AnnualReport for Web€¦ · Your Gifts In Action - 2014-2015 Financial Results Consolidated Income 1 Program Revenue - Residential ICF $9,870,653 55.72%

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Page 1: AnnualReport for Web€¦ · Your Gifts In Action - 2014-2015 Financial Results Consolidated Income  1 Program Revenue - Residential ICF $9,870,653 55.72%






Page 2: AnnualReport for Web€¦ · Your Gifts In Action - 2014-2015 Financial Results Consolidated Income  1 Program Revenue - Residential ICF $9,870,653 55.72%

As we start our new fiscal year, I want to take a moment to thank you for your continued support and commitment to Home of Guiding Hands and over 1,000 infants, adolescents and adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities that we support in San Diego and Imperial Counties! Without you, we would not be able to fulfill our mission – “to improve the lives of those we serve.”

As I look back over this past year, the first thing I see is an outstanding group of volunteers, donors, family members, Board of Directors, Board of Governors, staff and exceptional community support for HGH. Without you and your efforts, HGH would not be as successful as we are today.

None of us knows what this new fiscal year will bring as there are significant unknowns regarding funding and reimbursement from the State of California for community based providers like HGH, but I am confident that whatever comes our way, we will work together and will do our best, as that is what we do and what we have done for almost 50 years!

In closing, I want to assure you that I am committed to accountability and efficiency. Every donor dollar and every penny that comes into HGH is spent wisely, to help create the quality of life for our clients that we all strive for.

If you have any questions, or would like to learn more about HGH, my door is always open.

With warmest regards,

President & Chief Executive Officer

Message from the President

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Your Gifts In Action - 2014-2015 Financial Results

Consolidated Income

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Program Revenue - Residential ICF $9,870,653 55.72%

Program Revenue - Residential CCL 2,452,388 13.84%

Program Revenue - Respite 1,598,194 9.02%

Contributions, Grants, Special Events 1,067,699 6.03%

Transportation Income 1,003,141 5.66%

Program Revenue - CLP, AFHA, Life Planning 720,356 4.07%

Program Revenue - Early Childhood Dev. 690,026 3.90%

HUD Income 89,785 0.51%

Rental Income 86,691 0.49%

Investment Return 68,275 0.39%

Other Income 66,256 0.37%

$17,713,464 100 %

Consolidated Expenses

Community Outreach & Special Events $203,479 1.16%

Program Salaries & Related Expenses 11,494,077 65.66%

Admin & FR Salaries & Related Expenses 1,238,289 7.07%

Supplies 862,224 4.93%

Purchased Services 562,084 3.21%

Travel & Transportation 844,388 4.82%

Interest 232,250 1.33%

Facility Costs 1,322,891 7.56%

Other Expense 352,318 2.01%

Depreciation & Amortization 334,728 1.91%

In-Kind 59,844 0.34%

$17,506,572 100%

Financials re�ect �scal year 7/1/14-6/30/15. HGH is proud to report that 88 cents of every dollar generated this year directly supports our programs and services.

ICF - Intermediate Care Facility, CCL - Community Care Licensing, CLP - Community Living Program, AFHA - Adult Family Home Agency







3.9%.51% .49% .39%





4.93%3.21% 4.82% 1.33%



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Honoring and supporting individuals who want to live independently.

AlyssaAge 40

When Alyssa’s mother had a stroke and was moved to a nursing home, Alyssa found herself living alone in an inaccessible apartment complex without the support from her mother that she had come to depend on. One of Alyssa’s main challenges was getting her wheelchair up and down multiple flights of stairs at the complex. Alyssa joined the Community Living Program, and with help from HGH, was able to locate a brand-new ADA-compliant apartment, complete with an elevator, roll-in shower, roll-up sinks, and grab bars for safety. Alyssa receives weekly support from HGH with money management, grocery shopping, cooking, and community access. She’s made great progress in living independently!

Mission: To improve the lives of those we serve.

Vision: To be recognized as the premier provider of a dynamic spectrum of individualized services supporting persons with special needs.

VALUES:At Home of Guiding Hands we: - Provide high-quality person-centered services as determined by the needs of customers and clients - Advocate for individuals and families to enhance their quality of life - Are a dynamic organization that is forward-thinking and uses our resources wisely - Act with integrity and professionalism, and treat all persons with respect - Encourage and support open and honest communication and mutual respect throughout the organization - Value accountability to our service recipients, donors, community partners, community, and ourselves - Operate in a fiscally responsible, sustainable, and effective manner - Value our staff and encourage teamwork

Home of Guiding Hands is Community,

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What we do:HGH provides a continuum of services for all ages: early childhood development - serving infants and toddlers; residential services for children, adolescents and adults; in-home respite serving all ages; a community living program; counseling and family support services; and a variety of quality of life programs in San Diego and Imperial County for 48 years.

We believe that individuals thrive when they can direct their own lives in a setting that offers a more fulfilling lifestyle, provides individualized attention, increases opportunities for self-sufficiency, and encourages greater community integration and access. These are the guiding principles behind everything we do at HGH.

Who we are:We are partners, facilitators, community members, and teachers for the individuals and families we serve.

Inclusion, Acceptance and Innovation.

Honoring choice, connecting individuals, and supporting family life.

NathanAge 22

Nathan moved in with the Cox Family less than a year ago. With support from Paige and Dan Cox, Nathan completed the transition program at Monte Vista High School and secured a job at Home Goods. He works several days a week and likes the perks of being employed, especially earning his own money. In the Cox Home, Nathan has his own room and “man cave” – complete with a TV and video gaming system which, of course, he loves! Nathan and his family recently enjoyed a long-awaited get-a-way to Seattle and Vancouver that ended with an Alaskan cruise. Whether they’re at home or on worldly adventures – it’s clear that Nathan fits in perfectly with the Cox Family.

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SvenIntroducing Sven - born 13 weeks prematurely, weighing 2 lbs. 3 oz., with a hole in his heart, detached retinas, projectile reflux, and lung immaturity. He spent the first 95 days of his life in the hospital requiring several medical procedures.

As Sven grew, he began exhibiting challenging and sometimes harmful behaviors such as extreme aversion to certain textures, seeking sensory input by hitting his head, aggressive behavior toward his siblings, and rearranging furniture. It was at this point, his parents sought early intervention services.

Sven is now a 20-month-old dare-devil toddler. “He’s a fighter”, says his father. Sven’s greatest challenges are to sleep through the night, stay calm, and play amicably with other children. His family is hopeful that with speech therapy, Sven will have the ability to communicate verbally and through the use of sign language. They are grateful for the early intervention that has been afforded to their little son. “He adds so much to our lives” says his mother. “When he puts his little face in front of ours and flashes that priceless heartwarming smile, it makes all the work done with him so worthwhile!”

Family-centered, relationship-based, culturally-responsive and tailored to each child.

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Achieving independence through guidance and training, while promoting self-advocacy and family inclusion.

TabithaAge 18

Tabitha is a sweet and stylish woman who moved into an HGH community based home in 2014 when she was 16 years old. Tabitha enjoys playing with her Barbies, watching the Disney Channel and Nickelodeon, creating art work, beading jewelry, and dressing up with fun accessories. She loves to sing and dance to artists like Ariana Grande - “Shake It Up” happens to be one of her favorites. In addition to her hobbies, Tabitha also participates in a healthy living program with daily physical exercise using workouts from the Wii system.

Tabitha attends the Elite Academy in El Cajon where she enjoys her time in the community. Her favorite spots are the movie theatre, the Del Mar Fair, local beaches and parks, and the circus when it’s in town. HGH continues to provide support for Tabitha and honor her choices as she transitions into adulthood.

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TroyAge 50

Troy struggled in foster care and had no family support system, but in 2002, that all changed. Not only did he find a forever home, he found a loving family when he came to Home of Guiding Hands. Troy lives with five other friends who have developmental disabilities in his home in San Carlos. He works daily on skills to increase his independence such as brushing his teeth, dressing himself, and learning to use his communication device which assists him in expressing his thoughts to his friends, housemates, and staff. Extra big smiles are seen when Troy is able to go to McDonalds for a cheeseburger, fries and Sprite, go bowling, visit the beach, shoot some hoops, or plan a day at the stadium for a Padres game. Troy is an outgoing individual and loves interacting with new people on his many adventures. He truly leads a fulfilling life!

HGH is more than just a place to live; it’s a place to thrive.

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KaylaAge 20

Caring for a loved one with developmental disabilities like Kayla can be a daily challenge. She was just seven when she began to receive respite services with HGH. Fourteen years later, it is a service that continues to enrich her life. Kayla thrives on constant attention and interaction, and is never happier than when she is on the go. With her respite worker, Kayla is able to make trips to the zoo, go swimming, hike local trails, play at the park, or go to the mall for an afternoon of shopping. Meeting new people and having the chance to practice her skills in different settings helps her learn and grow. For Kayla’s mom, respite means she can take a breath. Having a chance to reset and enjoy some down time means she has the patience and resolve necessary to meet Kayla’s everyday needs.

HGH empowers families though a broad range of support services.

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“Kindness... one of the greatest gifts you bestow upon another. If someone is in need, lend them a hand. Do not wait for a thank you. True kindness lies within the act of giving without the expectation of something in return.” Anonymous. This is Margaret Hueppchen through and through.

It was the late Bob Daley who introduced Roger and Margaret Hueppchen to Home of Guiding Hands in the late 1980’s. Margaret jumped in feet first! She gave her time and energy, partici-pating and leading the Women’s Guild Auxiliary and organizing the annual fashion show and women’s tea events. Over the years she has hosted jewelry parties or similar events, always giving back to HGH. Wherever there’s a need, Margaret is willing to fill it.

When it comes to projects around HGH such as mailings, handing out shirts at the Randy Jones Walk, or preparing raffle items for an event, Margaret is always willing to pitch in and recruit her friends. Margaret has never forgotten HGH clients during the holiday season. For over 20 years now, the Hueppchens have adopted the people who live at the Greencastle and Castillo Verde homes. Roger and Margaret host their annual holiday parties and play the special role of Santa. The clients enjoy the fruits of Margaret’s labor and skill with personalized, hand-made gifts and treasures.

Margaret is also very involved in her church, as well as several other non-profit organizations including Lions, Tigers and Bears in Alpine and the East County Pregnancy Care Clinic. She is like the ever-ready bunny of volunteerism... giving and giving and giving.

We are truly honored to celebrate Margaret for her time, dedication, and overwhelming generosity. We are sincerely grateful.

Margaret HueppchenVolunteer of the Year

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“We make a living by what we do, but we make a life by what we give.” Winston Churchill

Isaac joined HGH’s Board of Directors in July of 2014 and has quickly proven to be a leader and true advocate. He currently holds the position of a Board Officer.

Isaac’s commitment to individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities was clearly displayed his first year serving on the board. He’s dedicated hours of his time and resources advocating on behalf of two of our clients who found themselves in need of legal representation. Isaac immediately stepped up to the plate utilizing his skills and resources to ensure these men were treated fairly and with dignity by local law enforcement and businesses.

Isaac demonstrates his generosity and commitment to our mission by personally supporting our fundraising events through sponsoring, donating items to our silent auctions, and attending and recruiting friends and co-workers for all three annual fundraising events. No one can deny his commitment when seeing his entire family participating in the 2k/8k in the cold pouring rain! Isaac and his wife, Marcy, can always be counted on to arrange their date night to fit in our Young Professional mixers. Isaac is great at leveraging his own family and professional relation-ships to secure much needed support for our fundraising efforts.

Along with his many talents, Isaac commits his time. He served on the Golf Tournament Committee last year and is currently serving on the Board Development and Executive Committees. His valuable feedback is always delivered in a straight forward, thoughtful, and positive style. We appreciate Isaac’s humor, his ability to get a room laughing, and the ease in which he collaborates with fellow committee and board members to reach common goals.

Isaac is a true HGH treasure. He and his family have been contributing for many years and this year has been no exception. He has embraced his new leadership role on the Board of Directors and is an excellent example of an active and engaged Board member. We are lucky to have him serving alongside us.

Isaac BlumbergBoard Member of the Year

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Ms. Judith Abeles Ms. Gayle Adams Mr. Peter Adams Ms. Jan Adams Mr. Marc Adelman Aetna Foundation-Matching Gift Program Ms. Moji Afcari Aguirre & Associates Mr. Neal Akin Mr. & Mrs. John Albini Mr. & Mrs. Charles Alcantar Ms. Cheryl Alexander Mr. Emmanuel Alfonso Ms. Kim Allen Ms. Patty Allen Mr. Todd Allen Ms. Mary Ambrosino Mr. John Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Brandon Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Tom Anderson Ms. Janet Anderson Mr. George Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Chris Arand The Arc-San Diego Ms. Ann Archibald Mr. Steven Arsulich Mr. & Mrs. Matt Arsulich Atonement Lutheran Church-Women Mr. & Mrs. Jason Attema Avista Technologies Inc. Mr. Steve Bagby Mr. & Mrs. Donald Baird Ms. Sarah Barnett Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Barrack Sr. Ms. Grace Barrigan BB&T-John Burnham Ms. Patricia Becker Ms. Lisa Becker Ms. Jane Beer Ms. Michelle Beisner Ms. Gleneva Belice Mr. & Mrs. Gordon M. Bell Mr. Alex Bellini Mrs. Leigh Benito Mr. James Benson Ms. Tyler Benson Ms. Josephine Benson Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Berend Mrs. Elizabeth Berg Ms. Diana Bergman Ms. Linda Berman Ms. Linda Bernsen Ms. Linda E. Bethel

Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Biddle Jr. Mr. Marc Biddle Ms. Stephanie Birkmeyer Mr. William Blankartz Mr. Jr. Bloom Bloom Family Fund of the Jewish Comm. Fdn. Mr. Richard Blough Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Blumberg Blumberg Law Group LLP BNI Business Partners Mr. Mike Boehme Mr. Geoff Bogart Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Borkat Mr. Richard Bowden Mr. & Mrs. David Bowers Mr. & Mrs. Don Boyett Ms. Joni Bozzo Ms. Marilyn Brayman Ms. Nikki Breeding Ms. Mistie Breen Mrs. Elizabeth Bremer Mrs. Darlene Brenha Mr. & Mrs. David Brenha Ms. Mary BridgeTulasi Bridges Mr. Don Britton Mr. & Mrs. Ben Broadway Ms. Christine Brock Ms. Stacey Brown Ms. Kristin Brownell Mr. & Mrs. Don Bruders Ms. Debbie Brugman Mr. Matthew Bryant Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Burke Mr. & Mrs. Cory Burke Mr. Kyle Burkhardt Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Burrows Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Busby Mr. & Mrs. John Busher Mr. & Mrs. Richard Butcher Mrs. Stephanie Butera Mr. & Mrs. Robert Buzard Ms. Amy Caillouette Mr. Larry Cairncross California Bank & Trust Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cameron Mr. Douglas Campbell Ms. Susan Campbell Mr. David Campbell Ms. Suzanne Canfield Mr. David Caretto The Carlson FamilyMr. & Mrs. John Carman Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Carne Mr. & Mrs. Michael Carney Mr. Dennis Carpenter Mr. & Mrs. Michael Carter Ms. Wanda Castillo Mr. David Catalino Mr. Nicholas K. CatesMs. Laurie J. Catron Esq. Dr. & Mrs. Phillip Catron CBIZ MHM, LLC CECO Centennial Ladies Encampment Aux Ms. Heidi Cervi Ms. Wanda Chan Siddharth Chhokar

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Christopher Ms. Mary Chrvala Chula Vista Presbyterian Church Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cislo Mr. & Mrs. Don Cislo City of El Cajon City of Santee Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Clark Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ken & Lora Clay Charitable - Short Term Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation Clearbrook Ms. Theresa Clements Mr. Scott Clifton Mrs. Jean Close Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Cocchiara Mr. R. Taylor CoffrothMrs. Lauren Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Fred Cole College Lutheran Church Collinsworth, Specht & Calkins, LLP Community Service Assoc. SD City SchoolsMr. & Mrs. Matthew Conlon Ms. Judith M. Connacher Mr. & Mrs. Ron Cook Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cooke Coordinated Fleet Services Mrs. Linda Coppes Ms. Doris Cornejo Mr. & Mrs. Gary Correia Mr. & Mrs. Sean Corson Mr. Jay Coulter Mr. William Cox Mr. William Coyman Ms. Annie Lou Crane Mr. Michael Creamer Ms. Carolyn Creekmore Ms. Dawn Crochet Ms. Jeri Crockett Ms. Kathy Cronin Crouse Construction Ms. Bonnie Blair Cruikshank Cucina Enoteca Cucina Urbana Mr. & Mrs. Marc Darr Mr. George Davis Mr. Ryen De Jesus Ms. Karen Delgado Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Delsen Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Delsen Delsen & Company LLP Mr. & Mrs. Sam & Jan Dennis Ms. Sarah Dennison Department of Transportation- Division of Mass TransitDevelopmental Services CenterMr. Harim A. Skipper Deyo Ms. Summer Dias Ms. Patricia Dietrich Ms. Jessica DiMaggio Diversified Properties Ms. Rene Doehrer Mr. & Mrs. Joel DominguezMr. & Mrs. Rick Doremus Dowling & Yahnke, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Stephen DoyleMrs. Katherine A. Drew Mr. & Mrs. Mike Dullea Mr. Mark Dunning

Thank You For Giving!

This list reflects support July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. Every effort has been made to recognize all our donors. We apologize for any errors or omissions, and extend our deepest gratitude for any support that may have gone unrecognized.

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Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Dunning Mr. Gary Dunning Mrs. Bernadette Durst Ms. Christie Edelson Mr. Gregory Edmonds Mr. Eric Edquist The Edward Saul Estate Mrs. Louise Bichler Edwards Mr. Kirk Ehrhart Mr. Eric Eicher - Eicher Trust Ms. Charlene D. Elam Mr. Mark Elliott Ms. Juli Elliott Mrs. Lori Ello Mr. & Mrs. Robert Emerson Mr. & Mrs. Larry Emerson Employment and Community Options Mr. & Mrs. Andy Epple Mr. & Mrs. Matt Epple Mr. Stuart Erck Mr. Edmund Espinosa Mr. Joel Esrig Mr. & Mrs. Mark Evans Ms. Melissa Everard Ms. Holly Everett The Family Guidance & Therapy Center of Southern California Mr. & Mrs. Tom Farley Mr. & Mrs. Mike Fausett Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Fazio Dr. & Mrs. Howard Feffer Mr. Tim Fennessy Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fennessy Dr. & Mrs. Mark Fenster Ms. Diane Fieger Ms. Jocelyn Fielding Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Fike Fish Public Ms. Ann Fitzgerald Ms. Carol Fitzgibbons Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Fitzsimons Mr. & Mrs. John Fleming Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Fletsch III Mr. & Mrs. Gene Foley Mr. & Mrs. Carl Folsom Mr. Gary Fong Mr. & Mrs. W. Wayne Ford - Ford Family Rev Trust Ms. Wendy Forkas Ms. Anna Fox Jan Frazer Mr. & Mrs. Bill Fredrick Mr. & Mrs. Richard Frelke Friends of East County Arts Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Allan M. Frostrom Ms. Alissa Fry-Harris Mr. Neil Fullerton Mrs. Jane Gabrielson Ms. Kristen Gaines Mr. & Mrs. Tracey Gaines Mrs. Stephanie Garcia Mr. Steven Gates Mr. Mark Gaus Dr. Toni B. Georgiades DDS Ms. Marilyn Gerber Hecker Ms. Cathie Gezzer Ms. Helen Gibb Mrs. Louise Gilmore Mr. Emilio Giraldez

Mr. Michael Glickstein & Mrs. Sheri Liebert Mr. Joseph Glosz Ms. Gail Ann Glutting Ms. Susan Glutting Ms. Christina Goodsell Ms. Janis Gordon Mr. James Gore Mr. Kenneth Gore Mr. & Mrs. Raymond C. Granstedt Mr. & Mrs. Andy Gray Mr. & Mrs. Tom Griesgraber Ms. Elizabeth J. Grillo Grossmont Healthcare District Ms. Vickie Grove Ms. Kim Ha Ms. Roxana Habibi Mr. & Mrs. John Haigis Ms. Bonnie Hall Mr. Richard Hallabrin Mr. & Mrs. Su-taik Han Hanken Cono Assad & Co., Inc. Ms. Christina Hankins Mr. & Mrs. David Hankins Ms. Marjorie Hanna Mr. & Mrs. Joe Hanna Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Hansen Mr. Kirk Hanson Harbor Investments Co., LLC Mr. & Mrs. Ken Hargrove Mr. & Mrs. John Harris Mr. & Mrs. Michael Harris Ms. Judy Harris Mr. Milton Harsh Hartley Cylke Pacific Insurance Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Hartung Mr. & Mrs. Dan Harvey Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Haulman Mrs. Judith E. Hauser Ms. Susan Havens Ms. Jennifer Hawk Mr. & Mrs. James Hays Ms. Erin Hays Mr. Jack Heilbron-NetReit/Centurion Counsel The Heller Foundation of San Diego Ms. Vicki Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Brent R. Heramb Mrs. Doris Heramb Mr. & Mrs. Brian I. Heramb Ms. Kira Heramb Heramb Charitable Foundation Ms. Maricela Hernandez Mr. & Mrs. Gerald W. Hietala Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hietala Mr. Chris Hill Mr. Richard Hill & Mr. Raymond Annis The Hills Local Pub Mr. & Mrs. John Hinchman Mr. William S. Hinkle Mr. & Mrs. Chris Hinman Mr. & Mrs. Jim Hobbs Mr. & Mrs. Steven L. Hoefer Mr. Roy Hoffinger Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hofmann Mr. Jim Hoogeveen Ms. Caroline Hornblower Ms. Marsha Howard Mr. & Mrs. Randy Howard Dr. & Mrs. Brent Howard

Ms. Alice Howard-Krosch Ms. Julie Howe Mr. & Mrs. Rob Howell Ms. Lisa Hoyt-Sempra Employee Giving Network Ms. Shae HuckabyHueppchen Family Foundation Mr. Mathew Huffman Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hunter Ms. Gail Hutcheson Ms. Rosemary Hutzley iGive.com J. T. Trily Quality BuilderMs. Claudia Jackson & Ms. Laura Koering Mr. Melvin JacobsonMs. Anne James Mr. & Mrs. Randy Jarvis Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Johnson Mr. Dan Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Johnson Mrs. Ethne V. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Johnson Ms. Diane Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Jeff & Cindy Jones Mr. & Mrs. Randy Jones Mr. Curtis Judice Mr. & Mrs. Ted Kakuris Ms. Vickie Kalinoski Ms. Susie Kara Mr. Thomas Karlo Ms. Merri Kasuba-Kelley Dr. Marilyn Kaufhold Mrs. Peggy Keane Ms. Jenn Kebely Dr. & Mrs. Glenn Kellogg Mr. David Keltner & Ms. Sharon McQueen Ms. Erin Kenney Ms. Cynthia Keohane Ms. Ban KeriakosJan Kerr Ms. Alice Killingworth Kineticom Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Kinney Kiwanis Club of Alpine Kiwanis Club of La Jolla Mr. & Mrs. Mark KlausMs. Linda Klers Knights of Columbus #13007 Knights of Columbus, #8879 Mrs. Carolyn F. Koepke Ms. Cindy Kohn Mr. Justin Kollman Mr. & Mrs. Bill Kramer Mr. & Mrs. Todd Kudar Dr. & Mrs. Sean Kuhn Mr. & Mrs. Helmut Kuhnert Mr. Ben Kurre Mr. Thomas Kwiatkowski Mr. & Mrs. Jim La Crosse Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Laff Mr. David Laguardia Mr. Daniel Laimon Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Langley Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lareau Mr. & Mrs. Art LastLaw Office of Ikerd-Schreiter Law Office of Isaac Blumberg

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Thank You For Giving continued

Ms. Ondrya Leavitt Ms. Pamela Legge Mr. & Mrs. William Lekvold Ms. Jodie Lekvold Mr. Kurt Lembach Mr. Paul E. Len Lenore L. Bass Family Trust Mr. & Mrs. Drew Lettington Mr. Craig Levitt Mr. Dana Levy Re-al Lewis Ms. Mary Limoges Mr. Phil Lindsley, CELA, CLS Mr. & Mrs. Jon Linfoot Ms. Charlene Linnik Mr. & Mrs. David F. Little Mr. & Mrs. Eric Lodge Ms. Bonnie Loo Mr. Gustavo Lopez Mr. John Lopez Ms. Joanne Lopez Wood Ms. Allison Lozares Ms. Margo Lund Mr. & Mrs. Mike Lund Lutheran Church of the Master- Women of the ELCA Mr. & Mrs. Steve Lyons Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lyons M. J. Ratzlaff Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Ben Macias Ms. Dana Maciunas Mrs. Mary MacLeod Maureen McNamara & Roy PharisMs. Rose Magalski Mr. Kevin Mahoney Ms. Jacki Maize Ms. Lindy Mamer Mr. Ronald Manzoni Mr. & Mrs. Paul Maracin Ms. Barbara A. Marion Ms. Samantha Marks Marrokal Design & Remodeling Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Marrs HUB International Insurance Services - Marrs Maddocks & Associates Mr & Mrs. Patrick Marsch Mr. & Mrs. Chris Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Martin Ms. Leslie Martin Marvin Arnold and Irene Jaquetta Heye Community Enrichment Fund at The San Diego Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Edwin A. Masters Sr. Mr. Larry Mc Kee Mr. & Mrs. Michael McCaleb Ms. Jolene Mccall Ms. Sharie McCann Ms. Lauralyn McCarthy Ms. Lisa McCleary Mrs. & Mrs. Michael McGhen Mrs. Maxine McGlothlin Ms. Phyllis McGrath Mrs. Zanita McGuinness Mr. Douglas McLeod Mr. & Mrs. John McMahon Mrs. Debby McNeil

Mrs. Lynn McNeill-Smith Ms. Rosalva Medina Mr. & Mrs. Michael Merriam Mr. & Mrs. Roger Meyers MFJ Systems Michael Baker International Mrs. Beverly Michalek Ms. Martha Miesen Ms. Kimberly Miller Mr. & Mrs. David Miller Mrs. Dana Miller Ms. Lisa Miller Mrs. Mary Miller & Mrs. Barbara Whitman Ms. Karen Milligan Mr. & Mrs. Bob Millikan Ms. Jane Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. R. Mitchell Ms. Jill Mitschke Mr. David Mittleholtz Mrs. Aline W. Molenbeek Mr. Jay Mongiardo & Mr. Joseph Esquiaqui Ms. Marie Mongiardo Mrs. Jane Moore & Mr. Drum Macomber Zohreh Moosavi Mrs. Anna Morales Ms. Susan Morehouse Dr. Paul J. Morello Ms. Kari Moreno Ms. Mary Moser-Cooper Mr. Socorro F. Mundt Mr. & Mrs. Charles Muse Mr. & Mrs. Dean Myatt Nakawatase & Kaminisky, CPAs Mr. Michael Nalan Ms. Ferne M. Neal Ms. Ashley Netzband Mr. & Mrs. David Neumann John & Jennie Newton Foundation Mr. Charles Nichols Ms. Shara Nichols Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Nichols Nonprofits Insurance Alliance of California Mrs. Marilu Norden Mr. William Nunns Mr. & Mrs. James O`Grady Oak Tree Philanthropic Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Jim O'Brien Oceanside Odd Fellows Lodge #346 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Ochenduszko Mr. & Mrs. Lowell O'Grady Mr. Mike O'Grady Ms. Martha Oldstrom Mr. Scott Ortega Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Ott Ms. Rosemary Otto Pa ' Akai Ventures, Inc. Ms. Jenny Palmiotto Paradise Valley Federal Credit Union Mr. Stephen Parks Ms. Ana Parra Ms. Maria Parra Ms. Barbara Patenaude Mr. & Mrs. Stephen & Sharon Penny-Palmore Mr. Robert R. Perkins Mr. & Mrs. Roger Perkins Mr. John Perry

Mr. Harley Perry Mr. & Mrs. William PerskyDr. Raymond M. Peterson Ms. Toni Petruzzo PG&E Corporation Pioneer Healthcare Services Ms. Susan Piontek Ms. Alexis Polito Mrs. Nancy A. Pollacek Mrs. Nancy H. Pollacek Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Pondrom Mr. & Mrs. David Poole Ms. Anne Powers Mr. John Pressler Mr. & Mrs. Herm Provencio Mr. Will Provines Qualcomm Matching Gift Program Quick Dry Flood Services Ms. Dori Quill Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rakowski Mr. & Mrs. Mike Ratzlaff Raymond E. Ehly Foundation Mr.& Mrs. Michael Reaves Mr. Rick Reid Mrs. Mary Renfro Ms. Carmel ReppMr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Reuter Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Revetta Ms. Dawn Rice Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Richard Ms. Judith Richards Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Riddick Jr. Ms. Sasha RiettiMr. & Mrs. Stan Riggin RoadRunner Sports Mr. & Mrs. Donald Robbins Ms. Sereli Rodriguez Ms. Debbie Rodriguez Mrs. Diane M. RomitoMs. Kathleen Romito Ms. Jessica Rose Mr. Bob Rosen Rotary Club of La Mesa Rotary Club of El Cajon Ms. Pamela Roth Mrs. Neva Rousselot Mrs. Margaret A. Ruiz Ms. Marlene RuizMr. Randy Rundle Ryan Family Charitable Foundation Mr. Alfonso Saballet Safe Now Cleaning Inc. - Trinity Services Sally Harris Trust Ms. Kelly Salmons Ms. Julie SalmonsMs. Paige Saltzman San Diego County Credit Union San Diego Elder Law Center San Diego Foundation San Diego Spine & Disc Center Ms. Lisa Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sanfilippo Mr. Raul Saucedo Jr. Ms. Shannon Schechter The Schenck Family Trust Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Schuh Ms. Laura SchuhMr. Evan Schumacher Ms. Kristin Schwall

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w w w . g u i d i n g h a n d s . o r g 1 3

Mr. Robert Schwanhausser Mr. James Scoffin CPA, APC Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Scott Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Scully SDG&E Sempra Employee Giving Network Ms. Barbara Sevier Mr. & Mrs. Bill Shaplin Shea Family Mr. & Mrs. Jon Shellhammer Ms. Sara Shelton Sheri Liebert Designs Mr. Rich Shirley Mr. Stephen Shuchter MD Mrs. Lyda Shugert Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shugert Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sipe Mr. Ken Sluder The Smith Family Trust Mr. Michael Smith Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Smith Mr. & Mrs. Charles Smith Ms. Holley Smith Mr. & Mrs. Robert Smith Dr. & Mrs. Cody Smith Ms. Rose Snow Ms. Gillian Snyder Rev. John Sorensen Mr. Jay Specht St. Andrews Lutheran Church St. Madeleine Sophie's Center Mr. Jerry A. Stangel Mr. & Mrs. Brad Stangel Mr. Chris Starkjohann The Starmack GroupMs. Pamela Starmack Mr. Michael Stauffer Mr. Travis Steck Mr. & Mrs. Neal Stehly Ms. Meg Stein Ms. Joan Stein Mr. Ross Stensrud Ms. Mary Louise Stephens Steven A. Manley & Associates Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Stine Mrs. Dorothy Stock Mr. & Mrs. Philip Stone Ms. Whitney Stone Ms. Irene Stone Stoney's Kids Mr. Dave Stubbman Mr. Sidney A. Stutz Ms. Jo Sullins Superior Care Pharmacy Mrs. Carolyn L. Swafford Mr. & Mrs. Mark Swenson Sycuan Resort & Casino Mr. Doug Syring Ms. Barbara Tackett Mr. Walter Taliaferro Ms. Cheryl Tall Ms. Lynn Teays The Kerr Family Foundation The National Association of QDDP's Thomas Fleming's One Day Shoe Repair Mr. Doug Timmons Mr. Daniel Toberman Mr. Richard Toliver Mr. & Mrs. Ramzi Tominna

Torrey Pines Bank Mr. & Mrs George Toussaint The Trails Eatery Mr. John Traylor Mr. & Mrs. Arthur TraversMr. Matthew Treadwell Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Trovaten Truist Ms. Cheryl Tyler Mr. Michael Tylman Mr. John Tysor Mr. & Mrs. Donald Tyssee Sr. U.S. Bank Foundation Employee Matching Gift Program Union Bank of California United Way California Capital Region United Way of Greater Los Angeles United Way of S.D. County Ms. Jasmin Uy Ms. Lillian Uy Ms. Niki Van Buren Ms. Vanessa Vanbeusekom Mrs. Valerie Lynn Vaniman Mr. & Mrs. Steve Vanlandingham Van's Automotive Mr. Marshall Varano Mr. John Vattuone Mr. Donald Vaughn Mr. & Mrs. Richard Veihl Mr. Joshua Ver Hoeve Mr. William T. Verbeck - The Bill & Norma Verbeck Foundation Viejas Enterprises Ms. Susan Von Posern Mr. & Mrs. John VorhiesMs. Laurie Wagner L. J. Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Walker Mr. & Mrs. David Walker Ms. Kate Walter Mr. Jacob Ward Mr. Lucas Webb Mr. Jerome Weber Ms. Elizabeth Wells Mr. Peter Wells Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Wells Wells Fargo Bank-Gustave Klaas Mr. David Wentling Mr. & Mrs. Ron Whisman Mr. & Mrs. Derek Wiesner Mr. & Mrs. Guy F. Wilcox Ms. Kate Wilding Mr. Reggie Wilhelmson Ms. Danielle Wilkerson Ms. Laura Williams Mr. Zachary Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Jason Wilson Dr. Nina J. Winn Ms. Melinda Winters Mr. Howard Winters Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Wojdowski, C. P. A. Mr. Michael Wolfe Dr. & Mrs. Howard Wolfinger Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Wood Mr. Tim Wray Mr. Trevor Yates Ms. Chong Sue Yim Ms. Patricia Zamary Ms. Lea Zanjani

Mr. Trevor Zelinski Zenith Insurance Company Mr. & Mrs. Philip ZhivagoMrs. Joan I. Ziemann

Honorarium Gifts

Jonathon BrockMolly BurkeTerri Carne

Bob & Dottie CarneMelissa Cislo

Sharon DempseyMike & Diana Fausett

Jenny HietalaChris & Karen Hinman

Matt HowardDanny Keane

Michael Thomas NordenJim O'GradyKarina Reid

Robert Shugert, Jr.Denise StineIrene Stone

Cindy Townsley & FamilyTim Wray

Memorial Gifts

David CarneElvira CisnerosVirginia ColeyJack Coppes

Bob & Donna DempsyJohn Dullea

Don EisenhauerR. John Eyre

Lyle GabrielsonTina Marie Gelsomino

Craig GeorgiMargaret Hargrove

Roy HerambJany's MomRhea JonesGail Korshus

Charles Connell McCarthyJoy McCarthy

Nancy McCutcheon KlevelandRoberta MillerSteve Mitchell

Jon NicholsWilliam PollacekTerry RousselotErnest F. Ruiz

Helaine StangelRobert Swafford

Elsie M. ThompsonShirley Jean Winn

Page 16: AnnualReport for Web€¦ · Your Gifts In Action - 2014-2015 Financial Results Consolidated Income  1 Program Revenue - Residential ICF $9,870,653 55.72%

2015-2016 Board of DirectorsOfficers:President, Mary MillerVice President, Debby McNeilSecretary/Second V.P., Lea ZanjaniTreasurer, Michael HarrisImmediate Past President, Isaac BlumbergMembers:Nora ColeRick DoremusMarcie HannaAndrea HowardDavid KeltnerSheri LiebertJames O’GradyPresident & CEO:Mark Klaus

2015-2016 Board of GovernorsMembers:Jim AllisonMichelle Beisner, RNRobert CarneDavid CatalinoCarole Jean CloseCliff DiamondMike FausettSusan FikeGary FongGail Glutting

Chuck HansenSteven L. HoeferRoger HueppchenEd JarrellRandy JonesGlenn Kellogg, MDDick MarrsMichelle MetterChuck MuseMark Ochenduszko Stacey Poon-Kinney Keith RichardsEvelyn RiddickStuart ScottJudith ShaplinIrene Stone Ben TrovatenWilliam VerbeckJohn VorhiesDave & Charlene WalkerDon & Ann Walker

2015-2016 Board of TrusteesAnja & Aquilla

President, Dave Walker Vice President, Stuart Scott Secretary/Treasurer, Susan K. FikeMembers:Mike FausettDebby McNeilJudith Shaplin

Saturday, February 6, 2016: Randy Jones 2K/8K at De Anza CoveSaturday, June 11, 2016: HGH Gala at U.S. Grant

For more information about HGH events, contact Jessica Brandon at 619-938-2854 or [email protected]


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