FOREST COVER MONITORING AND MAPPING CHANGES USING GIS-RS: A CASE STUDY ON CHUNATI WILDLIFE SANCTUARY (CHUNATI BEAT) Supervisor: Professor Dr. A.H.M. Raihan Sharif PRESENTED BY ANIK MONDAL Department of Geography and Environment Jahanginagar University Thursday, October 27, 2022

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BEAT)Supervisor: Professor Dr. A.H.M. Raihan Sharif



Department of Geography and Environment

Jahanginagar UniversityMonday, May 1, 2023

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Every country needs 25 % of forest cover of the total area.

The total forest cover of Bangladesh is 9.18 %.( Forest department,Bangladesh,2014)

Bangladesh has 871000 hectors which is 8 of the total area.(FAO Report,2005)

In Bangladesh, annual depletion of the growing stock stands at 1.65 % while a large portion of this forest land has been encroached.

( FCC- Progress Report, Anon 1992)


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Aim of the researchForest cover change and monitoring of Chuanti Wildlife Sanctuary

(Chunati beat) in order to detect the present status of forest cover.

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Objectives of research:

To inventory and mapping of spatial distribution of forest.Prepare a forest cover map showing the present status of forest cover.To explore forest cover change detection ( 1990-2012)

Research Questions

What types of forest covers are extent in the spatial distribution of forest ?What are the present types of forest cover extent ?What extent of forest cover changes occurred ( 1990-2012) ?

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Objective Data type Data sourceData collection method

Data Presentation

Data Presentation Results

To inventory and mapping of spatial distribution of forest



FGD, Field visit,Questionnaire survey

Library search Journals, reports

Statistical analysis

mapping of spatial distribution of forest


Library search Journals, reports

Library search Journals, reports

Statistical analysis

mapping of spatial distribution of forest



FGD, Field visit,Questionnaire survey

Library search Journals, reports

Statistical analysis

mapping of spatial distribution of forest


Library search Journals, reports

Library search Journals, reports

Statistical analysis

mapping of spatial distribution of forest

Methodology And Data Collection

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Objectives Data type Data source

Data collection method

Data Presentation

Data Presentation Results

Prepare a forest cover map showing the present status of forest cover



Participatory observation, Questionnaire survey

Library search Journals, reports

Google Earth, Arc GIS, Repid Eye, Arial Photograph,

mapping of spatial distribution of forest


Library search Journals, reports

Library search Journals, reports


mapping of spatial distribution of forest



Participatory observation, Questionnaire survey

Library search Journals, reports

Google Earth, Arc GIS, Repid Eye, Arial Photograph,

mapping of spatial distribution of forest

secondaryLibrary search Journals, reports

Library search Journals, reports

Mappingmapping of spatial distribution of forest

Methodology And Data Collection

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Objective Data type Data source

Data collection method

Data Presentation

Data Presentation Results

To explore forest cover change detection



Questionnaire survey, mouza map

Library search Journals, reports

Google Earth, Arc GIS, Repid Eye, Arial Photograph,

Forest cover change



Library search Journals, reports

Library search Journals, reports

MappingForest cover

change mapping


primaryQuestionnaire survey, mouza map

Library search Journals, reports

Google Earth, Arc GIS, Repid Eye, Arial Photograph,

Forest cover change


secondaryLibrary search Journals, reports

Library search Journals, reports

MappingForest cover

change mapping

Methodology And Data Collection

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Chunati Wildlife Sanctuary (CWS)

Establishment 1986

Absolute Location

21°58' N Latitude and92° 04' E Longitude

Relative location

70 km south of Chittagong City on the west side of Chittagong – Cox’s Bazar highway

Total Area 7761 hectors77.61 Sq KM

Elevation 30 to 90 meters

Including others, the Asian elephant, wild boar, Rhesus monkey, barking deer still roam this huge tract of open land.

Source: Forest Department

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Chunati beat is situated in Chunti range of Chunti Wildlife Sanctuary in Chittagong south forest division. The total area of Chunati Forest beat is 4618.51 acres. The location of Chunati beat office is 21 57.753⁰ N and 92 03.702⁰ E .

Chunati beat consists of three mouzas named Chunati, Jungle Chunati and Jungle Rashider Ghona under Lohaghora upazilla at Chittagong district.

Chunati beat

The total area of Jungle Rashider Ghona is 23.03 acres, Jungle Chunati is 48.18 acres and Chunati is 1310.93 acres.

Chunati mouza Jungle Chunati mouza Jungle Rashider



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Study Area Beat

Chunati Mouza Jungle Chunati Mouza Jungle Rashider ghona

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Study Area Beat( Chunati Beat)

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Field Visit in Chunati, Jungle Rashider Ghoana and Jungle Chunati Mouzas For Detail Forest Cover Monitoring and Mapping

Pictures: Chunati Beat

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Chunati Beat Forest Plantation : a. Key Informant Information (KII)

In the sessions, Local Amin, Beat Officer, service holder, businessman, farmers, day labors, fisherman, social activist has been participated as the key informants.

Pictures: KII in Chunati Beat

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Focus Group Discussion (FGDs) For validating the collected data from various sources, focus group discussion(FGD) has been organized with the participation from all the villages of Chunati mouza , Jungle Chunati mouza and Jungle Rashider Ghona mouza.

Pictures: FGD in Harbang Beat

Ground Truthing (Field Verification and GPS Survey)

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SI. No Latitude Longitude Description

1 21˚56.096 N 92˚03.206 E Main Road2 21˚56.096 N 92˚02.651 E Brick Field3 21˚55.897 N 92˚02.651 E Social Forest 19994 21˚55.651 N 92˚02.711 E Agriculture land in both side5 21˚55.565 N 92˚02.729 E Pan Boraj6 21˚55.280 N 92˚03.101 E Pan Baraj 3, back hill 7 21˚55.334 N 92˚03.101 E Lemon Gradening 8 21˚55.412 N 92˚03.311 E Agrifield , watch tower (tree)9 21˚55.418 N 92˚03.502 E Lichu Gradening10 21˚55.425 N 92˚03.545 E Hill11 21˚959850 N 92˚040483 E Pond 12 21˚959217 N 92˚037217 E Hill 13 21˚959917 N 92˚041733 E Pathway / Plain Land14 21˚951967 N 92˚050183 E Low Land15 21˚943233 N 92˚047117 E Nashi 16 21˚934900 N 92˚053383 E Planted Forest17 21˚934400 N 92˚058800 E Before Brick Field18 21˚935150 N 92˚059900 E Brick Field19 21˚935417 N 92˚060333 E Pond 20 21˚935583 N 92˚062267 E Road


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Ground Control Point Mapping in Chunati Beat

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Description of Location Location on G. Earth Image Picture of Location

Location 1.Latitude: 21˚56.096 NLongitude: 92˚03.206 E

Description: West Side of Main Road.

Location 2.Latitude: 21˚55.897 N Longitude: 92˚02.651 E Description: Plantation (Newly Social Forestation).

Location 3:Latitude: 21˚55.565 N Longitude: 92˚02.729 E Description: Pan Baroj

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Year Types of Plantation Quantity ( Hectors)

1995-96 Long-term Forest 601996-97 Long-term Forest 70

1997-98Long-term Forest 40Beth Gardening 4Bamboo Forest 2

1998-99 Beth Gardening 4

1999-00Bamboo Gardening 5

Beth Gardening 5Wildlife food & Settlement Related Forest 5

2000-01Bamboo Gardening 5Long term Forest 20Beth Gardening 10

Wildlife food & Settlement Related Forest 52001-02 Beth Gardening 102003-04 Wildlife food & Settlement Related Forest 52004-05 Osodi Forest 52005-06 Buffer Forest 15

2006-07Buffer Forest 15

Wildlife food & Settlement Related Forest 10Enrichment Forest 10

2007-08Buffer Forest 25

Long-term Forest 30Copiho Preservation 10

2008-09 Beffer Forest 15Long-term Forest 20

2009-10 Long-term Forest 402010-11 Long-term Forest 802012-13 Long-term Forest 0.16

Chunti Beat Forest Plantation(Chunti Block)

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Application of GIS tool in Forest Cover Mapping Study

For geo-referencing, necessary information (reference points) has been collected from secondary source. Attribute data and digitize spatial data compile using Arc GIS 10.1 software.

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Digitization of Forest Cover Extent

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Result Analysis For Area Calculation of Forest Cover Extent in Chunati Beat

Monday, May 1, 2023

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Land use and Forest Classification:

1.1 Well Growth/ Stock (>70%)1.1.1 Well Growth/ Stock (>70%) Over 3 m1.1.2 Well Growth/ Stock (>70%) Up to 3 m 1.2 Degraded Forest (10-69%) 1.2.1 Degraded Forest (10-69%) Over 3 m1.2.2 Degraded Forest (10-69%) Up to 3 m 1.3 Denudated forest/Bush forest2. Agricultural land3. Water body4. Settlements








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Field Verifications (Ground Truthing): After collecting data from various sources including local amin, area transaction, KIIs and other secondary sources, field verification has been taken place.

Pictures: 1. Well Growth Forest, 2.Bush Forest,3.Plantation, 4. Information Board of Beat, 5.Agricultural Land, 6.Bettle Leaf land, 7. Water body, 8. Settlement

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Arial Photo 1990 Arial Photo 1998

Image Collection

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Image CollectionRapid Eye 2010 Goggle Image 2014

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Identification of different characteristics of forest cover

monitoring and mapping.

Map of forest cover of my study area.

Identification of the changing pattern of land use and forest

cover of Chunati beat of Chunati Wildlife Sanctuary.

Finding Finding

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Thank You and Have a Nice Day