A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Master Degree in Management from NOVA School of Business and Economics. Field Lab on Higher Education Management “Analysis of Factors and Drivers in Graduates Success among Portugal, India and Italy – Defining Success” Annexes Maria Leonor Água Alves Pacheco Pereira, 2426, MSc Management A Project carried out on the Masters in Management program under the supervision of: Prof. Elizabete Cardoso January 11 th , 2016

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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Master

Degree in Management from NOVA School of Business and Economics.

Field Lab on Higher Education Management

“Analysis of Factors and Drivers in Graduates Success

among Portugal, India and Italy – Defining Success”


Maria Leonor Água Alves Pacheco Pereira, 2426, MSc Management A Project carried out on the Masters in Management program under the

supervision of:

Prof. Elizabete Cardoso

January 11th, 2016

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List of Annexes

Annex A. Focus group script (in Portuguese) ............................................................................ 3

Annex B. Online questionnaire .................................................................................................. 6

Annex C. Set of output tables for demographics analysis ....................................................... 17

Annex D. Principal Components Analysis Output .................................................................. 23

Annex E. ANOVA outputs for PCA components ................................................................... 35

Annex F. PCA components – Sample descriptive statistics output ......................................... 40

Annex G. ANOVA outputs for questions 14, 15 and 16 ......................................................... 41

Annex H. Questions 14, 15 and 16 – Sample descriptive statistics output .............................. 44

Annex I. Normality tests for used variables ............................................................................ 45

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Annex A. Focus group script (in Portuguese) 1. Apresentação do projeto e o objetivo do focus group: Boa tarde e obrigada por terem vindo. O meu nome é Maria e este focus group faz parte da pesquisa para a minha tese, cujo tema é “drivers e fatores de sucesso em business graduates”. De forma breve, o que queremos perceber é qual a vossa noção de sucesso, como o medem e quais acham que são os fatores que no vosso background vos podem ter ajudado a atingir esse mesmo sucesso. Todas as respostas são confidenciais e os dados vão ser tratados de forma agregada. Caso sejam utilizadas citações será sempre com nomes fictícios e/ou abreviados. Caso não se importem, o áudio será gravado para facilitar a análise. Para as perguntas não há respostas certas ou erradas e podem parar de responder quando quiserem ou não se sentirem confortáveis (por exemplo, porque é demasiado pessoal). Pediria que em cada pergunta cada um de vocês partilhasse a vossa experiência e caso sintam necessário que debatam. 1.1. Ice-break: - Nome, idade e qual o programa de mestrado concluído e em que faculdade - O que estavam a fazer antes de iniciar o mestrado? - Experiência profissional? - Vieram diretamente da licenciatura? - Gap year - Outros... - Como pensam que essa(s) atividade(s) pode ter influenciado a maneira como encaram a vida, nomeadamente o vosso mestrado? Explorar cada experiência relatada. Tópico 1. Durante o mestrado - O que é que retiram dessas mesmas experiências? - Skills aprendidos ou melhorados - Aprendizagens - Outros Mostrar interesse em cada experiência. Tópico 2. Antes do mestrado – background familiar - Como foi a vossa infância e adolescência? - Experiências - Desportos - Atividades - Vida familiar - Vida em geral - Como é que essa experiência x vos fez diferente das outras crianças? Era comum entre os vossos amigos fazer isso (experiência relatada)? - Pensam que estar ocupado e envolvido em atividades afeta a habilidade de alcançar as coisas, ajuda a obter melhor performance? - Como se comparam, em relação aos vossos colegas de escola, por exemplo? - A iniciativa para praticar certas atividades, partia de vocês ou dos vossos pais? - De que maneira pensam que isso ajuda?

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- Relativamente a viagens, quantos países visitaram antes da universidade? - Pensam que viajar e ter uma experiência ou mesmo abertura internacional é importante? - Tiveram alguma experiência internacional? Qual? - O que vos levou a querer: - Estudar fora - Viajar - Outros... - Os vossos pais/família, apoiavam as vossas ideias? - Pensam que a modo que os vossos pais vos educaram os levou a sonhar/ambicionar/querer atingir mais do que os outros? - Como pensam que a educação que os vossos pais vos proporcionaram, a vossa família ou mesmo o estilo de vida vos influenciou? - Relativamente a leituras, por exemplo, em vossa casa, como funciona? Os vossos pais leem regularmente? E vocês? Que tipo de leituras preferem? Leem por lazer ou mais por motivos de estudo? - Vocês conseguiram entrar numa boa universidade, ou seja, vocês de algum modo fizeram algo de diferente no vosso percurso, do que aqueles que não conseguiram entrar. O que pensam que poderá ter sido? - Fatores endógenos - Fatores exógenos - Pessoas que conhecem - Na vossa opinião, como é que a cultura influencia e modela as nossas escolhas? Tópico 3. Interação com a Universidade - Voltando um pouco atrás, e podem integrar experiências da vossa licenciatura, como era a vossa interação e presença na faculdade? - Apenas iam e assistiam às aulas, ou envolviam-se mais com a comunidade? - Querem realçar alguma relação especial com algum professor ou mentor? - Alguma vez recorreram aos serviços de carreira? - Participaram em algum club ou associações? - Como recolhiam informação sobre o mercado de trabalho? Por vossa conta ou recorriam à ajuda disponível na faculdade? Tópico 4. Sucesso - O que significa ter sucesso, ser bem-sucedido? - Com o que relacionam a palavra sucesso, o que vos vem à cabeça? - Pensam que atingir o sucesso, é uma coisa que depende de vocês ou de fatores exteriores? - O sucesso é algo a curto prazo, médio ou longo? - Quais são, para vocês, os indicadores de sucesso? - Dinheiro - O modo como se usa esse dinheiro - Obter qualificações - Ser reconhecido - Ter capacidade de provocar mudanças visíveis - Ter poder (o que é poder?) - Conseguir causar impacto na vida dos outros

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- O que significa fazer algo que adoram? - É algo com significado? - É algo perfeito? - É algo que vai de encontro com os vossos valores e princípios? - O que significa ter um emprego de prestígio? - É um emprego bem pago? - É um cargo de poder, respeitado pelos outros? - Que tipo de empregos são esses? - É relacionado com o cargo em si ou com a companhia? - Podem dar exemplos? - O que é a felicidade? - A felicidade tem várias facetas e surge de diferente maneiras. Como medem se alguém é feliz ou não, considerando que todos somos diferentes? - Que escala considerariam apropriada para medir a felicidade? - Será um género de benchmarking? - De 0 a 10, sendo 0 infeliz e 10 o momento mais feliz da vossa vida ou 10 o máximo de felicidade que vocês pensam que podem vir a atingir? - O que estaria nesse extremo? - Como sabem quando estão felizes? O que sentem nessa altura? E fisicamente? - Tem alguma relação com expectativas? Por exemplo, sentem-se felizes se as expectativas se concretizaram? - Comparem com diferentes períodos 5. Técnica Projetiva - Imaginem que os pais de uma criança de 5 anos, que querem o melhor para o seu filho, vos pedem conselhos para que ele seja bem-sucedido. O que recomendam? - Ao que deverá a criança estar exposta? - Como deverão os pais comunicar com a criança? - Qual a quantidade certa de atenção que lhe deverão dar? Como poderá isso relacionar-se com auto-estima? -E quanto à liberdade? - Será vantajoso ter irmãos? Porquê? - E relativamente à gratidão? Como deverá ser incutida? - Musica, desportos, actividades culturais, todas são importantes. Que mais sugerem? - O que poderá aumentar o seu conhecimento e torna-los mais tolerantes e de mente aberta? - Deverá o voluntariado desde cedo ser encorajado? Porquê? - O que mais deverá ser feito? - O que não se deve fazer? Distribuir o formulário de dados demográficos

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Annex B. Online questionnaire Text1 This questionnaire is part of the research we are developing for our thesis related with factors and drivers of business graduates' success. For each completed questionnaire, we commit to donate 0,20€ to War Child, an international non-governmental organization which aims to create the conditions that will fulfill the protection, development and survival rights for children and young people who are living with or recovering from the effects of armed conflict. We truly appreciate your collaboration, Alberto Brandolini, Caterina Maggi, Maria Pacheco Pereira, Niccolò Cassettari Masters in Management, NovaSBE Q1 Q1) Did you graduate from a Masters in a business school in the last 2 years? m Yes (1) m No (2) If No Is Selected, Then Skip To End of Survey Answer If Did you graduate from a Masters in a business school in the last 2 years? Yes Is Selected Q2 Q2) When did you graduate? m 2013 (1) m 2014 (2) m Other (3) If Other Is Selected, Then Skip To End of Survey Answer If When did you graduate? 2013 Is Selected And When did you graduate? 2014 Is Selected Text2 The following questions refer to your background and the activities you did before starting University. Q3 Q3) To which extent do you think the following extra curricular activities contributed to your development? Please note that 1 is "it did not contribute at all", 10 is "had a high contribution". Please select N/A for the one(s) you have not performed.

1 (1) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4 (5) 5 (6) 6 (7) 7 (8) 8 (9) 9 (10) 10 (11) N/A (2)

Sports (1) m m m m m m m m m m m

Music (2) m m m m m m m m m m m

Foreign Languages

(3) m m m m m m m m m m m

Volunteering (4)

m m m m m m m m m m m

Exchange Programs (5)

m m m m m m m m m m m

Summer School (6)

m m m m m m m m m m m

Religious Activities

(Trips, Scouts,

Catechism) (7)

m m m m m m m m m m m

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Q4 Q4) Now, please imagine that a person had done all these following activities. Please select the 3 activities that you think helped the most his/her development. q Sports (1) q Music (2) q Foreign Languages (3) q Volunteering (4) q Exchange Programs (5) q Summer School (6) q Religious Activities (Trips, Scouts, Catechism) (7) Q5 Q5) Which of the following personality traits do you think helped you to achieve your goals? Please choose the 3 most relevant traits from the list. q Curious (1) q Practical (2) q Adaptable (3) q Charismatic (4) q Leaderly (5) q Disciplined (6) q Flexible (7) q Ambitious (8) q Creative (9) q Empathetic (10) q Focused (11) q Humble (12) q Methodical (13) q Persuasive (14) q Open-minded (15) q Sociable (16) q Balanced (17) q Enthusiastic (18) q Hard-working (19) q Resilient (20) Text3 For the following questions, you will be asked about "cultural activities"."Cultural activities" relate to leisure activities that comprise any cultural component and on which you have participated as a spectator.Please find bellow a comprehensive list of activities:- Theatre- Cinema- Museums and art galleries- Opera- Ballets- Music concerts (all the genres)- Historic monuments and heritage- Poetry Recitations/Clubs- Sports events Q6 Q6) How much do you think that participating with your parents on the following cultural activities contributed to your development?Please note that 1 is "it did not contribute at all", 10 is "had a high contribution".If you never did one of the following activities with your parents please select N/A.

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1 (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 5 (5) 6 (6) 7 (7) 8 (8) 9 (9) 10

(10) N/A (11)

Theatre (1) m m m m m m m m m m m

Cinema (2) m m m m m m m m m m m

Museums and Art Galleries (3)

m m m m m m m m m m m

Opera (4) m m m m m m m m m m m

Ballets (5) m m m m m m m m m m m

Reading by Yourself (6)

m m m m m m m m m m m

Music Concerts (7)

m m m m m m m m m m m

Historic Monuments and

Heritage (8) m m m m m m m m m m m

Poetry Recitations/Clubs

(9) m m m m m m m m m m m

Sports Events (10)

m m m m m m m m m m m

Q7 Q7) How often did you participate on the following cultural activities?

Never (1) Once a Year or Less (2)

Between 2 and 11

Times a Year (3)

Once a Month (4)

2-3 Times a Month (5)

Once a Week (6)

2-3 Times a Week (7)

4-6 Times a Week (8)

Daily (9)

Theatre (1) m m m m m m m m m

Cinema (2) m m m m m m m m m

Museums and Art

Galleries (3) m m m m m m m m m

Opera (4) m m m m m m m m m

Ballets (5) m m m m m m m m m

Reading by Yourself (6)

m m m m m m m m m

Music Concerts (7)

m m m m m m m m m

Historic Monuments and Heritage


m m m m m m m m m

Poetry Recitations/

Clubs (9) m m m m m m m m m

Sport Events (10)

m m m m m m m m m

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Q8 Q8) How often did you use to travel abroad before enrolling in the university (bachelor)? m Never (1) m Once a Year or Less (2) m Once every 6 Months (4) m Once every 2 Months (5) m Once a Month (6) Text4 The following questions will be related to activities and influences during your studies period at University (Bachelors and Masters). Q9 Q9) How much do you think that the following experiences helped on your professional development? Please note that 1 is "it did not contribute at all", 10 is "had a high contribute".Please select 0 for the one(s) you did not perform.

1 (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 5 (5) 6 (6) 7 (7) 8 (8) 9 (9) 10

(10) N/A (11)

Professors (1) m m m m m m m m m m m

Internship/ Work

Placement (2) m m m m m m m m m m m

Group Projects (3)

m m m m m m m m m m m

Mentors/Alumni (4)

m m m m m m m m m m m

Colleagues (5) m m m m m m m m m m m

Career Service (6)

m m m m m m m m m m m

Associations/ Clubs (7)

m m m m m m m m m m m

Exchange Program (8)

m m m m m m m m m m m

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Q10 Q10) For this question, we will require a bit of your attention.We are very interested in learning how do you associate the development of certain skills, abilities and personality traits with the participation/interaction with the academic entities.Which skills/abilities/personality traits do you feel you have developed by taking part of the following activities/interaction with entities? Please drag the items in the most appropriated boxes; please also note that if you did not take part of one of them you can leave the box empty.Please consider that the order in which you drag the items is not important.

Interaction With


Internships / Work


Group Projects

Interaction With Mentors

/ Alumni

Interaction With

Colleagues Career Service

Participation in Clubs /


Exchange Program

______ Problem

Solving (1)

______ Problem

Solving (1)

______ Problem

Solving (1)

______ Problem

Solving (1)

______ Problem

Solving (1)

______ Problem

Solving (1)

______ Problem

Solving (1)

______ Problem

Solving (1)

______ Analytical

Thinking (2)

______ Analytical

Thinking (2)

______ Analytical

Thinking (2)

______ Analytical

Thinking (2)

______ Analytical

Thinking (2)

______ Analytical

Thinking (2)

______ Analytical

Thinking (2)

______ Analytical

Thinking (2)

______ Critical

Thinking (3)

______ Critical

Thinking (3)

______ Critical

Thinking (3)

______ Critical

Thinking (3)

______ Critical

Thinking (3)

______ Critical

Thinking (3)

______ Critical

Thinking (3)

______ Critical

Thinking (3)

______ Strategic

Thinking (4)

______ Strategic

Thinking (4)

______ Strategic

Thinking (4)

______ Strategic

Thinking (4)

______ Strategic

Thinking (4)

______ Strategic

Thinking (4)

______ Strategic

Thinking (4)

______ Strategic

Thinking (4)

______ Leadership (5)

______ Leadership (5)

______ Leadership (5)

______ Leadership (5)

______ Leadership (5)

______ Leadership (5)

______ Leadership (5)

______ Leadership (5)

______ Communicatio

n (6)

______ Communicatio

n (6)

______ Communicatio

n (6)

______ Communicatio

n (6)

______ Communicatio

n (6)

______ Communicatio

n (6)

______ Communicatio

n (6)

______ Communicatio

n (6)

______ Teamwork (7)

______ Teamwork (7)

______ Teamwork (7)

______ Teamwork (7)

______ Teamwork (7)

______ Teamwork (7)

______ Teamwork (7)

______ Teamwork (7)

______ International

Awareness (8)

______ International

Awareness (8)

______ International

Awareness (8)

______ International

Awareness (8)

______ International

Awareness (8)

______ International

Awareness (8)

______ International

Awareness (8)

______ International

Awareness (8)

______ Focus (9)

______ Focus (9)

______ Focus (9)

______ Focus (9)

______ Focus (9)

______ Focus (9)

______ Focus (9)

______ Focus (9)

______ Goal Setting (10)

______ Goal Setting (10)

______ Goal Setting (10)

______ Goal Setting (10)

______ Goal Setting (10)

______ Goal Setting (10)

______ Goal Setting (10)

______ Goal Setting (10)

______ Self Discipline


______ Self Discipline


______ Self Discipline


______ Self Discipline


______ Self Discipline


______ Self Discipline


______ Self Discipline


______ Self Discipline


______ Self Confidence


______ Self Confidence


______ Self Confidence


______ Self Confidence


______ Self Confidence


______ Self Confidence


______ Self Confidence


______ Self Confidence


______ Autonomy


______ Autonomy


______ Autonomy


______ Autonomy


______ Autonomy


______ Autonomy


______ Autonomy


______ Autonomy


______ Entrepreneurial Attitude (14)

______ Entrepreneurial Attitude (14)

______ Entrepreneurial Attitude (14)

______ Entrepreneurial Attitude (14)

______ Entrepreneurial Attitude (14)

______ Entrepreneurial Attitude (14)

______ Entrepreneurial Attitude (14)

______ Entrepreneurial Attitude (14)

______ Responsibility


______ Responsibility


______ Responsibility


______ Responsibility


______ Responsibility


______ Responsibility


______ Responsibility


______ Responsibility


______ Openness (16)

______ Openness (16)

______ Openness (16)

______ Openness (16)

______ Openness (16)

______ Openness (16)

______ Openness (16)

______ Openness (16)

______ Creativity (17)

______ Creativity (17)

______ Creativity (17)

______ Creativity (17)

______ Creativity (17)

______ Creativity (17)

______ Creativity (17)

______ Creativity (17)

______ Humbleness


______ Humbleness


______ Humbleness


______ Humbleness


______ Humbleness


______ Humbleness


______ Humbleness


______ Humbleness


Q11 Q11) For this question, we will require a bit of your attention.We are very interested in learning how do you associate the development of certain skills, abilities and personality traits with the participation/interaction

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with the academic entities.Which skills/abilities/personality traits do you feel you have developed by taking part of the following activities/interaction with entities? Please drag the items in the most appropriated boxes; please also note that if you did not take part of one of them you can leave the box empty.Please consider that the order in which you drag the items is not important.

Interaction With


Internships / Work


Group Projects

Interaction With Mentors

/ Alumni

Interaction With

Colleagues Career Service

Participation in Clubs /


Exchange Program

______ Charisma (19)

______ Charisma (19)

______ Charisma (19)

______ Charisma (19)

______ Charisma (19)

______ Charisma (19)

______ Charisma (19)

______ Charisma (19)

______ Time Management


______ Time Management


______ Time Management


______ Time Management


______ Time Management


______ Time Management


______ Time Management


______ Time Management


______ Work Under

Pressure (21)

______ Work Under

Pressure (21)

______ Work Under

Pressure (21)

______ Work Under

Pressure (21)

______ Work Under

Pressure (21)

______ Work Under

Pressure (21)

______ Work Under

Pressure (21)

______ Work Under

Pressure (21)

______ Organization


______ Organization


______ Organization


______ Organization


______ Organization


______ Organization


______ Organization


______ Organization


______ Decision

Making (23)

______ Decision

Making (23)

______ Decision

Making (23)

______ Decision

Making (23)

______ Decision

Making (23)

______ Decision

Making (23)

______ Decision

Making (23)

______ Decision

Making (23)

______ Multi Tasking (24)

______ Multi Tasking (24)

______ Multi Tasking (24)

______ Multi Tasking (24)

______ Multi Tasking (24)

______ Multi Tasking (24)

______ Multi Tasking (24)

______ Multi Tasking (24)

______ Adaptability


______ Adaptability


______ Adaptability


______ Adaptability


______ Adaptability


______ Adaptability


______ Adaptability


______ Adaptability


______ Attention to Details (26)

______ Attention to Details (26)

______ Attention to Details (26)

______ Attention to Details (26)

______ Attention to Details (26)

______ Attention to Details (26)

______ Attention to Details (26)

______ Attention to Details (26)

______ Practical

Approach (27)

______ Practical

Approach (27)

______ Practical

Approach (27)

______ Practical

Approach (27)

______ Practical

Approach (27)

______ Practical

Approach (27)

______ Practical

Approach (27)

______ Practical

Approach (27)

______ Empathy (28)

______ Empathy (28)

______ Empathy (28)

______ Empathy (28)

______ Empathy (28)

______ Empathy (28)

______ Empathy (28)

______ Empathy (28)

______ Proactivity


______ Proactivity


______ Proactivity


______ Proactivity


______ Proactivity


______ Proactivity


______ Proactivity


______ Proactivity


______ Pragmatism


______ Pragmatism


______ Pragmatism


______ Pragmatism


______ Pragmatism


______ Pragmatism


______ Pragmatism


______ Pragmatism


______ Employability


______ Employability


______ Employability


______ Employability


______ Employability


______ Employability


______ Employability


______ Employability


______ Writing (32)

______ Writing (32)

______ Writing (32)

______ Writing (32)

______ Writing (32)

______ Writing (32)

______ Writing (32)

______ Writing (32)

______ Listening (33)

______ Listening (33)

______ Listening (33)

______ Listening (33)

______ Listening (33)

______ Listening (33)

______ Listening (33)

______ Listening (33)

______ Resilience


______ Resilience


______ Resilience


______ Resilience


______ Resilience


______ Resilience


______ Resilience


______ Resilience


______ Conflict

Management (34)

______ Conflict

Management (34)

______ Conflict

Management (34)

______ Conflict

Management (34)

______ Conflict

Management (34)

______ Conflict

Management (34)

______ Conflict

Management (34)

______ Conflict

Management (34)

Text5 The next set of questions will be related to your own definition of success.

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q Q12 Q12) Which personality traits / characteristics do you associate the most with a successful person?Please choose 5.

q Powerful (1) q Rich (2) q Caring (3) q Leader (4) q Respected (5) q Charismatic (6) q Generous (7) q Optimistic (8) q Well Dressed (9) q Traveller (10) q Sharp (11) q Open Minded (12) q Determined (13) q Hard Worker (14) q Intellectual (15) q Polite (16) q Highly Educated (17) q Trustworthy (18) q Resourceful (19) q Sociable (20) q Honest (21) q Humble (22) q Cynical (23) q Impulsive (24) q Obstinate (25)

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Q13 Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from 1 to 10, in which 1 means "I do not agree at all" and 10 "I entirely agree".

1 (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 5 (5) 6 (6) 7 (7) 8 (8) 9 (9) 10


"In order to be successful, one must sacrifice his/her personal life" (1)

m m m m m m m m m m

"Success is intrinsically related with satisfaction. This satisfaction/joy comes from the achievement of goals you have

established" (2) m m m m m m m m m m

"Success is owning your own business" (3) m m m m m m m m m m

"Succes is being recognised by the others as the best in his/her field" (4)

m m m m m m m m m m

"Success is being a self-made person" (5) m m m m m m m m m m

"Success is achieving a high wage and having a powerful position in a prestigious company" (6) m m m m m m m m m m

"Success is being able to help others to improve their lives" (7) m m m m m m m m m m

"Success is doing something that you like and having at the same time a great personal life" (8)

m m m m m m m m m m

"Success is feeling proud of who you have become" (9) m m m m m m m m m m

"Success is having a numerous and happy family" (10) m m m m m m m m m m

"Success is being able to make the world a better place" (11) m m m m m m m m m m

"Success is related with the willingness to keep learning in order to always improve yourself" (12) m m m m m m m m m m

"Success is being able to make a difference and having a visible contribution" (13)

m m m m m m m m m m

"Success is being able to achieve a healthy balance between your career and your personal life" (14)

m m m m m m m m m m

Q14 Q14) How successful do you consider yourself at the moment, comparing to the expectations you had when you graduated from your masters?Please choose from a scale from 1 to 10, in which 1 means "Not successful at all" and 10 means "Very successful". ______ ´ (1) Q15 Q15) How successful do you consider yourself at the moment, comparing to your friends who studied different subjects and have graduated at the same time as you did?Please choose from a scale from 1 to 10, in which 1 means "Much less successful than them" and 10 means "Much more successful than them". ______ , (1) Q16 Q16) How successful do you consider yourself at the moment, comparing to your colleagues/friends from a business school who have graduated at the same time as you did?Please choose from a scale from 1 to 10, in which 1 means "Much less successful than them" and 10 means "Much more successful than them". ______ Click to write Choice 1 (1) Textabldgu We are almost at the end of this questionnaire. Thank you very much for the time you have spent, we kindly ask you to take only more 2 minutes.For the following questions, please put yourself on the shoes of someone who is asked for advice.

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Q17 Q17) Imagine that the parents of a 5 years old child, who want their child to be very successful, asked for your advice and opinion.From the following extra-curricular activities, please choose the 5 that you recommend the most. q Sports (1) q Religious Activities (Trips/Scouts/Catechism) (2) q Music (3) q Foreign Languages (4) q Volunteering (5) q Exchange Program (6) q Summer School (7) q Summer Jobs (8) q Art Classes (Plastic Arts / Performing Arts) (9) q Clubs (10) q Students Unions and Boards (11) q Technological Activities ( IT / Programming / Electronics ) (12) q Other (13) ____________________ Q18 Q18) Imagine that you know a Masters student who aims to be very successfulWhich of the following activities would you advise him/her to engage in, while studying at the UniversityPlease choose the 3 you consider the most important. q Career Services (1) q Clubs (2) q Students Union (3) q Exchange Program (4) q Volunteering (5) q Corporate Events (6) q Career Fairs (7) q Alumni Meetings (8) q Interaction with Faculty (9) q Mentoring Program (10) q Cultural Associations (11) q Workshops (12) q Sports Teams (13) q International Associations (14)

Pretesto The questionnaire is almost over, now we just want to know a bit about yourself.The information you provide us is confidential and will only be treated in an aggregated form for academic purposes. Q19 Q19) In which industry / sector are you currently working?

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m Consulting and Auditing (1) m Consumer Goods (2) m Energy and Utilities (3) m Pharmaceutical and Healthcare (4) m Technology, Media and Telecommunications (5) m Retail Distribution (6) m Investment Banking (7) m Financial Services (8) m Private Equity and Venture Capital (9) m Asset Management and Private Banking (10) m Economics (11) m Transports (12) m Property and Real Estate (13) m Education and Research (14) m Travel and Tourism (15) m Creative Industries (16) m I am not working at the moment (17) If I am not working at the moment Is Selected, Then Skip To This question refers to the person in... Answer If In which industry / sector are you currently working? I am not working at the moment Is Selected Q20 Q20) Which is your current position at the company you are working on? m Intern (1) m Trainee (Graduate Scheme) (2) m Entry-level Position (3) m Junior Position (4) m Associate (5) m Manager (6) m Executive, Partner and Other Senior Positions (7) m I run my own business / company (8) m I am an independent worker (9) Answer If In which industry / sector are you currently working? I am not working at the moment Is Not Selected Q21 Q21) Could you please state in which category does your annual gross income (bonuses included) fit in? m Less than 10 000 € ( less than 170 000₹ ) (1) m Between €10000 and €15000 (between 170 000₹ and 250 000₹ ) (2) m Between €15000 and €20000 (between 250 000₹ and 340 000₹ ) (3) m Between €20000 and €25000 (between 340 000₹ and 430 000₹ ) (4) m Between €25000 and €30000 (between 430 000₹ and 520 000₹ ) (5) m Between €30000 and €35000 (between 520 000₹ and 610 000₹ ) (6) m Between €35000 and €40000 (between 610 000₹ and 700 000₹) (7) m More than €40000 (more than 700 000₹) (8)

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Q22 Q22) This question refers to the person in your household with the highest anual income. Please select from the following boxes, the most appropriated option:

Education (1)

Can't read/write


Primary School (2)

Secondary School (3)

Senior High

School (4)

High School

Diploma (5)


School (6)

Undergraduate (7)


Undergraduate (8)

Masters Program


Other Post-

Graduate Programs


PhD/Research (11)

Occupation (2)

Middle and Top

Management (1)


Technicians/Small Business Owners


Employees of

Tertiary Sector (3)


Workers (4)

Unqualified/Unskilled Workers


Retired (6)

Unemployed (7)

Students (8)

Housewives (9)



Q23 Q23) Gender: m Female (1) m Male (2) Q24 Q24) Your age: Q25 Q25) Which is your nationality? Please write in capital letters. Q26 Q26) Which of the following options better describes your work experience length (after completing your Masters)? m Less than 3 months (1) m Between 4 and 6 months (2) m Between 7 months and 1 year (3) m Between 1 year and 18 months (4) m From 18 months to 2 years (5) m I am not working at the moment (6) Q27 Q27) In which of the following areas do you include your masters subject in? m Management (1) m Economics (2) m Finance (3) m Other business related degrees (4) Q28 Q28) In which University did you take your Masters? Please write the full name in capital letters and without any abbreviations.

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Annex C. Set of output tables for demographics analysis GET FILE='/Users/MariaLeonor/Downloads/QuestionnaireAlterado.sav'. DATASET NAME DataSet1 WINDOW=FRONT. GET FILE='/Users/MariaLeonor/Downloads/QuestionnaireAlterado.sav'. DATASET NAME DataSet2 WINDOW=FRONT. GET FILE='/Users/MariaLeonor/Downloads/QuestionnaireAlterado.sav'. DATASET NAME DataSet3 WINDOW=FRONT. GET FILE='/Users/MariaLeonor/Downloads/QuestionnaireAlterado.sav'. DATASET NAME DataSet4 WINDOW=FRONT. GET FILE='/Users/MariaLeonor/Downloads/QuestionnaireAlterado.sav'. DATASET NAME DataSet5 WINDOW=FRONT. DATASET ACTIVATE DataSet1. DATASET CLOSE DataSet5. DATASET ACTIVATE DataSet2. DATASET CLOSE DataSet1. DATASET ACTIVATE DataSet3. DATASET CLOSE DataSet2. DATASET ACTIVATE DataSet4. DATASET CLOSE DataSet3. DESCRIPTIVES VARIABLES=Q26 /STATISTICS=MEAN STDDEV MIN MAX Descriptives

Notes Output Created 10-JAN-2016 14:56:27 Input Data /Users/MariaLeonor/Downloads/Que

stionnaireAlterado.sav Active Dataset DataSet4 Filter <none> Weight <none> Split File <none> N of Rows in Working Data File 160

Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User defined missing values are treated as missing.

Cases Used All non-missing data are used. Syntax DESCRIPTIVES VARIABLES=Q26


Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.01 Elapsed Time 00:00:00.00

Descriptive Statistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Q26) Your age: 160 22 33 25.41 1.502 Valid N (listwise) 160


Notes Output Created 10-JAN-2016 14:57:19

Page 18: Annexes - run.unl.pt


Input Data /Users/MariaLeonor/Downloads/QuestionnaireAlterado.sav

Active Dataset DataSet4 Filter <none> Weight <none> Split File <none> N of Rows in Working Data File 160

Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing For each dependent variable in a table, user-defined missing values for the dependent and all grouping variables are treated as missing.

Cases Used Cases used for each table have no missing values in any independent variable, and not all dependent variables have missing values.


Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.01 Elapsed Time 00:00:00.00

Case Processing Summary

Cases Included Excluded Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent Q26) Your age: * Nationality diff 160 100.0% 0 0.0% 160 100.0%


Q26) Your age: Nationality diff Mean N Std. Deviation Indian 25.62 40 1.462 Italian 25.93 46 1.769 Portuguese 24.97 74 1.205 Total 25.41 160 1.502


Notes Output Created 10-JAN-2016 14:59:01 Input Data /Users/MariaLeonor/Downloads/QuestionnaireAlte

rado.sav Active Dataset DataSet4 Filter <none> Weight <none> Split File <none> N of Rows in Working Data File 160


Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.01 Elapsed Time 00:00:00.00

Q25) Gender: Female Male Count Count

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Nationality diff Indian 20 20 Italian 14 32 Portuguese 42 32


Notes Output Created 10-JAN-2016 14:59:57 Input Data /Users/MariaLeonor/Downloads/Que

stionnaireAlterado.sav Active Dataset DataSet4 Filter <none> Weight <none> Split File <none> N of Rows in Working Data File 160


Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.00 Elapsed Time 00:00:00.00

Q29) In which of the following areas do you include your masters subject in?

Management Economics Finance Other business related degrees

Count Count Count Count Nationality diff Indian 30 0 10 0

Italian 34 2 10 0 Portuguese 48 12 10 4

* Custom Tables. CTABLES /VLABELS VARIABLES=Nationality Q2 Q29 DISPLAY=LABEL /TABLE Nationality [C][COUNT F40.0] BY Q2 > Q29 [C] /CATEGORIES VARIABLES=Nationality Q2 Q29 ORDER=A KEY=VALUE EMPTY=INCLUDE. Custom Tables

Notes Output Created 10-JAN-2016 15:02:07 Input Data /Users/MariaLeonor/Downloads/QuestionnaireAl

terado.sav Active Dataset DataSet4 Filter <none> Weight <none> Split File <none> N of Rows in Working Data File 160

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Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.01 Elapsed Time 00:00:00.00

Q2) When did you graduate? 2013 2014

Q29) In which of the following areas do you include your masters subject in?

Q29) In which of

the following areas do

you include

your masters subject



Economics Finance

Other business related

degrees Manage


Count Count Count Count Count Nationality diff

Indian 14 0 2 0 16 Italian 20 0 6 0 14 Portuguese 18 4 4 2 30

Q2) When did you graduate? 2014

Q29) In which of the following areas do you include your masters subject in?

Economics Finance Other business related degrees Management Economics

Count Count Count Count Count Nationality diff Indian 0 8 0 0 0

Italian 2 4 0 0 0 Portuguese 8 6 2 0 0

Q2) When did you graduate? Other

Q29) In which of the following areas do you include your masters subject in? Finance Other business related degrees Count Count

Nationality diff Indian 0 0 Italian 0 0 Portuguese 0 0


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Output Created 10-JAN-2016 15:09:22 Input Data /Users/MariaLeonor/Downloads/Que

stionnaireAlterado.sav Active Dataset DataSet4 Filter <none> Weight <none> Split File <none> N of Rows in Working Data File 160

Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are treated as missing.

Cases Used Statistics are based on all cases with valid data.


Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.00 Elapsed Time 00:00:00.00


Q28) Which of the following options better describes your work experience length (after completin... N Valid 160

Missing 0

Q28) Which of the following options better describes your work experience length (after completin... Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid I am not working at the

moment 2 1.3 1.3 1.3

Less than 3 months 8 5.0 5.0 6.3 Between 4 and 6 months 10 6.3 6.3 12.5 Between 7 months and 1 year 32 20.0 20.0 32.5

Between 1 year and 18 months 64 40.0 40.0 72.5

From 18 months to 2 years 44 27.5 27.5 100.0

Total 160 100.0 100.0 FREQUENCIES VARIABLES=Q19 Q21 /ORDER=ANALYSIS. Frequencies

Notes Output Created 10-JAN-2016 15:10:07 Input Data /Users/MariaLeonor/Downloads/Questionn

aireAlterado.sav Active Dataset DataSet4 Filter <none> Weight <none> Split File <none> N of Rows in Working Data File 160

Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are treated as missing.

Cases Used Statistics are based on all cases with valid data.


Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.00 Elapsed Time 00:00:00.00

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Q19) In which industry / sector are

you currently working?

Q21) Could you please state in which category does your annual gross income (bonuses included) fi...

N Valid 160 156 Missing 0 4

Frequency Table

Q19) In which industry / sector are you currently working? Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Consulting and Auditing 34 21.3 21.3 21.3

Consumer Goods 26 16.3 16.3 37.5 Energy and Utilities 12 7.5 7.5 45.0 Pharmaceutical and Healthcare 8 5.0 5.0 50.0

Technology, Media and Telecommunications 10 6.3 6.3 56.3

Retail Distribution 10 6.3 6.3 62.5 Investment Banking 16 10.0 10.0 72.5 Financial Services 16 10.0 10.0 82.5 Private Equity and Venture Capital 2 1.3 1.3 83.8

Asset Management and Private Banking 6 3.8 3.8 87.5

Economics 2 1.3 1.3 88.8 Property and Real Estate 2 1.3 1.3 90.0 Education and Research 6 3.8 3.8 93.8 Creative Industries 6 3.8 3.8 97.5 I am not working at the moment 4 2.5 2.5 100.0

Total 160 100.0 100.0

Q21) Could you please state in which category does your annual gross income (bonuses included) fi... Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Less than 10 000 € ( less

than 170 000₹ ) 2 1.3 1.3 1.3

Between €10000 and €15000 (between 170 000₹ and 250 000₹ )

20 12.5 12.8 14.1

Between €15000 and €20000 (between 250 000₹ and 340 000₹ )

36 22.5 23.1 37.2

Between €20000 and €25000 (between 340 000₹ and 430 000₹ )

32 20.0 20.5 57.7

Between €25000 and €30000 (between 430 000₹ and 520 000₹ )

12 7.5 7.7 65.4

Between €30000 and €35000 (between 520 000₹ and 610 000₹ )

12 7.5 7.7 73.1

Between €35000 and €40000 (between 610 000₹ and 700 000₹)

8 5.0 5.1 78.2

More than €40000 (more than 700 000₹) 34 21.3 21.8 100.0

Total 156 97.5 100.0 Missing System 4 2.5 Total 160 100.0

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Annex D. Principal Components Analysis Output FACTOR /VARIABLES Q13_1 Q13_2 Q13_3 Q13_4 Q13_5 Q13_6 Q13_7 Q13_8 Q13_9 Q13_10 Q13_11 Q13_12 Q13_13 Q13_14 /MISSING LISTWISE /ANALYSIS Q13_1 Q13_2 Q13_3 Q13_4 Q13_5 Q13_6 Q13_7 Q13_8 Q13_9 Q13_10 Q13_11 Q13_12 Q13_13 Q13_14 /PRINT INITIAL CORRELATION SIG KMO EXTRACTION ROTATION FSCORE /PLOT EIGEN ROTATION /CRITERIA MINEIGEN(1) ITERATE(25) /EXTRACTION PC /CRITERIA ITERATE(25) /ROTATION VARIMAX /SAVE BART(ALL) /METHOD=CORRELATION. Factor Analysis

Notes Output Created 05-JAN-2016 16:42:26 Input Data C:\Users\marialeonor\Desktop\Questionnaire.sav

Active Dataset DataSet1 Filter <none> Weight <none> Split File <none> N of Rows in Working Data File 160

Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing MISSING=EXCLUDE: User-defined missing values are treated as missing.

Cases Used LISTWISE: Statistics are based on cases with no missing values for any variable used.


Resources Processor Time 00:00:01.40 Elapsed Time 00:00:01.30 Maximum Memory Required 26536 (25.914K) bytes

Variables Created FAC1_1 Component score 1 FAC2_1 Component score 2 FAC3_1 Component score 3 FAC4_1 Component score 4 FAC5_1 Component score 5

Correlation Matrix

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Q13) To which extent do you agree

with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-

"In order to be

successful, one must

sacrifice his/her

personal life"

Q13) To which extent do you agree

with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Succes

s is intrinsica

lly related

with satisfaction. This satisfacti

on/joy comes

from the achievement of goals you

have establish


Q13) To which extent do you agree

with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Succes

s is owning

your own


Q13) To which extent do you agree

with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Succes is being recognis

ed by the

others as the best in his/her field"

Q13) To which extent do you agree

with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Succes

s is being a



Q13) To which extent do you agree

with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Succes

s is achieving a high

wage and

having a powerful position

in a prestigio

us compan


Q13) To which extent do you agree

with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Succes

s is being

able to help

others to improve

their lives"

Q13) To which extent do you agree

with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Succes

s is doing

something that you like

and having at the same time a great

personal life"

Q13) To which extent do you agree

with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Succes

s is feeling

proud of who you

have become"

Q13) To which extent do you agree

with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Succes

s is having a numerou

s and happy family"

Q13) To which extent do you agree

with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Succes

s is being

able to make the

world a better place"

Q13) To which extent do you agree

with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Succes

s is related with the willingne

ss to keep

learning in order

to always improve yourself"

Q13) To which extent do you agree

with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Succes

s is being

able to make a

difference and

having a visible


Q13) To which extent do you agree

with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Succes

s is being

able to achieve

a healthy balance between

your career

and your personal

life" Correlation Q13) To which

extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"In order to be successful, one must sacrifice his/her personal life"

1,000 -,174 ,215 ,255 ,306 ,362 ,192 -,177 -,235 -,133 ,016 -,123 -,135 -,183

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is intrinsically related with satisfaction. This satisfaction/joy comes from the achievement of goals you have established"

-,174 1,000 ,142 ,056 ,210 -,004 ,048 ,152 ,284 ,235 ,270 ,226 ,198 ,327

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is owning your own business"

,215 ,142 1,000 ,140 ,395 ,237 ,146 -,017 -,265 ,001 ,077 -,122 ,080 -,119

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Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Succes is being recognised by the others as the best in his/her field"

,255 ,056 ,140 1,000 ,409 ,511 ,111 ,012 ,016 -,044 ,139 -,022 ,153 ,022

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is being a self-made person"

,306 ,210 ,395 ,409 1,000 ,427 ,085 -,165 -,166 ,033 ,183 ,111 ,159 -,025

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is achieving a high wage and having a powerful position in a prestigious company"

,362 -,004 ,237 ,511 ,427 1,000 ,118 -,228 -,165 ,055 -,036 -,220 -,105 ,086

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is being able to help others to improve their lives"

,192 ,048 ,146 ,111 ,085 ,118 1,000 ,267 ,119 ,186 ,654 ,197 ,317 ,277

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is doing something that you like and having at the same time a great personal life"

-,177 ,152 -,017 ,012 -,165 -,228 ,267 1,000 ,441 ,154 ,300 ,198 ,107 ,317

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is feeling proud of who you have become"

-,235 ,284 -,265 ,016 -,166 -,165 ,119 ,441 1,000 ,267 ,213 ,302 ,154 ,264

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Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is having a numerous and happy family"

-,133 ,235 ,001 -,044 ,033 ,055 ,186 ,154 ,267 1,000 ,413 ,327 ,212 ,478

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is being able to make the world a better place"

,016 ,270 ,077 ,139 ,183 -,036 ,654 ,300 ,213 ,413 1,000 ,479 ,475 ,427

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is related with the willingness to keep learning in order to always improve yourself"

-,123 ,226 -,122 -,022 ,111 -,220 ,197 ,198 ,302 ,327 ,479 1,000 ,598 ,347

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is being able to make a difference and having a visible contribution"

-,135 ,198 ,080 ,153 ,159 -,105 ,317 ,107 ,154 ,212 ,475 ,598 1,000 ,340

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is being able to achieve a healthy balance between your career and your personal life"

-,183 ,327 -,119 ,022 -,025 ,086 ,277 ,317 ,264 ,478 ,427 ,347 ,340 1,000

Sig. (1-tailed)

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"In order to be successful, one must sacrifice his/her personal life"

,014 ,003 ,001 ,000 ,000 ,007 ,013 ,001 ,046 ,418 ,061 ,044 ,010

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Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is intrinsically related with satisfaction. This satisfaction/joy comes from the achievement of goals you have established"

,014 ,036 ,240 ,004 ,479 ,274 ,027 ,000 ,001 ,000 ,002 ,006 ,000

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is owning your own business"

,003 ,036 ,039 ,000 ,001 ,033 ,414 ,000 ,497 ,167 ,063 ,157 ,067

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Succes is being recognised by the others as the best in his/her field"

,001 ,240 ,039 ,000 ,000 ,081 ,438 ,421 ,290 ,039 ,393 ,026 ,393

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is being a self-made person"

,000 ,004 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,142 ,018 ,018 ,339 ,010 ,080 ,022 ,377

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is achieving a high wage and having a powerful position in a prestigious company"

,000 ,479 ,001 ,000 ,000 ,069 ,002 ,019 ,244 ,327 ,003 ,094 ,139

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is being able to help others to improve their lives"

,007 ,274 ,033 ,081 ,142 ,069 ,000 ,067 ,009 ,000 ,006 ,000 ,000

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Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is doing something that you like and having at the same time a great personal life"

,013 ,027 ,414 ,438 ,018 ,002 ,000 ,000 ,026 ,000 ,006 ,089 ,000

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is feeling proud of who you have become"

,001 ,000 ,000 ,421 ,018 ,019 ,067 ,000 ,000 ,003 ,000 ,026 ,000

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is having a numerous and happy family"

,046 ,001 ,497 ,290 ,339 ,244 ,009 ,026 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,004 ,000

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is being able to make the world a better place"

,418 ,000 ,167 ,039 ,010 ,327 ,000 ,000 ,003 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is related with the willingness to keep learning in order to always improve yourself"

,061 ,002 ,063 ,393 ,080 ,003 ,006 ,006 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is being able to make a difference and having a visible contribution"

,044 ,006 ,157 ,026 ,022 ,094 ,000 ,089 ,026 ,004 ,000 ,000 ,000

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Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is being able to achieve a healthy balance between your career and your personal life"

,010 ,000 ,067 ,393 ,377 ,139 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000

KMO and Bartlett's Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. ,658 Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 707,696

df 91 Sig. ,000


Initial Extraction Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"In order to be successful, one must sacrifice his/her personal life"

1,000 ,574

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is intrinsically related with satisfaction. This satisfaction/joy comes from the achievement of goals you have established"

1,000 ,718

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is owning your own business"

1,000 ,811

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Succes is being recognised by the others as the best in his/her field"

1,000 ,614

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is being a self-made person"

1,000 ,697

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is achieving a high wage and having a powerful position in a prestigious company" 1,000 ,780

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is being able to help others to improve their lives"

1,000 ,800

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is doing something that you like and having at the same time a great personal life" 1,000 ,685

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is feeling proud of who you have become"

1,000 ,594

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is having a numerous and happy family"

1,000 ,409

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Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is being able to make the world a better place"

1,000 ,774

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is related with the willingness to keep learning in order to always improve yourself" 1,000 ,739

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is being able to make a difference and having a visible contribution"

1,000 ,721

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is being able to achieve a healthy balance between your career and your personal life" 1,000 ,568

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Total Variance Explained

Component Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings

Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative % 1 3,486 24,897 24,897 3,486 24,897 24,897 2,276 16,260 16,260 2 2,563 18,306 43,203 2,563 18,306 43,203 2,145 15,322 31,583 3 1,226 8,759 51,962 1,226 8,759 51,962 2,085 14,891 46,473 4 1,189 8,493 60,455 1,189 8,493 60,455 1,594 11,387 57,861 5 1,020 7,284 67,739 1,020 7,284 67,739 1,383 9,878 67,739 6 ,980 7,003 74,742 7 ,711 5,080 79,822 8 ,622 4,446 84,269 9 ,543 3,877 88,146 10 ,475 3,393 91,538 11 ,416 2,974 94,513 12 ,307 2,193 96,706 13 ,259 1,852 98,558 14 ,202 1,442 100,000

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Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Component Matrixa


1 2 3 4 5 Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"In order to be successful, one must sacrifice his/her personal life"

-,231 ,603 -,326 ,208 -,085

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is intrinsically related with satisfaction. This satisfaction/joy comes from the achievement of goals you have established" ,472 ,082 ,569 -,171 ,368

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is owning your own business" -,040 ,564 -,026 -,231 ,661

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Succes is being recognised by the others as the best in his/her field"

,074 ,642 ,220 ,264 -,280

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is being a self-made person" ,076 ,756 ,218 -,265 ,036

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is achieving a high wage and having a powerful position in a prestigious company" -,129 ,729 ,287 ,319 -,219

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is being able to help others to improve their lives"

,535 ,327 -,560 ,276 ,132

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is doing something that you like and having at the same time a great personal life" ,507 -,240 -,071 ,466 ,385

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is feeling proud of who you have become" ,529 -,331 ,266 ,366 -,027

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is having a numerous and happy family" ,593 ,009 ,222 ,051 -,076

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is being able to make the world a better place"

,784 ,245 -,311 ,012 ,046

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is related with the willingness to keep learning in order to always improve yourself" ,699 -,062 -,096 -,397 -,282

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is being able to make a difference and having a visible contribution" ,650 ,144 -,170 -,453 -,207

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Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is being able to achieve a healthy balance between your career and your personal life" ,692 -,019 ,209 ,169 -,126

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.a a. 5 components extracted.

Rotated Component Matrixa

Component 1 2 3 4 5

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"In order to be successful, one must sacrifice his/her personal life"

-,413 -,118 ,510 ,358 ,036

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is intrinsically related with satisfaction. This satisfaction/joy comes from the achievement of goals you have established"

,587 ,183 ,005 -,194 ,549

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is owning your own business" -,193 -,075 ,119 ,208 ,843

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Succes is being recognised by the others as the best in his/her field"

,085 ,040 ,775 ,058 ,027

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is being a self-made person" -,121 ,255 ,579 -,067 ,526

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is achieving a high wage and having a powerful position in a prestigious company"

-,002 -,151 ,866 -,006 ,091

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is being able to help others to improve their lives"

,083 ,252 ,122 ,844 ,054

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is doing something that you like and having at the same time a great personal life"

,594 -,131 -,247 ,503 ,027

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is feeling proud of who you have become" ,728 ,045 -,095 ,088 -,213

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is having a numerous and happy family" ,524 ,348 ,091 ,066 ,020

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is being able to make the world a better place"

,289 ,561 ,068 ,595 ,129

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is related with the willingness to keep learning in order to always improve yourself"

,222 ,818 -,114 ,064 -,060

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Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is being able to make a difference and having a visible contribution"

,082 ,828 -,012 ,140 ,092

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is being able to achieve a healthy balance between your career and your personal life"

,631 ,359 ,117 ,147 -,073

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.a a. Rotation converged in 8 iterations.

Component Transformation Matrix Component 1 2 3 4 5 1 ,657 ,647 -,040 ,377 ,074 2 -,251 ,121 ,817 ,228 ,451 3 ,566 -,160 ,276 -,726 ,225 4 ,411 -,617 ,307 ,452 -,390 5 ,127 -,400 -,401 ,272 ,767

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.

Component Score Coefficient Matrix


1 2 3 4 5 Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"In order to be successful, one must sacrifice his/her personal life" -,192 -,046 ,208 ,278 -,091

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is intrinsically related with satisfaction. This satisfaction/joy comes from the achievement of goals you have established"

,330 -,038 -,040 -,246 ,462

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is owning your own business" -,072 -,117 -,145 ,150 ,667

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Succes is being recognised by the others as the best in his/her field"

,109 -,012 ,431 -,039 -,142

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Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is being a self-made person" -,047 ,145 ,207 -,145 ,288

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is achieving a high wage and having a powerful position in a prestigious company"

,120 -,107 ,467 -,056 -,091

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is being able to help others to improve their lives"

-,077 -,008 -,009 ,559 -,025

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is doing something that you like and having at the same time a great personal life"

,296 -,301 -,129 ,355 ,092

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is feeling proud of who you have become" ,378 -,131 ,053 ,002 -,138

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is having a numerous and happy family" ,221 ,085 ,089 -,068 -,019

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is being able to make the world a better place" -,010 ,174 -,016 ,307 ,033

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is related with the willingness to keep learning in order to always improve yourself"

-,079 ,456 -,041 -,099 -,096

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is being able to make a difference and having a visible contribution"

-,152 ,466 -,035 -,044 ,000

Q13) To which extent do you agree with the following sentences? Please rate them in a scale from...-"Success is being able to achieve a healthy balance between your career and your personal life"

,271 ,063 ,126 -,020 -,101

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. Component Scores.

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Notes Output Created 10-JAN-2016 19:25:17 Input Data /Users/MariaLeonor/Downloads/QuestionnaireAlte

rado.sav Active Dataset DataSet1 Filter <none> Weight <none> Split File <none> N of Rows in Working Data File 160

Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are treated as missing.

Cases Used Statistics for each analysis are based on cases with no missing data for any variable in the analysis.


Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.01 Elapsed Time 00:00:00.00



N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Minimum Maximum Lower Bound Upper Bound

Indian 40 7.9500 1.17735 .18616 7.5735 8.3265 6.20 10.00

Italian 46 7.7130 .97584 .14388 7.4233 8.0028 5.80 10.00

Portuguese 74 8.0162 1.03884 .12076 7.7755 8.2569 5.80 10.00

Total 160 7.9125 1.05918 .08374 7.7471 8.0779 5.80 10.00

Test of Homogeneity of Variances


Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

1.965 2 157 .144



Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 2.682 2 1.341 1.198 .304

Within Groups 175.693 157 1.119

Total 178.375 159


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Notes Output Created 10-JAN-2016 19:26:47 Input Data /Users/MariaLeonor/Downloads/QuestionnaireAlte

rado.sav Active Dataset DataSet1 Filter <none> Weight <none> Split File <none> N of Rows in Working Data File 160

Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are treated as missing.

Cases Used Statistics for each analysis are based on cases with no missing data for any variable in the analysis.


Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.01 Elapsed Time 00:00:00.00



N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Minimum Maximum Lower Bound Upper Bound

Indian 40 8.6750 .95105 .15037 8.3708 8.9792 7.00 10.00

Italian 46 7.6522 1.26872 .18706 7.2754 8.0289 5.50 10.00

Portuguese 74 7.8514 1.48446 .17257 7.5074 8.1953 3.00 10.00

Total 160 8.0000 1.35980 .10750 7.7877 8.2123 3.00 10.00

Test of Homogeneity of Variances


Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

1.615 2 157 .202



Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 25.425 2 12.713 7.431 .001

Within Groups 268.575 157 1.711

Total 294.000 159


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Notes Output Created 10-JAN-2016 19:27:06 Input Data /Users/MariaLeonor/Downloads/QuestionnaireAlte

rado.sav Active Dataset DataSet1 Filter <none> Weight <none> Split File <none> N of Rows in Working Data File 160

Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are treated as missing.

Cases Used Statistics for each analysis are based on cases with no missing data for any variable in the analysis.


Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.01 Elapsed Time 00:00:00.00



N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Minimum Maximum Lower Bound Upper Bound

Indian 40 5.3375 1.18288 .18703 4.9592 5.7158 3.25 7.00

Italian 46 5.7391 2.04189 .30106 5.1328 6.3455 1.75 9.25

Portuguese 74 5.6284 1.80242 .20953 5.2108 6.0460 1.00 8.75

Total 160 5.5875 1.74296 .13779 5.3154 5.8596 1.00 9.25

Test of Homogeneity of Variances


Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

5.449 2 157 .005



Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 3.681 2 1.841 .603 .549

Within Groups 479.344 157 3.053

Total 483.025 159


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Notes Output Created 10-JAN-2016 19:27:44 Input Data /Users/MariaLeonor/Downloads/QuestionnaireAlte

rado.sav Active Dataset DataSet1 Filter <none> Weight <none> Split File <none> N of Rows in Working Data File 160

Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are treated as missing.

Cases Used Statistics for each analysis are based on cases with no missing data for any variable in the analysis.


Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.00 Elapsed Time 00:00:00.00



N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Minimum Maximum Lower Bound Upper Bound

Indian 40 8.1250 1.41308 .22343 7.6731 8.5769 5.50 10.00

Italian 46 7.3261 1.60975 .23735 6.8480 7.8041 3.00 10.00

Portuguese 74 7.5676 1.52226 .17696 7.2149 7.9202 4.00 10.00

Total 160 7.6375 1.54182 .12189 7.3968 7.8782 3.00 10.00

Test of Homogeneity of Variances


Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

.555 2 157 .575



Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 14.329 2 7.165 3.093 .048

Within Groups 363.646 157 2.316

Total 377.975 159


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Notes Output Created 10-JAN-2016 19:28:07 Input Data /Users/MariaLeonor/Downloads/QuestionnaireAlte

rado.sav Active Dataset DataSet1 Filter <none> Weight <none> Split File <none> N of Rows in Working Data File 160

Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are treated as missing.

Cases Used Statistics for each analysis are based on cases with no missing data for any variable in the analysis.


Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.01 Elapsed Time 00:00:00.00



N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Minimum Maximum Lower Bound Upper Bound

Indian 40 3.75 2.539 .402 2.94 4.56 1 10

Italian 46 4.61 2.265 .334 3.94 5.28 1 8

Portuguese 74 3.70 2.739 .318 3.07 4.34 1 10

Total 160 3.98 2.577 .204 3.57 4.38 1 10

Test of Homogeneity of Variances


Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

.470 2 157 .626



Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 25.984 2 12.992 1.980 .141

Within Groups 1029.916 157 6.560

Total 1055.900 159

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Annex F. PCA components – Sample descriptive statistics output DESCRIPTIVES VARIABLES=Worklife Selfimprovement Professional Altruism Q13_3 /STATISTICS=MEAN STDDEV. Descriptives

Notes Output Created 10-JAN-2016 19:01:04 Input Data /Users/MariaLeonor/Downloa

ds/QuestionnaireAlterado.sav Active Dataset DataSet1 Filter <none> Weight <none> Split File <none> N of Rows in Working Data File


Missing Value Handling

Definition of Missing User defined missing values are treated as missing.

Cases Used All non-missing data are used.

Syntax DESCRIPTIVES VARIABLES=Worklife Selfimprovement Professional Altruism Q13_3 /STATISTICS=MEAN STDDEV.

Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.00 Elapsed Time 00:00:00.00

Descriptive Statistics

N Mean Std. Deviation Worklife 160 7.9125 1.05918 Selfimprovement 160 8.0000 1.35980 Professional 160 5.5875 1.74296 Altruism 160 7.6375 1.54182 Entrepreneurship 160 3.98 2.577 Valid N (listwise) 160

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Annex G. ANOVA outputs for questions 14, 15 and 16 ONEWAY Q14_1 BY Nationality /STATISTICS DESCRIPTIVES HOMOGENEITY /MISSING ANALYSIS. Oneway Notes Output Created 10-JAN-2016 19:29:39 Input Data /Users/MariaLeonor/Downloads/Questionna

ireAlterado.sav Active Dataset DataSet1 Filter <none> Weight <none> Split File <none> N of Rows in Working Data File 160

Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are treated as missing.

Cases Used Statistics for each analysis are based on cases with no missing data for any variable in the analysis.


Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.01 Elapsed Time 00:00:00.00


Q14) How successful do you consider yourself at the moment, comparing to the expectations you had...-&acute;

N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Minimum Maximum Lower Bound Upper Bound

Indian 40 6.45 1.300 .206 6.03 6.87 3 8

Italian 46 7.22 1.191 .176 6.86 7.57 5 10

Portuguese 74 7.05 1.442 .168 6.72 7.39 3 9

Total 160 6.95 1.363 .108 6.74 7.16 3 10

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Q14) How successful do you consider yourself at the moment, comparing to the

expectations you had...-&acute;

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

.699 2 157 .498


Q14) How successful do you consider yourself at the moment, comparing to the expectations you had...-&acute;

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 14.090 2 7.045 3.929 .022

Within Groups 281.510 157 1.793

Total 295.600 159

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Notes Output Created 10-JAN-2016 19:30:01 Input Data /Users/MariaLeonor/Downloads/Questionna

ireAlterado.sav Active Dataset DataSet1 Filter <none> Weight <none> Split File <none> N of Rows in Working Data File 160

Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are treated as missing.

Cases Used Statistics for each analysis are based on cases with no missing data for any variable in the analysis.


Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.01 Elapsed Time 00:00:00.00


Q15) How successful do you consider yourself at the moment, comparing to your friends who studied...-,

N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Minimum Maximum Lower Bound Upper Bound

Indian 40 7.30 1.636 .259 6.78 7.82 3 9

Italian 46 7.74 1.201 .177 7.38 8.10 5 10

Portuguese 74 7.84 1.728 .201 7.44 8.24 3 10

Total 160 7.68 1.576 .125 7.43 7.92 3 10

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Q15) How successful do you consider yourself at the moment, comparing to your

friends who studied...-,

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

3.220 2 157 .043


Q15) How successful do you consider yourself at the moment, comparing to your friends who studied...-,

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 7.776 2 3.888 1.576 .210

Within Groups 387.324 157 2.467

Total 395.100 159

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Notes Output Created 10-JAN-2016 19:30:33 Input Data /Users/MariaLeonor/Downloads/Questionna

ireAlterado.sav Active Dataset DataSet1 Filter <none> Weight <none> Split File <none> N of Rows in Working Data File 160

Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are treated as missing.

Cases Used Statistics for each analysis are based on cases with no missing data for any variable in the analysis.


Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.00 Elapsed Time 00:00:00.00


Q16) How successful do you consider yourself at the moment, comparing to your colleagues/friends...-Click to write Choice 1

N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Minimum Maximum Lower Bound Upper Bound

Indian 40 7.40 .928 .147 7.10 7.70 6 9

Italian 46 7.35 1.320 .195 6.96 7.74 5 10

Portuguese 74 6.81 1.669 .194 6.42 7.20 3 10

Total 160 7.11 1.436 .114 6.89 7.34 3 10

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Q16) How successful do you consider yourself at the moment, comparing to your

colleagues/friends...-Click to write Choice 1

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

5.395 2 157 .005


Q16) How successful do you consider yourself at the moment, comparing to your colleagues/friends...-Click to write Choice 1

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 12.589 2 6.294 3.133 .046

Within Groups 315.386 157 2.009

Total 327.975 159

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Annex H. Questions 14, 15 and 16 – Sample descriptive statistics output DESCRIPTIVES VARIABLES=Q14_1 Q15_1 Q16_1 /STATISTICS=MEAN STDDEV. Descriptives

Notes Output Created 10-JAN-2016 19:03:04 Input Data /Users/MariaLeonor/Downloads/Que

stionnaireAlterado.sav Active Dataset DataSet1 Filter <none> Weight <none> Split File <none> N of Rows in Working Data File 160

Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User defined missing values are treated as missing.

Cases Used All non-missing data are used. Syntax DESCRIPTIVES


Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.00 Elapsed Time 00:00:00.00

Descriptive Statistics

N Mean Std. Deviation

Q14) How successful do you consider

yourself at the moment, comparing to

the expectations you had...-&acute; 160 6.95 1.363

Q15) How successful do you consider

yourself at the moment, comparing to

your friends who studied...-, 160 7.67 1.576

Q16) How successful do you consider

yourself at the moment, comparing to

your colleagues/friends...-Click to write

Choice 1 160 7.11 1.436

Valid N (listwise) 160

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Annex I. Normality tests for used variables EXAMINE VARIABLES=Q14_1 BY Nationality







Explore Notes

Output Created 08-JAN-2016 11:24:18 Input Data /Users/MariaLeonor/Downloads/QuestionnaireAlte

rado.sav Active Dataset DataSet1 Filter <none> Weight <none> Split File <none> N of Rows in Working Data File 160

Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values for dependent variables are treated as missing.

Cases Used Statistics are based on cases with no missing values for any dependent variable or factor used.


Resources Processor Time 00:00:02.27 Elapsed Time 00:00:02.00

[DataSet1] /Users/MariaLeonor/Downloads/QuestionnaireAlterado.sav

Nationality diff

Case Processing Summary

Nationality diff


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Q14) How successful do you consider yourself at the moment,

comparing to the expectations you


Indian 40 100.0% 0 0.0% 40 100.0%

Italian 46 100.0% 0 0.0% 46 100.0%

Portuguese 74 100.0% 0 0.0% 74 100.0%

Descriptives Nationality diff Statistic Std. Error

Q14) How successful do you consider yourself at the moment,

comparing to the expectations you had...-&acute;

Indian Mean 6.45 .206 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 6.03

Upper Bound 6.87 5% Trimmed Mean 6.56

Median 7.00 Variance 1.690

Std. Deviation 1.300

Minimum 3 Maximum 8

Range 5 Interquartile Range 1

Skewness -1.802 .374 Kurtosis 2.958 .733

Italian Mean 7.22 .176 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 6.86

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Upper Bound 7.57 5% Trimmed Mean 7.19

Median 7.00 Variance 1.418

Std. Deviation 1.191 Minimum 5 Maximum 10

Range 5

Interquartile Range 2 Skewness .054 .350 Kurtosis .076 .688

Portuguese Mean 7.05 .168 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 6.72

Upper Bound 7.39 5% Trimmed Mean 7.15

Median 7.00 Variance 2.079

Std. Deviation 1.442 Minimum 3 Maximum 9

Range 6 Interquartile Range 2

Skewness -.717 .279 Kurtosis .390 .552

Tests of Normality

Nationality diff

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Q14) How successful do you

consider yourself at the moment,

comparing to the expectations you


Indian .314 40 .000 .702 40 .000

Italian .179 46 .001 .920 46 .004

Portuguese .188 74 .000 .915 74 .000

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Q14) How successful do you consider yourself at the moment, comparing to the expectations you had...-´ Stem-and-Leaf Plots Q14) How successful do you consider yourself at the moment, comparing to

Nationality= Indian

Frequency Stem & Leaf

4.00 Extremes (=<3.0)

10.00 6 . 0000000000

.00 6 .

22.00 7 . 0000000000000000000000

.00 7 .

4.00 8 . 0000

Stem width: 1

Each leaf: 1 case(s)

Q14) How successful do you consider yourself at the moment, comparing to Stem-and-Leaf Plot for

Nationality= Italian

Frequency Stem & Leaf

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4.00 5 . 0000

.00 5 .

8.00 6 . 00000000

.00 6 .

14.00 7 . 00000000000000

.00 7 .

16.00 8 . 0000000000000000

.00 8 .

2.00 9 . 00

.00 9 .

2.00 10 . 00

Stem width: 1

Each leaf: 1 case(s)

Q14) How successful do you consider yourself at the moment, comparing to Stem-and-Leaf Plot for

Nationality= Portuguese

Frequency Stem & Leaf

2.00 3 . 00

2.00 4 . 00

6.00 5 . 000000

12.00 6 . 000000000000

22.00 7 . 0000000000000000000000

18.00 8 . 000000000000000000

12.00 9 . 000000000000

Stem width: 1

Each leaf: 1 case(s)

Normal Q-Q Plots

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Detrended Normal Q-Q Plots

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Explore Notes

Output Created 08-JAN-2016 11:24:44 Input Data /Users/MariaLeonor/Downloads/QuestionnaireAlte

rado.sav Active Dataset DataSet1 Filter <none> Weight <none> Split File <none> N of Rows in Working Data File 160

Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values for dependent variables are treated as missing.

Cases Used Statistics are based on cases with no missing values for any dependent variable or factor used.


Resources Processor Time 00:00:01.55 Elapsed Time 00:00:02.00

Nationality diff

Case Processing Summary

Nationality diff


Valid Missing Total

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N Percent N Percent N Percent

Q15) How successful do you

consider yourself at the moment,

comparing to your friends who


Indian 40 100.0% 0 0.0% 40 100.0%

Italian 46 100.0% 0 0.0% 46 100.0%

Portuguese 74 100.0% 0 0.0% 74 100.0%

Descriptives Nationality diff Statistic Std. Error Q15) How successful do you consider yourself at the moment, comparing to your friends who studied...-,

Indian Mean 7.30 .259 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 6.78

Upper Bound 7.82 5% Trimmed Mean 7.44 Median 7.00 Variance 2.677 Std. Deviation 1.636 Minimum 3 Maximum 9

Range 6 Interquartile Range 2 Skewness -1.103 .374 Kurtosis 1.071 .733

Italian Mean 7.74 .177 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 7.38

Upper Bound 8.10 5% Trimmed Mean 7.77 Median 8.00 Variance 1.442 Std. Deviation 1.201 Minimum 5 Maximum 10

Range 5 Interquartile Range 2 Skewness -.435 .350 Kurtosis -.187 .688

Portuguese Mean 7.84 .201 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 7.44

Upper Bound 8.24

5% Trimmed Mean 7.94 Median 8.00 Variance 2.987 Std. Deviation 1.728 Minimum 3 Maximum 10 Range 7

Interquartile Range 2 Skewness -.855 .279 Kurtosis .123 .552

Tests of Normality

Nationality diff

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Q15) How successful do you consider yourself at the moment,

comparing to your friends who


Indian .227 40 .000 .840 40 .000

Italian .238 46 .000 .919 46 .003

Portuguese .209 74 .000 .893 74 .000

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Q15) How successful do you consider yourself at the moment, comparing to your friends who studied...-, Stem-and-Leaf Plots

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Q15) How successful do you consider yourself at the moment, comparing to Stem-and-Leaf Plot for

Nationality= Indian

Frequency Stem & Leaf

2.00 Extremes (=<3.0)

2.00 4 . 00

.00 4 .

.00 5 .

.00 5 .

4.00 6 . 0000

.00 6 .

14.00 7 . 00000000000000

.00 7 .

6.00 8 . 000000

.00 8 .

12.00 9 . 000000000000

Stem width: 1

Each leaf: 1 case(s)

Q15) How successful do you consider yourself at the moment, comparing to Stem-and-Leaf Plot for

Nationality= Italian

Frequency Stem & Leaf

2.00 5 . 00

.00 5 .

6.00 6 . 000000

.00 6 .

8.00 7 . 00000000

.00 7 .

18.00 8 . 000000000000000000

.00 8 .

10.00 9 . 0000000000

.00 9 .

2.00 10 . 00

Stem width: 1

Each leaf: 1 case(s)

Q15) How successful do you consider yourself at the moment, comparing to Stem-and-Leaf Plot for

Nationality= Portuguese

Frequency Stem & Leaf

2.00 Extremes (=<3.0)

8.00 5 . 00000000

6.00 6 . 000000

10.00 7 . 0000000000

14.00 8 . 00000000000000

24.00 9 . 000000000000000000000000

10.00 10 . 0000000000

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Stem width: 1

Each leaf: 1 case(s)

Normal Q-Q Plots

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Detrended Normal Q-Q Plots

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Explore Notes

Output Created 08-JAN-2016 11:25:12 Input Data /Users/MariaLeonor/Downloads/QuestionnaireAlte

rado.sav Active Dataset DataSet1

Filter <none> Weight <none>

Split File <none> N of Rows in Working Data File 160

Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values for dependent variables are treated as missing.

Cases Used Statistics are based on cases with no missing values for any dependent variable or factor used.




/NOTOTAL. Resources Processor Time 00:00:01.31

Elapsed Time 00:00:02.00

Nationality diff

Case Processing Summary

Nationality diff


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Page 59: Annexes - run.unl.pt


Q16) How successful do you

consider yourself at the moment,

comparing to your colleagues/friends...-Click to write

Choice 1

Indian 40 100.0% 0 0.0% 40 100.0%

Italian 46 100.0% 0 0.0% 46 100.0%

Portuguese 74 100.0% 0 0.0% 74 100.0%

Descriptives Nationality diff Statistic Std. Error Q16) How successful do you consider yourself at the moment, comparing to your colleagues/friends...-Click to write Choice 1

Indian Mean 7.40 .147 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 7.10

Upper Bound 7.70 5% Trimmed Mean 7.39 Median 7.50 Variance .862 Std. Deviation .928 Minimum 6 Maximum 9

Range 3 Interquartile Range 1 Skewness -.097 .374 Kurtosis -.855 .733

Italian Mean 7.35 .195 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 6.96

Upper Bound 7.74

5% Trimmed Mean 7.33 Median 7.00 Variance 1.743 Std. Deviation 1.320 Minimum 5 Maximum 10

Range 5 Interquartile Range 2 Skewness .164 .350 Kurtosis -.170 .688

Portuguese Mean 6.81 .194 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 6.42

Upper Bound 7.20

5% Trimmed Mean 6.85 Median 7.00 Variance 2.786 Std. Deviation 1.669 Minimum 3 Maximum 10 Range 7

Interquartile Range 2 Skewness -.345 .279 Kurtosis -.498 .552

Tests of Normality

Nationality diff

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Q16) How successful do you consider yourself at the moment,

comparing to your

colleagues/friends...-Click to write Choice 1

Indian .241 40 .000 .871 40 .000

Italian .180 46 .001 .922 46 .004

Portuguese .194 74 .000 .946 74 .003

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

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Q16) How successful do you consider yourself at the moment, comparing to your colleagues/friends...-Click to write Choice 1 Stem-and-Leaf Plots Q16) How successful do you consider yourself at the moment, comparing to Stem-and-Leaf Plot for

Nationality= Indian

Frequency Stem & Leaf

8.00 6 . 00000000

.00 6 .

12.00 7 . 000000000000

.00 7 .

16.00 8 . 0000000000000000

.00 8 .

4.00 9 . 0000

Stem width: 1

Each leaf: 1 case(s)

Q16) How successful do you consider yourself at the moment, comparing to Stem-and-Leaf Plot for

Nationality= Italian

Frequency Stem & Leaf

4.00 5 . 0000

.00 5 .

8.00 6 . 00000000

.00 6 .

12.00 7 . 000000000000

.00 7 .

16.00 8 . 0000000000000000

.00 8 .

2.00 9 . 00

.00 9 .

4.00 10 . 0000

Stem width: 1

Each leaf: 1 case(s)

Q16) How successful do you consider yourself at the moment, comparing to Stem-and-Leaf Plot for

Nationality= Portuguese

Frequency Stem & Leaf

2.00 3 . 00

6.00 4 . 000000

10.00 5 . 0000000000

8.00 6 . 00000000

22.00 7 . 0000000000000000000000

14.00 8 . 00000000000000

10.00 9 . 0000000000

2.00 10 . 00

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Stem width: 1

Each leaf: 1 case(s)

Normal Q-Q Plots

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Detrended Normal Q-Q Plots

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Explore Notes

Output Created 08-JAN-2016 11:26:00 Input Data /Users/MariaLeonor/Downloads/QuestionnaireAlte

rado.sav Active Dataset DataSet1 Filter <none> Weight <none> Split File <none> N of Rows in Working Data File 160

Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values for dependent variables are treated as missing.

Cases Used Statistics are based on cases with no missing values for any dependent variable or factor used.


Resources Processor Time 00:00:01.40 Elapsed Time 00:00:01.00

Nationality diff

Case Processing Summary

Nationality diff


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

WorkLife Indian 40 100.0% 0 0.0% 40 100.0%

Italian 46 100.0% 0 0.0% 46 100.0%

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Portuguese 74 100.0% 0 0.0% 74 100.0%

Descriptives Nationality diff Statistic Std. Error WorkLife Indian Mean 7.9500 .18616

95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 7.5735 Upper Bound 8.3265

5% Trimmed Mean 7.9333 Median 7.7000 Variance 1.386 Std. Deviation 1.17735 Minimum 6.20 Maximum 10.00 Range 3.80

Interquartile Range 2.10 Skewness .095 .374 Kurtosis -1.240 .733

Italian Mean 7.7130 .14388 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 7.4233

Upper Bound 8.0028 5% Trimmed Mean 7.6923

Median 7.6000 Variance .952 Std. Deviation .97584 Minimum 5.80 Maximum 10.00 Range 4.20

Interquartile Range 1.60 Skewness .348 .350 Kurtosis -.161 .688

Portuguese Mean 8.0162 .12076 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 7.7755

Upper Bound 8.2569 5% Trimmed Mean 8.0342

Median 8.2000 Variance 1.079 Std. Deviation 1.03884 Minimum 5.80 Maximum 10.00 Range 4.20 Interquartile Range 1.60

Skewness -.326 .279 Kurtosis -.582 .552

Tests of Normality

Nationality diff

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

WorkLife Indian .130 40 .087 .932 40 .018

Italian .117 46 .136 .964 46 .169

Portuguese .111 74 .025 .970 74 .071

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

WorkLife Stem-and-Leaf Plots

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WorkLife Stem-and-Leaf Plot for

Nationality= Indian

Frequency Stem & Leaf

6.00 6 . 222244

2.00 6 . 66

10.00 7 . 0022444444

4.00 7 . 6688

4.00 8 . 2244

2.00 8 . 88

10.00 9 . 0022444444

.00 9 .

2.00 10 . 00

Stem width: 1.00

Each leaf: 1 case(s)

WorkLife Stem-and-Leaf Plot for

Nationality= Italian

Frequency Stem & Leaf

2.00 5 . 88

.00 6 .

8.00 6 . 66668888

10.00 7 . 0000222244

10.00 7 . 6666668888

4.00 8 . 4444

8.00 8 . 66666688

2.00 9 . 22

.00 9 .

2.00 10 . 00

Stem width: 1.00

Each leaf: 1 case(s)

WorkLife Stem-and-Leaf Plot for

Nationality= Portuguese

Frequency Stem & Leaf

2.00 5 . 88

8.00 6 . 00224488

20.00 7 . 00000022222244888888

28.00 8 . 0000222222222244666666668888

14.00 9 . 00002222224466

2.00 10 . 00

Stem width: 1.00

Each leaf: 1 case(s)

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Normal Q-Q Plots

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Detrended Normal Q-Q Plots

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EXAMINE VARIABLES=Selfimprovement BY Nationality








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Notes Output Created 08-JAN-2016 11:26:20 Input Data /Users/MariaLeonor/Downloads/QuestionnaireAlte

rado.sav Active Dataset DataSet1 Filter <none> Weight <none> Split File <none> N of Rows in Working Data File 160

Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values for dependent variables are treated as missing.

Cases Used Statistics are based on cases with no missing values for any dependent variable or factor used.


Resources Processor Time 00:00:01.19 Elapsed Time 00:00:01.00

Nationality diff

Case Processing Summary

Nationality diff


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Selfimprovement Indian 40 100.0% 0 0.0% 40 100.0%

Italian 46 100.0% 0 0.0% 46 100.0%

Portuguese 74 100.0% 0 0.0% 74 100.0%

Descriptives Nationality diff Statistic Std. Error Selfimprovement Indian Mean 8.6750 .15037

95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 8.3708 Upper Bound 8.9792

5% Trimmed Mean 8.6944 Median 8.7500 Variance .904 Std. Deviation .95105 Minimum 7.00 Maximum 10.00 Range 3.00

Interquartile Range 1.88 Skewness -.156 .374 Kurtosis -1.268 .733

Italian Mean 7.6522 .18706 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 7.2754

Upper Bound 8.0289

5% Trimmed Mean 7.6377 Median 7.5000 Variance 1.610 Std. Deviation 1.26872 Minimum 5.50 Maximum 10.00 Range 4.50

Interquartile Range 1.50 Skewness .495 .350 Kurtosis -.361 .688

Portuguese Mean 7.8514 .17257 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 7.5074

Upper Bound 8.1953 5% Trimmed Mean 7.9377

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Median 8.0000 Variance 2.204

Std. Deviation 1.48446 Minimum 3.00 Maximum 10.00 Range 7.00 Interquartile Range 1.63 Skewness -.942 .279 Kurtosis 1.541 .552

Tests of Normality

Nationality diff

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Selfimprovement Indian .157 40 .014 .915 40 .005

Italian .175 46 .001 .918 46 .003

Portuguese .189 74 .000 .922 74 .000

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Selfimprovement Stem-and-Leaf Plots

Selfimprovement Stem-and-Leaf Plot for

Nationality= Indian

Frequency Stem & Leaf

2.00 7 . 00

8.00 7 . 55555555

4.00 8 . 0000

6.00 8 . 555555

6.00 9 . 000000

8.00 9 . 55555555

6.00 10 . 000000

Stem width: 1.00

Each leaf: 1 case(s)

Selfimprovement Stem-and-Leaf Plot for

Nationality= Italian

Frequency Stem & Leaf

.00 5 .

2.00 5 . 55

4.00 6 . 0000

6.00 6 . 555555

4.00 7 . 0000

12.00 7 . 555555555555

8.00 8 . 00000000

2.00 8 . 55

.00 9 .

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2.00 9 . 55

6.00 10 . 000000

Stem width: 1.00

Each leaf: 1 case(s)

Selfimprovement Stem-and-Leaf Plot for

Nationality= Portuguese

Frequency Stem & Leaf

2.00 Extremes (=<3.0)

4.00 5 . 5555

8.00 6 . 00000055

12.00 7 . 000000005555

30.00 8 . 000000000000000000555555555555

10.00 9 . 0000005555

8.00 10 . 00000000

Stem width: 1.00

Each leaf: 1 case(s)

Normal Q-Q Plots

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Detrended Normal Q-Q Plots

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EXAMINE VARIABLES=Professional BY Nationality




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Output Created 08-JAN-2016 11:26:34 Input Data /Users/MariaLeonor/Downloads/QuestionnaireAlte

rado.sav Active Dataset DataSet1 Filter <none> Weight <none> Split File <none> N of Rows in Working Data File 160

Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values for dependent variables are treated as missing.

Cases Used Statistics are based on cases with no missing values for any dependent variable or factor used.


Resources Processor Time 00:00:01.19 Elapsed Time 00:00:01.00

Nationality diff

Case Processing Summary

Nationality diff


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Professional Indian 40 100.0% 0 0.0% 40 100.0%

Italian 46 100.0% 0 0.0% 46 100.0%

Portuguese 74 100.0% 0 0.0% 74 100.0%

Descriptives Nationality diff Statistic Std. Error Professional Indian Mean 5.3375 .18703

95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 4.9592 Upper Bound 5.7158

5% Trimmed Mean 5.3611 Median 5.5000

Variance 1.399 Std. Deviation 1.18288 Minimum 3.25 Maximum 7.00 Range 3.75 Interquartile Range 2.00 Skewness -.307 .374 Kurtosis -.990 .733

Italian Mean 5.7391 .30106 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 5.1328

Upper Bound 6.3455 5% Trimmed Mean 5.7621 Median 6.0000

Variance 4.169 Std. Deviation 2.04189 Minimum 1.75 Maximum 9.25

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Range 7.50 Interquartile Range 2.75

Skewness -.029 .350 Kurtosis -.781 .688

Portuguese Mean 5.6284 .20953 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 5.2108

Upper Bound 6.0460 5% Trimmed Mean 5.7121

Median 5.7500 Variance 3.249 Std. Deviation 1.80242 Minimum 1.00 Maximum 8.75 Range 7.75 Interquartile Range 2.38

Skewness -.618 .279 Kurtosis -.047 .552

Tests of Normality

Nationality diff

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Professional Indian .137 40 .056 .929 40 .015

Italian .121 46 .091 .965 46 .179

Portuguese .120 74 .010 .960 74 .019

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Professional Stem-and-Leaf Plots

Professional Stem-and-Leaf Plot for

Nationality= Indian

Frequency Stem & Leaf

4.00 3 . 2222

2.00 3 . 77

2.00 4 . 00

6.00 4 . 555555

4.00 5 . 2222

10.00 5 . 5555777777

.00 6 .

8.00 6 . 55555577

4.00 7 . 0000

Stem width: 1.00

Each leaf: 1 case(s)

Professional Stem-and-Leaf Plot for

Nationality= Italian

Frequency Stem & Leaf

2.00 1 . 77

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2.00 2 . 55

4.00 3 . 2255

12.00 4 . 225555555577

2.00 5 . 77

8.00 6 . 00000022

8.00 7 . 00002277

4.00 8 . 2255

4.00 9 . 0022

Stem width: 1.00

Each leaf: 1 case(s)

Professional Stem-and-Leaf Plot for

Nationality= Portuguese

Frequency Stem & Leaf

2.00 Extremes (=<1.0)

2.00 1 . 77

.00 2 .

8.00 3 . 00002255

10.00 4 . 0000225577

16.00 5 . 0000555555777777

18.00 6 . 002222555555557777

12.00 7 . 002255557777

6.00 8 . 000077

Stem width: 1.00

Each leaf: 1 case(s)

Normal Q-Q Plots

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Detrended Normal Q-Q Plots

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EXAMINE VARIABLES=Altruism BY Nationality





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Explore Notes

Output Created 08-JAN-2016 11:26:49 Input Data /Users/MariaLeonor/Downloads/QuestionnaireAlte

rado.sav Active Dataset DataSet1 Filter <none> Weight <none> Split File <none> N of Rows in Working Data File 160

Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values for dependent variables are treated as missing.

Cases Used Statistics are based on cases with no missing values for any dependent variable or factor used.


Resources Processor Time 00:00:01.28 Elapsed Time 00:00:02.00

Nationality diff

Case Processing Summary

Nationality diff


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Altruism Indian 40 100.0% 0 0.0% 40 100.0%

Italian 46 100.0% 0 0.0% 46 100.0%

Portuguese 74 100.0% 0 0.0% 74 100.0%


Nationality diff Statistic Std. Error

Altruism Indian Mean 8.1250 .22343

95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 7.6731

Upper Bound 8.5769

5% Trimmed Mean 8.1667

Median 8.0000

Variance 1.997

Std. Deviation 1.41308

Minimum 5.50

Maximum 10.00

Range 4.50

Interquartile Range 2.38

Skewness -.282 .374

Kurtosis -1.051 .733

Italian Mean 7.3261 .23735

95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 6.8480

Upper Bound 7.8041

5% Trimmed Mean 7.4143

Median 7.5000

Variance 2.591

Std. Deviation 1.60975

Minimum 3.00

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Maximum 10.00

Range 7.00

Interquartile Range 1.00

Skewness -1.083 .350

Kurtosis 1.930 .688

Portuguese Mean 7.5676 .17696

95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 7.2149

Upper Bound 7.9202

5% Trimmed Mean 7.6179

Median 7.5000

Variance 2.317

Std. Deviation 1.52226

Minimum 4.00

Maximum 10.00

Range 6.00

Interquartile Range 2.00

Skewness -.365 .279

Kurtosis -.707 .552

Tests of Normality

Nationality diff

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Altruism Indian .135 40 .065 .927 40 .013

Italian .246 46 .000 .864 46 .000

Portuguese .162 74 .000 .949 74 .005

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Altruism Stem-and-Leaf Plots Altruism Stem-and-Leaf Plot for

Nationality= Indian

Frequency Stem & Leaf

.00 5 .

2.00 5 . 55

4.00 6 . 0000

2.00 6 . 55

2.00 7 . 00

6.00 7 . 555555

6.00 8 . 000000

2.00 8 . 55

4.00 9 . 0000

6.00 9 . 555555

6.00 10 . 000000

Stem width: 1.00

Each leaf: 1 case(s)

Altruism Stem-and-Leaf Plot for

Nationality= Italian

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Frequency Stem & Leaf

4.00 Extremes (=<3.5)

4.00 6 . 0000

.00 6 .

12.00 7 . 000000000000

6.00 7 . 555555

10.00 8 . 0000000000

6.00 8 . 555555

4.00 Extremes (>=10.0)

Stem width: 1.00

Each leaf: 1 case(s)

Altruism Stem-and-Leaf Plot for

Nationality= Portuguese

Frequency Stem & Leaf

2.00 4 . 00

8.00 5 . 00005555

12.00 6 . 000000555555

16.00 7 . 0000000000555555

20.00 8 . 00005555555555555555

14.00 9 . 00555555555555

2.00 10 . 00

Stem width: 1.00

Each leaf: 1 case(s)

Normal Q-Q Plots

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Detrended Normal Q-Q Plots

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EXAMINE VARIABLES=Entrepreneurship BY Nationality

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Explore Notes

Output Created 08-JAN-2016 11:27:35 Input Data /Users/MariaLeonor/Downloads/QuestionnaireAlte

rado.sav Active Dataset DataSet1 Filter <none> Weight <none> Split File <none> N of Rows in Working Data File 160

Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values for dependent variables are treated as missing.

Cases Used Statistics are based on cases with no missing values for any dependent variable or factor used.


Resources Processor Time 00:00:01.60 Elapsed Time 00:00:01.00

Nationality diff

Case Processing Summary

Nationality diff


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Entrepreneurship Indian 40 100.0% 0 0.0% 40 100.0%

Italian 46 100.0% 0 0.0% 46 100.0%

Portuguese 74 100.0% 0 0.0% 74 100.0%

Descriptives Nationality diff Statistic Std. Error Entrepreneurship Indian Mean 3.75 .402

95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 2.94 Upper Bound 4.56

5% Trimmed Mean 3.56 Median 3.50

Variance 6.449 Std. Deviation 2.539 Minimum 1 Maximum 10 Range 9 Interquartile Range 5 Skewness .790 .374 Kurtosis -.076 .733

Italian Mean 4.61 .334 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 3.94

Upper Bound 5.28 5% Trimmed Mean 4.63 Median 5.00

Variance 5.132 Std. Deviation 2.265

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Minimum 1 Maximum 8

Range 7 Interquartile Range 4 Skewness -.400 .350 Kurtosis -1.175 .688

Portuguese Mean 3.70 .318 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 3.07

Upper Bound 4.34 5% Trimmed Mean 3.50 Median 3.00 Variance 7.499 Std. Deviation 2.739 Minimum 1 Maximum 10

Range 9 Interquartile Range 3 Skewness 1.135 .279 Kurtosis .033 .552

Tests of Normality

Nationality diff

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Entrepreneurship Indian .161 40 .011 .888 40 .001

Italian .177 46 .001 .893 46 .000

Portuguese .250 74 .000 .812 74 .000

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Entrepreneurship Stem-and-Leaf Plots Entrepreneurship Stem-and-Leaf Plot for

Nationality= Indian

Frequency Stem & Leaf

10.00 1 . 0000000000

6.00 2 . 000000

4.00 3 . 0000

8.00 4 . 00000000

2.00 5 . 00

2.00 6 . 00

6.00 7 . 000000

.00 8 .

.00 9 .

2.00 10 . 00

Stem width: 1

Each leaf: 1 case(s)

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Entrepreneurship Stem-and-Leaf Plot for

Nationality= Italian

Frequency Stem & Leaf

8.00 1 . 00000000

2.00 2 . 00

6.00 3 . 000000

2.00 4 . 00

8.00 5 . 00000000

8.00 6 . 00000000

10.00 7 . 0000000000

2.00 8 . 00

Stem width: 1

Each leaf: 1 case(s)

Entrepreneurship Stem-and-Leaf Plot for

Nationality= Portuguese

Frequency Stem & Leaf

12.00 1 . 000000000000

24.00 2 . 000000000000000000000000

12.00 3 . 000000000000

6.00 4 . 000000

4.00 5 . 0000

2.00 6 . 00

2.00 7 . 00

4.00 8 . 0000

4.00 9 . 0000

4.00 Extremes (>=10.0)

Stem width: 1

Each leaf: 1 case(s)

Normal Q-Q Plots

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Detrended Normal Q-Q Plots

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