[1] Dear Pastor and Parish Leaders, We are pleased to provide the 2014 Annual Bishop’s Appeal Parish Leadership Guide. Enclosed you will find a timetable of solicitations and promotions, a summary of funded program areas, and suggested pulpit announcements. With your leadership and the appointment Bishop Frank Caggiano we have an exciting Annual Bishop’s Appeal planned this year. This year’s theme is Building Bridges in Faith and Charity which focuses on his installation message. We ask you to make use of all the materials and suggestions in the Leadership Guide. Please be sure to display your posters and banner and show the Appeal DVD at a reception or after Mass. This year’s suggested In-Pew weekends are April 5th & 6th, May 17th & 18th and June 7 th & 8 th . Thank you again on behalf of the Development staff. We look forward to assisting you with the 2014 Annual Bishop’s Appeal, Building Bridges in Faith and Charity. Sincerely, William McLean, Jr. Pamela Rittman Chief Development Officer Director, Annual Bishop’s Appeal

Annual Bishop’s Appeal, Building Bridges in Faith and …€¦ · the 2014 Annual Bishop’s Appeal, ... Solicitation Letter ... Youth Ministry programs assist youth to grow in

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Dear Pastor and Parish Leaders,

We are pleased to provide the 2014 Annual Bishop’s Appeal Parish Leadership Guide.

Enclosed you will find a timetable of solicitations and promotions, a summary of funded

program areas, and suggested pulpit announcements.

With your leadership and the appointment Bishop Frank Caggiano we have an exciting Annual

Bishop’s Appeal planned this year. This year’s theme is Building Bridges in Faith and Charity

which focuses on his installation message. We ask you to make use of all the materials and

suggestions in the Leadership Guide. Please be sure to display your posters and banner and

show the Appeal DVD at a reception or after Mass.

This year’s suggested In-Pew weekends are April 5th & 6th, May 17th & 18th and

June 7th

& 8th


Thank you again on behalf of the Development staff. We look forward to assisting you with

the 2014 Annual Bishop’s Appeal, Building Bridges in Faith and Charity.


William McLean, Jr. Pamela Rittman

Chief Development Officer Director, Annual Bishop’s Appeal


Table of Contents



ABA Prayer..........................................................................................3

ABA Contact Information..................................................................4

Appeal Timetable……………………………………………….…...5

Allocation of 2014 Appeal Funds.…………………………………..7

Parish Incentive Program………………………………..……….…8

2014 Appeal Parish Committee..……………………………………9

Parish Speaker Program…………………………………..……….16

Matching Gifts……………………………………………………....17

In-Pew Weekends……………...……………………………..….…19

In Pew Processing Instructions…………………………………....26

Parish Receptions…………………………………………………..28

Pulpit Announcements……………………………………………..33


2014 Annual Bishop’s Appeal Prayer

Father, you have blessed our minds and hands to do your work, and as we

gather, we seek your guidance in planning for the 2014 Annual Bishop’s

Appeal. In it we want to faithfully serve you by building a bridge of hope to

those in need, in our parishes, schools, communities, and with our clergy and

religious. We pray you will enlighten us in ways to secure the means to

provide for others. We pray that each ministry will fulfill and restore

individuals. For those who are away from the Church, we pray the Holy

Spirit will draw them to you. For those who lack, we pray they will be filled.

We ask for your blessings on our parishioners and donors who give freely

from their hearts and respond to God’s call of caring for their neighbor. We

thank you in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Annual Bishop's Appeal

Contact Information

For all questions about the Annual Bishop's Appeal, please contact the

Office of Development, 238 Jewett Avenue, Bridgeport, CT.

William McLean Pam Rittman

Chief Development Officer Director, Annual Bishop's Appeal

Diocese of Bridgeport Diocese of Bridgeport

238 Jewett Avenue 238 Jewett Avenue

Bridgeport, CT 06606 Bridgeport, CT 06606

203-416-1473 203-416-1479

[email protected] [email protected]

Internet Resources

All information for the Appeal including the video, brochure, Pastors'

Leadership Guide, Pulpit/Bulletin and weekly announcements can be viewed

on The Bridge under the Development section on the Diocesan website at




Month Target Audience Mailing Promotions

January 2014

Past donors

Bishop Leader


General Donors

2013 tax statement

Personal visit and

letter solicitation

from Bishop

Request letter

from Bishop with


Feature article in Fairfield County


February 2014

Solicit all families

in database who

have not gifted

Pastors, Parochial

Vicars, ABA


Request letter

from pastor

Solicit all families

in database who

have not gifted

Feature article in Fairfield County


ABA Kick-off and Reception

March 2014

Solicit all families

in database who

have not gifted

Solicitation Letter

from Chair Couple

Thank you letters

and pledge


Feature article in Fairfield County

Catholic with envelope

Weekly Bulletin/Pulpit




Month Target Audience Mailing Promotions

April 2014

Solicit Past Donors

Thank you letters

and pledge


Request letter from


Speakers in parishes

In-Pew Sunday

Feature article in Fairfield County

Catholic with envelope

Weekly pulpit announcements

May 2014

Solicit all families

in database who

have not given

Thank you letters

and pledge


Request letters from


Speakers in parishes

In-Pew Sunday

Phone Calls

Feature article in Fairfield County

Catholic with envelope

Weekly pulpit announcements

June 2014

Solicit Past Donors


Thank you letters

and pledge


Postcard to donors

June 30th 2013

Appeal ends

In-Pew Sunday

Feature article in Fairfield County

Catholic with envelope

Phone Calls




Catholic Charities…………………………………………………….….$1,250,000

Formation of Priests and Deacons…………………………….…….….$1,917,000

Care of Retired Priests………………………………………………….$1,000,000

Catholic Schools…………………………………………………….……$1,760,000

Hospital Ministries………………………………………………....…….$ 375,000

Inner-City Catholic Elementary Schools…………………………….…$ 667,000

Clergy Ministries…………………………………………………………$1,548,000

Fairfield County Catholic………………………………………………..$ 500,000

Finance and Accounting Services for Parishes…………………………$ 460,000

Pastoral Services……….…………………………………………………$ 893,000

*A portion of the funds raised through the Annual Bishop’s Appeal are used to fund its cost

and total less than 9 cents on the dollar raised.




The Parish Incentive Program is designed to encourage parishes to exceed their 2014 Annual

Bishop’s Appeal goal and direct funds towards capital repairs, parish improvements and other

parish needs.

The Parish Incentive Program is based on funds redeemed, not pledges received.


Please note the Diocese needs to reach the $11.5 million goal in cash before the program is

activated. We must ensure that funding for ministries is secured before directing funds back

to parishes.

Parishes will receive 40% of funds received in excess of their parish goal,

irrespective of the number of donors participating.

Parishes will receive an additional 10% of funds received in excess of their

parish goal if the number of donors increases by 3% over the prior year,

bringing the total to 50%.

If a 2013 donor to the parish becomes a prospect on the Bishop’s list, the parish

will receive credit in 2014 for an amount equal to the 2013 pledge, if the donor

contributes at least that amount in 2014.

The parish will receive public recognition for a combination of both parish and

pledges received through the efforts of the Bishop.




We encourage your parish to recruit a small 2014 Appeal Parish Committee to encourage

parishioners to participate in the 2014 Appeal. The Development Office will work closely

with your committee to maximize their time and efforts.

Specifically, the role of the 2014 Appeal Parish Committee will include:

Appointing a Chair;

Hosting a small gathering to highlight the Annual Bishop’s Appeal;

Assisting the Pastor with follow-up phone calls or mailings to potential donors;

Encouraging participation during In-Pew Weekends;


Speaking from the pulpit about the Appeal and;

Offering guidance in promoting the Appeal in the parish.

The Development Office will assist the 2014 Appeal Parish Committee with tailored materials

for their parish Appeal.


Sample Script for 2014 Appeal Parish Committee at Mass:

Hello, my name is _____________. I have agreed to serve on our Parish

Appeal Committee for the 2014 Building Bridges in Faith and Charity

Annual Bishop’s Appeal. The funding that you so generously provide

during this Appeal is essential for the many services delivered across the

Diocese through Catholic Charities, educational services for thousands of

children in our Catholic schools, and many other activities benefitting our

parishes and communities.

Last year alone:

Catholic Charities delivered over 1.5 million meals to the needy and

vulnerable of Fairfield County through four major food programs.

These include Morning Glory Breakfast in Danbury; The Thomas

Merton Campus in Bridgeport, which offers a soup kitchen and food

pantry; and New Covenant House of Hospitality, the only soup kitchen

in Stamford serving several meals daily, 365 days a year, and a food

pantry serving working poor families. The Stamford location also

includes an after-school meal program for an average 200 children per

day. The Senior Nutrition Program, the only elderly nutrition

program in the Stamford region provides both congregate and home-

delivered meals.

In addition to improving the lives of countless individuals and families

across the Diocese through food and nutrition programs, Catholic

Charities offers a network of other programs and services with a track

record of helping thousands to overcome financial and personal


hardship. These include a Behavioral Health Program, which offers a

full range of outpatient psychiatric services to individuals and families

with a strong focus on children. Just last year, 15,000 counseling

sessions including significant on the ground support for the residents

of Newtown after the December 14th

tragedy were provided.

Catholic Charities offers an Immigration services program in

Bridgeport and Stamford, to assist a growing immigrant population

with assimilation, integration, and compliance with immigration law.

The agency also offers multiple housing, community support and

outreach programs for the disabled, the medically fragile, the formerly

homeless, and the working poor to help them become and remain


Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Bridgeport have developed a strong

Pre-K through Grade 12 curriculum that exceeds state and national

standards. Ten core gospel values are infused across all curriculum


Diocesan Catholic Schools strive to integrate Science, Technology,

Engineering and Mathematics (S.T.E.M.) throughout all the areas of

the curriculum. Each academic quarter, schools focus on the

integration of these skills and the specific content area.

Technology is an integral tool which enhances teaching and learning.


Professional Development provides administrators and teachers with

“best practices” in their field and opportunities to set measurable

goals for academic excellence.

More than 50% of Diocesan elementary schools in the Diocese of

Bridgeport have received the prestigious Blue Ribbon Award from the

U.S. Department of Education. This recognizes schools in the U.S.

whose students achieve in the top 10% in the nation.

The Pastoral Services Religious Education Program reaches over

38,000 children and young adults each year. Adult education in the

Diocese includes the St. Cyril of Jerusalem Program, an educational

course on the Catholic Faith available at every parish or at

www.scoj.org. It is also available in Spanish. A partnership with

Sacred Heart University called S.H.A.R.E. (Sacred Heart Adult

Religious Education for the Diocese of Bridgeport) offers a pastoral

certificate in Catholic studies. Last year 90 adults received the

Sacrament of Confirmation through Adult Confirmation. The

Ministry for People with Disabilities offers a full program for

individuals and families and includes: sacramental preparation and

catechesis; an adult social and formation club called Sister Margaret

Mary Faith Club; an annual Bible camp; an apostolate for the deaf;

and parent, family and staff support.

Youth Ministry programs assist youth to grow in their faith. Youth

ministers are available in every parish and are trained, supported and

receive on-going development. Last year 240 people participated in

Convivio, an annual retreat that deepens and inspires youth to live


their faith. The March for Life pilgrimage in Washington D.C. draws

a large group every year and the High School Apostles Leadership

Program trains high school students to be leaders in evangelization.

The annual Fan the Fire Youth Rally in the summer continues to

inspire and instruct youth in the Gospel.

The Office of Marriage and Family Ministry prepares couples for the

Sacrament of Marriage, offers Natural Family Planning classes and

coordinates wedding jubilee Masses twice a year. The Respect Life

Ministry manages and coordinates pro-life activities and includes: the

Annual Diocesan Mass for Life; March for Life pilgrimage; Project

Rachel ministry, a post abortive program; and the 40 Days of Life

campaign, a peaceful public witness with a team of the faithful at the

Summit Women’s Center in Bridgeport.

Vocations continue to increase, drawing men who are parishioners in

our Diocese and answering the call to the Seminary. There are 22 men

in formation, including 13 at St. John Fisher Seminary Residence in

Stamford. The Diocese will ordain four seminarians to the priesthood

this year.

There are 92 active deacons and 12 men in formation. All the men

come from different ethnicities and backgrounds and education levels.

They work as laborers, electricians, business men, managers, artist,

lawyers, teachers, doctors, dentists.


Our parish goal is $____________. This year, there is a parish incentive for

us to exceed our goal. We have the opportunity to receive as much as 50%

of the funds redeemed above our parish goal. Here’s how it works:

Once the Diocesan Appeal goal is met, we will receive 40% of all funds

redeemed above our parish goal amount.

If we increase our number of donors above last year by just 3%, we

will receive an additional 10% of the funds redeemed over our parish


To date, our parish has received $___________ in pledges. I encourage you

to consider making a pledge to the 2014 Appeal. Your generosity makes a

difference and touches the lives of many. Thank you.


Sample Script for 2014 Appeal Parish Committee Member Telephone Call


Hello, Mr./Mrs. (Prospect’s name), this is (your name) from (parish). I

serve on our Parish Appeal Auxiliary for the 2014 Annual Bishop’s Appeal.

We are hoping that we might encourage you to renew your support this

year. Especially during these difficult times, the demand for services has

increased and the Appeal funds these efforts.

If possible, could we include your commitment in our totals?

If yes:

Please record the amount and contact information. Request that the donor

completes a pledge card and returns it in this Sunday’s Offertory Basket.

Thank the donor again. Confirm spelling of the names, address, pledge

amount and payment schedule. Always let the donor hang up first.

If no:

Thank the person for his/her time and say “Goodbye”. Complete the pledge

card or your roster with the person’s name, address and write no gift.




The Development Office requests that every parish recruit one or two couples who will serve

as parish speakers during the Appeal. In advance, we will provide training to speakers about

Appeal funding priorities and encourage them to share with fellow parishioners the important

impact of their generosity on many people in need.

In addition to parish speakers from your parish, there are representatives available from

Catholic Charities, Parish Life and Ministries, Catholic Schools, Parish Finance Services, and

Vocations to offer brief testimonials at the end of Mass in your parish. You are strongly

encouraged to have a speaker come to the parish during the Appeal.

We encourage you to select appropriate dates and contact the Development Office as early as

possible to secure a speaker for your parish. Our statistics from last year’s Appeal demonstrate

that parishes with speakers exceed their goal more quickly and with better results.



Please encourage parishioners to inquire about a matching gift program at their company. In

some cases, parishioners may double or even triple their donation to the Appeal. Any matching

gifts will be credited to your parish once the pledge is redeemed.

Some companies match gifts by retirees and/or spouses of deceased employees.

Please use the following in your bulletins.

Several companies that participate in Matching Gift Programs to the Annual Bishop include

Matching Gifts to the Annual Bishop’s Appeal

Please inquire about a matching gift at your company to the Annual Bishop’s Appeal because

it may double your donation and be credited toward the parish goal! Companies change

policies over time and they may support Catholic Charities or the Catholic Academies of

Bridgeport. Some employers even match gifts by retirees or spouses of deceased employees.

Matching gift forms can be obtained from the Human Resources Department or Benefits

Coordinator of your company. Please fill in the employee’s portion and submit the form or

appropriate paperwork with your pledge card or when your pledge is completed.

Step 1: Check with the Human Resources Department, Benefits Coordinator or

Payroll Department of your company and inquire if they offer a Matching Gift.

Step 2: Review donation guidelines and/or a list of eligible charities supported.

Step 3: Decide how much you want to donate. Important some companies will not

donate to religious organizations but may donate to Catholic Charities of

Fairfield County or the Catholic Schools. If your company

qualifies, please make your gift payments payable to Catholic Charities or the

Catholic Academies of Bridgeport and remit the payments to the Appeal Office. If

you need more information, please contact us at (203) 416-1312 or

[email protected].

Step 4: Fill out the employee section on the appropriate form and submit with the pledge

card or at the completion of your last payment to ensure that the match is donated.

If you have any questions about this process, please call the Development Office at 203-416-

1312 or email us at [email protected].

Several companies that participate in Matching Gift Programs to the Annual Bishop’s Appeal

include: Chubb, Dannon, Deutsche Bank, Energizer, GE, GenRe, J.P. Morgan Chase, Kraft

Foods, Pfizer, Pitney Bowes, Thomson, UBS, Unilever, and many more.





The Development Office recommends that your parish designate at least one weekend of

Masses as In-Pew Weekend. This year’s suggested In-Pew weekends are April 5th & 6th,

May 17th & 18th, and June 7th & 8th.



Ushers and/or 2014 APPEAL PARISH COMMITTEE should be briefed beforehand on when to

pass out and collect In-Pew Weekend envelopes.

All pews should be free from pledge envelopes from previous Masses.

All pews should have enough pencils for each family representative.

It is important to promote the Appeal one week ahead of In-Pew Weekend.

If possible, bulletin announcements should be inserted the week of In-Pew Weekend.

Appeal posters should be prominently displayed at the doorways/vestibule of the Church.


Suggested Script:

Today is In-Pew Weekend; it offers an opportunity for parishioners to make

their commitment at Mass and provide resources and hope to families,

neighbors and parishioners.

Your generosity to the Annual Bishop’s Appeal is essential to fund vital

ministries across Fairfield County. These include:

Serving 1.5 million meals through food programs in Bridgeport,

Danbury and Stamford, food pantries and senior nutrition - all

provided by Catholic Charities;

Counseling individuals and families through Catholic Charities that

help with a variety of social issues, medication management, and

marriage and family therapy; including significant on the ground

support for the residents of Newtown after the December 14th


Providing 262 financial scholarships to families in inner-city Catholic

elementary schools;

Educating over 38,000 children and young adults in religious

education programs each year.

Financing the formation of 22 men to become priests in our Diocese;

Caring for 56 retired priests; and

Giving pastoral care to 23,000 patients in hospitals and nursing homes.


This weekend we hope to encourage all parishioners to contribute to the

Appeal. If you have already made a pledge to the effort, so that we may

confirm our records, I ask that you fill out an additional card today and

indicate by checking the “I have already made my pledge.” (box on the front

of the envelope.) - (Please emphasize that they need to mark this box –

otherwise we run the risk of double-counting!)

I am encouraging everyone to take part in this program. I ask all of you to

prayerfully consider your own support of the vital ministries throughout the

Diocese. Please join me – and many of your fellow parishioners – in making

this a successful Appeal by making your pledge today and I thank all who

have already sent in their commitment.

Please contribute to your best ability. For some, you might consider $100

per month or approximately $1,000. For others, perhaps $25 per month or

$250 would be more appropriate. We hope that every parishioner will be

able to contribute at some level.

If we could all just take a couple of minutes, I would like to ask a

representative from each family to take an Appeal envelope and pencil.

[Pastor should pick up a pencil and mirror the actions he wants the

parishioners to make.]

I would now ask you to print your name, address, and phone number in the

left-hand section of the envelope.


Please take some time to complete the Appeal envelope. Your first payment,

cash or check, can be placed in the envelope. The earlier you make your

pledge, the easier it will be to spread your pledge payments out over the

course of the year. In a few minutes, I will have the ushers/volunteers come

around to collect the cards. I thank you in advance for your generosity.

(At this time the organist can play a few minutes of music while parishioners

fill out their card. When parishioners are finished, please ask the ushers to

collect the cards.)

I would like to thank all of the families who made their pledge to the 2014

Annual Bishop’s Appeal at this Mass, as well as those who have made their

commitments prior to this weekend. Thank you.


In-Pew Weekend Do’s and Don'ts

Do Ask parishioners to consider a commitment at Mass in support of the 2014 Appeal.

Do Encourage participation from all parishioners to support the many needs the

Diocese faces; support has to come from all levels.

Do Express past percentage of participation and challenge for a higher rate. “Last year

we received a gift from 25% of all households, this year, I want to reach 30%.”

Do Make sure to have ample pens and/or pencils ready at the end of the pews or hand


Do Instruct ushers and volunteers, who will assist at the Building Bridges in Faith and

Charity Weekend, a few days in advance.

Do Encourage cash and/or checks to be included in the Building Bridges in Faith and

Charity Appeal envelope. This will start the pledge fulfillment process. (The

remaining balance will be billed from the Development Office and is to be paid

before December 31, 2014.)

Do Encourage ownership of the Diocese. “This is your parish which is also part of

your Diocese; together we all do many good things.”

Do Have envelopes readily available for parishioners in vestibules during the Appeal



Do AND THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT – Thank parishioners for their

continued support of the Parish and Diocese.

Don’t Subtract the remainder needed to reach the target goal and divide it by any number

of parishioners. This detracts from the initial requests made from mailings and

discourages many parishioners who have already committed at a higher level to

give in future appeals.

Don’t Place the In-Pew Weekend envelopes in the pews prior to Mass. It is best to have

your ushers hand them out to families.


In-Pew Weekend Checklist

Process has been reviewed with the Development Office, if necessary

In-Pew Weekend promoted by local bulletin announcement and pulpit one week


Appeal promoted the week of In-Pew Weekend

In-Pew Weekend envelopes are in place ready to be distributed

Ushers and/or ABA volunteers briefed

Ample pens and/or pencils ready to be handed out or placed at the end of the pews

In-Pew Weekend materials reviewed

Speakers have been secured and prepped, if requested, by the Development Office

Should you have questions regarding the processing of pledges and/or payments

following In-Pew Weekend, please contact the Development Office at (203) 416-

1470. Thank you.



In-Pew Processing Instructions

FOUR Steps to In-Pew Success!

Step One: Sort completed In-Pew Envelopes ALPHABETICALLY BY LAST NAME.

Step Two: Place the matching mailing label over the shaded portion of the In-Pew Envelope

(bottom right hand corner). If you spot corrections that need to be made, make the

correction directly on the label and we will correct it.

If there is no mailing label, please refer to your current parish list to find correct ID

number. If you cannot find an ID #, please keep In-Pew Envelope in alphabetical

order and we will issue the ID # while processing.

Step Three: Check the In-Pew Envelopes to verify the check or cash amount written is correct and

the gift totals add up (i.e. Pledge is $150 with $15 paid and a $135 balance).


please write a PARISH CHECK for the total amount of cash received – one PARISH

CHECK for Work Sheet A and one PARISH CHECK for Work Sheet B.

Step Four: Sort In-Pew Envelopes into four separate batches according to the type of gift. These

correspond to the four different Work Sheets attached. Make extra copies of the A-B-

C-D Sheets as needed. Please keep In-Pew Envelopes in ALPHABETICAL ORDER

within their corresponding Work Sheets.

Work Sheet A =Pledges Paid in Full.

Work Sheet B = Pledges with Partial Payment.

Work Sheet C =Pledges with No Payment.

Work Sheet D =Pledges paid with Credit Cards.


Fill out and tally each Work Sheet accordingly. Please type or print legibly. Number

each page and tally the totals at the bottom of each page. Staple adding machine tape

to the back of each Work Sheet.

Once all information is tallied, transfer that information to the Summary Report. We

strongly suggest making a copy of the Summary Report and Work Sheets for your files

in case we have questions.

Rubber band Work Sheets around corresponding In-Pew Envelopes and return them,

along with the Summary Report, to the Development Office as soon as possible.

Materials can be mailed (Insured), or, if at all possible, hand-delivered to the ABA


The Catholic Center

ATTN: Development Office

238 Jewett Avenue

Bridgeport, CT 06606


1. IF A DONOR LISTS A PARISH OTHER THAN YOURS on the front of the In-Pew

Envelope, please do not include these pledges in your totals! Please keep the checks or cash

from these directly in the In-Pew Envelope. Put them in a separate group, label them “Another

Parish” and send them to us with your Summary Report and Worksheets.

2. Any remaining, left-over labels, can be reviewed and marked for deletions, corrections, deaths,

changes, etc., and returned to our office.

If you have any questions, please call the Development Office

at 203.416.1474 or 203-416-1475

Monday through Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Friday 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Many thanks for your partnership in success!




The primary aim of a Parish Reception is to welcome all parishioners together in support of the

2014 Annual Bishop’s Appeal Building Bridges in Faith and Charity Annual Bishop’s Appeal.

We encourage you to consider a reception following Mass with coffee and doughnuts. It

would last approximately 30-45 minutes.

Each parish’s reception should be in the character of the parish or region, but there are a few

guidelines that should be followed in all parishes.

Set a date early. Parish Receptions should take place between the months of March and


The Pastor acts as the host and Master of Ceremony with the assistance of a parish

financial committee or 2014 Appeal Parish Auxiliary.

Be sure to send invitations three to four weeks before the reception date.

Plan an agenda and confirm the availability of speakers with the Development Office in


Supplement all invitations with a phone call encouraging each guest to attend.


Suggested Reception Agenda

I. Welcome and Appeal Prayer Pastor 3 minutes

II. Overview of the Appeal Pastor 10 minutes

III. Show Annual Bishop’s Appeal Video Pastor/Technician 8 minutes

IV. Invitation to Support the Appeal Pastor/ 5 minutes

Parish Committee

V. Blessing Pastor 2 minutes


Suggested Script for Reception

Welcome and Opening Prayer

Thank you for joining me today to consider the 2014 Building Bridges in

Faith and Charity Annual Bishop’s Appeal. I will provide an overview of

the Appeal and talk about the impact of your generosity across the

ministries of the Diocese and encourage your participation towards our

parish goal this year.

(Please recite the 2014 Appeal Prayer)

Father, you have blessed our minds and hands to do your work, and as we

gather, we seek your guidance for the 2014 Annual Bishop’s Appeal. In it

we want to faithfully serve you by building a bridge of hope to those in need,

in our parishes, schools, communities, and with our clergy and religious. We

pray you will enlighten us in ways to secure the means to provide for others.

We pray that each ministry will fulfill and restore individuals. For those

who are away from the Church, we pray the Holy Spirit will draw them to

you. For those who lack, we pray they will be filled. We ask for your

blessings on our parishioners and donors who give freely from their hearts

and respond to God’s call of caring for their neighbor. We thank you in

Jesus’ name. Amen.

Show the Annual Bishop’s Appeal Video


Call to Action

To date, our parish has reached $______ towards our goal of $_____ with an

average gift of $_____. I encourage you to please complete a pledge card at

the back table and join our efforts to raise funds for Diocesan services and

our parish needs.


(Please offer a blessing to the reception attendees)

Parish Reception Follow-up:

Every family that attends a Parish Reception should receive a follow-up phone call. This call,

to be completed by the Pastor and/or 2014 Appeal Parish Committee, will give them a chance

to ask any questions they might have and will keep the 2014 Appeal in their thoughts.

Sample Follow-up Call

Hello, this is [your name], a fellow parishioner of [your parish]. I serve on

our Parish Appeal Auxiliary for the 2014 Annual Bishop’s Appeal.

I was glad that you attended the 2014 Building Bridges in Faith and Charity

Appeal Reception on ________. [or “I enjoyed talking to you about the

Annual Appeal at the reception last Tuesday”] I am calling to see if you have

any questions about the initiative or what it will mean to our parish.


Directly address their questions, then:

Talk about your reasons for supporting the Appeal. There are many to choose

from: increased training and support for lay ministers; enrichment of religious

education programs; direct aid to the needy through Catholic Charities, etc.…”

We are hoping that we might encourage you to renew your support to the

Appeal this year. Especially during these difficult times, the demand for

services has increased and the Appeal funds these efforts.

If possible, could we include your commitment in our totals?

If yes:

Please record the amount and contact information. Request that the donor

completes a pledge card and return it in this Sunday’s Offertory Basket.

Thank the donor again. Confirm spelling of the names, address, pledge

amount and payment schedule. Always let the donor hang up first.

If no:

Thank the person for his/her time and say “Goodbye”. Complete the pledge

card or your roster with the person’s name, address and write no gift.




February 22nd and 23rd, 2014


(Read by Pastor or 2014 Appeal Parish Auxiliary Member)


I greet you, my sisters and brothers in Christ, with profound gratitude for

your prayers and well wishes in my appointment as Christ’s Shepherd as the

Bishop in the Diocese of Bridgeport. As I visit parishes and ministries, I see

the Diocese alive in Christ’s love. We begin the 2014 Annual Bishop’s

Appeal. Your sacrificial gift serves to build bridges in faith and charity to

all people of Fairfield County. I am grateful for your support.

Your generosity to the Annual Bishop’s Appeal is essential to fund vital

ministries across Fairfield County. These include:

Serving 1.5 million meals through food programs in Bridgeport,

Danbury and Stamford, food pantries and senior nutrition - all

provided by Catholic Charities;

Counseling individuals and families through Catholic Charities that

help with a variety of social issues, medication management, and

marriage and family therapy; including significant on the ground

support for the residents of Newtown after the December 14th



Educating over 38,000 children and young adults in religious

education programs each year;

Providing 262 financial scholarships to families in inner-city Catholic

elementary schools;

Financing the formation of 22 men to become priests in our Diocese,

four of who will be ordained in May. Financing of 12 deacons in

formation; and continuing formation for 92 active deacons;

Caring for 56 retired priests; and

Giving pastoral care to over 23,000 patients in hospitals and nursing


Every ministry served by the 2014 Annual Bishop’s Appeal touches

parishioners in the Diocese of Bridgeport.


March 1st & 2nd


The Catholic Academies of Bridgeport, formerly known as the Cathedral

Education Cluster, are faith-filled learning communities comprised of three

elementary schools in the city of Bridgeport – St. Andrew Academy;

Cathedral Academy, St. Ann Academy.

They offer a quality education to over 1,000 racially diverse students who

cannot afford a Catholic education, with 65% of families receiving tuition

assistance. 100% of the Catholic Academies students graduate from high

school, attend college and are making a difference in rewarding careers. Sr.

Joan Magnetti, rscj, Executive Director Catholic Academies says, “Thank

you for your support to the 2014 Annual Bishop’s Appeal and helping to

make inner-city education a possibility to those who might not otherwise

have the opportunity for an excellent education.”

Prayer of the Faithful

In consideration of the many gifts that God has given each of us, may our

parish community respond generously to the 2014 Annual Bishop’s Appeal,

we pray to the Lord:


March 8th & 9th

The Director of Religious Education Program is responsible for parish

elementary and junior high religious and sacramental preparation in 82

parishes in the Diocese of Bridgeport. Michelle O’Mara, who manages the

program, researches, reviews and evaluates program materials and offers

personalized, hands-on, one-to-one assistance to Directors of Religious

Education (DREs) . In addition, she mentors new DREs, follows up on their

progress and offers tools to develop a faith-filled catechetical program in

each parish.

Michelle says, “We have a strong religious education program in the Diocese

that follows the Catholic teachings of the Gospel of Jesus. Each parish

director develops a comprehensive program so all religious education

instructors have grade appropriate teaching outlines and materials to

catechize our children and young adults. Their dedication is invaluable.”

Prayer of the Faithful

We pray for God’s blessing on the Directors of Religious Education and

Religious Education teachers. Thank you for ongoing support to the Annual

Bishop’s Appeal.


March 15th & 16th

Gifts to the Annual Bishop’s Appeal support Respect Life Ministry and

include Project Rachel, which meets the needs of those affected by abortion

through various programs. It is comprised of an established network of

priests and professionals who support those seeking healing and hope. A

confidential phone line is available to discuss ways to find the best means for


Maureen Ciardiello, Director of Respect Life Ministries comments, “As the

Director of Respect Life Ministry, we will be offering a variety of programs

to support initiatives for the unborn. We are currently working on

expanding and growing the Respect Life Ministry to not only include

support, healing and comfort for those who have had an abortion, but for

those who have suffered a miscarriage. We have a network of pregnancy

resources to vulnerable pregnant women; as well as offering educational

opportunities regarding the Church’s teachings on Patient’s Rights and End

of Life issues.”

Thank you for your support to the Annual Bishop’s Appeal.

Prayer of the Faithful

May we be humble stewards of the gifts given to us by God, and may we set

an example of mercy through our generosity to the Annual Bishop’s Appeal.

We pray to the Lord.


March 23rd & 24th

The Ministry for People with Disabilities invites those with disabilities and

their families to participate in all aspects of the Church by offering a

welcoming and loving environment. Programs educate parish communities

by supporting families with catechesis and evangelization that transmit faith

through the Sacraments and ongoing formation.

Sacramental preparation and catechesis for children with special needs is a

major focus and the ministry provides guidelines and strategies so every

child is prepared. Parent, family and staff support; the Apostolate for the

Deaf; and other Diocesan activities are also coordinated.

Michele O’Mara, director of the Ministry for with Disabilities says, “I have

seen people of all ages and needs encounter Christ with great joy. It is quite

humbling to see them witness their faith and perseverance of the Gospel. In

turn, they are evangelizing their families and friends, and lives are changed.

Thank you for your generous support to the Annual Bishop’s Appeal. Your

gift provides opportunities for all to grow in their faith and the Gospel.

Prayer of the Faithful

May we be humble stewards of the gifts given to us by God, and may we set

an example of mercy through our generosity to the Annual Bishop’s Appeal.

We pray to the Lord.


March 29th & 30th

The Morning Glory Breakfast Program, one of four major nutrition

programs of Catholic Charities, expanded services in June 2013. The

enhanced program offers an opportunity to more effectively plan healthy

and hearty meals to the homeless and financially disadvantaged in the

Danbury area and works closely with Catholic Charities Homeless Outreach

Team. Together, these two programs engage and assess individuals and

assist them in finding lasting solutions to ending their homelessness.

Currently, Morning Glory is beginning work on its next phase, the Eat

Smart Marketplace, a healthy alternative food pantry that will target

families in the downtown Danbury area who are having difficulty providing

quality food to their children. Once the Eat Smart Marketplace is up and

operational, Morning Glory anticipates serving more than double the

amount of people currently served.

Michele Conderino, MSW, Director of Homeless Services says, “The

Morning Glory Breakfast program offers so much under one roof: a safe

place to go at a time when all other programs are closed, a hot and hearty

breakfast, and access to a variety of services that can affectively end

someone’s homelessness. I am so proud that Morning Glory lives Catholic

Charities mission to put faith into action.”

Gifts to the Annual Bishop’s Appeal assist Catholic Charities three major

nutrition programs: the Thomas Merton Center in Bridgeport, New


Covenant House and the Senior Nutrition Program in Stamford, and the

Morning Glory Program in Danbury. Thank you for your support.

Prayer of the Faithful

We pray for those who struggle with financial challenges and homelessness

that they may be fulfilled. We ask our Lord to provide for the critical

ministries and programs that help them lead meaningful lives and for the

generosity of our donors who support the Annual Bishop’s Appeal that fund

these programs.


April 5th & 6th

In-Pew Sunday


Pulpit/Bulletin Announcement

(Please refer to the text provided in this Parish Leadership Guide for

suggested speaking points to conduct an effective In-Pew Weekend.)

(Remember you are asking those who have not yet made a pledge, filled out

a card, or mailed in their pledge to please fill out the card at this time and

hand in.)

Prayer of the Faithful

May we be humble stewards of the gifts given to us by God, and may we set

an example of mercy through our generosity to the Annual Bishop’s Appeal.

We pray to the Lord.


April 12th & 13th

Palm Sunday


Pulpit/Bulletin Announcement

Catholic Charities Behavioral Health Program offers a network of programs

and services that help thousands overcome personal hardship. Their

outpatient psychiatric services assist individuals and families with a strong

focus on children. Last year alone, they provided 15,000 counseling sessions

including significant support for the residents of Newtown after the

December 14th

tragedy. “For those overwhelmed and disheartened by life

crises, access to a caring and skilled Catholic Charities counselor can mean

the difference between the hope of healing and recovery and the despair of

mental illness, lost jobs and broken families”, says Michael Tintrup, Chief

Operating Officer.

Clinic staff are skilled master level and licensed clinicians with training in

various mental health disciplines, including counseling, clinical social work,

medication management, and marriage and family therapy. The services

are licensed by the Connecticut Department of Public Health and the

Department of Children and Families.

When you make a gift to the Annual Bishop’s Appeal, you help fund vital

programs that guide, support, and make a difference in the lives of others.

Thank you.


Prayer of the Faithful

We pray that our good and gracious God will continue to bless the Diocese

of Bridgeport with programs that provide healing and support. For this we

pray to the Lord.


April 19th & 20th


No Appeal Announcement



April 26th & 27th


Pulpit/Bulletin Announcement

“The Office for Marriage and Family serves parishes by providing

ministries that assist engaged and married couples and families who are

striving to live their Catholic Faith. The overall objective of the Marriage

and Family ministry is to promote and support healthy, joyful and holy

marriages and families,” says Angela Mantero, Director of Marriage and


The first step towards this goal is in offering a two-day Marriage

Preparation program for engaged couples which explores in depth the vows

they will make on their wedding day. The office also promotes Natural

Family Planning (NFP), the moral, healthy and successful practice of

planning for children, including celebrating a Mass for NFP Awareness in

the summer. In the spring and fall, the office sponsors Wedding Jubilee

Masses, open to all parishes in the diocese for couples celebrating marriages

of ten through and 50+ years.

Several marriage enrichment evenings are planned throughout the year

focusing on such vital topics as communication, forgiveness and spirituality.

There are also plans to increase ministry for divorced Catholics through

parish-based support groups. For more information, Angela can be reached

at [email protected] or 203-416-1627.

Thank you for your gift to the Annual Bishop’s Appeal. You generosity

supports programs that enrich and assist individuals in their marriage



Prayer of the Faithful May our parish family be generous stewards to the

2014 Annual Appeal, we pray to the Lord:


May 3rd & 4th

Pulpit/Bulletin Announcement

Since its founding in 1989, more than 80 men began their spiritual journey

at St. John Fisher Seminary and were ordained priests in the Diocese of

Bridgeport. This year marks the 25th

anniversary of its founding where men

continue to discern the call to serve the people of God as a priest. We are

blessed with a healthy number of seminarians for our diocese and this year

five will be ordained to the priesthood on May 17th


The Fisher Pre-Theology Program is a two-year program of vocational

discernment, spiritual formation, and academic training for men who have

already earned their undergraduate degree and who are preparing for

major seminary. The Fisher College Program is a seminary formation

program for young men who reside and take some courses at St. John

Fisher, while pursuing their college degree at Sacred Heart University in

Fairfield, CT or Fordham University in the Bronx.

Shane Nunes is a second year, pre-theology student at St. John Fisher. He

says, “The Seminary has been a huge blessing to me and has helped affirm

my discernment on the path to becoming a priest. The transition

from research chemist to seminarian was not easy at first, but it has been

possible because of the formation program at St. John Fisher and the priests

who have been a part of that program. I am truly grateful for the

opportunity to live and study here and I look forward to one day serving all

of God's people in this great Diocese.”


Thank you for your support to the Annual Bishop’s Appeal and providing

for the future of the Church.

Prayer of the Faithful

We pray for those who are discerning God’s will in their lives and for those

who will be ordained to the priesthood this year. Strengthen them to serve

and preach the Gospel in all of life’s joyful and challenging moments.


May 10th & 11th

Mother’s Day


Pulpit/Bulletin Announcement

A new ministry in the Adult Formation Office is offering pilgrimages to

various holy places in the United States. The first pilgrimage in 2013

travelled to Emmitsburg, Maryland where pilgrims visited the Saint Mother

Elizabeth Ann Seton Shrine and the Baltimore Basilica. They continued

their travels to Bensalem, Pennsylvania to the Saint Katharine Drexel

Shrine. The second pilgrimage was held on the feast day of Saint Kateri

Tekakwitha, July 14, with a warm, sunny travel to the Saint Kateri and

North American Martyrs Shrines in Auriesville, New York. This past

November, over 50 people traveled to Pennsylvania to visit Our Lady of

Czestochowa, Miraculous Medal, Saint John Neumann, and Saint Rita

Cascia Shrines and attended the Magnificat Day Conference with Father

Robert Barron, creator and co-host of Catholicism, a groundbreaking,

award winning documentary series about the Catholic Faith; and Father

Peter Cameron, the Editor-in-Chief of the Magnificat magazine.

Gina Donnarummo, Director of Adult Formation comments, “Adult

education is key for Catholics and pilgrimages offer a unique way to learn

and pray with these holy men and women. The Office of Adult Formation

plans on offering many other pilgrimage opportunities thanks to your

generous support of the Annual Bishop’s Appeal.”


Prayer of the Faithful

We lift up our students, teachers and school administrators and ask for

continued guidance from our Lord. We pray for our generous donors who

make Catholic education possible through their gifts to the Annual Bishop’s

Appeal. For this we pray to the Lord.


May 17th & 18th

In-Pew Sunday


Pulpit/Bulletin Announcement

(Please refer to the text provided in this Parish Leadership Guide for

suggested speaking points to conduct an effective In-Pew Weekend.)

(Remember you are asking those who have not yet made a pledge, filled out

a card, or mailed in their pledge to please fill out the card at this time and

hand in.)

Prayer of the Faithful

May we be humble stewards of the gifts given to us by God, and may we set

an example of mercy through our generosity to the Annual Bishop’s Appeal.

We pray to the Lord.


May 24th & 25th

Memorial Day Weekend

Pulpit/Bulletin Announcement

Convivio is an annual Catholic Congress for youth led by youth. Students

from grades nine through twelve gather and reflect upon contemporary

society and share their experiences, thoughts and interests and they propose

explanations and answers to the problems and challenges that youth

experience in today’s world. The event takes place at Sacred Heart

University and all high school students are invited.

The day consists of talks, videos, games, food, and small group discussions,

along with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, confession and Mass. The

nurturing of their faith does not stop there; post Convivio activities include

joining the High School Apostles programs, joining their parish youth

groups, the 40 Days of Life campaign during Lent, pilgrimages and a

Christmas extravaganza where students assist children with special needs.

Sr. Florencia, Director of Youth Ministry says: “It is a privilege and a great

joy for me to see so many young people come together to ask questions and

to be a witness of how they find true answers throughout the weekend in the

talks, in the small group discussions and especially in their personal

encounter with Christ.”

Gifts to the Annual Bishop’s Appeal helps provide programs such as this to

help young adults grow in their faith. Thank you for your support.


Prayer of the Faithful

In thanksgiving to all within the parish family who have generously

supported the Annual Bishop’s Appeal, may they take great comfort in

knowing that a gift from one will become a gift of many, we pray to the



May 31th & June 1st


Pulpit/Bulletin Announcement

The Office of Education supports the ministry of administrators and

teachers in 35 Diocesan schools. The Diocese is unique because all schools

are in a diocesan governance structure rather than a parochial one.

“We are grateful to the donors who assist us in providing an excellent

Catholic School education to students throughout Fairfield County”, says Sr.

Mary Grace Walsh, Superintendent of Schools.

Your support of the Annual Bishop’s Appeal assists the efforts of the work

of the Office of Education, professional development, and growth of

administrators and teachers. Thank you for your gift.

Prayer of the Faithful

We are grateful for our Catholic schools that provide academic excellence in

an environment of faith. We lift up teachers, administrators and students

and ask Christ to continue to guide them. We pray to the Lord.


June 7th & 8th

In-Pew Sunday


Pulpit/Bulletin Announcement

(Please refer to the text provided in this Parish Leadership Guide for

suggested speaking points to conduct an effective In-Pew Weekend.)

(Remember you are asking those who have not yet made a pledge, filled out

a card, or mailed in their pledge to please fill out the card at this time and

hand in.)

Prayer of the Faithful

May we be humble stewards of the gifts given to us by God, and may we set

an example of mercy through our generosity to the Annual Bishop’s Appeal.

We pray to the Lord.


June 28th & June 29th

Pulpit/Bulletin Announcement

The Annual Bishop’s Appeal closes this weekend. If you have not yet made

a gift, please pray about your decision and make a pledge or one-time gift.

Donations to the 2014 Appeal helps sustain many who are unable to provide

for their families or themselves. From counseling sessions, food and shelter

programs to our Clergy and Religious; and parish ministries, your support

is vital in continuing to meet the needs of our community and parishes.

If you have not made a gift, please complete a pledge card today or go

directly to www.2014ABA.com. Together, we are Christ’s guiding light for

the lives of thousands in parish and Diocesan communities.

Prayer of the Faithful

In thanksgiving to all within the parish family who have generously

supported the Annual Bishop’s Appeal, may they take great comfort in

knowing that a gift from one will become a gift of many, we pray to the
