Answer is either a Duty or Responsibility of Citizens 1. Something you should do 2. Something you must do 3. Obey laws 4. Pay taxes 5. Run for elected office 6. Respect others’ opinions 7. Serve in armed forces if called 8. Register and vote Responsibility Duty Duty Duty Responsibility Responsibility Duty Responsibility

Answer is either a Duty or Responsibility of Citizens

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Something you should do Something you must do Obey laws Pay taxes Run for elected office Respect others’ opinions Serve in armed forces if called Register and vote. Responsibility Duty Duty Duty Responsibility Responsibility Duty Responsibility. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Answer is either a Duty or Responsibility of Citizens

Answer is either a Duty or Responsibility of Citizens

1. Something you should do

2. Something you must do

3. Obey laws

4. Pay taxes

5. Run for elected office

6. Respect others’ opinions

7. Serve in armed forces if called

8. Register and vote









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What is a CITIZEN?

Community members who owe loyalty to the government and are entitled to protection from it.

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Duty: Something you MUST do

Responsibility: Something you SHOULD do

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Citizens’ DUTIES

Page 7: Answer is either a Duty or Responsibility of Citizens

What are DUTIES of Citizens?

1. Obey Laws

2. Pay Taxes

3. Serve in armed forces if called (Selective Service)

4. Serve on a jury or as a witness in court

5. Go to School!

*Those who do NOT do these, may face consequences

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DefendObey LawsTaxesServe on JurySchool



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What are RESPONSIBILITIES of Citizens?1. Register and Vote2. Hold elected office3. Influence government by communicating with

government officials4. Serve in voluntary, or appointed positions5. Participate in political campaigns6. Keep informed of current issues/events7. Respect others’ opinions

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Register and Vote

Appointed positions

Current Events

Communicate with Gov.




“Responsibility Raccoon”

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In what ways do CITIZENS participate in community service?

A democratic society requires the ACTIVE participation of citizens

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Examples of Community Service:*Support democratic institutions (League of Women Voters)*Environmental Groups*Public Health and Safety*Education/tutoring*Public Service*Nursing Homes

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Why do so many immigrants come to the


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Who are United States CITIZENS?

1. Those born in USA

2. Those Naturalized

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How do immigrants become NATURALIZED Citizens?

1. Declaration of Intent

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Page 27: Answer is either a Duty or Responsibility of Citizens

How do immigrants become NATURALIZED Citizens?

1. Declaration of Intent

2. Live here 5 years

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Page 29: Answer is either a Duty or Responsibility of Citizens

How do immigrants become NATURALIZED Citizens?

1. Declaration of Intent

2. Live here 5 years

3. Study and/or take classes

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Page 31: Answer is either a Duty or Responsibility of Citizens

How do immigrants become NATURALIZED Citizens?

1. Declaration of Intent

2. Live here 5 years

3. Study and/or take classes

4. Take Exam on English and US History and Government

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Page 34: Answer is either a Duty or Responsibility of Citizens

How do immigrants become NATURALIZED Citizens?

1. Declaration of Intent

2. Live here 5 years

3. Study and/or take classes

4. Take Exam on English and US History and Government

5. Oath of Allegiance

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What are personal traits of “Good citizens”?

1. Trustworthiness and Honesty

2. Responsibility, accountability and self reliance

3. Respect for the law

4. Patriotism

5. Courtesy and respect for the rights of others

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Honesty and Trustworthy


Respect for Law


Others’ Rights

Page 44: Answer is either a Duty or Responsibility of Citizens

The 14th Amendment defines citizenship:

“All persons born or naturalized into the U.S., and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the U.S. and the state wherein they reside.”

Immigration and naturalization have led to an increasingly diverse society.