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    Revision by Jane Wee


    It was year 2024. The government system has been overrun by the

    female society as the male power diminished over the span of six


    The events that led to the Women governance:

    Mysterious disappearances of Influential Male figures in the

    political, literal and artistic world.

    10 women from different countries, won the presidential


    In 2016, 70% of the total population of world employment were

    given to women.

    In 2017, 8 out of 10 men were house husbands.

    Female students populated the schools as male student

    population decreased.

    In 2019, the society has recognized women as the breadwinner

    of the family and men as the light of the house

    United nations is replaced by an all-women council called

    the ____

    2019 college graduates, 68.5% of the total population were


    Small resistance of the men against the woman governance

    In 2021, male oppositions against the women governance.

    Death of Adino, trigger for man's attempt to reclaim power

    and equality.

    Riots and civil wars of the sexes became apparent all over

    the world

    Women military movements to suppress all male resistance.

    in 2023, all attempts for peace were futile.

  • In 2024, World war three: war of the Sexes.

    The drastic change affected the human perspective regarding the

    hierarchy of the sexes. Thus, entering an era of feminism and women


    Under the governance of President Crea.

    Proclaimed martial Law

    civil wars

  • Prologue:

    a man stands at the center of the stage

    Listen, do you hear that? Those Military bitches are raiding the

    houses again. So, President Crea got all scared of the resistance

    huh. That's why she's ordering her bitches around to pursue the

    leaders and remove them.

    I can't believe this. Those women, they we're hiding their

    intentions all this time and we didn't see it coming! Once they saw

    the opportunity, they grabbed it and overthrew us men! Tsk. How could

    we let this happen?

    man reacts to the sound and shuts up for a while

    Ssshh... I think they're getting closer. Oh God, I know Im strong but

    I can't fight that many! Listen. Listen to me.

    Man focuses on the audience

    Don't let that Crea BITCH win. She's crazy! She want the world to be

    dominated by women! We can't let that happen!YOU, CAN'T LET IT

    HAPPEN. Here! This is the map and the key. It'll lead you to the

    resistance. It's being led by Antigone's brother, ___. don't tell

    anyone. If the military found out where HQ is, we'll be compromised.

    They found me. (*smirks) Okay. Im gonna tell you something important.

    The resistance, is made up of men and women who's only intention is

    to regain gender equality once and for all!

  • Antigone walks hurriedly and passes the three gossiping girls.

    Chorus: sad girl from a family that was once happy

    chorus3: it was one problem after the other.

    Chorus2: to think her father was the great minister of defense,


    Chorus: I heard he killed his own father in a brawl and married his

    mother, his father's widow.

    Chorus3: that's just sick

    Chorus: well, he didn't know at first! He just recently found out he

    was adopted.

    Chorus; who knew.

    Chorus2: sad, sad.

    chorus: oh dear, better get in

    chorus2: yeah. The military will be here any minute.

    Ismene, looks for her player and tries to drown the siren's sound

    with music. She begins to dance as the music plays

    Once upon a Dream

    Antigone enters the room and finds Ismene dancing. She approaches her

    and turns of the music

    I: Anne, you're here, come let's dance together! Just like when mama

    and papa were still alive!

    A: Ismene, stop dancing.. Something bad happened last night..

    I: oh dear Anne! That can wait!

    A: Paul and Ethy are dead!

  • Ismene stops dancing

    I:what? How.. when

    A: last night. There was a raid. Ethy led the group. She found the

    headquarters of the resistance.

    I: that can't be. Only Paul and the members of the resistance know

    about the location. Even we don't know 'cause Paul's scared we

    might get compromised.

    A: I know. But Ethy found it. Brought a thousand soldiers and stormed

    the whole damn place. No one survived. Not even Ethy and Paul

    I: my god.. where are the bodies now?

    A: the 2nd lieutenant retrieved Ethy's body and gave it a hero's

    burial.Paul... They took his body, hanged it at the town center

    and... left it to rot.

    I: What!? How can they!?

    A: Crea labeled Paul as a traitor and a disgrace and implemented

    a law that his body be hanged and left at the capital.

    Ismene looked terrified

    I: I.. never knew that Crea was capable of something so inhumane..

    A: I know! That's why we need to do something!

    I: What!? We? What can WE do!?

    A: bury Paul's body

    I: Anne, it's not that easy..

    A: Ismene! Would you let crea do that to our brother?

    I: Anne, I know, but we can't do anything. Crea might be a close

    relative of ours but she is the President of this state!

    A: more like a god-damned bitch!

    I: Anne! Watch your mouth!

    A: come on! You know Im right. You know our brother didn't do

    anything wrong. He was just standing up for what was supposed to be!


    I: Anne, I've had enough.

  • A: What if brother was really right!? Tell me, Ismene, why do we,

    women need to strip the men their privileges!? Why do we treat them

    like they're one step lower than us!? Why do we restrict them from

    voicing their thoughts and ideas?!


    A: Shut up? SHUT UP!? Why should I!? We women might have DOMINATED

    THIS WORLD but what are we doing? We're acting like the lowest of all

    beings. We just follow! We're blind. We're stupid. We're...nothing.

    I: Anne! You are in no position to say these things. SO SHUT IT!

    A: alright. Fine. Turn away. You never understood brother's ideals

    anyway! You're just this little girl who kept reliving the past!

    I: Anne stop!



    Ismene looks at Antigone and slaps her face

    I: don't you dare say that! I loved our brother as much as you did!



    I: STOP IT ALREADY! I already lost Ethy and Paul! I can't lose you

    too!(sobbing) I JUST CAN'T..

    A: Ismene..

    Moment of silence

    I: Anne, you've got to promise me, you won't touch Paul's body.

    Antigone stops for a while and slightly looks away from Ismene's


    I: Anne, promise me.

    A: alright. I promise.

    I: good.. (Sigh)

    A: hey do you remember what mom used to sing us when we're about

  • sleep?

    I: yes I do

    A: could you sing it for me?

    I: alright.


    Antigone waits for her sister to fall asleep. Then she sneaks out,

    grabs a shovel and left the house.

    A: Im sorry Ismene. But I need to do what needs to be done.

    Antigone gets a shovel

    Crea enters

    Crea: look at this country. All I want is peace and order under the

    woman governance but what did those men do? They resisted my

    authority and started protesting, rallying, opposing ME! But no

    matter, with Paul removed, this war is finally over. I have won.

    everything will take it's proper place, the female race, on top of

    the human patriarchal system With me, leading, this nation will be


    Crea's song

    Crea: yes, come in.

    messenger comes in

  • M: President Crea, Paul's body have been removed from the capital

    Crea: what!? Who removed it!?

    M: it was Antigonne, maam.

    Crea: Antigonne huh, another pest. Alright. Call Major Debora. Tell

    her to arrest Antigone

    Antigone inside the cell Ismene comes in

    I: Anne! I told you not to go! You promised me! WHY DID YOU BREAK


    A: I had to do it

    I: *Ismene cries Anne, you know the cost of your actions.. even if

    you go to court, She won't listen to you. She's going to kill you!

    Dying ain't so bad

    I: alright.. *wipes her tears

    M: all rise for the honorable President, Ms. Crea.

    C: thank you

    C: defendant, who will represent you?

    A: I will represent myself.

    C: alright. the court is now in session. On accounts of treason on

    the 3rd degree, how does the defendant plea?


    C: very well, let us proceed. I shall go first.

    C: citizens. You have known me in my years before my presidency. You

    have seen me grow in this very soil and serve you. You all know that

    I am a just and compassionate ruler, who's one and only dream is a

    world governed by peace and order. I think all of you dreamed of this

    as well. But there are those, who oppose this dream, Those who seek

    further destruction and instability, Who's minds are set on war and

    chaos, those of the likes Of Paul, son of Oedipus and brother of

  • Antigone.

    As a ruler, I have only done what I could and what should have been

    done. For the past three years, the council have sought to end this

    peacefully but these men have aggressively disagreed. Their pride is

    thicker than their logic. They thirst for blood and war. It was

    inevitable. Unavoidable. Therefore, it was only right that we punish

    those who must be punished.

    Nothing Further.

    A: Women. Open your eyes. We are not living in world of peace and

    order and we will never be if we let this woman (pointing at Crea)

    rule our nation. Don't you see? She has disrupted the balance of


    C: and what balance is that, Ms. Antigone.

    A: Equality.

    C: Equality, you speak of equality? THESE MEN, they have abused us

    long before history can perceive!

    A: yes they have. But that doesn't mean we do the same to them. THEY


    C: But you have no authority to disobey MY LAW. You have no right.

    YOU HAVE NO POSITION. You are merely a depressing product of INCEST!

    You try to protect THOSE men! But you can even protect yourself.

    Moments of silence. Antigone goes to the center of the stage

    Quiet by Antigone

    C: Never have I seen such bravery from an individual such as

  • yourself. Your love for your brother and his ideals are beyond my

    expectations. HOWEVER, my law is the law.

    on the accounts of treason on the 3rd degree, the court finds the

    defendant guilty. Punishment, death by lethal injection.

    The chorus

    A: What!? I don't understand.

    Crea comes near to Antigone and whispers

    C: Take her away.

    Crea walks out but Antigone shouts

    Soldiers take Antigone by the arm and push her on the chair.

    One soldier holds an injection



    C: I don't want to see her pitiful face in this courtroom again.

    Crea leaves the stage

    Antigone dies

    Once UPON a DREAM