Animal Biology Degrees at Glasgow Dr Stewart White Talk will begin at 15.30

Animal Biology Degrees at Glasgow

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Animal Biology Degrees at Glasgow

Dr Stewart White

Talk will begin at 15.30

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What should you be looking for in a degree course?

• A subject that interests you

• An up-to-date course, taught by experts

• A course that gives you flexibility

• A course that offers opportunities to extend yourself and broaden your horizons

• A course that teaches you valuable skills that increase your job prospects

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Three degrees in the Animal Biology group:

1. Zoology (Hons) - 4 Years

2. Marine and Freshwater Biology (Hons) - 4 Years

3. Animal Biology - 3 Years

Also Zoology and Marine & Freshwater Biology can be done as MSci degree - an additional work placement year

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Animal Biology degrees encompass:

• Evolution and animal diversity –understanding the nature and origins of the diversity of animal life

• Ecology - how animals interact with their environment

• Development - how animals develop from egg to adult

• Physiology - how animals function in different environments

• Animal behaviour and life histories– what animals do and why

• Genes, inheritance and molecular processes

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Animal biologists study animals at different

biological levels: molecular, cellular, organ, whole organism, population, species, ecosystem

Integrative approach

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Integrative approach

How do Elephant seals manage to dive to a depth of 1550 m and stay underwater for over 100 min?

Need to look at their physiological adaptations

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Integrative approach

How does a storm petrel, weighing just 25g (same as a mouse), live to be over 33 years old?

And why does a queen ant live to be 28 when the workers only live a few months?

Molecular mechanisms to protect against ageing

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Who would be teaching you?Prof. Colin Adams – Effects of introduced fish on

aquatic communities

Dr Simon Babayan – Host-parasite interactions in wild animals

Dr David Bailey – Ways to improve success of marine conservation areas

Dr Davide Dominoni – Effects of urban environments on wildlife

Dr Roman Biek – Dynamics of rabies epidemics in wild mammals

Prof. Sarah Cleaveland – Transmission of diseases by African carnivores

Dr Kathryn Elmer – Evolution and adaptive radiation in fish, salamanders and lizards

Prof. Heather Ferguson – Effect of mosquito behaviour on malaria transmission

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Prof. Dan Haydon – Disease dynamics in the Serengeti ecosystem, Tanzania

Prof. Shaun Killen – The costs and benefits of group living in animals

Dr Ashley Le Vin – Animal behaviour, kin recognition in animals

Dr Martin Llewellyn – Parasites, and impacts of gut microbiota on hosts

Dr Jan Lindstrom – The evolution of antibiotic resistance in parasitic nematode worms

Prof. Barbara Mable – Effects of gene duplication on reproduction and mating systems

Dr Anna McGregor – Marine mammal behaviour, noise pollution

Prof. Jason Matthiopoulos – The analysis of animal movement and habitat choice

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Dr Dominic McCafferty – thermal biology, biology of marine mammals

Prof. Neil Metcalfe – Links between metabolic rate, behaviour and ecology in fish

Prof. Pat Monaghan – How early-life stress affects the rate of ageing in birds

Dr Ruedi Nager – The welfare and breeding ecology of birds

Prof. Rod Page – Developing methods to measure and record biodiversity

Dr Kevin Parsons – The evolution and development of body shape in fish

Dr Victoria Paterson – The biology of parasites

Prof. Colin Selman – Factors affecting the rate of ageing in mammals

Dr Sofie Spatharis – The productivity and dynamics of marine ecosystems

Dr Stewart White – Ornithology/Tropical rainforest ecology

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Structure of Animal Biology Degrees

Level 1 is general biology

Level 2 is a bit more specialised

Choose degree at end of 2nd year:

Level 3

- Zoology

- Marine & Freshwater Biology

- Animal Biology (3 yrs, not Honours)

Level 4 Senior honours

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Theme 1: Radiations

& extinctions

Theme 2: Evolution & diversity

Theme 4: Anthropocene

Theme 3: Living together


Course 2A:Animal Biology, Evolution & Ecology

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Field course at Millport FSC

Field course at SCENE

Course 3A:

Core skills

Invertebrate biology

Aquatic ecosystems

Applied evolution

Vertebrate life

Applications & careers week

Course 3B:

Animal physiology

Parasite biology

Ecological & developmental biology

Quantitative skills

Mini project programme

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Ecology / Freshwater Biology Field Courses

run at the Scottish Centre for Ecology and the Natural Environment – the University’s own

field station on Loch Lomond


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New teaching building opened in 2014


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Field course on freshwater ecology


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Marine Biology Field Course, Millport, Isle of Cumbrae

• One week residential field course at Millport Field Studies Council

• Investigate biology of rocky and sandy shores, marine ecosystems


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Quantitative skills

✓ Designing effective experiments

✓ Statistical analysis

Applied evolution


✓ Molecular methods

✓ Applications for animal conservation

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Mini projects program – Study sitesPut training into practice! Design, Run & Write up a small research project

Cochno Farm

GK Teaching Labs



Mini-projects Level3

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Senior honours

• Three 10-week courses - choice of option courses

• Core Skills – critical analysis, essay

• Honours research project – work individually on unique project, lasting almost 6 months (starting in summer vacation or at start of 1st Semester), supervised by member of staff


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Wide variety of Honours projects

• Impact of urbanisation on leatherback turtle nesting behaviour

• Impact of elephants on woody vegetation in South Africa

• Effect of wolves’ presence on residents’ attitude in Finland

• Chronic stress responses in dancing monkeys in Pakistan

• Diversity of primates in Peru

• Plumage development in wandering albatross chicks

• Acoustics as indicator for biodiversity in coral reefs in Sri Lanka

• Microplastics in aquatic sediments and birds

• Tick bite risk in people of the Outer Hebrides

• Role of farm management on parasite abundance

• Association between diet and cellular senescence in mice

• Changes in immunoglobulin G in grey seal milk


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Different options:

Evolution: Pattern and



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Tropical EcologyLevel


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Ecology and Conservation of African ecosystems –

field course in Kenya


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Tropical Marine Biology –field course in Red Sea


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Disease EcologyLevel


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Freshwater EcologyLevel


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Behavioural Ecology


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Ecological speciation


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Fisheries and AquacultureLevel


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Applying Ecology:

Conservation and

Management of Populations


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Our ‘Work Placement’ DegreeMSci Zoology / Marine & FW Biology

• First 3 years identical to honours course

• Year out on work placement between Level 3 and 4

• 5th year – is the level 4 honours course

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Work Placement Destinations

Apply to do this degree option in 3rd year –competitive, so academic performance is critical

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Zoological Society

• Student organisation

• Organises scientific talks, trips

• Social events

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Exploration Society

✓ Student society runs many expeditions each summer

✓ Destinations include Cyprus, Ecuador, Guyana, Iceland, Sri Lanka, Tobago, Trinidad

✓ Can conduct Honours project as part of an expedition

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Recent Animal Biology Graduates

• Research officer studying fur seals for British Antarctic Survey

• Biodiversity officer, Glasgow city council

• PhD in environmental impact of whale watching off Scotland

• Biology teacher

• Researcher in lizard conservation in Australia

• Conservation organiser for a reserve in Ecuador

• Researcher for wildlife documentary company

• Research assistant studying ageing in meerkats, Cambridge University

• Researcher studying Marine Protected Areas, Natural England

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• Assistant Marine Survey technician, Orkney Island Council.

• Principal Aquatic Ecologist, Jacob’s Engineering

• Phytoplankton Ecologist, SEPA

• Conservation biologist, Kakapo research, New Zealand

• Head of habitats and species for RSPB Scotland

• Animal nutritionist, Chester Zoo

• Wildlife film maker, National Geographic

• Elephant conservation officer for a game park in South Africa

• Fisheries biologist, Environment Agency

Recent Animal Biology Graduates

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Recent Animal Biology Graduates

• Molecular ecologist studying fish genetic diversity, Marine Lab, Aberdeen

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What our graduates thought of our degrees

Look at the National Student Survey at:


97-100% of our students are satisfied with the course

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Any questions?

Raise them at the webchat from 16.00 - 17.00

via the online registration form: