Annual Quality Awards Listing National Awards Given By: Criteria Website Acclaim Award American Medical Group Association Recognizes quality improvement efforts led by physician directed organizations that measurably improve health outcomes and the quality of life of for patients. www.amga.org Akao Prize Administere d by the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Institute Following the processes used for the Deming Prize. Awarded to the individuals for expertise in practice and dissemination of the QFD method. www.qfdi.org/akaoprize.htm Armand V. Feigenbaum Medal ASQ Recognizes the achievement of professionals under the age of 36 who have displayed outstanding characteristics of leadership, professionalism and potential in the quality field. http://www.asq.org/about-asq/awards/ feigenbaum.html Malcolm National Award criteria are www.quality.nist.gov

Annual Quality Awards Listing

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Annual Quality Awards Listing

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Page 1: Annual Quality Awards Listing

Annual Quality Awards Listing

National Awards

Given By: Criteria Website

Acclaim Award American Medical Group Association

Recognizes quality improvement efforts led by physician directed organizations that measurably improve health outcomes and the quality of life of for patients.


Akao Prize Administered by the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Institute

Following the processes used for the Deming Prize. Awarded to the individuals for expertise in practice and dissemination of the QFD method.


Armand V. Feigenbaum Medal

ASQ Recognizes the achievement of professionals under the age of 36 who have displayed outstanding characteristics of leadership, professionalism and potential in the quality field.


Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award

National Institute of Standards and Technology in a partnership with ASQ.

Award criteria are built on seven core values; leadership, strategic planning, customer and market focus, information analysis, human resource focus, process management and business results.


Brumbaugh Award

ASQ Presented for the paper published in an ASQ journal that made the largest contribution to the development of the industrial application of quality control.


Crosby Medal ASQ The Crosby Medal is presented to the individual who has authored a distinguished book contributing significantly to the extension of


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the philosophy and application of the principles, methods, or techniques of quality management.

Deming Medal ASQ Awarded to the leader who combined statistical thinking and management to achieve outstanding quality in product or services.


Deming Prize The Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers

Awarded to individuals or teams who have contributed significantly to the development and dissemination of total quality control.


Design News Engineering Achievement Awards

Design News Presented to individuals, teams and organizations whose work greatly improved function, lowered costs, increased reliability or offered other benefits to the customer.

None available.

Distinguished Service Medal

ASQ Recognizes the lifetime contribution of a person as a long-term enabler, catalyst or prime mover in the quality movement. Granted only to those who have driven progress by promulgation of quality principles, methods or science for the good of society.


E. Jack Lancaster Medal

ASQ Awarded to an individual who has demonstrated exceptional leadership and contributions when promoting quality on an international front.


E. L. Grant ASQ Presented to the individual who http://www.asq.org/about-asq/awards/grant.html

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Medal has demonstrated exceptional leadership regarding the development and implementation of educational programs in quality control.

Edwards Medal ASQ Presented to the person who has demonstrated the most outstanding leadership in the application of modern quality control methods.


Freund-Marquardt Medal

ASQ Awarded to nominees who have applied quality principles to the development, implementation and literature or management standards.


Golden Torch Awards

National Society of Black Engineers

Recognize excellence among African American engineers, scientists and technologists, as well as organizations that have demonstrated a commitment to the recruitment, retention and promotion of minorities.


Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Award

Hispanic Engineer Achievement Awards Conference

Seeks, identifies, honors and documents Hispanic excellence in science and technology nationwide.


Industry Week's Best Plants

Industry Week Presents awards to the top 10 Best Plant's in the US. Criteria is based on technical merit, resource development and benchmarking within the industry


Ishikawa Medal ASQ Presented to the individual or team whose work has had a major


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impact on the human environment in the workplace and the quality of goods/services delivered to customers.

Juran Medal ASQ Recognizes organizational leaders who exhibit distinguished performance, maintain a sustained role, personally practice key quality principles and demonstrate break-through management.


National Association of Home Builders Research Center Quality Awards

National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Research Center and Professional Builder Magazine

Open to all U.S. home builders, recognizes the role that customer focused quality plays in construction, business management, sales, design and warranty service.


Nova Awards The Construction Innovation Forum

Honor innovations that improve construction quality and lower costs.


Shainin Medal ASQ "A professional approach to problem solving"

Dorian Shainin is best known for the "Shainin Techniques" - practical tools he developed to help manufacturers solve problems, including problems that had been considered unsolvable. The Shainin Medal is awarded for


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the Development and Application of Creative or Unique Statistical Approaches in the Solving of Problems Relative to the Quality of Product or Service.

Shewhart Medal ASQ Based on a career of achievements, honors technical leadership in the field of modern quality control with emphasis on the development of theory, principles and techniques.


Shingo Prize for Excellence in Manufacturing

The College of Business, Utah State University, in partnership with the National Association of Manufacturers

Recognizes American, Canadian and Mexican manufacturers whose processes led to quality enhancements, productivity improvements and customer satisfaction.


SME International Honor Awards

Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)

Recognizes accomplishments in advancing the concepts of orderly production, education related to manufacturing, research leading to improved productivity and successful integration of infrastructure and manufacturing process.


Society of Plastics Engineers Award Program

Society of Plastic Engineers

Recognizes individuals who are making outstanding contributions to the plastics field.


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Automotive Awards

Given By: Criteria Website

DaimlerChrysler Supplier Awards

Daimler Chrysler Uses a balanced scorecard concept to judge suppliers for the Commodity Award.

None available.

Ford Motor Company World Excellence Awards

Ford Motor Company

Based on their performance regarding quality, delivery and cost, Ford suppliers are honored with platinum, gold and silver awards.

None available.

General Motors Supplier of the Year Award

General Motors Recognizes GM supplier companies worldwide that exceed specific performance standards in the areas of quality, service and price.

None available.

JD Power and Associates Award Program

JD Power and Associates

Awards presented to manufacturers in a variety of industries. The program is best known for its customer satisfaction awards in the automotive industry.


Total Quality Awards

Strategic Vision Base don car buyers’ satisfaction with buying, owning and driving a vehicle.


Government Awards

Given By: Criteria Website

The Hammer Award

Office of the Vice President of the United States, United Partnership for Reinventing Government

Recognizes teams of federal employees whose projects yielded large impacts on customer service, bottom-line results and exemplary achievements in government problem solving.


No Office of the Goes to federal http://www.plainlanguage.gov/examples/award_winning/nogobbledygook.cfm

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Gobbledygook Award

Vice President of the United States

government employees who write exemplary regulations, letters, notices and other documents to communicate to the public.

President’s Quality Award Program

Office of Executive and Management Development, U.S. Office of Personnel Management

Recognizes organizations within the deferral government for demonstrating high-performance management and approaches.

www.opm.gov/quality/ and http://www.opm.gov/pqa/

Public Service Excellence Award

Public Employees Roundtable

Recognizes groups involving two or more public employees.

International Awards

Given By: Criteria Website

Australian Business Excellence Awards

Australian Quality Council

Offer two recognition levels: the award level and the business improvement level.


Austrian Quality Award

Austrian Foundation for

Based on the European Foundation for Quality Management Excellence Model (EFQM) model.


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Quality Management (AFQM)

Belgian Quality Award

Belgian Association for Total Quality Management (bTQM) and Mouvement Wallon de Qualité (MWQ)

Based on the EFQM model and awarded twice a year.

None Available.

National Quality Award of Brazil

Foundation for the National Quality Award

Recognizes the best management practices for performance excellence throughout the national territory of Brazil.


Regional Quality Award Brazil

Sponsored by Assoicação Qualidade RS/PGQP

Rewards Brazilian organizations who meet PGQP assessment system criteria.

None Available.

Canada Award for Excellence

Administered by the National Quality Institute (NQI)

Recognize Canadian organizations through two awards, the Quality Award and the Healthy Workplace Award. Quality Award candidates must demonstrate exceptional achievement in seven areas including leadership and process optimization.


London Chamber of Commerce Business Achievement Awards

London, Ontario, Chamber of Commerce

Honor area businesses using criteria focusing on business achievements; management/employee relations; product, service and technology innovation; training; contribution to employment; and commitment to community.


Danish Quality Prize

den Danske Kvalitets Pris (Danish Quality Prize Committee)

Based on the EFQM model. www.kvalitespris.dk

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Annual Quality Awards Listing

Dubai International Award for Best Practices

Dubai Quality Group

Best practices should demonstrate a positive and tangible impact on improving the quality of the living environment of people.


The European Quality Awards

The European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM)

Presented to European organizations that demonstrate excellence in managing quality as a fundamental process for continuous improvement.


Finnish Quality Award

Finnish Society for Quality (Center for Excellence Finland)

Based on the EFQM model. None Available.

French Quality Award

French Quality Award

Award criteria are based on the French MFQ model, not the EFQM model.


German National Quality Award

Administered jointly by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität (German Society for Quality) and Verein Deutsher Ingenieure (Assoication for German Engineers)

Based on the EFQM model. www.vdi.de

Hellenic National Quality Award Greece

Ministry of Development

Award is being developed None Available.

Hungarian Quality

Not available Based on the EFQM model. www.eoq.org

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Development Center AwardRajiv Gandhi National Quality Awards

Bureau of Indian Standards

Honor Indian manufacturing and service organizations and individuals considered leaders in India’s quality movement.


The Q-Mark Irish National Quality Award and Irish Business Excellence Award


The Q-Mark focuses on continuous improvement and customer satisfaction. The Irish Business Excellence Award is based on a nine-element model, similar to the Baldrige Award.


National Award for Quality and Excellence in Industries

Israel Association of Electronic and Information Industries along with the Israeli government

Allocated annually to small (fewer than 150 employees) and large companies. Its criteria were first based on the Baldrige award and have since been enlarged.

None Available.

The Quality Award of the Electronic and Information Industries

Israel Society for Quality (ISQ) and Israel Association of Electronics and Information Industries

Allocated annually to small (fewer than 150 employees) and large companies. Its criteria were first based on the Baldrige award and have since been enlarged.

None Available.

National Award for Quality and Excellence in Public Service Israel

Quality and Excellency Division of the Civil Service Commission of the Prime Minister’s Office

Based on the EFQM model. None Available.

Israel Improvement Teams

Improvement Teams Association

Given to the team winning the annual competition organized by the association. Criteria are based on real achievements.

None Available.

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Annual Quality Awards Listing

Association AwardItalian Quality Award

Associazione Premio Qualità Italia

Based on the EFQM model. None Available.

The Nikkei QC Literature Prize

Established by the Nippon Keizai Shimbun (Japan Economic Journal) and the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE)

Recognizes literature that contributes to the progress and further development of total quality control.

None Available.

Korea National Quality Management Award

Sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, and the Korean government

Presented to the company scoring the highest in the following categories: leadership, strategic planning, customer focus, information and analysis, and process management.

None Available.

Mexican Quality Award

Fundación Mexicana para la Calidad Total, A.C.

Based on the Modelo de Drieccíon por Calidad. None Available.

Netherlands National Quality Award

Dutch Institute for Quality (INK)

Uses the EFQM model for its criteria. (National model differs from the EFQM model only on minor issues.)


New Zealand Quality Award Program

New Zealand Business Excellence Foundation

Includes the Progress, Commendation, Achievement and National Quality Awards.


Northern Ireland Northern Ireland Use the EFQM model for their criteria. None Available.

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Annual Quality Awards Listing

Quality Awards Quality Centre (NIQC)

Polish Quality Award

Polish Chamber of Commerce and the Polish Center for Testing and Certification

Anyone is able to apply for the Polish Quality Award provided he or she has been operating in Poland for the last three years.


Sao Paulo State Award

Paulista Excellence Management Institute (IPEG), Brazil

Follows the same process and excellence criteria as the National Quality Award of Brazil.

None Available.

Scottish Quality Award

Quality Scotland Foundation

Uses the EFQM Model for its criteria. www.quality.scotland.co.uk

The South African Performance Excellence Award

South African Excellence Foundation

Recipients must have a system that ensures, through sound leadership, continuous improvement in the delivery of products or services and that provides a way of satisfying and responding to customers.


Premio Príncipe Felipe a la Calidad Industrial (Prince Felipe Industrial Quality Award)

Asociación Española para la Calidad (Spanish Association for Quality)

Uses the EFQM model for its criteria. www.asoc-esp-calidad.es

Swiss Quality Award

Swiss Association for Promotion of Quality (SAQ)

Uses the EFQM model for its criteria. www.saq.ch

UK Quality Award for Business Excellence

The British Quality Foundation (BQF)

Uses the EFQM model for its criteria, with some adaptations.


Vietnam Quality Directorate for Presented to Vietnamese manufacturing and service www.moste.gov.vn

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Annual Quality Awards Listing

Award Standards and Quality

organizations that produce high quality products and service in Vietnam and foreign markets.

The Wales Quality Award

Administered bye the Wales Quality Centre.

Based on the EFQM model, it runs in line with the European Quality Awards.


United States Awards

Given By: Criteria Website

Alabama Quality Award

Alabama Productivity Center

The applicant’s efforts must be implemented within the state of Alabama, but the organization may have affiliates, division or headquarters in other states.


Arizona Quality Awards

Arizona Quality Alliance

The Arizona Governor’s Award for Quality recognizes organizations that have mature and fully deployed quality systems and demonstrate a commitment to continuous improvement.


Arkansas Quality Award

Arkansas Quality Award Inc.

A four-level award program, ranging from quality interest recognition through the Governor’s Quality Award


California Awards for Performance Excellence

California Council for Quality and Service

Program features award in three stages: the California Challenge (stage one), the California Prospect (stage two) and the Eureka Award for Performance Excellence and the California U.S. Senate and Productivity Award (stage three).


Colorado Excellence in Customer Service Award

Better Business Bureau of the Pikes Peak Region

Focuses specifically on customer service as practiced by Pikes Peak businesses or organizations.


Connecticut Award for Excellence

Connecticut Resource Center

Categories include education, government and health care.

None Available.

Connecticut Quality Improvement

The Connecticut Quality Improvement

America’s first state-level Baldrige Quality Award involves three levels of Baldrige based awards: the Innovation Prize, the Breakthrough Quality Award


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Award Award Partnership

and the Leadership Quality Award.

Delaware Quality Award

Delaware Quality Consortium

Open to organizations that have operated in Delaware for at least three years.

None Available.

Florida Governor’s Sterling Award

The Florida Sterling Council

Utilizes acknowledged international standards for a management system designed to achieve organizational excellence.


Georgia Oglethorpe Award

Georgia Oglethorpe Award Process Inc.

Follows Baldrige criteria, but has included education and health care categories since its inception in 1996.


The Hawaii State Award of Excellence

Hawaii Chamber of Commerce

Categories for military and nonprofit are included. None Available.

Idaho Quality Award

Idaho Department of Commerce

Quality management systems are awarded in marketplace, workplace or community categories.


Illinois Lincoln Award for Business Excellence

The Lincoln Foundation for Business Excellence

The three-tiered program offers several education and outreach service to help increase knowledge and awareness of quality practices.

None Available.

Iowa Recognition for Performance Excellence

Iowa Quality Center

Baldrige based, but utilizes three tiers of recognition: commitment, progress and leadership.


Kansas Award for Excellence

Kansas Award for Excellence Foundation

Three-tiered program includes awards for beginning to advance quality practitioners.


Commonwealth of Kentucky Quality Award

Kentucky Chamber of Commerce

Offers the Governor’s Quality Award as it s highest of three award levels.


Louisiana Quality Award

Louisiana Quality Foundation

Offers opportunities for assessment only for full award judging.


Margaret Chase Smith Maine

The Margaret Chase Smith

Baldrige based. Open to any organization in Maine that employs five or more people. Offered at three


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State Quality Award

Quality Association

levels: commitment, progress and excellence.

Maryland Governor’s Quality Award

Center for Continuous Quality Improvement

Awarded to organizations and to teams and department with more than 500 employees.


Massachusetts Performance Excellence Award

Mass-Excellence Three levels, with the top honor name after Armand V. Feigenbaum.


Michigan Quality Leadership Award Program

Michigan Quality Council

Recognitions include the Honor Roll (for improved quality and operation performance) and Navigator (for organizations that complete a seven-category, Baldrige based self-assessment).


Governor’s Quality Care Award

Michigan Department of Consumer and Industry Services

Honors Michigan licensed day care, adult foster care, nursing homes and hospices with exceptional levels of quality care.


Minnesota Quality Award

Minnesota Council for Quality

Organizations can participate year-round in assessment and training opportunities outside the award process.

None Available.

Mississippi Quality Awards Program

Mississippi’s State Board of Community and Junior Colleges

Doesn’t offer specific categories, but multilevel model allows any business to apply regardless of industry.

None Available.

Missouri Quality Award Program

The Excellence in Missouri Foundation

Offers three awards: the Quality Award (for organizations), Team Quality Award (honoring team activity) and Governor’s Quality Leadership Award (individual honor).


The Edgerton Quality Awards

Nebraska Manufacturing Extension Partnership,

Both manufacturing and non-manufacturing organizations can apply for either the continuous improvement award or an adaptation of technology award.


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ASQ’s Nebraska Section, the Nebraska Diplomats and Nebraska’s Department of Economic Development.

Nevada Quality Award Program

Nevada Quality Alliance

New program. www.nvqa.org

New Hampshire Granite State Quality Award

Granite State Quality Council

Five tiers of awards including overall, achievement, commitment, interest and category.


Governor’s Award for Performance Excellence

Quality New Jersey

Given at three levels: gold, silver and bronze. www.qnj.org/awards.htm

New Mexico Quality Awards

Quality New Mexico

All organizations are eligible regardless of industry, as long as they employ at least five full-time employees.


New York Empire State Advantage Award Program

Empire State Advantage Inc.

Offers the Empire State Advantage Excellence at Work Awards, which use a unique process to confirm the effectiveness of an organization’s management system.


Dayton Area Quality Excellence Award

Quality Dayton Includes one award for team excellence and four levels of other organization awards.

None Available.

Ohio Award for Excellence

Ohio Award for Excellence Inc.

Grants a site visit to every applicant. www.oae.org

Oklahoma Quality Award

Oklahoma Quality Award Foundation Inc.

A three-tiered program including the quality awards for excellence, achievement and commitment.


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Annual Quality Awards Listing

Pennsylvania’s Lancaster Chamber Performance Excellence Award

Lancaster Chamber of Commerce and Industry

This four-tiered award program recently began accepting applications on a statewide basis.


Quality Valley USA Awards

Quality Valley, USA Regional Quality Council

Open to applicants from eastern Pennsylvania and western New Jersey.


Rhode Island Quality/Rhode Island Award for Competitiveness and Excellence

Race for Performance Excellence

Offers two levels: Gold Level Governor’s Award and Silver Competitiveness Achievement Award.

None Available.

South Carolina Governor’s Quality Award

The South Carolina Quality Forum

Forum also administers the Miliken Medal awarded to individuals for their accomplishments in the area of quality management.


Trident Area Quality Award

ASQ Section 1122 (Carolina Low Country)

Recognizes team efforts in addition to organization-wide endeavors.


Tennessee Quality Award

Tennessee Quality Award Inc.

Offers a category for global market development and competitiveness.


Pyramid of Excellence

Greater Memphis Association for Quality

Organizations in the northern Mississippi, eastern Arkansas and western Tennessee regions can apply for this award.


Northwest Texas Quality Award

Sponsored by ASQ Section 1412 and administered by several volunteers

While there is no guarantee of a site visit, most of the organizations applying for the award receive one.


Texas Award for Performance

Quality Texas Foundation

Focuses on continuous improvement and customer satisfaction to drive job creation and retention and


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Excellence on improvements in the quality of life in Texas.Better Business Bureau Awards for Excellence

Better Business Bureau of Metropolitan Houston

Include categories for retail, automotive, construction and ethics.

None Available.

Greater Austin Quality Awards

Quality of Life Foundation of Austin and Austin Chamber of Commerce

Baldrige based, but an addendum based on the Carnegie Mellon Capability Model is included for software companies.


Utah Quality Award

Utah Quality Council

In addition to the Quality Award and the Governor’s Award, program includes the Continuous Improvement Award, given to the organization that demonstrates the most improvement during prior years.


Vermont Council for Quality Performance Excellence Awards

Vermont Council for Quality

Include the U.S. Senate Productivity Award and the Governor’s Award for Performance Excellence, using a Baldrige based survey instead of a narrative application.


U.S. Senate Productivity and Quality Awards

Virginia Senate Productivity Quality Award Board

One of the oldest quality award programs in the country. Started 18 years ago in 2001.

None Available.

Washington State Quality Award

Washington State Quality Award

In addition to the award, certificates of merit are presented to organizations for outstanding commitment and significant progress in quality performance.


Wisconsin Forward Award

Wisconsin Forward Award Inc.

Focuses on recognizing continuous improvement through a tiered award system.
