Race is a cultural construct Western scholars (scientific racists) measured skulls, teeth, jaws, limbs and other physical features of natives. James Hutton/Charles Lyell amassed evidence showing earth was million of years old Intellectuals used written descriptions of the customs and beliefs of natives people Unilineal evolution: 19 th century theory all cultures pass through a similar sequence of development o Fijians of Pacific: barbarism o Polynesians: savagery o Ancient Chinese Egyptians: Civilization Animism: all of nature is populated by supernatural beings: ghosts, demons Polytheism: belief in many gods Monotheism: belief in one God Historical Particularism: Each culture is a unique result of its distinctive past. Functionalism: Analyze cultural elements as explained by their function Materialism: Main influence on human ways of life is how people produce and distribute resources from their environment Intensification: Process where important changes in human cultures results Idealists say resources are culturally defined, not given by the nat. env.

Anthro 1

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Page 1: Anthro 1

Race is a cultural construct Western scholars (scientific racists) measured skulls, teeth, jaws, limbs and

other physical features of natives. James Hutton/Charles Lyell amassed evidence showing earth was million of

years old Intellectuals used written descriptions of the customs and beliefs of natives

people Unilineal evolution: 19th century theory all cultures pass through a similar

sequence of developmento Fijians of Pacific: barbarismo Polynesians: savageryo Ancient Chinese Egyptians: Civilization

Animism: all of nature is populated by supernatural beings: ghosts, demons Polytheism: belief in many gods Monotheism: belief in one God Historical Particularism: Each culture is a unique result of its distinctive

past. Functionalism: Analyze cultural elements as explained by their function Materialism: Main influence on human ways of life is how people produce

and distribute resources from their environment Intensification: Process where important changes in human cultures results Idealists say resources are culturally defined, not given by the nat. env.