Animoto Tutorial Mario Pioquinto. Step 1: Go to

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Step 2: Create an account To create an account go to and on the top right of the screen are two options Sign in if you have an account If you do not have an account click sign up

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Animoto Tutorial Mario Pioquinto Step 1: Go to Step 2: Create an account To create an account go to and on the top right of the screen are two options Sign in if you have an account If you do not have an account click sign up Step 3: Fill out the required info Give the required info When you have finished Click sign up at the Bottom right. Step 4: creating the video At the top left of the screen there is a button that allows you to begin creating a new video Click on Step 5: Choose video type There are three types of videos you can create. Short, Full length or unbranded Unless you buy a premium account you may only use the short video option which creates a 30 second video Click on the short video option New window will appear You will see this window pop up Simply click Create Video Step 6: Uploading photos To begin uploading images Click the upload button You may upload from your own files, select them from the website, or collect images from another site A browser will appear if you upload from your computer. Select your file While adding photos You may also add text by Clicking the add text button. A blue box will appear where you may insert your but you are limited to the amount of letters you may use. The add text box Step 7: Uploading music You may upload music from your own files or select a song given by the website To upload your own files simply click on Selecting songs from the website When you select you will be given a list of genres Select your genre and a list of artists and songs will appear. Choose a song that suits your Video. Step 8: Customizing your video You cannot change the speed of the video unless you have a premium account. You may choose the video cover screen. Click continue to move on to the next step. Step 9: Finalizing your video Add a title Add the description To finish click create video Last step Just wait for your video to process, analyze, and render When it has finished your video will be complete