PILLS 3 rd General Meeting Wednesday, 10/24/12 126 Barrows Email: [email protected] Website: www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~pills

Antimicrobial Stewardship Program What is it? Program designed to address problem of extremely drug resistant microbes Incorporates team of medical

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PILLS3rd General Meeting

Wednesday, 10/24/12126 Barrows

Email:[email protected]


Antimicrobial Stewardship Program What is it?

Program designed to address problem of extremely drug resistant microbes

Incorporates team of medical professionals including pharmacists to promote appropriate use of antibiotics

Stresses importance of health professionals to not be pressured to give out various drugs

Antimicrobial Stewardship Program What role do pharmacists play?

Collaborate with other medical professionals and bring in their expertise to help patients

Having knowledge of certain drug properties enables them to be key players in this program

Many of these programs in California are headed by pharmacists

Membership Updates Reminder:

2 General Meetings 1 Social 4 hours of volunteering Membership Form (online) Membership Fees ($17)

Spreadsheet has been released Questions/concerns? Contact [email protected]

Volunteer Requirement4 hours of volunteer work per semester

Upcoming event What: Jamboree in Children’s Fairyland When: Saturday 10/27, 9:30-1:30 Where: Storybook theme park in Oakland Who: 35 PILLS volunteers! Sign up here by Wednesday 11:59pm: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dGNfN3FMNGhxVm1qcGp0d2hXUnp1OWc6MQ

Upcoming SocialsInter-Health Social!

What: Field DayWhere: Memorial GladeWhen: 11/07 @ 5pm

PhRENDs UPDATE Get to know your Family!

Make sure you are contacting with your PhRENDs Group Point system will be created soon!

First Combined PhRENDs Hangout: Saturday, 10/27 at 6 PM in front of Campanile

Will be a surprise, but please don’t eat a heavy dinner as it will be an outdoors activity

Future events will be organized individually by each PhRENDs family.


Mentors and Mentees paired up! Mentors

o Look out for an email from us Mentees

o Look out for an email from your mentor

NCPPS Updates

PILLS T-Shirt Update

PILLS T-Shirt Update For those that pre-ordered, please come see me (Trung)

at the end of the meeting to pick up t-shirts. Price: $10 Last chance for pick-up: 4th General Meeting No pick-up = sold to next interested soul

For those that DID NOT pre-order, I’ve ordered extra t-shirts in case anyone is interested.

Same price: $10 Sizes are limited Come see me after crowd for pre-order dies down.

PILLS 4th General MeetingCareers in Pharmacy

Thursday 11/15/12


219 Dwinelle