arXiv:1606.06694v2 [cond-mat.str-el] 27 Jul 2016 Anisotropic Non-Fermi Liquids Shouvik Sur 1,and Sung-Sik Lee 1,2 1 Department of Physics & Astronomy, McMaster University, 1280 Main St. W., Hamilton ON L8S 4M1, Canada 2 Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, 31 Caroline St. N., Waterloo ON N2L 2Y5, Canada (Dated: July 28, 2016) We study non-Fermi liquid states that arise at the quantum critical points associated with the spin density wave (SDW) and charge density wave (CDW) transitions in metals with twofold rotational symmetry. We use the dimensional regularization scheme, where a one-dimensional Fermi surface is embedded in 3 - ǫ dimensional momentum space. In three dimensions, quasilocal marginal Fermi liquids arise both at the SDW and CDW critical points : the speed of the collective mode along the ordering wavevector is logarithmically renormalized to zero compared to that of Fermi velocity. Below three dimensions, however, the SDW and CDW critical points exhibit drastically different behaviors. At the SDW critical point, a stable anisotropic non-Fermi liquid state is realized for small ǫ, where not only time but also different spatial coordinates develop distinct anomalous dimensions. The non-Fermi liquid exhibits an emergent algebraic nesting as the patches of Fermi surface are deformed into a universal power-law shape near the hot spots. Due to the anisotropic scaling, the energy of incoherent spin fluctuations disperse with different power laws in different momentum directions. At the CDW critical point, on the other hand, the perturbative expansion breaks down immediately below three dimensions as the interaction renormalizes the speed of charge fluctuations to zero within a finite renormalization group scale through a two-loop effect. The difference originates from the fact that the vertex correction anti-screens the coupling at the SDW critical point whereas it screens at the CDW critical point. * Present address : National High Magnetic Field Laboratory and Department of Physics, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida 32306, USA. CONTENTS I. Introduction 1 II. The Model 3 III. Renormalization Group 5 IV. Spin Density Wave Criticality 8 V. Charge Density Wave Criticality 17 VI. Summary and Discussion 19 VII. Acknowledgment 19 References 19 A. Computation of Feynman diagrams 21 B. Analysis of RG flow at the CDW critical point 26 I. INTRODUCTION Quantum phase transitions commonly arise in a wide range of strongly correlated metals such as high T c cuprates, iron pnictides, and heavy fermion compounds [17]. Proximity of metals to symmetry broken phases creates non-Fermi liquid states near quantum critical points through the coupling be- tween soft particle-hole excitations and the order parameter fluctuations. At the critical point, the low-energy excitations near the Fermi surface strongly damp the order parameter fluc- tuations which, in turn, feed back to the dynamics of low en- ergy fermions [822]. The theoretical challenge is to under- stand the intricate interplay between the electronic degrees of freedom and the critical fluctuations of order parameter. In two space dimensions, the metallic quantum critical points re- main largely ill-understood due to strong coupling between itinerant electrons and the collective modes. In chiral non-Fermi liquids, strong kinematic constraints protect critical exponents from quantum corrections beyond one-loop, even though it is a strongly coupled theory in two space dimensions [23]. However, such non-perturbative con- straints are unavailable for non-chiral systems in general. Therefore, it is of interest to find perturbatively accessible non-Fermi liquids which can be understood in a controlled way. Various deformations of theoretical models have been considered to obtain perturbative control over quantum fluc- tuations. An introduction of a large number of species of fermions fails to weaken the strong quantum fluctuations in the presence of a Fermi surface[2427]. To tame quan- tum fluctuations, one can use a dimensional regularization scheme where the dimension of space is increased with the co-dimension of the Fermi surface fixed to be one [2830]. This scheme has the merit of preserving a non-vanishing den- sity of states at the Fermi surface. However, the increase in the dimension of Fermi surface beyond one results in a loss of emergent locality in the momentum space [31], which is an example of ultraviolet/infrared (UV/IR) mixing[32]. Conse- quently, the size of the Fermi surface enters in the low-energy

Anisotropic Non-Fermi Liquids - arXiv · Anisotropic Non-Fermi Liquids Shouvik Sur1,∗ and Sung-Sik Lee1,2 1Department of Physics & Astronomy, McMaster University, 1280 Main St

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Anisotropic Non-Fermi Liquids

Shouvik Sur1,∗ and Sung-Sik Lee1,2

1Department of Physics& Astronomy, McMaster University,1280 Main St. W., Hamilton ON L8S 4M1, Canada

2Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics,31 Caroline St. N., Waterloo ON N2L 2Y5, Canada

(Dated: July 28, 2016)

We study non-Fermi liquid states that arise at the quantum critical points associated with the spin densitywave (SDW) and charge density wave (CDW) transitions in metals with twofold rotational symmetry. Weuse the dimensional regularization scheme, where a one-dimensional Fermi surface is embedded in3 − ǫ

dimensional momentum space. In three dimensions, quasilocal marginal Fermi liquids arise both at the SDWand CDW critical points : the speed of the collective mode along the ordering wavevector is logarithmicallyrenormalized to zero compared to that of Fermi velocity. Below three dimensions, however, the SDW andCDW critical points exhibit drastically different behaviors. At the SDW critical point, a stable anisotropicnon-Fermi liquid state is realized for smallǫ, where not only time but also different spatial coordinatesdevelopdistinct anomalous dimensions. The non-Fermi liquid exhibits an emergent algebraic nesting as the patchesof Fermi surface are deformed into a universal power-law shape near the hot spots. Due to the anisotropicscaling, the energy of incoherent spin fluctuations disperse with different power laws in different momentumdirections. At the CDW critical point, on the other hand, theperturbative expansion breaks down immediatelybelow three dimensions as the interaction renormalizes thespeed of charge fluctuations to zero within afinite renormalization group scale through a two-loop effect. The difference originates from the fact that thevertex correction anti-screens the coupling at the SDW critical point whereas it screens at the CDW critical point.

∗ Present address : National High Magnetic Field Laboratory and Department of Physics, Florida StateUniversity, Tallahassee, Florida 32306, USA.


I. Introduction 1

II. The Model 3

III. Renormalization Group 5

IV. Spin Density Wave Criticality 8

V. Charge Density Wave Criticality 17

VI. Summary and Discussion 19

VII. Acknowledgment 19

References 19

A. Computation of Feynman diagrams 21

B. Analysis of RG flow at the CDW critical point 26


Quantum phase transitions commonly arise in a wide rangeof strongly correlated metals such as highTc cuprates, ironpnictides, and heavy fermion compounds [1–7]. Proximity ofmetals to symmetry broken phases creates non-Fermi liquidstates near quantum critical points through the coupling be-tween soft particle-hole excitations and the order parameter

fluctuations. At the critical point, the low-energy excitationsnear the Fermi surface strongly damp the order parameter fluc-tuations which, in turn, feed back to the dynamics of low en-ergy fermions [8–22]. The theoretical challenge is to under-stand the intricate interplay between the electronic degrees offreedom and the critical fluctuations of order parameter. Intwo space dimensions, the metallic quantum critical pointsre-main largely ill-understood due to strong coupling betweenitinerant electrons and the collective modes.

In chiral non-Fermi liquids, strong kinematic constraintsprotect critical exponents from quantum corrections beyondone-loop, even though it is a strongly coupled theory in twospace dimensions [23]. However, such non-perturbative con-straints are unavailable for non-chiral systems in general.Therefore, it is of interest to find perturbatively accessiblenon-Fermi liquids which can be understood in a controlledway. Various deformations of theoretical models have beenconsidered to obtain perturbative control over quantum fluc-tuations. An introduction of a large number of species offermions fails to weaken the strong quantum fluctuations inthe presence of a Fermi surface[24–27]. To tame quan-tum fluctuations, one can use a dimensional regularizationscheme where the dimension of space is increased with theco-dimension of the Fermi surface fixed to be one [28–30].This scheme has the merit of preserving a non-vanishing den-sity of states at the Fermi surface. However, the increase inthe dimension of Fermi surface beyond one results in a lossof emergent locality in the momentum space [31], which is anexample of ultraviolet/infrared (UV/IR) mixing[32]. Conse-quently, the size of the Fermi surface enters in the low-energy

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scaling of physical quantities which are insensitive to thesizeof Fermi surface in the original two-dimensional theory. Analternative strategy is to reduce the density of states of thecollective mode [33, 34], or the fermions [35–37]. This isachieved either by modifying the dispersion, or embedding theone-dimensional Fermi surface in a higher dimensional space.In the latter ‘co-dimensional’ regularization scheme, onecanpreserve locality and avoid UV/IR mixing by introducing anodal gap, which leaves behind a one-dimensional Fermi sur-face embedded in generald dimensions [36, 37]. Weakly in-teracting non-Fermi liquids become accessible near the uppercritical dimension, where the deviation from the upper criticaldimension,ǫ, becomes a small parameter.

In a recent work [37], the spin-density wave critical pointwas studied in metals with four-fold rotational (C4) symme-try based on the co-dimensional regularization scheme. Fromone-loop renormalization group (RG) analysis, a non-Fermiliquid state was found at the infrared (IR) fixed point belowthree dimensions. Although interactions are renormalizedtozero at low energies, an emergent nesting of Fermi surface andthe boson velocity that flows to zero in the low energy limitenhance quantum fluctuations. A balance between the vanish-ing coupling and the IR singularity caused by the dynamicallygenerated quasilocality results in a stable non-Fermi liquid forsmallǫ. Here quasilocality is different from a completely dis-persionless spectrum of the collective mode[38, 39]. Instead itrefers to the fact that the velocity of the collective mode mea-sured in the unit of the Fermi velocity flows to zero in the lowenergy limit.

The emergent nesting is a consequence of interaction whichtends to localize particles in certain directions in real space.However, the effect of the interactions is rather limited inthepresence of theC4 symmetry, which constrains thex andycomponents of momentum to scale identically. Because thedeviation from perfect nesting flows to zero only logarithmi-cally in length scale [20, 21, 26, 37, 39], the Fermi surfacenesting becomes noticeable only when the momentum is ex-ponentially close to the hot spots. The situation is differentwhen theC4 symmetry is explicitly or spontaneously brokento two-fold rotational (C2) symmetry [40–48]. If the sys-tem undergoes a continuous density wave transition in metalswith theC2 symmetry [49–53], a new type of non-Fermi canemerge at the quantum critical point. Because different com-ponents of momentum receive different quantum corrections,the system can exhibit a stronger dynamical nesting. In thispaper, we study the scaling properties of the quantum criti-cal points associated with the spin density wave (SDW) andcharge density wave (CDW) transitions in metals with theC2

symmetry (see Fig.1).The paper is organized as follows. In sectionII , we intro-

duce the low energy effective theory that describes the den-sity wave critical points in metals with theC2 symmetry. Wetake advantage of the formal similarities between the SDWand CDW critical points to formulate a unified approach toboth cases. Here we employ the co-dimensional regulariza-tion scheme, where the one-dimensional Fermi surface is em-bedded in3 − ǫ space dimensions. In sectionIII , we outlinethe RG procedure, and derive the general expressions for the

FIG. 1: A schematic phase diagram for a density wavetransition in metals with theC2 symmetry. Here ‘DW’ =density wave, and ‘FL’ = Fermi liquid.T∗ (dashed line) is atemperature scale which separates theC2 symmetric phase atlow temperatures from theC4 symmetric phase at hightemperatures.T∗ is a crossover whenC4 is explicitly broken,whereas it becomes a phase transition line whenC4 isspontaneously broken. Either way, the quantum critical pointfor the density wave transition is described by the sametheory that respects onlyC2 symmetry.TDW (solid line) isthe temperature scale below which the system develops along-range density wave order.ξ−1 (dotted line) is theinverse correlation length of the density wave fluctuationsinthe paramagnetic Fermi liquid. The dome around the criticalpoint represents a potential secondary ordered phase that canappear if the critical point is unstable.

critical exponents and the beta functions. In sectionIV, weshow that a stable non-Fermi liquid fixed point is realized atthe SDW critical point slightly below three dimensions. Inthe low energy limit, not only frequency but also differentmomentum components acquire anomalous dimensions, re-sulting in an anisotropic non-Fermi liquid. We compute thecritical exponents that govern the anisotropy, and other crit-ical exponents to the leading order inǫ. In the low energylimit, the energy of the collective mode disperses with differ-ent powers in different momentum directions. Furthermore,the Fermi surface near the hot spots connected by the SDWvector is deformed to a universal power-law shape. The alge-braic nesting is stronger compared to theC4 symmetric casewhere the Fermi surface is deformed only logarithmically. Itis also shown that a component of the boson velocity, whichflows to zero at the one-loop order, flows to a nonzero valuewhich is order ofǫ1/3 due to a two-loop correction. The non-zero but small velocity enhances higher-loop diagrams. De-spite the enhancement, higher loop corrections are systemat-ically suppressed in the smallǫ limit, and theǫ-expansion iscontrolled. SectionV is devoted to the CDW critical point.Although the system flows to a stable marginal Fermi liquidin three dimensions, it flows out of the perturbative windowin the low energy limit for any nonzeroǫ. In sectionVI , we

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conclude with a summary.


In this section we introduce the minimal model for thequantum critical point associated with the spin and chargedensity wave transitions in metals with theC2 symmetry. Arectangular lattice with anisotropic hoppings in thex and ydirections gives an anisotropic Fermi surface as is shown inFig. 2a. At a generic filling, the Fermi surface is not nested,and weak interactions do not produce density wave instabili-ties. Here we assume that there exists a microscopic Hamil-tonian with a finite strength of interaction that drives a spinor charge density wave transition in theC2 symmetric metal.We consider a commensurate density wave with wave vector~Qord which satisfies2 ~Qord = 0 modulo the reciprocal vec-tors. The specific choice of~Qord and the shape of the Fermisurface is unimportant for the low energy description of thequantum critical point. The order parameter fluctuations are

strongly coupled with electrons near a finite number of hotspots which are connected to each other through the primarywave vector~Qord. The hot spots are represented as (red) dotsin Fig. 2b. In the ordered state, the Fermi surface is recon-structed (see Fig.2c) due to a gap that opens up in the singleparticle excitation spectrum near the hot spots.

We study the universal properties of the critical pointswithin the framework of low energy effective field theory thatis independent of the microscopic details. A spin-fermionmodel is the minimal theory that describes the interaction be-tween the collective mode and the itinerant electrons [20, 21].In the minimal model, we focus on the vicinity of the hot spotsand consider interactions of the electrons near the hot spotswith long wavelength fluctuations of the order parameter. Atlow energies, we can ignore the Fermi surface curvature anduse linearized electronic dispersions around the hot spots. Weemphasize that linearizing the dispersion is not equivalent totaking the one-dimensional limit because the collective modesscatter electrons across the hot spots whose Fermi velocitiesare not parallel to each other. Due to the similarities betweenthe SDW and CDW critical points, we introduce a general ac-tion which is applicable to both cases,

S =










(ik0 +~vl,m · ~k

)ψl,m,j,s(k) +




(2π)3(q20 + c2xq

2x + c2yq


)Tr (Φ(−q)Φ(q))










(2π)3[ψ∗l,+,j,s(k + q) Φs,s′(q) ψl,−,j,s′(k) + h.c.







[u1 Tr (Φ(−q1 + q2)Φ(q1)) Tr (Φ(−q3 − q2)Φ(q3))

+ u2 Tr (Φ(−q1 + q2)Φ(q1)Φ(−q3 − q2)Φ(q3))]. (1)

Hereψl,m,j,s(k) describe electrons with momenta near thehot spots, where(l,m) with l = 1, 2 andm = ± labels thefour hot spots as shown in Fig.2b. j = 1, 2, .., Nf ands =1, 2, .., Nc represent a flavor index and the spin, respectively.TheSU(2) spin is generalized toSU(Nc). The parameterNfis an extra flavor which can arise from degenerate bands withthe SU(Nf) symmetry. ~k is the two-dimensional momen-tum that measures a deviation from the hot spots.~vl,m is theFermi velocity at each hot spot :~v1,+ ≡ (vx, vy) = −~v2,+,~v1,− ≡ (vx,−vy) = −~v2,−. If the ordering wave vector hap-pens to coincide with2 ~KF ( ~KF being a Fermi vector),vxvanishes and one needs to include the local curvature of theFermi surface[54, 55]. In this paper, we consider the genericcase withvx, vy > 0, where the hot spots connected by the or-der vector are not pre-nested. TheNc ×Nc matrix fieldΦ(q)represents the density wave mode of frequencyq0 and mo-mentum~Qord + ~q. The boson field satisfiesΦ†(q) = Φ(−q)

because2 ~Qord = 0 [56]. The matrix field can be written as

Φ(q) =

~φ(q) · ~τ for SDW√2Nc

φ(q) INc for CDW(2)

whereτ (α) is theα-th generator ofSU(Nc) in the fundamen-tal representation, andINc is theNc×Nc identity matrix.τ (α)

andINc represent the spin and charge vertices, respectively.We choose the normalization Tr

(τ (α)τ (β)

)= 2δαβ for the

τ -matrices. ForNc = 2 and3 in the SDW case and for anyNc in the CDW case,u1 andu2 are equivalent, and we can setu2 = 0 without loss of generality. For the CDW critical point,bothNf andNc play the same role, and the physics dependsonly on the total number of electron species,Nf = NcNf .

Some parameters in Eq. (1) can be absorbed into scales of

momentum and fields. We scale(kx, ky) 7→(kxcx,kyvy


(Φ, ψ) 7→ √cxvy(Φ, ψ) to rewrite the action as

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1 +

1 -2 +

2 -

(b) (c)

FIG. 2: (a) Anisotropic Fermi surface in two space dimensions. (b) At the critical point, density wave fluctuations induce strongscatterings between electrons near the hot spots denoted bythe (red) dots. (c) Reconstructed Fermi surface in the ordered phase.

S =










(ik0 + El,m(~k)

)ψl,m,j,s(k) +




(2π)3(q20 + q2x + c2q2y

)Tr (Φ(−q)Φ(q))










(2π)3[ψ∗l,+,j,s(k + q) Φs,s′(q) ψl,−,j,s′(k) + h.c.







[u1;0 Tr (Φ(−q1 + q2)Φ(q1)) Tr (Φ(−q3 − q2)Φ(q3))

+ u2;0 Tr (Φ(−q1 + q2)Φ(q1)Φ(−q3 − q2)Φ(q3))]. (3)

The rescaled dispersions areE1,+(~k) = −E2,+(~k) = vkx +

ky, andE1,−(~k) = −E2,−(~k) = vkx − ky, wherev ≡ vxcx


c ≡ cyvy

represent the relative velocities between electron and

boson in the two directions. The couplings are also rescaled

to g0 ≡ g√cxvy

andui;0 ≡ uicxvy


The (2 + 1)-dimensional theory is now generalized to

a (d + 1)-dimensional theory which describes the one-dimensional Fermi surface embedded in d-dimensionalmomentum space. Following the formalism in Ref.[37], we express Eq. (3) in the basis of spinorsΨ+,j,s(k) = (ψ1,+,j,s(k), ψ2,+,j,s(k))

T andΨ−;j;s(k) =

(ψ1,−;j;s(k), −ψ2,−;j;s(k))T , and add(d − 2) extra co-

dimensions to the Fermi surface,

S =






∫dk Ψn,j,s(k)

(iK · Γ+ iεn(~k) γd−1

)Ψn,j,s(k) +



∫dq(|Q|2 + q2x + c2q2y

)Tr (Φ(−q)Φ(q))

+ ig0√Nf





∫dk dq

[Ψ+,j,s(k + q) γd−1 Φs,s′(q) Ψ−,j,s′(k)− h.c.





[u1;0 Tr (Φ(−q1 + q2)Φ(q1)) Tr (Φ(−q3 − q2)Φ(q3)) + u2;0 Tr (Φ(−q1 + q2)Φ(q1)Φ(−q3 − q2)Φ(q3))



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wherek ≡ (K, ~k) and dk ≡ dd+1k

(2π)d+1. The two dimen-

sional vectors on the plane of the Fermi surface are denoted as~k = (kx, ky), whileK = (k0, k1, . . . , kd−2) denotes(d − 1)dimensional vectors withk1, . . . , kd−2 being the newly addedco-dimensions. We collect the first(d − 1) γ-matrices inΓ = (γ0, γ1, . . . , γd−2). The conjugate spinor is defined byΨn,j,s = Ψ†

n,j,sγ0. The dispersions of the spinors along the~k direction are inherited from the two dimensional dispersion,ε±(~k) = vkx ± ky. It is easy to check that we recover Eq. (3)in d = 2 with γ0 = σy andγ1 = σx, whereσi are Pauli ma-trices. The theory in general dimensions interpolate betweenthe two-dimensional metal and a semi-metal with a line nodein three dimensions [57, 58]. The action is invariant underU(1) × SU(Nc) × SU(Nf ), which are associated with theparticle number, spin and flavor conservations, respectively.The theory is also invariant under time reversal, inversion, andSO(d− 1) rotations inK.

The engineering scaling dimensions of the(d + 1)-momentum, the fields and the couplings are

[K] = 1, [kx] = 1, [ky ] = 1,

[Ψn,j,s] = −1

2(d+ 2), [Φ] = −1

2(d+ 3), [v] = 0

[c] = 0, [g0] =1

2(3− d), and [u0] = 3− d. (5)

Classically, frequency and all momentum components havethe same scaling dimension. The upper critical dimension isd = 3 at which all the couplings in the theory are dimension-less at the Gaussian fixed point. We apply the field theoreticRG based on a perturbative expansion inǫ ≡ 3− d.


In this section we outline our RG scheme, and derive thegeneral expressions for the beta functions and the criticalex-ponents. The readers who wish to skip the details can jump toEqs. (17) - (27) which are the main results of this section.

Starting with the action in Eq. (4), we define dimensionlesscouplings

g = µ−(3−d)/2 g0, ui = µ−(3−d) ui;0, (6)

whereµ is a scale at which the renormalized couplings are tobe defined. From the action in Eq. (4), the quantum effectiveaction is computed perturbatively in the couplings. The loga-rithmic divergences that arise at the upper critical dimensionmanifest themselves as poles inǫ. Requiring the renormalizedquantum effective action to be analytic inǫ, we add counterterms of the form,







∫dk Ψn,j,s(k) (iA1K · Γ+ i(A2vkx + nA3ky) γd−1) Ψn,j,s(k)



∫dq(A4|Q|2 +A5q

2x +A6c


Tr (Φ(−q)Φ(q))

+A7µ(3−d)/2 ig√






∫dk dq

[Ψ+,j,s(k + q) γd−1 Φs,s′(q) Ψ−,j,s′(k)− h.c.




∫dq1 dq2 dq3

[A8u1 Tr (Φ(−q1 + q2)Φ(q1)) Tr (Φ(−q3 − q2)Φ(q3))

+A9u2 Tr (Φ(−q1 + q2)Φ(q1)Φ(−q3 − q2)Φ(q3))], (7)

with Ai ≡ Ai(v, c, g, u, ǫ) =∑∞

m=1 Zi,m(v, c, g, u) ǫ−m.The counter terms are chosen to cancel the poles inǫ based onthe minimal subtraction scheme. Due to the lack of full rota-tional symmetry in the(K, ~k)-space and theC4 symmetry inthe (kx, ky)-plane, the kinetic terms are renormalized differ-

ently in theK, kx, andky directions, respectively. Therefore,K, kx andky can have different quantum scaling dimensions.The sum of the original action and the counter terms gives thebare action,

SB =






∫dkB ΨB;n,j,s(kB) (iKB · Γ+ i(vBkB;x + nkB;y) γd−1)ΨB;n,j,s(kB)

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(|QB|2 + q2B;x + c2Bq


)Tr (ΦB(−qB)ΦB(qB))

+ igB√Nf





∫dkB dqB

[ΨB;+,j,s(kB + qB) γd−1 ΦB;s,s′(qB) ΨB;−,j,s′(kB)− h.c.




∫dq1;B dq2;B dq3;B

[u1;B Tr (ΦB(−q1;B + q2;B)ΦB(q1;B)) Tr (ΦB(−q3;B − q2;B)ΦB(q3;B))

+ u2;B Tr (ΦB(−q1;B + q2;B)ΦB(q1;B)ΦB(−q3;B − q2;B)ΦB(q3;B))]. (8)

Here the bare quantities are related to their renormalized coun-terparts through the multiplicative factors,

K = Z−1τ KB, kx = Z−1

x kB;x,

ky = kB;y, Ψn,j,s = Z− 12

ψ ΨB;n,j,s,

Φ = Z− 12

φ ΦB, v =Z2x Zd−1

τ ZψZ2

vB ,

c =

[Zx Zφ Zd−1τ


] 12


g = µ−(3−d)/2Z2x Z2(d−1)

τ Zψ Z12



u1 = µ−(3−d)Z3x Z3(d−1)

τ Z2φ


u2 = µ−(3−d)Z3x Z3(d−1)

τ Z2φ

Z9u2;B, (9)


Zτ =Z1

Z3, Zx = Zτ




Zψ =Z3

Zx Z(d−1)τ

, Zφ =Z4

Zx Z(d+1)τ

, (10)

with Zi ≡ 1 + Ai(v, c, g, u, ǫ). Here we made the choiceky = kB;y, which fixes the scaling dimension ofky to be1. This choice can be always made, even at the quantumlevel, because one can measure scaling dimensions of otherquantities with respect to that ofky. Zτ andZx encode theanisotropic quantum corrections, which lead to anomalous di-mensions forK andkx.

The renormalization group equation is obtained by requir-ing that the bare Green’s function is invariant under the changeof the scaleµ at which the renormalized vertex functions aredefined. The renormalized Green’s function,

〈Φ(q1) . . .Φ(qb)Ψ(k1) . . .Ψ(kf )Ψ(kf+1) . . . Ψ(k2f )〉≡ G(2f,b)(qi, kj ; v, c, g, u;µ)

× δ(d+1)



qi +



(kj − kf+j)

, (11)

obeys the renormalization group equation,

[zτ(Kj · ∇Kj

+Qi · ∇Qi

)+ zx

(kj;x∂kj;x + qi;x∂qi;x

)+(kj;y∂kj;y + qi;y∂qi;y


− βv∂

∂v− βc

∂c− βg

∂g− βu1

∂u1− βu2


+ 2f

(d+ 2

2− ηψ

)+ b

(d+ 3

2− ηφ

)− (zτ (d− 1) + zx + 1)

]G(2f,b)(qi, kj ; v, c, g, u;µ) = 0. (12)

Herezτ andzx are the quantum scaling dimensions forK andkx given by

zτ = 1 +∂ lnZτ∂ lnµ

, zx = 1 +∂ lnZx∂ lnµ

, (13)

andηψ andηφ are the anomalous dimensions of the fields,

ηψ =1


∂ lnZψ∂ lnµ

, ηφ =1


∂ lnZφ∂ lnµ

. (14)

The beta functions, which describe the change of couplings

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with an increasing energy scale, are defined as

βv =∂v

∂ lnµ, βc =


∂ lnµ,

βg =∂g

∂ lnµ, βui =

∂ui∂ lnµ

. (15)

We use the relationship between the bare and renormalizedquantities defined in Eq. (9) to obtain a set of coupled differ-ential equations,


[d(zτ − 1) + (zx − 1) + 2ηψ

]− ∂Z1

∂ lnµ= 0,


[βv − v {(d− 1)(zτ − 1) + 2(zx − 1) + 2ηψ}


+ v∂Z2

∂ lnµ= 0,


[(d− 1)(zτ − 1) + (zx − 1) + 2ηψ

]− ∂Z3

∂ lnµ= 0,


[(d+ 1)(zτ − 1) + (zx − 1) + 2ηφ

]− ∂Z4

∂ lnµ= 0,


[(d− 1)(zτ − 1) + 3(zx − 1) + 2ηφ

]− ∂Z5

∂ lnµ= 0,


[2βc − c {(d− 1)(zτ − 1) + (zx − 1) + 2ηφ}


+ c∂Z6

∂ lnµ= 0,


[βg − g

{−3− d

2+ 2(d− 1)(zτ − 1) + 2(zx − 1)

+ 2ηψ + ηφ

}]+ g


∂ lnµ= 0,


[βu1 − u1

{−(3− d) + 3(d− 1)(zτ − 1) + 3(zx − 1)

+ 4ηφ

}]+ u1


∂ lnµ= 0,


[βu2 − u2

{−(3− d) + 3(d− 1)(zτ − 1) + 3(zx − 1)

+ 4ηφ

}]+ u2


∂ lnµ= 0, (16)

which are solved to obtain the expressions for the critical ex-ponents and the beta functions,

zτ =

[1 +


2g∂g +



)(Z1,1 − Z3,1)


, (17)

zx = 1− 1



2g∂g +



)(2Z1,1 − 2Z3,1 − Z4,1 + Z5,1), (18)

ηψ =ǫ

2(zτ − 1)− 1


[2(zτ − 1) + (zx − 1) + zτ


2g∂g +




], (19)

ηφ =ǫ

2(zτ − 1)− 1


[4(zτ − 1) + (zx − 1) + zτ


2g∂g +




], (20)

∂ℓv =1



2g∂g +



)(2Z1,1 − 2Z2,1 − Z4,1 + Z5,1), (21)

∂ℓc = −1

2zτ c


2g∂g +



)(2Z1,1 − 2Z3,1 − Z4,1 + Z6,1), (22)

∂ℓg =1




2g∂g +



)(2Z1,1 + 2Z3,1 + Z4,1 + Z5,1 − 4Z7,1)

], (23)

∂ℓu1 =1




2g∂g +



)(2Z1,1 − 2Z3,1 − 3Z4,1 − Z5,1 + 2Z8,1)

], (24)

∂ℓu2 =1




2g∂g +



)(2Z1,1 − 2Z3,1 − 3Z4,1 − Z5,1 + 2Z9,1)

], (25)

where we introduced the IR beta function,∂ℓλ = −βλ whichdescribes the RG flow with an increase of the logarithmic


In the absence of the Yukawa coupling, every quartic cou-

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pling ui is accompanied by1/c in the perturbative series.This reflects the IR singularity for the flat bosonic band in thec → 0 limit. Since the actual perturbative expansion is orga-

nized in terms ofui/c, it is convenient to introduceχi = ui/c.The beta functions forχi can be readily obtained from thoseof ui andc,

∂ℓχ1 =1




2g∂g +



)(2Z4,1 + Z5,1 + Z6,1 − 2Z8,1)

], (26)

∂ℓχ2 =1




2g∂g +



)(2Z4,1 + Z5,1 + Z6,1 − 2Z9,1)

]. (27)


(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e)

FIG. 3: The one-loop Feynman diagrams. The solid (wiggly)line represents the electron (boson) propagator.

We have introduced the minimal theories for the SDW andCDW critical points. Despite the similarities between the twotheories, the behaviors of the two are quite different. The dif-ference originates from the non-abelian and abelian natureofthe Yukawa vertex in Eq. (2) for the SDW and CDW theories,respectively. In this section, we will focus on the SDW case,and return to the CDW case in sectionV.

A. One Loop

In this subsection we present the one-loop analysis for theSDW critical point. From the one-loop diagrams shown inFig. 3, we obtain the following counter terms (see AppendixA for details of the calculation),

Z1,1 = − (N2c − 1)

4π2NcNfg2 h1(v, c),

Z2,1 =(N2

c − 1)

4π2NcNfg2 h2(v, c)

Z3,1 = − (N2c − 1)

4π2NcNfg2 h2(v, c)

Z4,1 = − 1



Z5,1, Z6,1 = 0,

Z7,1 = − 1

8π3NcNfg2 v h3(v, c),

Z8,1 =N2c + 7

2π2χ1 +

2N2c − 3

π2Ncχ2 +

3(N2c + 3)





Z9,1 =6

π2χ1 +

2(N2c − 9)

2π2Ncχ2 , (28)


h1(v, c) =

∫ 1



√1− x

c2 + x(1 − (1− v2)c2),

h2(v, c) = c2∫ 1



√1− x

[c2 + x(1 − (1− v2)c2)]3 .

h3(v, c) =

∫ 2π


∫ 1



∫ 1−x1




ζ(θ, x1, x2, v, c)

− v2 sin(2θ)

ζ2(θ, x1, x2, v, c)



ζ(θ, x1, x2, v, c) = 2v2[x1 sin2(θ) + x2 cos


+ (1− x1 − x2)[sin2

(θ +



)+ c2v2 cos2

(θ +





From Eqs. (17) - (27), and Eq. (28), we obtain the one-loopbeta functions for the SDW critical point,

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∂ℓv =zτ g



[1− 4(N2

c − 1)

πNcNfv (h1(v, c) + h2(v, c))

], (31)

∂ℓc = −zτg2c


[1− 4(N2

c − 1)

πNcNfv (h1(v, c) − h2(v, c))

], (32)

∂ℓg = zτ g

2− g2


(1 +

4(N2c − 1)

πNcNfv (h1(v, c) + h2(v, c))

)+g2v h3(v, c)


], (33)

∂ℓχ1 = zτ χ1

[(ǫ− g2


)−(N2c + 7

2π2χ1 +

2N2c − 3

π2Ncχ2 +

3(N2c + 3)




)], (34)

∂ℓχ2 = zτ χ2

[(ǫ− g2




π2χ1 +

N2c − 9


)]. (35)

FIG. 4: For any momentum~q = (qx, qy) on the xy-plane, onecan always find particle-hole pairs with zero energy acrosstwo patches of Fermi surface near hot spots. Since thefermionic dispersion is linear, the spectrum of particle-holepair is independent of~q.

Now we explain the physical origin of each term in the betafunctions based on the results obtained in AppendixA. Theboson self energy in Fig.3b is proportional to|Q|2 and inde-pendent of~q = (qx, qy). This is because a boson with any~qcan be absorbed by a particle-hole pair on the Fermi surface(see Fig.4), and the energy spectrum of particle-hole excita-tions is independent of~q. VanishingZ5,1 andZ6,1 at the one-loop order, along with the negative sign ofZ4,1 (the counterterm and the quantum correction generated by integrating outhigh energy modes in the Wilsonian RG have opposite signs),leads to a weakened dependence of the dressed boson prop-agator onqx, qy relative to that ofQ. As a result,cx andcyare renormalized to smaller values. Becausev = vx/cx andc = cy/vy, as defined in Eqs. (1) and (3), the suppression ofcx andcy enhancesv and suppressesc. This is shown in thefirst terms on the right hand side of Eqs. (31) and (32). TheK dependent term (Z1,1) in the fermion self energy in Fig.3asimilarly reducesvx andvy. This reducesv and enhancec asis shown in the second terms (∝ h1) on the right hand sideof Eqs. (31) and (32). Fig. 3aalso directly renormalizes theFermi velocity throughZ2,1, Z3,1. The spin fluctuations mixelectrons from different hot spots. This reduces the angle be-tween the Fermi velocities at the hot spots connected by~Qord,




0 0.1 0.2 0.3




1 00.2









FIG. 5: Projection of the RG flow in the space of(g, v, c) forNc = 2,Nf = 1 andǫ = 0.01. The arrows point towardsdecreasing energy. An IR fixed point given by Eq. (43) existson the(g, v) plane withc = 0. (Inset) Projection of the RGflow in the(χ1 , c) plane.c (χ1) flows to zero logarithmically(algebraically).

thereby improving the nesting between the hot spots. Asvxandvy are renormalized to smaller and larger values respec-tively, v andc are suppressed. This is embodied in the thirdterms (∝ h2) in the expressions for∂ℓv and∂ℓc.

The beta function for the Yukawa vertex includes two dif-ferent contributions. The second (∝ 1), third (∝ h1) andfourth (∝ h2) terms on the right hand side of Eq. (33) are thecontributions from the boson and fermion self energies whichalter the scaling dimensions of spacetime and the fields. Thecontributions from the self-energies weaken the interaction atlow energies because the virtual excitations in Figs.3a, 3bscreens the interaction. This is reflected in the negative con-tributions to the beta function. The last term (∝ h3) in Eq.(33) is the vertex correction (Z7,1) shown in Fig.3c. Unlikethe contributions from the self-energies, the vertex correctionanti-screens the interaction, which tends to make the interac-

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tion stronger. The anti-screening is attributed to the factthatthe SDW vertices anti-commute on average in the sense,



τaτbτa = − 2

Ncτb. (36)

This is analogous to the anti-screening effect which results inthe asymptotic freedom in non-abelian gauge theories. Theanti-screening effect also has a significant impact at the two-loop order as will be discussed in Sec.IV B.

The beta functions forχi can be understood similarly. Thesecond terms in the Eqs. (34) and (35) are the contributionsfrom the boson self-energy. Rest of the terms in these equa-tions are the standard vertex corrections (Z8,1,Z9,1) from Fig.

3d. We note that Fig.3edoes not contribute to the beta func-tions, because it is UV finite atd = 3 [37].

In Fig. 5 we plot the one-loop RG flow of the four param-eters,(g, v, c, χ1 = u1/c) for Nc = 2 andNf = 1. Here wesetu2 = 0. The RG flow shows the presence of a stable IRfixed point with vanishingc andχ1 . In order to find the ana-lytic expression of the couplings at the fixed point for generalNc andNf , we expandhi(v, c) to the linear order inc withv ∼ 1,

h1(v, c) =π

2− 2c+O

(c2), h2(v, c) = 2c+O


h3(v, c) =2π2

v(1 + v)− 4π


(c2). (37)

In the smallc limit, the beta functions become

∂ℓv =zτ16π

g2[1− 2(N2

c − 1)


], (38)

∂ℓc = − zτ16π



[(1− 2(N2

c − 1)



16(N2c − 1)

πNcNfv c

], (39)

∂ℓg =1

2zτ g

[ǫ− g2


{1 +

2(N2c − 1)

NcNfv − 8v

NcNf (1 + v)

}], (40)

∂ℓχ1 = zτ χ1

[(ǫ− g2


)−(N2c + 7

2π2χ1 +

2N2c − 3

π2Ncχ2 +

3(N2c + 3)




)], (41)

∂ℓχ2 = zτ χ2

[(ǫ− g2




π2χ1 +

N2c − 9


)]. (42)

Although the anti-screening vertex correction (the last term inEq. (40)) tends to enhance the coupling, the screening fromthe self-energies is dominant for anyNc ≥ 2. As a result,g isstabilized at a finite value below three dimensions. The stableone-loop fixed point is given by

v∗ =NcNf

2(N2c − 1)


g2∗ =4πNcNf(N2

c − 1)ℵ(Nc, Nf) ǫ,

c∗ = 0,

χ1∗ = χ2∗ = 0, (43)


ℵ(Nc, Nf) =2(N2

c − 1) +NcNf2(N2

c − 3) +NcNf. (44)

At the one-loop order, the dynamical critical exponentzτ =

1 +ℵ(Nc,Nf )

2 ǫ becomes greater than one, whilezx retains itsclassical value. However,zx deviates from one at the two-looporder as will be shown later. It is remarkable that the quantumscaling dimensions of the quartic vertices

(ǫ− g2/8πv


come negative at the fixed point, resulting in their irrelevanceeven below three dimensions. This is due to the fact that theeffective spacetime dimension,deff = (2− ǫ)zτ + zx + 1, atthe one-loop fixed point is greater thand = 4 − ǫ of the clas-sical theory. In this sense the upper critical dimension forthequartic vertices is pushed down below3− ǫ at the interactingfixed point [10, 11].

We note that Eq. (43) is the fixed point of the full betafunctions in Eqs. (31) - (35), because the truncation of higherorder terms in Eq. (37) becomes exact in the smallc limit. Be-sides the Gaussian and stable non-Fermi liquid fixed points,there exist two unstable interacting fixed points as listed inTable I. At the fixed point II, the fermions are decoupledfrom the bosons, and the dynamics of the boson is controlledby the Wilson-Fisher fixed point. Hereg andχ2 are rele-vant perturbations. The other fixed point (III) is realized at

(χ1 , χ2) =(− 2π2(ℵ(Nc,Nf )−1)

N2c+7 ǫ, 0

)with the same values of

g, c, v as in Eq. (43). A deviation ofχ1 from III is the relevantperturbation, which takes the flow either towards the stablefixed point (IV) at the origin of(χ1, χ2)-plane, or towardsstrong coupling whereχ1 becomes large and negative. Thefull RG flow in the(χ1, χ2)-plane at fixedg andv is shown inFig. 6.

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# χ1 χ2 g Relevant deformation State

I 0 0 0 g, χ1 , χ2 Free fermion and boson


N2c + 7

0 0 g, χ2 Free fermion + Wilson-Fisher

III −2π2(ℵ(Nc, Nf )− 1)ǫ

N2c + 7

0 g∗ χ1 Unstable non-Fermi liquid

IV 0 0 g∗ None Stable non-Fermi liquid

TABLE I: The four fixed points in the three dimensional space of couplings.g∗ is defined in Eq. (43). The penultimate columnlists the couplings that need to be tuned to reach the fixed point (besides the mass that has been tuned to reach the criticalpoint).

We now focus on the stable fixed point (IV), which is re-alized at the critical point without further fine tuning. At thefixed point the electron and boson propagators satisfy the scal-ing forms,

Gl,m(k) =1






), (45)

D(q) =1


qx|qy |zx



). (46)

The anomalous dimensions that dictate the scaling of the two-point functions are deduced from Eq. (12), and they are givenby combinations ofηψ, ηφ, zτ andzx.

ηψ =2zτ + zx − 3

2+ ηψ,

ηφ =2zτ + zx − 3

2+ ηφ. (47)

At the one-loop order,ηψ = 0 and ηφ = 0. Gl,m(x, y) andD(x, y) are universal functions of the dimensionless ratiosof momentum and frequency. Due to the non-trivial dynam-ical critical exponent, the single-particle excitations are notwell-defined, and the electrons near the hot spots become non-Fermi liquid below three dimensions. Since at one-loop orderthe critical exponents are solely determined by the Yukawacoupling and the velocities, the unstable fixed point III is alsoa non-Fermi liquid.

The velocityc which measures the boson velocity along thedirection of the ordering vector with respect to the Fermi ve-locity flows to zero logarithmically. The vanishing velocityleads to enhanced fluctuations of the collective mode at lowenergies, which can make higher-loop corrections bigger thannaively expected. This can, in principle, pose a serious threatto a controlled expansion. In order to see whether the per-turbative expansion is controlled beyond one-loop, one firstneeds to understand how higher-loop corrections change theflow of c. In the following two sub-sections, we show thatcflows to a non-zero value which is order ofǫ1/3 due to a two-loop correction, and the perturbative expansion is controlled.

B. Beyond One Loop

1. Estimation of general diagrams

The vanishing boson velocity at the one-loop fixed pointcan enhance higher order diagrams which are nominally sup-pressed by the small couplingg2 ∼ ǫ. A L-loop diagram withVg Yukawa vertices andVu quartic vertices takes the form of

F (pi; v, c, g, χ; ǫ, Vg, Vu, L) ∝ gVgχVucVu

×∫ [ L∏



] If∏



Γ ·Kl + γd−1 [vkl,x + nlkl,y]





|Qm|2 + q2m,x + c2q2m,y

). (48)

Herepi (p′i) are external (internal) momenta, andki andqi arelinear combinations ofpi andp′i. χ represents eitherχ1 orχ2 , whose difference is not important for the current purpose.If andIb are the numbers of the internal electron and bosonpropagators, respectively.nl is either+ or − depending onthe hot spot index carried by thel-th electron propagator.

Whenc is zero, some loop integrations can diverge as thedependence onqy drops out in the boson propagator. Thishappens in thebosonic loops, which are solely made of bosonpropagators. For example,y-component of the internal mo-mentum in Fig. 3d is unbounded atc = 0. For a small butnonzeroc, the UV divergence is cut-off at a scale proportionalto 1/c. As a result, the diagram is enhanced by1/c. This iswhyZ8,1 andZ9,1 in Eq. (28) is order ofχ notχc.

Such enhancement can also arise if bosonic loops areformed out of dressed vertices and dressed propagators. Letusfirst consider the case with dressed vertices. Superficially, thediagram in Fig.7 does not have any boson loop. However, thefermion loop can be regarded as a quartic boson vertex whichis a part of a bosonic loop. Since the quartic vertex is dimen-sionless at the tree-level in3 dimensions, it is not suppressedat large momentum. Therefore, the diagram can exhibit an en-hancement of1/c2 as the boson propagators lose dispersion inthe smallc limit.

Similarly, boson loops made of dressed boson propagatorscan exhibit enhancements. However, the situation is a bit more

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FIG. 6: RG Flow in theχ1 − χ2 plane withNc = 4, Nf = 1,andǫ = 0.2. (a) In the subspace ofg = 0, there are twounstable fixed points atχ1 = 0 andχ1 ∼ ǫ with χ2 = 0. Theformer is the Gaussian fixed point, while the latter is theWilson-Fisher fixed point. (b) In the subspace ofg = g∗ andv = v∗, there exist an unstable non-Fermi liquid atχ1 ∼ −ǫ,and a stable non-Fermi liquid atχ1 = 0 with χ2 = 0. Thearrows in both plots point towards increasing length scale,and the (red) dots indicate the fixed points.

FIG. 7: A three-loop diagram which can be enhanced by upto1/c2. This diagram does not include any loop that is solelymade of boson propagators. Nonetheless, this can exhibit anenhancement in powers of1/c as the fermionic loop playsthe role of a bosonic quartic vertex (represented by shadedcircles), which is not suppressed at large momentum.

(a) (b)

FIG. 8: Examples of (amputated) boson self-energy whichcan potentially diverge with order of1 coefficient in the largeqy limit.

(a) (b)

FIG. 9: Examples of (amputated) boson self-energy diagramswhose dependences onqy are suppressed byc. This can beseen from that fact that the external momentum can bedirected to go through only boson propagators which areindependent ofy-momentum in the smallc limit.Consequently, the self-energy depends onqy only throughcqy.

complicated in this case. Since boson self-energy has scalingdimension2, it can diverge quadratically in the momentumthat flows through the self-energy. Therefore, there can be anadditional enhancement of1/c2 in the smallc limit becausethe typicaly-component of internal momentum is order of1/cin the boson loops. In order to account for the additional en-hancements from the boson self-energy more precisely, it isconvenient to divide diagrams for boson self-energy into twogroups. The first group includes those diagrams which divergein the largeqy limit with order of 1 coefficient asc goes tozero. Potentially, the diagrams in Fig.8 have un-suppresseddependence onqy because the external momentum must gothrough at least one fermion propagator whose dispersion isnot suppressed in the smallc limit. Each boson self-energy ofthe first kind in bosonic loops contributes a factor of atmost1/c2. The second group includes those diagrams that are ei-ther independent ofqy for any c, or become independent ofqy asc goes to zero. For example, the one-loop self-energyin Fig. 3b is independent ofqy. The diagrams in Fig.9 de-pend onqy through the combinationcqy because the externalmomentum can be directed to go through only boson propa-gators which are independent ofy-momentum in the smallclimit. Therefore, the self-energies in the second group do notcontribute an additional enhancement of1/c.

Owing to the aforementioned reasons a general diagram canbe enhancedat mostby a factor ofc−Lb−2NΠ , whereLb isthe number of loops solely made of bosonic propagators oncefermion loops are replaced by the corresponding effectiveφ2n

vertices, andNΠ is the total number of boson self-energy of

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(a) (b)

(c) (d)


FIG. 10: The diagrams for the two-loop boson self energy.The small circles in (c) and (d) denote the one-loop counterterms.

the first kind in bosonic loops. Therefore, we estimate the up-per bound for the magnitude of general higher-loop diagramsto be

F (pi; v, c, g, χ; ǫ, Vg, Vu, L, Lb, NΠ)




)Vg/2χVu c(E−2)/2+(L−Lb−2NΠ) f(pi; v, c; ǫ, L),


where we have used the relationL = (Vg + 2Vu + 2− E)/2with E being the number of external legs. The functionf(pi; v, c; ǫ, L) is regular in the smallc limit. We emphasizethat Eq. (49) is an upper bound in the smallc limit. The actualmagnitudes may well be smaller by positive powers ofc. Forexample, Fig.10ais nominally order ofg4/c in the smallclimit according to Eq. (49). However, an explicit computationshows that it is order ofg4. Currently, we do not have a fullexpression for the actual magnitudes of general diagrams inthe smallc limit. Our strategy here is to use the upper bound,which is sufficient to show that the perturbative expansion iscontrolled.

2. Two-loop correction

The ratiog2/c which diverges at the one-loop fixed pointmay spoil the control of the perturbative expansion. However,such a conclusion is premature because higher-loop diagramsthat are divergent at the one-loop fixed point can feed back tothe flow ofc and stabilize it at a nonzero value. As long ascis not too small, higher-loop diagrams can be still suppressed.In order to include the leading quantum correction toc, wefirst focus on the two-loop diagrams for the boson self-energyshown in Fig.10.

An explicit calculation in AppendixA 2 shows that onlyFig. 10arenormalizesc in the limit c → 0. Other two-loopdiagrams are suppressed by additional factors ofc, g, or χicompared to Figs.10a. Because stabilization ofc at a non-






1 00.2











0 0.1 0.2 0.3

FIG. 11: Projection of the RG flow in the(g, v, c) space forNc = 2,Nf = 1 andǫ = 0.01. The fixed point in Fig.5 ismodified by the two-loop correction (Fig.10a) such thatcflows to a non-zero value as shown in Eq. (57). (Inset)Projection of the RG flow in the(χ1 , c) plane. Althoughχ1still flows to zero,c does not.

zero value can occur only through two or higher loop effect,the non-zero value ofc must be order ofǫb with b > 0. Thetwo-loop diagram in Fig.10ais proportional tog4q2y, whichis strictly smaller than the upper bound in Eq. (49) by a factorof c. Its contribution toZ6,1 is given by

Z6,1 = − 8



v2c2(h6(v) +O (c)) , (50)

whereh6(v) is defined in Eq. (A35). The extra factor of1/c2

in Eq. (50) originates from the fact thatZ6,1 is the multiplica-tive renormalization to the boson kinetic term,c2q2y. Sincethe quantum correction from the two-loop diagram does notvanish in the smallc limit, it is relatively large compared tothe vanishingly small classical actionc2q2y . Because Fig.10agenerates a positive kinetic term at low energy, it stabilizesc ata nonzero value. The non-commuting nature of the SDW ver-tex in Eq. (36) is crucial for the stabilization ofc. Without theanti-screening effect, Eq. (50) would come with the oppositesign, andc would flow to zero even faster by the two-loop ef-fect. As we will see, the two-loop diagram indeed suppressesc in the CDW case, where there is no anti-screening effect.

The RG flow which includes the two-loop effect is shownin Fig. 11 for Nc = 2 andNf = 1. c flows to a small butnon-zero value in the low energy limit, while the other threeparameters flow to values that are similar to those obtainedat the one-loop order.g/c becomes order ofǫ1/6 at the fixedpoint as is shown in Fig.12. To find the fixed point for generalNc andNf analytically, we analyze the beta functions in theregion wherev ∼ 1 and0 < c ≪ 1. The beta functions canbe written as an expansion ing/c, χi andc,

∂ℓλ = λ



J(λ)l,m,n(v, ǫ)



cn−1, (51)

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-4 -3 -2 -1

FIG. 12: The ratiog/c as a function ofǫ obtained from thenumerical solution of the full beta functions in the lowenergy limit forNf = 1 andNc = 2. The filled circles arefrom the numerical solution of the beta functions, and thestraight line is a fit,g/c = 6.7 ǫ1/6.

whereλ represents a velocity or a coupling, andJ (λ)l,m,n(v, ǫ)

are functions ofv andǫ. From general considerations someJ(λ)l,m,n(v, ǫ) can be shown to be zero [59]. ToO

((g/c)4 c2, χ


in the smallg/c, χ, c limit, the beta functions are given by

∂ℓv =zτ16π



v− 2(N2

c − 1)

NcNfg2], (52)

∂ℓc = − zτ16π



[(1− 2(N2

c − 1)



16(N2c − 1)v


(c− 8π2

(N2c − 1)

g2 h6(v)


)], (53)

∂ℓg =1

2zτ g

[ǫ− g2


{1 +

2(N2c − 1)

NcNfv − 8v

NcNf(1 + v)

(1− 2

π(1 + v)c

)}], (54)

∂ℓχ1 = zτ χ1

[(ǫ− g2

8πv− 8


g4 h6(v)


)−(N2c + 7

2π2χ1 +

2N2c − 3

π2Ncχ2 +

3(N2c + 3)




)], (55)

∂ℓχ2 = zτ χ2

[(ǫ− g2

8πv− 8


g4 h6(v)




π2χ1 +

N2c − 9


)]. (56)

We note thatJ (c)1,1,1(v, ǫ), J

(c)1,1,2(v, ǫ), J

(c)2,1,0(v, ǫ), J

(c)2,1,1(v, ǫ),

J(c)2,1,2(v, ǫ) = 0 in Eq. (53). This underscores the fact that

the actual magnitudes of the diagrams can be smaller than Eq.(49) which is only the upper bound.

In the smallc limit, only the flows ofc andχi are affectedby the two-loop diagram through the fourth term in Eq. (53)and the third terms in Eqs. (55) and (56), respectively. Whilec tends to decrease under the one-loop effect, the two-loopcorrection enhancesc due to the anti-screening produced bythe vertex correction. These opposite tendencies eventuallybalance each other to yield a stable fixed point forc. At thefixed point ofv∗ ∼ O (1) andg2∗ ∼ O (ǫ), the beta functionfor c is proportional to−c+rǫ/c2 with a constantr > 0, suchthatc flows toO


)in the low energy limit. This confirms

thatg/c isO(ǫ1/6

)at the fixed point.

The RG flow in theχ1 − χ2 plane resembles Fig.6 forsmallǫ, and theχi ’s remain irrelevant at the fixed point. Thetwo-loop diagrams in Fig.13 will generate non-zero quarticcouplings which are at most order ofO


)in the beta

function forχi. This is no longer singular becauseg2 ∼ ǫ

(a) (b)

FIG. 13: The leading two-loop diagrams that generatebosonic quartic interaction.

andc ∼ ǫ1/3 at the fixed point. If the leading order term ofO(g6/c2

)survives, the beta functions forχi has the form of

−ǫχi + r′g6/c2 with a constantr′. This suggests thatχi isat mostO


)at the fixed point. Other two-loop diagrams

and higher-loop diagrams are suppressed by additional powersof ǫ1/3 compared to the one-loop diagrams and the two-loopdiagram in Fig.10a, which are already included. Therefore,

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the two-loop effect modifies the fixed point as

v∗ =NcNf

2(N2c − 1)



g2∗ =4π NcNf(N2

c − 1)ℵ(Nc, Nf )

[ǫ − 16

N2c − 1

(2 ℵ4(Nc, Nf ) h6(v∗)







c∗ = 4π

[2ℵ(Nc, Nf )NcNf


]1/3ǫ1/3 +O



χi;∗ = O(ǫ4/3

). (57)

It is noted thatO (ǫα) in the above equations represent theupper bounds of the sub-leading terms. The actual sub-leadingterms may be smaller than the upper bound. For example, theactual sub-leading correction tov∗ is O


)because the

O (c) term inh1(v, c) + h2(v, c) is zero (see Eq. (37)).Eqs. (17)-(20) along with Eq. (49) implies that the anoma-

lous dimensions at the fixed point can be expressed as

∆ =∑





χm∗ cn∗ , (58)

where∆ represents eitherzτ−1, zx−1, ηψ, orηφ, andAl,m,nare constants withA0,0,n = 0. Using the expressions of theparameters at the fixed point (Eq. (57)), we compute the criti-cal exponents up to orderǫ4/3,

zτ = 1 +ℵ(Nc, Nf )

− 8

(2 +

ℵ(Nc, Nf )N2c − 1

)(2ℵ4(Nc, Nf )




zx = 1− 16

(2ℵ4(Nc, Nf )




ηψ = 4

(2ℵ4(Nc, Nf)




ηφ = 16

(2ℵ4(Nc, Nf )



ǫ4/3. (59)

The fixed point value ofχi;∗ does not affect the critical expo-nents up toO


)because a singleφ4 vertex does not con-

tribute to any of the nine counter terms. Becausezx differsfrom one at the fixed point, the system develops an anisotropyin the(kx, ky) plane.

C. Control of the perturbative expansion

In the previous subsection, we incorporated one particu-lar two-loop diagram which stabilizes the boson velocity at

a non-zero value in order to compute the critical exponents tothe order ofǫ4/3. A natural question is whether it is safe toignore other two-loop diagrams, and more generally whetherthe perturbative expansion is under control for smallǫ. FromEq. (57) we note thatg2 ∼ c3 at the fixed point, and Eq. (49)can be expressed in terms ofc andχ,

F (pi; v, c, g, χ; ǫ, Vg, Vu, L, Lb, NΠ)

= χVu c(E−2)/2+(L−Lb)+(Vg−2NΠ) f ′(pi; v, c; ǫ, L). (60)

Heref ′(pi; v, c; ǫ, L) is finite in the smallc limit. The expo-nents ofχ, c are non-negative becauseL ≥ Lb andVg >2NΠ. The latter inequality follows from the fact that anydiagram for boson self-energy of the first kind must containat least four Yukawa vertices. For a fixedE, new verticescannot be added without increasing eitherVu, (L − Lb), or(Vg − 2NΠ). Therefore, Eq. (60) implies that quantum cor-rections are systematically suppressed by powers ofc ∼ ǫ1/3

andχ . ǫ4/3 as the number of loops increases, and thereexist only a finite number of diagrams at each order. Thisshows that other two-loop diagrams and higher-loop diagramsare indeed sub-leading, and they do not modify the criticalexponents in Eq. (59) up to the order ofǫ4/3.

Sub-leading terms come in two ways. The first is from thec-expansions ofhi(v, c) defined in Eq. (37). The second isfrom higher-loop diagrams. ForZn,1 with n = 1, 2, 3, 7, two-loop diagrams are suppressed at least byǫ5/3 according to Eq.(60) because(L−Lb) ≥ 1 andVg−2NΠ ≥ 4 for the fermionself energy and the Yukawa vertex correction.O


terms inthe expansion ofhi(v, c) from the one-loop diagrams are alsoat most order ofǫ5/3. ForZ4,1, the one-loop diagram doesnot contain any sub-leading term inc. According to Eq. (60),higher-loop contributions toZ4,1 are at most order ofg4/c ∼ǫ5/3. As noted earlier, the first non-vanishing contributionsto Z5,1 andZ6,1 arise at the two-loop order. In AppendixA 2, we show that the leading order term inZ5,1 is at mostorder of g4c ∼ ǫ7/3. In contrast, Eq. (50) shows that theleading order term inZ6,1 is g4/c2 ∼ ǫ4/3 which is alreadyincluded. The sub-leading terms are suppressed byc, g2/c2 ∼ǫ1/3. As discussed below Eq. (56), χi are at mostO



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FIG. 14: (a) The patches of Fermi surface near the hot spotsare deformed into a universal non-analytic curve. (b) The hotspots become algebraically nested near the hot spots.

from two-loop contributions. However,χi ∼ ǫ4/3 can notaffect the critical exponents up toO


)because a single

quartic vertex only renormalizes boson mass. Thus the criticalexponents in Eq. (59) are accurate up toO



It is interesting to note that the perturbative expansion isnot simply organized by the number of loops. Instead, onehas to perform an expansion in terms of the couplings and theboson velocity together. There are notable consequence of thisunconventional expansion. First, the perturbative expansionis in power series ofǫ1/3. Second, not all diagrams at a givenloop play the same role; only one two-loop diagram (Fig.10a)is important for the critical exponents to the order ofǫ4/3.

D. Physical Properties

In this section we discuss the physical properties of the non-Fermi liquid state that is realized at the SDW critical point.The anomalous dimension ofkx implies that the Fermi surfacenear the hot spots are deformed into a universal curve,

ky ∼ sgn(kx) |kx|1/zx (61)

as is illustrated in Fig.14. The algebraic nesting of the Fermisurface near the hot spots is in contrast to theC4-symmetriccase, where the emergent nesting is only logarithmic such thatky ∼ kx/(ln kx) [21, 26, 37]. The electronic spectral functionat the hot spot scales with frequency as

Al,m(ω) ∼ 1

ω(1−2ηψ)/zτ, (62)

and the dynamical spin structure factor at momentum~Qord,

S(ω) ∼ 1

ω(2−2ηφ)/zτ. (63)

As one moves away from the hot spots or the ordering vectorin thex (y) directions, the electron spectral function and thespin structure factor will exhibit incoherent peak at frequencyω ∼ |kx|zτ/zx andω ∼ |ky|zτ depending on the directionof momentum. In principle, all exponentszτ , zx, ηψ , ηφ canbe determined from the angle resolved photoemission and in-elastic neutron scattering experiments. In TableII , we list theexponents at the fixed point for(Nc, Nf ) = (2, 1) and(3, 1).It is noted thatzx becomes smaller than one below three di-mensions, which is consistent with the intuition that the inter-action enhances nesting. However, the fact thatzx becomesnegative forǫ = 1 andNc = 2 should not be taken seriously,since higher order contributions need to be taken into accountin two dimensions.

We also estimate the contribution of electrons near the hotspots to the specific heat and the optical conductivity follow-ing the work by Patelet al. for theC4-symmetric model [38].The scaling dimension of the free energy densityF is

[F ] = zτ (d− 1) + 1 + zx. (64)

The current densityJµ has the dimension of[Jµ] = [F ] −[kµ]. Becausekx andky have different scaling dimensions,the two diagonal elements of the optical conductivity have dif-ferent scaling dimensions,

[σxx] = zτ (1 − ǫ) + 1− zx,

[σyy ] = zτ (1 − ǫ) + zx − 1, (65)

atd = 3− ǫ. The contribution of the hot spot electrons obeysthe hyperscaling because temperature or frequency providesa cut-off for the momentum along the Fermi surface. As aresult, the size of Fermi surface does not enter in the scal-ing of the contributions from the hot spots. This is analogousto the phenomenon where the thermodynamic responses frominflection points obey the hyperscaling relation in non-Fermiliquids where Fermi surface is coupled with a~Qord = 0 crit-ical boson [23]. As a result, the hot spot contribution to thespecific heat scales with temperature as

chot ∼ T 1−ǫ+ 1+zxzτ , (66)

and the hot spot contributions to the optical conductivityscales with frequency as

σhotxx (ω) ∼ ω1−ǫ+ 1−zxzτ ,

σhotyy (ω) ∼ ω1−ǫ− 1−zxzτ . (67)

Becausezx < 1, the optical conductivity is greater along theordering vector than the perpendicular direction at low fre-quency [60, 61]. We emphasize that the anisotropy in Eq. (67)arises from anisotropic spatial scaling, rather than anisotropiccarrier velocity [62, 63]. Electrons away from the hot spotsare expected to violate the hyperscaling, and contribute tothe

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Nc zτ zx ηψ ηφ

2 1 + ǫ− 1.9 ǫ4/3 1− 1.4 ǫ4/3 0.36 ǫ4/3 1.4 ǫ4/3

3 1 + 0.63 ǫ− 0.68 ǫ4/3 1− 0.63 ǫ4/3 0.16 ǫ4/3 0.63 ǫ4/3

TABLE II: Fixed point values of the critical exponents forNc = 2, 3 with Nf = 1.

specific heat and the optical conductivity asccold ∼ kFT2−ǫ

andσcold ∼ kFω−ǫ, wherekF is the size of Fermi surface.

For smallǫ, the contributions from cold electrons dominatethe hot spot contributions.

Near three dimensions, there is no perturbative instability,and the anisotropic non-Fermi is stable. However, near twodimensions the non-Fermi liquid state can become unstableagainst other ordered phases. As far as the hot spot electronsare concerned, a charge density wave is the leading instability,followed by thed-wave pairing and pair density wave [37].However, the order of leading instability can change due tocold electrons away from the hot spots, which favour zero-momentum pairing due to the lack of nesting.


In this section, we discuss the low energy properties of theCDW critical point. Since many aspects are similar to theSDW case, we will highlight the differences between the twocritical points. The main differences arise from the commut-ing versus non-commuting nature of the respective interactionvertices as is shown in Eqs. (1) and (2). It is analogous tothe difference between the nematic and ferromagnetic criticalpoints [64].

Since the CDW order parameter couples to the globalU(1)charge, the interaction vertex is diagonal in both the spin andflavor space. One can also setχ2 = 0 for anyNf andNcsince the two quartic vertices are equivalent. As derived inAppendixA, the counter terms resulting from the one-loopdiagrams in Fig.3 are

Z1,1 = − 1

4π2Nfg2 h1(v, c), Z2,1 =


4π2Nfg2 h2(v, c)

Z3,1 = − 1

4π2Nfg2 h2(v, c) Z4,1 = − 1



Z5,1 = 0, Z6,1 = 0,

Z7,1 =1

8π3Nfg2 v h3(v, c), Z8,1 =


2π2χ1 , (68)

whereNf = NcNf . Using the general expressions of the betafunctions in sectionIII , we obtain the one loop beta-functionsfor the CDW critical point. As in the SDW case, the bosonvelocity flows to zero in the low energy limit at the one-looporder. Therefore, we focus on the regime with smallc where

the one-loop beta functions take the form,

∂ℓv =zτ16π


[1− 2v


], (69)

∂ℓc = − zτ16π



[(1− 2v



16 v c


], (70)

∂ℓg =zτ2g

[ǫ− g2


{(1 +





Nf(1 + v)

(1− 2

π(1 + v)c

)}], (71)

∂ℓχ1 = zτ χ1

[(ǫ− g2


)− 9


]. (72)

We note that the sign ofZ7,1 for the CDW critical point isopposite to that of the SDW critical point. This is due to thefact that the three CDW vertices (identity matrix) that appearin Fig. 3c are mutually commuting, while the SDW vertices(SU(Nc) generators) are mutually anti-commuting as shownin Eq. (36). Consequently, the vertex correction screens theinteraction at the CDW critical point in contrast to the SDWcase. A stable one-loop fixed point arises at

v∗ =Nf2,

g2∗ = 4πNfNf + 2

Nf + 6ǫ,

c∗ = 0,

χ1;∗ =8π2 ǫ

9(Nf + 6). (73)

To the leading order inǫ, the critical exponents become

zτ = 1 +Nf + 2

2(Nf + 6)ǫ, zx = 1, ηψ = 0 and ηφ = 0.


Since the one-loop vertex correction screens the Yukawa inter-action in Eq. (71), the Yukawa coupling is not strong enoughto push the upper critical dimension forχ1 below 3 − ǫ, incontrast to the SDW case. As a result,χ1 remains non-zero atthe one-loop fixed point below three dimensions. It is interest-ing to note that the weaker (better screened) Yukawa couplingmakes it possible for the quartic coupling to be stronger at the

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CDW critical point as compared to the SDW case.We now investigate how the two-loop correction modifies

the flow ofc. The two-loop diagram in Fig.10 leads to

Z5,1 = 0, Z6,1 =8



v2c2h6(v) (75)

to the leading order inc. The modified beta functions forcandχ1 are given by

∂ℓc = − zτ16π



[(1− 2v



+16 v





)], (76)

∂ℓχ1 = zτ χ1

[(ǫ− g2






)− 9




We note that the sign ofZ6,1 in Eq. (75), which contributesthe fourth term in Eq. (76) and the third term in Eq. (77), isopposite to that ofZ6,1 for the SDW case in Eq. (50). Thisis again due to the commuting CDW vertices in contrast tothe anti-commuting SDW vertices in Eq. (36). Therefore thetwo-loop diagram further reducesc for the CDW case, whileit stopsc from flowing to zero for the SDW case. Since Eq.(69) is not modified by the two-loop diagram,v flows tov∗ =

Nf/2, irrespective of how the other parameters flow, as longasc remains small. To understand the fate of the system in thelow energy limit, it is useful to examine the flow ofg, c, χ1with fixedv = v∗,

∂ℓg =zτ2g

[ǫ− g2


{1 +


Nf + 2

(1− Nf + 2




∂ℓc = −32zτ


h6(Nf/2) g2 c2






∂ℓχ1 = zτ χ1

[(ǫ− g2







− 9


]. (80)

The analysis of the beta functions is rather involved, and thedetails are in Appendix B. Key elements of the final result aresummarized in Fig.15. In three dimensions, the system flowsto a weakly coupled quasilocal marginal Fermi liquid if theinitial Yukawa coupling is smaller than the boson velocity (be-low the dashed separatrix in Fig.15a). On the other hand, thesystem flows to strong coupling regime as the boson velocityis renormalized to zero when initial Yukawa coupling is large(above the dashed separatrix in Fig.15a). Below three dimen-sions, the boson velocity always flows to zero within a finiteRG time (Fig.15b), and the theory becomes non-perturbative.



FIG. 15: RG flow ofg andc at the CDW critical point withN = 2 andv = v∗ = 1. (a) Ind = 3 there is a fixed point atthe origin with a finite basin of attraction; for flowsoriginating outside the basin,c flows to zero after a finite RGtime. The dashed line in (a) denotes the separatrix whichdivides the flows to the stable quasilocal marginal Fermiliquid (below the separatrix) from the flow toward thenon-perturbative regime (above the separatrix). (b) Ind = 3− ǫ, c flows to zero after a finite RG time with a finiteg. For the plot we have chosenǫ = 0.01.

When the system flows to the strong coupling regime, thereare several possibilities. First, the system may still flow to astrongly interacting non-Fermi liquid fixed point. Second,c2

may become negative at low energies, which results in a shiftof the ordering vector, possibly towards an incommensurateCDW ordering [66]. In this case, the commensurate CDWcan not occur without further fine tuning. Third, the systemmay develop an instability toward other competing order, suchas superconductivity [67]. Finally, a first order transition is apossibility.

The difference between the SDW and CDW critical pointsis summarized in TableIII . The differences arise from the factthat the vertex correction screens (anti-screens) the interac-tion for the CDW (SDW) critical point. Within the present

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d = 3 Quasilocal MFL • Non-perturbative( g20 > c20 )

• Quasilocal MFL( g20 < c20 )

d = 3− ǫ Anisotropic NFL Non-perturbative

TABLE III: Fate of the SDW and CDW critical points in metals withC2 symmetry. Here NFL and MFL represents non-Fermiliquid and marginal Fermi liquid, respectively.

framework, it is also possible to consider a SDW critical pointwhere theSU(Nc) spin rotational symmetry is explicitly bro-ken down to a subgroup. In the Ising case where only onemode becomes critical at the critical point, the Yukawa ver-tex is commuting as in the CDW case. Therefore, we expectthat the Ising SDW critical point will be similar to the CDWcritical point. The easy-plane SDW criticality withNc = 2[70] is special in that the one-loop Yukawa vertex correctionvanishes due to

∑2a=1 τ

aτbτa = 0. In this case, the two-loopdiagram fails to preventc from flowing to zero. Thus, one hasto consider higher order self-energy and vertex corrections todetermine the fate of the critical point.


In this work, we studied the spin and charge density wavecritical point in metals with theC2 symmetry, where a onedimensional Fermi surface is embedded in space dimensionsthree and below. Within one-loop RG analysis augmented bya two-loop diagram, we obtained an anisotropic non-Fermiliquid below three dimensions at the SDW critical point. TheGreen’s function near the hot spots and the spin-spin correla-tion function obey the anisotropic scaling, where not only fre-quency but also different components of momentum acquirenon-trivial anomalous dimensions. Consequently, the Fermisurface develops an algebraic nesting near the hot spots with auniversal shape. The stable non-Fermi liquid fixed point turnsinto a quasilocal marginal Fermi liquid in three dimensions,where the boson velocity along the ordering vector flows tozero compared to the Fermi velocity. In contrast to the SDW

criticality, the CDW critical point flows to a non-perturbativeregime below three dimensions, while there is a finite param-eter regime where the marginal Fermi liquid is still stable inthree dimensions.

At the SDW critical point, it is expected that superconduct-ing, pair density wave and charge density wave fluctuationsare enhanced [26, 37, 68, 69]. At the one-loop order, the pat-tern of enhancement is expected to be similar to the case withtheC4 symmetry. However, it will be of interest to examinethe effects of anisotropic scaling through a comparative study.In particular, the stronger nesting in theC2 case will increasethe phase space for the zero-energy particle-particle excita-tions with momentum2kF . This will help enhance the pairdensity wave fluctuations, which was found to be as strong asthed-wave superconducting fluctuations at the one-loop orderin theC4 case [37].


We thank Luis Balicas, Peter Lunts and Subir Sachdev forhelpful discussions, and Philipp Strack for drawing our atten-tion to several recent works. The research was supported inpart by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Coun-cil of Canada (Canada) and the Early Research Award fromthe Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation. Researchat the Perimeter Institute is supported in part by the Govern-ment of Canada (Canada) through Industry Canada, and bythe Province of Ontario through the Ministry of Research andInformation.

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Appendix A: Computation of Feynman diagrams

In this appendix we show the key steps for computing the Feynman diagrams.

1. One loop diagrams

a. Electron self energy

The quantum correction to the electron self-energy from thediagram in Fig.3ais

δS(2,0) = µ3−d 2B(1L)(2,0) g







∫dk Ψn,s,j(k) Υ

(n)(2,0)(k) Ψn,s,j(k), (A1)


B(1L)(2,0) =

N2c − 1

NfNcfor SDW


NfNcfor CDW



Υ(n)(2,0)(k) =




(2π)2γd−1Gn(k + q)γd−1 D(q). (A3)

The bare Green’s functions are given by

Gn(k) = −i Γ ·K+ γd−1εn(~k)

|K|2 + ε2n(~k)

, (A4)

D(q) =1

|Q|2 + q2x + c2q2y. (A5)

After the integrations over~q andQ, Eq. (A3) can be expressed in terms of a Feynman parameter,

Υ(n)(2,0)(k) =



(3− d


)∫ 1



√1− x

c2 + x(1 − (1− v2)c2)

×[x(1 − x)

{|K|2 + c2 ε2n(


c2 + x(1 − (1− v2)c2)

}]− 3−d2[K · Γ− c2 εn(~k) γd−1

c2 + x(1 − (1− v2)c2)

]. (A6)

The UV divergent part in thed→ 3 limit is given by

Υ(n)(2,0)(k) =


8π2 ǫ

[h1(v, c) K · Γ− h2(v, c) εn(~k)γd−1

], (A7)


h1(v, c) =

∫ 1



√1− x

c2 + x(1 − (1− v2)c2), h2(v, c) = c2

∫ 1



√1− x

[c2 + x(1 − (1− v2)c2)]3. (A8)

This leads to the one-loop counter term for the electron self-energy,

S(2,0)CT = −









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× Ψn,s,j(k)[ih1(v, c) K · Γ− ih2(v, c) εn(~k)γd−1

]Ψn,s,j(k). (A9)

b. Boson self energy

The boson self energy in Fig.3b is given by

δS(0,2) = −µ3−d g2


∫dq Υ(0,2)(q) Tr (Φ(−q)Φ(q)) , (A10)


Υ(0,2)(q) =∑


∫dk Tr [γd−1Gn(k + q)γd−1Gn(k)] . (A11)

We first integrate over~k. Because~q can be absorbed into the internal momentum~k, Υ(0,2)(q) is independent of~q. Using theFeynman parameterization, we write the resulting expression as

Υ(0,2)(q) =1


∫ 1





[x(1 − x)]−12 K · (K+Q)

x |K+Q|2 + (1− x) |K|2. (A12)

The quadratically divergent term is the mass renormalization, which is automatically tuned away at the critical point in thepresent scheme. The remaining correction to the kinetic energy of the boson becomes

Υ(0,2)(q) = − |Q|216πvǫ


up to finite terms. Accordingly we add the following counter term,

S(0,2)CT = −1



8π ǫ



∫dq |Q|2 Tr (Φ(−q)Φ(q)) . (A14)

c. Yukawa vertex correction

The diagram in Fig.3cgives rise to the vertex correction in the quantum effectiveaction,

δS(2,1) = ig√Nf


2 2B(1L)(2,1) g






×∫dk dq

[Ψ+,j,s(k + q) Υ

(+,−)(2,1) (k, q) Φs,s′(q) Ψ−,j,s′(k)− h.c.

], (A15)


Υ(n,n)(2,1) (k, q) =

∫dp γd−1Gn(p+ q + k)γd−1Gn(p+ k)γd−1 D(p) (A16)


B(1L)(2,1) =


NcNffor SDW

− 1

NcNffor CDW

. (A17)

The minus sign inB(1L)(2,1) for the SDW case is due to the anti-commuting nature of theSU(Nc) generators,


a=1 τaτbτa =

− 2

Ncτb. The UV divergent part in theǫ → 0 limit can be extracted by setting all external frequency andmomenta to zero

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Υ(n,n)(2,1) (Q) = γd−1


|P|2 − εn(~p)εn(~p)[|P|2 + p2x + c2p2y

] [|Q+P|2 + ε2n(~p)

] [|P|2 + ε2n(~p)

] . (A18)

Eq. (A18) is evaluated following the computation in Ref. [37] to obtain

Υ(n,n)(2,1) (K) =

γd−1 v

16π3 ǫh3(v, c) +O

(ǫ0), (A19)


h3(v, c) =

∫ 2π


∫ 1



∫ 1−x1




ζ(θ, x1, x2, v, c)− v2 sin(2θ)

ζ2(θ, x1, x2, v, c)

], (A20)


ζ(θ, x1, x2, v, c) = 2v2[x1 sin2(θ) + x2 cos


+ (1− x1 − x2)[sin2

(θ +



)+ c2v2 cos2

(θ +



)]. (A21)

Note that the UV divergent part ofΥ(n,n)(2,1) is independent of(n, n). From this, we identify the counter term for the Yukawa


S(2,1)CT = −i g√



8π3ǫg2v h3(v, c)





×∫dk dq

[Ψ+,j,s(k + q) γd−1 Φs,s′(q) Ψ−,j,s′(k)− h.c.

]. (A22)

d. φ4 vertex corrections

There are two types of one-loop diagrams that can potentially contribute to the renormalization of the quartic vertex asisshown in Fig.3d and Fig.3e. The diagram in Fig.3eis UV finite atd = 3 [37], which implies that it does not contain anǫ−1

pole ind = 3− ǫ. The second type of diagrams are produced by the boson vertices only. They lead to non-zero counter terms,

S(0,4)CT =


8π2c ǫ



B(1L;1a)(0,4) u21 + B(1L;1b)

(0,4) u1u2 + B(1L;1c)(0,4) u22

]Tr (Φ(−q1 + q2)Φ(q1))Tr (Φ(−q3 − q2)Φ(q3))

+[B(1L;2a)(0,4) u1u2 + B(1L;2b)

(0,4) u22

]Tr (Φ(−q1 + q2)Φ(q1)Φ(−q3 − q2)Φ(q3))

}. (A23)


B(1L;1a)(0,4) = N2

c + 7, B(1L;1b)(0,4) =

2(2N2c − 3)

Nc, B(1L;1c)

(0,4) =3(N2

c + 3)



B(1L;2a)(0,4) = 12, B(1L;2b)

(0,4) =2(N2

c − 9)


for the SDW case. For the CDW case, one can setu2 = 0 andB(1L;1a)(0,4) = 9.

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2. Two loops boson self-energy

There are five diagrams, shown in Fig.10, that contribute to the boson self energy at the two-loop order. We will first showthat only Fig. 10acontributes to the renormalization ofc to the leading order inc. We will also outline the key steps for anexplicit computation of Fig.10a.

Let us denote the loop integrations in figures10b - 10d for fixed electron flavorn asΥ2L;b(0,2)(q), Υ

2L;c(0,2)(q) andΥ2L;d

(0,2)(q),respectively, withq being the external frequency-momentum. Atc = 0 the loop integrations in Fig.10bis given by

Υ2L;b(0,2)(q) =



(2π)4Tr (γd−1Gn(k)γd−1Gn(k + p)γd−1Gn(k)γd−1Gn(k + q))

|P|2 + p2x. (A25)

The integrand depends onpy only through

Gn(k + p) = [i(K+P) · Γ+ (εn(k) + vpx + npy)γd−1]−1 . (A26)

Changing coordinate aspy 7→ py −n((εn(k) + vpx),Gn(k+ p) becomes independent of~k. Sinceεn(~k) andεn(~k) are linearlyindependent, we can change coordinates as(kx, ky) 7→ (εn(~k), εn(~k)) and shiftεn(~k) 7→ εn(~k) − εn(~q) to makeΥ2L;b


independent of~q. This shows that Fig.10bdoes not depend on~q in the smallc limit. Note that such dependence may arise atorderg4c or higher, but these contributions are sub-dominant to thatof Fig. 10a.

Υ2L;c(0,2)(q) andΥ2L;d

(0,2)(q) closely resembleΥ(0,2)(q). Because the one-loop counter terms are independent of thex andy

components of momentum, it is straightforward to shift the internal integration variable to show thatΓ2L;c(0,2)(q) andΓ2L;d

(0,2)(q) areindependent of~q, irrespective of the value ofc. Therefore, diagrams in Figs.10cand10ddo not contribute toZ5,1 andZ6,1.10eis also sub-leading becauseχi = 0 at the one-loop fixed point.

The quantum correction due to Fig.10ais

δS2L;a(0,2) = µ2(3−d)


4g4∫dq Υ2L;a

(0,2)(q) Tr (Φ(−q)Φ(q)) (A27)


Υ2L;a(0,2)(q) = −

∫dp dk

Tr (γd−1G+(k + q)γd−1G−(p+ q)γd−1G+(p)γd−1G−(k))

|P−K|2 + (px − kx)2 + c2(py − ky)2(A28)

andB(2L)(0,2) = B(1L)

(2,1) as defined in Eq. (A17). In order to extract the leading order term that depends on~k in the smallc limit, we

setc = 0 andQ = 0 in Υ2L;a(0,2)(q) to write

Υ2L;a(0,2)(~q) = −

∫dp dk

Tr(γd−1G+(K, ~k + ~q)γd−1G−(P, ~p+ ~q)γd−1G+(p)γd−1G−(k)


|P−K|2 + (px − kx)2. (A29)

Using Tr(γµγν) = 2δµ,νI2, we evaluate the trace in the numerator to obtain

Υ2L;a(0,2)(~q) = −2

∫dp dk

× [|K|2 − ε+(~k + ~q)ε−(~k)][|P|2 − ε−(~p+ ~q)ε+(~p)]−K ·P[ε+(~k + ~q) + ε−(~k)][ε−(~p+ ~q) + ε+(~p)]

[|K|2 + ε2+(~k + ~q)][|K|2 + ε2−(

~k)][|P|2 + ε2−(~p+ ~q)][|P|2 + ε2+(~p)][|P −K|2 + (px − kx)2]. (A30)

We change coordinates for both~p and~k as(kx, ky) 7→ (k+, k−) with k± = ε±(~k), and shiftk+ 7→ k+ − ε+(~q) andp− 7→p− − ε−(~q) to rewrite the expression as

Υ2L;a(0,2)(~q) = − 1


∫dp′ dk′

× [|K|2 − k+k−][|P|2 − p+p−]−K ·P[k+ + k−][p+ + p−]

[|K|2 + k2+][|K|2 + k2−][|P|2 + p2−][|P|2 + p2+][|P−K|2 + 14v2 (p+ + p− − k+ − k− + 2qy)2]

, (A31)

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wheredk′ ≡ dd−1Kdk+dk−(2π)d+1

. It is noted thatΥ2L;a(0,2)(~q) has becomeindependentof qx in the smallc limit. This implies that

Z5,1 is at most order ofg4c which is negligible. From now on, we will focus onZ6,1.

We integrate overP andK after introducing Feynman parameters,x, y andu,w. Employing a Schwinger parameter,α, wehave

Υ2L;a(0,2)(~q) = − 1


∫ 1


dx du

∫ 1−x



∫ 1−u


dw(1− u− w)(3−d)/2


∫ ∞


dα e−αM2

×∫ ∞



[{ (d− 1)2

4A+d2 − 1

4A2(1− u− w)(1 − x− y)2


− (d− 1)(1 − u− w)


{p+p− +

((1− x− y)2 +


1− u− w


+ (1− x− y)(k+ + k−)(p+ + p−)}α4−d + (1− u− w) p+p−k+k− α5−d

], (A32)


A ≡ A(x, y, u, w) = (u+ w) + (x+ y)(1− x− y)(1− u− w), and

M2 ≡M2(k±, p±;x, y, u, w; v, qy) = uk2+ + wk2− + x(1 − u− w)p2+ + y(1− u− w)p2−

+(1− u− w)(1 − x− y)

4v2(p+ + p− − k+ − k− + 2qy)

2. (A33)

At this stage, we subtract the mass renormalization fromΥ2L;a(0,2)(~q) and proceed with the computation of∆Υ2L;a

(0,2)(~q) =


(0,2)(0). After integrating overp±, k± andα, we extract the pole inǫ as

∆Υ2L;a(0,2)(~q) =

q2y h6(v)

ǫ v2. (A34)

Here the functionh6(v) is defined as

h6(v) =2


∫ 1


dx du

∫ 1−x



∫ 1−u




[{1 +


A(1− u− w)(1 − x− y)2

} J1A

−{1 +


A(1 − u− w)(1 − x− y)2

}J2 −

1− u− w


{J3 + (1− x− y)J4

}+ (1− u− w)J5

], (A35)


J1 ≡ J1(ηi) =η5√


J2 ≡ J2(ηi, fi) =f3√


[ η52η4

− f4(1 + f4)],

J3 ≡ J3(ηi, fi) =f1√



{f2(1 − f2)

( 1


(1 + f3)2


)− 1



− f2(1− f2)(1 + f3)2(1 + f4)


J4 ≡ J4(ηi, fi) =f1 + f2(1− f1)√



( 1


(1 + f3)2


)− (1 + f3)(1 + f4)(f3 + f4(1 + f3))


J5 ≡ J5(ηi, fi) =f1



(3f2f3(1− f2)(1 + f3)


η4+f2(1− f2)(2 + 3f3)

η3− f3η2


− (1 + f4)

(3f2f3(1− f2)(1 + f3)

2(1 + 2f4)

η4+f2f4(1− f2)(2 + 3f3)

η3− f3f4


)], (A36)


η1 ≡ η1(a1, F ) = a1 + F,

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η2 ≡ η2(ai, F ) =a2F + a1(a2 + F )

a1 + F,

η3 ≡ η3(ai, u, F ) =a2uF + a1(a2(u+ F ) + uF )

a2F + a1(a2 + F ),

η4 ≡ η4(ai, u, w, F ) =a2uwF + a1(a2(w(u + F ) + uF ) + uwF )

a2uF + a1(a2(u+ F ) + uF ),

η5 ≡ η5(ai, u, w, F ) =a1a2uwF

a2uwF + a1(a2(w(u + F ) + uF ) + uwF ), (A37)

f1 ≡ f1(a1, F ) =F

a1 + F,

f2 ≡ f2(ai, F ) =a1F

a2F + a1(a2 + F ),

f3 ≡ f3(ai, u, F ) = − a1a2F

a2uF + a1(a2(u+ F ) + uF ),

f4 ≡ f4(ai, u, w, F ) = − a1a2uF

a2uwF + a1(a2(uF + w(u + F )) + uwF ). (A38)

The functionsai andF are defined as,

a1 ≡ a1(x, u, w) = x(1− u− w), a2 ≡ a2(y, u, w) = y(1− u− w),

F ≡ F (x, y, u, w; v) =(1− x− y)(1− u− w)

4v2. (A39)

Therefore, the counter term to~q dependent part of the bosonic kinetic energy is given by

S(2L)(0,2);CT = −δS2L;a


= −B(2L)(0,2)



∫dq q2y Tr (Φ(−q)Φ(q)) , (A40)

which gives

Z5,1 = 0, (A41)

Z6,1 = −8B(2L)(0,2)

g4 h6(v)


to the leading order inc.

Appendix B: Analysis of RG flow at the CDW critical point

In this appendix, we provide an analysis of the RG flow predicted by the beta functions in Eqs. (78) - (80). Let us first analyzethe flow ind = 3 (Fig. 15a). According to Eq. (79), c(ℓ) always decreases with increasing length scale. If the initial value ofcis sufficiently small such thatc0 ≪ π/(Nf + 2), the inequality will be always satisfied at lower energies. In this case, one canignore the last term in Eq. (78) to obtain a logarithmically decreasing Yukawa coupling,

g2(ℓ) =g20

1 + αg(Nf ) g20 ℓ, (B1)

whereg0 ≡ g(ℓ = 0) andαg(Nf ) =1


(1 +


Nf + 2


The RG flow of c is relatively more complicated due to the important role of the two-loop correction. Wheng2 ≪

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π2Nfαc(Nf ), whereαc(Nf ) =



h6(Nf/2), the second term on the right hand side of Eq. (79) is negligible. In this

case, the beta function forc gives

c(ℓ) = c0

[1 +


π2Nf αg(Nf )ln(1 + αg(Nf ) g

20 ℓ)]−1

, (B2)

where we have utilized the expression forg(ℓ) in Eq. (B1). Sinceg2(ℓ) ∼ ℓ−1 andc(ℓ) ∼ (ln ℓ)−1 in the ℓ → ∞ limit, thesecond term on the right hand side of Eq. (79) becomes even smaller compared to the first term asℓ increases, which justifiesEq. (B2) at all l > 0. The quartic coupling flows to zero asχ1(ℓ) ∼ ℓ−1. Therefore, all the parameters, except forv, flow tozero in the low energy limit. Althoughc flows to zero, the critical point remains perturbatively controlled becauseg flows tozero much faster, such thatg2/c≪ 1. This is a stable quasilocal marginal Fermi liquid (MFL) [65].

In contrast, the first term on the right hand side of Eq. (79) is negligible ifg2 ≫ c3

π2Nfαc(Nf ), in which case we obtain

c(ℓ) =

√c20 − (2αc(Nf ) g

20 − αg(Nf ) c

20) g

20 ℓ

1 + αg(Nf ) g20 ℓ. (B3)

We note that the coefficient ofℓ in the numerator in Eq. (B3) depends on the initial values ofg andc. If g20 >αg(Nf ) c


2αc(Nf ), which

automatically impliesg2 ≫ c3

π2Nfαc(Nf )for smallc, the boson velocity becomes zero at afiniteRG time

ℓ0 =c20/g


2αc(Nf ) g20 − αg(Nf ) c20. (B4)

This is different from the first case wherec vanishes only asymptotically while the ratiog2/c remains small. In the currentcase, the ratiog2/c blows up, resulting in a loss of control over the perturbative expansion. For example, asℓ → ℓ0, χ1

diverges as(ℓ0 − ℓ)−a(c0,g0,Nf ) with a(c0, g0, Nf ) = min


αc(Nf ) g40 ℓ0

c20(1 + αg(Nf )g20ℓ0)

}, which results in the theory becoming


Finally, let us consider the case wherec30

π2Nfαc(Nf )≪ g20 <

αg(Nf ) c20

2αc(Nf ). In this case,c initially approaches a nonzero

constant dictated by Eq. (B3). However, the system eventually enters into the regime with g2 ≪ c3

π2Nfαc(Nf )at sufficiently

large length scale. This is becauseg decreases much faster thanc in this regime. Therefore the system again flows to thequasilocal marginal Fermi liquid.

Having understood the fate of the critical point in three dimensions, we consider the case below three dimensions (Fig.15b).For ǫ > 0, g2 ∼ ǫ as long asc is initially small. On the other hand,c flows to zero in a finite RG time. Consequently, the systembecomes strongly coupled in the low energy limit.