Annotated Bibliography Primary Sources Books Reagan, Michael, and Jim Denney. The New Reagan Revolution: How Ronald Reagan's Principles Can Restore America's Greatness . New York: Thomas Dunne /St. Martin's, 2011. Print. After interviewing Michael Reagan I became more interested in hearing more from him so my mom purchased this book. I was able to obtain even more information about Ronald Reagan, his history and his views from this book from Michael Reagan’s firsthand account of events. I used some additional quotes from Michael Reagan from this source. Reagan, Ronald. An American Life . Simon & Schuster Hardcover ed. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2011. This is the autobiography of Ronald Reagan. It is his personal story about his life which gives a firsthand account. I used a quote from this book to illustrate his Reagan Doctrine policy. Reagan, Ronald. Speaking My Mind: Selected Speeches. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1989. Print This is a book of selected speeches from Ronald Reagan. There is also comments from Reagan regarding the

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Annotated BibliographyPrimary SourcesBooks

Reagan, Michael, and Jim Denney.The New Reagan Revolution: How Ronald Reagan's Principles Can Restore America's Greatness. New York: Thomas Dunne /St. Martin's, 2011. Print.After interviewing Michael Reagan I became more interested in hearing more from him so my mom purchased this book. I was able to obtain even more information about Ronald Reagan, his history and his views from this book from Michael Reagans firsthand account of events. I used some additional quotes from Michael Reagan from this source.

Reagan, Ronald.An American Life. Simon & Schuster Hardcover ed. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2011. This is the autobiography of Ronald Reagan. It is his personal story about his life which gives a firsthand account. I used a quote from this book to illustrate his Reagan Doctrine policy.

Reagan, Ronald. Speaking My Mind: Selected Speeches. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1989. PrintThis is a book of selected speeches from Ronald Reagan. There is also comments from Reagan regarding the various speeches. This helped me to see his personal thoughts and beliefs in regards to the speeches.

Reagan, Ronald, and Douglas Brinkley. The Reagan Diaries. New York: HarperCollins, 2007. Print.Ronald Reagan made diary entries everyday throughout his presidency. This is a book of his diary entries. I used this book to look up diary entries regarding key events I was researching. I found it interesting to read his personal thoughts during these critical events. Reagan, Ronald, Kiron K. Skinner, Annelise Graebner Anderson, and Martin Anderson. "Foreign Policy." Reagan, in His Own Hand. New York: Free, 2001. 21- 66. Print.This section shows that even before his presidency, Reagan was developing his own beliefs on how foreign policy should be. He was against communism and believed we needed a strong military. I didnt used quotes from this section, but I used ideas.

Shultz, George Pratt.Turmoil and Triumph: My Years as Secretary of State. New York: Scribner's ;, 1993. Print. Prior to my interview with George Shultz I was able to obtain his book from the public library. I was able to use this book to prepare for my interview and to obtain additional information about Ronald Reagans foreign policy and the events during his presidency. Mr. Shultz gives a firsthand account of events during the Reagan presidency as well as insight regarding his leadership and legacy.


Tear Down This Wall Document. Image. Web. 9 Nov. 2014. http://www.archives.gov/publications/prologue/2007/summer/berlin.htmlThis is an image of a page from President Reagans famous speech at the Berlin Wall in 1987 obtained from the US National Archives. I found this to be an interesting artifact from the actual Berlin Wall speech by Reagan.

The Moscow Summit: Memo from George Shultz to President Reagan . Image. Web. 15 Feb. 2015. http://www.thereaganfiles.com/19880500-shultz-to-reagan.pdfI embedded this memo from George Shultz to President Reagan regarding the Moscow Summit. It speaks of the fact that the Moscow visit was the first presidential visit to Moscow in 14 years and provided suggestions for talking points for the summit. I found this an interesting example of an official government document associated with the summits. Interviews

Churchill, Ward. Skype interview. 20 Feb 2015.Mr. Churchill agreed to do a skype interview. He provided a criticism of Reagan and his policies. It was obvious that he was not fond of Reagan or his policies and believed his legacy was a legacy of destruction and problems.

Glass, Tony. Email interview. 19 Feb. 2015. Email interview. Mr. Glass is the curator and archiveist at the Eureka College Reagan Museum. He answered questions regarding Reagans leadership, the Leadership Letters and Reagans legacy. I was able to use several quotes from Mr. Glass that related to my project. McCollum, Bill. Personal interview. 20 Feb. 2015This interview was conducted by phone. Mr. McCollum is on the board of directors of the American Security Council Foundation. He talked about the Peace through Strength policy, Reagans impact/legacy and comparison of todays policies.

Massie, Suzanne. Personal interview. 19 Feb. 2015. This interview was conducted by phone. Ms. Massie consulted with Reagan during his presidency regarding Russian/Russians. She told some interesting stories about advice she had given to President Reagan and how he used this to improve the negotiations and relations.

Morris, Edmund. Personal interview 23 Jan 2015. This interview was conducted by phone. Mr. Morris wrote a biography of Ronald Reagan. He shared some great information about the time he spent with Reagan during his presidency and gave some amazing insight to his leadership and legacy.

Reagan, Michael. Personal phone interview. 13 Nov. 2014. I conducted a phone interview with Michael Reagan. He told some great stories about his father and gave his personal viewpoint regarding Reagans leadership and legacy. This was my favorite interview because of his personal stories.

Shultz, George. Personal interview. 4 Dec. 2014. George Shultz was Ronald Reagans Secretary of State for most of his presidency. I spoke with Mr. Shultz on the phone and was able to ask him several questions about Reagans leadership and legacy. He gave me firsthand accounts of key events and his personal take on Ronald Reagan.

PhotographsA Time for Choosing. Photograph. Web. 21 Sept. 2014. http://ulstermanbooks.com/time-choosing-video-message/This photograph and quote were used from Reagans famous A Time For Choosing Speech. I used it on my Reagans views on communism page.

B-1 Bomber. Photograph. Web. 15 Feb. 2015. < http://www.aviationspectator.com/more-aviation-photos?page=4>This is a photo of a B-1 bomber. I used this photo next to a quote that discusses the buildup of the B-1 bomber program by Reagan and previous presidents had nearly eliminated the program.

Bay Area supportniks demonstrate in the 1980s support of Soviet Jews. photo/courtesy of eva seligman-kennard Photograph. Web. 21 Feb. 2015 http://www.jweekly.com/article/full/40357/refuseniks-to-look-back-and-ahead-at-palo-alto-jcc/This is a photograph depicting demonstrators for the freedom of the Soviet Jews/Refuseniks. I used this to illustrate the quote given by Michael Reagan about the Refuseniks.

Bill McCollum. Photograph. Web. 20 Feb. 2015. http://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/news/state-regional/rider-tacked-on-life-insurance-bill-to-give-mccoll/nL6BS/This is a photograph I used of Bill McCollum, member of the ASCF board, on my interview page.

Credit desk plaque. Photograph. Web. 10 Jan. 2015. This is a photograph of a famous plaque Ronald Reagan had on his desk. Michael Reagan made a reference to this quote during my interview with him. It demonstrates Reagans modesty when it came to taking credit. Fall of the Berlin Wall Photograph. Ronald Reagan, Intelligence, and the End of the Cold War: Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, California, November 2, 2011.Washington, D.C.: Central Intelligence Agency, Historical Collections, 2011. Print. This is a photograph showing a man tearing down the Berlin Wall. The fall became a symbol of the end of the Cold War. This photo shows the German people directly involved in tearing down the wall.

Fall of the Berlin Wall. Photograph. Web. 14 Feb. 2015. <

General Electric Progress. Photograph. Web. 10 Oct. 2014. This is a photo of Ronald Reagan during his days as a spokesman for General Electric as he worked for their public relations. Many believe it was during this time that he converted to conservatist viewpoint.

George C. Marshall. Photograph. Web. 10 Oct. 2014. This is a photograph of George C. Marshall which I used next to a quote from him regarding the Cold War.

George Shultz and Ronald Reagan. Photograph. Ronald Reagan, Intelligence, and the End of the Cold War: Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, California, November 2, 2011.Washington, D.C.: Central Intelligence Agency, Historical Collections, 2011. Print. This is a photograph of Ronald Reagan walking and talking with his secretary of state, George Shultz. I used this photograph from a book I purchased that had an attached DVD with many photographs. This image was used next to a quote about the fact that Reagan and Shultz did not agree with the policy of dtente. INF Treaty. Photograph. Ronald Reagan, Intelligence, and the End of the Cold War: Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, California, November 2, 2011.Washington, D.C.: Central Intelligence Agency, Historical Collections, 2011. Print. This is a photograph of Reagan and Gorbachev signing the INF arms reduction agreement. I felt this was a very important to include a photograph of this significant event in negotiations with the Soviets.

Iron Dome. Photograph. Web. 14 Feb. 2015. This is a photograph to depict the Iron Dome technology. In both interviews and research I found that the Iron Dome is an example of the impact the SDI technology had on the world. This is an important part of the Israel defense system.

Leonid Brezhnev Photograh, quote. Web. 9 Nov. 2014. Leonid Brezhnez was the Secretary General of the Soviet Union for 18 years during the Cold War. This image illustrates his definition of dtente and that it was to be a peaceful means of solving conflicts.

Margaret Thatcher. Photograph. Web. 9 Nov. 2014. This is a photograph of Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. She was a world leader at the time of the Reagan presidency and she had great admiration for Reagan and his accomplishments.

Mikahil Gorbachev. Photograph. Web. 11 Jan. 2015. This is a photograph of Mikhail Gorbachev which I used next to a quote from him regarding the Cold War.

Official Portrait of President Ronald Reagan. Photograph. Courtesy Ronald Reagan Library. Web. 11 Jan. 2015.

Peace Through Strength. Photograph. Web. 9 Oct. 2014. This is an image of Reagan next to the saying Peace Through Strength. I used this image in my header photos as it was a focus of the Reagan administration and it is a major part of my project. The theme of Peace Through Strength is found throughout my website.

People dancing on the Berlin Wall. Photograph. Web. 23 Feb. 2015. The photo is of people dancing on the Berlin Wall as it was about to fall. This was an important event and this photo shows the excitement of the people with the change that was happening in Germany.

Personal photograph by author. 2014. By Jace Thornley.I had my family take this picture at the Reagan Library. I am standing next to a statue of Ronald Reagan. I used this picture to go on my analysis page to illustrate my viewpoint.

Reagan with Flag Backdrop. Photograph. Web. 9 Nov. 2014. http://www.history.com/photos/ronald-reagan/photo1This is an photograph of Reagan with the U.S. flag as the background. I used this photo because I thought it was a good image of Ronald Reagan to portray his strength.

Richard M. Nixon. Photograph. Web. 10 Oct. 2014. This is an official photograph of President Richard Nixon which I used next to a quote from him regarding the Cold War and communism.

Reagan Oval Office. Photograph. Web. 7 Nov. 2014. This is a photograph of President Reagan working at his desk in the Oval Office. I used this photo as a depiction on my Reagan Doctrine page.

Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev in Geneva. Photographs. Ronald Reagan, Intelligence, and the End of the Cold War: Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, California, November 2, 2011.Washington, D.C.: Central Intelligence Agency, Historical Collections, 2011. Print. I used 2 images from this collection to depict pictures from the Geneva Summit. This was the 2 superpowers first meeting. The first picture shows the 2 men sitting casually by a fire and speaking. The second picture they are on a couch surrounded by other government officials.

Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev at the Moscow Summit. Photograph. Ronald Reagan, Intelligence, and the End of the Cold War: Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, California, November 2, 2011.Washington, D.C.: Central Intelligence Agency, Historical Collections, 2011. Print. This photograph shows Reagan and Gorbachev standing in the famous Moscow Red Square. Reagan traveled to Moscow to ratify the INF Treaty. He spoke of human rights and wanted to tour the Red Square and meet the Russian people.

Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev in Reykjavik. Photographs. Ronald Reagan, Intelligence, and the End of the Cold War: Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, California, November 2, 2011.Washington, D.C.: Central Intelligence Agency, Historical Collections, 2011. Print. I used 2 pictures from this collection of Reagan and Gorbachev together in Reykjavik. The first picture is the house in Reykjavik were the summit was held. The second picture depicts the 2 men walking away from the failed negotiations. The picture appears to show the disappointment of the meeting.

Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev in Reykjavik. Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. Web. 29 Dec. 2014. http://www.reagan.utexas.edu/archives/photographs/gorby.htmlThis is 2 photographs of Reagan and Gorbachev at the Reykjavik Summit. The first photograph shows them standing outside of the Reykjavik house. The second photograph shows them sitting and speaking. These pictures depict the beginnings of some very important negotiation talks for arms control.

Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev at the Washington Summit. Photograph. Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. Web. 29 Dec. 2014. This photograph shows Reagan and Gorbachev sitting and speaking in front of the oval office desk during the Washington Summit. I feel this photograph shows the success felt by both men at this summit.

Ronald Reagan at Moscow State University. Photograph. Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. Web. 15 Feb. 2015. http://www2.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB251/This photograph is of President Reagan addressing the Soviet people at Moscow State University. Reagan discussed the problems with communism and the alternative. This photograph is an example of Reagans attempts to reach out the people of the Soviet Union.

Ronald Reagan : Tear down This Wall.Photograph. Ronald Reagan, Intelligence, and the End of the Cold War: Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, California, November 2, 2011.Washington, D.C.: Central Intelligence Agency, Historical Collections, 2011. Print. This is a picture of Ronald Reagan giving his famous Tear down This Wall speech. I felt it was important to use this picture on the page discussing the fall of the Berlin Wall. This was Reagans call to Gorbachev to show progress in human rights and the ending of the Cold War.

Screen Actors Guild logo. Photograph. Web. 10 Oct. 2014. This is an image of the Screen Actors Guild logo. I used this image to depict Ronald Reagans involvement as president of the SAG when he began his fight against communism.

SDI announcement. Web. 7 Nov. 2014.

This is a photograph of President Reagan making the announcement of the Strategic Defense Initiative. This announcement was made in a national address to the American public. I used this photo as I found the announcement to be an important component of the plan to increase the military buildup and negotiate from a position of strength. I used this photo in my header photos as SDI was an essential part of my project.

Suzanne Massie and Ronald Reagan. Photograph. Web. 20 Feb. 2015. http://www.suzannemassie.com/images/reaganYears/reagan-3_th.jpgThis is a photograph of Suzanne Massie and Ronald Reagan together in the White House. Ms. Morris was a consultant to President Reagan on Russian culture and history. She had many visits to the White House to meet to consult.

U.S. Starts Firing Air Controllers. Photograph. Web. 16 Feb. 2015. This is an image of a newspaper article about the air traffic controllers strike of 1981 and Reagans response. I used to illustrate a comment Edmund Morris made about Reagans strength of character.

Ward Churchill. Photograph. Web. 15 Feb. 2015. This is a photograph of Ward Chuchill which I used on the interview page.

We Win They Lose. Photograph. Web. 10 Oct. 2014. This is an image I found that states a comment Ronald Reagan said about Americas Cold War strategy/Reagan Doctrine. It means that the strategy is very clear there is no option but to win.

Political Cartoons

Berlin Wall. Cartoon. Web. 9 Oct. 2014. This image depicts Reagan riding off into the sunset on a horse through a hole in the Berlin Wall. I found this to be an interesting illustration of the end of Reagans political career and part of his legacy.

ColdWarCartoon1953_thumb. Cartoon. Web. 22 Nov. 2014. I used this political cartoon to illustrate the theory of Mutually Assured Destruction. I felt it helped to illustrate the tensions that existed during the Cold War and the possibility of destruction from both sides.

Dtente. Cartoon.. Web. 7 Nov. 2014. This image shows the an American leader and a Soviet leader shaking hands as a depiction of peaceful dtente negotiations. The Soviet leader is handcuffed to the Soviet people representing that they were not a free people.


President Reagan Addresses the Nation from the Oval Office on National Security. Video. Web. 10 Oct. 2014. This is a short video clip of President Reagan announcing SDI. I felt it was important to use this video in my project and the SDI project was a very important part of the peace through strength policy, Soviet negotiations and the ending of the Cold War.

"Reagan at Brandenburg Gate Tear Down This Wall"" YouTube. YouTube. Web. 7 Dec. 2014. .These are some of Reagan's remarks from during his "Tear Down This Wall" speech in front of the Berlin Wall. The gives the viewer the opportunity to hear s Reagan's actual words as he called on Gorbachev to tear down the wall in a symbol of freedom.

Reagan, Ronald. Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, Ronald Reagan: 1988-89. Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O., 1990. Print. Cold WarThis collection of Reagans writings and speeches contained the transcript of a radio address from 1988, in which the President stated peace through strength works. Since this statement corresponds to my thesis statement I decided to use it on my home page.

A Time For Choosing. Speech. Web. 10 Nov. 2014. http://www.reagan.utexas.edu/archives/reference/timechoosing.html Ronald Reagan gave a famous speech.Ronald Reagan gave a speech during the1964 U.S. presidential election campaign for Barry Goldwater. It was said to have electrified the public. Many of the statements made are believed to still apply to the world today. I was able to hear parts of this speech when I visited the Reagan Library.

Secondary Sources Articles "An Essay: Reagan & His Legacy." Furthermore. Web. 14 Sept. 2014. .This site provided important points of his legacy, videos, pictures and key dates. Watching the videos and seeing the pictures allowed me to see what he was like. This site helped me identify key dates to do more research on. I didnt use quotes from this article, but I used ideas.

Aron, Leon. "Reagan's Leadership Won Cold War." USA Today 24 Jan. 2011. Print.This article helped me understand how and why the Strategic Defense Initiative affected the Soviet negotiations, the collapse of the USSR and then the ending of the Cold War. Boehner, John. "Reagan Shaped Our times." USA Today 24 Jan. 2011. Print. John Boehner is currently the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Speaker Boehner discusses how Reagan influenced our times.

Bowman, Tom. Reagan guided huge buildup in arms race. Baltimore Sun 4 June 2004. Print. This article provided insight of impact of Reagans policies on military strength . It gave good insight on the effects the military buildup had on not only the military but on the world. It also provided information regarding criticisms of the military buildup.

Cox, Michael. "Ronald Reagan and the End of the Cold War: The Debate Continues." The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History. Web. 7 Dec. 2014.This article provided perspectives on Reagans legacy in regards to the ending of the cold war. I used this information in the perspective section of my project.

Edwards, Lee. "John Paul II: Winning the Cold War." The Heritage Foundation. 4 Apr. 2005. Web. 17 Dec. 2014.This article discussed the ending of the Cold War. The credit for ending the Cold War was given to Pope John Paul II who shared anti-communism views with Reagan and taught that there was a better alternative. This provided another perspective.

"Gorbachev Calls Reagan a Great President." Msnbc.com. 6 June 2004. Web. 17 Dec. 2014. .This article quotes Mikhail Gorbachev several times following the death of President Reagan. Gorbachev talks of his respect for Reagan and his accomplishments. I used a quote from this article to talk illustrate the importance of the start of talks with the Soviets.

Heuvel, Katrina, and Stephen Cohen. "Gorbachev on 1989." Gorbachev on 1989. The Nation, 28 Oct. 2009. Web. 17 Dec. 2014.This article discussed Gorbachevs perspective on the Cold War. I was able to use this information to help me understand and explain the context of the Cold War.

Kaufman, Robert. "The First Principles of Ronald Reagan's Foreign Policy." The Heritage Foundation. 1 Nov. 2011. Web. 14 Sept. 2014. .This report gave a background of former foreign policies. It gives a detailed description of the Reagan Doctrine. This helped me to understand how much he changed America's foreign policy and how this affected the world as well as how the INF Treaty was signed without compromising SDI.

Slobin, Sarah. "A NATION CHALLENGED: HEARTS AND MINDS." The New York Times. The New York Times, 10 Nov. 2001. Web. 17 Dec. 2014.This article provided information about communism and the Cold War. This provided a quote from President Nixon for context information for my project.

BooksCasil, Amy Sterling.The B-1 Lancer. New York: Rosen Central, 2003. Print.This book provides a history which provides a history of the B-1 bomber. From this book I was able to obtain information about how Jimmy Carter had cut the B-1 program and Reagan brought it back. An example of his focus on military strength. Granville, Johanna. "Strategic Defense Initiative." The Encyclopedia of Russian History. Ed. James Millar. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2004. 1487. Print.This excerpt clearly explained the Strategic Defense Initiative. This helped me to have a better understanding of the SDI program. I used this information to explain SDI on my project.

Gregory, Ross.Cold War America, 1946 to 1990. New York: Facts on File, 2003. Print.George Marshall was famous for his leadership roles during World War II and the Cold War. He was Chief of Staff of the United States Army, Secretary of State, and the third Secretary of Defense. This quote from him helps to illustrate the dangers of the Soviet Union and the threat of destruction that the world faced during that time.

Ratnesar, Romesh. Tear down This Wall: A City, a President, and the Speech That Ended the Cold War. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2009. Print.This book helped me get quotes for many different things. It helped explain Reagans Tear Down This Wall speech.

Schweizer, Peter. Reagan's War: The Epic Story of His Forty Year Struggle and Final Triumph over Communism. New York: Doubleday, 2002. Print.I obtained his book from the public library. His book gave a viewpoint of Reagans anti-communism views from the beginning to the end. I was able to obtain more background information on Reagans views and utilize it in my project for quotes. Wallison, Peter J. "Conviction Politician." Ronald Reagan: The Power of Conviction and the Success of His Presidency. Boulder, Colo.: Westview, 2003. 45- 80. Print. This book is a firsthand account by Peter J. Wallison, a former White House Counsel to President Reagan. The Chapter "Conviction Politician" describes Reagan's commitment to decisions to his foreign policy, especially the SDI. It showed how his commitment affected the outcomes of many negotiations. I used it to provide research as well as a quote regarding military buildup.

ImagesEureka College. Image. Web. 23 Feb 2015. < http://www.eureka.edu/news/sage-seeks-vendors-for-sustainability-festival/>This is an image of Eureka College. I used this on my interview page for Tony Glass as he is the curator and archivest at the Reagan Museum. I did not have an photo of Mr. Glass.

Defense Budget. Image. Web. 22 Feb. 2015. https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/security/report/2011/07/14/10016/a-return-to-responsibility/This image is an illustration of the defense budget spending throughout several presidencies. It illustrates the dramatic increase in spending during the Reagan years compared to the dtente years.

Reagan War Comment. Image. Web. 10 Oct. 2014. This is an image with a depiction of Ronald Reagan next to a quote: Of the four wars in my lifetime, none of them came about because the U.S. was too strong. I used this image to illustrate Reagans commitment to buildup the military to provide peace through strength.

SDI. Image. Web. 10 Nov. 2014. http://ndawehistory.weebly.com/star-wars-and-strategic-defense-initiative.htmlThis is an image depicting the Strategic Defense Initiative in a space like manner. SDI was often referred to as Star Wars and I thought this image was a good representation of that idea.

InterviewsJeane Kirkpatrick interview. Web. 1 Feb. 2015. http://www2.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/coldwar/interviews/episode-19/kirkpatrick1.htmlJeane Kirkpatrick served as Ronald Reagan's foreign policy adviser in his 1980 campaign and later as a U.S. Ambassador. I used this site to read about an interview conducted with Ms. Kirkpatrick about the Cold War. I used a quote from the interview to explain why dtente was not working and that is was dangerous to the U.S. WebsitesAmerican Security Council Foundation. Website. Web. 14 Feb. 2015. This site provided a plethora of information regarding Peace Through Strength. It also provided information regarding the leadership and legacy and impact of Ronal Reagan. From this site I was able to obtain contact information for the foundation which allowed me to conduct an interview with Bill McCollum, a board member.

Bill McCollum bio. Website. 18 Feb. 2015. http://www.dentons.com/en/bill-mccollumThis site provides a bio for Bill McCollum. He is a previous U.S. senator and is currently on the board of the American Security Council Foundation.

Edmund Morris bio. Website. 5 Jan 2015. This site provided a succinct biography of Edmund Morris that I was able to use for my interview page.

George Shultz bio. Website. Web. 10 Dec. 2015. https://history.state.gov/departmenthistory/people/shultz-george-prattThis site provided a detailed biography of George Shultz that I was able to use describe his relevance to my project and use on my interview page.

Leadership Letters. Website. Web. 11 Feb. 2015. The Eureka College Reagan Museum emphasizes Reagans lasting legacy, as well as his leadership abilities One of the ways that Eureka passes on lessons in leadership is through their Leadership Letters magazine. I embedded the letters in my site as an example of Reagans legacy of leadership.

Michael Reagan bio. Website. Web. 10 Nov. 2014. http://michaelreagan.comI used this website to obtain a bio for my interview page. It gives a succinct bio of Michael Reagan.

"Miller Center." American President: Ronald Wilson Reagan: Foreign Affairs. Website. Web. 7 Dec. 2014. http://millercenter.orgI used this site to gain a better understand Reagan's foreign policy. It helped me get a clear picture of Reagan's strategies, leadership and legacy. This site provided information to add depth to my project.

Presidential Leadership in the Cold War Website. Web. 14 Feb. 2015. From this site I was able to read and overview of the Ronald Reagans leadership during the Cold War and the ending of the Cold War.

Suzanne Massie bio. Website. Web. 17 Feb. 2015. http://suzannemassie.com/bio.htmlI used this site to obtain background information prior to my interview with her. She specialized in Russian history and culture and became a consultant to President Reagan. I also obtained a short bio of her for the interview page.

The Reagan-Gorbachev Summits. Website. Web. 15 Feb. 2015. http://www.thereaganfiles.com/the-summits.htmlThis website provided a summary of the 4 summits between Reagan and Gorbachev. I used quotes and photographs from this site to add to my pages for the 4 summits. The quotes added more information and depth to my pages. Ward Churchill bio. Website. This site provided a bio of Ward Churchill. I was able to read this information prior to my interview and use it on my interview page.