werescavenged by 50% was determined, and theIC50 is inversely proportional to scavengingactivities. The IC50 values increased as follows:Fraction II (chloroform fraction) < crudeextract < Fraction IV (formic acid fraction)< Fraction III (n-butanol fraction) < Fraction

I (hexane fraction). The scavenging activitiesof all the sub-fractions were significantly muchlower than the chloroform fraction andstandards. The IC50 values increased asfollows: Chloroform < crude extract < SFIV < SF III < SF II < SF I.

The reducing power of Fraction II(chloroform fraction) showed the highestTEAC values (μg TE/mL) (Table 2). TheTEAC values of crude extract and FractionI, III, and IV were zero at sampleconcentrations of 10 μg/mL and 50 μg/mL.This could possibly due to the low amountof antioxidant compounds in the samplesolutions. The TEAC values (in the decreasingorder) was as follows: Fraction II (chloroform)> crude extract > Fraction III (n-butanol) >Fraction I (hexane) > Fraction IV (formicacid). This indicated that Fraction II(chloroform fraction) showed the highestreducing power. There was not muchdifference in TEAC values among SF I, SF II,SF III, and SF IV (Table 2). The TEAC of all

Table 2. Total phenolic content, DPPH radical scavenging activity, and reducing powerof peel of Citrus hystrix extract, its liquid-liquid partitioning fractions, and sub-fractionsof chloroform fraction.

Each value was expressed as mean ± standard deviation (n = 3). NA: not applicable.*Different superscripts within the column (TPC and FRAP) denote significantly different(p < 0.05).Defined as effective concentration that was able to scavenge 50% of the total DPPH radicals;

IC50 was calculated by interpolation of linear regression analysis (based on concentration-dependent result (100–500 μg/mL) – data not shown).

Sample TPC FRAP DPPH radical scavenging(GAE, mg/g) (TEAC, μμμμμg/mL) IC50

(μμμμμg/mL)Crude extract 34.66 ± 1.34c 37.03 ± 2.38b 100.05Hexane fraction 14.83 ± 0.16c 13.30 ± 2.99d > 500n-Butanol fraction 48.08 ± 2.33b 27.62 ± 1.37c 464.77Formic acid fraction 15.75 ± 0.78c 11.36 ± 0.55d > 500Chloroform fraction 69.67 ± 5.26a 43.13 ± 1.27a 397.75 Sub-fraction I 1.26 ± 0.06f 20.64 ± 1.61e > 500 Sub-fraction II 1.37 ± 0.05f 20.67 ± 0.85e > 500 Sub-fraction III 4.00 ± 0.35e 20.56 ± 0.73e > 500 Sub-fraction IV 7.69 ± 0.30d 21.79 ± 0.84e > 500BHA NA 864.28 ± 98.45a 10.53

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the sub-fractions were lower than chloroformfraction (Fraction II) and the standards. TheTEAC value of the chloroform fraction washigher than the crude extract. From the resultsof the assays, the antioxidant activities of all thesub-fractions were lower than the chloroformfraction. This may due to many factors includinginability to elute the entire active compound bythe fractionation process into the four sub-fractions and degradation in the column duringthe partial purification process. Degradation ofphenolic compounds due to decomposition andpolymerization was has been reported byChirinos et al. [18].

Fraction II showed significantly higherTPC compared to other fractions and theTPC values follow the decreasing order asfollows: Fraction II > Fraction III > Crudeextract > Fraction IV > Fraction I (Table 2).Amongst all the sub-fractions, SF IV showedsignificantly higher TPC, but significantlylower when compared to Fraction II thatfollow the decreasing order of Fraction II >crude extract SF IV > SF III > SF II > SF I.

Fraction II the highest antioxidantactivity and this was significant for all theassays (DPPH and FRAP) followed byfraction III. Fraction I and Fraction IVshowed significantly lower antioxidantactivity compared to crude extract, FractionII and Fraction III. Based on this observation,it can be assumed that most of the antioxidantcompounds in the peel of Citrus hystrix werein the middle range of polarity as chloroformhad the polarity index of 4.1. This shows thatchloroform has a better retention capabilityfor the antioxidant compounds in the crude77% ethanol extract [19]. The crude 77%ethanol extract was lower in antioxidantactivity than Fraction II because the crudeextract contained all the compoundsincluding antioxidant compounds as well asnon antioxidant compounds.

The fractionation and concentration ofphenolics throughout the partitioning

procedure was responsible for high freeradical scavenging activity of the chloroformfraction compared to the crude extract.Although n-butanol and chloroform hadsimilar polarity, polarity index of 4.0 and 4.1,respectively, Fraction II showed higherantioxidant activity than Fraction III. This maybe due to the partitioned of the sample withchloroform before being partitioned withn-butanol. As a result, most of the antioxidantcompounds were retained in chloroform.Fraction I and Fraction IV were the lowest inantioxidant activity. This was due to thecharacteristics of hexane being non polar(polarity index of 0.0) and of formic acidbeing too polar. However, most of antioxidantcompounds in the sample were neither in thelow polarity range nor in the high polarityrange.

SF IV and SF III showed the highestantioxidant activity among the sub-fractionsfrom the results of the in vitro assays. Generally,it was quite obvious that antioxidant activitiesof SF III and SF IV were significantly higherthan SF I and SF II in all assays. This wasbecause the compounds in SF IV and SF IIIwere eluted out mostly with ethyl acetate andmethanol whereas compounds in SF II andSF I were eluted out with high proportion ofhexane. This showed that the antioxidantcompounds in the sample are substantiallypolar and small amount of antioxidantcompounds were in the low polarity range.There was no significant difference betweenSF I and SF II from DPPH assay and FRAPassay. However, the total phenolic content ofSF II was significantly higher than SF I.

3.3 Qualitative TLC and HPLC Analysesof Sub-fractions

The four sub-fractions were analyzedby TLC and the results of Rf values, color, andbioautographic sprays (indicating DPPH radicalscavenging and phenolic compounds) were

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shown in Table 3. The retention factor (Rf) valuesare used to compare polarity among spots onTLC profile. Spots with large Rf values wereconsidered non-polar compounds, whereas thespots with small Rf values were considered morepolar compounds and strongly adsorb to the

silica gel. Therefore, these compounds appearedon the lower part of the plate [20].

The HPLC profiles of SF I, SF II, SF III,and SF IV were quite similar as shown in Figure1. The peaks were eluted before 10 minutesexcept one peak which was detected around 12

Sub-fraction Dry weight (g)Colour of spot Rf

SF I 6.46 Blue 0.23 + +SF II 6.41 Green 0.35 + +

Blue 0.65 + +SF III 4.48 Yellow 0.00 + +

Light blue 0.20 + +Blue 0.18 + +

Green 0.30 + +Yellow 0.37 + +Orange 0.43 + +

Red 0.46 + +Blue 0.70 + +

SF IV 1.62 Yellow 0.00 − +Light blue 0.03 − +

Blue 0.20 − +Green 0.33 − +Yellow 0.41 − +Orange 0.45 − +

Red 0.51 − +Blue 0.73 + +

Table 3. Thin layer chromatographic analysis of sub-fractions.

TLC plates were visualized under UV light at 365 nm.SF: Sub-fraction.+: Presence of free radical scavenging compound/phenolic compound−: Absence of free radical scavenging compound/phenolic compound

DPPH FBBspray Spray

minutes in all sub-fractions. This indicated thatall the sub-fractions contained the similar typeof antioxidant compounds, but in differentconcentrations since the area and the height ofthe peak corresponded to the concentration ofa particular compound [21]. The peaks wereidentified qualitatively by comparing the retentiontimes and UV spectra of the peak of standardcompounds to the peaks in the samplechromatographs.

Four possible antioxidant compoundswere identified to be present in the sub-fractions, which include ascorbic acid,hesperetin, and apigenin. The sub-fractionsshowed the presence of similar compoundssuch as catechin in SF I and SF IV; ascorbicacid in SF I, SF II, and SF III; and hesperetinin SF II and SF III; however, with differentconcentration as observed based on their peakareas and peak heights. The antioxidant

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Figure 1. HPLC chromatograms of sub-fractions of peel of Citrus hystrix at 280 nm.(a) SF I; (b) SF II; (c) SF III; and (d) SF IV. Inserts showed the HPLC chromatograms ofstandard compounds with respective retention time. * Indicates unknown.

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activities of all of the sub-fractions wereconsidered low especially SF I and SF II. Thiswas due to small amounts of catechin,ascorbic acid, hesperetin, and apigenin presentin the sub-fractions based on their peakheights and peak areas. SF III and SF IV hadthe higher antioxidant activities compared toSF I and SF II. This was possibly due to thepresence of higher amounts of ascorbic acidand hesperetin in SF III; catechin in SF IV,based on their ratio of peak height to peakarea. In SF II, the ratio of peak height to peakarea of ascorbic acid and hesperetin weresmaller. By comparing SF III and SF II, theratio of peak height to peak area of ascorbicacid in SF III was about 5.2 times of that inSF II, whereas the ratio of peak height to peakarea of hesperetin in SF III was about 3 timesof that present in SF II. By comparing ratioof peak height to peak area of catechin in SFIV and SF I, the amount of catechin in SF IVwas about 9.2 times of that in SF I. The smalleramounts of antioxidant compounds presentin SF I and SF II made them have lowerantioxidant activities than SF III and SF IV.

As mentioned, catechin, ascorbic acid,hesperetin, and apigenin are among thecompounds that could be responsible for theantioxidant activities of sub-fractions. Thesecompounds have been reported to demonstrate antioxidative and free radicalscavenging activities including DPPH radicalscavenging, ABTS radical scavenging,superoxide anion radical scavenging hydrogenperoxide scavenging, Fe3+ reducing power andferrous ions chelating activities [22-24].

4. CONCLUSIONChloroform fractions from the peels of

Citrus hystrix showed promising antioxidantactivity to a certain extent with the presence ofpotent phenolic compounds. This suggests thatthe peel of C. hystrix could be utilized as a sourceof natural antioxidant instead of being discarded.

However, extensive purification andidentification work of the antioxidantcompounds in the peel of C. hystrix need tobe further studied.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe authors gratefully acknowledge the

financial and laboratory supports from UCSIUniversity, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

AUTHORS DISCLOSURE STATEMENTNo competing financial interests exist.


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