Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform

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  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    Court File No: 35203


    IN THE MATTER OF section 53 of the Supreme Court Act, R.S.C. 195, c. S!"#$ %n&

    IN THE MATTER OF % Refe'ence () the *o+e'no' in Conci- conce'nin 'efo'/ of theSen%te, %s set ot in O'&e' P.C. "013!0, &%te& Fe('%') 1, "013



    Pursuant to Rules 37 and 46(11) of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada(SR!2002"156)

    STIEMAN EIOTT P#arristers and Soli$itors

    50 %Connor StreetSuite 1600tta&a' N 1P 62

    Nicho-%s McH%ffie*el: (613) 566"0546Fa+: (613) 230",,77n-$haffie.sti/e-an$o-

    Counsel for the nterener'Senator nne C Cools

    STIEMAN EIOTT P#arristers and Soli$itors

    50 %Connor StreetSuite 1600tta&a' N 1P 62

    Nicho-%s McH%ffie*el: (613) 566"0546Fa+: (613) 230",,77n-$haffie.sti/e-an$o-

    ent for the nterener'Senator nne C Cools

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform





    #an/ of Canada #uildin234 ellinton Street' Roo- 1161tta&a' N 1 0,

    DEPARTMENT OF8USTICERo(e't 8. F'%te'Ch'istohe' R%':%''en 8. Ne;/%n*el: 613"57"4763Fa+: 613"54"1208"-ail:ro9ertfrater.usti$e$$a

    Counsel for the ttorne;

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform



    DEPARTMENT OF8USTICEP #o+ 6000Frederi$ton' N# 83# 51*el: 506"453"233Fa+: 506"444"2661

    Counsel for the nterener'ttorne; 160 8lin StP #o+ 466' Stn EGtta&a' N 1P 1C3

    Hen') S. 2'o;n,

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform



    M%'%'et Uns;o'th, 10thSt N4thFloor8d-onton' # *5 28,

    *el: 7,0"427"0072Fa+: 7,0"425"0307


    *O:IN* AFEUR HENDERSON P2600 > 160 8lin StP #o+ 466' Stn EGtta&a' N 1P 1C3

    Hen') S. 2'o;n,

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform



    De%'t/ent of 8stice > No'th;estTe''ito'ies403 > 4thStreetP #o+ 1320Aello&/nife' N* H1 2

    #radle; PatIer*el: ,67" 20"324,Fa+: ,27",73"0234

    Counsel for the nterener' ttorne; 160 8lin StP #o+ 466' Stn EGtta&a' N 1P 1C3

    Hen') S. 2'o;n,

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    ANDTO6 ATTORNE7 *ENERA OF 2RITISHCOUM2IA1001 Eoulas StreetP #o+ 2,0 Stn Pro

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    ANDTO6 ATTORNE7 *ENERA OF 1' rue Notre"Ea-e 8st@ontrLal' C 2A 1#6

    8e%n!7+es 2e'n%'&M%'ise 4isocchi*el: 514"33"2336 8+t 51467Fa+: 514",73"70748"@ail:;9ernard.usti$eouJ$$a

    Counsel for the nterener'ttorne;

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    " i "


    PART I ! O4ER4IE: AND STATEMENT OF FACTS.......................................................... 1


    O+e'+ie; ................................................................................................................................... 1

    2. St%te/ent of F%cts .................................................................................................................... 3

    1) ntrodu$tion of the nterener 3

    2) eislatie istor; and Conte+t 4


  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    " ii "


    Aoint/ent of Sen%to's > Refe'ence

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    thin/ &e had 9etter return to the oriinal =rin$i=le and in the &ordsof

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    " 2 "

    in a $ountr; &ith no hereditar; =eerae *hese differen$es 9et&een the ouses refle$t

    i-=ortant differen$es 9et&een the $onstituted fun$tions and stru$tures of u==er and lo&er

    houses in est-inster =arlia-entar; s;ste-s' in$ludin the histori$al relationshi= 9et&een the

    ele$toral fran$hise in re=resentation 9; =o=ulation and the =o&er to ta+ that =o=ulation

    5 *he $reation and $hosen features for the Canadian Senate &ere' as &as Confederation

    itself' the =rodu$t of $o-=ro-ise 9; all the =roin$es $hoosin to unite Con$erns a9out

    =oliti$al =o&er &ithin the union' =o=ulation $hanes' and reional and linuisti$ differen$es

    &ere as alie in 1,67 as no& *he Senate &as the /e; $o-=onent of the $o-=ro-ise

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    " 3 "

    Si-ilarl;' an; $onstitutional a-end-ent =ur=ortin to &holl; a9olish the Senate -ust

    9e founded on the unani-ous $onsent for-ula Re-oin one of the three les of the stool on

    &hi$h leislatie =o&er in Canada $onstitutionall; sits &ould funda-entall; alter the intended

    9alan$e of Canada%s federation n u==er house &ith reional re=resentation &as $riti$al to the

    Confederation $o-=ro-ise' and to the &ritin of the Constitution itself Senate a9olition &ould

    effe$tiel; re&rite the Constitution Su$h re&rite $an onl; 9e a$hieed 9; the aree-ent of all

    =roin$es Senate a9olition &ould also alter the offi$e of the ueen and the

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    " 4 "

    of the histori$al and leal nature of the Senate%s definin features' on their sinifi$an$e to the

    $reation of Canada as a federation' and on the =ra$ti$al i-=a$t of these features and the

    =ro=osed $hanes to the- on the $urrent &or/ins of the Senate' and of the &hole Constitution


    Legislative History and Context

    13 *his Court has reiterated that histori$al $onte+t is i-=ortant to $onstitutional

    inter=retation1 Re$oniIin this' the < Canada%s state-ent of fa$ts -a/es referen$e to the

    role of the Senate in Confederation' &ith the a==arent intent of hihlihtin the $ontroers;G

    reardin the nature of the Senate rather than the $onsensus that &as a$$e=ted in the

    Constitution2 o&eer' the < Canada%s fa$tual re$itation does not =roide the full histori$al

    $onte+t for e+a-inin the Senate%s role in Confederation and in the Constitution' and fo$uses to

    a reater deree on =ost"Confederation de9ate oer =otential Senate refor- and the

    deelo=-ent of the a-endin =roisions *he histor; of the a-endin =roisions is of $ourse

    i-=ortant to inter=retin Part ? #ut not to the e+$lusion of the histori$al $onte+t of

    Confederation itself and the Senate%s role in the $reation of Canada as a nation Releant

    histori$al $onte+t fro- the ;ears and $enturies =rior to Confederation is therefore in$luded in

    the su9-issions 9elo& addressin the Referen$e uestions


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    " 5 "


    15 Senator Cools% su9-issions on the /e; issues raised 9; the Referen$e uestions are

    =resented in three se$tions Section A addresses the Senate%s er; e+isten$e' and thus its

    =otential a9olition (Referen$e uestions 5 and 6) *his se$tion fo$uses on the histori$al

    under=innins of the Senate as =art of Parlia-ent' and the oal of Canada%s founders to

    $onstitute a s;ste- of oern-ent refle$tie of that of the Dnited indo-Q the role of the

    Senate in that s;ste-Q and the i-=ortan$e of the Senate to the er; fa$t of Confederation

    16 Section 2 addresses the life tenure as held 9; Senators (Referen$e uestion 1)' and

    e+a-ines the leal $on$e=t of life tenure at $o--on la&' its i-=a$t on 9oth inde=enden$e and

    the leislatie =ro$ess' and $onsiders other offi$es that hold life tenure' nota9l; udi$ial offi$es


    Section C addresses the Senate as an a==ointed and non"ele$ted 9od; (Referen$euestions 2 and 3)' in$ludin its histori$al $onte+t' the nature of u==er houses' the nature and

    deelo=-ent of the ele$toral fran$hise in Canada' and the =resent oern-ent%s leislatie

    efforts to $hane these $onstitutional fa$ts &ithout the reJuired $onstitutionlal a-end-ent

    1, ithin these se$tions' Senator Cools &ill also =roide her =ers=e$tie on the i-=a$t of

    these issues on the &or/in of the Senate toda;' to assist the Court 9; sho&in ho& the $areful

    and infor-ed $onstitutional $hoi$es of Sir Bohn @a$donald and the other Confederation

    Fathers still influen$e Canada%s $urrent =oliti$al and leislatie rei-es

    1 *he oal is not to suest that the Senate $an neer 9e $haned' or een a9olished

    Politi$al e+a-ination of een the -ost $entral oern-ent institutions is health; and to 9e

    en$ouraed in a i9rant and eer"$hanin de-o$ra$; *he Juestions s the Senate &or/inG'

    Should the Senate 9e ele$tedG and een Should the Senate e+istG are i-=ortant ones that

    should $ontinue to 9e as/ed and de9ated o&eer' these are not the Juestions =ut to this

    Court on this Referen$e *he oal of this interention is to sho& that the =ro=osals =ut for&ard

    throuh the Referen$e uestions are not -odestG adust-ents to the Senate%s stru$ture' 9ut a

    funda-ental and radi$al re"&rite of Canada%s =oliti$al s;ste- sin$e Confederation Chanes to

    su$h foundational as=e$ts of Canadian oernan$e $an and should onl; 9e underta/en throuh

    $onstitutional a-end-ent =ro$edures that reJuire -ore than a -aorit; federal oern-ent of

    the da;' or ouses of &illin -e-9ers *he; reJuire 9roader $onsensus of =roin$ial

    oern-ents and' ulti-atel;' the =eo=le of Canada that 9oth leels of oern-ent re=resent

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    " 6 "


    The Sen%te %s % Fon&%tion%- Constitti+e Asect of Confe&e'%tion

    20 *he Senate e+ists and fun$tions &ithin a 9road $onstitutional fra-e&or/' &hi$h neither

    9ean nor ended in 1,67 Rather' our Constitution refle$ts a sinle $ontinuous and $ohesie

    fra-e&or/ for oernan$e fro- 175 to 1,2' and to toda; *he Constitution as a &hole is

    founded on this fra-e&or/ and assu-es the $ontinued e+isten$e of its 9asi$ oernan$e

    stru$tures $onstitutional a-end-ent to entirel; a9olish an; of these stru$tures de-ands the

    hihest leel of $onstitutional aree-ent' na-el; federal and =roin$ial unani-it;

    21 *o =ut the Senate' and Referen$e uestions 5 and 6' in =ro=er $onte+t it is ne$essar; to

    $onsider (1) the i-=ortan$e of the #ritish -odel in Canada%s $onstitutional deelo=-ent' datin

    9a$/ a $entur; 9efore ConfederationQ (2) the de9ate oer this -odel at the ti-e of Confederation

    leadin to its in$lusion in the BA Act, 1867Q (3) the i-=a$t of the -odel on the $urrent

    &or/ins of the SenateQ and (4) &h; and ho& these histori$al and -odern $onsiderations

    i-=a$t the Referen$e uestions 8a$h of these is addressed 9elo&

    1) Canadas Constitution as the image and transcript of that of !reat "ritain#

    22 hile the s=e$ifi$ resolutions that 9e$a-e the BA Act&ere not drafted' de9ated and

    ado=ted until the 1,64 ue9e$ Conferen$e' the notion that Canadian oern-ent ouht to 9e

    -odelled on that of

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    " 7 "

    24 *he 171 diision of D==er and o&er Canada &as intended to =ut an end to $onfli$t

    9et&een the Fren$h Canadians and the #ritish' in the 9elief that $reatin t&o se=arate Colonies

    &ould allo& 9oth =eo=les to &or/ out their destinies *he Constitutional Act, 1791esta9lished

    re=resentatie institutions in the ne&l; diided =roin$es' a =reo$$u=ation of the re$entl;

    arried o;alists' and $ontinued and e+=anded the uarantees of lanuae' reliion and $iil

    la& to the Fren$h' re$entl; #ritish North -eri$ans5

    25 n 172' D==er Canada%s first ieutenant

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    " , "

    27 ord Eurha-%s Re=ort led to the reunion of the =roin$es 9; the )nion Act (theBritish

    orth America Act, 18*+',&hi$h refle$ted #ritish $onstitutional stru$tures throuh the $reation

    of a Parlia-ent &ith an a==ointed eislatie Coun$il and an ele$ted eislatie sse-9l; to

    re=la$e the leislatures of the t&o =roin$es n 1,56' thouh' the eislatie Coun$il -oed to

    9e$o-e an ele$ted D==er ouse' su$h that at the ti-e of Confederation' it $ontained 9oth

    -e-9ers a==ointed for life and ele$ted -e-9ers' and Canada%s =arlia-entarians had

    e+=erien$e &ith 9oth s;ste-s

    2) $e%ating and adopting the image and transcript of !reat "ritain# at Confederation

    2, Si-$oe%s &ords &ere do-inant at the 1,64 ue9e$ Conferen$e Bohn @a$Eonald'

    then ttorne;

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    " "

    had 9etter return to the oriinal =rin$i=le and in the &ords of

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    " 10 "

    33 *hese foundational ue9e$ Resolutions &ere aain de9ated and ado=ted at the ondon

    Conferen$e in Ee$e-9er 1,66' in effe$tiel; identi$al for-15 *he first three resolutions'

    =roidin for union of the =roin$es in a federal s;ste- &ith a federal oern-ent -odelled on

    that of

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    " 11 "

    37 -=ortantl;' throuh these fun$tions the Senate a$ts as a deree of =ra$ti$al attenuation

    of the =o&ers ested in the ouse of Co--ons and' in$reasinl;' in the oern-ent of the da;'

    &hi$h -ust $onsider the Senate%s role in the leislatie =ro$ess &hen draftin and =resentin

    leislation' or fa$e leislatie a-end-ent' dela; or defeat *he $hoi$es of 1,67 are thus not

    si-=l; artefa$ts' 9ut define $urrent Canadian leislatie and =oliti$al realit;

    *) Impact of the historical context on +eference ,uestions - and .

    a) *he role of histor; in the =ro=er a==roa$h to $onstitutional inter=retation

    3, s this Court stated in the Quebec Secession Reference' #ehind the &ritten &ord is an

    histori$al lineae stret$hin 9a$/ throuh the aes' &hi$h aids in the $onsideration of the

    underl;in $onstitutional =rin$i=lesG1 *his a==re$iation of the histori$al $onte+t is an

    i-=ortant =art of a =ro=er a==roa$h to $onstitutional inter=retation' &hi$h rests on iin a

    =ur=osie inter=retation to the &ordin of the se$tionsG20 *his Court has on nu-erous

    o$$asions $onsidered the histori$al $onte+t and its e+=ression in the =rea-9le' in inter=retin

    the Constitution%s =roisions21 n =arti$ular' this Court e+tensiel; $onsidered this histor; and

    the =rea-9le in inter=retin a-endin =roisions in the Senate Reference -198+22

    3 *he histori$al and $onstitutie $onte+t of the $reation of Canada%s leislatie institutions

    dis$ussed a9oe -ust 9e $onsidered in as/in &hether the Senate -a; 9e entirel; a9olished

    throuh a $onstitutional a-end-ent oer the o9e$tions of a =roin$e' as $ould 9e the $ase if the

    se$tion 3, a-end-ent for-ula &ere to a==l;

    40 *he < Canada ies little heed to the $onte+t of Confederation itself in his aru-ent'

    and atte-=ts to dis-iss this histor; and the =rea-9le itself 9; disdainin oriinal intentG

    $onstru$tion23 ith res=e$t' raisin this stra& -an does not assist this Court Considerin the

    histori$al i-=ortan$e of ado=tin a $onstitutional and leislatie stru$ture -odelled on

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    " 12 "

    intent $onstru$tion24

    41 Nor do =ost"Confederation $hanes to the ouse of ords affe$t the uestions 9efore

    this Court or the releant a==roa$h to inter=retation25 Dnli/e the D' Canada is a federal state

    &ith a &ritten $onstitution that refle$ts the interests of the =roin$es' re=resentin reional andhistori$al distin$tions &ithin Canada #; $ontrast' in the D' the nature of the ouse of ords

    $an 9e' and has 9een' a-ended 9; si-=le statute26 n an; $ase' none of the $hanes to the

    ouse of ords hae 9een a/in to those =ro=osed 9; the uestions *he ouse of ords has

    not 9een a9olished' nor -ade an ele$ted house or one &ith ter- li-its *hus des=ite the =o&er

    to leislatiel; a-end the nature of ouse of ords' the D has not ado=ted the -easures that

    the Pri-e @inister $lai-s are ne$essar; to ie de-o$rati$ leiti-a$;G to an D==er ouse27


    istori$al =ro=osals for refor-' and state-ents reardin the desira9ilit;G and=ur=oseG of the refor-s =ut for&ard 9; the $urrent oern-ent' are also irreleant2, *his

    Referen$e is not a9out &hether the Senate should berefor-ed or a9olished' as the < Canada

    $on$edes2 *he fa$t that Senate refor- has 9een the su9e$t of de9ate' or is desired 9; the

    $urrent oern-ent or een a 9roader $onstituen$;' does not hel= ans&er the Referen$e

    uestions ndeed' one -ust Juestion &hether the uestions &ould 9e ne$essar; if the

    $onte-=lated =ro=osals had the =o=ular su==ort inti-ated 9; the < Canada


    *he re$ent histor; of refor- =ro=osals in fa$t s=ea/s aainst the < Canada%s assertionsin t&o &a;s First' &hile $on$erted efforts hae 9een underta/en for $onstitutional refor- of

    arious /inds' in$ludin Senate refor- and the @ee$h a/e and Charlotteto&n a$$ords' these

    =ro=osals hae all failed Canadians% desire for refor-' or these refor-s' -a; not 9e as

    unani-ous as the < Canada $ontends Se$ond' een after the ena$t-ent of Part ? of the

    Constitution' Senate refor- =ro=osals' in$ludin the @ee$h a/e $$ord%s =ro=osal that

    Senators 9e $hosen fro- lists su9-itted 9; the =roin$es' and the Charlotteto&n $$ord%s

    24ntario .dro' supra' at =ara 150' Cools uthorities' *a9 27Q see also referen$es in notes 21 and 22 a9oe25See Fa$tu- of the ttorne;

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    " 13 "

    =ro=osal for an ele$ted Senate' hae 9een founded on e+tensie $onsultation and =roin$ial

    aree-ent' rather than on the -ere leislatie 9ill of a oern-ent of the da;

    9) *he nature of an a-end-ent to a9olish the Senate


    *he Senate%s $entral role in our $onstitutional histor; is refle$ted throuhout the

    Constitution Act, 1867 *he entire do$u-ent =resu-es the $ontinued e+isten$e of the Senate

    fter $onstitutin the Parlia-ent of Canada as the ueen' the Senate and the Co--ons' the

    rest of the Constitution' not sur=risinl;' is =re-ised on the Senate%s e+isten$e n addition to

    the fifteen se$tions (ss 21 to 36) that dire$tl; define the nature and $o-=osition of the Senate'

    the Senate is referred to' either 9; na-e or &ith referen$e to the =lural ouses'G in =roisions

    addressin: the Constitution of the Parlia-ent of Canada (s 17)Q Parlia-entar; =riilees (s

    1,)Q the li-itation on -e-9ershi= in the ouse of Co--ons (s 3)Q the Constitution of the

    ouse of Co--ons (s 51)Q the Ro;al ssent (ss 55 to 57)Q the tenure of offi$e of ieutenants

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    " 14 "

    47 Senate a9olition &ould also 9e an a-end-ent in relation to three of the fie ite-iIed

    -atters in s 41 First' it &ould 9e an a-end-ent in relation to the offi$e of the ueen'G &ithin

    s 41(a) *he Senate is one of the t&o ouses that' &ith the ueen' $o-=rise Parlia-ent as a

    unitar; entit; *his &as a $entral fa$et of 9uildin the Canadian Constitution as the i-ae and

    trans$ri=t of the #ritish ConstitutionG 9olishin one of Parlia-ent%s $onstitutent ele-ents

    ne$essaril; a-ends the role of the other t&o31 *he Senate is also the ouse in &hi$h the ueen

    or her re=resentatie sits' a$ts and =arti$i=ates in her =arlia-ent'32 and is the house of the

    =arlia-ents' &here the three =arts asse-9le as the ne Parlia-ent for Canada Further' the

    a==oint-ent of Senators and the Senate S=ea/er are =o&ers of the ueen throuh the

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    " 15 "

    de-o$ra$; Part ? refle$ts this 9alan$e 9; in$ludin the Senate in ea$h of the a-endin

    for-ulae' &hile allo&in for the ouse of Co--ons to =ro$eed' e+$e=tionall;' &ithout a

    Senate resolution under s 47 t =atriation' had the =roin$es and the federal oern-ent

    9elieed that the Senate &as i--aterial to $onstitutional a-end-ent' the; $ould hae left the

    Senate out of ss 3,(1)(a)' 41' 43 and 46 nstead' the; deli9eratel; in$luded the Senate as a

    leislatie house that $an initiate' $onsider' and ado=t resolutions for $onstitutional

    a-end-ents' and &hose a==roal -ust 9e either o9tained' or &ilfull; oerridden 9; a se$ond

    ado=tion of the ouse of Co--ons resolution *a/in the Senate out of this =ro$ess &ould 9e

    a -aterial $hane in relation to the a-endin =ro$edures of the Constitution

    50 *he < Canada tries to aoid a==li$ation of s 41(e) e arues that Senate a9olition

    &ould not 9e in =ith and su9stan$eG an a-end-ent to Part ? 9e$ause a9olition of the Senate

    is not a -atter in relation to the a-end-ent of the a-endin =ro$eduresG36 *his state-ent is

    si-=l; $ir$ular and thus unhel=ful *he < Canada%s aru-ent that the Senate is not an

    essential a$torG in a-end-ent' 9e$ause it has no a9solute eto under s 47' is also s=e$ious 37

    *he fa$t that the Senate has onl; a sus=ensie etoG does not -ean that it is not a releant

    a$tor' or that re-oin it fro- the a-endin for-ula is not a $hane to the for-ula Prin$e

    8d&ard sland also has no eto in res=e$t of a-end-ents under s 3,3, Aet e+=ressl; re-oin

    P8 fro- s 3, &ould $learl; 9e a -o-entous $hane to the a-endin for-ula


    *he < Canada%s aru-ent on s 41(e) is also internall; in$onsistent e =ro=oses a

    =ith and su9stan$eG anal;sis to arue that Senate a9olition is not an a-end-ent to Part ?

    Re$oniIin that Senate a9olition $annot =ossi9l; 9e a -atter for si-=le =arlia-entar; statute

    under s 44' ho&eer' the < Canada arues that a9olition &ould ne$essaril; affe$t the =o&ers

    and $hara$teristi$s of the Senate -entioned in s 42G3 o&eer' 9; the < Canada%s o&n

    loi$' a9olition of the Senate is not a -atter that in =ith and su9stan$eG oes to the po3ersof

    the Senate as used in s 42(b): it oes to its er; e+isten$e *he < Canada $annot =ro=ose a

    =ith and su9stan$eG anal;sis to e+$lude Senate a9olition fro- s 41(e)' &hile si-ultaneousl;

    =ro=osin a ne$essaril; affe$tG anal;sis to ensure that it falls &ithin s 42(b) and not s 44

    36Fa$tu- of the < Canada' at =ara 153

    37Fa$tu- of the < Canada' at =aras 163"164

    3,8en in liht of An Act respectin# constitutional amendments' SC 16' $ 1' often /no&n as the Re#ional ;eto Act'

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    " 16 "

    52 *hird' Senate a9olition &ould 9e an a-end-ent in relation to the use of the 8nlish or

    the Fren$h lanuaeG' &ithin s 41(c) Se$tion 133 of the Constitution Act, 1867 uarantees

    9ilinualis- in the ouses of the Parlia-ent of CanadaG hile it -a; see- that the i-=a$t of

    Senate a9olition on s 133 is onl; tanential' this &ould aain inore the histori$al $onte+t of the

    Senate%s i-=ortan$e in Confederation as a 9ride 9et&een Fren$h and 8nlish' ue9e$ and the

    other =roin$es 8Jual reional re=resentation in the Senate' in$ludin the fi+ed re=resentation

    of ue9e$' &as a $o-=ro-ise &ithout &hi$h Confederation $ould not hae adan$ed a ste=G

    ne of the /e; =rin$i=les that the Senate sinified' and $ontinues to sinif;' is the =oliti$all;

    eJual re=resentation of the =ri-aril; Fren$h $itiIens of ue9e$ *he $onstitutional assuran$e in

    s 133 and s 41(e) that 8nlish and Fren$h are =resered as eJual lanuaes in the leislatie

    9usiness of Canada &ould 9e adersel; affe$ted 9; the a9olition of the leislatie 9od; that

    =reseres reional' and i-=li$itl; linuisti$' re=resentation reardless of =o=ulation $hanes40

    d) No e+=ress a-endin for-ula for Senate a9olition in Part ? of the Constitution Act, 1982

    53 Referen$e uestions 5 and 6 are =ut to this Court in lare =art 9e$ause Part ? of the

    Constitution does not e+=ressl; referen$e a9olition of the SenateG t is su9-itted that the

    a9sen$e of an e+=ress a-endin for-ula for a9olition renders the histori$al and foundational

    $onte+t all the -ore i-=ortant

    54 t is no sur=rise that Part ? $ontains no e+=ress for-ula to a9olish the Senate

    Constitutions are for-atie and not destru$tie instru-ents *he; 9rin toether' the; do not

    ta/e a=art Nor do the; $onte-=late the $o-=lete non"e+isten$e of their o&n $onstitutent

    institutions *he Constitution also =roides no for-ula for a9olition of the ouse of Co--ons'

    the udi$iar;' or the federation itself *his Court stated in 'S) "! ntario -Attorne. eneral

    that the 9asi$ stru$ture of our Constitution' as esta9lished 9; the Constitution Act, 1867'

    $onte-=lates the e+isten$e of $ertain =oliti$al institutionsMG41 hether that =oliti$al

    institution is a freel; ele$ted leislatie 9od;G as &as $onsidered in 'S)' or the Senate or

    the udi$iar;' the underl;in =resu-=tion of the Constitution is that its =res$ri9ed stru$tures

    and institutions' on &hi$h the Confederation is founded' &ill re-ain

    40n a-end-ent to s 133 to =roide that the Senate $ould $ondu$t its 9usiness in 8nlish alone &ould $learl; fall&ithin s 41(e) t &ould 9e odd if it &ere easier to a9olish the Senate entirel; than =er-it it to s=ea/ onl; 8nlish're$oniIin that 9oth &ould $learl; 9e drasti$ $hanes to the leislatie stru$tures of Canada

    41'S) "! ntario -A' supra' at = 57' Cools uthorities' *a9 2,

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    55 *his is true een &hen $onstitutional a-end-ent is dire$tl; $onte-=lated hen the

    =otential to a-end the Constitution &as ien to Parlia-ent in 14 9; s 1(1)' this Court

    re$oniIed that the $ontinued e+isten$e of the Senate as =art of the federal leislatie =ro$ess is

    i-=lied in the e+$e=tions =roided in s 1(1)G42

    56 *he < Canada arues that a $areful anal;sis of the te+tG suests that Senate a9olition

    $an 9e a$hieed 9; the s 3, eneral a-endin for-ula' sin$e Senate a9olition is not e+=ressl;

    referen$ed in s 41 *his -e$hani$al and se-anti$ aru-ent =ut for&ard 9; the < Canada is

    not the a==ro=riate a==roa$h to $onsider su$h a funda-ental $onstitutional Juestion' and

    inores the histori$al $onte+t in &hi$h the Senate &as $reated and $ontinues toda; *his Court

    stated in the Reference re $anitoba (an#ua#e Ri#htsthat it:

    M$annot ta/e a narro& and literal a==roa$h to $onstitutional inter=retation *he

    uris=ruden$e of the Court eiden$es a &illinness to su==le-ent te+tualanal;sis &ith histori$al' $onte+tual and =ur=osie inter=retation in order toas$ertain the intent of the -a/ers of our Constitution43Oe-=hasis added

    57 *he < Canada%s aru-ent is =re-ised on its assertion that Part ? should 9e

    $onsidered e+haustieG and $o-=rehensieG Aet Part ? $annot 9e $onsidered &holl;

    e+haustie' either in the sense of $onte-=latin eer; =ossi9le a-end-ent to the Constitution'

    or in the sense of listin &ithin s 41 eer; =ossi9le a-end-ent that -iht reJuire unani-ous

    a==roal s to the for-er' this Court in the Quebec Secession Reference$onsidered the radi$al

    and e+tensieG a-end-ent to the Constitution that &ould 9e reJuired for the se$ession of a

    =roin$e' and re$oniIed that the nature and =ro$ess for su$h an a-end-ent are not addressed

    in the Constitution44 Part ? therefore $annot 9e $onsidered to e+haustiel; address eer;

    $onte-=lated or =ossi9le a-end-ent to the Constitution

    5, s to the latter' the < Canada%s a==roa$h' that assu-es that an; a-end-ent not

    e+=ressl; listed in s 41 -ust 9e =ossi9le 9; the s 3, for-ula' leads to a9surd results t &ould

    -ean' for e+a-=le' that althouh s 42 e+=ressl; ado=ts the s 3, a-endin for-ula in res=e$t of

    42Senate Reference -198+' supra' at == 73"74' Cools uthorities' *a9 31

    43Reference re $anitoba (an#ua#e Ri#hts' supra' at =ara 65' Cools uthorities' *a9 33 *he referen$e to $onte+tual and=ur=osie inter=retationG -a/es $lear that as$ertainin the intent of the -a/ers of our ConstitutionG does notino/e the notion of oriinal intentG as the $on$e=t is used in -eri$an $onstitutional inter=retation

    44hile so-e arued that se$ession &ent 9e;ond -ere a-end-ent' this Court $on$luded that reardless of the=rofundit; of the $onstitutional $hanes' the; &ould nonetheless 9e a-end-ents to the Constitution of Canada:Quebec Secession Reference' supra' at =ara ,4' Cools uthorities' *a9 34

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    the =o&ers of the Senate and the -ethod of sele$tin SenatorsG' the er; sa-e for-ula &ould

    a==l; in res=e$t of re-oal of the Senate entirel;' een thouh that is notreferred to in s 42

    5 Si-ilarl;' the < Canada%s a==roa$h -eans that $hanin the $o-=osition of this Court

    reJuires =roin$ial unani-it; under s 41(d)' 9ut $o-=lete a9olition of the Court &ould 9eeasier to a$hiee' sin$e s 42(1)(d) =roidin for the s 3, for-ula in relation to this Court is onl;

    su9e$t to =arara=h 41(d)G45 -ore a==ro=riate =ur=osie a==roa$h re$oniIes that

    ss 41(d) and 42(1)(d) inherentl; assu-e the $ontinued e+isten$e of this Court and therefore

    address -atters other than its $o-=lete a9olition ndeed' ta/in the < Canada%s a==roa$h to

    its loi$al e+tre-e &ould -ean that it &ould 9e easier to a-end the Constitution to a9olish the

    &hole udi$iar;' or drasti$all; redu$e its inde=enden$e 9; a-end-ent of s ' than it &ould 9e

    to =roide that this Court $ould hae onl; t&o udes fro- ue9e$'46 sin$e a9olition of the

    udi$iar; or drasti$ redu$tion of its inde=enden$e is not =roided for in s 4147

    60 *a/in s 3, to 9e the inaria9le default in the a9sen$e of e+=ress -ention in s 41 &ould

    also -ean that een a funda-ental a-end-ent su$h as -a/in the ouse of Co--ons an

    a==ointed rather than ele$ted 9od; &ould 9e easier to a$hiee than =er-ittin a =roin$e to

    hae fe&er -e-9ers than the nu-9er of Senators it had in 1,2' sin$e the ele$tion of -e-9ers

    of the ouse of Co--ons is not =roided for in s 41

    61 *hese results run $ontrar; to the < Canada%s o&n re$onition that Oenerall;

    s=ea/in' the -ore =rofound the $hane' the -ore e+a$tin is the =ro$edure'G4,unders$orin

    the ina==ro=riateness of the a==roa$h *he 9etter a==roa$h $onsiders Part ? in the $onte+t of

    the &hole Constitution and its histori$al fra-e&or/' and =oints to the $on$lusion that

    unani-ous federal and =roin$ial $onsent is ne$essar; to a-end the Constitution to a9olish one

    of its $onstituent institutions

    45ndeed' the < Canada%s a==roa$h &ould render s 42(1)(d) redundant' sin$e s 3, &ould a==l; 9; default

    46r to =roide that it -ust hae three fro- estern Canada' or een' arua9l;' that it 9e $o-=osed of udes orado$ates of at leastfifteen;ears standin: Supreme Court Act' ss 5 and 6' Cools uthorities' *a9 10

    47 Senate a9olition &ould also affe$t the inde=enden$e of udes Dnder s ' su=erior $ourt udes are onl;re-oa9le on address of the Senate and ouse of Co--onsG' and udes of this Court and other federal $ourtshae the sa-e tenure (see =ara 7,' infra) 9olition of one of the 9odies reJuired to re$o--end a ude%s re-oal'=arti$ularl; the -ore inde=endent 9od;' &ould -a/e re-oal easier and the udi$iar; less inde=endent

    4,Fa$tu- of the < Canada' at =ara 124

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    ife Ten'e > Refe'ence

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    66 *he tenure for lifeG there9; $reated a leal estate ranted to the senator' a Ne& orld

    e$ho of the tenure of hereditar; ords @a$donald%s o9seration that -e-9ers of the Canadian

    Senate &ere to 9e -en of the =eo=le and fro- the =eo=leG &as si-=l; a re$onition that a

    hereditar; D==er ouse &as i-=ossi9le in Canada *he oal &as nonetheless to $reate a -odel

    of the D==er ouse 9ased on the ouse of ords' and the life a==oint-ent &as the -ost

    feasi9le -anner of doin so51 s this Court o9sered in the Senate Reference -198+' the

    i-=le-entation of a life a==oint-ent &as desined to refle$t a $onstitution si-ilar in =rin$i=le

    to that of the Dnited indo-' &here -e-9ers of the ouse of ords hold offi$e for life'G and

    re=resents a funda-ental featureG of the Senate52

    67 *he de$ision to $reate a Senate $onsistin of -e-9ers a==ointed for life &as not -ere

    -i-i$r;' ho&eer t re=resented a desire to $reate as inde=endent an D==er ouse as

    =ossi9le Bohn @a$Eonald noted' Oit -ust 9e an inde=endent ouse' hain a free a$tion

    of its o&n' for it is onl; alua9le as 9ein a reulatin 9od;' $al-l; $onsiderin the leislation

    initiated 9; the =o=ular 9ran$hMG53 S=ea/in in the sse-9l;' one that &ould 9e

    in the 9est =osition to $anass dis=assionatel; the -easures of Othe ouse of Co--ons' and

    stand u= for the =u9li$ interest in o==osition to hast; and =artisan leislationG54

    6, *his deli9erate $hoi$e 9; the Fathers of Confederation &ho had $arefull; and dilientl;

    studied the arious $onstitutional o=tions aaila9le to the- &as =art of the er; $onstitutional

    desin of the Parlia-ent of Canada t &as also a $hoi$e -ade in the $onte+t of the histori$al

    leal nature of life tenure in a==ointed offi$es

    51*he < Canada%s state-ent (=ara 50) that @a$donald%s -en of the =eo=leG $o--ent sho&s that he enisioned aSenate that &as not li/e the ouse of ordsG $onsidera9l; oerstates the $ase @a$donald &as in fa$t addressin&hether an inde=endent Senate -iht $reate leislatie deadlo$/ e arued that this &as not the $ase in the D'

    and &as een less li/el; in Canada sin$e Senators &ere -en of the =eo=leG &ho &ould intera$t &ith $itiIens dail;and thus 9e unli/el; to interfere &ith leislation refle$tin the &ill of the =eo=le *he =oint &as thus -ade in faourof -a/in the Canadian Senate a/in to the ouse of ords' and not as an e+=ression of an intent to $reate a different9od;: Confederation %ebates' at == 36"37 OBohn @a$donald' Fe9 6' 1,65' Cools uthorities' *a9 14

    52Senate Reference -198+' at == 76"77' Cools uthorities' *a9 31

    53Confederation %ebates' at = 36 OBohn @a$donald' Fe9 6' 1,65' Cools uthorities' *a9 14

    54Confederation %ebates' at = 0 O

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    2) Life tenure in an office at common la

    a) ife tenure in offi$e as an in$or=oreal heredita-ent

    6 t $o--on la&' offi$es &ere re$oniIed as a for- of =ro=ert; riht' one of the ten sorts

    of incorporeal hereditaments #la$/stone des$ri9ed offi$es as follo&s:

    ? ffi$es' &hi$h are a riht to e+er$ise a =u9li$ or =riate e-=lo;-ent and tota/e the fees and e-olu-ents thereunto 9elonin' are also in$or=orealheredita-entsQ &hether =u9li$' as those of -aistratesQ or =riate' as of 9ailiffs're$eiers' and the li/e For a -an -a; hae an estate in the-' either to hi- andhis heirs' or for life or for a ter- of ;ears' or durin =leasure onl;: sae onl; thatoffi$es of =u9li$ trust $annot 9e ranted for a ter- of ;ears' es=e$iall; if the;$on$ern the ad-inistration of usti$e' for then the; -iht =erha=s est ine+e$utors or ad-inistrators M Oitali$s in oriinalQ underlinin added55

    70 8er; offi$e atta$hes a tenure in that offi$e' and ino/es the an$ient la& of tenure

    &o3itts %ictionar. of n#lish (a3defines tenure in offi$e and its oriins in the la& of =ro=ert;:*enure in its eneral sense is a -ode of holdin or o$$u=;in: thus &e s=ea/ ofthe tenure of an offi$e' -eanin the -anner in &hi$h it is held' es=e$iall; &ithreard to ti-e (tenure for life' tenure durin ood 9ehaiour)' and of tenure ofland in the sense of o$$u=ation or tenan$; M

    n its -ore te$hni$al sense' tenure sinifies the -ode in &hi$h all land in8nland is theoreti$all; o&ned and o$$u=ied M *he -anner of his =ossession is$alled tenure' and the e+tent of his interest is $alled an estate (J)56

    71 *his $onne$tion &ith the $o--on la& lineae of =ro=ert; is refle$ted in the te+t of the

    Constitution Act, 1867 itself Se$tion 2' under the headin *enure of Pla$e in Senate'G states

    that a Senator shall hold his =la$e in the Senate for lifeG *his Court $o--ented on this

    traditional $onne$tion 9et&een land"holdin and the tenure in offi$e held 9; senior $iil

    serants a==ointed durin ood 9ehaiour (tenured a==oint-entsG) in

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    $onstitutionall; defined state rolesG *he relationshi= 9et&een the state and su$h offi$eholders'

    in$ludin senators' is di$tated 9; the ter-s and $onentions of the Constitution and is an

    interal =art of the &e9 of institutional relationshi=s 9et&een the leislature' the e+e$utie

    and the udi$iar; &hi$h $ontinue to for- the 9a$/9one of our $onstitutional s;ste-%G5,

    9) Co-=arison to the life tenure of the udi$iar;

    72 *he feature of the #ritish D==er ouse that life tenure &as desined to i-=le-ent &as

    its inde=enden$e: altoether inde=endent of the Soerein' of the o&er ouse' and of the

    adisers of the Cro&nG5 *he inde=enden$e of thouht and a$tion that is the rant of life

    tenure is not e+$lusie to senators hen $onsiderin the histori$al and $onstitutional $on$e=t

    of the life estate ranted to senators' it is infor-atie to $onsider the other offi$eholders &hose

    inde=enden$e throuh life estate is uaranteed in the Constitution as des$ri9ed in

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    $reates a life tenure or life estate *his had 9een $onfir-ed shortl; 9efore theAct of Settlement in

    the 162 $ase of arcourt "! >o' &here a 16, statute =roidin for a==oint-ent of the $ler/ of

    the =ea$e for a $ount; 9; the custos rotulorum for so lon ti-e onl; as he shall &ell de-ean

    hi-self in the offi$eG &as re$oniIed to $reate an estate for lifein his offi$e inde=endent u=on

    the custos' anddeter-ina9le u=on the ood 9ehaiour of the =art;G Oe-=hasis in oriinal63

    75 Professor eder-an' in his se-inal =a=er on udi$ial inde=enden$e =u9lished in the

    $onte+t of =ro=osed li-itations on the udi$ial life estate 9; $reatin a retire-ent ae (dis$ussed

    further 9elo&)' dis$ussed arcourt "! >oand noted that:

    ==eal &as ta/en 9; &rit of error to Parlia-ent and the ud-ents of the usti$esof the in%s #en$h &ere there affir-ed *he ttorne;"o(163)' 1 Sho& 506' , 8n Re= 720 (#)' aff%d in Parlia-ent' Sho& Parl Ca 15,' at = 734 (perolt CB)Q see also == 726 (per 8;res B) and 72, (per

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    77 *he $onstitutional i-=ortan$e of udi$ial inde=enden$e has 9een re$oniIed 9; this

    Court' 9ut it &as not eer thus Dnli/e in

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    udes has =roided for $o-it; 9et&een the institutions of our Constitution' as 9et&een the

    Soerein%s su=erior $ourts and the Soerein%s ih Court of Parlia-ent #la$/stone $alled

    this relationshi= of $o-it; 9et&een the oernan$e 9ran$hes the 9alan$eG of the Constitution70

    t is $entral to the &or/in and sta9ilit; of our Constitution' and &as /e; to Confederation *he

    federal oern-ent $an no -ore a-end the $onstitution 9; si-=le 9ill to re-oe Senate life

    tenure than it $an leislate to a-end the life tenure of the udi$iar; 9; si-=le 9ill

    $) @andator; retire-ent ae does not affe$t the nature of life a==oint-ent

    ,0 *hat s 2 &as a-ended in 165 to =roide for retire-ent at ae 75 does not su==ort the

    $ontention that Parlia-ent $an $hane the life ter- of senators to a fi+ed ter- &ithout

    =roin$ial $onsent Su$h an aru-ent is leall;' $onstitutionall;' and histori$all; unsound

    ,1 *he 165 a-end-ent did not =ur=ort to $hane the e+isten$e of a life a==oint-ent:

    s 2(1) $ontinues to =roide that a Senator shall hold his =la$e in the Senate for lifeG nstead'

    to address $on$erns a9out -ental fitness' it refined the $on$e=t of lifeG 9; sa;in that the life

    a==oint-ent is su9e$t toG su9se$tion (2)' &hi$h =roides for the retire-ent ae of 75

    -=ortantl;' the retire-ent ae does not de=end on the Senator%s ae at a==oint-ent' the date

    of a==oint-ent' the sittin of Parlia-ent' nor the Senator%s lenth of seri$e *he a-end-ent

    did not $hane the 9asi$ nature of the life estate' nor -a/e it an a==oint-ent on ood

    9ehaiour for a fi+ed ter- Proidin for fi+ed ter-s for senators reardless of ae' ho&eer'

    &ould 9e a total neation and re=eal of the la& of Senate life tenure' not a refine-ent of it or a

    reasona9le li-itation on it as in s 2(2) *his is so &hether the fi+ed ter- is for one ;ear' nine

    ;ears' or -ore' &hether it is rene&a9le' or &hether it a==lies to $urrent or future senators

    ,2 t is releant that een the ado=tion of a retire-ent ae &as re$oniIed as a sinifi$ant

    $onstitutional a-end-ent &hen earlier $onte-=lated for s 6 su=erior $ourt udes hile

    udes of this Court and the 8+$heJuer Court had a statutor; retire-ent ae of 75 sin$e 127'71

    i-=osition of a retire-ent ae for s 6 udes reJuired a $onstitutional a-end-ent Professor

    eder-an' in his 156 arti$le on udi$ial inde=enden$e &ritten in the $onte+t of this de9ate'referred to arcourt "! >o and the leal nature of tenure of offi$e' and $on$luded that the

    $onstitutional uarantee of tenure for lifeG -ade $onstitutional a-end-ent ne$essar;72

    70#la$/stone' op! cit!' at ?ol ' = 153' referrin to the 9alan$e 9et&een $onstituent =arts of the =arlia-ent71An Act to amend the Supreme Court Act, 1927' 17

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    ,3 n 160' 9oth Pri-e @inister Eiefen9a/er and his Senate

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    &) Current impact of life tenure on the or/ings of the Senate

    a) *he $hoi$es of 1,67 i-=a$t the Senate in 2013

    ,6 *he histori$al i-=ortan$e of life tenure is refle$ted in its =ra$ti$al i-=ortan$e to the

    o=erations of the Senate toda; s Senator Cools% =u9li$ re$ord de-onstrates' the institutional

    inde=enden$e $reated 9; life tenure has a dire$t role in a senator%s a9ilit; to ta/e =ositions and

    ote uided 9; her 9elief in the 9est interests of Canadians' rather than 9; the =otential effe$t of

    su$h ote or de$ision on her =rofessional status or her life after =oliti$s Confiden$e in the

    inde=enden$e of the offi$e allo&s a Senator to a$t and ote 9ased on her $ons$ien$e and

    e+=erien$e' een if her stan$e -a; 9e =oliti$all; un&anted 9; the oern-ent or the =art;

    ,7 *he life tenure also -eans that the Senate a$ts as an effe$tie re-inder of oern-ents

    =astG and of ele$tions =ast t is also an institutional -eans of sta9ilit;' and a 9ul&ar/ of

    resistan$e aainst des=otis-' the =otential for &hi$h has al&a;s 9een the reat &ea/ness of

    =arlia-entar; oern-ent *he $urrent Senate is $o-=osed of -e-9ers a==ointed on the

    adi$e of fie different =ri-e -inisters #; life tenure' so-e senators hae a$Juired

    $onsidera9le e+=erien$e and /no&lede *his funda-ental as=e$t of the Senate a$ts as a

    -e$hanis- to ensure that leislatie $hane is not oerl; radi$al' and that -o-entous $hanes

    in the &a; in &hi$h Canadians are oerned $annot easil; 9e -ade 9; the oern-ent of the

    da; &ithout a 9roader 9ase of re=resentatie a==roal


    ru-ents reardin the i-=a$t of the re-oal of life tenure

    ,, Co-=arin life ter-s to senators% aerae lenth of seri$e is of little alue s &ith all

    life a==oint-ents (&ith or &ithout a -andator; retire-ent ae)' so-e a==ointees &ill sere

    shorter and so-e loner ter-s Co-=arin aeraes deli9eratel; e+$ludes the i-=a$t on

    institutional /no&lede and -e-or; of lon"serin senators' su$h as Senator Cools

    , Relian$e on the aerae lenth of senators% a$tual seri$e also inherentl; dis-isses the

    er; stru$ture of life tenure that $reates the inde=enden$e *his Court has stated that

    institutional inde=enden$e deries fro- o9e$tie $onditions or uarantees'G and that these

    o9e$tie uarantees define that statusG of inde=enden$e (e-=hasis in oriinal)76 Referen$e to

    aerae ter-s is no su9stitute for the o9e$tie $onditions and uarantees that $reate the status

    76;alente' supra' at = 6,' Cools uthorities' *a9 30Q 'ro"incial &ud#es Reference' supra' at =ara 112' Cools uthorities'*a9 35Q$ac:in "! e3 Bruns3ic: -$inister of >inance? Rice "! e3 Bruns3ic:' 2002 SCC 13' O2002 1 SCR 405' at =aras126"133' Cools uthorities' *a9 24

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    " 2, "

    of inde=enden$e ain' a =arallel to the udi$iar; $an 9e dra&n $al$ulation of aerae

    ;ears of udi$ial seri$e &ould not $hane the fa$t that i-=osin a ter- a==oint-ent on udes

    &ould sinifi$antl; alter the stru$tural uarantees of udi$ial inde=enden$e


    *he < Canada%s su9-issions on the i-=a$t of ter- li-its are also self"$ontradi$tor;e $lai-s that the aeraes sho& that i-=osin ter- li-its does not re=resent a sinifi$ant

    $hane to the Senate'G ;et asserts that the; are needed sin$e the Senate%s leiti-a$; as a

    de-o$rati$ institutionG is at sta/e &ithout the-77 e also relies on Professor @anfredi%s

    o=inion that #ill C>7 &ould not affe$t Senate inde=enden$e' 9ut inores Professor @anfredi%s

    o=inion that non"rene&a9ilit; is a /e; ele-ent of the Senate%s inde=enden$e'G &hen assertin

    that rene&a9le and non"rene&a9le ter- li-its are on the sa-e $onstitutional footin7,

    1 Dlti-atel;' o=inion on &hether ter- li-its $ould 9e i-=osed &ithout affe$tin

    inde=enden$e is irreleant *he $onfederatin =arties deter-ined at Confederation that the

    9est &a; to $reate the desired inde=enden$e' and to =arallel the ouse of ords' &as 9; life

    tenure *heir de$ision &as enshrined in the Constitution *he o=inion of a su9seJuent

    oern-ent or e+=ert that Senate inde=enden$e $ould 9e =resered &hile i-=osin ter- li-its

    in no &a; alters the fa$t that it &ould 9e a sinifi$ant $onstitutional a-end-ent to do so

    *) Impact on +eference ,uestion 1

    a) Se$tion 44 does not authoriIe Parlia-ent to $hane the life tenure of Senators

    2 ife tenure has a uniJue status at $o--on la& *he de$ision at Confederation to rant

    su$h tenure to Senators &as an infor-ed one' -ade to -a+i-iIe the inde=enden$e of the

    Senate 9; $reatin a 9od; &ith $hara$teristi$s si-ilar to the ouse of ords hether this

    stru$ture is a ood or 9ad thin' or &hether it $an 9e i-=roed u=on' is $learl; the su9e$t of

    de9ate #ut this feature of our Parlia-ent%s stru$ture is so =rofoundl;' leall; and histori$all;

    sinifi$ant' that it &ould 9e inherentl; $ontradi$tor; that this stru$ture itself $ould 9e $haned

    9; si-=le leislatie a-end-ent on the initiatie of the oern-ent of the da;' &ithout the

    aree-ent of the =roin$es' the reions' that the Senate re=resents

    77 Fa$tu- of the < Canada' at =aras 126' 12 *he $o-=arison is also not full; re=resentatie of the Referen$euestions hile the < Canada on a nu-9er of o$$asions refers to =ro=osed ter-s of eiht to ten ;earsG' theReferen$e uestion in fa$t refers to ter-s of eiht ;ears or lessG' leain the door o=en for -u$h shorter ter-s

    7,Fa$tu- of the < Canada' at =aras 27' 127Q =inion of Prof Christo=her P @anfredi'

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    " 2 "

    3 *he < Canada is $orre$t that the a-endin =ro$edures enerall; refle$t a =hiloso=h;

    that the -ore =rofound the $hane' the -ore e+a$tin is the =ro$edureG o&eer' it is leall;

    and histori$all; in$orre$t to sa; that Chanin ter- li-its is neither =rofound nor

    stru$turalG7 *he =ro=osed leislation does not $haneG ter- li-its t i-=le-ents ter-

    li-its and there9; reo/es the life estate *er- a==oint-ents and life a==oint-ents are

    different $o--on la& and $onstitutional notions Neation and re=eal of the life tenure $hosen

    at Confederation as a definin Senate feature $annot 9e des$ri9ed or $onsidered si-=l; as a

    -atter in relation toMthe SenateG

    9) Se$tion 41(a) or se$tion 3, of the Constitution Act, 1982 a==l;

    4 *his $on$lusion is reinfor$ed 9; e+a-inin the s=e$ifi$ $onstitutional a-end-ents set

    out in ss 41 and 42 *he Referen$e uestions do not as/ &hat the releant a-endin for-ula

    for introdu$in ter- li-its &ould 9e if s 44 does not a==l;' 9ut it is su9-itted that one of the

    for-ulae reJuirin =roin$ial aree-ent -ust 9e used to $reate and i-=ose Senate ter- li-its

    5 *he rant to senators of a life estate in the Senate is a rant ulti-atel; deried fro- the

    Soerein Re-oin the rant of a life estate therefore effe$ts an a-end-ent in relation to the

    offi$e of the ueen' and reJuires $onsent of all =roin$es =ursuant to s 41(a) of the Constitution

    Act, 1982' for the reasons dis$ussed a9oe in $onsiderin Senate a9olition

    6 t the er; least' reo/in the life estate &ould a-end the =o&ers of the Senate' the

    -ethod of sele$tin Senators (life a==oint-ent 9ein different -ode of sele$tion than ter-

    a==oint-ent)' and the er; nature of the Senate itself t &ould also of ne$essit; entail other

    $hanes' su$h as $onseJuent $hanes to ouse of Co--ons -e-9ers% ter-s that &ould 9e

    reJuired to =resere the $onstitutional 9alan$e 9et&een the t&o ouses *hese $hanes to the

    9alan$e a$hieed at Confederation are not &ithin the leislatie authorit; of Parlia-ent a$tin

    =ursuant to s 44 *he; $an and should 9e underta/en onl; if the; refle$t and =ro$eed fro- the

    $onsensus de-onstrated 9; $onstitutional a-end-ent &ith =roin$ial su==ort


    Retros=e$tiit; and retroa$tie re-oal of Senators: uestions 1(f) and ()

    7 Finall;' it is su9-itted that the retroa$tie re-oal of Senators ranted a life estate is not

    =ossi9le' and =arti$ularl; not 9; -ere leislation s dis$ussed' the leal $on$e=t of the life

    estate is su$h that it rants an estate that een the rantor $annot su9seJuentl; reo/e t is so

    7Fa$tu- of the < Canada' at =ara 124

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    " 30 "

    een in the $ase of the in' &hose rant shall 9e ta/en -ost stri$tl; aainst hi-selfG,0 t is this

    Jualit; that -a/es it the instru-ent for the ut-ost leel of inde=enden$e

    , *hus in the sa-e &a; that Parlia-ent $ould not 9; si-=le leislation re-oe a life"

    tenured ude fro- offi$e other than for 9rea$h of ood 9ehaiour' Parlia-ent $annot si-=l;leislate to re-oe the life tenure of a sittin Senator that has 9een ranted 9; the ueen *he

    < Canada%s onl; res=onse to this is to suest that the; should 9e =er-itted to retroa$tiel;

    reo/e life tenures so as to re-ed; a =er$eied -is$hiefG ife tenure ranted 9; the

    Soerein &ould 9e &holl; -eaninless if the ie&s of the oern-ent as to =er$eied

    -is$hiefG &ere enouh to =er-it its reo$ation Further' the -is$hiefG that is a==arentl; in

    the -ind of the < Canada is the Constitution itself' and the life tenures ranted 9; the

    Refe'ence o' supra' at = 750' Cools uthorities' *a9 21,1R! "! @app' 200, SCC 41' O200, 2 SCR 4,3' at =ara 114 per #astara$he B $on$urrin' Cools uthorities' *a9 2QReference re0 >isheries Act, 191* -Canada' O12, SCR 457' at = 474' Cools uthorities' *a9 32Q orth -Rural

    $unicipalit. "! Canadian 'acific Rail3a. Co!(105)' 35 SCR 550' at = 557'per

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    " 31 "

    indire$tl; i-=le-entin a funda-ental $hane in the -a/eu= of the Senate are dis$redita9le

    *he 9ills see/ to enae the ele$toral =ro$ess and -a$hiner; for a =ur=ose un/no&n to

    $onstitutional la&' an ele$tion to deter-ine the =referen$esG of elii9le oters' rather than the

    &ill of the =eo=le *his atte-=t to effe$tiel; $reate an ele$toral fran$hise for the Senate &here

    none e+ists $annot 9e ustified throuh =rotests that the for-al a==oint-ent -e$hanis- &ould

    re-ain the sa-e *he $onstitutional reJuire-ent for =roin$ial $onsensus $annot' and should

    not' 9e aoided 9; the use of $ontried &or/arounds or side s$he-es' to $reate a for- of Juasi"

    ele$tion not leall; or $onstitutionall; re$oniIed

    101 *o assist the Court in ans&erin Referen$e uestions 2 and 3' Senator Cools &ill

    address: (1) the histori$al $onte+t of the de$ision to $onstitute a Senate of a==ointed rather than

    ele$ted senatorsQ (2) the nature of the ele$toral fran$hise in s 41' and the role of the Chief

    8le$toral ffi$erQ (3) the differen$e 9et&een u==er and lo&er housesQ (4) the i-=a$t of a Juasi"

    ele$tion =ro$ess on the &or/ins of the SenateQ and (5) ho& these fa$tors affe$t &hether the

    =ro=osed leislation $an 9e ena$ted' either as si-=le non"a-endin leislation 9; s 1 of the

    Constitution Act, 1867'or as a $onstitutional a-end-ent 9; s 44 of the Constitution Act, 1982

    1) An appointed Senate as an aspect of the image and transcript of !reat "ritain#

    102 s dis$ussed a9oe' Canada%s founders ae e+tensie $onsideration to the =ossi9ilit; of

    $reatin an D==er ouse that &as ele$tie' een &ith life tenure' a =ro=osal of le+ander

    a-ilton%s in his Eraft of a Constitution for the Dnited StatesG,2 s the < Canada =oints

    out' there &ere oi$es in faour of 9oth ele$tie and no-inatie =ro$edures

    103 t the ue9e$ Conferen$e' it &as $onsideration of an ele$ted D==er ouse that led

    @a$donald to Juote

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    " 32 "

    104 *he de$ision for an a==ointed Senate &as aain not si-=l; -i-$r; of the #ritish'

    thouh t re=resented a $onsensus $o-=ro-ise that addressed s=e$ifi$ $on$erns of the reional

    re=resentaties n =arti$ular' re=resentation 9; =o=ulation threatened loss of =oliti$al =o&er to

    ntario' &hose =o=ulation had re$entl; sur=assed that of ue9e$ and &as in$reasin *he

    a==ointed reionall; re=resentatie Senate &as a $o-=ro-ise and $ounter9alan$e to the ele$ted

    ouse of Co--ons s

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    " 33 "

    and hen$e fran$hise $a-e to -ean the riht to ele$t -e-9ers of =arlia-ent'&hether in 9orouhs or $ounties (12 CoRe= 120),7

    107 s an e+er$ise of the ro;al =reroatie' the ele$toral fran$hise' &ith its =o&er of

    re=resentation in the ouse of Co--ons' &as the $onstitutional instru-ent 9; &hi$h the

    indiidual su9e$t"$itiIen shared in the Soerein%s oernan$e of the 9od; =oliti$ Bose=h

    Chitt;' in his fa-ous 1,20 treatise &rote:

    s the fountain of =riilee the in =ossesses arious =o&ers M

    n si-ilar =rin$i=les is founded the riht of the Cro&n to hold and $onfer=e$uliar lu$ratie =o&ers and fran$hises *he ura $oronae or rihts of theCro&n' so lon as the; are atta$hed to the in' are $alled =reroatiesQ 9ut&hen su$h =reroaties are deleated to a su9e$t' the; a$Juire the a==ellationof fran$hiseQ for all fran$hises are deried fro- the in (a) fran$hise isdefined (9) to 9e a ro;al =riilee or 9ran$h of the ro;al =reroatie su9sistin inthe hands of a su9e$t' 9; rant fro- the in M

    n its -ore e+tensie sense the ter- fran$hise sinifies eer; des$ri=tion of=oliti$al riht &hi$h a free-an -a; eno; and e+er$ise M,,

    10, istori$all;' this fran$hise &as ranted 9; the Soerein =ersonall; 9; ro;al =reroatie

    instru-ents n -odernit;' this rant of =o&er' still ena$ted 9; the Soerein' has 9een done 9;

    instru-ent of the ele$toral fran$hise a$ts of Parlia-ent *he federal ele$toral fran$hise in

    Canada is e+=ressl; li-ited' 9; s 41 of the Constitution Act, 1867' to the fran$hise to ele$t

    -e-9ers to the ouse of Co--ons, *hat fran$hise e+=anded oer the first 0 ;ears of

    Confederation throuh arious ele$toral fran$hise a$ts to -oe a&a; fro- its =atriar$hal and

    =ro=ert;"9ased heritae'0and to ulti-atel; 9e$o-e full uniersal fran$hise in 160 &ith the full

    enfran$hise-ent of a9oriinal =eo=les and a $onstitutional Charter riht1 #ut that riht has

    al&a;s re-ained li-ited to a ote for the ouse of Co--ons

    10 n Canada' all the ele$toral fran$hise a$ts are ena$ted =ursuant to s 41 of the Constitution

    Act, 1867 *his in$ludes the 120 %ominion lections Act -An Act Respectin# the lection of

    $embers of the ouse of Commons and the lectoral >ranchise' &hi$h $reated the role of Chief

    8le$toral ffi$er as a su$$essor to the Cler/ of the Cro&n in Chan$er;' iin hi- the sa-e life

    ,7Bo&itt' op! cit!'at ?ol 2' = ,31' Cools uthorities' *a9 40Q see also #la$/stone' op! cit!' at ?ol ' == 17"1,' 37

    ,,Chitt;' B' *reatise on the a& of the Preroaties of the Cro&nQ and the Relatie Euties and Rihts of the Su9e$t'(ondon' #utter&orth and Son: 1,20)' at == 11,"11' Cools uthorities' *a9 3,

    ,Constitution Act, 1867' s 41' atta$hedQ see also ffi$e of the Chief 8le$toral ffi$er of Canada' istor; of the ?otein Canada' 2007' at = +i' Cools uthorities' *a9 46

    0%ominion lections Act' SC 120' $ 46' at s 3,' Cools uthorities' *a9 6

    1Charter of Ri#hts and >reedoms' Part of the Constitution Act, 1982, at s 3' atta$hed

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    " 34 "

    tenure as a ude of this Court and the =o&ers of the for-er Cler/ in res=e$t of ele$tions 2 *he

    Chief 8le$toral ffi$er re-ains a $reature of s 41' 9ein $hared &ith ad-inisterin the

    Canadian federal ele$toral fran$hise


    'he +elationship %eteen the 0lectoral ranchise and 3pper and Loer Houses110 *he relationshi= 9et&een the ele$toral fran$hise and the lo&er house' and its li-itation

    to that house' has its roots in issues of ta+ation' and the relationshi= 9et&een ta+ation and

    re=resentation as these deelo=ed in #ritish =arlia-entar; institutions

    111 *he 16, Bill of Ri#hts' an i-=ortant -ilestone in the histor; of =arlia-entar; de-o$ra$;

    on &hi$h Canada%s =oliti$al s;ste- is 9ased'3entren$hed 9oth the riht to re=resentation 9;

    =o=ulation in the ouse of Co--ons' and the reJuire-ent that Parlia-ent a==roe an; raisin

    of ta+es *he re=resentation 9; =o=ulation that &as the ouse of Co--ons -eant that there

    &ould 9e no ta+ation &ithout re=resentationG *he i-=ortan$e of this $onstitional relationshi=

    9et&een ele$tie =rin$i=les and the $ontrol of the raisin and s=endin of ta+es is refle$ted in

    the =re"Confederation deelo=-ent of the fran$hise and Canada%s =oliti$al stru$tures fro- the

    Constitutional Act, 1791'4throuh ord Eurha-%s Re=ort of 1,3'5and the resultin )nion Act,

    18*+&hi$h e+=ressl; reJuired an; ta+ation 9ill to oriinate in the eislatie sse-9l;6

    112 *his lin/ 9et&een the ele$tie nature of the o&er ouse and its =o&ers oer ta+ation

    and the =urse is no& entren$hed in ss 53 and 54 of the Constitution Act, 1867 t re=resents a

    /e; histori$al differen$e 9et&een u==er and lo&er houses *he =otential for leislatie $onfli$t

    on this i-=ortant =oint if the Senate &ere ele$ted &as addressed in the eislatie Coun$il 9;

    le+ander Ca-=9ell' hi-self an ele$ted -e-9er' durin the Confederation Ee9ates:

    *he real daner of $ollision &ould 9e &here one Cha-9er inaded the=reroaties of the other' and that daner' if it e+isted at all' &ould 9e reatl;in$reased &ere the eislatie Coun$il -ade ele$tie (ear' hear) f the -e-9ers&ere ele$ted the; -iht sa;' e $o-e fro- the =eo=le ust as dire$tl; as the-e-9ers of the sse-9l; do' and our authorit; is' therefore' as full and $o-=lete

    2%ominion lections Act' SC 120' $ 46' at ss 1,"1' Cools uthorities' *a9 6

    3See Quebec Secession Reference' at =ara 63'

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    " 35 "

    as theirs Na;' -ore' for &here &e ea$h re=resent 1000 ele$tors' the; onl; ea$hre=resent 300' and &e hae' therefore' as -u$h riht to initiate -one; 9ills andi-=ost 9ills as the; haeGM *his &ould 9e the &a; to =roo/e $ollisions' and&ith an ele$tie Coun$il it &as not unli/el; at all to 9e resorted to7

    113 *his 9a$/dro= -a/es $lear 9oth that the Constitution Act, 1867 ranted no federal

    ele$toral fran$hise for the Senate as it did for the ouse of Co--ons in s 41' and that there

    &ere sound reasons 9ehind this $onstitutional $hoi$e

    *) 'he effect of appointment on the current or/ings of the Senate

    114 *he $hoi$e in 1,67 to $reate an a==ointed Senate affe$ts the nature of the Senate and

    Senators to this da; ==ointed Senators' li/e a==ointed udes' $o-e to their =ositions and

    their de$ision"-a/in free fro- the ele$toral =ro$ess *he; are not inde9ted to indiiduals or

    entities &ho -a; hae assisted in their no-ination or ele$tion' those &ho -a; hae raised

    funds for an ele$tion $a-=ain' or those &ho -a; assist in a re"ele$tion *he; $an -a/e

    de$isions 9ased on $ons$ien$e and 9est ud-ent' &ithout referen$e to $a-=ain =ro-ises or

    =latfor-s hether this is $onsidered an inherentl; ood or 9ad thin' the oern-ent%s

    =ro=osals of ne$essit; $hane that fa$t and thus the nature of the Senate' reardless of &hether

    indiidual senators hae si-ilar =rofessional and life e+=erien$eG,

    115 n addition' the strenth of the Senate as a deli9eratie 9od;' and as the 9od; in &hi$h

    Canada%s reions are eJuall; re=resented' de=ends on the eJualit; of its -e-9ers% oi$es Aet

    9oth of the leislatie =ro=osals set out in the oern-ent%s 9ills &ould result in a

    heteroeneous Senate (in transition or in =er=etuit;)' in &hi$h different senators &ould $lai-

    authorit; 9ased on different no-inatin or ele$tie =ro$esses s the < Canada hi-self notes'

    So-e =roin$es -a; $hoose not to =arti$i=ateG' &ith the result that the Senate &ould $onsist

    of a -i+ of ele$ted and unele$ted Senators *he result $an onl; 9e $onfli$t' disorder and the

    dis$reditin of -e-9ers

    -) 'he proposed legislation is not constitutional


    *his Court has =reiousl; re$oniIed that su9stitutin a s;ste- of ele$tion for a s;ste-

    of a==oint-ent &ould inole a radi$al $haneG in the nature of one of the $o-=onent =arts of

    7Confederation %ebates' at = 23 Ole+ander Ca-=9ell' Fe9 6' 1,65' Cools uthorities' *a9 14 See also = 21' &here@r Ca-=9ell addressed $on$erns reardin the relationshi= 9et&een an ele$tie Senate and the issue that &ould$ould arise as to re=resentation 9; =o=ulationQ and = 37' &here Bohn @a$donald e+=ressed si-ilar $on$erns

    ,Fa$tu- of the < Canada' at =ara 133' Juotin @anfredi =inion'

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    " 36 "

    Parlia-ent t is su9-itted that the draft leislation is su$h a $onstitutional $hane' &hi$h

    $hane is not =ossi9le under s 1 of the Constitution Act, 1867' and $annot 9e ustified under

    s 44 of the Constitution Act, 1982as 9ein -erel; in relation to the SenateG


    *he leislation effe$ts a $onstitutional $hane to nature of the Senate117 Se$tion 24 of the Constitution Act, 1867s=e$ifies that Senators are to 9e su--oned 9; the

    the for- of the =ro$ess9; &hi$h a==oint-ent is effe$ted is =ut oer the su9stan$e

    of the Senate 9ein a no-inatie rather than ele$tie 9od; *his onoura9le Court has re$entl;

    affir-ed that $ourts hae neer shied a&a; fro- =uttin su9stan$e ahead of for-G100

    11 *he =ur=ose of 9oth #ills C"20 and C"7 has 9een =lainl; stated' in 9oth the leislation

    itself and in oern-ent state-ents' na-el; to 9rin de-o$rati$G (i!e!' ele$tie)' =rin$i=les to

    the sele$tion of Senators *he =rea-9le to #ill C"7 states that it is a==ro=riate that those &hose

    na-es are su9-itted for su--ons to the Senate 9e deter-ined 9; de-o$rati$ ele$tionG101

    120 *he on Peter ?an oan'

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    " 37 "

    dire$t sa; in &ho should re=resent the- in the SenateG102 *he result of =assae and

    i-=le-entation of this leislation is $lear: at least so-e' 9ut li/el; not all' Senators &ould hae

    o9tained their =ositions in the Senate as the dire$t result of an ele$toral =ro$ess


    *he < Canada $ontends that Senatorial ele$tions &ould not re-oe the Pri-e@inister%s dis$retion o&eer' the $onstitutionalit; of a $hane to the Parlia-entar;

    stru$tures in e+isten$e sin$e Confederation $annot rest on -ere assuran$es reardin the deree

    to &hi$h a =arti$ular Pri-e @inister &ill ie &eiht to ele$tion results *he < Canada

    i-=li$itl; re$oniIes that if the a==oint-ent =ro$ess 9e$a-e a -ere ru99er"sta-= a==roal of

    the ele$tion out$o-e' then a de factodire$t ele$tion &ould 9e $reated un$onstitutionall; Aet if

    this is the $ase' the $onstitutionalit; of the leislation &ould de=end on ho& it is 9ein

    i-=le-ented' and this Court &ould hae to retain oersiht oer &hether the a==oint-ent

    =ro$ess > or een indiidual a==oint-ents > hae 9een -ade &ith undue reard to the out$o-e

    of an ele$tion' an untena9le situation103

    122 Further' the < Canada%s relian$e on dis$retion assu-es that the dis$retion &ould or

    $ould 9e e+er$ised in a -anner $ontrar; to the er; =ur=ose of the =ro=osed leislation *he

    de-o$ratiIationG of the Senate &ould not 9e a$hieed in an; -eaninful &a; if the results of

    an ele$tion &ere not then used as the 9asis for re$o--endations for Senate a==oint-ents

    ther&ise' the entire =ro$ess' $ondu$ted at reat e+=ense to the ta+=a;er' &ould 9e futile' and

    the =u9li$ left un$ertain a9out &hether the; &ere or &ere not ele$tin senators

    123 *he < Canada dis-isses the i-=a$t on Senate inde=enden$e $reated throuh an

    ele$toral =ro$ess 9; notin that Senators a==ointed to one non"rene&a9le ter- after an ele$tion

    $ould re-ain inde=endent104 *his suestion inores 9oth the =ra$ti$al i-=a$t on

    inde=enden$e of an ele$tion $a-=ain and the asso$iated $a-=ain su==ort and fundraisin

    that is t;=i$all; inoled t is also in$onsistent &ith the < Canada%s o&n assertion that

    rene&a9le and non"rene&a9le ter-s are on the sa-e $onstitutional footin *he $hoi$e of ho&

    senatorial inde=enden$e is to 9e a$hieed is set out in the Constitution *hat $hoi$e $an 9e

    1028iden$e 9efore the eislatie Co--ittee on #ill C"20' @ar$h 5' 200,' at = 2' Cools uthorities' *a9 17

    103*his is -ade $lear 9; the < Canada%s o&n relian$e on the a==oint-ent of those ele$ted under l9erta%s SenatorialSelection Act(=aras 132"133) f the a==oint-ent ratio of the first ten =eo=le ele$ted under that $t is releant to the$onstitutionalit; of the leislation' as the < Canada $ontends' then the a==oint-ent ratio of the ne+t ten and thefollo&in ten -ust eJuall; 9e releant

    104Fa$tu- of the < Canada' at =ara 134

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    " 3, "

    $haned throuh $onstitutional a-end-ent' 9ut it $annot 9e $haned throuh si-=le

    leislation 9ased on an assertion that inde=enden$e -iht not 9e affe$ted

    124 #ill C"7 &ould also effe$t a $onstitutional $hane 9; leislatiel; -a/in it the sole

    =urie& of the Pri-e @inister to -a/e re$o--endations for Senate a==oint-ent *he offi$e ofPri-e @inister itself has no inde=endent $onstitutional e+isten$e' other than throuh i-=li$it

    referen$e to the #ritish =arlia-entar; for- of oern-ent *he Constitution =roides that

    Senators are su--oned 9; the

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    " 3 "

    127 @r ?an oan%s state-ent hihlihts that the leislatie =ro=osals in the 9ills =arallel in

    $ertain res=e$ts $onstitutional a-end-ents =reiousl; =ro=osed 9ut not ado=ted Dnder the

    @ee$h a/e $$ord' the Constitution &ould hae 9een a-ended to reJuire the Pri-e @inister

    to $hoose senators fro- lists no-inated 9; the =roin$ial oern-ent Dnder the

    Charlotteto&n $$ord' senators &ould hae 9een ele$ted at the =roin$ial leel n 9oth $ases'

    the federal and =roin$ial =arti$i=ants re$oniIed that su$h $hanes &ould reJuire

    $onstitutional a-end-ent ado=ted =ursuant to the a-endin for-ulae laid do&n in 1,210,

    *he =ro=osals =ut for&ard in #ill C"20 and #ill C"7 see/ to a$hiee the sa-e oal' &ithout

    hain to a$hiee the =roin$ial aree-ent that &as =reiousl; re$oniIed as ne$essar; and

    &hi$h' nota9l;' &as ulti-atel; not a$hieed in =ast efforts to refor- the Senate

    12, s 9oth of these =ro=osals $hane the $onstitutional nature of the Senate' neither $an

    $an 9e effe$ted si-=l; 9; leislation under s 1 of the Constitution Act, 1867 Pea$e' order and

    ood oern-ent is not a -andate to aoid the a-endin for-ulae Se$tion 1 also holds no

    =o&er to $reate 9; 9ill a ne& federal ele$toral fran$hise to ele$t the Senate' $ontrar; to the

    $urrent $onstitutional stru$ture Nor $an s 1 9e ino/ed to de=lo; the Chief 8le$toral ffi$er'

    &hose $onstitutional oriins are o&ed solel; to ad-inisterin ouse of Co--ons ele$tions

    under s 41' to i-=le-ent that ne& ele$toral fran$hise' =er s 3 of #ill C"20 8en less does s 1

    ustif; the $reation of a $onditional federal fran$hise de=endent on =roin$ial a$tion' as is

    $onte-=lated in #ill C"7

    $) *he =ro=osed leislation is not ustified 9; s 44 of the Constitution Act, 1982

    12 Finall;' the < Canada -a/es 9rief referen$e to the =ossi9ilit; that Parlia-ent $ould

    ena$t #ill C"20 or #ill C"7 =ursuant to s 44 of the Constitution Act, 198210 *his su9-ission is

    untena9le First' resort to s 44 9; definition re$oniIes that a $onstitutional a-end-ent is

    o$$urin #ut the su9e$t -atter of these 9ills' and thus of the $onstitutional a-end-ent' is the

    -ethod for sele$tin Senators ndeed' #ill C"7 is titledAn Act respectin# the selection of senators

    and amendin# the Constitution Act, 1867 in respect of Senate term limits @r ?an oan si-ilarl;stated in introdu$in #ill C"20 that it relates to the i-=ortant Juestion of ho& to deal &ith ho&

    10, Nota9l;' s 4 of the Charlotteto&n $$ord $alled for a $onstitutional a-end-ent to re$oniIe that Parlia-ent$ould =roide for -atters relatin to the ele$tion of senators (s 23(1))' and the =roin$es $ould =roide for theindirectele$tion of senatorsG (s 23(2))' effe$tiel; &hat is 9ein =ro=osed in the 9ills 9efore this Court Eraft eal*e+t 9ased on the Charlotteto&n $$ord' $t ' 12'

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    " 40 "

    &e sele$t =eo=le to re=resent Canadians in the SenateG110 s s 44 is at the er; least su9e$t to

    s 42' su$h an a-end-ent to the Constitution $annot 9e a$hieed 9; a unilateral federal 9ill

    130 Se$ond' neither 9ill =ur=orts to a-end the Constitution nor indi$ates &hat =art(s) of the

    Constitution &ould 9e a-ended 9; the 9ill111

    n; leislation to a-end Canada%s Constitutionunder s 44 -ust surel; s=e$if; &ithout a-9iuit; &hat as=e$ts of the Constitution are 9ein

    a-ended and ho& Su$h details are i-=ortant to 9oth the $onstitutionalit; of the leislation

    and its =oliti$al and leislatie =osition Referen$e uestions 2 and 3 are s=e$ifi$ to these #ills'

    and this Court should not ans&er other a9stra$t Juestions reardin other leislation that -iht

    =ossi9l; 9e drafted to =ur=ortedl; a-end as=e$ts of the Constitution112




    s stated at the outset' $onstitutions are inherentl; resistant to $hane *he a-endin

    for-ulae in Part ? refle$t this and for- the 9asis for this Court%s o9seration that

    Constitutional a-end-ent often reJuires so-e for- of su9stantial $onsensus =re$isel;

    9e$ause the $ontent of the underl;in =rin$i=les of our Constitution de-and itG 113 eislation

    that see/s short$uts to $onstitutional $hane or refor- is not in /ee=in &ith a =ur=osie

    a==roa$h to $onstitutional inter=retation



    Senator Cools see/s no $osts' and as/s that none 9e a&arded aainst her


    133 *he onoura9le nne C Cools therefore res=e$tfull; as/s that this onoura9le Court

    ans&er Referen$e uestions 1 (all =arts)' 2' 3 and 5 (all =arts) &ith the ans&er NoG' and

    Referen$e uestion 6 &ith the ans&er AesG

    134 Senator Cools further res=e$tfull; reJuests the o==ortunit; to =roide oral su9-issions

    at the hearin of this Referen$e

    1108iden$e 9efore the eislatie Co--ittee on #ill C"20' @ar$h 5' 200,' at = 1' Cools uthorities' *a9 17

    111 See eiden$e of arren Ne&-an to the eislatie Co--ittee on #ill C"20' @ar$h 5' 200,' at == ,"' Coolsuthorities' *a9 17

    112Senate Reference -198+' supra' at == 76"77' Cools uthorities' *a9 31

    113Quebec Secession Reference' supra' at =ara 77' Cools uthorities' *a9 34

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    " 41 "



    f Counsel for the nterener'*he onoura9le nne C Cools

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    " 42 "


    A4 5urisprudence Refe''e& to %t %'%s.

    Beaure#ard "! Canada' O1,6 2 SCR 56 3,' 72

    Bell Canada "! Canadian 5elephone mplo.ees Assn!' 2003 SCC 36' O20031 SCR ,,4


    Cooper "! Canada -uman Ri#hts Commission' O16 3 SCR ,54 71

    arcourt "! >o(163)' 1 Sho& 506' , 8n Re= 720 (#)' aff%d inParlia-ent' Sho& Parl Ca 15,

    74' 75' ,2' 7

    ammond "! $c(a.' O1,6 B No 4' 2, DCR 463 (DCCt8) 74

    5he 4nitiati"e and Referendum Act' (116)' 27 @anR 1' aff%d O11C 35 (BCPC)


    $ac:in "! e3 Bruns3ic: -$inister of >inance? Rice "! e3 Bruns3ic:'2002 SCC 13' O2002 1 SCR 405


    e3foundland and (abrador "! AbitibiBo3ater 4nc!' 2012 SCC 67' O20123 SCR 443


    orth -Rural $unicipalit. "! Canadian 'acific Rail3a. Co!(105)' 35 SCR 550

    ntario .dro "! ntario -(abour Relations Board' O13 3 SCR 327 3,' 40

    ntario 'ublic Ser"ice mplo.ees )nion "! ntario -Attorne. eneral'O1,7 2 SCR 2

    41' 54

    R! "! Bi# $ %ru# $art' O1,5 1 SCR 25 13

    R! "! @app' 200, SCC 41' O200, 2 SCR 4,3

    R! "! ;alente' O1,5 2 SCR 673 7,' ,

    Re0 Authorit. of 'arliament in Relation to the )pper ouse' O1,0 1SCR 54

    3' 32' 35' 36' 3,' 55'62' 66' 67' 72' ,4' 116'

    125' 130

    Reference re0 >isheries Act, 191* -Canada' O12, SCR 457

    Reference re0 $anitoba (an#ua#e Ri#hts1,5 1 SCR 721 3,' 56

    Reference re Secession of Quebec' O1, 2 SCR 217 1' 6' 13' 3,' 57' 111'131

    Reference re Remuneration of &ud#es of the 'ro"incial Court of 'rinced3ard 4sland' O17 3 SCR 3

    34' 3,' 71' 72' ,

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform



    B. Debates and House Proceedings Referred to at paras.

    Journal and Proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Province ofUpper Canada, October 12 and 1, 1!"2


    #inutes of the $uebec and London Conferences, in Pope, J%,

    Confederation& 'eing ( )eries of *itherto Unpublished +ocuents'earing On -he 'ritish .orth (erica (ct, /-oronto& Cars0ell, 1"

    2, 2", 3, 31, 33, 13

    Parliamentary Debates on the Subject of the Confederation of the BritishNorth American Provinces, /$uebec& *unter, ose 5 Co%, 16

    1, , 2!, 3, 32, 6, 66,6!, !2, 13, 14, 112

    Debates of the House of Commons (Hansard), June 14, 1"6 /Prie#inister +iefenba7er


    Debates of the Senate (Hansard), June 21, 1"6 /)en% 8%#% (seltine 3

    9vidence before the Legislative Coittee on 'ill C2, #arch ,2

    12, 126, 12!, 12", 13

    C. Secondary Sources

    'lac7stone, )ir 8illia, Coentaries on the La0s of 9ngland% :n;our 'oo7s, in the ne0 edition b< obert #alcol =err, LL%+%/London, 1!

    6", !", 16

    Chittand the elative +uties and ights of the )ub?ect, /London,'utter0orth and )on& 12


    @*ailtonAs +raft of a Constitution for the United )tatesB, in

    #adison, Jaes, +ebates in the ;ederal Convention of 1!!, ed%*unt, % 5 )cott, J' /.e0 Dor7& OEford Univ% Press, 1"2

    12, 111

    Joitt!s Dictionary of "n#lish $a, Fol% 2, /London& )0eet 5 #aE0ellLtd%, 1""

    !, 16


  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    " 44 "

    C4 Secondary Sources 6cont4) Refe''e& to %t %'%s.

    u$as' CP' ord Eurha-%s Re=ort on the ffairs of #ritish North-eri$a' 8dited &ith an ntrodu$tion' (+ford: Clarendon Press'112)


    ffi$e of the Chief 8le$toral ffi$er of Canada' istor; of the ?otein Canada' 2007


    @a$a;' Ro9ert ' *he Dnrefor-ed Senate of Canada' (*oronto:@$Clelland K Ste&art' 163)


    Re=ort on the ffairs of #ritish North -eri$a' fro- the 8arl ofEurha-' er @aest;%s ih Co--issioner' O4thSess 13thParl 2nd?i$' 1,3

    26' 27' 111

    *odd' l=heus' Parlia-entar;

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform



    A Consolidation of



    1867 to 1982


    Consolidated as of January 1, 2013

    - 45 -

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform




    Section Page


    Preamble 1


    1 Short title 1

    II. UNION 2

    3 Declaration of Union 2

    4 Construction of subsequent Provisions of Act 2

    5 Four Provinces 2

    6 Provinces of Ontario and Quebec 27 Provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick 2

    8 Decennial Census 3


    9 Declaration of Executive Power in the Queen 3

    10 Application of Provisions referring to Governor

    General 3

    11 Constitution of Privy Council for Canada 3

    12 All Powers under Acts to be exercised by Governor

    General with Advice of Privy Council, or alone 3

    13 Application of Provisions referring to Governor

    General in Council 4

    14 Power to Her Majesty to authorize Governor General

    to appoint Deputies 4

    15 Command of Armed Forces to continue to be vested

    in the Queen 4

    16 Seat of Government of Canada 4


    17 Constitution of Parliament of Canada 4

    18 Privileges, etc., of Houses 4

    19 First Session of the Parliament of Canada 5


    21 Number of Senators 5

    22 Representation of Provinces in Senate 6

    23 Qualifications of Senator 7

    24 Summons of Senator 8

    26 Addition of Senators in certain cases 827 Reduction of Senate to normal Number 8

    - 46 -

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    Table of Provisions


    Section Page

    28 Maximum Number of Senators 9

    29 Tenure of Place in Senate 930 Resignation of Place in Senate 9

    31 Disqualification of Senators 9

    32 Summons on Vacancy in Senate 10

    33 Questions as to Qualifications and Vacancies in

    Senate 10

    34 Appointment of Speaker of Senate 10

    35 Quorum of Senate 10

    36 Voting in Senate 10

    THEHOUSEOFCOMMONS 1037 Constitution of House of Commons in Canada 10

    38 Summoning of House of Commons 11

    39 Senators not to sit in House of Commons 11

    40 Electoral districts of the four Provinces 11

    41 Continuance of existing Election Laws until

    Parliament of Canada otherwise provides 12

    44 As to Election of Speaker of House of Commons 13

    45 As to filling up Vacancy in Office of Speaker 13

    46 Speaker to preside 1347 Provision in case of Absence of Speaker 13

    48 Quorum of House of Commons 14

    49 Voting in House of Commons 14

    50 Duration of House of Commons 14

    51 Readjustment of representation in Commons 14

    51A Constitution of House of Commons 17

    52 Increase of Number of House of Commons 17


    53 Appropriation and Tax Bills 1754 Recommendation of Money Votes 17

    55 Royal Assent to Bills, etc. 18

    56 Disallowance by Order in Council of Act assented to

    by Governor General 18

    57 Signification of Queens Pleasure on Bill reserved 18



    58 Appointment of Lieutenant Governors of Provinces 18

    59 Tenure of Office of Lieutenant Governor 18

    60 Salaries of Lieutenant Governors 19

    - 47 -

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    Table of Provisions


    Section Page

    61 Oaths, etc., of Lieutenant Governor 19

    62 Application of Provisions referring to LieutenantGovernor 19

    63 Appointment of Executive Officers for Ontario and

    Quebec 19

    64 Executive Government of Nova Scotia and

    New Brunswick 19

    65 Powers to be exercised by Lieutenant Governor of

    Ontario or Quebec with Advice, or alone 19

    66 Application of Provisions referring to Lieutenant

    Governor in Council 20

    67 Administration in Absence, etc., of Lieutenant

    Governor 20

    68 Seats of Provincial Governments 20


    1. Ontario 20

    69 Legislature for Ontario 20

    70 Electoral districts 21

    2. Quebec 21

    71 Legislature for Quebec 21

    72 Constitution of Legislative Council 21

    73 Qualification of Legislative Councillors 21

    74 Resignation, Disqualification, etc. 21

    75 Vacancies 21

    76 Questions as to Vacancies, etc. 22

    77 Speaker of Legislative Council 22

    78 Quorum of Legislative Council 22

    79 Voting in Legislative Council 22

    80 Constitution of Legislative Assembly of Quebec 22

    3. Ontario and Quebec 22

    82 Summoning of Legislative Assemblies 23

    83 Restriction on election of Holders of offices 23

    84 Continuance of existing Election Laws 23

    85 Duration of Legislative Assemblies 24

    86 Yearly Session of Legislature 24

    87 Speaker, Quorum, etc. 24

    - 48 -

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    Table of Provisions


    Section Page

    4. Nova Scotia and New Brunswick 25

    88 Constitutions of Legislatures of Nova Scotia and

    New Brunswick 25

    5. Ontario, Quebec, and Nova Scotia 25

    6. The Four Provinces 25

    90 Application to Legislatures of Provisions respecting

    Money Votes, etc. 25



    91 Legislative Authority of Parliament of Canada 26


    92 Subjects of exclusive Provincial Legislation 28



    92A Laws respecting non-renewable natural resources,

    forestry resources and electrical energy 29EDUCATION 31

    93 Legislation respecting Education 31

    93A Quebec 32



    94 Legislation for Uniformity of Laws in Three

    Provinces 32


    94A Legislation respecting old age pensions and

    supplementary benefits 32


    95 Concurrent Powers of Legislation respecting

    Agriculture, etc. 32


    96 Appointment of Judges 33

    97 Selection of Judges in Ontario, etc. 3398 Selection of Judges in Quebec 33

    - 49 -

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    Table of Provisions


    Section Page

    99 Tenure of office of Judges 33

    100 Salaries, etc., of Judges 33101 General Court of Appeal, etc. 34


    102 Creation of Consolidated Revenue Fund 34

    103 Expenses of Collection, etc. 34

    104 Interest of Provincial Public Debts 34

    105 Salary of Governor General 34

    106 Appropriation from Time to Time 35

    107 Transfer of Stocks, etc. 35

    108 Transfer of Property in Schedule 35109 Property in Lands, Mines, etc. 35

    110 Assets connected with Provincial Debts 35

    111 Canada to be liable for Provincial Debts 35

    112 Debts of Ontario and Quebec 36

    113 Assets of Ontario and Quebec 36

    114 Debt of Nova Scotia 36

    115 Debt of New Brunswick 36

    116 Payment of interest to Nova Scotia and

    New Brunswick 36117 Provincial Public Property 36

    119 Further Grant to New Brunswick 37

    120 Form of Payments 37

    121 Canadian Manufactures, etc. 37

    122 Continuance of Customs and Excise Laws 37

    123 Exportation and Importation as between Two

    Provinces 37

    124 Lumber Dues in New Brunswick 37

    125 Exemption of Public Lands, etc. 38

    126 Provincial Consolidated Revenue Fund 38


    GENERAL 38

    128 Oath of Allegiance, etc. 38

    129 Continuance of existing Laws, Courts, Officers, etc. 39

    130 Transfer of Officers to Canada 39

    131 Appointment of new Officers 39

    132 Treaty Obligations 39

    133 Use of English and French Languages 40

    - 50 -

  • 7/30/2019 Anne Marie Cools - Senate reform


    Table of Provisions


    Section Page


    134 Appointment of Executive Officers for Ontario and

    Quebec 41

    135 Powers, Duties, etc. of Executive Officers 41

    136 Great Seals 41

    137 Construction of temporary Acts 42

    138 As to Errors in Names 42

    139 As to issue of Proclamations before Union, to

    commence after Union 42

    140 As to issue of Proclamations after Union 42

    141 Penitentiary 42142 Arbitration respecting Debts, etc. 43

    143 Division of Records 43

    144 Constitution of Townships in Quebec 43



    146 Power to admit Newfoundland, etc., into the Union 44

    147 As to Representation of Newfoundland and Prince

    Edward Island in Senate 44THE FIRST SCHEDULE 45