Antepartal Assessment

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  • 8/13/2019 Antepartal Assessment




    NUR 125 Maternal- Child N r!in"



    Brief Summary: (Reason for current hospitalization):

    Fill out each area. If date is not availa le! put Date "ot #vaila le and $ive reasons.

    I# Identi$%in" Data

    #. %lient initials________ #$e_________ &thnic 'ri$in_______________________

    %hart ______________ arital Status____________ Reli$ion_______________

    II# General A&&earan'e

    *ei$ht______________ %urrent +ei$ht__________ ,re-pre$nant +ei$ht__________

    Si$nificance of +ei$ht for $estational +ee s (circle) /"0! a ove "0! elo+ "0____

    %urrent vital si$ns includin$ F*R 1 0ocation________________________________

    2ital si$ns pattern


    III# Pattern! ($ Health Care

    #. 3ype of health facilities used 4 circle: physician5s office! *ealth Department

    %linic! &mer$ency Room! /I% pro$ram! other.

  • 8/13/2019 Antepartal Assessment


    B. 6se of preventive health service 4 circle: %linic! &mer$ency Room! chest 7-ray!

    annual physician e7am! self reast e7am! previous antepartal care. Screenin$

    services for: Indirect %oom s! hypertension! dia etes! ,ap test! tu erculosis!

    street dru$ use! S3D! *I2! *epatitis B! other

    Descri e if appropriate:

    I)# Parit% C rrent

    8ravida_____,ara_____93_____,_____#_____0_____ 0" ,_____

    &D% y "a$ele5s rule___________________ &D% y sono$ram____________

    ;uic enin$ date____________multiparity__________________________________

    %urrent $estational +ee s______Fundal hei$ht________correlation: yes. #dult Illness(circle)

  • 8/13/2019 Antepartal Assessment


  • 8/13/2019 Antepartal Assessment


    ?. %ancer! type! location

    @. *ematolo$ic 4 leedin$ disorders! anemia! sic le cell! hemophilia

    A. "eurolo$ical 4 epilepsy (seizures)! muscular dystrophy

    . ,sychiatric disorders 4 descri e

    C. Dia etes 4 a$e of onset__insulin dependent E " *ypo$lycemic E "

    . #rthritis

    G. Renal disease

    =H. #ller$ies 4 descri e

    ==. 3u erculosis

    =>. %on$enital anomalies

    =?. ultiple ,re$nancies (t+ins! triplets! etc.)

    )II# Re+ie, ($ S%!te*! Hi!t(r% . Ph%!i'al E/a*

    If client has pro lems complicatin$ her pre$nancy! descri e under the appropriate


    #. Inte$ument 4 si$nificant chan$es

    B. *ead 4 headache! faintin$! dizziness! other

    %. &yes 4 lurrin$! spots! flashes of li$ht! other

    D. &ars

    &. "ose and sinuses

  • 8/13/2019 Antepartal Assessment


    F. outh and throat

    8. "ec

    *. 0ymphatic

    I. Breasts

    . Respiratory

    J. %ardiovascular 4 chest pain! edema of face of e7tremities! hypotension!

    hypertension! murmurs! throm ophle itis! other

    0. 8astrointestinal 4 indi$estion! nausea! vomitin$! anore7ia! epi$astric pain!

    constipation! hemorrhoids! other

    . 8enitourinary 4 freKuency! nocturia! dysuria! hematuria! other

    ". usculos eletal 4 descri e discomforts in ac ! le$s! a domen if present.

    Descri e pelvic measurement as adeKuate or inadeKuate for va$inal delivery

    +ith e7planation if availa le.

    '. &ndocrine

    ,. *ematopoietic 4 anemia! sic le cell results! Rh of #B' incompati ility +ith

    previous pre$nancies! other

  • 8/13/2019 Antepartal Assessment


    ;. "eurolo$ic 4 dizziness! faintin$! Ltin$lin$ sensationsM! other

    R. Reproductive 4 a$e at menarche____! usual va$inal leedin$! va$inal

    dischar$e! perineal itchin$ or urnin$! irth control methods previously

    used and date last used.

    S. Se7uality 4 any concerns

  • 8/13/2019 Antepartal Assessment


    client eat Descri e appetite status 8 F ,! *yperemesis.

    Special diet: dia etic! ve$etarian! mostly fast foods! +ei$ht reduction! ,J6

    B. &limination pattern 4 constipation! hemorrhoids! diarrhea

    #ides uses:

    %. Sleep ,attern 4 descri e any pro lems if present

    D. &7ercise

    &. *a its: alcohol! to acco! caffeine! street dru$s 1 route other &stimated amount used daily

    F. ,ersonal hy$iene pattern

    8. Dental hy$iene

    # Intera'ti(n ($ P!%'h(l("i'al3 S('i(l("i'al and Phil(!(&hi'al

    Reli$ious preference

    *i$hest $rade completed in school

    %hild irth education classes E&S "'

    "um er of people in client5s household

    *ead of household

    'ccupation of %lient________________________________________

    'ccupation of Si$nificant 'ther________________________________



  • 8/13/2019 Antepartal Assessment


    "ei$h ors__________________________________________________

    Si"ni$i'ant (ther4! rea'ti(n and $eelin"! a0( t &re"nan'%

    Client4! rea'ti(n and $eelin"! a0( t &re"nan'%

    /ho do you $o to +hen you have pro lems

    *o+ do you feel a out this ne+ life you are rin$in$ into the +orld

    Is the pre$nancy planned or unplanned

    *as anyone told you anythin$ a out pre$nancy that +orries you

    Stat ! ($ 'lient4! de+el(&*ental ta! ! in relati(n t( !tate ($ &re"nan'%# 6nderline appropriatedevelopmental tas .

    #ccepts the fact of her pre$nancy incorporates the fetus into her ody ima$e! identifies the fetus as aseparate entity! ready to $ive up pre$nancy and assume careta er-maternal role. &7plain

    Descri e if client has made no pro$ress +ith developmental tas s of pre$nancy.

  • 8/13/2019 Antepartal Assessment


    ,lans for livin$ arran$ements and facilities for infant care

    C lt ral '(n!iderati(n! ! 'h a! !&e'ial 'ere*(nie!3 $((d!3 'l(thin" (r +i!itati(n $r(* $(l healer! (rreli"i( ! &er!(nnel#