web . www.annkathrin-dahlhaus.de blog . annkathrin-dahlhaus.blogspot.com annkathrin c. dahlhaus art & crossmedia design VANCOUVER 2011

Annkathrin Dahlhaus - Emiy Carr Exchange work

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Annkathrin Dahlhaus shares some select pieces of her work she created while on exchange at Emly Carr in the Spring of 2011

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web . w w w.annkathrin-dahlhaus.deblog . annkathrin-dahlhaus.blogspot.com

annkathrin c. dahlhaus

art & crossmedia design


HANSEL & GRE THELa typography fairy tale book in english and german.

april 2011

5GUMtwo posters about different „5gum“ gums.

february 2011

APPLIED ARTS MAGA ZINEcover-design idea

february 2011

VANCOUVER472 pages. a diary about my time in

vancouver with hundred of pictures.

january - april 2011

web . w w w.annkathrin-dahlhaus.deblog . annkathrin-dahlhaus.blogspot.com

annkathrin c. dahlhaus

art & crossmedia design