Annual Meeting Report St. John‟s Evangelical Lutheran Church Springfield, Illinois Sunday, November 23, 2014 12:00 noon Our mission: To be and make disciples of Christ, in response to God‟s grace.

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Annual Meeting Report

St. John‟s Evangelical Lutheran Church

Springfield, Illinois

Sunday, November 23, 2014

12:00 noon

Our mission:

To be and make disciples of Christ,

in response to God‟s grace.

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Table of Contents

Agenda 3

Opening Devotions 4

Annual Meeting Minutes of January 2014 6

Special Congregation Meeting Minutes of March 2014 9

Pastor's Report - Lead Pastor, Greg Busboom 10

Pastor's Report - Pastor Faith Connections, Ladd Sonnenberg 12

Staff Reports -

Director of Children & Families, Kathy Lasley 13

Director of Youth & Families, Ashlynne Steen 14

Director of Music Ministries, Royce Hubert 15

Children's Music Co-Directors, Alicia Huntley & Melissa Roselle 15

Preschool Financial Report 16

Preschool Balance Sheet 17

Preschool Statement of Income and Expenses 18

Ministry Reports -

Evangelism Committee , Mark Butler - Ministry Leader 19

Fellowship Committee, Lori Brutjen-Carter & Susan Wilson - Ministry Leaders 19

Global Missions Committee, Rose Moser - Ministry Leader 20

Neighborhood Ministry Team, Carolyn Isham - Ministry Leader 21

Property Committee, Gary Corrigan - Ministry Leader 22

Social Ministry Committee, Suzie Weissberg - Ministry Leader 22

Stewardship Committee, Carolyn Isham -Ministry Leader 24

Finance Reports

The Bloechle Report 25

The Financial Summary 26

Action Items

Second Vote on Proposed Constitutional Changes 27

Proposed 2015 Budget 28

Proposal for HVAC Replacement and Refinancing of the Mortgage 34

Special Motion for Elections for Leadership Board 35

Election of Leaders 36

Closing Devotion 37

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Annual Meeting of St. John's Lutheran Church - Springfield, Illinois

November 23, 2014

Opening Devotions - Pastor Busboom

Special Order: Endowment Fund Grant Award Presentations

Appointment of Tellers

Ascertainment of a Quorum (100 voting members)

Adoption of Agenda

Approval of Minutes of 2014 Annual Meeting - January 26, 2014

Approval of Minutes of Special Congregational Meeting – March 30, 2014

Report of the Congregation Council, Pastors, Staff, Program Committees, and


1. Rose Moser – Council President

2. Pastor Busboom – Lead Pastor

3. Pastor Sonnenberg – Pastor of Faith Connections

4. Pastor Uden – Visitation Pastor

5. Preschool Board - Aimee Johnson, Chair

Financial Report of 2014

Action Items

1. Second Vote on Proposed Constitutional Changes

2. Proposed 2015 Budget

3. Proposal for Replacement of HVAC Systems and Refinancing of the


4. Special Motion for Elections of Leadership Board

5. Elections to Leadership Board, Endowment Fund Committee, and

Preschool Board

Old Business

New Business

Recognition of Those Completing Terms of Service


Closing Devotions - Pastor Sonnenberg


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Opening Devotions

P As in one body we have many members,

C so we, who are many, are one body in Christ.

P Where two or three are gathered in my name, says the Lord,

C I am there among them.

P Live a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all

humility and gentleness, making every effort to maintain the unity of the

Spirit in the bond of peace.

C Let us pursue what makes for justice and peace, and for mutual upbuilding.

P A reading from Ephesians.

The gifts he gave were that some would be apostles, some prophets, some

evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of

ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until all of us come to the unity

of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the

measure of the full stature of Christ. We must no longer be children, tossed

to and fro and blown about by every wind of doctrine, by people‟s trickery, by

their craftiness in deceitful scheming. But speaking the truth in love, we

must grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom

the whole body, joined and knit together by every ligament with which it is

equipped, as each part is working properly, promotes the body‟s growth in

building itself up in love. (4:11-16)

Hymn Build Us Up, Lord ELW #670

Build us up, Lord, build us up; set in us a strong foundation.

Lead us to do your holy will; form and shape your new creation.

Build us up, Lord, build us up; as we guide and teach each other,

Help us to share your love with the world: ev‟ry sister, ev‟ry brother. Refrain


Growing in Christ, we plant seeds for the kingdom;


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We follow in faith what‟s begun!

Lord, set in our hearts the pow‟r of your word

To spread the news of your Son!

Build us up, Lord, build us up; let our lives reflect your glory.

Cast away all our doubts and fears; help us tell the world your story.

Build us up, Lord, build us up; help us bear good fruit for you,

Lord, give us vision and keep us sure. Grant us faith that‟s steadfast and

true. Refrain

P The Lord be with you.

C And also with you.

P Let us pray. O God, you open the hearts of your faithful people by sending

into us your Holy Spirit. Direct us by the light of that Spirit, that we may

have a right judgment in all things and rejoice at all times in your peace,

through Jesus Christ, your Son and our Lord, who lives and reigns with you

and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

C Amen


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Annual Meeting Minutes

January 26, 2014

Opening Devotions:

Pastor Busboom led the opening devotions.

Welcome from President/Call to Order:

President John Moulton welcomed all in attendance.The business meeting portion was

called to order by President Moulton on January 26, 2014 at 12:30 p.m.

Adoption of Agenda:

Motion made by John Kelley, seconded by Joe Neubauer, to adopt the Agenda for the

Annual Meeting of the Congregation as printed. Motion carried.

Appointment of Tellers:

President Moulton appointed Joe Neubauer,Loren Johnson and Jill Sproat as Tellers.

Ascertainment of a Quorum:

The Tellers reported that a quorum of 158 voting members was present.

Approval of Minutes of 2013Annual Meeting –January 27, 2013:

Motion made by Norma Jean Sanders, seconded by Dennis Bomke, to approve the minutes

of the Annual Meeting held January 27, 2013, as written. There were no additions,

deletions or corrections identified. Motion carried.

Reports of the Congregation Council, Pastors, Staff and Program Committee:

Reports were given by Pastor Busboom, Pastor Sonnenberg, Pastor Uden and Aimee

Johnson (Preschool Board). Additional staff and Program Committee reports were

presented in written form.

Report and Presentations of the Endowment Fund Committee:

Tom Gallagher of the Endowment Fund Committee gave a brief explanation of the

purpose and procedures of the Committee.

The Endowment Fund Committee presented three grants from the earnings of the

Endowment Fund for 2013:

• $500.00 was given to Lutheran Social Services of Illinois on behalf of the Story Book Ministry Project. Suzie Weissberg accepted the grant on behalf of the Story Book Ministry Project.

• $500.00 was given to the Harvard Park IPad Project. Craig Norman, Assistant

Principal at Harvard Park Elementary, accepted the grant on behalf of Harvard


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• $500.00 was given to the St. John‟s Lutheran Church Parish Nurse Ministry. Janet

Moulton accepted the grant on behalf of the Parish Nurse Ministry.

Financial Report of 2013:

Treasurer, Sheryl Meyer, presented the Financial Report as follows:

Income Expense Net

Building: $186,007.00 $210,983.56 $(24,976.56)

Program: $895,634.72 $875,792.33 $19,842.39

$1,081,641.72 $1,086,775.89 $(5,134.17)

Budget Summary for Calendar Year 2014 as well as the Final 2014 Budget were presented

in written format for review.

Old Business:

There were no items of Old Business.

New Business:

Nominating Committee Report: President Moulton recognized the members of the

Nominating Committee and presented the Report of the Nominating Committee.

Elections: President John Moulton presented the slate of candidates for election to

the Congregation Council, Endowment Fund Committee and Preschool School Board, as


Candidates for election to the Congregation Council included: Mary Lou Booker, Mark

Butler, Lori Carter, Gary Corrigan, Greg Huntley, Wes Johnson, Ted LaBelle, Rose

Moser, Maria Wells, Suzie Weissberg and Susan Wilson.

Candidates for election to the Endowment Fund Committee included: Tom Gallagher

Candidates for election to the Preschool Board included: Lauren Davis and Susan


President Moulton called for any additional nominations from the floor. There were no

nominations from the floor.

Motion made by Jan Cazel, seconded bySheryl Meyer, to cast a unanimous ballot for

election to the Congregation Council. Motion carried.

Motion made by Normajean Sanders, seconded by Jan Cazel, to cast a unanimous ballot

for election to the Endowment Fund Committee. Motion carried.

Motion made by Mark Butler, seconded by Carolyn Isham, to cast a unanimous ballot for

election to the Preschool Board. Motion carried.


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Adoption of the Proposed 2014 Budget. Mark Tomaw, Chair of the Finance Committee,

presented the proposed 2014 Budget and gave a brief overview to the members in

attendance. Mr. Tomaw opened the matter for discussion and questions.

Motion made by Terry Pencek, seconded by Jim Storm, to approve the proposed 2014

Budget as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Presentation of Proposed Constitution by Governance and Ministry Task Force. Dan

Simmons and Lori Schlosser of the Governance and Ministry Task Force presented the

first reading of the Proposed Changes to the Constitution. Mr. Simmons gave a brief

explanation of the proposed changes to the Constitution. Members of the congregation

were informed of the Special Congregation Meeting to be held on Sunday, March 30, 2014

for the first vote on the proposed changes to the Constitution. Mr. Simmons recognized

members of the Governance and Ministry Task Force and thanked them for their diligent

work to date.

Other Business:

Recognition of Members Completing Terms of Service. President Moulton recognized

members of the Congregation Council, Preschool Board and Audit Committee who are

completing their terms of service and thanked them for their service and dedication to St.



President Moulton reminded all Council Members of the Special Council Meeting to be

held in the Adult Meeting Room immediately following adjournment. A motion was

made by Mark Butler, seconded by Jan Cazel, to adjourn the Annual Meeting of the

Congregation. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 2:10 p.m.

Closing Prayer:

Pastor Sonnenbergled the Closing Prayer following adjournment.

Respectfully submitted,

Dawn N. Capranica,

Recording Secretary


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Special Congregation Meeting Minutes

March 30, 2014

A luncheon was held prior to the special congregational meeting.

Call To Order: PresidentRose Moser called the special congregational meeting to order at 12:30 p.m. Opening Prayer: Pastor Busboom delivered the Opening Prayer. Appointment of Tellers: President Moser appointed Aimee Johnson and Andy Roselle to serve as tellers. Ascertainment of Quorum: Tellers Aimee Johnson and Andy Roselle reported that a quorum had been reached. Business: First Vote on Proposed Constitution. Dan Simmons of the Governance and Ministry Task Force addressed the members of the congregation in attendance and gave a brief explanation of the constitutional processes involved, as well as an outline of the work done to date by the Governance and Ministry Task Force. Mr. Simmons also explained specific changes to Section C12.01 as recommended by the Congregation Council at their March meeting. Mr. Simmons then thanked the members of the Governance and Ministry Task Force for their time and effort put forth in the process to date. Motion made by St. John‟s Congregation Council to approve the proposed “Constitution of St. John‟s Evangelical Church, Springfield, Illinois” as presented by the Congregation Council at the Special Congregation Meeting on March 30, 2014, with an effective date of February 1, 2015, pending ratification at the next Annual Meeting of the Congregation and approval by the Synod. A brief discussion was held. Motion made by Carol Lange, seconded by Ted LaBelle, to cast a ballot vote. Ballots were distributed to voting members of the congregation in attendance. Final tally of the ballots showed 113 ballots collected with 96 voting “yes” and 17 voting “no”. The motion carried. There being no further business, a motion was made to adjourn the Special Congregational Meeting. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m. Closing Prayer: Pastor Sonnenberg delivered the Closing Prayer. Respectfully submitted,


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Dawn Capranica, Recording Secrertary

Pastor‟s Report Pastor Greg Busboom

Lead Pastor

“When [the believers] had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together

was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of

God with boldness” (Acts 4:31).

As I look back over 2014 and all that God has accomplished in and through St.

John‟s, one thing is abundantly clear – God‟s Holy Spirit is alive and active in this

place – forming and transforming disciples, building community, reaching out into

the community and around the world, daily empowering us to be the church God

calls us to be.

Through our current Visioning Process with Kairos and Associates and through

the great participation we had in our recent CAT survey, God‟s Holy Spirit is alive

and active!

Through the rich conversations that have taken place over the past couple of years

leading up to the proposed constitutional changes in our governance and ministry

structure, God‟s Holy Spirit is alive and active!

Through our vibrant and growing children, youth, and family ministries and

through the energetic and faithful leadership of Kathy Lasley and Ashlynne Steen,

God‟s Holy Spirit is alive and active!

Through our recent Trunk or Treat Event and our new neighborhood outreach

ministries, God‟s Holy Spirit is alive and active!

Through our Rally Weekend in September during which over 300 disciples of Jesus

from St. John‟s reached out across our community in hands-on service projects,

God‟s Holy Spirit is alive and active!

Through our growing Small Group ministries, our ever broadening outreach

ministries, and growing number of disciples involved and engaged in our

congregation‟s ministries, God‟s Holy Spirit is alive and active!


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Through our state-of-the-art St. John‟s Lutheran Preschool and the 190 students

and their families that we reach each and every week with Jesus‟ love, God‟s Holy

Spirit is alive and active!

Through the many ways in which I am being enriched and re-shaped through my

doctoral studies at Luther Seminary, God‟s Holy Spirit is alive and active!

In these and so many other ways, God‟s Holy Spirit is alive and active, empowering

our congregation to live out our God-given mission to be and make disciples of

Christ, in response to God‟s grace!

Thank you to the staff, the leaders of the congregation, and each and every disciple

of Jesus here at St. John‟s for the many ways you share the love of Christ. You are

making a huge difference in the church and in the world! I am daily challenged

and enlivened in my call as Lead Pastor at St. John‟s! Thank you for the

partnership of mission and ministry to Christ that we share!

The Spirit sends us forth to serve; we go in Jesus‟ name

To bring glad tidings to the poor, God‟s favor to proclaim.

We go to comfort those who mourn and set the burdened free;

Where hope is dim, to share a dream and help the blind to see.

We go to be the hands of Christ, to scatter joy like seed

And, all our days, to cherish life, to do the loving deed.

Then let us go to serve in peace, the gospel to proclaim.

God‟s Spirit has empowered us; we go in Jesus‟ name. (ELW #551)


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Pastor‟s Report Pastor Ladd Sonnenberg

Pastor of Faith Connections

“Praise the Lord. Sing a new song to the Lord,” writes the psalmist in Psalm 149. “Sing praise to him in the community of his faithful people.” What a fitting description of St. John‟s in 2014. We have so much to thank and praise God for in how He has worked through the disciples of Christ here at St. John's. In response to God's grace, we served adults and families by welcoming 28 new disciples, starting three new small groups (with another two starting soon), providing care as Stephen Ministers for those facing hardships and transitions, raising health awareness through a new parish nurse ministry, and offering multiple courses throughout the week at St. John's and in people's homes that teach about God's love. In response to God's grace, we served children and youth by helping nine 9th graders affirm their faith, teaching over 85 children in Vacation Bible School, providing an innovative worship experience for an average of 40 youth at Encounter and offering our first ever trunk or treat event. In response to God's grace, we served the community by providing meals every month at the Salvation Army, forming a new ministry team to welcome the residents of Georgetown Apartments, and rallying around Springfield in our first-ever GO! Weekend with nearly 300 participants. And this is just a snap shot of what God has accomplished through us. One of the biggest driving forces of our service and impact at St. John‟s is our leadership, both the council and church staff, living out what Paul writes in Ephesians 4: 12: “So that they might prepare God‟s people to serve. If they do, the body of Christ will be built up.” Just as Paul encourages the Ephesians to do, we are answering God‟s call to use our gifts to serve others and share the Good News. I am so thankful to the congregation, the council, and the staff for their patience during this time of great transition, as well as their willingness and openness as we strive to be and make disciples of Christ in response to God's grace. Thank you for being a part of all that God is doing in and through the life of St. John's so that all may come to know God's amazing love. Therefore let us “sing a new song to the Lord,” so that all may know that God is not dead, He is surely alive and at work in the world through us. AMEN!


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Staff Report Kathy Lasley

Director of Children and Family Ministries

Looking back over the past 12 months of ministry to St. John's Children and

Families, it's exciting to recount the variety of opportunities our disciples were

provided to grow in their faith. Sunday School, Sprout!, and VBS provided quality

Biblical instruction with a great mix of teaching, activities, music, and crafts. We

have three person teaching teams in nearly every Sunday School classroom. The

addition of the four person Sunday School Ministry Team to oversee Sunday

mornings is also a blessing. Sprout!continues to be a fun night, giving us

opportunities to break out of the mold of traditional teaching with creative lessons

and activities. Vacation Bible School's "SHINE" was a high point of the summer.

Our music staff did a great job and the quality of the Go Fish music (remember

those awesome drums!?!) gave us resources to use throughout the year. My favorite

memory of VBS was when our kids gave cards to the St. John's staff, surrounded

them in the PLC, and prayed for them. Hearts were touched that day!

Our amazing Children and Family Committee worked tirelessly to provide a variety

of family activities above and beyond traditional programming also. Service

projects included Personal Care Kits for LWR and the continuation of sponsoring

Samson through Compassion International. The committee was very intentional

about providing spiritual encouragement for all ages represented in this ministry.

The families of our St. John's Preschool also shared in many of our events. Our St.

John's nursery staff provided consistent and loving care for our littlest disciples.

Their commitment is inspiring.

The coming year will once again bring many opportunities for our families to share

together in the life of the church. My prayer is that this ministry will be a "home"

for our kids and families to come to for encouragement and spiritual growth.

Hopefully they will then give back by being the difference makers here at St.

John's, in their homes, neighborhoods, communities, and the world!


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Staff Report Ashlynne Steen

Director of Senior High Youth and Family Ministries

July 1,2014 marked the start of an amazing journey. The past four months have been

simply one thing- a gift from God. I have greatly enjoyed getting to know the senior high

youth, meeting their friends, laughing with them, and helping them pursue a more

intimate relationship with their personal Savior, Jesus Christ. We have had a busy start

including Leadership Lab, camping, volunteering, both in St. Louis and at the

MacArthur Literacy Center, Wednesday night “Unplugged” Bible Study, Sunday morning

Students Taking Faith Forward, and growing our bi-monthly Encounter ministry from

20 youth to approximately 90 at our last event.

The youth have not only started inviting their friends, but they have taken full ownership

of THEIR youth group. Many of our youth members are leading small group discussion

for the junior high youth, planning a number of outreach and volunteer opportunities,

and even preparing and sharing the message at Encounter. The youth have opened up in

discussion about their faith, and we are all learning how to encourage others to share and

live out their faith. This upcoming year we are looking forward to the National Youth

Gathering 2015 in Detroit, Michigan, lots of meaningful Bible studies, and many fun

fellowship events. We are really empowered to share God‟s word to friends, and to become

living examples of God‟s word! This year expect theyouth to become examples in speech, in

conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity, because we are learning that God has BIG plans

for us. Our youth, inexperience, and our life‟s hurdles do not disqualify us when God

calls. God has equipped us, since birth, to do his work! We are ready, we are willing, and

we are looking forward to this year‟s journey.


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Staff Report Royce Hubert

Director of Music Ministries

In my first full year here I have been privileged to be the organist for the sanctuary services and several weddings and funerals. The Bells of Glory and I, as director, have provided music for sanctuary services once a month from fall to spring. Worship planning is another vital piece of my job. I have enjoyed working with many talented soloists, both instrumental and vocal, throughout the year, and the men's and women's vocal ensembles this summer, to provide quality music for our worship services.

As overseer of the Concert Series I have been pleased with the excellent groups we have and will have this year. Among them The King's Brass on December 4th, a civil war era band, Solid Ground men's gospel quartet, Backpack Jones jazz band, Ascension Ringers from Augustana College on November 10, and our upcoming Christmas Cantata on December 13 & 14. For Advent Soup and Song we will feature the Springfield Jazz Band, LLCC Choir, and Jane Hartman Trio.

I have arranged training events for our musicians; primarily PederEide worship leaders' training for our contemporary Praise Band and Singers and Webinars on children's choirs for our co-directors of children's music. I was able to deliver a discarded tuba to a drop off point near Elgin to be shipped to the music school in Tanzania for use by our missionaries, the Stubbs family. Currently I am conducting a music ministry survey to help discern a vision for music ministry at St. John's.

Thank you to the disciples here at St. John's for your encouraging support!

Staff Report Alicia Huntley and Melissa Roselle

Children‟s Music Co-Directors

Children‟s Music has had a great year. During music class time on Sundays, we sang new songs and old favorites. We added rhythm instruments to enhance our singing. Children provided music for worship services each month. During Sprout, we played music games, tried out different music and Bible iPad apps, and learned to play some musical instruments called Boomwhackers. Our highlight of 2014 was “Shine” VBS. We spent 5 days singing and dancing to the wonderful music of the Go Fish band, ending with a bucket drum performance on Sunday.


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Insert St. John‟s Preschool Financial report here.

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Insert St. John‟s Preschool Balance Sheets here.

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Insert St. John‟s Preschool Statement of Revenues and Expenses here.

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Ministry Report Evangelism Committee

Mark Butler, Ministry Leader

In early 2014 after a second and abbreviated version of the Multiply curriculum for making disciples, there was sentiment that to truly live the mission of SJL and our evangelical nature, we needed to inspire existing SJL disciples to "go forth" instead of waiting for individuals and opportunities to come to us. Therefore, after brainstorming options built around the natural setting of rally day in early September when SJL disciples as a whole are focused on the activities and calling of the church, it was decided that a massive "going forth" into the community would be the best way to display the Great Commission. The result was a week-long concentration of multiple ministries and activities headed by existing SJL small groups and newly formed ones. The overall initiative was named "GO!" Ministries ranged from making blankets for the homebound and a community food drive to blood donation and a large picnic for UCP residents. A final estimate was that 300 SJL disciples were involved and were outstanding examples of the gospel in action and visible to our community. An added value of the GO! initiative was the elevation of the importance of SJL small groups and a wonderful precursor to the ministry teams concept of the new constitution structure.

Fellowship Committee Lori Bruntjen-Carter and Susan Wilson, Ministry Leaders

The Fellowship Committee tried some different approaches to re-energize the

disciples of the congregation to host fellowship Sunday. Weekly recruitment

notices were placed in the church bulletin. Families were encouraged to host, and

loyal Sunday hosts were asked to recruit new teammates for their Sunday teams.

To help reduce the cost of hosting, fruit was purchased weekly out of the fellowship

budget. Sunday Fellowship also took a June to September summer break, with

start-up back on Rally weekend.

Fellowship activities hosted by the committee included: the Special congregational

meeting meal in March, “Celebration of her Service” fellowship hour for Linda

Strader, the UCP picnic on GO! Weekend, and the Rally day “Go!”

CelebrationLuncheon. The Fellowship Committee will also be hosting the Annual

Congregational meeting Chili Cook-off event in November.


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Ministry Report

Global Missions Committee

Rose Moser, Ministry Leader

Through American and Global Missions, St. John‟s is connected to our community,

our country, and our world!

Examples of our connection to the community are the organization of monthly

dinners for people who live at the Salvation Army homeless shelter and an annual

fundraiser for the Committee for Children‟s „Someone Special‟ program. We are

connected to our country by our annual mission trip to the Appalachian region of

the state of Virginia, where disciples from St. John‟s work on home repairs for

people who could not afford to pay for such work. And we are connected to our

world through so many different programs! This year started out with a trip to

Tanzania, where four of our disciples visited the missionary family that is

supported by our congregation in order to learn of their work as well as the work of

Pastor Ladd‟s parents. We learned about the many ways in which our larger

church, in connection with the Lutheran Church of Tanzania, works to bring

people to Christ through health care and education. In order to defeat world

hunger, our congregation is continually working on building our support of Foods

Resource Bank (FRB) along with our sister congregation of Trinity Lutheran

Church in Carthage. This year, we hosted a visitor from Nicaragua who told us

about FRB‟s work in his country. We also continue to support small farmers in

developing countries by purchasing their fair trade products. This year, disciples at

St. John‟s purchased fair trade coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa and olive oil for more

than $2,600.00! Of course our congregation also generously supports ELCA world

hunger, a program that provides disaster relief, medical care, and many other much

needed assistance. Finally, our congregation supports Lutheran World Relief by

serving as the collection point for the annual LWR ingathering of quilts and

various kits. This year, our Sunday school children collected 100 school kits that

will be distributed to children in refugee camps or other areas where the children

do not have access to school supplies.

These are some of the ways the global missions team lives out our congregation‟s

Mission Statement “To be and make disciples of Christ in response to God‟s grace.”


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Ministry Report Neighborhood Ministry Team

Carolyn Isham, Ministry Leader

The Neighborhood Ministry was formed to help the people in our neighborhood especially the neighbors in the Georgetown Apartments. This year we received a grant of $400 from our Central/Southern Illinois Synod‟s Church in Society Committee. With this money a back to school picnic was prepared for the neighborhood and the disciples at St John's. Hot dogs and drinks were provided by the committee. Every family was asked to bring a covered dish. The attendance was great with an equal number of neighbors and disciples. There was a snow cone machine and a slip and slide. Each child was given a backpack and school supplies. Thank you to all who made this a success. Neighborhood Ministry also helped with the Trunk or Treat. An invitation was issued to the neighborhood children as well as families of St. John's preschool and families of St. John's. That event was great with the help of Kathy Lasley and disciples at St. John's. Thank you to all who set up, cleaned up, and handed out candy. Next year I promise we will not run out of food! A grant was also received from the Endowment Fund that will allow the Committee to buy tickets for the neighborhood children and their parents to buy tickets for the Breakfast with Santa. An invitation was sent to the neighbors and so far 5 tickets have been requested. Anyone who has ideas for events for the Neighborhood Ministry or who would like to be part of the ministry team, please call Carolyn Isham @ 544-2286.


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Ministry Report Property Committee

Gary Corrigan, Ministry Leader

The Property Committee is again happy to report that several large projects were completed in 2014. A few of the biggest projects were:

1. More trees were cut and/or trimmed around the property. 2. The grounds were again planted beautifully and received many well-

deserved compliments. 3. For cost savings and a smaller environmental footprint, single stream

recycling was implemented. With the help of all St. John‟s disciples and the preschool we hope to recycle more and more.

4. For more safety, new railings were installed in the sanctuary using wood from the former building at College and Monroe.

5. The HVAC project moved forward as the final request for bids was forwarded to five vendors with the proposal of the original 1983 HVAC systems be replaced.

As the property committee looks toward 2015, as usual, there are several projects that are already in process and several that will pop up. Thanks to all who have helped; many times behind the scenes! It takes many disciples and many hands to maintain the beauty and safety of the facilities here at St. John‟s.

Social Ministry Committee Suzie Weissberg, Ministry Leader

Social Ministry is a very busy committee. This year we have continued our collection for Grace Food Pantry using the 500 Club as our theme, with our goal being 500 items per month for Grace Food Pantry. We started the year with “Souper” Bowl Sunday when we collected soup and donations for Grace Food Pantry. We continue to have a large outreach to Harvard Park Elementary School which includes mentoring and reading mentoring. In the past we have provided a fall brunch and a spring lunch for the teachers at Harvard Park. This year we provided two lunches. We were able to bring in lunch on teachers‟ in-service days. This allowed the teachers to lunch together, continue discussing their ideas, and socialize with each other. It created a rare opportunity for them to all be together and a very rewarding one for those who participated.


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We provided “Hams for Harvard Park” at Easter. This is done through donations from the congregation. We provide a ham, potatoes, vegetables, and bread for every family who signs up. It is a large project and a very rewarding one. Every project at Harvard Park is rewarding! We continued to support the LSSI Storybook Project. We have collected books and supplies for mailing. We continue to send disciples to both Taylorville and Lincoln/Logan Correctional Centers so that prisoners can read a storybook to their child on a tape recorder. It is then copied to a cd and sent along with the book to their child. They are very appreciative. On Mother‟s Day we provided gift bags for the mothers at MERCY Communities. St. John‟s disciples donate various gift bags to be delivered to MERCY Communities. They have about 34 clients. Again this year the Bible Study Group, Good and Bad Girls of the Bible, took responsibility for this ministry. Some outreach falls under Social Ministry but actually stands alone. Home Repair, which is coordinated by Jim Sanders, provided minor home repair where needed. Salvation Army Meals, which are coordinated by Carolyn Isham, provided a meal for around 400 Salvation Army clients once a month. A new neighborhood outreach ministry was formed with a goal of reaching out to our neighborhood, including the Georgetown Apartments. A new Parish Nurse Ministry is being coordinated by Susie Jurin, Janet Moulton, and Joyce Tomaw, St. John‟s disciples and nurses. They have already provided a number of services for disciples at St. John‟s including blood pressure, glucose, and cholesterol screenings. Gourmet Grace provides meals for families when they become aware of the need, such as bringing home a new baby or after a hospital stay. Kristen Schmid Schurter has begun a new Family Friends Ministry matching families of St. John‟s with shut-in members of St. John‟s. Knitting Ministry is currently making prayer shawls. Meals on Wheels is an annual project we continue to support. The next two months will be very busy for the Social Ministry Committee. Projects yet to come this year are St. John‟s Breadline Sunday, mitten tree, Christmas gifts for a family in the Contact Ministry Shelter, and Christmas Gifts for UCP Clients, purchased and wrapped by disciples at St. John‟s. If you want to become actively involved in Social Ministry, there is a place for you!


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Ministry Report Stewardship Committee

Carolyn Isham, Ministry Leader

The theme of our Stewardship Campaign this year was We Are Gifted. The first Sunday Pastor Greg and Pastor Ladd talked about Stone Soup and how it takes more than just stones to make soup. The people in the village had lots of vegetables but they had hidden them and did not want to share. In the end they all shared and worked together and made a great kettle of soup.The ideas I took home from that is that if we all work together and share what we have we can accomplish many great things. To help us all remember that we are gifted each person was given a rock with the word gifted written on it. We decided not to write devotions concerning giving but to only ask disciples to give temple talks. I dreaded doing the calling and asking but I made out my list and began. The first four disciples I called all agreed to not only give a temple talk but to give it at all four services on the weekend. All four did a great job sharing from their heart . We are all gifted even if we don't think so. Some are gifted to be officers in the church, others plan and prepare great meals and others are great in doing the clean-up. Any gift used to glorify God is great. We are all special in God's eyes. I often think of the hymn "Hark the Voice of Jesus Calling." If you cannot speak like angels, if you cannot preach like Paul, You can tell the love of Jesus; you can say he died for all. If you cannot rouse the wicked with the judgment's dread alarm, You can lead the little children to the Savior‟s waiting arms. With your prayers and with your bounties you can do what God demands. You can be like faithful Aaron holding up the prophet's hands. Take the task He gives you gladly; Let His work your pleasure be. Answer quickly when He calls you, "Here am I send me send me." Remember we are all gifted in the way God made us to be. Use your gifts to God's glory and sometimes step out of your comfort zone and let God guide you to see if you have gifts you have not tried. Give God your first fruits not your leftovers.


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Insert Bloechle report here.

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Possibly insert Tomaw report on the next page.

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Action Item Second Vote on Proposed Constitutional Changes

Mover – St. John‟s Congregation Council Second – None needed WHEREAS it is the mission of St. John‟s Evangelical Lutheran Church “To Be and Make Disciples of Christ in Response to God‟s Grace,” and WHEREAS amending the St. John‟s Evangelical Lutheran Church‟s constitution consistent with the established governing principles of the church will enable the church to live out its mission, and WHEREAS the first vote on the proposed amendments to the constitution was passed on March 30, 2014, and WHEREAS the second vote on the proposed amendments will take place at the Annual Congregational Meeting on November 23, 2014, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the amendments to the St. John‟s Evangelical Lutheran Church‟s Constitution be ratified by this congregation with an effective date of February 1, 2015 following approval of the amended Constitution by the Central/Southern Illinois Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.


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Action Item Proposed 2015 Budget

Include budget here and on the following pages.


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Action Item Proposal for HVAC Replacement and Refinancing of the Mortgage

The St. John‟s Evangelical Lutheran Church Council, Springfield, Illinois makes the following motion to the Church Congregation: That the St. John‟s Evangelical Lutheran Church Council is hereby given the authority to refinance our current mortgage with the ELCA Mission Investment Funds at a reduced interest rate of 4.00% for a term of 5 years with a 13- year amortization and to borrow an additional $65,000 for HVAC upgrades, including funds to allow for normal anticipated cost over runs, for a total borrowing amount not to exceed $1,573,000. Furthermore, the Council is authorized to spend the additional borrowed funds for the HVAC upgrades. Respectfully submitted by Andy Roselle Finance and Administration Committee Chairperson and Council Member


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Action Item Special Motion for Elections for Leadership Board

Mover – St. John‟s Congregational Council Second – None needed WHEREAS St. John‟s Evangelical Lutheran Church has adopted an amended Constitution, and WHEREAS the amended Constitution provides for a Leadership Board composed of seven elected member-disciples and the full time called pastors, and WHEREAS the amended Constitution provides that the seven member-disciples on the Leadership Board will serve three year terms, and WHEREAS the first election of member-disciples to the Leadership Board on November 23, 2014 should provide for staggered terms so that approximately the same number of seats on the Leadership Board will be up for election at future congregational annual meetings, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that at the November 23, 2014 Annual Meeting two member-disciples be elected to the Leadership Board for one year terms, two member-disciples be elected to the Leadership Board for two year terms and three member-disciples be elected to the Leadership Board for three year terms.


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Action Item Election of Leaders

2015 Leadership Board Nominees Wes Johnson – 1 year term Andy Roselle – 1 year term Brian Metz – 2 year term Rose Moser – 2 year term Nancy Bohl – 3 year term Gaylon Martin – 3 year term Kristen Schmid Schurter – 3 year term 2015 Endowment Fund Nominees Mike Bloechle – 3 year term Bruce Cassens – 3 year term 2015 Preschool Board Nominees Rachel Gamble – 3 year term David Richter – 3 year term 2015 Congregation Council Nominees (if proposed constitutional changes do not pass) *incumbent Gregg Good Carolyn Isham* Wes Johnson* Jeff Koester Jessalyn Loy* Gaylon Martin Beth Nika Province* Andy Roselle* Lori Schlosser Kristen Schmid Schurter Thomas Walsh*


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Closing Devotions

P Jesus said, You will be my witnesses C to the ends of the earth. P I chose you and appointed you C to bear fruit that will last. P Remember, I will be with you always, C to the end of time. P The Lord be with you. C And also with you. P Let us pray.Direct us, Lord God, in all our doings with your most gracious

favor, and extend to us your continual help; that in all our works begun, continued, and ended in you, we may glorify your holy name; and finally, by your mercy, bring us to everlasting life; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.

C Amen. Hymn Have No Fear, Little Flock ELW Have no fear, little flock; have no fear, little flock, For the Father has chosen to give you the kingdom; Have no fear, little flock! Have good cheer, little flock; have good cheer, little flock, For the Father will keep you in his love forever; Have good cheer, little flock! Praise the Lord high above; praise the Lord high above, For he stoops down to heal you, uplift and restore you; Praise the Lord high above! Thankful hearts raise to God; thankful hearts raise to God, For he stays close beside you, in all things works with you; Thankful hearts raise to God!


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P The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord‟s face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord look upon you with favor and give you peace. C Amen P Go in peace. Share the good news. C Thanks be to God.