ANIMATED FIGURES - Creation · Animated figures appeal to children as well as adults and create the perfect

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    Made in denMark


    Creation Group Figur Animation A/S Fluebksvej 190 DK-4100 Ringsted DenmarkTel. +45 57 61 15 73 Fax +45 57 61 88 10 [email protected]


  • Page 4 - About us and our products

    Page 7 - Winter

    Page 19 - Christmas

    Page 51 - Festive

    Page 57 - Easter

    Page 61 - Trade Characters

    Page 67 - Animals

    Page 76 - Grottoes


  • PROFILEFIGUR ANIMATION A/S is a world leading Danish company in the field of animated figures for decoration and display purposes. The company was founded in 1965 due to a rising demand for moving shop window displays. Having built-up the home market the company in 1980 found itself in a position to concentrate its effort on export sales, at first to the other Scandinavian countries, soon to be followed by the rest of Western Europe. Today we are exporting to more than 70 countries worldwide.

    In 2007 the company went through a generational change and we joined our new sister company Creation ApS at our new premises. Together the two companies operate under the name CREATION GROUP.

    You can find additional information about our company on

    VISIT US You are more than welcome to come and visit our showroom in Ringsted, Denmark. Our company is located about 65 km south-west of Copenhagen. You can also meet us at several international exhibitions like Christmasworld in Frankfurt, EuroShop in Duesseldorf and the Spring Fair in Birmingham. Our updated exhibition calendar can be found on our website.


  • ANIMATED FIGURES An animated figure is an eye-catcher in sales areas, for shop windows or any other place where you want to draw attention. They are blessed with a unique wow-factor and the ability to attract new customers to your business. Animated figures appeal to children as well as adults and create the perfect atmosphere for every occasion. Our product range is characterised by first-class workmanship, unique quality and a long lifespan, as well as designed to operate at an exceptionally low noise level. The range includes more than 400 different animated models, which can be supplied as single items or as total packages for smaller or larger display areas.

    CLOTHES OPTIONSTo enhance usage and ensure value for money, we have designed a number of costumes enabling you to redress the animated figures to meet different seasons. The below pictures give you an idea how a Santa Claus can be transformed into a Snowman, an Easter Bunny and a Teddy Bear.

    SYNCHRONISED CHARACTERS A selection of our animated figures is equipped with sound systems and speakers and these characters perform fully synchronised to music and/or speech. The dancing figures synchronise automatically to any music played and the talking ones can deliver any message to an audience or passer-by and present a perfect opportunity to attract new customers and boost sales.

    SYMBOLS IN THIS CATALOGUEIn our catalogue you will meet the following symbols. This is what they mean:



  • TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS All figures produced by Figur Animation A/S, Denmark, are in conformity with the EMC-Directives 89/336/EEC, 92/31/EEC and 93/68/EEC. All figures are CE marked/approved and are connected, via supplied CE/ETL approved 24V transformers, directly into the mains 110/220/240V. High quality components and finish provide a long life which is a Figur Animation A/S trademark.

    TERMS OF SALE Terms of delivery: Ex works Ringsted, Denmark, inclusive of packing. Terms of payment: Prepayment against pro forma invoice (all prices are in DKK or EURO). Guarantee: A one-year guarantee in writing on manufacturing defects.

    P vores hjemmeside kan du finde generel information p dansk omkring vores firma og vores mekaniske figurer. Her kan du ogs se sm videoklip med figurenes bevgelser.

    Auf unserer Website finden Sie allgemeine Informationen in Deutsch ber unser Unternehmen und ber unsere beweglichen Figuren. Auch knnen Sie sich kurze Videoclips mit den Bewegungen der Figuren anschauen.

    Sur notre site, vous trouverez des informations gnrales en franais concernant notre socit et nos automates. En outre, vous pourrez y visionner de courts extraits vido montrant les mouvements de nos automates.

    En nuestra pgina web usted encontrar informacin general en Espaol sobre nuestra empresa y sobre nuestras figuras animadas. Asimismo, usted podr ver video clips cortos con los movimientos de nuestras figuras.

    Sul nostro sito web trover informazioni generali, in Italiano e sulla nostra azienda e su le nostre figure animate. Inoltre, sar in grado di guardare breve video clip con i movimenti delle figure.


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    When winter comes to your door, embrace it with open arms and welcome the beautiful and unforgettable moments this season brings.

    The snow is falling slowly, the woods take on an entirely new appearance when blanketed by a foot of fresh snow. You see a Rabbit and a white Reindeer. In the snow you see footprints from a Polar Bear and in the background you hear laughter from some fishing Eskimos.

  • Snowman with ChildrenArt. WS02H: 190 / W: 150 cm

    A nice Winter/Christmas scene with 4children making a snowman. Allcharacters are also available asindividual items.

    Sketch of Snowman BandSketch of the synchronised SnowmanBand showing how to create a grottowith trees, props, flooring and fencing.


    Snowman BandArt. 0380H: 190 / W: 350 / D: 250 CM

    The snowmen are sound controlled and move synchro-nised to the music.Piano and other instruments are included.






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  • Big Polar BearArt. 0333H: 175 cm

    The Polar Bear has movement ofwhole body and head.

    Polar BearArt. 0334 / 0334-SH: 70 L: 130 cm

    0334: Programmed movements ofhead.

    0334-S: With synchronised mouthmovements and programmed mov.of head. Sound system included.

    Lying Baby Polar BearArt. 0330L: 80 cm

    The Baby Bear hasmovement of head andforelegs.

    Standing Baby BearArt. 0332H: 30 / L: 65 cm

    The Baby Bear hasmovement of whole bodyand head.


    H: 70 / L: 130 cm


  • Polar Bears with ChildrenArt. AS04H: 200 / W: 350 / D: 150 cm

    A very nice Winter/Christmas panorama with 4 Polar Bears and 3Children.

    This scene can be purchased as a complete solution or as individualcharacters.





    0334 / 0334-S



  • Husky PuppiesArt. 0320 / 0321H: 40 / 20 cmL: 40 / 60 cm

    Sitting husky: Turning head from side to side.Lying husky: Moving feet up and down.

    Seal Art. 0317H: 28 cmL: 70 cm

    The seal is turning its head from sideto side.

    HuskiesArt. 0318 / 0319H: 60 / 60 cmL: 65 / 60 cm

    The huskies are turningtheir heads from side toside.

    Eskimo with PickaxeArt. 0540H: 90 cm

    Movements of body, head and arm.

    Eskimo Mother with Wash TubArt. 0541H: 85 cm

    Movements of head and both arms.


    Standing Polar BearArt. 0336H: 170 cm

    The polar bear moves thewhole body.

    Sitting Polar BearArt. 0328H: 75 cmL: 100 cm

    The polar bear moves its head.

    PenguinsArt. 0337 / 0338H: 33 / 45 cm

    Small penguin: Rocking from side to side.Large penguin: Rocking from side to sideand moving both wings.

    Igloo with EskimosArt. WS03H: 170 / W: 320 cm

    A very nice Winter/Christmas panorama. This scene can bepurchased as a complete solution or as individual characters.


    Husky PuppiesArt. 0320 / 0321H: 40 / 20 cmL: 40 / 60 cm

    Sitting husky: Turning head from side to side.Lying husky: Moving feet up and down.

    Seal Art. 0317H: 28 cmL: 70 cm

    The seal is turning its head from sideto side.

    HuskiesArt. 0318 / 0319H: 60 / 60 cmL: 65 / 60 cm

    The huskies are turningtheir heads from side toside.

    Eskimo with PickaxeArt. 0540H: 90 cm

    Movements of body, head and arm.

    Eskimo Mother with Wash TubArt. 0541H: 85 cm

    Movements of head and both arms.


    Husky PuppiesArt. 0320 / 0321H: 40 / 20 cmL: 40 / 60 cm

    Sitting husky: Turning head from side to side.Lying husky: Moving feet up and down.

    Seal Art. 0317H: 28 cmL: 70 cm

    The seal is turning its head from sideto side.

    HuskiesArt. 0318 / 0319H: 60 / 60 cmL: 65 / 60 cm

    The huskies are turningtheir heads from side toside.

    Eskimo with PickaxeArt. 0540H: 90 cm

    Movements of body, head and arm.

    Eskimo Mother with Wash TubArt. 0541H: 85 cm

    Movements of head and both arms.


    Husky PuppiesArt. 0320 / 0321H: 40 / 20 cmL: 40 / 60 cm

    Sitting husky: Turning head from side to side.Lying husky: Moving feet up and down.

    Seal Art. 0317H: 28 cmL: 70 cm

    The seal is turning its head from sideto side.

    HuskiesArt. 0318 / 0319H: 60 / 60 cmL: 65 / 60 cm

    The huskies are turningtheir heads from side toside.

    Eskimo with PickaxeArt. 0540H: 90 cm

    Movements of body, head and arm.

    Eskimo Mother with Wash TubArt. 0541H: 85 cm

    Movements of head and both arms.



  • Standing Polar BearArt. 0336H: 170 cm

    The polar bear moves thewhole body.

    Sitting Polar BearArt. 0328H: 75 cmL: 100 cm

    The polar bear moves its head.

    PenguinsArt. 0337 / 0338H: 33 / 45 cm

    Small penguin: Rocking from side to side.Large penguin: Rocking from side to sideand moving both wings.

    Igloo with EskimosArt. WS03H: 170 / W: 320 cm

    A very nice Winter/Christmas panorama. This scene can bepurchased as a complete solution or as individual characters.



  • Sketch of Polar Bear BandSketch of the Polar Bear Band showing how you can create acomplete grotto with trees, props, flooring and fencing.

    Polar Bear BandThe Polar Bear Band withChristmas outfits from acustomised project where webuilt the band into a containerto be used at an outdoorChristmas market.

    Brown Bear BandArt. 0395H: 220 / W: 400 / D: 200 cm

    Sound controlled andsynchronised movements tothe music. Piano and soundsystem are included.


    Sketch of Polar Bear BandSketch of the Polar Bear Band showing how you can create acomplete grotto with trees, props, flooring and fencing.

    Polar Bear BandThe Polar Bear Band withChristmas outfits from acustomised project where webuilt the band into a containerto be used at an outdoorChristmas market.

    Brown Bear BandArt. 0395H: 220 / W: 400 / D: 200 cm

    Sound controlled andsynchronised movements tothe music. Piano and soundsystem are included.


    Sketch of Polar Bear BandSketch of the Polar Bear Band showing how you can create acomplete grotto with trees, props, flooring and fencing.

    Polar Bear BandThe Polar Bear Band withChristmas outfits from acustomised project where webuilt the band into a containerto be used at an outdoorChristmas market.

    Brown Bear BandArt. 0395H: 220 / W: 400 / D: 200 cm

    Sound controlled andsynchronised movements tothe music. Piano and soundsystem are included.



  • Sketch of Polar Bear BandSketch of the Polar Bear Band showing how you can create acomplete grotto with trees, props, flooring and fencing.

    Polar Bear BandThe Polar Bear Band withChristmas outfits from acustomised project where webuilt the band into a containerto be used at an outdoorChristmas market.

    Brown Bear BandArt. 0395H: 220 / W: 400 / D: 200 cm

    Sound controlled andsynchronised movements tothe music. Piano and soundsystem are included.


    Polar Bear BandArt. 0390H: 220 / W: 400 / D: 200 cm

    The Polar Bears are sound controlled and move synchronised to themusic.

    Piano and Sound system are included.



  • Penguin BandThis is a picture showing the Penguin Bandin American style from a customisedproject.

    Our team of creative designers will helpyou bring your ideas to life and we will takeon - and conquer - any challenge.

    Push ButtonConsole with Push Button for control ofmusic and speech.

    Make the grotto interactive with a PushButton function and let the audienceactivate the sound and movements.

    Sketch of Penguin BandSketch of the Penguin Band showing howyou can create a complete grotto withtrees, props, flooring and fencing.


    Penguin BandThis is a picture showing the Penguin Bandin American style from a customisedproject.

    Our team of creative designers will helpyou bring your ideas to life and we will takeon - and conquer - any challenge.

    Push ButtonConsole with Push Button for control ofmusic and speech.

    Make the grotto interactive with a PushButton function and let the audienceactivate the sound and movements.

    Sketch of Penguin BandSketch of the Penguin Band showing howyou can create a complete grotto withtrees, props, flooring and fencing.


    Art. 0001-T

    Penguin BandThis is a picture showing the Penguin Bandin American style from a customisedproject.

    Our team of creative designers will helpyou bring your ideas to life and we will takeon - and conquer - any challenge.

    Push ButtonConsole with Push Button for control ofmusic and speech.

    Make the grotto interactive with a PushButton function and let the audienceactivate the sound and movements.

    Sketch of Penguin BandSketch of the Penguin Band showing howyou can create a complete grotto withtrees, props, flooring and fencing.



  • Penguin BandArt. 0385H: 220 / W: 400 / D: 200 cm

    The penguins are sound controlled and move synchronised to themusic.

    Igloo, clothesline and sound system are included.



  • Snowman Sitting in a Fir WreathArt. 0405H: 180 / W: 170 cm

    The Snowman is moving the wholeupper body, arm and legs.

    The Fir wreath has lights and isprepared for ceiling mounting.

    SnowmenArt. 0845-C / 0580 / 0846-CH: 140 / 190 / 150 cm

    All 3 Snowmen have very strongmovements.

    Hanging SnowmanArt. 0406-BH: 200 cm

    The Snowman is movinghis head, arm and legs.

    SnowmanArt. 0264H: 105 cm

    The Snowman is movinghis whole body and arms.


    Snowman Sitting in a Fir WreathArt. 0405H: 180 / W: 170 cm

    The Snowman is moving the wholeupper body, arm and legs.

    The Fir wreath has lights and isprepared for ceiling mounting.

    SnowmenArt. 0845-C / 0580 / 0846-CH: 140 / 190 / 150 cm

    All 3 Snowmen have very strongmovements.

    Hanging SnowmanArt. 0406-BH: 200 cm

    The Snowman is movinghis head, arm and legs.

    SnowmanArt. 0264H: 105 cm

    The Snowman is movinghis whole body and arms.



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    The magical thing about Christmas is that you can make your customers feel as if they were in the middle of a fantastic animated Christmas world.

    Animated figures appeal to everyone, children as well as adults, and make them use their imagination. It provides your customers with a funny shopping experience that will be full of entertainment. Dazzle your customers with a talking Train, amuse them with a Santa Jazz Band or let a talking Santa Claus keep the children entertained.

  • CamelArt. 0339H: 135 cm / L: 140 cm

    The Camel has programmedmovements of head and movement inneck.

    DonkeyArt. 0699H: 65 / L: 80 cm

    The Donkey hasmovement of head.

    3 Kings with CamelArt. NS04H: 140 / W: 250 / D: 150 cm

    The Kings have 2-3 movementseach.

    All characters are also availableas individual items.


    CamelArt. 0339H: 135 cm / L: 140 cm

    The Camel has programmedmovements of head and movement inneck.

    DonkeyArt. 0699H: 65 / L: 80 cm

    The Donkey hasmovement of head.

    3 Kings with CamelArt. NS04H: 140 / W: 250 / D: 150 cm

    The Kings have 2-3 movementseach.

    All characters are also availableas individual items.



  • Nativity SceneArt. NS03H: 190 / W: 300 / D: 120 cm

    Joseph, Virgin Mary and the Good Shepherd have 2 movementseach. The baby Jesus has no movement.The Donkey, the Lambs and the Sheep have movement of head.

    All characters are also available as individual items.



  • SpeakerArt. 4000-0060H: 6 cm

    Bluetooth Speaker with Adapter andMemory Card. Add music or soundeffects to your Christmas display andcreate a cosy atmosphere.

    Dwarf FamilyArt. 0746 / 0747 / 0748 /0745H: 70 cm

    The Dwarf have 1-2movements each.

    Dwarfs at the WellArt. CS10H: 180 / W: 325 / D: 100 cm

    A cosy Christmas panorama withsmall Dwarfs and Animals. TheBoy Dwarf is going up and downthe well.









    The Dwarfs have 1-2


  • Talking Train with Coal WaggonArt. CS09H: 250 / W: 460 / D: 230 cm

    The train has synchronised mouth movements and movements ofeyes. Sound system included. The Santas helpers and reindeer allhave different movements.

    All characters are also available as individual items.











  • Santa Claus on TrapezeArt. 0056-AH: 123 cm

    Swings around thetrapeze.

    Girl Santa and Teddy BearArt. 0268H: 90 cm

    Movement in both characters.

    Grandpa and Grandma SantaArt. 0307-AS / 0309H: 95 / 85 cm

    Grandpa Santa: Synchronised mouthmovements and movements of head andarms. Incl. of sound system.Grandma Santa: Programmed movementsof head and movement of arm.

    Grandpa and Grandma SantaArt. 0105 / 0104H: 70 / 80 cm

    Grandpa Santa: Movements of head and arm.Grandma Santa: Movements of upper body and head.


    Boy Elves at Christmas TreeArt. 0680 / 0681H: 100 / 110 cm

    Both Elves have 2 movements.

    Hanging Santa ClausesArt. 201-A / 203-AH: 90 cm

    Both Santa Clauses have movementsof head and legs.


    Art. 0201-A / 0203-A


  • Santa Claus on TrapezeArt. 0056-AH: 123 cm

    Swings around thetrapeze.

    Girl Santa and Teddy BearArt. 0268H: 90 cm

    Movement in both characters.

    Grandpa and Grandma SantaArt. 0307-AS / 0309H: 95 / 85 cm

    Grandpa Santa: Synchronised mouthmovements and movements of head andarms. Incl. of sound system.Grandma Santa: Programmed movementsof head and movement of arm.

    Grandpa and Grandma SantaArt. 0105 / 0104H: 70 / 80 cm

    Grandpa Santa: Movements of head and arm.Grandma Santa: Movements of upper body and head.



  • Sleeping Santa ClausArt. 0304-AL: 115 cm

    The Santa Claus has movement in tummy. With built-in loudspeaker and CD withsnoring sounds.

    Sleeping Santa ClausArt. 0741L: 75 cm

    The Santa Claus has movement in tummy.

    Sleeping Santa ClausArt. 0413L: 190 cm

    The Santa Claus has movement in tummy. With built-in loudspeaker and CD withsnoring sounds.


    Sleeping Santa ClausArt. 0304-AL: 115 cm

    The Santa Claus has movement in tummy. With built-in loudspeaker and CD withsnoring sounds.

    Sleeping Santa ClausArt. 0741L: 75 cm

    The Santa Claus has movement in tummy.

    Sleeping Santa ClausArt. 0413L: 190 cm

    The Santa Claus has movement in tummy. With built-in loudspeaker and CD withsnoring sounds.


    Sleeping Santa ClausArt. 0304-AL: 115 cm

    The Santa Claus has movement in tummy. With built-in loudspeaker and CD withsnoring sounds.

    Sleeping Santa ClausArt. 0741L: 75 cm

    The Santa Claus has movement in tummy.

    Sleeping Santa ClausArt. 0413L: 190 cm

    The Santa Claus has movement in tummy. With built-in loudspeaker and CD withsnoring sounds.


    Sleeping Santa ClausArt. 0304-AL: 115 cm

    The Santa Claus has movement in tummy. With built-in loudspeaker and CD withsnoring sounds.

    Sleeping Santa ClausArt. 0741L: 75 cm

    The Santa Claus has movement in tummy.

    Sleeping Santa ClausArt. 0413L: 190 cm

    The Santa Claus has movement in tummy. With built-in loudspeaker and CD withsnoring sounds.



  • Sleeping Santa ClausArt. 0304-AL: 115 cm

    The Santa Claus has movement in tummy. With built-in loudspeaker and CD withsnoring sounds.

    Sleeping Santa ClausArt. 0741L: 75 cm

    The Santa Claus has movement in tummy.

    Sleeping Santa ClausArt. 0413L: 190 cm

    The Santa Claus has movement in tummy. With built-in loudspeaker and CD withsnoring sounds.


    Standing Santa ClausArt. 0846-AH: 155 cm

    The Santa Claus moves his upperbody, head and arm.

    Santa Claus with SackArt. 0410-A / 0410-ASH: 160 cm

    0410-A : Movements of upper bodyand head.

    0410-AS: With synchronised mouthmovements, built-in loudspeaker andsound system.

    Sitting Santa ClausArt. 0845-AH: 145 cm

    The Santa Claus moves his upperbody and arm.


    0410-A: Movements of upper body


  • Santa Claus and RudolphArt. 0415H: 175 cm

    Santa and Rudolph sing and dancetogether. They are sound controlledand move synchronised to the music.Sound system included.

    Santa with Rabbit & Teddy BearArt. 0414H: 170 cm

    Santa: 2 movements andsynchronised mouth movements.Sound system included. Rabbit: Goes up and down the box.Teddy Bear: Moves his head andclaps his hands.


    Santa Claus and RudolphArt. 0415H: 175 cm

    Santa and Rudolph sing and dancetogether. They are sound controlledand move synchronised to the music.Sound system included.

    Santa with Rabbit & Teddy BearArt. 0414H: 170 cm

    Santa: 2 movements andsynchronised mouth movements.Sound system included. Rabbit: Goes up and down the box.Teddy Bear: Moves his head andclaps his hands.



  • Giant Santa Claus with TreeArt. 0504H: 300 cm

    The Santa Claus has 4 movements. The lamp is lighted.

    Is also available for outdoor use.

    Santa Claus for Outdoor UseArt. 0503H: 180 cm

    The Santa Claus moves his head, turns hisbody from side to side and he waves.


    Giant Santa Claus with TreeArt. 0504H: 300 cm

    The Santa Claus has 4 movements. The lamp is lighted.

    Is also available for outdoor use.

    Santa Claus for Outdoor UseArt. 0503H: 180 cm

    The Santa Claus moves his head, turns hisbody from side to side and he waves.


    Giant Santa Claus with TreeArt. 0504H: 300 cm

    The Santa Claus has 4 movements. The lamp is lighted.

    Is also available for outdoor use.

    Santa Claus for Outdoor UseArt. 0503H: 180 cm

    The Santa Claus moves his head, turns hisbody from side to side and he waves.




  • Santa Claus in BalloonArt. 0400H: 400 cm

    The Santa Claus has 2 movements.

    3 hanging Teddy Bears are availableas add-ons to this product.

    Hanging Santa ClausArt. 0406-A H: 200 cm

    The Santa Claus has movements of head,arm and legs.







  • Big Santa ClausArt. 0401-A / 0401-ASH: 190 cm

    0401-A: Programmed movements ofhead, body and arm.0401-AS: With synchronised mouthmovements. Sound system included.

    Waving Santa ClausArt. 0301-1H: 110 cm

    The Santa Claus has movement ofhead, and arm.

    Santa Claus with SackArt. 0300H: 110 cm

    The Santa Claus has movement ofbody, head and arm.


    Big Santa ClausArt. 0401-A / 0401-ASH: 190 cm

    0401-A: Programmed movements ofhead, body and arm.0401-AS: With synchronised mouthmovements. Sound system included.

    Waving Santa ClausArt. 0301-1H: 110 cm

    The Santa Claus has movement ofhead, and arm.

    Santa Claus with SackArt. 0300H: 110 cm

    The Santa Claus has movement ofbody, head and arm.


    Big Santa ClausArt. 0401-A / 0401-ASH: 190 cm

    0401-A: Programmed movements ofhead, body and arm.0401-AS: With synchronised mouthmovements. Sound system included.

    Waving Santa ClausArt. 0301-1H: 110 cm

    The Santa Claus has movement ofhead, and arm.

    Santa Claus with SackArt. 0300H: 110 cm

    The Santa Claus has movement ofbody, head and arm.


    head and arm.

    Big Santa ClausArt. 0401-A / 0401-ASH: 190 cm

    0401-A: Programmed movements ofhead, body and arm.0401-AS: With synchronised mouthmovements. Sound system included.

    Waving Santa ClausArt. 0301-1H: 110 cm

    The Santa Claus has movement ofhead, and arm.

    Santa Claus with SackArt. 0300H: 110 cm

    The Santa Claus has movement ofbody, head and arm.


    Big Santa ClausArt. 0401-A / 0401-ASH: 190 cm

    0401-A: Programmed movements ofhead, body and arm.0401-AS: With synchronised mouthmovements. Sound system included.

    Waving Santa ClausArt. 0301-1H: 110 cm

    The Santa Claus has movement ofhead, and arm.

    Santa Claus with SackArt. 0300H: 110 cm

    The Santa Claus has movement ofbody, head and arm.



  • Santa Claus in a ChairArt. 0408-A / 0408-ASH: 150 cm

    0408-A: Programmedmovements of head andarm.

    0408-AS: Withsynchronised mouthmovements and soundsystem.

    Talking Santa Claus Art. 0409-ASH: 150 cm

    The Santa Claus has programmedmovements of head and arm andsynchronised mouth movements. Sound system included.

    Cocker Spaniels Art. 0772 / 0771H: 40 / 20 cm

    The lying dog hasmovement of head andthe sitting dog is rockingfrom side to side.


    Santa Claus in a ChairArt. 0408-A / 0408-ASH: 150 cm

    0408-A: Programmedmovements of head andarm.

    0408-AS: Withsynchronised mouthmovements and soundsystem.

    Talking Santa Claus Art. 0409-ASH: 150 cm

    The Santa Claus has programmedmovements of head and arm andsynchronised mouth movements. Sound system included.

    Cocker Spaniels Art. 0772 / 0771H: 40 / 20 cm

    The lying dog hasmovement of head andthe sitting dog is rockingfrom side to side.







    Santas homeArt. CS12H: 150 cm


  • Animals with Candy CaneArt. CS14H: 130 / W: 200 / D: 110 cm

    Teddy Bear: Movement of head and arm. Rabbit: Movement of head and ears. Standing Mouse: Movement in whole body and arm. Hanging Mouse: Movement in both legs.



  • Santa's StableArt. CS08H: 180 / W: 240 / D: 130 cm

    The Santa Claus has synchronised movements of mouth andeyebrows and programmed movements in the whole body. TheHelpers all have different movements.











  • Santa's StableArt. CS08H: 180 / W: 240 / D: 130 cm

    The Santa Claus has synchronised movements of mouth andeyebrows and programmed movements in the whole body. TheHelpers all have different movements.


    Woodland SceneArt. CS06H: 150 / W: 200 cm

    Father Dwarf: Synchronised movements of mouth and eyebrows andprogrammed movements in the whole figure. Sound system included. All other Dwarfs have 1-2 movements each.

    All characters are also available as individual items.







    0558 0557


  • Santa's WorkshopArt. CS02H: 180 / W: 400 / D: 120 cm

    6 animated Santa's helpers - hereof one in a toy machine - andworkbench. Each character has 2-3 movements. The toy machine hasalso movement and light.

    All characters are also available as individual items.










  • Santa's Helper telling StoriesArt. 0576-ASH: 110 cm

    With synchronised movements ofmouth and eyebrows. Programmedmovements of the whole body.Sound system included.

    Reindeer with Helper in SleighArt. 0824-2H: 120 / L: 200 cm

    Reindeer: Programmed movementsof head.Santa's Helper: Movement of head,body and arm.

    Hanging Santa's HelperArt. 0577H: 90 cm

    Santa's Helper hasmovement of head andlegs.

    Hanging Santa's HelperArt. 0578H: 90 cm

    Santa's Helper hasmovement of head andlegs.


    Santa's Helper telling StoriesArt. 0576-ASH: 110 cm

    With synchronised movements ofmouth and eyebrows. Programmedmovements of the whole body.Sound system included.

    Reindeer with Helper in SleighArt. 0824-2H: 120 / L: 200 cm

    Reindeer: Programmed movementsof head.Santa's Helper: Movement of head,body and arm.

    Hanging Santa's HelperArt. 0577H: 90 cm

    Santa's Helper hasmovement of head andlegs.

    Hanging Santa's HelperArt. 0578H: 90 cm

    Santa's Helper hasmovement of head andlegs.


    Santa's Helper telling StoriesArt. 0576-ASH: 110 cm

    With synchronised movements ofmouth and eyebrows. Programmedmovements of the whole body.Sound system included.

    Reindeer with Helper in SleighArt. 0824-2H: 120 / L: 200 cm

    Reindeer: Programmed movementsof head.Santa's Helper: Movement of head,body and arm.

    Hanging Santa's HelperArt. 0577H: 90 cm

    Santa's Helper hasmovement of head andlegs.

    Hanging Santa's HelperArt. 0578H: 90 cm

    Santa's Helper hasmovement of head andlegs.


    Santa's Helper telling StoriesArt. 0576-ASH: 110 cm

    With synchronised movements ofmouth and eyebrows. Programmedmovements of the whole body.Sound system included.

    Reindeer with Helper in SleighArt. 0824-2H: 120 / L: 200 cm

    Reindeer: Programmed movementsof head.Santa's Helper: Movement of head,body and arm.

    Hanging Santa's HelperArt. 0577H: 90 cm

    Santa's Helper hasmovement of head andlegs.

    Hanging Santa's HelperArt. 0578H: 90 cm

    Santa's Helper hasmovement of head andlegs.



  • Santa's WorkshopArt. CS13H: W: D:

    7 animated Santa's Helpers in American style. The Helpers have 1-3movements each. Workbench included.

    All characters are also available as individual items.










    H: 180 / W: 400 / D: 150 cm



  • Santa's WorkshopArt. CS05H: W: D:

    Santa Claus and 7 Helpers. The Santa has synchronised mouthmovements and programmed movements in the whole body. Soundsystem included. Santa's Helpers have 2-3 movements each.

    All characters are also available as individual items.











    H: 180 / W: 400 / D: 150 cm


  • Boy Santa with PresentArt. 0152H: 95 cm

    The Boy Santa hasmovement of body andarm.

    Boy and Teddy BearArt. 0150H: 115 cm

    The Boy Santa hasmovement of head andlegs.

    Hanging Teddy BearArt. 0154H: 90 cm

    The Teddy Bear hasmovement of head andlegs.

    Boy in Present BoxArt. 0153H: 85 cm

    The Boy Santa hasmovement of head, bodyand feet.

    Boy pulling his TrousersArt. 0151H: 110 cm

    The Boy Santa is moving his upper bodyup and down.



  • Santa's Toy StoreArt. CS07H: 220 / W: 256 / D: 90 cm

    Toy Store with moving Jumping Jack and Rocking Horse and 5animated figures.

    All characters are also available as individual items.



  • Talking Oak Tree and ElvesArt. CS01H: 270 / W: 160 / D: 115 cm

    Talking tree and 5 animated eleves. The tree has synchronisedmovements of mouth and eyebrows. Sound system included.The eleves have 2-3 movements each.

    All characters are also available as individual items.







    0900H: 270 / W: 160 / D: 200 cm


  • Talking Oak Tree and ElvesArt. CS01H: 270 / W: 160 / D: 115 cm

    Talking tree and 5 animated eleves. The tree has synchronisedmovements of mouth and eyebrows. Sound system included.The eleves have 2-3 movements each.

    All characters are also available as individual items.


    White RabbitsArt. 0781 / 0780H: 50 / 30 cm

    Both Rabbits have movement of head.

    Brown RabbitsArt. 0778 / 0777H: 50 / 30 cm

    Both Rabbits have movementof head.

    Squirrel on stumpArt. 0784H: 65 cm

    The Squirrel is rockingforward and backward.

    FoxesArt. 0790 / 0791H: 48 / 25 cm

    Both Foxes have movement of head.


    White RabbitsArt. 0781 / 0780H: 50 / 30 cm

    Both Rabbits have movement of head.

    Brown RabbitsArt. 0778 / 0777H: 50 / 30 cm

    Both Rabbits have movementof head.

    Squirrel on stumpArt. 0784H: 65 cm

    The Squirrel is rockingforward and backward.

    FoxesArt. 0790 / 0791H: 48 / 25 cm

    Both Foxes have movement of head.


    White RabbitsArt. 0781 / 0780H: 50 / 30 cm

    Both Rabbits have movement of head.

    Brown RabbitsArt. 0778 / 0777H: 50 / 30 cm

    Both Rabbits have movementof head.

    Squirrel on stumpArt. 0784H: 65 cm

    The Squirrel is rockingforward and backward.

    FoxesArt. 0790 / 0791H: 48 / 25 cm

    Both Foxes have movement of head.



  • Calf, Rabbits, Deer and SquirrelArt. 0312 / 0778 / 0777 / 0313 /0784H: 90 / 50 / 30 / 165 / 65 cm

    Calf and Deer: Movement of head. Rabbits: Movement of head.Squirrel: Rocking forward andbackward.

    Deer Art. 0819 / 0820 / 0821 / 082 / 0822H: 57 / 120 / 90 / 35 / 50 cm

    All the Deer have movement ofhead.

    Squirrel and OwlArt. 0785 / 786H: 40 / 65 cm

    Squirrel: Rocking forwardand backward, whileclapping. Owl: Turning its headfrom side to side.

    CalfsArt. 0837 / 0838H: 30 / 47 cm

    Both Calfs havemovement of head.








    0837 0838


    0822 / 0822


  • Reindeer with Singing Santa Art. 0314 / 0314-1H: 170 / 180 cmL: 175 cm

    Reindeer: Programmed movementsof head.Santa Claus: Synchronised mouthmovements and movement of headand arms. Sound system included.

    Two Deer & Santa in SleighArt. 0311H: 125 / L: 225 cm

    Deer: Turning their heads from sideto side.Santa Claus: Movements of headand arms.

    Deer and SantaArt. 0743H: 75 cmL: 110 cm

    Deer: Turning its headfrom side to side.Santa Claus: Movementof head and arm.

    Reindeer & Santa inArt. 0824-3H: 120 cmL: 200 cm

    Reindeer: Programmedmovements of head.Santa Claus: Movementof body, head and arm.


    Reindeer with Singing Santa Art. 0314 / 0314-1H: 170 / 180 cmL: 175 cm

    Reindeer: Programmed movementsof head.Santa Claus: Synchronised mouthmovements and movement of headand arms. Sound system included.

    Two Deer & Santa in SleighArt. 0311H: 125 / L: 225 cm

    Deer: Turning their heads from sideto side.Santa Claus: Movements of headand arms.

    Deer and SantaArt. 0743H: 75 cmL: 110 cm

    Deer: Turning its headfrom side to side.Santa Claus: Movementof head and arm.

    Reindeer & Santa inArt. 0824-3H: 120 cmL: 200 cm

    Reindeer: Programmedmovements of head.Santa Claus: Movementof body, head and arm.


    Reindeer with Singing Santa Art. 0314 / 0314-1H: 170 / 180 cmL: 175 cm

    Reindeer: Programmed movementsof head.Santa Claus: Synchronised mouthmovements and movement of headand arms. Sound system included.

    Two Deer & Santa in SleighArt. 0311H: 125 / L: 225 cm

    Deer: Turning their heads from sideto side.Santa Claus: Movements of headand arms.

    Deer and SantaArt. 0743H: 75 cmL: 110 cm

    Deer: Turning its headfrom side to side.Santa Claus: Movementof head and arm.

    Reindeer & Santa inArt. 0824-3H: 120 cmL: 200 cm

    Reindeer: Programmedmovements of head.Santa Claus: Movementof body, head and arm.


    Reindeer with Singing Santa Art. 0314 / 0314-1H: 170 / 180 cmL: 175 cm

    Reindeer: Programmed movementsof head.Santa Claus: Synchronised mouthmovements and movement of headand arms. Sound system included.

    Two Deer & Santa in SleighArt. 0311H: 125 / L: 225 cm

    Deer: Turning their heads from sideto side.Santa Claus: Movements of headand arms.

    Deer and SantaArt. 0743H: 75 cmL: 110 cm

    Deer: Turning its headfrom side to side.Santa Claus: Movementof head and arm.

    Reindeer & Santa inArt. 0824-3H: 120 cmL: 200 cm

    Reindeer: Programmedmovements of head.Santa Claus: Movementof body, head and arm.


    Reindeer with Singing Santa Art. 0314 / 0314-1H: 170 / 180 cmL: 175 cm

    Reindeer: Programmed movementsof head.Santa Claus: Synchronised mouthmovements and movement of headand arms. Sound system included.

    Two Deer & Santa in SleighArt. 0311H: 125 / L: 225 cm

    Deer: Turning their heads from sideto side.Santa Claus: Movements of headand arms.

    Deer and SantaArt. 0743H: 75 cmL: 110 cm

    Deer: Turning its headfrom side to side.Santa Claus: Movementof head and arm.

    Reindeer & Santa inArt. 0824-3H: 120 cmL: 200 cm

    Reindeer: Programmedmovements of head.Santa Claus: Movementof body, head and arm.


    Reindeer with Singing Santa Art. 0314 / 0314-1H: 170 / 180 cmL: 175 cm

    Reindeer: Programmed movementsof head.Santa Claus: Synchronised mouthmovements and movement of headand arms. Sound system included.

    Two Deer & Santa in SleighArt. 0311H: 125 / L: 225 cm

    Deer: Turning their heads from sideto side.Santa Claus: Movements of headand arms.

    Deer and SantaArt. 0743H: 75 cmL: 110 cm

    Deer: Turning its headfrom side to side.Santa Claus: Movementof head and arm.

    Reindeer & Santa inArt. 0824-3H: 120 cmL: 200 cm

    Reindeer: Programmedmovements of head.Santa Claus: Movementof body, head and arm.



  • Reindeer with Singing SantaArt. 0814-1H: 180 / L: 175 cm

    Santa: Synchronised mouthmovements, movements of head andarms. Sound system included.Reindeer: Movement of head.

    Reindeer, Calf and DeerArt. 0814 / 0812 / 0813H: 170 / 90 / 165 cm

    Calf and Deer: Movement of head.Reindeer: Programmed movement ofhead.



  • Snow Queen on DeerArt. 0678H: 120 cmL: 80 cm

    Reindeer: Programmedmovements of head.Snow Queen: Movementsof head and arm.

    King FrostArt. 0408-C / 0408-CSH: 150 cm

    0408-C : Programmed movements ofhead and arms.

    0408-CS: With synchronised mouthmovements, built-in loudspeaker andsound system.

    Reindeer with Santa in a SleighArt. 0824-1H: 120 cmL: 200 cm

    Reindeer: Programmed movements ofhead.Santa Claus: Movements of body, headand arm.

    White Girl and Boy SantaArt. 0670 / 0671H: 90 cm

    Girl Santa: Movements of body and head.Boy Santa: Movements of head and arm.



  • Santa BandArt. 0885-NH: 100 / W: 300 / D: 100 cm

    The Band is sound controlled and move synchronised to the music.Singer has synchronised mouth mov. Sound system included.

    Santa BandArt. 0182-A / 0183-A / 0184-A/ 0185-AH: 85 / W: 200 cm

    The Santa Clauses have 1-3movements each.

    Mouse and SnowmanArt. 0263 / 0264H: 70 / 105 cm

    The Mouse and Snowmanhave movement of wholebody and arms.


    Girl Santa with FriendsArt. 0270H: 215 / W: 250 / D: 200 cm

    The figures are sound controlled andmove synchronised to music. Sleigh and sound system included.

    Santa BandArt. 0885-AH: 100 / W: 300 / D: 100 cm

    The Santas are sound controlled andmove synchronised to music. Thesinger has synchronised mouthmovements. Sound system included.


    Girl Santa with FriendsArt. 0270H: 215 / W: 250 / D: 200 cm

    The figures are sound controlled andmove synchronised to music. Sleigh and sound system included.

    Santa BandArt. 0885-AH: 100 / W: 300 / D: 100 cm

    The Santas are sound controlled andmove synchronised to music. Thesinger has synchronised mouthmovements. Sound system included.



  • Santa BandArt. 0885-NH: 100 / W: 300 / D: 100 cm

    The Band is sound controlled and move synchronised to the music.Singer has synchronised mouth mov. Sound system included.

    Santa BandArt. 0182-A / 0183-A / 0184-A/ 0185-AH: 85 / W: 200 cm

    The Santa Clauses have 1-3movements each.

    Mouse and SnowmanArt. 0263 / 0264H: 70 / 105 cm

    The Mouse and Snowmanhave movement of wholebody and arms.


    Santa BandArt. 0885-NH: 100 / W: 300 / D: 100 cm

    The Band is sound controlled and move synchronised to the music.Singer has synchronised mouth mov. Sound system included.

    Santa BandArt. 0182-A / 0183-A / 0184-A/ 0185-AH: 85 / W: 200 cm

    The Santa Clauses have 1-3movements each.

    Mouse and SnowmanArt. 0263 / 0264H: 70 / 105 cm

    The Mouse and Snowmanhave movement of wholebody and arms.








  • Skiing Santa ClausArt. 0640H: 95 cm

    The Santa Claus hasmovement of whole bodyand arms.

    Santa Claus with SkiArt. 0641H: 95 cm

    The Santa Claus has movement of upperbody and head.

    Igloo Art. 0643-KH: 105 / W: 205 / D: 200 cm

    Igloo with Santa Claus's Art. CS11H: 200 / W: 300 / D: 250 cm

    All Santas have 2-3 movements. The Penguins are rocking fromside to side. The Seal has movement of head.



  • 51



    The Circus is in town! You hear music from a Clown Band and you see a Bear balancing on a seesaw and a tall Clown blowing soap bubbles. Its time to have some fun and to be a part of a crazy world with no limits.

    These characteristic figures, joyful music and lifelike movements will make people stop and enjoy the animated figures as if they were in a real Circus.

  • Clowns BalancingArt. 0650 H: 115 cm

    The lying Clown has move-ment of head and legs.

    Hanging Clowns Art. 0201-B / 0204-B H: 90 cm

    0201-B: Movements of head and legs. 0204-B: Movements of arm and legs.

    Clown Blowing Soap BubblesArt. 0355 H: 245 cm

    The clown has movement of head and arm. 60 cm of legs can be removed

    Clown with Umbrella and CanArt. 0652 H: 100 cm

    The Clown has movement of his whole body and right arm.


  • Circus Bear with ClownsArt. 0651 / 0652 / 0654 / 0650H: 160 / W: 300 / D: 150 cm

    The Circus Bear is moving its head and paws and the Seasaw isrocking from side to side.

    All 3 Clowns have 3 movements each.



  • ClownArt. 0651H: 110 cm

    The Clown is moving hisbody up and down thetrousers.

    Clown on TrapezeArt. 0056-B H: 123 cm

    The Clown turns around the Trapeze.

    Clown Stuck in a BoxArt. 0653H: 85 cm

    The Clown has movement of whole body,head and feet.

    Clown BandArt. 0885-BH: 100 / W: 300 / D: 100 cm

    The Clowns are sound controlled and move synchronised to music.The singer has synchronised mouth mov. Sound system included.


    ClownArt. 0651H: 110 cm

    The Clown is moving hisbody up and down thetrousers.

    Clown on TrapezeArt. 0056-B H: 123 cm

    The Clown turns around the Trapeze.

    Clown Stuck in a BoxArt. 0653H: 85 cm

    The Clown has movement of whole body,head and feet.

    Clown BandArt. 0885-BH: 100 / W: 300 / D: 100 cm

    The Clowns are sound controlled and move synchronised to music.The singer has synchronised mouth mov. Sound system included.


    ClownArt. 0651H: 110 cm

    The Clown is moving hisbody up and down thetrousers.

    Clown on TrapezeArt. 0056-B H: 123 cm

    The Clown turns around the Trapeze.

    Clown Stuck in a BoxArt. 0653H: 85 cm

    The Clown has movement of whole body,head and feet.

    Clown BandArt. 0885-BH: 100 / W: 300 / D: 100 cm

    The Clowns are sound controlled and move synchronised to music.The singer has synchronised mouth mov. Sound system included.



  • Sitting Teddy BearArt. 0852H: 85 cm

    The Teddy Bear has movement ofhead and arms.

    Teddy GirlArt. 0853H: 100 cm

    The Teddy Girl has movement of thewhole body.

    Girl Santa and Teddy BearArt. 0268H: 90 cm

    Both characters are moving.


    ClownArt. 0651H: 110 cm

    The Clown is moving hisbody up and down thetrousers.

    Clown on TrapezeArt. 0056-B H: 123 cm

    The Clown turns around the Trapeze.

    Clown Stuck in a BoxArt. 0653H: 85 cm

    The Clown has movement of whole body,head and feet.

    Clown BandArt. 0885-BH: 100 / W: 300 / D: 100 cm

    The Clowns are sound controlled and move synchronised to music.The singer has synchronised mouth mov. Sound system included.



  • Teddy Bears with InstrumentsArt. 0855H: 180 / W: 145 / D: 80 cm

    The Teddy Bears have 3 movementseach.

    Sitting Teddy BearArt. 0845-BH: 135 cm

    The Teddy Bear has movement ofupper body and arm.

    Standing Teddy BearArt. 0846-BH: 145 cm

    The Teddy Bear has movement ofupper body, head and arm.



  • 57



    Enjoy springtime and invite your customers to the Easter Parade.

    Meet the cute little Easter Bunny, the fast Rabbit and a fantastic talking Easter Tree. Make your store unforgettable and bring the fun and happiness of Easter to your customers and give them a unique experience that will make them visit your store over and over again.

  • Easter Bunny GirlArt. 0843H: 80 cm

    The Easter Bunny hasmovement of upper bodyand head.

    Easter BunniesArt. 0843 / 0844 / 0842H: 80 / 90 / 68 cm

    The Easter Bunnies havemovements of head, bodyand arms.

    Rooster and ChickensArt. 0071 / 0072 / 0073H: 45 / 43 / 40

    The Rooster andChickens all havemovement of head.

    Easter Rabbit in EggArt. 0847H: 120 cm

    The Easter Rabbit hasmovements in feet andegg.


    Easter Bunny GirlArt. 0843H: 80 cm

    The Easter Bunny hasmovement of upper bodyand head.

    Easter BunniesArt. 0843 / 0844 / 0842H: 80 / 90 / 68 cm

    The Easter Bunnies havemovements of head, bodyand arms.

    Rooster and ChickensArt. 0071 / 0072 / 0073H: 45 / 43 / 40

    The Rooster andChickens all havemovement of head.

    Easter Rabbit in EggArt. 0847H: 120 cm

    The Easter Rabbit hasmovements in feet andegg.


    Easter Bunny GirlArt. 0843H: 80 cm

    The Easter Bunny hasmovement of upper bodyand head.

    Easter BunniesArt. 0843 / 0844 / 0842H: 80 / 90 / 68 cm

    The Easter Bunnies havemovements of head, bodyand arms.

    Rooster and ChickensArt. 0071 / 0072 / 0073H: 45 / 43 / 40

    The Rooster andChickens all havemovement of head.

    Easter Rabbit in EggArt. 0847H: 120 cm

    The Easter Rabbit hasmovements in feet andegg.


    Easter Bunny GirlArt. 0843H: 80 cm

    The Easter Bunny hasmovement of upper bodyand head.

    Easter BunniesArt. 0843 / 0844 / 0842H: 80 / 90 / 68 cm

    The Easter Bunnies havemovements of head, bodyand arms.

    Rooster and ChickensArt. 0071 / 0072 / 0073H: 45 / 43 / 40

    The Rooster andChickens all havemovement of head.

    Easter Rabbit in EggArt. 0847H: 120 cm

    The Easter Rabbit hasmovements in feet andegg.









  • Easter Bunnies0845-D / 0847 / 0846-DH: 175 / 120 / 170 cm

    Sitting Bunny: Movement of upper body and arm.Bunny in Egg: Movement in egg and feet.Standing Bunny: Movement of upper body, head and arm.






  • Talking Oak Tree and Easter BunniesArt. ES01H: 270 / W: 160 / D: 115 cm

    Talking tree and 5 easter bunnies. The tree has synchronisedmovements of mouth and eyebrows. Sound system included. The easter bunnies have 1-2 movements each.

    All characters are also available as individual items.



  • Talking Oak Tree and Easter BunniesArt. ES01H: 270 / W: 160 / D: 115 cm

    Talking tree and 5 easter bunnies. The tree has synchronisedmovements of mouth and eyebrows. Sound system included. The easter bunnies have 1-2 movements each.

    All characters are also available as individual items.



    trade CHaraCters


    Animated trade figures can be a part of your store to highlight the message and attract more customers. They provide a special atmosphere to the surroundings and make your customers feel inspired and warmly welcome.

    Put on a joyful Baker Band, a Talking Gardener or a busy Butcher. Inspire your customers, let them have a laugh, make them come back.

  • Baker with BasketArt. 0619-BH: 100 cm

    The Baker has movementin upper body.

    Baker with Basket and SignboardArt. 0604-BH: 95 cm

    The Baker has movement of head andarm.

    Pastry ShopArt. TS02H: 126 / W: 128 / D: 95 cm

    All 3 Confectioners have 2-3 movementseach. The Pastry Shop and Table are included.

    BakeryArt. TS03H: 125 / W: 126 / D: 100 cm

    All 3 Bakers have 2-3 movements each. The Bakery Shop and Table are included.














  • Butcher with AxeArt. 0615-BH: 85 cm

    The Butcher hasmovement of head andarm.

    Block and Ham included.

    Pizza ChefArt. 0605H: 90 cm

    The Pizza Chef hasmovement of whole body.

    Sleeping BakerArt. 0732-BL: 80 cm

    The sleeping Baker hasmovement in tummy.

    Baker with ScreenArt. 0620-BSH: 125 cm

    With synchronised mouthmovements andprogrammed movementsin whole body. LEDScreen included.

    Baker with SignboardArt. 0410-BH: 160 cm

    The Baker has movement of body andhead.


    Butcher with AxeArt. 0615-BH: 85 cm

    The Butcher hasmovement of head andarm.

    Block and Ham included.

    Pizza ChefArt. 0605H: 90 cm

    The Pizza Chef hasmovement of whole body.

    Sleeping BakerArt. 0732-BL: 80 cm

    The sleeping Baker hasmovement in tummy.

    Baker with ScreenArt. 0620-BSH: 125 cm

    With synchronised mouthmovements andprogrammed movementsin whole body. LEDScreen included.

    Baker with SignboardArt. 0410-BH: 160 cm

    The Baker has movement of body andhead.


    Butcher with AxeArt. 0615-BH: 85 cm

    The Butcher hasmovement of head andarm.

    Block and Ham included.

    Pizza ChefArt. 0605H: 90 cm

    The Pizza Chef hasmovement of whole body.

    Sleeping BakerArt. 0732-BL: 80 cm

    The sleeping Baker hasmovement in tummy.

    Baker with ScreenArt. 0620-BSH: 125 cm

    With synchronised mouthmovements andprogrammed movementsin whole body. LEDScreen included.

    Baker with SignboardArt. 0410-BH: 160 cm

    The Baker has movement of body andhead.




  • Baker in TrapezeArt. 0056-DH: 123 cm

    The Baker swings aroundthe trapeze.

    Baker with SignholderArt. 0637-BH: 80 cm

    The Baker has movement of head andarm.

    Baker Band (4 Figures)Art. TS04H: 100 / W: 150 / D: 75 cm

    The 4 Bakers have 1-3 movements. Theyhave movement of head, body and arms.

    BakeryArt. TS01H: 80 / W: 150 / D: 75 cm

    The 3 standing Bakers have 2-3 movements each. The sleepingBaker has movement in tummy. The Mouse turns from side to side.




    0185-B0182-B 0177-B 0178-B 0176-B




  • Marketing Figure with Screen. In addition to ourstandard range ofanimated figures we arealso able to producecustomised products withLED screens, companylogos etc.

    Supermarket MascotIf your shop has a mascot we canmake it alive by creating ananimated version. We canproduce it from scratch or buildmechanism into your existingmascot.


    Customised FiguresTo meet all client demands, we specialise in design and productionof customised figures. We are able to transform your ideas intotailor-made figures. Our team of creative designers will help youbring your ideas to life and we will take on and conquer anychallenge.

    Marketing FiguresWith an animated marketing figure you can communicate your salesmessages in an innovative way with images, sound and motion atthe same time. Let the figure present new products or special offersto your customers or any other message you want to pass on.



  • PiratesArt. 0794 / 0793 / 0795H: 90 cm

    All 3 Pirates have 2-3 movementseach.

    Mexican BandArt. 0950 / 0951 / 0952H: 120-125 cm

    All 3 Mexicans have 2movements each.

    Troll FamilyArt. 0705 / 0704 / 0707H: 85 / 80 / L: 115 cm

    Mother Troll: 4 movements.Electronically controlled.Troll with club: 3 movements.Sleeping Troll: Movement intummy.


    PiratesArt. 0794 / 0793 / 0795H: 90 cm

    All 3 Pirates have 2-3 movementseach.

    Mexican BandArt. 0950 / 0951 / 0952H: 120-125 cm

    All 3 Mexicans have 2movements each.

    Troll FamilyArt. 0705 / 0704 / 0707H: 85 / 80 / L: 115 cm

    Mother Troll: 4 movements.Electronically controlled.Troll with club: 3 movements.Sleeping Troll: Movement intummy.



  • 67



    Make your windows glow with animals from all over the world. You have the chance to decorate your shop and make it look exactly the way you like.

    One day your customers can be in the jungle with Monkeys climbing in the trees , the next day they can enjoy a summers day in the country side with farm animals. Create the perfect atmosphere for your customers.

  • Sitting Saint BernardArt. 0765H: 120 cm

    The Dog has movement in headand tail.

    Lying Saint BernardArt. 0766L: 100 cm

    The Dog has movement in headand tail.

    Sitting Cocker SpanielArt. 0772H: 40 cm

    The Dog is rocking fromside to side.

    Mother Cat with KittensArt. 0074H: 35 / W: 60 cm

    Movement in all 3 cats.


    Sitting Saint BernardArt. 0765H: 120 cm

    The Dog has movement in headand tail.

    Lying Saint BernardArt. 0766L: 100 cm

    The Dog has movement in headand tail.

    Sitting Cocker SpanielArt. 0772H: 40 cm

    The Dog is rocking fromside to side.

    Mother Cat with KittensArt. 0074H: 35 / W: 60 cm

    Movement in all 3 cats.


    Sitting Saint BernardArt. 0765H: 120 cm

    The Dog has movement in headand tail.

    Lying Saint BernardArt. 0766L: 100 cm

    The Dog has movement in headand tail.

    Sitting Cocker SpanielArt. 0772H: 40 cm

    The Dog is rocking fromside to side.

    Mother Cat with KittensArt. 0074H: 35 / W: 60 cm

    Movement in all 3 cats.


    Sitting Saint BernardArt. 0765H: 120 cm

    The Dog has movement in headand tail.

    Lying Saint BernardArt. 0766L: 100 cm

    The Dog has movement in headand tail.

    Sitting Cocker SpanielArt. 0772H: 40 cm

    The Dog is rocking fromside to side.

    Mother Cat with KittensArt. 0074H: 35 / W: 60 cm

    Movement in all 3 cats.


    Sitting Saint BernardArt. 0765H: 120 cm

    The Dog has movement in headand tail.

    Lying Saint BernardArt. 0766L: 100 cm

    The Dog has movement in headand tail.

    Sitting Cocker SpanielArt. 0772H: 40 cm

    The Dog is rocking fromside to side.

    Mother Cat with KittensArt. 0074H: 35 / W: 60 cm

    Movement in all 3 cats.



  • Lying LabradorArt. 0769L: ? cm

    The Labrador has movement in tail and head.

    Lying Cocker SpanielArt. 0771H: 20 / L: 60 cm

    The Dog has movement ofhead.

    Fox TerrierArt. 0767H: 37 / L: 40 cm

    The Dog has movment intail and head.

    Dog sniffing Art. 0768H: 55 / L: 100 cm

    The Dog has movement in tail and head.


    Lying LabradorArt. 0769L: ? cm

    The Labrador has movement in tail and head.

    Lying Cocker SpanielArt. 0771H: 20 / L: 60 cm

    The Dog has movement ofhead.

    Fox TerrierArt. 0767H: 37 / L: 40 cm

    The Dog has movment intail and head.

    Dog sniffing Art. 0768H: 55 / L: 100 cm

    The Dog has movement in tail and head.


    Lying LabradorArt. 0769L: ? cm

    The Labrador has movement in tail and head.

    Lying Cocker SpanielArt. 0771H: 20 / L: 60 cm

    The Dog has movement ofhead.

    Fox TerrierArt. 0767H: 37 / L: 40 cm

    The Dog has movment intail and head.

    Dog sniffing Art. 0768H: 55 / L: 100 cm

    The Dog has movement in tail and head.


    L: 100 cmm


  • LambsArt. 0815 / 0816H: 45 / 30 cm

    Both Lambs have movement of head.

    Rooster and HensArt. 0071 / 0072 / 0073H: 45 / 43 / 40 cm

    The Rooster and the Hens allhave movement of head.

    SheepsArt. 0092 / 0093H: 40 / 60 cm

    Both Sheeps havemovement of head.

    Rooster and HensArt. 0067 / 0063 / 0068 / 0066 / 0065H: 38 / 45 / 45 / 47 / 57 cm

    The Rooster and the Hens all have movementof head.


    LambsArt. 0815 / 0816H: 45 / 30 cm

    Both Lambs have movement of head.

    Rooster and HensArt. 0071 / 0072 / 0073H: 45 / 43 / 40 cm

    The Rooster and the Hens allhave movement of head.

    SheepsArt. 0092 / 0093H: 40 / 60 cm

    Both Sheeps havemovement of head.

    Rooster and HensArt. 0067 / 0063 / 0068 / 0066 / 0065H: 38 / 45 / 45 / 47 / 57 cm

    The Rooster and the Hens all have movementof head.


    LambsArt. 0815 / 0816H: 45 / 30 cm

    Both Lambs have movement of head.

    Rooster and HensArt. 0071 / 0072 / 0073H: 45 / 43 / 40 cm

    The Rooster and the Hens allhave movement of head.

    SheepsArt. 0092 / 0093H: 40 / 60 cm

    Both Sheeps havemovement of head.

    Rooster and HensArt. 0067 / 0063 / 0068 / 0066 / 0065H: 38 / 45 / 45 / 47 / 57 cm

    The Rooster and the Hens all have movementof head.










    LambsArt. 0815 / 0816H: 45 / 30 cm

    Both Lambs have movement of head.

    Rooster and HensArt. 0071 / 0072 / 0073H: 45 / 43 / 40 cm

    The Rooster and the Hens allhave movement of head.

    SheepsArt. 0092 / 0093H: 40 / 60 cm

    Both Sheeps havemovement of head.

    Rooster and HensArt. 0067 / 0063 / 0068 / 0066 / 0065H: 38 / 45 / 45 / 47 / 57 cm

    The Rooster and the Hens all have movementof head.



  • Lying CalfArt. 0108H: 27 / L: 60 cm

    The Calf has movement of head.

    Standing CowArt. 0109H: 85 / L: 130 cm

    The Cow has movementof head.

    Cow BandArt. 0420H: 200 / W: 350 / D: 160 cm

    The Cows are sound controlledand move synchronised to music.

    Sound system and Hut on wheelare included.


    Lying CalfArt. 0108H: 27 / L: 60 cm

    The Calf has movement of head.

    Standing CowArt. 0109H: 85 / L: 130 cm

    The Cow has movementof head.

    Cow BandArt. 0420H: 200 / W: 350 / D: 160 cm

    The Cows are sound controlledand move synchronised to music.

    Sound system and Hut on wheelare included.



  • Big Grizzly BearArt. 0655H: 200 cm

    The Grizzly bear has programmedmovement of head, body and paw.

    Circus Bear on SeesawArt. 0654H: 160 cm

    The Circus Bear is moving its head andpaws and the seesaw is rocking from sideto side.


    Big Grizzly BearArt. 0655H: 200 cm

    The Grizzly bear has programmedmovement of head, body and paw.

    Circus Bear on SeesawArt. 0654H: 160 cm

    The Circus Bear is moving its head andpaws and the seesaw is rocking from sideto side.


    Big Grizzly BearArt. 0655H: 200 cm

    The Grizzly bear has programmedmovement of head, body and paw.

    Circus Bear on SeesawArt. 0654H: 160 cm

    The Circus Bear is moving its head andpaws and the seesaw is rocking from sideto side.



  • Monkey on TrapezeArt. 0056-CH: 123 cm

    The Monkey swingsaround the trapeze.

    Chimpanzee BandArt. AS02H: 165 / W: 350 / D: 130 cm

    The Chimpanzees havelifelike movements. Theyhave movements of head,body and arms.

    Gorilla BandArt. AS03H: 80 / W: 150 / D: 75 cm

    The Gorillas have 1-3movements each. Theyhave movement of head,body and arms.

    ParrotsArt. 0839 / 0840H: 90 / 75 cm

    Yellow Parrot: Movementof whole body. Red Parrot: Rockingforward and backward.


    Monkey on TrapezeArt. 0056-CH: 123 cm

    The Monkey swingsaround the trapeze.

    Chimpanzee BandArt. AS02H: 165 / W: 350 / D: 130 cm

    The Chimpanzees havelifelike movements. Theyhave movements of head,body and arms.

    Gorilla BandArt. AS03H: 80 / W: 150 / D: 75 cm

    The Gorillas have 1-3movements each. Theyhave movement of head,body and arms.

    ParrotsArt. 0839 / 0840H: 90 / 75 cm

    Yellow Parrot: Movementof whole body. Red Parrot: Rockingforward and backward.


    Monkey on TrapezeArt. 0056-CH: 123 cm

    The Monkey swingsaround the trapeze.

    Chimpanzee BandArt. AS02H: 165 / W: 350 / D: 130 cm

    The Chimpanzees havelifelike movements. Theyhave movements of head,body and arms.

    Gorilla BandArt. AS03H: 80 / W: 150 / D: 75 cm

    The Gorillas have 1-3movements each. Theyhave movement of head,body and arms.

    ParrotsArt. 0839 / 0840H: 90 / 75 cm

    Yellow Parrot: Movementof whole body. Red Parrot: Rockingforward and backward.







  • White RabbitsArt. 0781 / 0780H: 50 / 30 cm

    Both Rabbits have movement of head.

    Brown RabbitsArt. 0778 / 0777H: 50 / 30 cm

    Both Rabbits have movementof head.

    Squirrel on stumpArt. 0784H: 65 cm

    The Squirrel is rockingforward and backward.

    FoxesArt. 0790 / 0791H: 48 / 25 cm

    Both Foxes have movement of head.


    White RabbitsArt. 0781 / 0780H: 50 / 30 cm

    Both Rabbits have movement of head.

    Brown RabbitsArt. 0778 / 0777H: 50 / 30 cm

    Both Rabbits have movementof head.

    Squirrel on stumpArt. 0784H: 65 cm

    The Squirrel is rockingforward and backward.

    FoxesArt. 0790 / 0791H: 48 / 25 cm

    Both Foxes have movement of head.



  • Calf, Rabbits, Deer and SquirrelArt. 0312 / 0778 / 0777 / 0313 /0784H: 90 / 50 / 30 / 165 / 65 cm

    Calf and Deer: Movement of head. Rabbits: Movement of head.Squirrel: Rocking forward andbackward.

    Deer Art. 0819 / 0820 / 0821 / 082 / 0822H: 57 / 120 / 90 / 35 / 50 cm

    All the Deer have movement ofhead.

    Squirrel and OwlArt. 0785 / 786H: 40 / 65 cm

    Squirrel: Rocking forwardand backward, whileclapping. Owl: Turning its headfrom side to side.

    CalfsArt. 0837 / 0838H: 30 / 47 cm

    Both Calfs havemovement of head.








    0837 0838


    0822 / 0822


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    Grottoes for Shopping Centres, Garden Centres, Departments Stores etc.: Along with the single animated figures /sets that Creation Group Figur Animation offers we also have the posibility to supply you with complete sceneries/grottoes. Special and unique designs can be produced based on the story/experience you want to present. Our grotto solutions are available in different sizes matching your requirements. The grotto can contain all sorts of interactive features such as: Animated figures, childrens activities, sound activation etc. The solutions are being produced in Denmark in the highest quality and according to the best and most safe methods of construction.

  • Grotto with Polar BearsA popular set up for shopping centresis our Polar Bear Band. They danceto any kind of music and create theperfect atmosphere.

    Grotto with BakeryTogether with ouranimated figures we alsomanufacture sceneriesand props to create theright settings. For thisGrotto we built a house, aporch, a sign and a lampto complete the Bakery.

    Customised GrottoThis Grotto is from a customisedproject to a shopping center. Wedesigned and built the set up afterthe customers wishes, ideas andavailable display area.



  • Grotto with Ski SlopeThis scenery brings out Christmas fun in thebest style. The little Santas appeal to childrenas well as adults and attract a lot of attention.

    Grotto with BoatIn this scene we used specialeffects to bring out the illusionthat the boat is in real water.The Harbour and Boat can bea single solution or a part of abigger Grotto.

    Grotto with Fishing VillageTogether with ouranimated Santas wemanufactured aFisherman's Cottage anda lot of different props,e.g. ladder, ice blocksand water to create theperfect Fishing Village.

    Grotto with BakeryThis Bakery is a part of a bigger Grotto in ashopping center. We used different propstogether with our figures to create the bestlifelike set up.


    Grotto with Ski SlopeThis scenery brings out Christmas fun in thebest style. The little Santas appeal to childrenas well as adults and attract a lot of attention.

    Grotto with BoatIn this scene we used specialeffects to bring out the illusionthat the boat is in real water.The Harbour and Boat can bea single solution or a part of abigger Grotto.

    Grotto with Fishing VillageTogether with ouranimated Santas wemanufactured aFisherman's Cottage anda lot of different props,e.g. ladder, ice blocksand water to create theperfect Fishing Village.

    Grotto with BakeryThis Bakery is a part of a bigger Grotto in ashopping center. We used different propstogether with our figures to create the bestlifelike set up.


    Grotto with Ski SlopeThis scenery brings out Christmas fun in thebest style. The little Santas appeal to childrenas well as adults and attract a lot of attention.

    Grotto with BoatIn this scene we used specialeffects to bring out the illusionthat the boat is in real water.The Harbour and Boat can bea single solution or a part of abigger Grotto.

    Grotto with Fishing VillageTogether with ouranimated Santas wemanufactured aFisherman's Cottage anda lot of different props,e.g. ladder, ice blocksand water to create theperfect Fishing Village.

    Grotto with BakeryThis Bakery is a part of a bigger Grotto in ashopping center. We used different propstogether with our figures to create the bestlifelike set up.



  • Creation Group Front is the gatewayto our websites. Click on the isle withanimatronics to get access to ourmagical world of animated figures.

    Animatronics Figur Animation's frontpage gives you access toeverything and anythingfrom one place. Our frontpage will guide you to ouronline catalogue, videoclips, galleries and muchmore.

    Product IndexOur product index shows you thedifferent categories you canchoose from. Under eachcategory, the relevant productsare listed. Click on a product toget a full product description.




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    Creation Group

    Figur Animation A/S

    Fluebksvej 190

    4100 Ringsted Denmark

    Tel. +45 57 611573

    [email protected]