Annual Report 2017 The Annual Report of the Wellington College Old Boys & Victoria University of Wellington Rugby Football Club Inc Incorporating Annual Accounts & Audit Report 1 September 2016 to 31 August 2017

Annual Report 2017 - OBU RugbyOBU celebrated its 25th Anniversary at Queen’s Birthday Weekend with a memorable function at Te Papa. The evening saw over 300 people gather for dinner

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  • Annual Report 2017

    The Annual Report of the Wellington College Old Boys &

    Victoria University of Wellington Rugby Football Club Inc

    Incorporating Annual Accounts & Audit Report

    1 September 2016 to 31 August 2017

  • 2017 Annual Report: Wellington College Old Boys & Victoria University of Wellington Rugby Football Club Inc

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    Contents Click on Report Title to go to Page

    No. Report Title Page

    1. Club Directory 4

    Office Holders’ Reports

    2. President’s Report 5

    3. Chairman’s Report 6

    4. Financial Statements / Annual Accounts 8

    5. Hon Auditor’s Report 18

    6. Hon Solicitor’s Report 18

    7. WRFU Delegate’s Report 19

    8. Junior Club Convenor’s Report 21

    9. NZ Universities Delegate's Report 22

    10. Club Captain’s Report 23

    11. Reserve Grade Convenor's Report 25

    12. Wellington College Liaison’s Report 25

    13. 100 Club Captain’s Report 25

    Team Reports 26

    14. Premier 27

    15. Women’s 31

    16. Premier Reserve 34

    17. First Grade 35

    18. Under 21 Green 36

    19. Under 21 Black 39

    20. 85 kg Bunnies 39

    21. Sixty-Niners 40

    22. Pink Ginners AFASF 43

  • 2017 Annual Report: Wellington College Old Boys & Victoria University of Wellington Rugby Football Club Inc

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    23. Righteous Bros 44

    24. Teddy Bears 45

    25. Under 10 Wolfes 46

    26. Under 7 Prestons 48

    27. Under 7 Sadlers 50

    28. Under 6 Wilsons 51

    29. Under 6 Rowats 52

    Miscellaneous Reports

    30. Team Statistics 2017 53

    31. Prize Winners 2017 54

    32. Directory of Office Holders 2017 57

    33. Representative Players 2017 58

    34. Club Sponsors 60

    35. Registered Players 2017 62

    36. Obituaries 64

    37. Directory of Financial Members 2017 69

  • Wellington College Old Boys & Victoria University of Wellington Rugby Football Club Inc Annual Report September 2016 – August 2017


    1. Club Directory

    Legal Name: Wellington College Old Boys and Victoria University of Wellington Rugby Football Club (Inc)

    Incorporated Societies Number: 217783

    IRD Number: 16-724-533

    Nature of Club: Rugby Football Union Club

    Registered Address: Waiteata Road Kelburn Wellington 6012

    Clubrooms: OBU Function Room, Cambridge Hotel 28 Cambridge Terrace Wellington 6011

    Postal Address: Post Box 710 Wellington 6011

    Designated Home Ground: Basin Reserve Rugby St Wellington

    Patrons: Grant Guilford (Victoria University of Wellington) Roger Moses (Wellington College)

    President: Andrew Braddock

    Chairman: Jaesen Sumner

    Treasurer: Richard Cromie

    Club Captain: Maree Chivers

    Secretary: Richard Boag

    Bankers: TSB Bank Limited

    Honorary Solicitors: Ford Sumner Lawyers

    Honorary Auditors: TL Reilly & Associates

    (Refer also Directory of Office Holders 2017, Section 33)

  • Wellington College Old Boys & Victoria University of Wellington Rugby Football Club Inc Annual Report September 2016 – August 2017


    2. President’s Report

    I have enjoyed a stellar year as President of OBU for the 2017 season. Needless to say, the winning of all the Premier Silverware, Team of the Year, Coach of the Year and four teams competing in finals says it all! The Jubilee Cub final was the best game I have seen in many years, outstanding! All of our teams performed with merit and our Junior Club continues to thrive. Women's Rugby is enjoying spectacular growth and we look forward to more success in seasons to come. I thank every single Volunteer who has contributed to OBU this year, our Coaches, Managers and team organizers have all contributed to the OBU exceptionally well. We have a very good, hard working Administration, other clubs are envious of the talents we can call on. I refer especially to the Chairman, Club Captain, Secretary, Treasurer, Coaching Development Officer, Junior Convenor and WRFU Delegate. Thanks to all executive committee members as well of course. We also must not forget the Referees and Match Officials who deserve our thanks and support, we absolutely can't do without you. I was lucky to attend the Junior Club Prize Giving at NZRFU Headquarters, it was a brilliant, enjoyable morning. It was a pleasure to see the Kids enjoying their awards and nice to talk to their parents. I left the event happy that the future of our club is in good hands and also had yummy pizza and coke. Other events to celebrate were our Clubs 25th anniversary of amalgamation and Wellington College's 150th anniversary. I would also like to acknowledge our Supporters, who are growing in number. I realise that we don't get large numbers along to the Cambridge after a game, but understand the constraints of Family life, drink driving and cost of alcohol. In future I would like to explore ways to engage our supporters, perhaps a player of the day competition or something similar. This year, as was the case last year, we had to take issue with the WRFU when we felt we had been wrongly treated. I am pleased to say that this year we were listened to and had a favourable outcome. We must never back away from these challenges. I acknowledge other clubs who supported us on both occasions. It is all about respect. Thank you to all who have given me tremendous support, please remember that we have a wonderful club and that we are all working for the good of OBU. Best of luck for 2018. Go The Goats! Andy

    Andrew Braddock President

  • Wellington College Old Boys & Victoria University of Wellington Rugby Football Club Inc Annual Report September 2016 – August 2017


    3. Chairman’s Report

    2017 was the most successful on field year in Wellington College Old Boys and Victoria University of Wellington Football Club Incorporated (“OBU”) history. The trophies and awards that OBU accumulated in 2017are numerous and include the: • Swindale Shield • Bill Brien Challenge Cup • Andy Lesley Trophie • Jubilee Cup, • Wood Cup (v HOBM), • Ken Douglas Cup (v Norths), • Verhoven Cup (v Petone), • Lamason Cup (v MSP), • Beet Algar Rose Bowl (v Poneke) and Gifford Cup (Wellington). The premier reserves secured the Harper Lock Shield while the Colts Green secured the Eric Connolly Cup and the Griffith Memorial. At the WRFU level the following awards were won by OBU players and or teams: • Woman’s sevens player of the year: Georgia Daals; • Colts Green: Griffith Memorial; • Regan Verney: Jim Brown Plate (most valuable player in the Jubilee Cup Final); • Jamie Williams (WRFU Coach of the Year); and • Premier (the Team of the Year). • The season culminated with four OBU teams represented in the six WRFU finals. OBU’s on field performance is as strong as we have ever seen it. This is due in part to OBU’s strong and capable coaching ranks, the OBU Academy in partnership with Victoria University of Wellington (“VUW”), our relationship with VUW and Wellington College and the tireless work of well over a hundred OBU volunteers who work many hours each year with their only reward being the Club’s high levels of performance and the enjoyment that being associated with one of New Zealand’s leading rugby club’s brings. The executive committee of OBU worked diligently in 2017 to ensure that the Club ran smoothly. Our committee comprises several volunteers with one thing in common – the advancement of OBU. The usual suspects warrant a special mention, Club Captain - Marie Chivers, Secretary - Richard Boag, WRFU Delegate-Ian Cuff, Treasurer-Richard Cromie, Wellington College Liason - Jack Green, Gina Williamson - Women’s Rugby Development Officer and our President, Mr Andrew Braddock. We are fortunate to have an extremely committed and passionate President in Andrew Braddock. Andy has been a measured presence in the club and provided strong leadership on many difficult issues that the Club has dealt with in recent years. Financially, OBU is sailing close to the margins. 2017 ended in a financial deficit of $7,313.00. We continue to endeavour to cut out cloth where possible to ensure that any deficit is minimised or ideally pushed into surplus. It is a common theme over the last three to four chairman’s reports I have prepared and I am sure finances will continue to be a challenge for the Club in the current environment that club rugby finds itself in. Our operating expenses have increased to $319,051.00; significant for a rugby club let alone many small businesses. The importance of sponsors and key stakeholder relations continue to be front and centre of OBU’s operations. We are privileged to have some of the best sponsors and stakeholder relationships in club rugby. These include VUW, Wellington College, the Cambridge Hotel (the Trinity Group), The Lion Foundation, NZCT, Four Winds, Infinity Foundation, DB Breweries Limited, First Sovereign, Air Rescue, Pelorus Trust, NZ Racing Board (“TAB”), and most recently Tech Café.

  • Wellington College Old Boys & Victoria University of Wellington Rugby Football Club Inc Annual Report September 2016 – August 2017


    Tech Café, national technology experts, have agreed to become the Club’s key sponsor for 2018 – 2020. This sponsorship is significant and we are looking forward to a long and fruitful partnership between OBU and Tech Café. Besides the significant cash sponsorship, Tech Café will be assisting the club with its online and digital platforms. Watch this space. We will be putting further information about Tech Café out to the club networks shortly. I also wish to extend a big thank you to Mr Doug Catley who has been supporting the Club for several years and more recently with his generosity in establishing scholarships for Wellington College leavers who enter tertiary study and wish to play for OBU. These scholarships are valuable, not only to OBU but to the individuals who are lucky enough to receive these and enter tertiary study with such support behind them. We are also lucky to have received scholarship support from VUW via the OBU Rugby Scholarships. Two Scholarships were awarded in late 2017 to Caleb Delaney and Tai Neli. Both recipients will be on the field for OBU in 2018. We wish them well in their study and rugby in 2018. OBU celebrated its 25th Anniversary at Queen’s Birthday Weekend with a memorable function at Te Papa. The evening saw over 300 people gather for dinner and to relive the first 25 years of our Club. I wish to thank Paula Cuff and her team who put in significant work in organising the evening and making it such a fantastic success and Hayden Smith for MC’ing the evening. As always, it has been a pleasure to serve as Chairman of the best rugby club in New Zealand. I have been lucky to have capable support around me which has enabled me to undertake the role. While there are too many individuals to name, I wish to thank everyone who has assisted in and contributed to the operations at OBU in 2017 and I look forward to OBU continuing its on field and off field success in 2018. Jaesen Sumner Chairman OBU

  • Wellington College Old Boys & Victoria University of Wellington Rugby Football Club Inc Annual Report September 2016 – August 2017


    4. Annual Accounts


    4.1 Club Directory 14

    4.2 Annual Report 15

    4.3 Statement of Financial Performance 16

    4.4 Statement of Changes in Equity 17

    4.5 Statement of Financial Position 18

    4.6 Notes to the Financial Statements 19

    4.7 Fixed Asset Schedule 22

    The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements

  • Wellington College Old Boys & Victoria University of Wellington Rugby Football Club Inc Annual Report September 2016 – August 2017


    4.1 Club Directory Legal Name:

    Wellington College Old Boys and Victoria University of Wellington Rugby Football Club (Inc)

    Incorporated Societies Number: 217783

    IRD Number: 16-724-533

    Nature of Club: Rugby Union

    Registered Office of Club: Waiteata Road Kelburn Wellington

    Postal Address: Post Box 710 Wellington 6011

    Patrons: Grant Guilford Roger Moses

    President: Andrew Braddock

    Executive Committee: Jaesen Sumner Maree Chivers Richard Cromie Alastair Forde Ian Cuff Nathan King Ian Kennedy Gina Williamson Tony Southall Dave Loveridge Peter Scott

    Secretary: Richard Boag

    Bankers: TSB Bank Limited

    Honorary Solicitors: Ford Sumner Lawyers

    Honorary Auditors:

  • Wellington College Old Boys & Victoria University of Wellington Rugby Football Club Inc Annual Report September 2016 – August 2017


    4.2 Annual Report

    Financial Statements / Annual Accounts

    Annual Accounts

    The Executive Committee of Wellington College Old Boys and Victoria University of Wellington Rugby

    Football Club (the "Society") approve and issue the attached Financial Statements for the year ended

    31 August 2017.

    For and on behalf of the Club

    Note: The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements

  • Wellington College Old Boys & Victoria University of Wellington Rugby Football Club Inc Annual Report September 2016 – August 2017


    4.3 Statement Of Financial Performance Income Functions

    Note 2017 2016

    Functions 72,507 20,725

    Fundraising 1,453 1,538

    Grants 146,088 161,236

    OBU Apparel 2,143 9,013

    Other Revenue 3,816 49

    Sponsorship 48,217 52,725

    Subs - Associated Members 752 -

    Subs - Players 26,967 26,779

    Ticket Sales - -

    Total Gross Income 301,943 272,063

    Donations 201 850

    100 Club Donations 8,725 8,175

    WWI Project Donations 300 5,943

    Interest Income 569 1,152

    Total Other Income 9,795 16,119

    Total Income 311,738 288,183

    Less Operating Expenses

    100 Club Payments 5,706 8,697

    ACC - 1,533

    Advertising 1,000 -

    Affiliation Fees 3,985 6,920

    Bank Fees 217 190

    Coaching and Training 84,746 80,612

    Consulting and Accounting 7,400 15,245

    Depreciation 2,031 1,164

    Donation Paid - 1,500

    Director of Rugby 44,769 65,223

    Gear and Training Materials 49,994 30,662

    General Expenses 7,267 4,108

    Ground Hire 2,679 994

    Interest Expense - 2

    Kiwisaver 593 1,957

    Laundry 6,104 6,650

    Legal 3,543 -

    OBU Apparel - Purchases 10,534 19,226

    Physiotherapy 10,250 4,970

    Presentations and Functions 72,646 23,297

    Printing and Stationary 440 97

    Rent 1,912 1,903

    Sponsorship Paid 300 300

    Telephone & Internet 1,441 2,644

    Ticket - Purchases 1,379 -

    Travel and Accommodation - 9,554

    WWI Project 115 6,300

    Total Operating Expenses 319,051 293,746

    Surplus/(Deficit) for the Year ( 7,313) ( 5,564)

    The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements

  • Wellington College Old Boys & Victoria University of Wellington Rugby Football Club Inc Annual Report September 2016 – August 2017


    4.4 Statement of Changes in Equity

    For the Year Ended 31 August 2017

    in New Zealand Dollars

    Note 2017 2016

    Opening Balance 34,148 39,711

    Net Surplus/(deficit) for the Year ( 7,313) ( 5,564)

    Balance at end of year 26,835 34,148

  • Wellington College Old Boys & Victoria University of Wellington Rugby Football Club Inc Annual Report September 2016 – August 2017


    4.5 Statement of Financial Position Statement of Financial Position As at 31 August 2017

    in New Zealand Dollars

    Note 2017 2016

    Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents

    2 44,810 59,227

    Accounts Receivable 15,939 5,183

    Withholding tax paid 112 68

    Total Current Assets 60,861 64,478

    Property, Plant and Equipment 3 17,409 2,643

    Total Non-Current Assets 17,409 2,643

    Total Assets 78,270 67,121

    Liabilities Accounts Payables

    38,766 18,931

    GST Payable Loan

    6,378 -

    13,307 -

    Total Current Liabilities 45,144 32,238

    Total Liabilities 45,144 32,238

    Net Assets 33,126 34,883

    Accumulated Funds 26,835 34,148

  • Wellington College Old Boys & Victoria University of Wellington Rugby Football Club Inc Annual Report September 2016 – August 2017


    4.6 Notes to the Financial Statements

    1 Statement of Accounting Policies

    Reporting Entity The Wellington College Old Boys and Victoria University of Wellington Rugby Football Club (inc) is an incorporated society under the Incorporated Societies Act 1908.

    Basis of Preparation: Statement of Compliance and Basis of Preparation The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with New Zealand Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (NZ GAAP). They comply with the New Zealand Equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards (NZ IFRS) and other applicable Financial Reporting Standards as appropriate to public benefit entities that qualify for and apply differential reporting concessions. The Club qualifies for Differential Reporting exemptions due to its size and because it has no

    public accountability. All available reporting exemptions allowed under the Framework for Differential Reporting have been adopted.

    Basis of Measurement The financial statements are prepared on the historical cost basis. Presentation Currency These financial statements are presented in New Zealand dollars ($) and rounded to the nearest dollar. Significant Accounting Policies There have been no changes in accounting policies. The accounting policies set out below have been applied consistently to all periods presented in these financial statements.

    a) Property, Plant and Equipment Owned Assets All items of property, plant and equipment are stated at cost, less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses. Where an item of property, plant or equipment is disposed of, the gain or loss recognised in profit or loss is calculated as the difference between the net sales price and the carrying amount of the asset.

    Depreciation Depreciation is charged at the following rates over the useful life of the assets:

    • Plant and equipment 16% - 50% diminishing value • Plant and equipment 16% Straight Line

    The residual value of assets is reassessed annually.

    b) Investments Short term deposits have maturities between three months and one year. Investments in deposits are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method. At balance date the Club assesses whether there is any objective evidence that an investment is impaired. Any impairment loss is recorded as an expense in the income statement.

    c) Cash and cash equivale Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash balances and call deposits with maturities of three months or less

  • Wellington College Old Boys & Victoria University of Wellington Rugby Football Club Inc Annual Report September 2016 – August 2017


    1 Statement of Accounting Policies (cont) d) Account Receivables Trade and other receivables are measured at their cost less impairment losses.

    e) Impairment The carrying amounts of the Club’s assets other than inventories are reviewed at each balance date to determine whether there is any indication of impairment. If any such indication exists, the assets recoverable amount is estimated. An impairment loss is recognised whenever the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its recoverable amount. Impairment losses directly reduce the carrying amount of assets and are recognised in the Statement of Financial Performance.

    f) Loans Loans are interest free and repayable on demand to the owners of the Club's sponsor. The Loan balance is nil in the Current Year, an historical Loan from $5,000 has been determined not repayable and has been recorded as a donation in the previous Year.

    g) Account Payables Account payables are measured at amortised cost, using the effective interest rate method.

    h) Income Subscriptions Membership subscriptions income is recognised as income in the year to which it relates.

    Grant & Sponsorship Grant income is recognised as income when it becomes receivable unless the Club has a liability to repay the grant if the requirements of the grant are not fulfilled. A liability is recognised to the extent that such conditions are unfilled at the end of the reporting period. Sponsorship income is recognised as income in the year to which it relates.

    i) Income Tax The Club is wholly exempt from New Zealand income tax having fully complied with all Statutory conditions for this exemption.

    j) Goods and Services Tax All amounts are shown exclusive of Goods and Services Tax (GST), except for receivables and payables that are stated inclusive of GST.

  • Wellington College Old Boys & Victoria University of Wellington Rugby Football Club Inc Annual Report September 2016 – August 2017


    Cash and Cash Equivalents $

    2017 $


    TSB Cheque Account 20,302 19,116 TSB Investment Account 14,793 30,983

    TSB OBU Juniors 849 2,919

    TSB Player Development 4 1,294

    TSB 100 Club 8,862 4,914

    44,810 59,227

    Property, Plant and Equipment Accumulated 2017 Carrying

    Cost Depreciation Amount

    Plant and Equipment 29,181 11,772 17,409

    Balance at 31 August 2017 29,181 11,772 17,409


    Plant and Equipment 17,186 9,741 7,445

    Balance at 31 August 2016 17,186 9,741 7,445

    4 Going Concern The club will continue to operate for the Foreseeable future

    5 Capital Commitments

    There are no capital commitments at balance date (2016: Nil).

    6 Contingencies

    There are no contingent liabilities at balance date (2016: Nil).

    7 Prior Period Adjustment

    There is no prior period adjustment in the current financial year (2016: Nil).

    8 Acknowledgements

    The Wellington College Old Boys and Victoria University of Wellington Rugby Football Club (Inc) would like to acknowledge the kind support and generous contributions made to it this reporting period by the organisations & individuals listed below;

    The Lion Foundation Murray Anderson New Zealand Community Trust Graeme Brooking Infinity Foundation Doug Catley TSB Bank Ltd Roger Drummond New Zealand Racing Board Bryan Gundersen The Cambridge Hotel Noel Phillips DB Breweries Ltd Tim Poi First Sovereign Stephen Robertson Air Rescue Stephen Spencer Pelorus trust Four Winds

  • Wellington College Old Boys & Victoria University of Wellington Rugby Football Club Inc Annual Report September 2016 – August 2017

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    4.7 Fixed Asset Schedule As at 31 August 2017 in New Zealand Dollars

    Plant & Equipment

    Item Cost Rate Purchased Disposed

    Honours Board 2,112 16% SL 9/07/2009 HP PROBOOK 4540s 15.6"

    1,175 50% DV 31/07/2013 Scrum machine 5,248 16% DV 8/07/2002 Sony Video Camera 980 40% DV 6/03/2013 Flash Projector Handycam

    913 50% DV 31/03/2014 Sony 50" LCD TV 348 50% DV 23/02/2014 Tripod and Memory Card 107 50% DV 31/03/2014 V Series Accesory Kit 122 50% DV 31/03/2014 Double arm Wall Bracket 214 50% DV 23/02/2014 Single Man Portable Sled 5,053 16% DV 8/04/2016 Single Pack Scrum Harness

    913 16% DV 4/04/2016

    Electronic Scoreboards 16% DV 2505/2017

    Total Plant and Equipment


    Total 17,186

    Book Value Book Value

    Item 1/09/2016 Purchases Depreciation Accum Dep 31/08/2017

    Honours Board - - -2,112 -

    HP PROBOOK 4540s 15.6"

    135 -67 -1,107 68

    Scrum machine 1,197 -192 -4,243 1,005

    Sony Video Camera 169 -68 -879 101

    Flash Projector Handycam

    171 86 -828 85

    Sony 50" LCD TV 62 31 -317 31

    Tripod and Memory Card 20 10 -97 10

    V Series Accesory Kit 61 24 -86 37

    Double arm Wall Bracket 38 19 -195 19

    Single Man Portable Sled 4,717 754 1,091 3,963

    Single Pack Scrum Harness

    876 140 177 736

    Electronic Scoreboards 11,995 640 640 11,355

    Total Plant and Equipment

    7,445 11,995 2,031 11,772 17,409

    Total 7,445 11,995 2,031 11,772 17,409

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    5. Hon Auditor’s Report

    The Hon Audtior’s Report was not completed in time for inclusion in the report.

    Further details will be made available at the AGM and this report will be updated in due


    6. Hon Solicitor’s Report

    Report received from Hon Solicitor covered in Chairman’s Report

  • Wellington College Old Boys & Victoria University of Wellington Rugby Football Club Inc Annual Report September 2016 – August 2017

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    7. WRFU Delegate’s Report

    The responsibilities of the position of WRFU Delegate is set out in the OBU Constitution as:

    To liaise with other members of the Club to gauge feedback on relevant club issues. To offer support or help to other Club Committee members. To attend all WRFU Board meetings. If unable to do so, then give apology notice

    to WRFU Amateur Department and advise the Clubs alternate. To be the conduit between the Club and WRFU Board ensuring two-way communication occurs. Represent the Club at WRFU Board and WRFU Board at the Club, with representations always being balanced with the need to act in the best interests of rugby in Wellington.

    To act as a liaison officer/volunteer for WRFU events/Club rugby activities. To sit on sub-committees (including Disciplinary) within the WRFU Board to set and monitor rugby policy decisions.

    NOTE: Attended all meetings (including WRB, CRSC (chair), Age Grade Review Board (chair), Golden Oldies Sub Committee (chair)), numerous club games and grade finals, WRFU Awards & AGM as well as 4 disciplinary hearings. Therefore, all responsibilities (above) have been fulfilled in the 2017 OBU financial year and continue into 2018 subject to re-appointment at the AGM. 2017 Summary: The 2017 year was a year of ongoing discussion around the premier grade structure and the makeup of the 2018 competition. The WRFU embarked on another survey of players, clubs, referees, coaches, RDO’s, administrators, officials and fans in order to identify and establish a consensus around such issues as:

    Representative player availability for Jubilee/ Hardham Cup semi-finals and finals Season commencement Season structure (full round robin) and therefore length Preference for mid-week night games or double headers Quality of grounds Kick off times

    As chair of the CRSC I called a meeting of all premier coaches to discuss their thoughts around the length of the season, the number of games being played and the level of injuries received due to the current programme.

    All this information has been gathered and the results have helped to shape the recently released 2018 season format which includes a new 7/7 split for the second round meaning that only 7 clubs will play in the Jubilee Cup (Jamie Williams (OBU) idea).

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    On the back of the 2017 Dame Margaret Beazley Report he WRFU formed a new Integrity Task Force chaired by Ted Thomas to ensure that the game in Wellington creates a positive culture that stands for inclusiveness and respect for all male and female participants. Club Chairman’s meetings have continued to ensure that Chairman, WRB delegates and the WRFU are in regular communication and fully updated on current and relevant matters. The 2017 season was a further move forward for the WRB delegates with increased communication, debate and an understanding of what is good for rugby in Wellington. On a personal note it was a pleasure to represent OBURFC in what was another fine year on and off the field, I look forward to continuing in the upcoming 2018 season.

    Ian Cuff OBURFC WRFU Delegate

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    8. Junior Club Convenor’s Report

    At total of 58 players registered with the club in 2017. From that we fielded five teams in the 2017 competition. The teams: Un6 Wilsons Coached by Anthony Taylor Un6 Rowats Coached by Daniel Brown and Simon Wakerman Un7 Sadlers Coached by Jessie Johnson and Scott McKinnon Un7 Prestons Coached by Bryn Jones and Blair McDonald Un 10 Wolfes Coached by Troy Newton, Carl Grant, Sam Johnson and Albie Rothman The season was marred by wet weather but having all games played at Boyd-Wilson allowed us to have little disruption. Other clubs had to put up with games being played early on Friday night and later in the season, the higher age grades early afternoon. It was pleasing to see us build up the un6 and un7 grades to two teams each. Again, we need to make this our focus in 2018. To have a large number of teams in the Rippa grades is vital for the progress of the club when going into tackle where the number of players increases to 10 per team and at under 11 and 12 15 per team. This year we were able to play for the first time, competition games on Boyd-Wilson after getting the ground certified by the WRFU. This was a tremendous advantage to us with our un10 being able to play all of their games on the ground. The un10 side was again a combination of under 10 and under 9 players. The side struggled at the start of the season due to a large number of players having not played tackle before. The coaching staff did an excellent job in teaching the players the correct technique to use and they progressed well during the season. The last few games the side was very competitive. Once again, we were able to use the NZRFU function room for our prize giving. This was an excellent venue and thanks to Jessie Johnson for arranging the venue. As always, many thanks to Doug Catley for allowing us the use of his space for our annual advertising billboards! Many thanks to all the coaches, Richard Boag and Dave Loveridge for their assistance during the year. Alastair Forde OBU Junior Convenor

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    9. NZ Universities Delegate's Report

    No report received

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    10. Club Captain’s Report

    2017 was another successful year for the club from a club captain’s point of view. We had good representation across all grades and all teams conducted themselves well on and off the field. It was good to bring the extended club together for our 25th Anniversary celebrations and celebrate the success of the club over the past 25 years. The OBU/Victoria University Rugby Academy continue to bring benefits to the club by making better players and better people. The club also maintained a good relationship with the WRFU. It was good to see a number of players, coaches and managers reach representative teams through our successful club programme. 2017 was a busy year with a number of new initiatives

    - Establishment of the OBU Membership Card. - Certification of Boyd Wilson. - New Electronic Scoreboards for our home grounds. - ANTiques (Golden Oldies) team formed and competing in local competition. - Launch of OBU Foundation. - New Victoria University Rugby Scholarships. - Supporting Victoria University Inter Hall and Inter Faculty Rugby games. In 2018 we

    hope to bring an Inter Hall 10s tournament to Boyd Wilson in March to help with recruitment and keeping players in the game.

    - Respect and Responsibility Review NZRU - Establishment of Women’s Development Officer.

    There are some issues that the club faced in 2017. The university holiday period continues to be a challenging time now also complicated by 3 weeks of Saturday exams for our students impacting all of our teams to varying degrees. During this holiday/exam period a lot of players were unavailable. The WRFU was not particularly understanding of our predicament and it left us in a very difficult position in one week in particular despite our best efforts. We mostly successfully managed players between teams. Even with taking this into account we still had to default some games and for the second year withdrew a Colts team from the second round. This is an ongoing issue, I believe this process can be better managed in 2018 with support from WRFU, recruitment strategy and better management of players. We were stretched for players in a number of our other teams this year too so retention and recruitment are key targets for 2018. The club has traditionally had a large number of teams in the Colts, Under 85kg and Reserve grades and we look to re-establish this moving forward with a number of new initiatives including the Inter Hall 10s tournament. Training facilities are good although cramped and we thank everyone for their understanding and patience as we try to provide training opportunities as requested and needed. Home Ground for 2018 still remains an issue as a number of teams played home games in 2017 not in Wellington. With the loss of the Basin Reserve at the end of 2016 and now Prince of Wales this will create further issues for teams in 2018. We are hoping to have more games played on Boyd Wilson and ???? in 2018.

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    Sevens is a growing and successful part of the rugby year. Now an important part or our club programme for retention, recruitment, fitness and introduction to rugby and the club. With some players now becoming sevens specialists. Implementing learnings from the Respect and Responsibility review and establishing areas we as a club need to improve. In order to continue to be a highly successful club I consider that these issues will need to be addressed in 2018. Thank you to all those that volunteered their time as managers, coaches, physios, video, executive, supporters, sponsors, partners and to all the players that help make this the best club in Wellington. Maree Chivers Club Captain

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    11. Reserve Grade Convenor's Report

    No report received

    12. Wellington College Liaison’s Report

    2017 provided a year of significant celebration, with OBU and Wellington College marking their 25th and 150th anniversaries respectively. It was fitting that both club and College had largely successful seasons. The year began with an annual pre-season fixture pitting the trialing colts of OBU against those vying for a place in the College first fifteen squad. As competitive a game as ever, the colts side managed to overcome a youthful College side and walk away victorious for the first victory in a number of years, securing the Lettica Cup. This was the beginning of a long season for the College first team who were unfortunate to lose out in the Wellington final to a strong Silverstream side. There was also a large OBU presence during the 150th celebrations of the College, with numerous players involved in fixtures on the day and a number of presentations from club to school following on from these games. Ties between club and college continue to run deep and all involved can look forward to them becoming stronger in the coming years. The club will look forward to the incoming leavers of the school who will no doubt continue to develop as both players and young men under the tutelage of more experienced heads at the club. It is with great thanks to all coaches, teachers, players, volunteers and all else involved that the college and club teams function so well. The time and effort given by all cannot be overestimated and allows for the success that has been seen over the last few years. Here is to more celebration in 2018. Jack Green Wellington College Liaison

    13. 100 Club Captain’s Report

    The OBU 100 Club is now a key support platform for the Club. The numbers are still just under one hundred but we wish to grow the club well beyond that number. This may see a change of name. I encourage you all to promote membership to your personal networks. We held two successful events at St Johns last year and I thank all of you who attended those functions. I also thank St Johns and Jason Deane for their generosity and support of the OBU 100 Club. I am also still holding a number of vests, if you haven’t got it yet, please let me know. I am pleased to report that we have successfully negotiated a new agreement with the Wellington Chamber of Commerce for 2018. You will hear more about that next season. Alasdair D McBeth 100 Club Captain

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    Team Reports




    Pink Ginners


    Premier Reserve

    Teddy Bears

    First Grade



    Under 21 Green Under 10


    Under 21 Black

    Under 7


    Under 21 White

    Under 7


    85 kg Bunnies

    Under 6


    85kg Spartans

    Under 6


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    14. Premier

    Swindale Shield Bill Brien Challenge


    Andy Leslie


    Jubilee Cup

    2017 was a great year for the OBU Premier. We won all the top line trophies: Swindale Shield, Jubilee Cup and the Andy Leslie Trophy. We are also the current holder of the Bill Brien Challenge Cup. In addition to that we won six of the seven interclub trophies up for grabs It was a new coaching team this year, with Jamie Williams taking over as head coach, and he was certainly a worthy winner of OBU coach of the year, and the prestigious WRFU Coach of the year as well. OBU legends Paddy Gough and Michael Barnes did a great job with the forwards throughout the year, and our forward pack dominated throughout the season. We were fortunate to have former NZ Maori and Super Rugby player Rua Tipoki who was assistant backs coach to Jamie. They did a great job with the backs scoring some amazing tries throughout the year. We also had a great support staff, with Pati Gagau (Assistant Manager), Richie MacDonald (Strength and Conditioning), Olivia Nimmo (Physio) and Stephen Isaac (Video Analyst). We had a big squad this year, with injuries and other unavailability’s meaning that we used 54 players, of which 23 made their debut this year. Big congratulations to Stu Simonsen, Joe Hill and Tomasi Palu, who brought up their 100 games for the team this year, all three have made a significant contribution to the club over the years. We played some great rugby in the Swindale Shield, with only two losses, to Ories and Wainuiomata. There were some special wins, and some of the tries we scored would look great on any highlights reel. We were delighted to win the Swindale Shield for the second successive year. The Jubilee Cup round presented a few more challenges with our injury count getting quite high. Again, we played some great rugby and scored some amazing tries. The 72-12 win over Petone was scintillating, which was a pleasure to watch for all those in attendance. It was a special achievement to finish top qualifier going into the semi finals. We appreciate the clubs support in helping us take the unusual step of hosting our home semi final versus Tawa at Jerry Collins Stadium in Porirua. The boys had extra motivation for the semi final, with Wes Goosen being the only Goat being named in the initial Wellington Lions squad. They sure took it out on Tawa, in what was one of the most dominant performances seen in a while, finishing up in a 50-22 win.

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    The team knew HOBM would be tough in the final, but the boys rose to the occasion with a 32-14 win. The crowd was very loud that day, and it was amazing to see so many Goat supporters there. The length of the field try started by Teariki Ben Nicholas and Jono Ihaka, and finished by Regan Verney was notable highlight. It certainly was a big night at The Cambridge celebrating for the whole club. It is hard to single out players when we had so many good ones this year. Daven Candy was amazing for us this year. He thoroughly deserved the Player of the year award. He made so many tackles and scored 9 tries. The whole forward pack produced many highlights, but Finnbarr Kerr-Newell’s 60m try versus Petone was one of the best ones. Dale Sabbagh smashed the clubs record for most Premier points in a season with 248 points. It made a big difference to the team and he was certainly a great recruit to the club. Teegan Minkley missed a lot of the season through injury, but his 14 tries in nine games showed how well he played. Jono Ihaka was also in amazing form all year and a constant threat. It was great to see the team eventually rewarded with four Goats making the final Wellington Lions squad. Wes Goosen was already there, while Will Mangos and Teariki Ben Nicholas both made big contributions to the Lions. A highlight was Regan Verney shining so much for the Lions, that he has got a full contract. We would also like to congratulate all the other Goats that have made various 2017 representative teams. This list can be found elsewhere in this report. We would like to thank some people for their support. Thanks to the Club Executive for all their support throughout the year, it was much appreciated. A big thank you to our family of sponsors that helped us and the club throughout the year, particularly Jason Deane and his team at The Cambridge. Lastly thanks to all the supporters for coming out and watching us each week, you all make a big difference. We look forward to seeing you in what will be a big 2018. Hayden Smith Brad Houlahan Team Manager Assistant Manager

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    Hayden Smith Brad Houlahan

    OBU Premiers Manager OBU Premiers Assistant Manager

    Team Statistics 2017: Premier

    Played Win Loss Draw For Against Tries Con Pen DG

    22 18 4 0 838 400 118 79 29 1

    Photograph Courtesy of Kat Grooby Photography

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    OBU Premier Trophies 2017

    Interclub Trophies:

    Wood Cup vs HOBM Ken Douglas Cup v Norths Verhoeven Cup v Petone

    Lamason Cup v MSP Beet Algar Rose Bowl v


    Gifford Cup v Wellington

    Regan Verney – Winner Jim Brown Plate

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    15. Women’s

    Photo credit: Chainsaw Photos

    2017 was a challenging but rewarding season for the OBU Impalas, topped off with the achievement of being runners-up in the Victoria Tavern Trophy competition. Gary Hilsdon returned as coach, pairing this year with Mui Liumaihetau as forwards coach and supported by Heloise Kerr-Newell and Janelle Schreiber as managers. The team was led by Gina Williamson (captain) and Moana Solia (vice-captain). The structure of the women’s competition this year saw teams split into a premier and second division from the outset. Based on solid performances in previous seasons and consistent semi-final appearances, the Impalas were allocated to the premier division. In the Fleurs Trophy (first round competition) the Impalas focused on building as a team, welcoming and integrating a number of new players, and introducing a new game plan. The team finished the round with one win and three losses, and secured their place in the premier division for the Victoria Tavern Trophy second round. The beginning of the second round had Hutt Old Boys Marist shift down to the second division, while a new and dynamic Marist St Pats team joined the premier division. The Impalas struggled for consistency in the beginning of the round, with a number of disappointing losses in the first set of fixtures. Mid round, the team came together with a clear view of where they wanted to lift to and hit the field unified and driven to raise performance and secure a playoff spot. That they did. Qualifying in third (with three wins, five losses, three bonus points), the Impalas met their friendly foes, Northern United, in the semi-final played at Porirua Park.

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    The semi-final match was fierce and the game was decided in the dying seconds. Trailing 12-7 at half time, the Impalas remained within striking distance through the second half. In the final minutes, the Impalas worked hard to get the ball wide, then some nifty footwork and vision from Montana Heslop saw her dot over the line tying the score line as the 80th minute passed. A successful conversion by first five, Tara Horsnell gave the Impalas the win, a place in the final, and a shot at the premier title for the first time in near on a decade. Photo credit: Chainsaw Photos

    The Impalas joined three teams of OBU brothers on finals day. A highlight of the day was the opportunity to come together as a club on the Petone Rec number one field as the day began for words from team captains and a moment of prayer – a special moment of club unity. The Impalas faced an in-form Ories Women’s team who were hungry for a title that had eluded them in recent years. OBU put in a fiery first half performance, dominating possession, holding Ories scoreless until late in the half, but not converting that dominance into points. Ories took off with the game in the second half, but OBU kept heart and played to the end. The final score was 63-8. Despite the final score, the Impalas impressed their club, supporters and opponents and finished the season with a vision to go one better in 2018. This year saw three Impalas selected in the Wellington Pride for the Farah Palmer cup: Gina Williamson, Holly Macdonald and Tawny Burgess. Georgia Scott, Sherri Burgess and Susannah Crawford were also in the wider Pride training squad. Impalas coach, Gary Hilsdon was forwards coach for the Pride. In addition, Anna Liumaihetau Darling and Kendall Templeman were selected for the Manawatu Cyclones. Montana Heslop was selected for the New Zealand University Sevens training squad and the New Zealand U18 Women’s training squad. There was strong representation from the Impalas in the Ta’ahine Tonga (Wellington Tongan Women’s) team, with 10 Impalas featuring and with Hiria McRae as the team’s forwards coach. The players involved were: Emma Hopoi, Losaline Hopoi, Moana Solia, Abbi Weir, Siteri Tabua, Ateca Rainforth, Emily Nearing, Lise Enari, Te Ra Keno, Sherri Burgess. This season the Impalas were missing Georgia Daals, who this year has been playing in Japan with the Mie Women’s Rugby Club Pearls. Georgia was named 2017 Wellington Women’s Sevens Player of the Year at the inaugural WRFU Club awards.

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    Impalas Team Awards 2017 Sisam Cup – Women’s Player of the Year: Emma Hopoi Stephen Robertson Cup – Most Improved Women’s Player: Georgia Scott Best Back: Andrea Wadsworth Best Forward: Losaline Hopoi Rookie of the Year: Sherri Burgess Players’ Player of the Year: Emma Hopoi Gina Williamson Captain

    Team Statistics 2017: Women

    Played Win Loss Draw For Against Tries Con Pen DG

    14 4 10 0 242 495 42 13 2 0

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    16. Premier Reserve

    Harper Lock Shield

    No report received

    Team Statistics 2017: Premier Reserve

    Played Win Loss Draw For Against Tries Con Pen DG

    22 18 3 1 860 368 130 75 20 0

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    17. First Grade

    The season started officially on 8th April 2017 with no much warning though and no calendar available for the management team. There were 8 teams registered but at least 2 teams had difficulties to put 15 players on the field for each game, sometimes waiting players to turn up late in the game. We won our first game against Stoke Valley A at home 27-10 then following a pattern of lost, won from one Saturday to another, completing by a draw against Petone 23-23 at the end of the round. The second round, we started by winning against HOBM then later we lost to the same “renewal” team in semi-finale 10-17 in front of the large public and supporters. During the season, we had several foreign players who did prefer travelling rather than being committed to the team like in previous years. It is also important to notice that we had fewer injuries thanks to the pre-season training programm and players self-oriented attitude. For a good team spirit, we allowed players to come and go for vacation, work committment and for familial reasons. That is great but we had at the same time an important turnover and for most of the games, our bench was looking empty, seating only 3 or 4 of them, mainly forward positions. Within our team, we have also a great deal of coaches and managers that allow to balance our passion with work and family committment without looking well after the team. Although, some improvement or suggestions for this year could worth considere it:

    • players need to communicate better regarding their state of injury on the field e.g helping to fill correctly and on time a Serious injury form;

    • I have the regret to say that our team has never been wearing a new jersey since I look after it

    Regarding the stats, we won 8 games lost 6 and drew one, totalising 376 points included 53 tries. Last but not least, I would like to sincerely thanking all the players and management staff who contributed to another interesting and satisfying season and our supporters for their precious on-going support. “Bring it on 2018” Marc Mirlyaz Manager OBU Senior First grade

    Team Statistics 2017: First Grade

    Played Win Loss Draw For Against Tries Con Pen DG

    15 8 6 1 376 267 53 30 17 0

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    18. Under 21 Green

    The 2017 Colts Green season was filled with some great highs and some heart-breaking lows for the young but very promising group of players. With a small group of returning players from the championship winning team of 2016, the start of the season saw Colts green run a series of 3 trials to build a squad of players capable of winning the championship at the end of the season. A new knockout style first round was created by the union to establish ranking the teams into two pools for the latter part of the season. OBU colts green led by inspirational skipper Jack Green started well and won all games en-route to winning the knockout trophy – Eric Connolly Cup After skipper Green was called up to the Premier Reserve team for the rest of the season, a new captain was named to lead the side for the 2017 season, Chris Hicks. Hicks was backed by the leadership group consisting of Sam Combs, Suhayl Tiatia, Dylan Leney and Adam Clark. As the first round-robin unfolded, the team struggled at times with possession and composure closing out games, causing OBU Green to finish 5th and only just scraping through to the top division for round 2. With the experienced and passionate forwards coaches of Dan Mellon and Con Williams quickly developing the OBU Green team into the most feared and ruthless set piece in the competition, the team now had something to build around heading into the middle and business end of round two. The team finished 4th in the second round after the round-robin, with 5 wins and 2 losses, this included a 5-point loss to Petone and a two point loss to Tawa when around a dozen players were unavailable due to University Exam commitments. The team made the final by beating top qualifiers Ories 41-20 in the semi-final, a game in which our scrum bullied the bigger pack of Ories from start to finish. The final was held at the Petone Rec., OBU Green played their best 40 minutes of football of the season in the first half to be up 20-3 at halftime. Unfortunately, as had been the case in the first two games against the top team in the grade the boys could not hold on and ended up on the receiving end of a shift in momentum to lose the final 20-36. Unfortunately, the team did not manage to win the final, however gave a snapshot of what this group and individually they can achieve moving forward.

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    A big thanks to the following for a great 2017 year; Maree Chivers, Wirangi Perata & Matthew Hope – Managers. Dan Mellon, Con Williams and Dave Jenson - Coaches After a move north to Auckland in 2018, I look forward to following the Club and the OBU Green team in 2018 from afar - all the best lads. Andrew Harris, OBU Green Coach 2017. Winners Paris Memorial – 1st Round

    Team Statistics 2017: Colts Green

    Played Win Loss Draw For Against Tries Con Pen DG

    19 12 6 1 479 309 70 45 12 1

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    19. Under 21 Black

    No report received

    Team Statistics 2017: Colts Black

    Played Win Loss Draw For Against Tries Con Pen DG

    12 1 10 1 113 315 18 7 3 0

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    20. 85 kg Bunnies

    No Report Bunnies

    Team Statistics 2017: 85kg Bunnies

    Played Win Loss Draw For Against Tries Con Pen DG

    15 8 9 0 330 345 54 27 2 0

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    21. Sixty-Niners

    2017 was the 40th anniversary year of the team, and a big year it was. Team culture was strong following the close of the 2016 season and this flowed into 2017 with the creation of a Soixante Neuf touch team which competed in a couple of competition rounds of post season touch at Alex Moore Park in Johnsonville. And after some arm twisting at BBQ’s half of the 2016 squad entered the Wellington Round the Bays as a pre-season requirement to work off the meat patties and Lion Browns we all had over the warmer months. The season formally kicked off with the Sixty Niners hosting the 2017 Reserve Grade 10’s Tournament at Te Whaea. The Niners coordinated the day while our better halves - Soixante Neuf WAGs - ran a BBQ fundraiser for their new netball team’s inaugural year. We managed to lose our first game to a very keen Teddy Bears squad, but banked some silverware in winning the plate division. Great to see a mix of U85’s Bunnies, OBU Reserve Grade, Wests Mixed Vege and our Colts getting in on this 10’s action.

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    It really was a season of two halves in 2017 with the first half having a bit more shine on it than the second. We managed to be 1st equal on the points table with the MSP Internationals at the end of round one, but unfortunately with us losing to them in our first encounter this saw them take the Mike Copeland Trophy. The highlight of round one was lifting the Jackie Ruru shield from old foes Righteous Brothers and then defending it against the Teddy Bears allowing us to take the shield into the Sixty Niners 40th Anniversary celebrations which also doubled as the OBU 25th Anniversary celebrations. The support and noise of many past niners on the sidelines during our defence on the evening of the 2nd of June at Te Whaea saw us defend the shield against the Teds 45-17 which kicked off an action-packed weekend for the 89 past and present Sixty Niners who were involved over the three days of events and sociability.

    A few wet weekends resulted in some game cancelations and we seemed to lose momentum. We handed the Jackie Ruru Shield back to the Righteous Brothers in a hard fought and muddy 22-12 loss out in Upper Hutt. We ended up 2nd to bottom at the end of Round Two, and saw the John Davies Cup go to the Upper Hutt Thirsty Rams. It wouldn’t be a complete year with the Sixty Niners without an end of year tour. The stars had aligned giving us an opportunity to head up to New Plymouth to watch the All Blacks play the Pumas. 22 Niners toured this year allowing us to have a game while up there against Tukapa. The game was cold and blustery and we were just beaten at the final whistle – it also saw five sets of brothers take the field that day while being supported by our Argentine Brothers Mush and Gringo from the sideline! All in all, 49 Sixty Niners laced up the boots and played in 2017. We had 15 new players join the team, and seven of these boys were named permanently in the Soixante Neuf Brotherhood. Our captain – Juliet - played in his 69th game this year and we also saw Moonlight play his double 69th (138th). We played 14 competition games, won eight, lost five and drew one. We scored 382 points and had 320 points scored against us in competition games across both rounds. Prize giving saw the team take out ‘Best Off Field Social Team’, and as individuals Judge Thor won ‘Most Tries in Social Teams’ with 19 for the season, and Watties take out ‘Most Points in Social Teams’ with 119 points. Our previously mentioned better halves - the Soixante Neuf

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    WAGs netball team - managed to win their grade in their inaugural year. And finally, we also had our Mr OBU contestant for 2017 – Cheese - come in third place. On behalf of the Sixty Niners we would like the thank the club for their ongoing support, Maree for always being there to guide us and to Boagy for keeping on top of the admin. And to the gentlemen we meet on the field – we look forward to more hard-fought battles in the upcoming 2018 season. This year we will win and hold the much sought-after Jackie Ruru Shield.

    Aaron Hodson Manager

    Team Statistics 2017: 69ers

    Played Win Loss Draw For Against Tries Con Pen DG

    14 8 5 1 382 320 64 31 0 0

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    22. Pink Ginners AFASF

    Pink Ginners v Righteous Bros 3 June 2017:

    First official Senior Rugby match on Boyd-Wilson Field Artificial

    No report received

    Team Statistics 2017: Pink Ginners

    Played Win Loss Draw For Against Tries Con Pen DG 14 7 8 0 272 373 45 22 1 0

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    23. Righteous Bros

    Holders Jackie Ruru Shield

    No report received

    Team Statistics 2017: Righteous Bros

    Played Win Loss Draw For Against Tries Con Pen DG

    14 5 9 0 354 439 57 33 1 0

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    24. Teddy Bears

    No report received

    Team Statistics 2017: Teddy Bears

    Played Win Loss Draw For Against Tries Con Pen DG 13 4 10 0 262 453 42 26 0 0

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    25. Under 10 Wolfes

    2017 Player Awards: For Prize Giving, the team was split into its Under 9 and Under 10 components and awarded as follows:

    Top Try Scorer - Most Improved Player - U8– U9 Best Team Player – U8– U9 Player of the Year (Neil Wolfe Trophy) - U8– U9

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    Carl Grant Troy Newton Coaches

    Team Statistics 2017: U10 Wolfes

    Played Win Loss Draw For Against Tries Con Pen DG

    11 1 11 1 290 585 58 0 0 0

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    26. Under 7 Prestons

    It was another exciting year of Rippa Rugby for the OBU U7 Prestons. The majority of the team returned from 2016, along with a few new additions to make a pretty experience squad for their second year in U7.

    I was amazed at the difference a summer makes in the development of their skills. Those early morning starts in 2016 learning the basic skills of the game, passing and catching, evading and ripping were on display from the get go. We really encouraged the boys to develop their passing game this year, I am sure that the spectators quickly got tired of hearing Blair and myself shouting ‘Pass’ at the top of our lungs.

    It was great to see this perseverance paying off with the boys quickly able to

    string together a number of passes to put their

    team mates into better positions. As was it good to see the defensive patterns beginning to form, staying together in a line and moving as unit resulting in numerous 6 tackle turn overs. Great work guys, you are all well equipped to take on the next challenge of tackle in 2018.

    I would like to thank all the boys of the OBU U7 Prestons for giving me such a great year of coaching. It was wonderful to see your skills and confidence develop during the year.

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    Thanks also to Blair Macdonald for helping to coach each week, and all the other parents for your encouraging cheers from the side lines, it definitely makes the job easier.

    Bryn Jones

    2017 Player Awards: Most Improved Player - James van der Zouwe Best Team Player - Finn Delahunty Player of the Year (Jon Preston Trophy) - Sammy Bulbulia Smart Sammy Bulbulia Smart Bryn Jones


    Team Statistics 2017: U7 Prestons

    Played Win Loss Draw For Against Tries Con Pen DG

    14 12 1 1 670 540 134 0 0 0

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    27. Under 7 Sadlers

    No report received

    2017 Player Awards: Most Improved Player – Madeleine Trass Best Team Player – Sami Bland Player of the Year (Joey Sadler Trophy) – Henry Bass Jesse Johnson Coach

    Team Statistics 2017: U7 Sadlers

    Played Win Loss Draw For Against Tries Con Pen DG

    12 5 0 7 635 575 127 0 0 0

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    28. Under 6 Wilsons

    The Under 6 Rippa rugby had two teams this season with the Wilsons team having 8 players. Most weekends saw a great turnout with a min. of 6 players. We had 1 girl and 7 boys. We only had one real young player this season, which was less involved than the older players, but seemed to like the run round. We had four returning players, so a great base to work from. The season had great fun, great involvement, and some great rugby. A real improvement in skill levels during the season was obvious, with passing the ball following a rip taking less time, and some real side-stepping runs undertaken. A lot of the kids wanted to be involved with running the ball from pass-off, and rips were being taken more regularly. Smaller standardised tags were provided at this season, which worked well. The regular playing time and location at the same park seems to make it easy and carefree for the parents. Overall a really great season with the kids having fun, and playing some good Rippa rugby.

    Anthony Taylor Coach

    2017 Player Awards: Most Improved Player – Otto McMillan Best Team Player – Ivy Taylor Player of the Year (Stu Wilson Trophy) – Archie Carruthers

    Team Statistics 2017: U6 Wilsons

    Played Win Loss Draw For Against Tries Con Pen DG

    13 11 0 2 630 475 126 0 0 0

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    29. Under 6 Rowats

    No report received

    2017 Player Awards: Most Improved Player – Alex Trass Best Team Player – Federico Roper Player of the Year (Claire Rowat Trophy) – Billy James

    Team Statistics 2017: U6 Rowats

    Played Win Loss Draw For Against Tries Con Pen DG

    13 7 0 6 620 545 124 0 0 0

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    30. Team Statistics 2017

    Team Played Won Lost Draw For Against

    Premier 22 18 4 0 838 400

    Women 14 4 10 0 242 495

    Premier Reserve 22 18 3 1 860 368

    First Grade 15 8 6 1 376 267

    Colts Green 19 12 6 1 479 309

    Colts Black 12 1 10 1 113 315

    Colts White 15 8 9 0 330 345

    85kg Bunnies 14 8 5 1 382 320

    69ers 14 7 8 0 272 373

    Pink Ginners 14 5 9 0 354 439

    Teddy Bears 13 4 10 0 262 453

    Righteous Bros 11 1 11 1 290 585

    U10 Wolfes 14 12 1 1 670 540

    U7 Prestons 12 5 0 7 635 575

    U7 Sadlers 13 11 0 2 630 475

    U6 Wilsons 13 7 0 6 620 545

    U6 Rowats 22 18 4 0 838 400

    Totals 237 129 92 22 7,353 6,804

    Team Tries Con Pen DG

    Premier 118 79 29 1

    Women 42 13 2 0

    Premier Reserve 130 75 20 0

    First Grade 53 30 17 0

    Colts Green 70 45 12 1

    Colts Black 18 7 3 0

    Colts White 54 27 2 0

    85kg Bunnies 64 31 0 0

    69ers 45 22 1 0

    Pink Ginners 57 33 1 0

    Teddy Bears 42 26 0 0

    Righteous Bros 58 0 0 0

    U10 Wolfes 134 0 0 0

    U7 Prestons 127 0 0 0

    U7 Sadlers 126 0 0 0

    U6 Wilsons 124 0 0 0

    U6 Rowats 118 79 29 1

    Totals 1,262 388 87 2

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    31. Prize Winners 2017

    Under 6 Wilsons – Most Improved Player Otto McMillan

    Under 6 Wilsons – Best Team Player Ivy Taylor

    Under 6 Wilsons – Player of the Year (Stu Wilson Trophy) Archie Carruthers

    Under 6 Rowats – Most Improved Player Alex Trass

    Under 6 Rowats – Best Team Player Federico Roper

    Under 6 Rowats – Player of the Year (Claire Rowat Trophy) Billy James

    Under 7 Sadlers – Most Improved Player Madeleine Trass

    Under 7 Sadlers – Best Team Player Sami Bland

    Under 7 Sadlers – Player of the Year (Joey Sadler Trophy) Henry Bass

    Under 7 Prestons – Most Improved Player James van der Zouwe

    Under 7 Prestons – Best Team Player Finn Delahunty

    Under 7 Prestons – Player of the Year (Jon Preston Trophy) Sammy Bulbulia Smart

    Under 8 Bremners – Most Improved Player Not Awarded 2017

    Under 8 Bremners – Best Team Player Not Awarded 2017

    Under 8 Bremners – Player of the Year (Mick Bremner Trophy) Not Awarded 2017

    Under 9 Steinmetz – Most Tries Not Awarded 2017

    Under 9 Steinmetz – Most Improved Player Not Awarded 2017

    Under 9 Steinmetz – Best Team Player Not Awarded 2017

    Under 9 Steinmetz – Player of the Year (Paul Steinmetz Trophy) Not Awarded 2017

    Under 10 Wolfes – Most Tries Not Awarded 2017

    Under 10 Wolfes – Most Improved Player Not Awarded 2017

    Under 10 Wolfes – Best Team Player Not Awarded 2017

    Under 10 Wolfes – Player of the Year (Neil Wolfe Trophy) Not Awarded 2017

    Under 11 Williments – Most Tries Not Awarded 2017

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    Under 11 Williments – Most Improved Player Not Awarded 2017

    Under 11 Williments – Best Team Player Not Awarded 2017

    Under 11 Williments – Player of the Year (Mick Williment Trophy) Not Awarded 2017

    Under 12 Conrad Smiths – Most Tries Not Awarded 2017

    Under 12 Conrad Smiths – Most Improved Player Not Awarded 2017

    Under 12 Conrad Smiths – Best Team Player Not Awarded 2017

    Under 12 Conrad Smiths – Player of the Year (Conrad Smith Trophy) Not Awarded 2017

    Under 13 Old Boys University – Most Tries Not Awarded 2017

    Under 13 Old Boys University – Most Improved Player Not Awarded 2017

    Under 13 Old Boys University – Best Team Player Not Awarded 2017

    Under 13 Old Boys University – Player of the Year (OBU Juniors Trophy) Not Awarded 2017

    Braddock/Forde Cup – 85kg Player of the year – Bunnies Cameron Fountain

    Peter Preston Cup - Best Under 21 grade player: Colts White Not Awarded 2017

    Darryl Longley Cup - Best Under 21 grade player: Colts Black Kyle Matthews

    Prime Corporation Cup – Best Under 21 grade player: Colts Green Chris Hicks

    Dai Hayward Trophy - Top age grade points scorer Michael Muir (65 points)

    Nic Jones Memorial Cup. Player who has contributed most to Colts side

    (selected by the players)

    Chris Hicks

    Stephen Robertson Cup – Most Improved Women’s player Georgia Scott

    Sisam Cup - Woman’s Player of the year Emma Hopoi

    First Grade player of the year Campbell Moorhouse

    Sir Richard Wild Cup – Premier Reserve player of the year Chris Crichton

    Most tries scored – Training Grades Teegan Mink (14 tries)

    Most points scored – All Grades Dale Sabbagh (248 points)

    Mike Lorigan Memorial Shield – Most tries in social rugby Kieran Gilsenan (69ers 19 tries)

    Graham Haggett Cup – Most points in social rugby Glenn Terry (69ers, 119 points)

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    Peter Scott Cup – Most successful on-field social team Righteous Bros

    Brown Copeland Cup – Most successful off field social team 69ers

    Jackie Ruru Shield – Holder Righteous Bros

    Jackie Ruru Blazer – The Player who best epitomizes the values of

    the Jackie Ruru Shield

    Ed Griffiths Righteous Bros

    Frank Scott Memorial Trophy – The Social Player that best served the


    Christian Bonnevie - Righteous


    Dr Elliot Memorial Cup – Club Team of the Year Premier

    Noel Ryder Cup Outstanding Player First Year out of School Naera Tipoki

    Al Keown Memorial Cup – Best Under 21 Player Teegan Minkley

    Old-Boys University Cup – Most Loyal Club Player/Member Finnbarr Kerr-Newell

    Stu Wilson Trophy- The Player who best epitomized the spirit of

    OBU Rugby

    Manahi Moana

    MJB (Jock) Hobbs Coach of the Year Jamie Williams

    Lt Gen Bernard Freyberg Trophy - Volunteer of the Year Ian Cuff

    Brown Copeland Presidents Cup - Person who has best served the


    Paddy Gough

    Supporters Cup – Most Improved Premier Team Player Sam Reid

    Ian Archibald Trophy – Premier Team Player of the Year Daven Candy

    NZ Universities Rugby Council Peter Garty – Life Membership WRFU Awards Team of the Year: Premier Griffiths Memorial: Colts Green Coach of the Year: Jamie Williams Women’s Sevens Player of the Year: Georgia Daals

    Victoria University of Wellington Awards: Hugh Renton – Sports Blue Tim Farrell – Sports Blue Richard Boag - Sports Blue - Administration Other OBU Milestones: Tomasi Palu, Joe Hill, Stu Simonsen – 100 matches OBU Premier

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    32. Directory of Office Holders 2017

    Executive & Elected Officials

    Andrew Braddock President (10/11)*

    Jaesen Sumner Chairman (9/11)*

    Richard Boag Secretary (11/11)*

    Richard Cromie Treasurer (10/11)*

    Maree Chivers Club Captain (11/11)*

    Alastair Forde Junior Convenor, Gear Steward (9/11)*

    Phoebe Ferguson Executive (5/6)*

    Ian Kennedy NZ Universities Delegate (4/11)*

    Peter Scott WRFU Delegate (Chair) (1/11)*

    David Loveridge Coaching Development Officer (10/11)*

    Nathan King Reserve Grade Convenor (2/11)*

    Ian Cuff WRFU Delegate Alternate (6/11)*

    Gina Williamson Women’s Liaison (5/5)*

    Bryan Gundersen` Legal Counsel (0/11)*

    Jack Green Wellington College Liaison (6/11)*

    Simone Chivers Webmaster (0/11)**

    Alasdair McBeth 100 Club Captain (0/11)**

    Tony Southall OBU Foundation (2/3)

    Hon Auditor

    Ford Sumner Hon Solicitor *(Attendance/Executive Meetings)

    ** (Not Compulsory Attendance)


    Grant Guilford (VUW), Roger Moses (Wellington College)

    Life Members

    M G Anderson, A G Archer, R M Barlow, D B Barrowman, A J Braddock, S G Bremner, G R Brooking,

    D H Catley, M C Copeland, R J Curtis, V L Darke, D R Davis, A J Forde, P B Gapes, R S Grocott,

    G R Jensen, G A McLean, P C Osborne, A J Seerup, B L Thomas, H G Vance, R H Vance,

    R A Waddel

    Vice Presidents B N Anderson D J Archer P S Barrett M J Brodie

    M S Conway I R Cuff R B D Drummond P A Garty

    D R Gregg M R Larsen D S Loveridge A D McBeth

    F M Mexted M O Mexted G N K Mourie N S Phillips

    S D Robertson P R Scott C G Smith P S Stannard

    W G Thurston A D Timms K J Torbit Prof D G Trow

    B A Waddle J H R Walker P J Walsh S S Wilson

    T N WoIfe

    Honorary Vice Presidents J W R Sinclair (British High Commissioner)

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    33. Representative Players 2017 The following players, coaches and management were selected for 2017 representative sides, while being current OBU members NZ Under 20 Tim Farrell Marino Mikaele-Tu’u NZ Universities Finnbarr Kerr-Newell Will Mangos Te Wehi Wright (Capt) Hurricanes Wes Goosen Hugh Renton Hurricanes Development Teariki Ben-Nicholas Finnbarr Kerr-Newell Wellington Lions Teariki Ben-Nicholas Wes Goosen Will Mangos Regan Verney Wellington Pride Gina Williamson Holly Macdonald Tawny Burgess Gary Hilsdon (Assistant Coach) Dave Jensen (Strength and Conditioning Coach) Wellington Development Sam Coventry Stu Simonsen Wellington Under 19 Naera Tipoki (Captain) Callum Whitten Adam Clark Laurence Lim Chris Hicks


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    Wellington Maori Jonathan Fuimaono

    Wellington Samoans A Seumanufagai Wellington Centurions S Coventry M Goosen T Minkley D Sabbagh S Simonsen Wellington Women's Tongan Losaline Hopoi Emma Hopoi Emily Nearing Lise Enari Te Ra Keno Sauimoana Soli Abbi Weir Siteri Tabua Ateca Rainforth Sherri Burgess Hiria McRae (Forwards Coach) Hawkes Bay (NPC) Tim Farrell Hugh Renton Marino Mikaele-Tuu East Coast (NPC) Morgan Poi Te Wehi Wright Netherlands

    A Barendregt


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    34. Club Sponsors Our thanks to our great team of sponsors, whose generous support is much appreciated:

    DB Breweries Ltd

    Cambridge Hotel

    Victoria University of Wellington

    Hell Pizza

    Dash Tickets Ltd

    TBI Health Ltd

    Pelorus Trust

    Les Mills Ltd


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    NZ Community Trust

    Infinity Foundation

    Lion Foundation

    Wellington Employers Chamber

    of Commerce

    Air Rescue Trust

    First Sovereign

    NZ Racing Board



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    35. Registered Players & Club Members 2017 Team Registered

    Premier 35

    Women 49

    Premier Reserve 38

    First Grade 30

    Colts Green 38

    Colts Black 29

    85 kg Bunnies 37

    Reserve II 69ers 45

    Reserve II Pink Ginners 48

    Reserve II Righteous Bros 32

    Reserve II Teddy Bears 49

    Unallocated 49

    Senior Total 501

    Junior Under 10 Wolfes 15

    Junior Under 7 Prestons 11

    Junior Under 7 Sadlers 11

    Junior Under 6 Wilsons 9

    Junior Under 6 Rowats 8

    Junior Total 54

    Total 555

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    Other Members Registered

    Patrons 2

    Life Members 23

    Vice Presidents 29

    Financial Members (full) 63

    Financial Members (email only) 18

    Sponsors 16

    Administration/Volunteers/Coaches 74

    Junior Supporters 19

    Total 244

    OBU 100 Club Members 92

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    36. Obituaries

    Brian D Cardiff Vice President OBU RFC

    Brian Cardiff known to his friends as “Cardy” was born 17 November 1937 and passed away at his home in Waikanae on 19 April 2017 at the age of 79. Brian is survived by his wife Viola, two daughters, a son and five grandchildren. Brian left Wellington College in 1955 to commence work as a Quantity Surveyor with the Ministry of Works in January 1956. This was the one and only place at that time where one could learn the quantity surveying profession. In 1962 he and Del Hogg went into private practice as Hogg & Cardiff with offices in Wellington and Palmerston North. Then in 1972 they felt the need to expand to a national partnership and joined a similar sized Auckland base practice to become Homes Cook Hogg & Cardiff. In 1986 Brian retired from the practice to work for himself as a project management and development consultant. Advice he continued to providing albeit not full on right up until his last year. In this period Brian had a deep involvement with the development of the Mary Potter Hospice managing the construction process due to the default of the main contractor. In the same year as starting work, Brian joined Wellington College Old Boys Rugby Club. He played left wing starting at Fourth Grade moving through to Third Grade, to Junior First, then Senior B with the odd Senior A game. For a period following his playing years he undertook various roles in coaching. Many of the older brigade will recall the 7 O’clock Club antics at the annual Easter Quadrangular Tournament between WCOB, Palmerston North OB’s; Napier OB’s and Dannevirke OB’s – those were the days whiskey and milk all round before breakfast! In addition to rugby Brian was actively involved in the Island Bay Surf Club where he was a very proficient swimmer. After rugby he became a keen yachtie with the Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club. Owning and skippering the yacht ‘Kidnapper’ then owning with Paul Hastings the launch ‘Monowai’. From 1989 to 1992 he served as Club Commodore following which he was awarded a Life Membership. An avid golfer and long-time member of the Waikanae Golf Club serving on the Club’s Board of Management from 2002 to 2006. While ever trying to reduce his 35 handicap he relieved his many friends of their match money right to the end. Brian held strong views on many issues with his do it my way attitude but was rarely wrong. His infectious personality touched a lot of people. We lost a good friend.

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    Winner Junior First Grade Championship, 1958




    (Secretary) (Captain) Coach) (Vice Captain) (Club Captain)



    Acknowledgements: Del Hogg Ken Douglas

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    Graham W J Atkin Graham was a Life Member of OBU & a highly respected administrator from VUWRFC. He also served on the board of WRFU, where he was made Chairman in 1976, a post he held for a further 17 years. He was noted for his ability to improve the relationship between the WRFU & constituent clubs, ensuring that Union administrators made an effort to get out to clubs each playing day to discuss rugby matters. He was also instrumental in establishing the South Pacific Championship with Auckland, Canterbury, New South Wales & Queensland, the forerunner to the current Super Rugby championship. Graham served on the NZ Rugby Council from 1986 to 1994 & was a key instigator of creating the first Rugby World Cup in 1987. Graham was also very active in assisting with the administration of NZRU & still found time to manage teams internally & internationally. Graham leaves a remarkable Rugby legacy with active, unpaid involvement from ‘grass roots to the very top spanning some 50 years. He remained a loyal and supportive member of OBU until his illness prevented his active involvement a few years ago. He is survived by his wife Jenny and four children, current OBU member Stephen, Mark, Jenni-Lynne and Tracy. Acknowledgements: Eddie Tonks WRFU


  • Wellington College Old Boys & Victoria University of Wellington Rugby Football Club Inc Annual