Annual Report 2005 Stepping Up to Meet Community Needs

Annual Report 2005 Title - Jewish Family Services · 2 305-1985 W. Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 4Y3 tel. 604.257.5151 fax. 604.257.5148 Jewish Family Service Agency Lani Levine, President

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Page 1: Annual Report 2005 Title - Jewish Family Services · 2 305-1985 W. Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 4Y3 tel. 604.257.5151 fax. 604.257.5148 Jewish Family Service Agency Lani Levine, President


Annual Report 2005

Stepping Up to Meet Community Needs

Page 2: Annual Report 2005 Title - Jewish Family Services · 2 305-1985 W. Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 4Y3 tel. 604.257.5151 fax. 604.257.5148 Jewish Family Service Agency Lani Levine, President


305-1985 W. Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 4Y3 tel. 604.257.5151 fax. 604.257.5148 www.jfsa.ca

Jewish Family Service Agency

Lani Levine, President Rick Kohn, President Elect Beverley Kort, Past PresidentDiane Friedman, Treasurer Jill Diamond, Secretary Morry Gaerber, Member at Large

Kristina Berman, Innovators Lunch Co-chair

Megan Bakonyi Izak Benbasat Paula Brook Michael Fellman Fran GoldbergDan Gumprich Carol Henriquez Dan Levitt Monica Mashal Dennis PavlichAlf Price Heather Sirlin Joe Suskin Sari Weintraub

Board Members 04-05

Staff as of November 10, 2005

JFSA Contractors: Sandra Gilmour, Contract Administrative Assistant; Angela Han, Grants Coordinator; RuthieShugarman, Innovators Lunch Coordinator; Marilee Sigal, Interim Director of Counselling.

Special thanks and best wishes to those staff members that have left JFSA during the past year: Yuval Berger, GolrizBoroomand, Azima Buell, Daniel Peiser, Selina Robinson and Jacqueline Walters.

Joseph Kahn-Tietz, Executive Director Debbie Schachter, Associate Executive DirectorJudy Oberlander, Director of Development Lyn York, Director of OperationsJan Gronlund, Accountant Sean Matvenko, Communication CoordinatorIrina Dordjieva, Program Assistant Shana Seskin, Program AssistantRachael Tait, Receptionist

Vicki Robinson, Director of Basic Resource Services Tami Amit, Intake & Basic Resource Case ManagerMichelle Ezekiel, Basic Resource Services Coordinator Jill Newman, Financial Assistance Resource WorkerAndrea Gillman, Housing & Community Kitchens Coordinator Ginna Abramovitch, Intake & Basic Resource Case Manager

Joanne Haramia, Director of Seniors Services Susan Hilton, Seniors Outreach CounsellorGisi Levitt, Seniors Outreach Counsellor Carol Oreck, Seniors Outreach CounsellorQueenie Hamovich, Seniors Lunch Club Coordinator Laura Feldman, Home Support Coordinator

Home Support WorkersAlla Batratchenko Doreen CameronJessica Chen Darejan DaraseliaNatalie Likholatnik Maria LitvensovaRanjini Pavantharajah Charlene PrangBarbara Dyck Florante ‘Hajie’ SorianoRaissa Volkonitskaya

Eldad Goldfarb, Director of Counselling Services Shirley Fineblatt, CounsellorDebbie Havusha, Special Needs Coordinator Michael Perla, Counsellor

Charlotte Katzen, Director of Resettlement & Vocational Services If ’at Eilon-Heiber, Integration CounsellorRandy Fisher, Job Match Coordinator Alexandra Gerson, Resettlement CounsellorRon Goodine, Vocational Counsellor

Founded in 1936, Jewish Family Service Agency is a social service organization committed to Jewish values, ethicsand community. We provide resources and opportunities to strengthen and enhance the quality of life forindividuals and families.

We hope you find this Annual Report informative and enjoy reading about the activities that cover the fiscal year,September 1, 2004 to August 31, 2005.

Page 3: Annual Report 2005 Title - Jewish Family Services · 2 305-1985 W. Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 4Y3 tel. 604.257.5151 fax. 604.257.5148 Jewish Family Service Agency Lani Levine, President


It has been a year of stepping up and reaching out forJFSA, as we rallied to meet the growing needs of ourcommunity. After many years residing in the JewishCommunity Centre, the agency took a bold andnecessary step to move its offices out into the greatercommunity. This move allowed us to expand ourservices, provide staff with adequate working space,and offer clients greater anonymity and accessibility.

Our new home at 1985 West Broadway has proved tobe a wonderful location for all. Clients haveconsistently reported a greater level of comfort in ournew premises. Community members have alsoexpressed support for expanding communal servicesbeyond the traditional Oak Street corridor. Withincreased space we have been able to hire new staff,expand services, provide more extensive on-sitetraining and education programs, and increase ourliaison work with other community agencies.

This past year, in response to feedback received fromdiverse community stakeholders, we have restructuredJFSA’s counselling services. In line with our ongoingstrategic planning process, this change wasimplemented to increase and improve service tooutlying communities, offer more diverse servicemodalities, and provide greater accessibility for ourclients.

This past year also saw the launch of our inauguralInnovators Lunch, featuring a keynote address byrenowned architect Daniel Libeskind. The tremendoussuccess of this sold-out event has raised the bar in ourcontinual effort to generate the funds needed tosustain core services and develop new programinitiatives for our growing community.

Indeed, in every way this has been a great year forstepping up to meet community needs and reaching

Message from the President &Executive Director


out beyond JFSA’s traditional scope ofactivity. We hope you will enjoy readingabout some of our recent accomplishments,described in the pages ahead. Of course,none of this would have been possiblewithout the support of a dedicated andtalented staff, committed board of directors,devoted volunteers and our extremelygenerous donors and funders throughoutthe community. Thank you, all.

“Every charitable act is a stepping stone toward heaven.”HENRY WARD BEECHER

Joseph Kahn-Tietz

Lani Levine

Page 4: Annual Report 2005 Title - Jewish Family Services · 2 305-1985 W. Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 4Y3 tel. 604.257.5151 fax. 604.257.5148 Jewish Family Service Agency Lani Levine, President

Requests for basic resource services remained highduring this past year. A range of factors hascontributed to income insecurity, including labourmarket restructuring, economic conditions andmarket fluctuations, changes in federal socialprograms, and in provincial policies. Together thesecontribute to family instability, to child and familypoverty, to the burgeoning number of ‘working poor’,to insecurity, to fewer full-time family friendly jobs, tolack of affordable housing and to multiple socialproblems associated with unemployment andpoverty.

Our capacity to assist the most marginalized membersof the community with food, clothing, housing andmedical support increased due to the generoussupport of community members and funders. Due tothis increased level of support we were able to providedirect financial aid and food assistance to almost 800individuals and 500 families throughout thecommunity. Within these families were almost 700children.

Two pilot projects – the Community Affordable RentalProgram (CARP) and Fiscal Fitness for Women werelaunched this year to help empower individuals andfamilies to break out of the cycle of poverty.

Food Programs• Jewish Food Bank• Good Food Box• Holiday/Prison Hampers • Community Kitchens• Food Vouchers• Emergency Food Distribution• Project Isaiah

Pro Bono and In-Kind Services• Pro-Bono Legal Clinic• Pro-Bono Dental Service

Basic Resource Services

One Step at a Time


Inclusion Programs• Tickets to Inclusion• Camp subsidies• JCC subsidies/Lepovsky Fund• High Holiday tickets

Financial Assistance• Direct Aid• Holocaust Emergency Assistance Fund • Seniors Medical Fund• Anonymous Donor Fund for

Emergency Relief• Maot Chittim (Passover Food)

Community Partners/FundersJewish Federation of Greater Vancouverthrough the Combined Jewish Appeal, Yadb'Yad - The Council on Poverty, The DiamondFoundation, The Snider Foundation, JewishWomen International, B'nai Brith Non-Sectarian Community Food Bank, MazonCanada, Peretz Institute, all Greater Vancouversynagogues, The Western Canada Society toAccess Justice, The Rabbinical Association ofVancouver, Jewish Community Centre ofGreater Vancouver, the Minerva Foundation,Jewish Community Foundation - Women'sEndowment Fund.

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Seniors Outreach Services

Step by StepThis year the Seniors Department supported morethan 500 seniors and their families as well as providedoutreach, information and counselling services. Ourgoal is to help seniors and their families through thedifficult transitions and changes inherent in the agingprocess, including increased social isolation, loss offriends and family, difficulty cooking nutritiously,decreased physical independence, changingtransportation needs, and the often difficult process ofdownsizing the home, and moving to assisted living orresidential care.

Many of our clients’ needs are complex. JFSA staffmembers bring warmth and compassion to theirwork, as well as a breadth of experience andknowledge about the aging process and resources inthe community.

We provide social support with the help of a team ofvolunteers who visit, telephone, and drive clients tomedical appointments. We run a weekly Seniors LunchClub, to provide seniors with a nutritious kosher mealand an opportunity to socialize and connect with theJewish community. We also coordinate weeklydelivery of more than 3,500 Kosher Meals.

Completing its first year, our pilot Home Supportprogram has been successful. We now have a team of13 employees, who work with more than 35 clientseach month. This service responds to a huge gap inservice, and helps seniors to maintain independence.A new professional development series called Food forThought began this year, geared towards theinformation needs of professionals working withseniors.


“Do not cast me off in old age; when my strength fails me, do not forsake me.”

PSALM 71:9

JFSA seniors services encompass:

• Outreach Services• Case Management and Referral• Seniors Lunch Club• Community Kitchens• Volunteer Outreach• Grief Support for widows and widowers• Home Support Service• Professional Development and

Public Education

Community Partners/FundersJewish Federation of Greater Vancouverthrough the Combined Jewish Appeal,The Diamond Foundation, The SniderFoundation, L`Chaim Adult Day Centre, AlPolsky Golf Tournament, City of Vancouver,Vancouver Coastal Health, Shalom BC, UnitedWay, Temple Sholom.

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Resettlement & Integration Services

A Step of FaithDuring the past year, JFSA provided Resettlement andIntegration Services to 125 newly arrived Jewishimmigrant families from all over the world - including,Israel, South America and the former Soviet Union.

We played an essential role in welcoming, integratingand assisting these families through a range ofservices: information; orientation advocacy; referrals tocommunity and government programs; and extensiveintegration support. Counselling and pre-immigrationassistance was provided to families from Israel andSouth America. The integration programs are designedto initiate and strengthen the connection between theJewish newcomer and the Vancouver JewishCommunity.

The Integration Council has enjoyed much successthis past year. Thirty volunteers, most formerimmigrants, were actively involved in the followingprojects:

• Telephone Network Resource: volunteers provide accessible contact over the phone in the newcomer’sown language.

• Welcome Baskets: a welcome gift package is delivered to each newcomer by a volunteer. Nearly60 baskets were personally delivered in the past year.

• Community Cultural and Social Events: over 100 participants attended each of our Hanukah, Purim,Havdalah Evening and Summer Picnic celebrations.

Other integration programs include:

• Quarterly Russian language bus tours• Weekly support groups for the Israeli newcomers


• Host Family Program• Monthly Russian Speaker’s Bureau• Weekly Job Search, Labour Market and

Interview Workshops

Community Partners/FundersJewish Federation of Greater Vancouverthrough the Combined Jewish Appeal,Shalom BC, Jewish Immigrant Aid Services ofCanada, BC Settlement Integration Program.

“The world is a narrow bridge. The key to the crossingis not to be afraid.” NACHMAN OF BRATSLAV

Page 7: Annual Report 2005 Title - Jewish Family Services · 2 305-1985 W. Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 4Y3 tel. 604.257.5151 fax. 604.257.5148 Jewish Family Service Agency Lani Levine, President

This past year JFSA provided Employment Services tomore than 250 individuals looking for work. Over 70%of these clients were placed directly into the workforcethrough our employer network, online job postings, orindirectly through vocational counselling services. Ourofferings included orientations to the Canadianworkforce, interview skills workshops, and services forclients with disabilities. We also provided careerplanning for those interested in changing jobs.

JFSA also delivered Job Match Services to over 70businesses and organizations in an effort to make JFSAa primary recruiting resource to these employers. Byproviding a registry of job postings, generating 300+posted vacancies in 2004 - 2005, many clients weresent directly to employers. Employers also continue tohave the opportunity to advertise their vacancies tojob ready clients, who can apply to postings throughthe Job Match Coordinator.

JFSA assists with the following services:

• Interview Skills Workshop• Orientation to the Canadian Job Market• Individualized Resume Writing• Action Plan Development and Career Planning• Online Job Postings and Career/Work Search Tips• Network Building• Training Scholarships

Vocational & Job MatchServices

Stepping Up


Community Partners/FundersJewish Federation of Greater Vancouverthrough the Combined Jewish Appeal, Yadb'Yad - The Coalition on Poverty, VancityCredit Union.

’’“The highest level of charity is to enable the poor to earn aliving.” MAIMONIDES

Page 8: Annual Report 2005 Title - Jewish Family Services · 2 305-1985 W. Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 4Y3 tel. 604.257.5151 fax. 604.257.5148 Jewish Family Service Agency Lani Levine, President

JFSA’s Counselling Department provides a range ofaffordable services to the community. We haveprovided more than 1200 hours of direct service toindividuals, couples and families through our fee-for-service program. We continue to run our establishedcommunity development and outreach programs:

• ASTEH, a kosher safe house for women and children leaving abusive situations, has remained fullyoperational with the assistance of Jewish WomenInternational.

• Bereavement Support Services program for the Jewish community, including: the delivery ofComfort Kits, follow-up support and counselling,and Jewish Widows Support Group in collaborationwith the Louis Brier Home and Hospital.

• Outreach efforts and needs assessment for gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexual Jews.

This past year, in response to feedback received fromdiverse community stakeholders, we haverestructured JFSA’s counselling services. In line withour ongoing strategic planning process, this changewas implemented to increase and improve service tooutlying communities, offer more diverse servicemodalities, and provide greater accessibility for ourclients.

Counselling Services

Stepping Forward


Community Partners/FundersJewish Federation of Greater Vancouverthrough the Combined Jewish Appeal,Jewish Women International, Louis BrierHome & Hospital, Jewish CommunityFoundation, Jewish Education Service ofNorth America.

’’“All beginnings are difficult.”TALMUD

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‘‘ 9

Special Needs Department

Stepping Up TogetherThe Special Needs Department has been busier thanever this past year, working with our VIP group (VeryImportant Partners) to encourage all involved toparticipate to the fullness of their capacity as membersof the community.

The VIP program taps the energy and talents of agroup of adults living with special needs to provide anumber of valuable community services, includingBooks To Go, Comfort Kits, and Canes Enable. Theseprojects serve to both enrich our community andempower individuals to live their lives more fully ascontributing citizens.

Meanwhile, the department continues to respond to asteady stream of calls for information, referral andadvocacy. Our Special Needs Coordinator overseesstaffing of the committee, Advocates for Persons withSpecial Needs (APSN), which meets bi-monthly toshare information and plan for community- andindividual-related initiatives promoting a healthy,inclusive life for all.

A very successful new event, CONNECTIONS was heldon January 23, 2005. The event raised awareness aboutspecial needs by educating, valuing and inspiringcommunity members, and by fostering cross-disabilityresources. JFSA will continue to promote this annualevent, in collaboration with the Jewish CommunityCentre of Greater Vancouver, the Jewish Federation ofGreater Vancouver, and the Jewish CommunityFoundation.

With funding support from the Jewish CommunityFoundation, JFSA has launched a pilot Family Supportand Education Group that meets monthly to providemuch-needed resources to parents living withchildren who have diverse special needs. The SpecialNeeds Department is trying to address the gap inservices to Jewish families living with extra challenges.

“Get to know them…they are members of thecommunity...they are an investment in the community.”


Community Partners/FundersJewish Community Foundation, Rabbi YosefWosk, Jewish Federation of GreaterVancouver through the Combined JewishAppeal, Isaac Waldman Jewish Public Library,Jewish Community Centre of GreaterVancouver, Louis Brier Home and Hospital,Keitha Coates (Crate Ideas), Dan-D-Market,Kosher Food Warehouse, Omnitsky KosherBC, Chevra Kaddisha (Jewish Burial Society),Leon Broitman, Marcia and Gerry Vineberg(Mountain Properties Ltd.), Morry Gaerber(Eddie’s Hang-up Display Ltd.), Tony van derWaarde (Award Prosthetics Inc.), Elliot Nitkin(Art Works Gallery), Artists: Sheila Romalis,Ilanna Sharon Mandel, Sidi Schaffer, SimaElizabeth Shefrin, and Ryadh Hashim (HashimStudios).

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Abe & Elaine Charkow Endowment Fund for Immigrant Services

Alvin & Ellen Cohen Family Endowment Fund

B'nai B'rith Endowment Fund

Barry Corrin Endowment Fund

Community Endowment for Poverty Relief

Jody & Harvey Dales Family Endowment Fund

Ben & Esther Dayson Endowment Fund

DeLange Endowment Fund

Diamond Family/JFSA Endowment for Poverty Relief& Senior Services

Ethan Filisof Memorial Endowment Fund

Dorothy Freedman Endowment Fund

Martin Gerber Endowment Fund

The Naomi Fund, in memory of Naomi Gropper Steiner

John Gort Memorial Endowment Fund

Edwina & Paul Heller Endowment Fund

Rachel Hayward Endowment Fund

Jewish Family Service Agency Endowment Fund

Jewish Family Service Agency Fund

Len & Mollie Korsch Family Endowment Fund

Katz Family Endowment Fund

Fanny, Sylvia & Etta Keel Endowment Fund

Mick & Tilly Lawrence Endowment Fund

Bonnie Lerman Children's Endowment Fund

Isabel Lever Helping Hand Endowment Fund

Levitt Romalis Family Endowment Fund

Sarah Lipovsky Endowment Fund

Naimark Family Endowment Fund

Rosengarten Family Fund for the Jewish Food Bankin Honour of Frieda Blumenfeld

Annette Rothstein Endowment Fund

Harley Rothstein Family Fund

Greg & Melanie Samuels Family Endowment Fund

Ari Shiff & Carla van Messel Family Fund

Max Schachter Family Endowment Fund

Phyliss & Irving Snider Endowment Fund

Kay & Max Walters Educational Endowment Fund

Miriam White Endowment Fund

Jack Wolfe Endowment Fund

Drs. Mordehai & Hana, and Ariel & Daniel Wosk Family Endowment Fund

Ellen & Barrie Yackness Endowment Fund

Garry & Lisbeth Zlotnik Family Endowment Fund

B’nai Brith Non-Sectarian Community Food Bank

City of Vancouver

Claims Conference Successor Organization

Conference on Jewish Material Claims

Diamond Foundation

Jewish Community Foundation

Jewish Education Service of North America

Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver

Jewish Immigrant Aid Society

Jewish Women International

Jewish War Veterans of Canada

Law Foundation of BC

Lohn Foundation

Mazon Canada

Ministry of Multiculturalism

National Council of Jewish Women

Al Roadburg Foundation

United Way of the Lower Mainland

Vancouver Coastal Health Authority

Vancity Community Foundation

Vancouver Foundation



Grants, Foundations &Community Support

Page 11: Annual Report 2005 Title - Jewish Family Services · 2 305-1985 W. Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 4Y3 tel. 604.257.5151 fax. 604.257.5148 Jewish Family Service Agency Lani Levine, President


JFSA extends sincere gratitude to everyone who helped make the inaugural Innovators Lunch a greatsuccess. Thank you to our sponsors, table captains, volunteers, and all of the guests who attended.

JFSA launched the inaugural Innovators Lunch on April 4, 2005 at The Fairmont Hotel Vancouver. Thekeynote speaker was internationally renowned architect, Daniel Libeskind.


Innovators Lunch

Naomi Gropper Steiner

Program SponsorGlotman•Simpson Group of Companies

Associate SponsorsAusteville Properties Ltd.Bank Leumi Le-IsraelCadillac Fairview Corporation Ltd.Canadian Meeting Professionals Inc.Phillips, Hager & North Investment Management Ltd.

Vancity CapitalVibrance Alive Entertainment Inc.

Supporting SponsorsFarris, Vaughan, Wills & Murphy LLPKPMG LLPPacBlue Digital Reprographics Inc.Progressive Construction Ltd.Rennie Marketing SystemsThe Joseph Segal Family FoundationSweet Obsession Cakes & Pastries Ltd.

In memory of Naomi Gropper Steiner z’lCo-Chair, Innovators Lunch 2005

Naomi dedicated so much of her limited energy and time,during the final months of her life to ensure the success of ourinaugural Innovators Lunch. She was a dedicated volunteer,board member, and community advocate for JFSA.

The JFSA Board, and Naomi's family and friends established anendowment fund at the Jewish Community Foundation calledThe Naomi Fund, in memory of Naomi Gropper Steiner to provide,in perpetuity, support to needy families and individuals facingmedical crises.

As of October 31, 2005 over 500 individuals had donated more than $85,000 to this Endowment Fund.

“Naked we come into this world, and naked we leaveit; after all our toil, we carry away nothing -

except the deeds we leave behind.” RASHI

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Donors September 1, 2004 to August 31, 2005

FAMILY VISIONARYAnonymousAusteville Properties LtdBetty AverbachBank Leumi Le-IsraelCadillac FairviewCorporation Ltd.Canadian MeetingProfessionals Inc.Jody and Harvey DalesCharles and IsabelleDiamondGordon and Leslie DiamondJill Diamond and AndrewAbramowichSidney and Marie DoduckEstate of Max MeyerFarris, Vaughan, Wills &Murphy LLPHoward and Phyllis GerberArlene Gladstone andHamish CameronGlotman•Simpson Group ofCompaniesGeoffrey and MyriamGlotmanBarry and Lauri GlotmanLorne Greenberg and EstherChetnerBrent James and DeborahYoungsonIvor and Gaynor LevinBill and Risa LevineJack Lutsky and SusanMendelsonPeter Lutsky and ShariGoldman-Lutsky and FamilyPacific InternationalSecurities Inc.Phillips, Hager & North Investment ManagementLtd.Lola RoadburgAbe and Leyla SacksGreg and Melanie SamuelsElizabeth Schatz and AdrianLevyCharles and Elaine ShnierJulian and Norma SmithSnowflakeNorma and George SteinerRonald and Janet SternVancity CapitalVibrance AliveEntertainment Inc.Mark Wexler and JudyOberlanderMyles Wolfe and BarbySolomon-WolfeHeather WolfeJack Wolfe (z'l) EstateNaomi WolfeYosef Wosk

VISIONARYAnonymous536210 BC LimitedAceman FamilyDavid and Shelley AilEric and Anne AndrewGary and Diane AverbachBank Otsar Ha-HayalJeffrey and Hildy BarnettAllan and Bonnie BelzbergSydney BelzbergIzaak and Julyet BenbasatMichael and Kristina BermanBMO Nesbitt and BurnsSuzanne BoltonWilliam BoultbeeLeon BroitmanPaula Brook and ShawSaltzbergBrook DevelopmentPlanning IncBarry and Marsha BrovenderGraham and Linda BrownChristopher FoundationHugh CochlinConcert Properties LtdConcord PacificDavis & CompanyCraig and Carrie DiamondArthur and Judith DodekMannie and Armelle DrukerLouis and Marion EismanEnterprise Rent-a-CarAlfonso and Lori ErgasEstate of William KolbergMichael FellmanStephen FittermanBrian and Caroline FoleyMarkus and Janet FraniekBrad Freedman and PamelaWolfmanThelma FreedmanMax and Margaret FugmanMichael and Kathi FugmanEdgar and Marilyn GaerberStephen and Shari GaerberDavid and Clara GinsburgNorman Gladstone andBirgit WestergaardGlassman Investments Ltd.Martin and Esther GlotmanKen and Faye GoldenIrving and EvelynGoldenbergLarry and Paula GoldenbergGrandview Holdings andGeorge GordonMiriam Gropper and DavidWhiteleyMitchell and Lynne GropperGerry Growe and NomiKaplanGrowth Works Capital Ltd.Walter and Lois Gumprich

Hanson FoundationMichael and Sandra HaydenPaul and Edwina HellerSella HellerMartha HenleyGregory and Zena HenriquezRichard and Carol HenriquezBud and Cheryl HermanJoyce HermanJames Holdings Ltd.Bill and Sharene JansenJewish War Veterans OfCanadaLynn KaganEvelyn KahnBarry and Susan KassenDavida KaterbergIrving and Sharon KatesJeremiah and Marni KatzSam and Sylvia KetchumKingswood CapitalCorporationJeff and Wendi KleinTed and Debby KoffmanBeverley Kort and RaySchachterKPMG LLPHarold KrivelKeith and Rosalind LambertDavid Landsberg and TamaraShenkierLaw Society of BCEmployeesRobert and Lily LeeJack and Libby LeshgoldMyrna LevinLohn Foundation and JackKowarskyRalph MarkinRobert MarkinBradley and Peppa MartinGeorge and Dani MateMcCarthy TetraultFoundationDavid and Deedee MindellMax and Cyndi MintzbergJefferson MooneyJosephine NadelArnold NemetzHarvey OreckDavid Panar and BeaGoldbergDavid Paperny and AudreyMehlerPacBlue DigitalReprographics Inc.Norman and Lola PawerJoshua Pekarsky and MarlaGuralnickSylvia PolskyMichael Potter and NaomiVossProgressive Construction Ltd.Martin Puterman

Susan QuastelMichael ReichRennie Marketing SystemsHoward and Donna RibackRichmond Country Club andLadies Exec. CommitteeEd and Ricki RothmanCarl RothschildAnnette RothsteinHarley Rothstein and EleanorBoyleMark Rozenberg and LynnKaplanDavid SacksKato SchafferScotia McLeod Inc.The Joseph Segal FamilyFoundationZev and Elaine ShafranAri Shiff and Carla vanMesselBernard and Lee SimpsonIrving and Marcia SirlinEric SonnerRosa Stern (z'l)Peter SuedfeldSweet Obsession Cakes &Pastries Ltd.Isaac Thau and JudyBronfman-ThauThe University of BritishColumbia EmployeesVancouver FoundationVancouver Talmud TorahIrwin VinegarElizabeth VogtCharles and JoanneWeinbergWestcoast Reduction Ltd.Norman and Jeannie WexlerRobert and Carol WiensBob Willmot and SharonHarowitzEthel WissAvi WoskJohn and Beatrice ZackTed Zacks and Linda MannZacksJay and Kim ZipurskyGarry and Lisbeth Zlotnik

CHAMPIONAnonymousRichard and Darlene AmesClifford and Surella AmesJudi Angel and Colin MalletAndre and Sheila AnzarutSara ArbelNorman and Sheila ArcheckValeriy Arustamov and IrynaLikholatnikovaSteve Barer and SusanAlbersheimPhilip and Lori Barer

JFSA has attempted to ensure that a complete and accurate listing of all donors has beenpublished. Please call 604.257.5151 if you have any questions about a listing

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DonorsBastion Development Corp.Brian and Sidnee BellBarrett BennyJacob BergenPeter BrownBull, Housser & Tupper LLPKeith and Leslie BurrellSheldon and MarilynChandlerPhilip and Carol ChernovIan Cohen and MichelleGelfandJoseph and Frances CohenBabs CohenSidney and Sally ColemanWilliam Cullen and SandraCohenIrving and Rhoda DardickConstance DevineReva and Al DexterDaniel and Michelle DodekBarry Dunner and Su TFittermanSylvia Eibschutz andEibschutz Family FoundationAryeh and Deborah ElbazDaryl and Lynn EppMichael and CatherineEpsteinAlan Farber and Felicia FolkCharles and Krayna FeinbergHoward and Arlyne FensterHerbert and ShirleyFittermanAncie FouksWalter FranclNorman and Marlene FranksDavid FreemanDaniel FriedmanMorry and Leana GaerberLarry and Miri GarawayDaniel and Faye GelbHarry and Maxine GelfantLeon and Leila GetzMonte and Marcy GlanzbergLeon and Rose MarieGlassmanBen and Nancy GoldbergDavid and Catherine GoldenMurray GoldmanDavid and Tanis GoldmanPaul and Claudia GoldmanArnold and Claire GolumbiaGoran Holdings Ltd.Sheldon GreenPeter and Marla GropperDaniel SteinerGuild, Yule and CompanyRahel HalabeAlan Hamilton and Patti LeeMarfleetSam Hanson and MarilynMossElizabeth Harrison

Eric HassallAlexander and DarleneHayneDavid and Chela HermanArt Hister and Phyllis SimonBernard and Marilyn HooperSheldon and Arlene HowardJack and Evelyn HubermanHoward and Marjorie IsmanMichael and Gail JamesMichael and Reva KalefFrank and Freda KaplanDavid KatesPhil and Sheila KernEdward KleinbardMorley and Myrna KoffmanRick Kohn and Dana SairRobert and Marilyn KrellEdwin and Susan KroftJack and Roslyn KuninSarah Lesk and Nassa SelwynAdeera Levin and MorleyFaberLani Levine and AndrewThomYariv and Orly LipkaHerbert and EvelynneLoomerStan and Jean LubinAllyson Mackay-DunnHarley and Leslie MackoffCarole MalkinJanos and Noni MateRachel MayerWilliam and Carly DawnMcFetridgeJohn McLernonFrieda Miller and DanielShapiroDarrell MindellRobert MindenAndre MolnarSalomon Mondlak and KatheIzen-MondlakHarold and Florence MorrisRochelle MossMusson Cattell MackeyPartnershipRonald NachtEileen NarodElizabeth NarodNational Council For JewishWomenJeffrey NordenPeter and CorneliaOberlanderMichael O'KeefePacBlue DigitalReprographics Inc.Pacific North AmericanDevelopmentDaniel and Trudy PekarskyAlan PelmanJoan Pinkus and Marc Levine

Hershey and Yvette PorteMichelle PullanLyle and Rosaline PullanMaurice RaphaelZena RebakShelley Rivkin and GlennBullardGary and Sheila RomalisWilliam and Ruth RossBrock RowlandNorman and MaureenSandersAlexander and MonaSandomirskyRoberto and PatriciaSchwartzShaarey Tefilah SynagogueSam Shamash and TracyPennerHoward and Elayne ShaprayJon SigurdsonNeil SimcesJack SnidermanRichard SontzHoward and Sunni SteinPaul and Edie SteinbokBarry and Ronnie TesslerThe Chaim Zbar FoundationUnited WayMaelor and Muriel VallanceDavid and Fely WaltersJermaine WhiteAlan Woolf and LenoreAcemanBruce WrightSaul Wyne and HeatherHoldingsDavid ZackJuliet Zacks

GUARDIANAnonymousABC Recycling LtdElaine AdairPhilip and Gladys AdilmanAldrich/Pears AssociatesMorris and Arliss AltmanClaude BaderMegan BakonyiRichard and Helene BalfourPeter and Shirley BarnettNorman and Vivien BascoRoberta Beiser and AllanBlackIzak and Julyet BenbasatNiels BendtsenCharles BentallJonathan and HeatherBerkowitzKen and Sally BerryGeraldine BielyMartin and Darcy BillinkoffRanda BloomMargaret Mullinger Bogoch

Box Interior Design Inc. andCynthia PennerDoris Bradstreet DaughneySandra BresslerChuck Brook and MargotParisKen and Lee Ann BryantMyron and Ros CalofEve CamermanFred CavanaghDavid Chercover and JoanneVincentMerwin and SharonChercoverSheldon and Jane CherryGordon and Joyce CherryChesterman Property GroupInc.Harvey ChisickChristopher Bozyk ArchitectsLtd.David and Judy CoblinGary and Linda CohenCollins Barrow and GordonDuffRobert and Hilary CooperBob CooperPeter and Jean CooperbergAllan and Jenny CorenblumMarshall and Sally CramerJodi and Alex CristallCreo Inc.Sims Daniel and Patricia ThielTony and Ruth DavidHymie and Fay DavisIsadore and Valerie DiamondChuck and Jodi DiamondMyron and Lorna DonnerEinblau and AssociatesMia EssopMiriam and Rafael FilosofArnold and Susan FineMichael FishMartin and Paulette FishmanLionel Fishman and ShirleyMorrisEstelle FogellDon ForsgrenKenneth and Gail FoxDavid FrankelSydney FratkinKen and Roberta FreedmanDouglas and Ruth FreemanDiane Friedman and MarkLiedemannAllen and Shari GaerberWilliam Galloway and SusanFreedmanMarsha GarfinkelBen and Barbara GelfantMichael and Sally GellerHarvey and Jean GerberDaniella Givon and BernardPinsky

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DonorsHarley and Karen GlesbyNorman and Linda GoldMyer and Reita GoldbergJohn and Shawna GoldbergFran GoldbergSusan Golden and JeffreyKleinHerb and Binny GoldmanRobert GoldsteinGerald Goldstein and GailWhitleyDavid Goodman and LilianBrocaTevy Goodman and HelenNadelLisa Goodman and MauriceWolinHarry and Effie GordonBruce and Sondra GreenHarry and Jeanette GreenhutHarold and MarlaGrobermanMarjorie GrobermanZora GropperDaniel and Tamara GropperAbe and Doreen GrossmanRonald HaeblerLawrence and BarbaraHalparinEllen Hamer and GaryRichmondSamuel and Lilly HamerAsher HamerMorris and MarelynnHarowitzArthur and Arlene HayesKitty HellerStephen Herman and EvelynNeamanEileen HertzmanAlan HitelmanCarter HohmannSimma HoltDavid and RowenaHubermanJack and Shirley HymanLinda Yael InyNelson JacoboJames Hoggan & AssociatesInc. and Jim HogganJames K.M. Cheng ArchitectsIncSharon KahnMichael Karton and BarbaraHellerMel KaushanskyAlan and Inga KayStephen and Sandra KayeHenry and Irene KingSidney and Lynn KirsonJoseph and Irene KleinRonald and Liese KleinfeldDavid and Judi KorbinLeonard and Mollie Korsch

Shirley KortAnne KraussAlicija Kudyba and PaulMaurerMilton and Roslyn LachmanHarold and Patricia LaimonMichelle LallyLucy LauferGerald LecovinHall and Carol LeirenAnna LeithMarty LemishHarold and Tobi LenettSarah Levine and Max CollettTilley LevineCaroline LevyLyall and Cynthia LevyLoy and Erica LeylandIvan and Merle LindeLoc Financial Life InsuranceAgency Inc.Mark and Gerri LondonAnnie Low-BeerAlbert MackoffArturo and Marcela ManesInge ManesTzipora MannDanna Marks and WilliamClarkRodney and Lynne MasselRobert and Alicia MatasGabor and Rae MateRichard Menkis and CathieBestPaul and Cheryl MeyersMorton and Grace MickelsonBrian and Roberta MickelsonJack and Karen MicnerFred and Rose MikelbergAngela MillerLuis and Esther MogyorosMolnar Housing Ltd. andAndre MolnarMichael and PhyllisMoscovichMelvin MossDora NagelAlison Narod and Ross RosePeter NemetzMarlie NewbertTabala OreckPeter and Carol OreckJackie and Robert OstenClarine OstroveP K Blustein ProfessionalCorp.Panther ConstructorsLimitedDaniel PeiserAlan and Liane PeretzHans and Anne PhilippPhilips Investments Ltd.Marion PoliakoffDavid and Debbie Porte

Reva PotashinLisa and Brent PullanDoug and Lana PulverRona and David RadlerRoman and Mina RaivichNan RavvinGilda Rayburn and DavidBatistRonald and Judy RemickGeoffrey and Jane RemockerLarry Rice and Joanne ShepsSelina and Dan RobinsonHarry and Jeanette RoitbergWilliam and Kay RosenfeldBrian and Gloria RosnerLarry and Alison RotenbergP. Bernard RoweRoyal LePage Advisors IncEdward and Natalie RozenAndrew Rozen and JuliKennedyDaniel RubinHester RumbergHerman and NormaSaltzbergDevra SamsonStephen SchachterGary SchajerStanley and Shirley SchwartzMichael ScottLex and Carol SearsJoseph and Rosalie SegalRalph SegalAnita ShafranYale ShepJill ShoreDanny and RuthieShugarmanRalph and Linda ShulmanAlan ShusterCecil and Ruth SigalMarilee Sigal and AvihuNachmaniRobert and Ellen SilvermanAnna SimpsonRonald and Carol SlaterMoshe and Isabelle SomekhStantec Consulting LtdWayne SteinJeffrey SteinGerald and Sheila SternJulius and Shelagh StollerGideon and Renate StuhlerRyerson SymonsThe Abbarch PartnershipStephen and Susan TickFred Tischler and AimeePromislowBarry and Wendi VaislerEdith VizerArlaina WaismanStanley WallachDan and Barbara WatermanMalcolm and Judy Weinstein

Elsa WeinsteinMark Weintraub Margret and WilliamWellingtonCarl and Judi WenerKenneth and Janet WerkerRosemarie WertschekMark Winston and SusanKatzJeff Witten and Jane StollerBessie WolfeJerry and Sandra WolfmanLouis WoolfCharles and Dale WormeliSaul WoskMordehai and Hana WoskJames WrightPhil and Corinne YachtEvan and Toni YatesLyn and Alan YorkTodd Young and CatherineNelsonSari Zack-WeintraubMichael and Lianne ZaitzowAlex Zbar and CharleneGoldsteinMiriam Zbarsky

ADVOCATEAnonymousTrudy AdelmanMiles and Anne AlpersteinJack Amar and DeborahRoitbergLes and Tracy AmesEgon and Ria AndreMurray AtnikovJack Austin and NatalieFreemanLester and Sandy BakerMorris and Rachel BarerDean Bauman and ArleneJamesDevony BauthElliot BelkinRodney and Hilary BensonKeith Bergner and AngelaStadelGerald and Sheila BermannLinda BlanksteinMorris and Sandi BojmJanet BoltonVictor BonaneJack and Tannis BoxerJake and Jillian BoxerMichael BrauerBernice BravermanGregg Buss and CatherineMcNeelyJohn and Ruth CampbellRandy and Martha CassBurton and Carole CharkMelvin and Elaine CharkowYale and Sandra Chernoff

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Rob ChetnerTrudi CoblenzRonald and Beverley CorberLorne and Sylvia CristallReuben CrollJanet Currie and Tim RobertsMelbin DaviesGordon DavisMelvin and Geraldine DavisEleanor DavisPhilip and Iris DaysonPaul and Carol DeyongNathan Divinsky and MarilynGoldstoneMalcolm ElliotJoanne EmermanTed and Amanda EndeanCaroline FaderSam Feldman and Janet YorkGail FeldmanEric Fielder and DeborahSniderSherold and Shirley FishmanIzak and Lili FolkTamara FrankelMaureen FreedmanHelen and Alan FromeLarry Garfinkel and SandiKarmelSaul and Ethel GelfandKaren Gelmon and PeterBusbyMartin and Michelle GerberDerek and Marilyn GlazerStephanie Glotman and BradMuntSheldon Goldberg andDebbie Kahane GoldbergSid and Dora GoldenMarianne GoldstickMorey GorbackLyndsay GreenMorley GreeneJoel and Judy GrobermanSamuel GutmanHarry and Gloria HarrisRobert and Susan HectorCecil and Ruth HershlerGabriel and Shirley HirschPatricia HluchyAnne HolmesGerald and Anne HudsonBette-Jane Israels andStephen SimonEvelyn JacksonSimon and Raisie JacobsonKathleen Jones and PaulDaltropHoward and Rosalind KarbyMickey and Shay KeilRobert Kemeny and SusanJung KemenyAlan Kenney and HeatherSirlin

Morton and Jackie KnazanHumphry KochBen and Dolly KopelowGordon and Debra KopelowHerrietta KostmanMel Krajden and VitaKolodnyPaul Krause and SimaGodfreyGerald and Jackie KrystalJerry and Susan LampertGary and Rhea LazarEvelyn LazareDonna LernerShanie LevinSeymour and AlbertaLevitanShawn and Shoshana LewisJudy LeznoffLeonard and Judi LibinLucien and CaroleLiebermanLeah Lipton and EdwardKoralPerry and Emmy MaerovKim MaileyDaniel and Judy MajewskiDavid and Judy MandlemanJenifer MathesonChaim and Susie MicnerSven MilelliNorman and Sandra MillerLloyd and Lea MinovitchMacey and Shelley MorrisEarl and Adele MossDave MowatBob MuirRichard MunroLeonard and Sylvia NarodKen NewbertNorske Skog Canada Ltd.Neil and Donna OrnsteinGeorge and Anne OstryMax and Leona PinskyMelvin and Reata PolskyMatilda PorteRobert and Lois RaphaelHindy RatnerViolet ReddyMichael ReedSarah RichmanBarry Rivelis and KirstenTisdaleJason RiversMelody and Yoel Robens-ParadiseJack and Jenny RootmanHelene RosenRichard Rosenberg andSheryl AdamEd and Deborah RozenbergWilliam RuskinSarah RuskinWilliam Ryan

Ralph and ElaineSchwartzmanReisa SchwartzmanDavid and Esther SegalArnold and Nassa SelwynMorley and Fay ShafronDavid Shefsiek and BlaineHendsbeeSandy and Marlee SheininMichael Shuster and TaraHallgrenArnold Silber and AnitaPerelman-SilberGary and Karen SimkinAlan and Marsha SimmonsGordon SlobinShael and Carlotta SmithSodican (B.C.) Inc.Marc and Eva SternEric Stine and Eric StineArchitect Inc.Tom Szekely and JaniceMasurRoger TaplinDavid and Judie TarnowLinda TenenbaumBette ThompsonArthur ToftFrieda UllmanSam and Sally VeinerUlrika WallersteinerMarvin and Rita WeintraubRobert and Lillian WennerNorman and Barbara WhiteJan Whitford and MichaelStevensonEarl and Anita WinestockLouis and Ibolya WinklerSam and Randi WinterTova Wolinsky and RyanBergerMark and Laurie ZlotnikSam Znaimer and LesleyStalkerNorman Zottenberg andNorman I. ZottenbergArchitectureLinda Zysblat

COMPANIONAnonymousA.T. Kearney Ltd.Jack and Lolita AaronKen and Jana AbramsonArnold and CaroleAbramsonMargaret Terry AdlerHelen AlkoJoel and Lynne AltmanWilliam and Debby AltowPeter ArbuckleDebbie Archeck and RobBergida

Ronald Argue and CatherineHowdenMayer and Heather AronsonArts UmbrellaValerie AsmouchaMichael and Claire AverbachMariah AvrahamLee and Patricia BacchusJoost BakkerBakonyi Holdings Ltd.Michael and Elena BakstVirginia BaldwinMichael and Dvori BalshineChristopher BardonDorothy BarkleyBC Hydro ConstructionAlec and Ruth BeckerJeffrey and Charlotte BellTom BellHarvey and EstherBerenbaumJoel BermanStan and Nancy BernbaumStephen Bernstein and LilianWrightWerner and Ingrid BickJohn BlackMaud BlitzBarney and Ginny BloomRobert and Nancy BlumanJohn and Paula BoddieAmalia BoeJack and Linda BogdonovJean BortnickBreakers Holdings Ltd. andArt SzajmanJack and Beverly BrezerRussell and Barbara BrinkBritish Columbia SecuritiesCommissionRose BrookTony BrookstoneLawrence and Janie BrownJames and Cynthia BruceMarney BuckwoldRuth BuckwoldAndrew BuddJames BusseyMarnie CarterSandra Chamberlain- SniderCindy CharkowChartek Consultants Ltd.Dorothy ChechikStephen CheikesGillian ChettyDeena Chochinov and EricPosenJeff ChristiansonHelen ClareAnita ClareRichie ClarkSherwin CohenEric CohenPearl and Sam Cohen


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DonorsTheodore and Shirley CohnPaul ColemanRobert and Helen ColemanJonathan and Carol-AnnColleyBernie and Lisa ConnAxel and Millie ConradiSharon CooperGoldie CooperbandJerry CowanMarilyn CoxCarol Cruickshank and JamesLisserBarry and Barbara CutlerWilliam and Billie DavidsLee DavisMargaret DebbaneMarcus DellMoshe DenburgDGBK ArchitectsLeonard DoustDevaki Drache and DracheFoundation Ltd.Geoffrey Druker andRozanne KipnesBarbara DuncanBrady DunlopErrol and Edna DurbachLillian DworkinEasywash Inc.Mark EhmanPerry and Marilyn EhrlichDavid and Anne ElliottJack ElsonStephen EmermanAndrew EpsteinJoseph and Cecilia ErgasLeonor EtkinJohn and Susan EvansNorman and Faye FagesMorris FaigenDavid FarrellJoe FayermanPauline Fedder and JeffQuonShelly Feld and HarrietDrukerSheldon and Pearl FeldmanJean FiedlerStuart and Rosalie FineAaron and Diane FinemanNorton and Tessie FinkelsteinGina FiorilloRob FiorventoNevin and Kathryn FishmanWendy FouksHymie and Rome FoxIzzy FraemeAnn FransblowDavid and DeborahFreedmanDavid FreemanJohn and Marta FriesenRobert Fung

Mark GalbraithJames and KathleenGallagherDavid GalpinJoseph Garcia and CatherineHeathLenore GarfieldIvan and Laurie GasoiNeil GelderLenore GelfandMark and Corinne GelferDanny GelmonAl GelmonJoe and Marion GelmonSheila GendisStephen and Esther (Bonnie)GertsmanKenneth GillespieLeonard GlassFrederick Glick and PaigeAxelroodHillel Goelman and SherylSorokinMyer and Reita GoldbergJeffrey and DeanneGoldbergCharles and Beverley GoldenMyron and Hilde GoldenBrian and Tiki GoldenbergEarl GoldsteinMoishe GolubchukDavid GomberoffRob and Lori GradHarvey GrahamDora GrayMolline GreenRami and Varda GreenbergAdele GreenbergSandy GreenfeldJeffrey and MicheleGrobermanLouis and Miriam GrossmanJoachim and Gaby GrubnerRuben and Brenda GrubnerDan and Barbara GumprichManfred and CorrineGumprichJoel Guralnick and Iris SharirPenny GursteinGary and Gloria GutmanVictoria HabererHans and Marianne HaeblerMarnie Halter and AaronDelrizzoAllan and Robyn HansonEarl and Rosalie HardinBill and Minerva HardingHoward and Trudy HarowitzGordon HarrisAlan HartJoshua and Kimberly HauserSandy HazanBarbara Hazlett

George and JaneHeffelfingerVicky HellerJohn HemsworthDonald and Gloria HendinAbraham and Anne HershAshley HilliardMel HimelDennis and Joyce HoffmanMimi HollenbergDonna Kay HollenbergSandra HollenbergAlvin and Eleanor HornsteinNorman HotsonMarvin and Ruth HubermanTrevor and Dawn HurwitzRonald and BeverleyImermanThomas IsaacRalph and Barbara JamesJewish Community CentreJewish CommunityFoundation of GreaterVancouverJoseph and Lisa Kahn-TietzMaxime KalfonKen Karasick and RamonaJosephson-KarasickAndrew and Roma KatzNaomi KatzStephen KatzJohn KayRoss and Ann KennedyTim KennishDavid KhanMichael and Bonnie KleinJosh and Rowena KleinmanDavid and Gerry KlineStanford and Seda KorschJeff and Alana KorsunskyHarry and Tillie KositskyRuth KraminskyCharles Krieger and AlisaLipson-KriegerLouise Krivel and PaulWilliamsPeter and Gail Krivel-ZacksKirk Christian KuesterClive and Lesley KupritzSusan LabelWilliam and PamelaLachmanPaul and Lesley LambertElana LancitMendy and Lana LandaSuzanne LandoMorris and Tannis LankDavid Lank and ConstanceSmithPaul LaroqueIrv Laskin and Naomi KronitzGlenn Laufer and ElaineKleinJonathan Lazar

Celia LazzarinMerton LechtzierAlan LeeDaniel LeipnikHarriett Lemer and RonEinblauRobert LemonGary Lenett and Karen ErgasIrvin and Celia LernerEva LesserGary and Barbara LetcherAlan and Barbara LeverJoan LeviJack and Shirley LevineShar LevineDan Levitt and Lisa RomalisGary LewisRobert and Fanny LewisKalmann and AliceLindenbergerJoan LipmanBrent Lokash and LoriWeingartenMark and Gerri LondonStephen LowryErnie and Lynn LuttermanBena LuxtonAlan and Helen MaberleyAlex and Ketty MagilHoward MalchyNeil MandlemanClifford MargolisSimon and Janice MargolisStephen MarksAdrianne MarskellLorraine MartinSam and Fraidie MartzMiriam MatoffHugh MatthewsGloria and Norman MayFiona McArdleCharters and PatriciaMcCullochHeather McDonald and JackOlsenBob McDonaldDon McGregor and KellyKorbinElaine McIntoshJack and Betty MendelsohnWilliam and Lola MendelsonRobert and Elke MermelsteinPaul and Peggy MeyerJohn and Leslie MickelsonLinda MilesAlbert and Dorothy MillerAnton MillerRandall MilnerMarla MilradEli and Michelle MinaYoram MinnesJulie Molnar

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Sarah Morgenstern and ToddHargartenThomas MortonIsrael and Sheila MoskovitchCathy Moss and AlvinWassermanJeff and Lainie MossSandra MoussadjiBenjamin and Toby MoylsLouise MummeryHugh & Patricia MurrayMichael and Joice MyersNancy Stern Inc.Tazeem NathooDawn and Rodger NelsonMadeleine NelsonLillian NemetzKenneth and MaureenNeumanEdward NevinsAlison NgIrving and Betty NitkinMarty and Elaine NixonOaxaca Law CorporationWendy OberlanderBernard OlfmanZoe OreckClaire OsipovOsler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPMaurice and Mona PackerEric and Bonnie PaetkauPeter PagnanIan PalmBrian PalmquistDavid ParkerVijay ParmerJill PereiraRenia PerelJack and Henia PerelHarvey and Connie PermackPeter Cardew ArchitectsEarl PhillipsLeah Pomerantz and MarkGurvisAlf and Naomi PriceJan PrinzmetalNancy PuttermanDavid and Lila QuastelBruce and Rowena RaberConrad RademakerCraig RademakerRBC Dominion SecuritiesRBC Royal BankIssie and Marlene ReislerKirsten ReiteJoyce ResinMarlene RistaAdele RitchIrvin RivkinGeorge and Sally RoadburgTobin Robbins and SandraLee BroudyTony Robins

Vicki Robinson and NomiFensonAbraham RogatnickManuel and Merle RootmanGladys RoseJoel and Linda RoseMark Roseland and SusanLaurie DayBen and Ruth RosenbaumGideon and AnnemarieRosenbluthAndrew and JoyRosengartenElken and Doreen RosenhekMolly RossJohn and Susan RothschildRalph and Vivian RothsteinBarbara RubanenkoJonathan Rubenstein andMary Ann CummingsToby and Sid RubinClare SaadienJeff and Dina SacksAaron and Dessa SadovnickRicardo and Ana SalomonMoe SamuelGreg and Melanie SamuelsBarry SandersHarvey SandomirskyMyra SaslaffMaurice and BerthaSchachterDarwin SchandorMel & Reisa SchneiderBrendan SchouwLouis and Friedah SegalSamuel SegalPerry and Shelley SeidelmanBrian and Shelley SeidmanJennifer SeltonEzra Semach and LindaCivkinVictor and Jennifer SettonSeva Realty Advisers Ltd.Robert SewellAnnette ShafronStanley and Roberta ShapiroJoel Guralnick and Iris SharirAllan and Eve SheftelSam ShepsMitchell ShermanCraig ShirrellMegan Shortreed andLawrence AustinSide Track PubHerbert and Barbara SilberJanet SilverJoel SilvermanDavid SilversScott SmytheMitchell SniderMichael and Susan SoleMarvin and Lois StarkRichard and Edith Stevenson

Ruth StewartPatrick StewartNorman and Janet StreatRonald and Wendy StuartJack and GeraldineSugarmanJohn SullivanEva SwartzWilliam and Frances SwitzerPhil and Diane SwitzerRenee SwitzerSam SzajmanTech 1 Hair DesignCorporationThe BC Lions SocietyJudy ThielLyle ThompsonBluma TischlerNeri and Aron TischlerDeborah ToazeTonko Realty Advisors (BC)Ltd.Alan TreleavenGerald and Marni TrittNancy TrottGeorge TsamisGeorge and Muriel TurnerNora TyndelBernard UncykPeter Uram and BarbaraWhyteMichael UrbaniVancouver SunMaurice and Helen VenoPierre VigneaultDon VinerOleg and Tania VinitskyAndrew and Rina VizerLaura Wanamaker andMichael Hugh KorbinWarnham Estates Ltd.Eric WattBarbara WeiserKen and Marion WelchPaul WhitneyMadge WiesmanRobert and Lea WilliamsIrvine WolakJennifer WolfIsidor and Harriett WolfeMorris and Esther WolinskyManley and Ruth WolochowDavid and Lisa WoogmanRita WredeCatherine YoungrenBarend ZackJudy ZaitzowGalina ZbrizherBruce and Joy ZienGerry and AndreaZimmerman


Ilan and Dina AcocaBecky and Alan AdirimCarey and Myra AdirimMac and Naomi AdlerJasmine AkbaraliSid and Ruth AkselrodJose and Maria AlmeidaRonald and Brenda AppletonFreda AquaLinda AratoB.C. Assn. of Social WorkersThomas and Judy BailliePaul and Rita BakanWayne and Lori BalshinLarry Barzelai and RhonaGordonAlan BassPaul BeckerJoel and Ilene-Jo BellasSandra BeltonBrent and Lynn BelzbergAbraham and Eva BenjaminBea BergerTibor and Agi BergidaJerry and Sylvia BerksonBrian BernsteinLynette BestLouis and Bella BevanAvi and Ellen BickCharles and Raymonde BigioGilles and Aida BildMarvin and Francine BinderStanley and Eve BlankEllen BlanksteinNicolaas BlomEllen BlumsteinMichael and Frida BoltianskyRichard Boretsky and KateGombergCharles BoroditskyAlan and Lisa BoroditskyEsther and Jeremy BraudeJoseph and Miriam BreitmanMyrna BuddAlexander Budlovsky andIrene GutmannRaylene BurkeRon and Martha BurnettMitchell BurnsteinNathan CannonAngie ChalkeCharlens and DhoreChallmieAbe CharkowLouis and Merle ChecovStephen ChercoverMorris and Mona ChernovSara CiacciShelley CivkinDavid ClarkMark and Susana CoganEllen CohenNeil CollettJulian and Maureen Collis


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Congregation Beth IsraelMichael and Claire ConradDonna CookeSamuel and MarionCotsmanJerry Couling and DominqueMichelMichael and Irina DanilkisJon and Orna DanzigRichard Davidson and GitaSilverKen and Linda DavisAzam DawoodGraeme and Ellen DearnleyBrian DemersMarian DewittBetty DivinskyPeter Dodek and Hella LeeMorton and Irene DodekAvi Dolgin and Ruth Hess-DolginDavid and Grace EhrlichRichard and Faye EliasLou ElkinMoiz and Bekye ElnekaveMark and Sylvie EpsteinRosa ErlichmanNorman and Phyllis EsonFrederick Fajardo and RobertDaumChristopher FalkJoey and Carol FeinsteinDenis FeldmanAgnes FesslerMark and Barbara FisherRobert and MarthenaFitzpatrickLarry and Claudia FladerBen and Rose FolkLeslie and Faith FouksClaire FoxDennis and NaomiFrankenburgThelma FreedmanEdith FreemanStacey and Mark FriedmanAriela FriedmannLillian FryfieldJoan GartnerEd GearberLaverne GelmonMary GofskySolomon GoldbergMartin GoldbergLila GoldinMyra GoldmanHarvey and Muriel GoldmanRuth GonorRuth GoodmanMarilynn GreeneGerrard and HalinaGreenstoneJudith GroweSorin and Paige Grunberg

Sonia GrusonClaudio and Lori GuincherHarry and Rochelle HammerQueenie HamovichSherry HansonHarry and Kathy HermanLayah HermanRafael and Raquel HirschReva HollanderVivian HollenbergVladimir and Anita HopnerStanley and Gail HurwitzJean-Jacques and Jane IsraelBrana JamesMaurice and Saree JarvisLiana JonesLinda JungPeter and Deborah KafkaIda KaplanSam and Mona KaplanOdie KaplanJack and Brenda KarpRobert KatesBill KatzLawrence and Elsie KatzBrian and Nadine KatzElsbeth KaufmannLouise KettlemanJoe Khalifa and NaomiYoungsonMichael KierszenblatEmerich KleinRuth and Brandelle KlimanMara KlineBrenda KnightBrian and Ann KramerJerry and Shirley KushnerRobert and Geraldine LairdRuth LairdRonald and Estarisa LayeLarry LeitnerGlenn LeungIsabel LeverKay LeveyStanley and Janet LevyNora LewinskiAnatoli LindermanRandy and Janice LingAlan LoomerDon and Myrtle MacPheeFannie MarantzEugene and Karla MarksRichard Markus and JudithSetton MarkusJonathan MasselWilliam MauriceAlbert and Anne MelulMicha MenczerMaja MendellBetsy MenkesAlex and Shirley MesburLarry and Tyla MeyerRoxanne MilavskyYa'akov Miles

Evelyn MillerMarc Millman and DorothyShaw-MillmanWarren and Andrea MilmanHarvey and Ruth MitchellDavid and Michal MivasairEsther MontefioreRita MorinMarla Morris and Alan LongSharon and Maxwell MortonWilliam and AdellaMoscovitzHoward and Terrie MossSean MuggahRaymond MusikanskyHartley and Marilyn NathanSheldon Nathanson andWendy RigbyDavid and Carmela NemesHymie and Lilian NeumanErin NicholasMichael and Vicki NorthyKevin and Marie O'NeillDina OrloffEd and Sandra OserDavid OstrowPatrice OuimetWilliam Park and BrynaCoppel ParkRose Parker and UsherHammerLeon and Fay PascallAlan and Sylvia PelmanEleanor Perry and SharonsFitting'sCharna PlottelJoseph and Alex PoliskyJude PolskyClare PrasowNetty ProstermanArlene QuintQuorum Business LawyersLeslie and Nicky RaphaelSol and Ann Ratner-WeinsteinMike and Samantha ReayPeter ReeseIrmgard ReimerFaye RiceFran RitchHelen RittbergHoward and AnnelieseRobensMarcel and KarolaRobitschekSusan Rome and Tom MillsRhonda RoseLon Rosen and MarilynHover RosenJoanne RosenbaumGeorge and YvonneRosenbergLeonard and DevorahRosenthall

Samuel and MiriamRothsteinCarla RubinEdward Rubin and ArleneChurchill-RubinGerry SairMaurice and FlorenceSalamaJudith SaltmanAlma SaltzmanHoward and Rosely SamuelsPhillip and Estelle SandersonTracey SandlerArthur and Susan ScaceMuren SchachterBernice SchacterSteven and Donna SchacterOlga SchwartzAubrey and CynthiaSchwartzGeraldine SchwartzHarvey and Sandra SecterLaurence and Robin SegalRobert SeligmanSusan ShamashBryan and Martina ShapiroStephen ShapiroHarry and Vera SherLeo and Anne ShimerlHenry ShindlerPaul and Rhoda ShinoffKayla ShoctorGoldie ShoreCal and Ellen ShumiatcherMargaret SilbergShirley SilverBarbara SilverSimon Fraser UniversityEmployeesBrian and Susan SimonsRobin SirettJosef and Vera SlyomovicsMark SmithDavid SmithSusan Sommers and PeterGeyerDavid and Geri SorinAnney and Morris SoronowIsrael and Raizel SpectorIrene SteinPhyllis StoesslBenno and Ilana StrummerAron SzajmanBernice TadmanJoseph and Isette TaubyStan and Reena TavissLionel TenbyAnne TerrissThe Hydrecs FundMauritz Vanderveen andJoan BerlowWilliam and JosephineVidaverRobert and Gloria Waisman


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Pierre and Sofia WalderKen and Carla WaldmanAl and Jill WalkerMarv WeislerTed Wenner and Zoe WiseJoseph Whitman and RuthWittmanLarry WineRobert and AndreaWinogradSandy and Barbara WohlRachel WoskPatricia WrightGertrude ZackAngelo ZappacostaAnne Zavalkoff and ToddMargolisCathy ZbarskyDeborah ZbarskyFred and Joyce ZemansRubin and Mala ZilbermanBarry and Sylvia ZimmermanIrvin and Esther ZipurskyGertrude ZivotHarold and Nancy ZlotnikFrancine Zucker-Carlin andRichard Carlin

FRIENDAnonymousMorris AaronSadie AbelsonDiane AcemanBernie and Claire AdelbergBen and Rita AkselrodSelma AlbersheimScott Alexander and AlisonBrookWilliam and Mona AllisterRuth and Sam AllmanAnnette AltmanBruce and Merle AmesLeslie and Iris AndrewsEsther-Rose AngelRaphael AraziSamuel Asmoucha andRachel MateAbe AverbachR. Babins and Carol PollockLen and Pauline BabinsRosa BaerwaldDoba BakerJ.R. and Ellen BarberieSheila BarkuskyMorris Barzilai and LisaLieberman BarzilaiRichard and Nance BassPeter and Myriam BayerthalRuth BayneBernadette BennettTim and Katie BennisonDavid and Nancy BerbrayerDavid and Ruth BergerMarshall and Marilyn Berger

Joan BerlowCharlotte BermanFrances BermanDavid and Cheryl BernsDavid BersonMarni BesserBeyond Sound and JordanZwickerFlorence BeytinPaul BildJerry and Estelle BleetGeorge and Cynthia BlumanLeon and Beth BognerKellie BornKay and Haideh BoroomandAmelia BoxerBrent and Robyn BraidwoodRichard BrailHerman and Rosa BrandtMartin and Janet BravermanPhilip and Cathy BregmanHenry and Barbara BrezerIra and Rhoda BrickellShelley BrookRick and Jo-Anne BrownRita BuckshonJoel and Jackie BullerRona CahenKay CamermanCanada HelpsCanadian Association ofFood BanksSheila CantorDavid CaplanMargot CarterPeter Caulfield andAssociatesNorman and Evelyn CharachNora CharlesBetty Charnaw and RonZelickNat ChelinCynthia CherryNorman and Shirley ChessAnne ChickBernard ChodosJeffrey and Vivian ClamanMindy CofmanSamuel and Pearl CohenBruce and Cecille CohenNaomi CohenAnita and Sonny CohenTamar CohenSaul and Sheila CohenLee and Sue CoheneBarry and Sandi CracowerHartley and Paula CramerStephen and Ellen CronkMarcena CroyDavid and Sandra CrystalSusan CurtisShelley DarjesAnita DavisSandy Davos

Sandie DerbyshireOra DermerAl and Dorothy DiamondOscar DirnfeldEidel DreishmerDaniel Drucker and CherylRosenSally DrukerRobert EhrlichConnie ElezamSarah EliasCissie EppelElaine EpsteinBarry and Myrna EpsteinNorman EpsteinHilda EverallDavid and Anna EzekielJoan Linda FaderDeborah FayermanMichael and Kitty FeldDavid FeldmanRisa FeldmanDavid and Barbara FeldsteinMaxine FischbeinIgal and Aliza FishmanJennie FouksHannah FrankelDale FratkinMary FreedmanBrad Freedman and PamelaWolfmanSydney and MarjorieFreedmanMonty and Eva FreedmanDavid and Yvette FreemanBernard and Joyce FreemanMiram FriedbergDesmond and PhillipaFriedlandRobin and Bev FriedlanderSteven Friedlich andGeorgine RosmanJanice FriedlichClaire and Markus FriedlichDiane FriedmanTheodora FriedmanThelma FriedmanElfriede FuchsSusan FugmanJoseph and Aranka GaborRebecca GaleLorraine and Sherman GaronDena and Elliott GelfandMuriel and Janna GinsbergMarvin and Elaine GivertzBill and Thora GladstoneKen and Linda GlasnerElliot and Janna GlassmanHarold and Zelda GlickSolly and Doreen GlobmanRuth GodlovitchHarry GoldJoe and Karyn GoldZelda Goldberg

Barbara GoldenbergSandy GoldmanAllan and Myrna GoldsteinRochelle GolumbiaKymn GoodmanTed and Molly GoodsonHarold GordonLawrence GordonDavid and Shannon GorskiSidney and Michelle GradEdmond and Pnina GranirerRobert and MarnieGreenwaldGustav and FrancesGrunbergMel and Pia GuralnickRicki and Doralynne GutkinHyman and Myra GutmanJulie GutovichHenry and Julie GutovichHarvey and Barbara HalperinMichael HareBooba HarowitzKeiko and Alain DavidHashimotoMartin and Sheila HectorMel and Marlene HershfieldSheila HersteinAllan HestrinLee and Susan HiltonKayla HockHerbert HoogeLouise HoutaJeff HubermanBarry Hyman and AnnicaCarlssonMichael and Sharon IsaacsonSaul and Lindsay IsserowCynthia JacobsGary and Ricki JacobsonKevan and Rikki JacobsonKevin and Kim JampoleDolly JampolskyAbe JampolskyDan Jepsen and AbbieMilavskyAlan and Debbie JeroffBernie JohalMindel KagnaAlice KalenskyBasil and Selma KallnerJoseph and Cheryl KalmekAbe and Mildred KaneeSidney and Shirley KaplanHarold KasinskyGoldie KassenBarry and Charlotte KatzenMaxine kaufmann-LacustaTeri KayLarry Kazdan and AndreaEngelGrigori KhaskinMiriam and Michael KleinBeverly Klein


Page 20: Annual Report 2005 Title - Jewish Family Services · 2 305-1985 W. Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 4Y3 tel. 604.257.5151 fax. 604.257.5148 Jewish Family Service Agency Lani Levine, President


Jeff and Wendy KleinTerry and Carol KlineMary KnoppFreda KoffmanSaul KohnBerthold KorberGerald and Audrey KornHarvey and Judy KornbluthNeil and Judy KornfeldSharon Kositsky and MarkFryfieldClaire KramerRichard and Carolyn KramerLee KrigerSamuel and Janine KriklerAshley KrismanArwen KuttnerBookie and Irving KwartAlbert and Gillian LagnadoStacey LedermanMarcie and Alan LernerSally LeskBonnie and Marshall LetcherMordechai and Seemah LeviDavid and Alma LeviLisa LevinSteve LevinRobert and Gisi LevittMarla Levy and MerrickTosefskyJack and Phyllis LewisMaurice LifchusLucy and Abe LigumskySteve LipariPhilip and Jennia LitskyHerman and Cynthia LitskyIrene LofvendahlAaron and Derry LubellBarbara and John LucasBeverley MackieJoel and Mia MackoffReva MalkinLloyd and Lilian MallinSam and Sarah MandelbaumRichard and Judith MarcuseSylvia MarkellJoe and Leah MarkovitchAnita MarksCarol MarksKevin Marks and DeborahLitvackElena Martynova and YuryMartinovaMeyer and Gail MattuckEzekiel MattuckSean Matvenko and SheilaGrantDina-Hasida MercyIan and Rene MerkelSheldon and Roslyn MerlingAlisa MeurrensRandy MeyersMicner EnterprisesJeffrey and Greta Milton

Pearl MinkoffBetty MintzbergGary and Jackie MorrisMuriel MorrisGayle MorrisMichael and Gina MoshevichRita MurrayCatherine MyerowitzMas and Fumiko NakadeSidney and Lois NathansonFrank and Nadia OgnistoffWilliam and Anita OrnsteinGolda OstroffRobert and Gerri OstryAlbi and Bernarda PapoHelen ParkerRichard Parnell and RenaCohenDennis Pavilich and SuzannePavlichDennis and Suzanne PavlichSidney PerzowEric and Robyn PeterMachteld PetersRobert and Bev PhilippDonna PistilliMichelle PockeyMarion PrasowDan and Rita ProppEva PugsleyEdith and Sunny RaberFred and Linda RabinerSimon RabkinStanley and Karla RadomskyJanet RagetliSamuel and Sandra RaichSyma RatnerBernard ReedBonnie ReedIssie and Marlene ReislerLily ReshallBarry Ritter and MyrnaShefrinRon RogersIsser and Debra RogowskiRaquel RoizmanAviva RosemanLeslie RosenYvonne RosenburgAlisa RosenburgLaura Rosenthal and RobertSchertzerRose RossWendy and Raziel RossAlvin and Gayle RossmanFira and Dave RotenbergBernard and Vera RozenCindy RozenRon RozenYael RubanenkoDavid and Devorah RubinRoss RudolphLeslie and Anita RudolphLillian Russell

David RyeburnJacob and Yael SacharSarah SairNicole SaitowitzOtto and Bernice SalzmanJoyce SatanoveIrma SchneiderMel and Reisa SchneiderBoris and AnnaSchneidermanMark and Tracey SchonfeldEduardo SchwartzDavid SchwartzRichard Sebba and IlanaMondlak-SebbaFrank and Blanche SegalHarriet SegalShifra SegalDarrel and Shana SeskinFay ShafranJudy ShaneArnold and Harriet ShineCarla Shore and Ethan &Kevin McMamaraIrene and Edward ShulginCelia ShusterBela Siegelstein and VeraMartonMary-Anne SigalFannie SilvertRae SimcesZena SimcesLou and Hinda SimkinJoseph and Dianne SinclairLisa SirlinSharon SlutskyMichael and Victoria SmusDeborah Snider and EricFielderBarby SolomonRebecca SolomonBronia SonnenscheinEsther SperlingSarah Spivack and SimaKanenMel and Penny SprackmanMel and Leslie SpringmanEthel StaniloffRobert and Bari StanleyGoldie SteeleJulius and Sylvia SteinbergDaniel SteinbergMoses and Esther SteinbergPhilip and Linda SteinerEssie SteinhardtJudy and Victor SternSandra SternIsaac StoffmanHy and Lillian StotlandJoan StuchnerNorman and Sylvia SwartzRachael TaitFlorentina TamirAlan and Daphne Tapper

Marianne TatarAnne TatoffAvraham and Esther TaubyTemple Sholom and RabbiBregman’s DiscretionaryFundMolly TenenbaumThe Kehila SocietyEvelyn TobanDeborah TobiasMilton and Jacqueline ToftPerry and Karen TresterUniversal Supply Group Ltd.Barney and Ruth VinegarJennifer VirtueOscar VosbergShlomo and Dina WachtelDebbie WaldmanLeonard and Brenda WallMiriam WarrenLisa WeidmanMarilyn WeinbergIda WeinerMax and Ida WeinerLes and Phyllis WeinsteinArthur and MarilynWeinsteinDanyael WeintraubLeslie WenerBrian Wener and LindaTenenbaumRichard Wenner and GailDodek-WennerGeorge and Frieda WertmanAlan and Shana WhiteBetty WhitleyViolet WilliamsJune WinfieldStanley WinfieldThomas Winkler and CarenPerelJonathan and ChristineWisenthalRichard and Elizabeth WolakBeryl WoodrowLily WoskShirley and RJ WoskElizabeth YipDavid and Elaine YoungsonSandy YoussiemPhilip and Judy ZackSally ZimmermanJay and Kim ZipurskyAbe and Belle ZipurskyAdam and Sharon Zohar

Family Visionary - $3600+Visionary - $1000-$3599Champion - $500-$999Guardian - $250-$499Advocate - $180-$249Companion - $100-$179Partner - $50-$99Friend - Up to $49


Page 21: Annual Report 2005 Title - Jewish Family Services · 2 305-1985 W. Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 4Y3 tel. 604.257.5151 fax. 604.257.5148 Jewish Family Service Agency Lani Levine, President


VolunteersAaron AltmanArliss AltmanMerle AmesSurella AmesAlon AmitRina & Yosi AmitTami AmitLinda AratoValeriy ArustamovRita AxelrodMegan BakonyiHildy BarnettLarry BarzelaiEmily BashahMyriam BayerthalPaul BeckerRobert BeckmanAvital BelkinElliot BelkinBonnie BelzbergDavid BenbarujIzak BenbasatHilary BensonEsther BerenbaumMicaela BerkowRuth BerkowShelly BerkowJonathan BerkowitzKristina BermanAmalia BoeBunny BravermanRob BergidaCathy BregmanBeverley BrezerAlison BrookPaula BrookRos CalofWarren CameronPenny CarterBill CatesDhorrea ChallmieMarilyn ChandlerMarco ChangElaine CharkowRon CharnawSandy ChernoffKarenna ChernyavskayaLinda CivkinKeitha CoatesDaniel CoblinDave CoblinBarbara CohenCharlotte CohenFrances CohenLianne CohenSandra CohenSaul CohnBev, Josh & Brian CorberHarriett CordaBrenda CurtisRhoda & Irving Dardick

Marcy & Shabi Dayan &FamilyIris DaysonJeremiah DeSousaReesa DevlinMarian DewitReva DexterJill DiamondJodi DiamondLynette DianSharon & Lani DinurCarla DodekMichelle DodekIrina DordjievaSasha DordjievaDavid DresslerCelina Dunn Barry DunnerYonah DworDiane & Eugene EdelmanRoxanne EichhornIf'at Eilon-HeiberDavid EmanuelMarc EstrinTzvia EstrinAlison EzekielMichelle EzekielGarry FeindstadtMichael FeldmanMichael FellmanTessie FinkelsteinNorty FinkelsteinHarry FischerSu T FittermanStephen FittermanPaulette FishmanMelanie FleisherMaya FouksJack FraemeNaomi FrankenburgHannah FrankelDavid & Deborah FreedmanIrwin FreedmanPatricia FridmanCarol Ann FriedPhillipa FriedlandDiane FriedmanCheyl FryfieldLillian FryfieldMorry GaerberStephen GaerberBernie GeffinEthel GelfandMark & Corinne Gelfer &FamilyLaverne GelmonRachel GelmonEleonora GempelSheila GendisBea GoldbergFran GoldbergReita Goldberg

Viva GoldblattTanis GoldmanDora GoldenGalit GoldinIlana GoldsteinGita GolubClaire & Arnold GolumbiaMarla GordonEffie GordonMorry GrandLorne GreenbergNaomi GreenbergNaomi Gropper Jan GronlundDan GumprichLen HalprinJoshua HauserOz HavushaGloria HendinCarol HenriquezJoe HermanAnne HershCarol HenriquezLinda HilfordSusan HiltonPat HofmanLanny JacksonKathy Jones & FamilyEleanor JosephsRon and Lisa JosephsonThe Kahn-Tietz FamilyLynn KaganAndy KatzBill KatzJeremiah & Marni KatzBarry & Charlotte Katzen &FamilyGregory KhmelnitskyMichael & MelanieKierszenblatGerry KlineElaine KlinerUriel KlukRick KohnJennifer KolarikVita KolodnyHenry KonBeverley KortAlana KorsunskyHarriet KositskyOri KowarskyJean KramerMichael KramerMarilyn KriegerArt KushnerArwen KuttnerMendy Landa Jonathan LanderDanny LauferGaynor LevinIrwin LevinBeryl Libin

Shlomo LaniadoIrving & Naomi Laskin &FamilyAnn Levi-LloydYvonne LevinkindIlana LevitonDan LevittGisi LevittDavid & Shari LindeAnatoly LindermanElaine LipetzSarah LipetzJack LutskyJill LuytArie MalowickiEzra MandelIllana MandelHeidi MannisHumberto MarinMonica MashalAriel Martz-OberlanderStella MattuckWendy Sabina MayerMicha MenzcerKaren & Jack MicnerDorothy MillerRuth MitchellFlorence MorrisLarissa MoulineSandi Moussadji & FamilyRon NachtGeorge NarodAmos NirMichael NiskineIrving NitkinElena NovikovaJudy OberlanderTabala OreckAnita OrnsteinFelicia OshryDina OrloffDennis PavlichNorm & Lola PawerDaniel PeiserCharles PelosofHenry PeritzDr. Neil PollackBev PolskyJude PolskyMara PolskySylvia PolskySadie PresnerAl PriceLew & Nora Pullmer & FamilyDoug PulverEsther RabinovitchStan RadomskyDeborah & Dan Ramm-WestNancy RaphaelEppie RapparportHindy RatnerDebra Reiner

Page 22: Annual Report 2005 Title - Jewish Family Services · 2 305-1985 W. Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 4Y3 tel. 604.257.5151 fax. 604.257.5148 Jewish Family Service Agency Lani Levine, President


Donna RibackLarry RiceMarlon RichardsVicki RobinsonDeborah RoitbergMichelle RomainSheila RomalisVivian RootmanShirley RoseJoshua & Janet Rosen &FamilyMorton RosenDoreen RosenhekMark RosengartenMolly RossRaziel RossEddie RothmanAlexis RothschildErnest RothschildDebbie RozenbergBarbara RubanenkoInessa & Roman RubinDavid SacksLeyla SacksLouis Saitowitz

Greg and Melanie SamuelsSandy SandomirskyBert SchachterSofia SciarrettaHarvey ShaferSidi SchafferAlex SchastlivenkoOphira SchwartzfeldKen SchneiderRoger SeeligBat-Ami SegalPaula SegalFriedah SegalBob SeligmanArnold SelwynAllan & Mindy SeltzerShana SeskinZev ShafranElayne ShaprayElizabeth ShefrinAndi StrausbergYudis ShtrambrantRuthie ShugarmanStacey SilberNeil Simces

Ross SingerJohn SilverMarsha & Al SimmonsHeather SirlinLen & Sheila SmithRinat SnegGeorges SommerSvetlana SosnovaMargaret StarkJoseph & Karen Suskin Rhoda TaflerReena TavissAndrew ThomPamela TiggelersAron & Neri Tischler & FamilyBenjamin TitleMila UmanskyMiriam ValeSalley VeinerMarcia VinebergIrwin Vinegar Larry & Marcy Vinegar &FamilyNela & Rudy VoskoboynikLyn & Alan York

Brenda WallJimmie WhiteSari WeintraubNorma WinrobSherry WassermanDanny WatermanAnalee WeinbergerNatalie WeinsteinTed WennerAnia WilczynskaNorma WinrobLen WiseJeffrey & Jane WittenTom & Cheryl WollnerStephen & Jenny Wright &FamilyMelanie YearowBella ZaidelLianne ZaitzowSvetlana ZazulinaJoy ZienLarisa ZilbergKeegan Zlotnik



“You will find as you look back upon your life, that the moments that stand out are the moments when you have done things for others.” ANONYMOUS

Page 23: Annual Report 2005 Title - Jewish Family Services · 2 305-1985 W. Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 4Y3 tel. 604.257.5151 fax. 604.257.5148 Jewish Family Service Agency Lani Levine, President

JFSA Financials 2004-2005

Special Fundraising Efforts 0504

Jewish Federation of GreaterVancouver through CJA*


JFSA Endowment Interest 0504

JIAS 0504

Donations & Bequests 0504

Government Grants 0504

United Way** 0504

Fees for Service 0504

General Operations 0504

Basic Resources 0504

Counselling 0504

Seniors 0504

Resettlement/Vocational 0504

Job Match 0504





























Total Revenues 2005: $2,222,513Total Revenues 2004: $1,942,977

* Includes individual CJA+ gifts** Includes individual designated United Way gifts

Total Expenditures 2005: $2,245,922Total Expenditures 2004: $1,905,596

Page 24: Annual Report 2005 Title - Jewish Family Services · 2 305-1985 W. Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 4Y3 tel. 604.257.5151 fax. 604.257.5148 Jewish Family Service Agency Lani Levine, President

Jewish Family Service Agency305 - 1985 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 4Y3tel. 604.257.5151 fax. 604.257.5148 www.jfsa.ca

Founded in 1936, JFSA is a non-profit social service organization serving members of the Jewish andbroader communities in the Lower Mainland. We provide resources and opportunities to strengthen andenhance the quality of life of individuals and of families. Our purpose is to serve the Jewish community.We anticipate, identify and respond to societal and community issues and to individual needs.

We are committed to:

• Jewish values, ethics and community spirit.

• High quality, accessible professional service delivered by caring staff and volunteers.

• Respect for individuals and their beliefs.

• Collaborative relationships with other agencies and organizations.