Animals By: Kendra Bach


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Page 1: Animals


By: Kendra Bach

Page 2: Animals

A is for Antelope

Antelope have four hooves, they are spilt down the middle and are “toes”.

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D is for dingo dogs

They began house dogs ended up as wild dogs. They were free for so long and got use to the wild, they become hunters.

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E is for elephant

Do you know why elephants noses are so long some say that they were stretched.

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F is for frogs

Did you know frogs have teeth?

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H is for hamsters

As with any pet, keeping a hamster requires a commitment to care for it during its life which could be 2-3 years or longer. The commitment required includes not only their feeding routine and time spent with the hamster but also the provision of veterinary treatment if the hamster becomes ill which can be costly.

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I is for iguana

Full-grown green iguanas are usually between four and six feet, although they have been known to grow up to seven feet long. This includes the tail, which can make up about half the body length and, in addition to its green color, has black stripes

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O is for octopuses

They live in cold tropical waters.

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R is for Roster

the female’s are called chickens ?

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S is for snake

The poisonous snake is the Black Mamba. It can kill someone with just 2 drops of venom.

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T is for turtles

They can’t be on their back for a long time or they will die.

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U is for Uakari

They have bright red faces and baled heads.

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V is for Velvet crabs

The fast-moving velvet swimming crab has a flattened carapace, which is wider than it is long. The upper surface is blue but has a reddish-brown velvety covering, which disguises the blue coloration and earns the species its common name.

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W is for Whale

Did you know whales make big splashes to get their young's attention?

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X is for X –ray fish

The pretty little X-Ray Fish, also called the Golden Priestly Tetra, is an excellent fish for the beginner. It is extremely hardy and undemanding. It is not at all choosy in its water type, probably because it is found naturally in both brackish water as well as soft water. It can even withstand very hard water, though it does do its best in soft.

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Y is for Yak

The male wild yak can weigh up to 2200 pounds and is 6.5 feet high at the shoulder. Females weigh about a third of that. Their horns can be 20 (females) to 40 (males) inches long and grow out from the sides of the head and curve upward.

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Z is for Zebra

Zebra, horses and wild asses are all equips, long-lived animals that move quickly for their large size and have teeth built for grinding and cropping grass.

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Where the pictures came from: fwn.gov,

canada-photos.com, warriosdream.wordspress.com, capitalcitychris.wordpress.com, bioweh uwlax.edu, allaboutfrogs.org, egyptkat.blogspot.com, fliker.com, Google. COM\ Images