animated with sounds 28 slides PASSIVE VOICE - introduction of basic rules - three types of exercises


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animated. with sounds. 28 slides. PASSIVE VOICE - introduction of basic rules - three types of exercises. PASSIVE VOICE. WE USE PASSIVE VOICE: to emphasize an object (100 votes are needed to pass the bill.) if your readers don't need to know - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: animated

animated with sounds 28 slides

PASSIVE VOICE - introduction of basic rules - three types of exercises

Page 2: animated



PAST PARTICIPLEe.g. asked (regular verb)

or given (irregular verb)


presentsimple present








WE USE PASSIVE VOICE:-to emphasize an object

(100 votes are needed to pass the bill.)

-if your readers don't need to know who's responsible for the action

(Oranges are grown in Spain.)

will be askedwill be given is asked

is given was/were askedwas/were given

has/have been askedhas/have been given

had been askedhad been given

is being askedis being given

was/were being askedwas/were being given


Page 3: animated

has been stolen was stolen is stolen

A car ..................(steal) with a dog in it on Sunday night.

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has been harmed was harmedis harmed

A dog ........(harm) while burglars were stealing from a house.

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is build is being built is built

A new animal shelter ........(build) these days.

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were raisedhave been raised are raised

500 dollars ......already (raise) for a new animal shelter.

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were being rescued were rescuedrescued

Dumped kittens .......(rescue) yesterday.

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will studiedwill be studied is studied

A dog “laughter“..........(study) by scientists in the nearest future.

Page 9: animated

be offered are offeredare being offered

Carrots .........(offer) to overweight dogs every evening.

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will be needwill be needed will needed

Permit .....( need) to keep dogs in blocks of flats.

Page 11: animated

are offering are offered is offered

Pet microchips .......(offer) for 20 dollars.

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be calledhas been called are called

A cat .....(call) for jury duty in Boston.

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will introduced is going to be introduced is introduced

A new cat food .....(introduce) tomorrow.

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had been revealed has been revealedwill be revealed

It .......recently (reveal) that cats are right-handed or left-handed like people.

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will be givenbe given are given

Cats should ............( give) more freedom than dogs.

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being trained be trained are trained

Dogs must ..............(train) regularly.

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being taken be takenhave been taken

Dogs might ..............(take) to the cinema if their owners buy them tickets.

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will be known are known are going to be known

Cats..............(know) to be good mouse hunters.

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is believed are believedwill be believed

Dogs..............(believe) to be good with children .

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Well done! Now, change my sentences using passive voice.Go to the next slide and start.

Click on the cat´s face to seethe correct answer.

Page 21: animated

Dogs are believed to be good with children.

People believe that dogs are good with children.

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A new animal shelter is being built in our city.

They are building a new animal shelter in our city.

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Dumped kittens were saved yesterday (by children).

Children saved dumped kittens yesterday.

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A dog “laughter“ will be studied by scientists in the nearest future.

Scientists will study a dog “laughter“ in the nearest future.

Page 25: animated

Carrots are offered to overweight dogs every evening.

They offer carrots to overweight dogs every evening.

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A cat has been called for jury duty in Boston.

They have called a cat for jury duty in Boston.

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Dogs must be trained regularly.

People must train dogs regularly.

Page 28: animated


1. When the manager arrived, the problem (solve).2. The secretary (introduce) to her new boss yesterday.

3. The book (publish) next year.4. Everybody (shock) yesterday.

5. He (remember) her name.6. Mr Green (teach) at university since 1995.

7. I can´t go with you. My bike (repair).8. The cat (eat) the mouse.

9. This house (sell) a week ago.10.I (wash) my car yesterday.

11.They (pay) on Fridays.12.The car (design) recently.

1. When the manager arrived, the problem had been solved.2. The secretary was introduced to her new boss yesterday.

3. The book will be published next year.4. Everybody was shocked yesterday.

5. He remembers her name.6. Mr Green has been teaching at university since 1995.

7. I can´t go with you. My bike is being repaired.8. The cat has eaten the mouse.

9. This house was sold a week ago.10.I washed my car yesterday.11.They are paid on Fridays.

12.The car has been designed recently.


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• http://www.casellameasurement.com/images/img_news_globe.gif

• http://www.dpcdsb.org/NR/rdonlyres/9A571D1A-FCF8-4B72-97DA-045BE7052FB0/30555/cat_reading_newspaper.gif

• http://farm1.static.flickr.com/172/480863346_c0c09bb1fb.jpg