ANNOUNCEMENT OF A CALL FOR POSITION THE DEAN OF THE FACULTY OF INTERNATIONAL AND POLITICAL STUDIES Address: ul. W. Reymonta 4, 30-059 Kraków Tel. / fax: + 48 12 663 25 63 Krakow, on 14 July 2021 THE RECTOR of the Jagiellonian University announces a call for two positions of POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHER in a group of researchers at the Faculty of International and Political Studies in the fields of political and administrative science, security science, sociological science or social communication and media science. The call is open to persons who meet the conditions set out in Article 113, 116 sec. 2 item 3 of the Act of 20 July 2018 the Law on Higher Education and Science and, pursuant to Article 165 of the Statute of the Jagiellonian University, meet the following qualification criteria: 1) hold at minimum a doctoral degree, 2) take an active part in scientific life. 3) have relevant scientific achievements, Ideally, the candidate should meet the following criteria: 1. is a researcher with a doctoral degree in one of the academic fields that cooperate with PRAs (https://futuresoc.id.uj.edu.pl/en_GB/about-us), obtained in a country other than Poland; OR, if the candidate has a doctoral degree awarded in Poland, they will be deemed to meet the prerequisites for application, if, after obtaining the doctoral degree, they were employed as a researcher or research lecturer at a foreign university, foreign research institute, foreign research center, international science institute, or other foreign science institution for a minimum of 3 years; or completed a postdoctoral fellowship (post-doc) at a foreign university, foreign research institute, foreign research center, international science institute, or other foreign science institution, 2. has authored at minimum two publications as the main author (especially as the first or the corresponding author) in a journal included in one of the international databases: Scopus, Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, especially with a high Impact Factor, or is the author of a reviewed scientific monograph, 3. has experience in organizational and project work (has been a project manager, main contractor, or co-contractor), in particular in the implementation of international projects financed using external sources, 4. has documented fluency in English. If English is not the applicant's native language or if the language of instruction in the course of their academic education was not English, it is necessary to present an English fluency certificate at the C1 level (in accordance with the Council of Europe Level: Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), 5. has experience in popularizing science and innovative education, 6. has experience in cooperation within the socio-economic environment. In addition, the candidate will be granted access to a research fund under the Global Trends Lab, which will involve implementing a project that fits into one of the two research topics described below: (1) Liberal democracy in the era of post-truth. Challenges for societies, states, and international relations.


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Address: ul. W. Reymonta 4, 30-059 Kraków

Tel. / fax: + 48 12 663 25 63

Krakow, on 14 July 2021


of the Jagiellonian University

announces a call for two positions


in a group of researchers

at the Faculty of International and Political Studies

in the fields of political and administrative science, security science, sociological science or social communication

and media science.

The call is open to persons who meet the conditions set out in Article 113, 116 sec. 2 item 3 of the Act of 20 July 2018 —

the Law on Higher Education and Science and, pursuant to Article 165 of the Statute of the Jagiellonian University, meet

the following qualification criteria:

1) hold at minimum a doctoral degree, 2) take an active part in scientific life. 3) have relevant scientific achievements,

Ideally, the candidate should meet the following criteria:

1. is a researcher with a doctoral degree in one of the academic fields that cooperate with PRAs

(https://futuresoc.id.uj.edu.pl/en_GB/about-us), obtained in a country other than Poland; OR, if the candidate has

a doctoral degree awarded in Poland, they will be deemed to meet the prerequisites for application, if, after obtaining

the doctoral degree, they were employed as a researcher or research lecturer at a foreign university, foreign research

institute, foreign research center, international science institute, or other foreign science institution for a minimum

of 3 years; or completed a postdoctoral fellowship (post-doc) at a foreign university, foreign research institute,

foreign research center, international science institute, or other foreign science institution,

2. has authored at minimum two publications as the main author (especially as the first or the corresponding author)

in a journal included in one of the international databases: Scopus, Science Citation Index Expanded, Social

Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, especially with a high Impact Factor, or is the author

of a reviewed scientific monograph,

3. has experience in organizational and project work (has been a project manager, main contractor, or co-contractor),

in particular in the implementation of international projects financed using external sources,

4. has documented fluency in English. If English is not the applicant's native language or if the language of instruction

in the course of their academic education was not English, it is necessary to present an English fluency certificate

at the C1 level (in accordance with the Council of Europe Level: Common European Framework of Reference for


5. has experience in popularizing science and innovative education,

6. has experience in cooperation within the socio-economic environment.

In addition, the candidate will be granted access to a research fund under the Global Trends Lab, which will involve

implementing a project that fits into one of the two research topics described below:

(1) Liberal democracy in the era of post-truth. Challenges for societies, states, and international relations.


The aim of the proposed research should be to capture the changes that contemporary democratic systems are

undergoing, as well as to represent them in the context of the development of new and emerging technologies and

of the impact of certain processes, such as the spread of disinformation, fake news, and conspiracy theories, on the

current socio-political and economic changes at the level of the state and of the international system. Technological

development — in areas that include artificial intelligence, methods of communication, biotechnology, monitoring

of citizens' behavior, among others — brings changes to the functioning of societies, affects the transformations

occurring in the organization of democratic process (E-democracy) at the local, national, and supranational levels.

These processes also affect how states behave and how the international system operates. New and emerging

technologies can lead to violations of the value systems that contemporary societies base their democratic social

order on, leading to a violation of trust in fellow citizens, and to enabling an increased latent influence on the

democratic processes. The proposed projects may also address the issues of how these processes contribute to the

increased contestation of institutions at the supranational level as well as within states, and to a lack of trust in

experts, politicians, journalists, and the media. The proposed research should comply with the 4I principle and be

interdisciplinary, innovative, and contribute to internationalization and integration with the external environment.

(2) New technologies. Opportunities and threats to international security.

The proposed research should aim to capture the impact of new and emerging technologies on political processes,

international relations, and security. Technological development in the areas of artificial intelligence, methods of

communication, biotechnology, and others, brings changes in the functioning of the international system, the

behavior of states and societies. While technological development is beneficial to mankind, it is also a source of

new threats. Technological progress affects international security, changes the contemporary international order

and the balance of power on the global scene. In this aspect, the following areas can be analyzed: (1) the impact of

technological development on the conditions and the geopolitical situation in individual regions, on the competition

between states, as well as on modern forms and instruments of increasing the sphere of influence in the world and

building the position of a superpower; (2) the development of new and emerging technologies and their impact on

the mechanisms of globalization, its determinants and political, social, economic, and spatial consequences, as well

as new approaches and methods of managing new technologies at the global level; (3) what new forms of threats

arise from the development of new and emerging technologies and how these phenomena affect social, political,

and legal processes, security and international relations; what impact new technologies have on the future and ethics

of wars and armed conflicts. The proposed research should comply with the 4I principle and be interdisciplinary,

innovative, and contribute to internationalization and integration with the external environment.

The project should clearly indicate the following: the relationship with the research topic indicated in the call, the

project objectives, the research methodology and work schedule, the planned project results, the forms of dissemination

of results (including cooperation within the socio-economic environment), the project's importance for the areas of

interest of the Global Trends Lab and FutureSoc PRA (https://futuresoc.id.uj.edu.pl/en_GB/gtl) and the rationale for

applying the 4I rule, as well as a bibliography.


1. implementation of a research project, in cooperation with LAB / Faculty employees,

2. submission of at minimum two publications to high-scoring journals from the list of the Ministry of Education and

Science (https://listymnisw.pl/full.php),

3. submission of a research grant to an external institution (alone or in cooperation with other researchers),

4. active contribution to the activities, priorities and mission of PRAs and the Faculty by popularizing research among

a wider audience, e.g., through participation in seminars, preparing lectures and contributing to the scientific

exchange at Global Trends Lab, FutureSoc PRA, and the University to improve scientific excellence, develop

research areas, and promote the building of an interdisciplinary community that generates new ideas.

We offer:

1. The offered remuneration includes base salary and an allowance.

2. A fixed-term employment contract of 30 months.

3. The candidate will be granted access to the research fund under the Global Trends Lab (in the amount of PLN

100,000 for 30 months, billed annually). Costs eligible under the fund may include, in particular: travel for the

purpose of research, participation in conferences and workshops, purchasing equipment and software, and

preparing publications.

Applicants shall send the following documents by e-mail to the address: [email protected]

1. a one-page cover letter,

2. a resume containing information on completed education, internships, academic and non-university professional

experience, language proficiency, social trust activities, and other qualifications,

3. a copy of a doctoral diploma or a habilitation diploma, if applicable,

4. information on the candidate’s research, teaching, and organizational achievements,

5. a list of publications (including the publisher and number of pages),


6. reviews of a doctoral dissertation or habilitation thesis, if applicable,

7. two sample publications in which the candidate is the main author,

8. a document of the last periodic evaluation of the candidate from their previous workplace, containing information

about the candidate's predispositions and qualifications for scientific work, if the candidate has undergone such an


9. two recommendation letters authored by scientists with whom the candidate has conducted international cooperation,

10. a copy of a certificate of fluency in English (with the exception of people for whom English is the mother tongue or

if the language of instruction during academic education was English — please provide a copy of the diploma with

the language of instruction indicated). Please include the results of the relevant tests of English skill with your

application. These English language tests should be taken within the last two years,

11. a research project (project description up to 7 standard pages with a bibliography),

12. a completed personal information form concerning the applicant,

13. a declaration that the Jagiellonian University will be the primary place of work in the event of the candidate being


14. a representation pursuant to Article 113 of the Law on Higher Education and Science,

15. a declaration of the knowledge and acceptance of the principles of intellectual property management and the

principles of commercialization of the Jagiellonian University,

16. information on the processing of personal data.

Templates of documents set out under items 12–16 can be downloaded at:

http://www.dso.uj.edu.pl/-nauczyciele (as per template)


For more information on this call, please contact:

Dr hab. Magdalena Góra, head of the Global Trends Lab, FutureSoc PRA, Institute of European Studies, Jagiellonian

University in Krakow, E-mail: [email protected]

Selected candidates will be invited to an online interview, during which the candidate will be asked to present a

multimedia presentation on their proposal of a research project.

Call commencement date: 14 July 2021

Deadline for submitting applications: 16 August 2021

The call will be resolved no later than 31 October 2021

The Jagiellonian University does not provide housing.

When selecting candidates, the Jagiellonian University follows the principles set out in the European Charter for

Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

By authorization of the

Rector of the Jagiellonian University

Dean of the Faculty of International and Political Studies


Personal data processing information for job applicants According to Article 13 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27

April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free

movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation – hereinafter

GDPR), the Jagiellonian University informs that:

1. The Administrator of your personal data is the Jagiellonian University with its registered office in Gołębia 24,

31-007 Kraków, respresented by the Rector of UJ. 2. The Jagiellonian University appointed the Data Protection Officer www.iod.uj.edu.pl, Gołębia 24, 30-007

Kraków. The Officer can be contacted by email: [email protected] or at the telephone number 12 663 12 25. 3. Your personal data will be processed in order to:

a. conduct recruitment process for the position specified in the attached advertisement – as part of the legal obligation of the Administrator pursuant to Art. 6 (1) lit c of the GDPR in connection with the Polish Labour Code; b. conduct recruitment process for the position specified in the attached advertisement based on your consent pursuant to Art. 6 (1) lit a of the GDPR – your consent is granted by the clear action of submitting your CV with the Administrator. The consent to the processing of personal data concerns data that you voluntarily provide as part of your CV, which do not result from Polish Labour Code.

4. The obligation to provide your personal data results from the law (it applies to personal data processed under Article 6 (1) lit c of the GDPR). Failure to provide you personal data will result in your inability to take part in the recruitment process. Submission of personal data processed on the basis of consent (Article 6 (1) lit a of the GDPR) is voluntary.

5. Your data will be processed during the recruitment period. In the event of not concluding the contract with you, your data will be deleted after the recruitment process.

6. You have the right of access to the content of your personal data, as well as the right to correct, delete, restrict processing, transfer, object to processing – on the terms and conditions set out in the GDPR.

7. If the processing is based on consent, you have the right to withdraw the consent at any time, which shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on the consent given before the withdrawal. Withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data can be sent by e-mail to: [email protected] or by post to the following address: ul. W. Reymonta 4, 30-059 Kraków

8. Your personal data will not be subject to automated decision making or profiling. 9. You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Inspector General for the Protection of Personal Data, if you

feel that the processing of your personal data violates the GDPR regulations.


KWESTIONARIUSZ OSOBOWY DLA PRACOWNIKA/ EMPLOYEE PERSONAL DATA FORM (wypełnia pracownik po podpisaniu umowy o pracę /

to be filled in by the employee once the employment contract is concluded)

1. Imię (imiona) i nazwisko / Forename(s) and surname …........................................................................................................................................

2. Adres zamieszkania / Address of residence ………………………………………………………………………………………..………..………

3. Numer ewidencyjny PESEL1 / PESEL numer 1 ........................................................................................................................................................ 4. Dane osobowe dzieci pracownika i innych członków jego najbliższej rodziny2 / Personal data of the employee's children and

other close family members2 …………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………..………… …………………………………………………………………………………….……………...………………………………………………………………




5. Wykształcenie i przebieg dotychczasowego zatrudnienia3 / Education and history of employment3 …………..…………………..





6. Numer rachunku płatniczego, jeżeli pracownik nie złożył wniosku o wypłatę wynagrodzenia do rąk własnych / Bank account

number, if the employee did not apply for the payment of salary in cash …………………………………………………………………….


7. Osoba, którą należy zawiadomić w razie wypadku, jeżeli pracownik wyrazi zgodę na podanie danych osobowych takiej

osoby / The person to be notified in case of an accident, if the employee consents to providing data of such person ……………

........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ……………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………….......

(imię i nazwisko, dane kontaktowe / forename and surname, contact details)

8. Inne dane osobowe4 / Other personal data4 ……………………………………………………………….………………..……………………..…



Oświadczam, że dane zawarte w kwestionariuszu są zgodne ze stanem prawnym i faktycznym / I declare that the data contained in the form are consistent with the legal and actual state.

................................................. …..………………….……….....…………… (miejscowość i data/ (podpis pracownika/ place and date) Employee's signature)

1 W przypadku braku numeru PESEL podaje się rodzaj i numer dokumentu potwierdzającego tożsamość / Where the employee has no PESEL number, please specify the type and number of the ID document. 2 Podaje się jeśli jest to konieczne ze względu na korzystanie przez pracownika ze szczególnych uprawnień przewidzianych w prawie pracy / To be specified where necessary for the purposes of the exercise of special employee's rights under labour law. 3 Podaje się jeśli nie zostały podane w kwestionariuszu osoby ubiegającej się o zatrudnienie, gdyż nie było podstawy prawnej do ich żądania / Please fill in if the data has not been specified in the personal data form for the person applying for employment due to the lack of legal basis for requiring such data 4 Podaje się, gdy jest to niezbędne do zrealizowania uprawnienia lub spełnienia obowiązku wynikającego z przepisów prawa


Imię i Nazwisko / Name and Surname …………………………………………………….………………………….……………


W związku z art. 113 ustawy z dnia 20 lipca 2018 roku Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym

i nauce (Dz. U. z 2018 roku, poz. 1668) oświadczam, że / Pursuant to article 113 of the Act of 20

July 2018 Law on Higher Education and Scientific Activity (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1668),

I declare that:

- posiadam pełną zdolność do czynności prawnych / I have full legal capacity,

- nie zostałem(-łam) ukarany(-a) prawomocnym wyrokiem sądowym za przestępstwo

umyślne / I have not been convicted of an intentional offence or international tax offence by

a court judgement,

- nie zostałem(-łam) ukarany(-a) karą dyscyplinarną wymienioną w art. 140 ust. 1 pkt. 4 cyt.

ustawy - pozbawienie prawa do wykonywania zawodu nauczyciela akademickiego na stałe

lub na czas określony / I have not been subject to a disciplinary penalty, referred to in article

276, section 1, subsection 7 and 8 of the beforementioned Act.

- korzystam z pełni praw publicznych / I enjoy full rights of citizenship.

Kraków, dnia / on ……………………………………………… …………………………………………………. (podpis / signature)


Imię i Nazwisko/ Name and Surname Jednostka Organizacyjna/ Organisational unit


Oświadczam, że znam i akceptuję zasady zawarte w treści Regulaminu

przyjętego Uchwałą nr 62/IV/2021 Senatu Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego z dnia

28 kwietnia 2021 roku w sprawie: uchwalenia Regulaminu zarządzania

własnością intelektualną oraz komercjalizacji w Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim/

I hereby declare that I know and accept the Regulations on intellectual property

management and commercialisation principles at Jagiellonian University

adopted by the Resolution No 62/IV/2021 of the Jagiellonian University Senate

of 28 April 2021.

Kraków, dnia / on _______________________ ____________________________________________ (podpis / signature)


Imię i Nazwisko / Name and Surname …………………………………………………………………………………………………..............

Stanowisko / Position ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Jednostka organizacyjna / Organisational unit ……………………………………………………………………………………………...


Oświadczam, że Uniwersytet Jagielloński jest moim / I declare that Jagiellonian University is my:

I. głównym / dodatkowym* miejscem pracy / main / additional* place of employment

Jestem rencistą: tak/nie * / I am a disability pensioner: yes/no*

Jestem emerytem: tak/nie * / I am a pensioner: yes/no*

główne miejsce pracy – miejsce wskazane przez kandydata do pracy/pracownika, bez względu na wymiar etatu. Osoby zatrudnione w dwóch lub więcej miejscach pracy powinny oświadczyć, które miejsce pracy uważają za główne, przyjmując jako kryterium wymiar godzin, a w przypadku równej ich liczby – kwotę wynagrodzenia / main place of employment – is an institution indicated by an applicant/employee as the place of employment, irrelevant of work time. Persons employed by two or more employers shall declare which place of employment they deem to be the main, taking work time as the criterion, or remuneration if the work time is the same. II. (dot. nauczycieli akademickich / for academic staff) - jest podstawowym/nie jest podstawowym*

miejscem pracy w rozumieniu przepisów ustawy z dnia 20 lipca 2018 roku Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym

i nauce (Dz. U. z 2018 roku, poz.1668) / primary / not primary* place of employment within the meaning

of the Act of 20 July 2008 Law on Higher Education and Scientific Activity (Journal of Laws of 2018, item

1668). podstawowe miejsce pracy – uczelnia, w której nauczyciel akademicki zatrudniony jest w pełnym wymiarze czasu pracy, wskazana w akcie stanowiącym podstawę zatrudnienia jako podstawowe miejsce pracy. W tym samym czasie podstawowe miejsce pracy może być tylko jedno (art. 120 ust. 2 ustawy z dnia 20 lipca 2018 roku Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym i nauce, Dz.U. z 2018 roku, poz. 1668) primary place of employment – a higher education institution where an academic staff member is employed on a full-time basis, and which is indicated as the primary place of employment in the document providing the basis for that employment. There may be only one place of primary employment at any one time (article 120 section 2 of the Act of 20 July 2018 Law on Higher Education, Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1668).

* właściwe zakreślić / circle as appropriate

Kraków, …………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………….. (podpis / signature)