Anthropometry Project Anthropometry is a unique and interesting science that studies the measurements and proportions of the human body. Certainly, in every subject, we learned a different part of anthropometry. During math class, we studied biometrics, which are the measurements of the bones. We measured the radius, tibia, and humerus to be able to predict the height of a female or a male. Similarly, we studied the wellness and nutrition of people in the sub-Sahara desert during global studies class. We learned that plumpy’nut diet, which is a peanut butter base with lots of vitamins and protein, is the solution to malnutrition. In addition, during science, we studied ergonomics for different designs. In other words, we learned how to arrange and design things so people can use them safely and efficiently. Finally, in literature we read a story to see how a tribe in Nigeria reacts to The Tragedy of Hamlet. That is how we got ourselves familiar with a different culture. After all, we had to figure out what was the optimal learning environment for sixth graders.

Anthropometry Reflection Essay Final

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Anthropometry Project

Anthropometry is a unique and interesting science that studies the measurements and proportions of the human body. Certainly, in every subject, we learned a different part of anthropometry. During math class, we studied biometrics, which are the measurements of the bones. We measured the radius, tibia, and humerus to be able to predict the height of a female or a male. Similarly, we studied the wellness and nutrition of people in the sub-Sahara desert during global studies class. We learned that plumpynut diet, which is a peanut butter base with lots of vitamins and protein, is the solution to malnutrition. In addition, during science, we studied ergonomics for different designs. In other words, we learned how to arrange and design things so people can use them safely and efficiently. Finally, in literature we read a story to see how a tribe in Nigeria reacts to The Tragedy of Hamlet. That is how we got ourselves familiar with a different culture. After all, we had to figure out what was the optimal learning environment for sixth graders.

Next, we wanted to create a new learning center by transforming the basement. First, we did some research online to figure out what would be the best option. Second, we made a digital layout that would fit the average sixth grader size. Then to make an optimal learning center we put a TV at the end of each desk that attaches to a laptop to make the laptop have a bigger screen to show the rest of the group. Each group includes four students and a teacher. Later, we added a fridge for after school snacks. There are also shelves for books behind each desk and beanbags for reading or studying. Our model represents one of the four desks in the room. It is made out of cardboard and we painted it blue and yellow for our school colors. It has a desk, chairs, bookshelves, TV screen, laptops, and beanbags. In addition, our poster has the layout of our learning center, which includes four desks. For the most part working on the project was a fun and educational experience.

Surely, the optimal learning center must fit the average size of a sixth grader and has to be different from any ordinary classroom. In general, it was easy to draw the layout of the model and poster. As partners, we enjoyed discussing our project. However, it was difficult to build a model out of cardboard. Of course figuring out the measurements was not easy. Then cutting the cardboard was a challenge because I never used an Xacto knife before. Truly, we loved the results of our project and we were pleased with our ideas and our work. After all, it was exciting to present our project because people loved it too. However, if we had more time I could have made five chairs for the model instead of two. In conclusion, this project will help me in the future because I might be an engineer when I get older so I can make the correct measurements when I design buildings. Additionally, this project is useful in thinking of new ideas to change the way people study and learn.