Page 1 Muchimba Sikumba-Dils, [email protected] , Cel. 258 84 318 3330, Tel/Fax 21 32 85 84 ANGOLA JOINT GENDER PROGRAM MID-TERM REVIEW COMMISIONED BY UNIFEM MAY 2008 Prepared by: Muchimba Sikumba-Dils Gender Consultant Av. Samora Machel, #285 Predio 1 de Janeiro, 6 th floor flat 609, Maputo. [email protected] Tel/fax +258 21 32 85 84 or cell. +258 84 318 3330

ANGOLA JOINT GENDER PROGRAM MID-TERM REVIEW · Page 1 Muchimba Sikumba-Dils, [email protected], Cel. 258 84 318 3330, Tel/Fax 21 32 85 84 ANGOLA JOINT GENDER PROGRAM MID-TERM REVIEW

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Page 1: ANGOLA JOINT GENDER PROGRAM MID-TERM REVIEW · Page 1 Muchimba Sikumba-Dils, msikumba@gmail.com, Cel. 258 84 318 3330, Tel/Fax 21 32 85 84 ANGOLA JOINT GENDER PROGRAM MID-TERM REVIEW

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Muchimba Sikumba-Dils, [email protected],

Cel. 258 84 318 3330, Tel/Fax 21 32 85 84



MAY 2008

Prepared by:

Muchimba Sikumba-Dils

Gender Consultant

Av. Samora Machel, #285 Predio 1 de Janeiro, 6th floor flat 609, Maputo.

[email protected]

Tel/fax +258 21 32 85 84 or cell. +258 84 318 3330

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Muchimba Sikumba-Dils, [email protected],

Cel. 258 84 318 3330, Tel/Fax 21 32 85 84


Acknowledgements 3

List of Acronyms 4

Foreword 5

Executive Summary 6

Introduction 6

Objectives of the evaluation

Findings 8

Analysis of Findings 8

Output 1.1 Strengthen the capacity of MINFAMU and the CCMG 10

Output 1.2 MINFAMU Documentation Unit Reinforced 11

Output 1.3 Data on socio-economic and political situation

of women and men in Angola available 11

Output 1.4 Engendering of national budgets supported 11

Output 1.5 Network for women living with HIV/AIDS launched

and institutional support provided 12

Output 1.6 Participation of women in national and local elections

and other decision making positions supported 12

Output 2.1 HIV/AIDS Policy revised and gender and

human rights mainstreamed 12

Output 2.2 National Gender Policy developed and

submitted for approval 12

Output 2.3 Supported implementation of 10 year review of ICPD

and Beijing Platform recommendations 13

Output 3.1 Data on violence against women and children

and Harmful Traditional Practices (HTP) available

and used for advocacy 13

Output 3.2 Law proposal on Domestic Violence designed

and presented for approval 13

Output 3.3 Support services for victims/survivors of

domestic violence strengthened 13

Output 3.4 CEDAW integrated in legal, policy, planning and

programming frameworks 13

Output 3.5 Angolan Women Lawyers Association strengthened 13

Output 3.5 Security Council Resolution 1325 implemented 13

Output 4.1 Women engaged in decent work 14

Recommendations and Opportunities 14

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Muchimba Sikumba-Dils, [email protected],

Cel. 258 84 318 3330, Tel/Fax 21 32 85 84

Sustainability 18

Conclusions 19


Terms of Reference of the Evaluation 20

List of Interviews 25

Findings Chart: Current Programme Achievements 28


The Evaluation Team was composed by Gender Consultant Muchimba Sikumba-Dils and Mr. Cristovo

Kajibanga . The team worked on this mission and is grateful to the UNIFEM Regional Director Ms.

Nomcebo Manzini for her preparatory briefing prior to the mission. Thanks to the UNIFEM Regional Office

staff for all the logistic and administrative support that made my visit and stay in Angola fruitful and


Special thanks to the MINFAMU Gender Unit Team in particular Ms. Margarida and Mr. Jose Broa

responsible for the coordinating the evaluation program and mission, setting meetings and providing all

the support documentation and references during the duration of the mission.

We acknowledge the political leaders, government and non-governmental officials and individuals in

Luanda and Benguela Provinces, who willingly provided me with vital information required for the

evaluation. We are indebted to all those whom I met with me and responded the numerous queries about

the Government of Angola/UN’s Joint Gender Programme.

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Muchimba Sikumba-Dils, [email protected],

Cel. 258 84 318 3330, Tel/Fax 21 32 85 84


CEDAW Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women

CICA Mulhers das Igrejas Cristas – Christian Women’s Association

DNDM Direccao Nacional da Mulher – Nacional Direcetorate for Women

DNPC Direccao National para Promocao e Coordinacao – National Directorate for

Promotion and Coordination

DNPF Direccao National de Politica Familiar – National Directorate for Familiy Planning

DPFASAC Direccao Provincial da Familia Promocao da Mulher Assistancia e Reincencao Social

Antigas Cobatente – Provincial Directorate for Family and Promotion of Women,

Assistance and Social Reinstatement of War Vetarans

FAS Fundo de Apoio Social – Social Assistance Fund

IECA Igreja Evangelica Congregacional de Angola

JGP Joint Gender Program

MINFAMU Ministerio da Familia ePromocao da Mulher – Ministry of Family and Promotion of


NGO Non Government Organization

OMA Organizacao da Mulher Angolana – Angolan Women’s Organization

PROMAIC Catholic Church Association and other religions organisation

PLWHIV People living with HIV

UNDP United Nations Development Program

UNFPA United Nations Population Fund

UNIFEM United Nations Development Fund for Women

WHO World Health Organization

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Muchimba Sikumba-Dils, [email protected],

Cel. 258 84 318 3330, Tel/Fax 21 32 85 84


The Joint Gender Programme (JGP) evaluation exercise was conducted at the request of the UNIFEM

Regional Office, Johannesburg in order to provide an analytical review of the JGP (2005 – 2008). The

purpose is to provide the JGP with an independent view on the suitability and relevance of this strategy,

the efficiency and effectiveness of the implementation of their Programme and its achievements and

shortfalls. Through this review UN partner agencies may reposition various aspects of collaboration with

the Government of Angola to better achieve its Millennium Development Goals and improve the quality of

life of the people of Angola.

The evaluation exercise was undertaken for a total of 10 working days from the 17 – 28th March 2008 a

team of consultants lead by Gender Consultant, Muchimba Sikumba-Dils. The consultants visited

implementing partners and project sites in Luanda, and Benguela province, and held discussions with

project staff, partners, government authorities and other stakeholders.

The report therefore consists of independent analyses by a consultant not directly involved in the design

and implementation of the JGP Programme, and reflects the views of the consultant team and not those of

UNIFEM’s Regional Office.

The time available for the Evaluation was very short, being only 10 days, out of which nearly one week was

taken up for interviews and site visits. The consultant spent more than a week after the end of their

mission putting together this report together. It is therefore recommended that future evaluations of the

JGP be undertaken with a minimum of four weeks at the disposal of the evaluator.

Executive Summary This report summarises the mid term evaluation of the Joint Gender Program in Angola covering the implementation period 2006 to 2008. The mid-term review was commissioned by UNIFEM to evaluate the JGP performance in collaboration with its partner UN agencies, MINFAMU and the implementing partners OMA and Rede Mulher. After a general introduction and a description of the context, this report presents the findings, conclusions and recommendations on: • The implementation mechanism of the JGP in Angola, • The funding mechanisms including and disbursements in the first phase of the program, • Connectedness and linkages between the central structures and the provincial implementing partners, • The extent to which the needs MINFAMU are being met by the JGP. • Support for partner institutions implementing the JGP.

About 60% of the program activities have been implemented having achieved numerous consultative

meetings, workshops, training and research/studies carried by MINFAMU, the UN partner agencies and its

implementing parties.

Less successful have been the activities requiring technical skills to set up data base and IT systems to

manage data and secure improved information sharing between partners. The program has also faced

challenges in advocating and lobbying to secure greater participation of women in political processes and

decision making. The National Gender policy is still under elaboration and greater effort is required for its

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Muchimba Sikumba-Dils, [email protected],

Cel. 258 84 318 3330, Tel/Fax 21 32 85 84

speedy approval and implementation.

Finally, the time has now come to reflect on the financing and management modality of the program in

light of phasing out direct UN management and greater MINFAMU management and coordination of the

program implementation. Dialogue and partnership between UN agencies particularly UNIFEM, UNDP,

UNFPA and MINFAMU need to be help to map out the way forward while ensuring the program’s



The Government of Angola with technical and financial support of UNDP, UNFPA and UNIFEM has been

implementing a four year program (2005 – 2008) to build the capacity of the Ministry of the Family and

Promotion of Women (MINFAMU) as well as its NGO partners in various programmatic areas. Specifically,

the program addresses the need to build and strengthen national capacity for advocating and

mainstreaming gender and human rights into various development processes in Angola, thus contributing

to gender equality and the empowerment of Angolan women. In order to accomplish this it focuses on the

following main areas:

Strengthening the capacity of MINFAMU, the Multi-Sectoral Gender Committees at national level

and in selected provinces as well as key women’s organizations;

Supporting policy development and dialogue, especially the National Gender Policy and ensuring

that gender and human rights are mainstreamed into the HIV/AIDS policy and Strategic Framework;

Improving protection of women’s civil and political rights, including the review and reform of key

laws using the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women

(CEDAW) and design of an awareness campaign to ensure the provisions of CEDAW and other legal

frameworks such as the Family Law Code are well known through the development of an advocacy

strategy, training and support services for addressing violence against women and children;

Supporting the socio-economic empowerment of women and their families, targeting

disadvantaged women and their families through inter alia the creation of community-based

cooperatives and business training skills and information that integrates Human Rights, gender

based violence and HIV and AIDS.

As part of the Monitoring and Evaluation component this serves as the Joint Program Document a Mid

term review conducted to inter alia ascertain the following:

Objectives of the evaluation

Take stock of current program activities, problems and opportunities;

Verify the continued relevance and pertinence of the Joint Gender Program (JGP) as well as the

related sustainability;

Identify the necessary adjustments, if any, in project design, objectives, strategies and

implementation arrangements in the light of changes in the environment,

Make recommendations on how to improve performance of the JGP

Identify areas which the funding and implementing partners and program management should pay

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Muchimba Sikumba-Dils, [email protected],

Cel. 258 84 318 3330, Tel/Fax 21 32 85 84

specific attention to in order to achieve project objectives.

Program Management

- Institutional Arrangements and Programme Implementation: similar to other UN financed program,

MINFAMU’s Vice Minister is the Executive Director of the JGP and the National Director for

Promotion and Coordination is the JGP program coordinator. With the exception of the financial

and administrative assistant, the remaining staff, namely the program officer, secretary/assistant

and the driver are MINFAMU members of staff.

- Coordination: The JGP is coordinated by the Gender Unit situated in MINFAMU. This unit

coordinates all program implementation between MINFAMU at central and provincial directorate

level, UN partner agencies, civil society partners such as Rede Mulher and OMA. A program officer

has recently been recruited to complement the activities of the program coordinator and reinforce

the program’s implementation at provincial level.

- Data Collection and Management: data being collected by the implementing partners such as OMA

and Rede Mulher is being compiled at MINFAMU’ s data base. This information is compiled and

shared for by relevant users within government institution, UN partner agencies and non

government for policy development, research and fact based sensitization all aimed at improving

the status of women in Angola.

- Financial Management: Currently direct payment of all expenditure is being used. There is a

shortfall in the funds mobilized to the total funds required for the entire program. From the on-set

of the JGP, the capacity of the national financial assistant of the JGP secretariat has been weak and

capacity building and training has been carried out to address this. To date this continues to be a

challenge and additional assistance be given to the unit and under consideration is the

identification and recruitment of a qualified financial and administrative assistant for the program.

- There is a funding gap between the total funds required and funds mobilized this far for the

implementation of the JGP. Though efforts have been on-going to fund raise for the JGP, there

seems to be an apparent donor “fatique” amongst bilateral and multi-lateral donors, this could also

reflect low capacity to lobby for support by government and the UN partners to galvanize support

for gender.


Overall about 60% of the activities have been implemented to date. Most of the outputs that have been

achieved have been carried by MINFAMU Gender Unit at central government level. REDE MULHER and

OMA, the non government implementing partners too have been implementing activities both at central

and provincial level with their affiliate organizations and branches. Implementation of the JGP started off

to a slow start as it’s launch was held up by recruitment procedures for the secretariat in MINFAMU. Once

qualified technical and support staff were recruited including a program CTA based at MINFAMU, the

program began in essence in 2006. Most of the program activity implementation has been carried out at

central level and in Luanda and included introduction of the program to the provincial governments.

MINFAMU’s provincial directorate in Benguela province, DPMASAC, does not seem to be very clear on how

to engage in the JGP program and their perception is that the JGP program is as a Luanda based initiative

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Muchimba Sikumba-Dils, [email protected],

Cel. 258 84 318 3330, Tel/Fax 21 32 85 84

that is yet to be implemented in the province.

NGO partners REDE MULHER and OMA have been working to implement activities in gender and HIV and

building efforts to fight against domestic violence through advocacy and collaboration with law makers.

Though enthusiastic and engaged in their activities, both partner’s activities have been at times hampered

by delays in funds disbursement and technical capacity required to amplify their work down to grassroots

and broaden their outreach to the most needy, poor and vulnerable women.

Implementing partners are bound by UN financial and management procedures and their often poor

technical capacity has posed as an obstacle and led to delays in funds disbursement for activities.

Continued capacity building to the implementing partners for strengthened management and

implementation is required in order to ensure the smooth hand over and UN phase out of the program

towards total national management and ownership of the program.

Analysis of Findings

In general, the JGP’s implantation has been strong in facilitating dialogue and raising awareness through

gender mainstreaming workshops and training, hosting dialogue and consultation processes with

government at central and provincial levels as well with non-government organizations and stake holders.

MINFAMU has actively engaged on policy formulation and sensitizing policy makers to parliamentarians for

the approval of gender sensitive laws such as the domestic violence law, the law that protects victims of

HIV and the family law. MINFAMU, Rede Mulher and OMA and their partners have been participating in

international conferences and events of gender. This is contributed to broadening their understanding and

capacity to articulate identify problems and address gender issues within their institutions and outside.

Participation in international conferences and events has contributed towards broadening and

strengthening networks with other institutions and governments on issues of gender.

Nonetheless, weakness have been noted during the JGP implementation. MINFAMU’s capacity to

advocate and mobilize a critical mass of gender promoters and “activists” within the senior ranks of

government and policy makers has been week nd this is reflected in the apparent slow/delayed

advancement in policy development and approval, key and critical policy documents being the National

Gender Policy and the Domestic Violence Law have not yet been approved by the Council of Ministers.

Technical support for implementation of IT related activities to strengthen the Documentation Centre of

MINFAMU has been weak and the centre’s capacity to compile, manage and share information with other

key government sectors needs to be strengthened. Technical training gender mainstreaming for statistics

compilation and analysis has also not taken place at provincial level and the gender sensitive data base has

not been installed. Gender Mainstreaming training to senior policy makers and focal persons as well as

NGO executive staff has been generic and not specific for the sector needs nor application in order to

ensure that gender be mainstreamed in a practical manner in programs and activities. Qualified gender

trainers have to be engaged to train trainers and also give practical/applicable and analytical gender tools

to practioners and policy makers.

In general MINFAMU has implemented a lot of activities such as facilitation and hosting of dialogue,

workshops, sensitization and awareness raising and has facilitated a two studies on gender issues. It has

been less success in giving technical training on gender issues to implementing partners and key

government staff and service providers particularly for victims of Domestic Violence.

There has been low success in advocating and lobbying critical support for policy development and

approval at senior government level and parliament. Nonetheless, MINFAMU has held workshops on

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Muchimba Sikumba-Dils, [email protected],

Cel. 258 84 318 3330, Tel/Fax 21 32 85 84

gender mainstreaming for the multi-sector gender group and it is generally expected that senior

government officers are aware of gender mainstreaming and gender equality. Like wise activities in policy

development in general have been slow and greater effort has to be exerted gather a critical mass that

rallies behind gender issues and advocates for review of laws and development of gender policies.

OMA, which enjoys a wide grassroots base, has been engaged actively in activities aimed at assisting

victims of Domestic Violence and lobbying for the approval of the law against domestic violence. Despite

the obstacles paused by delays in funds disbursement, OMA and its provincial and municipal affiliate

organizations has been working and collecting data on domestic violence while seeking solutions with legal

and judicial structures locally.

Rede Mulher the main partner in HIV and AIDS has fostered the registration of Muenho, the Network for

Women Living with HIV and AIDS. Muenho, though still very young has engaged in numerous sensitization

and awareness raising both at community level and also engaging policy makers to advocating the law

against discrimination against people living with HIV and AIDS. Like OMA, Rede has faced financial

constraints that has at times limited its interventions.

Overall, the technical capacity of MINFAMU’s Gender unit has varied over time though efforts to

strengthen the unit’s capacity through recruitment of competent and qualified staff has been a challenge.

A CTA was attached to the program in MINFAMU at the program’s inception but she has since left. The

current MINFAMU program staff, in the absence of a CTA, have put in their best effort to coordinate and

implement the program but a perception of work overload and inadequate professional capacity in

program management, coordination and financial administration to effectively manage and run the

program in its entirety has been felt.

Reporting on activities has varied in content and detail as well as timeliness. Reports submitted to

MINFAMU by the implementing partners vary in style and in general are not very detailed. Measuring the

impact of these activities therefore is not easy nor accurate as the reports do not give details on content,

list of participants, findings, comments and recommendations stemming from discussions during the

course of the workshops, training and consultations sessions.

Below are general comments on findings and observations for each output.

Output 1.1: Strengthen the capacity of MINFAMU and the CCMG

Achieved – MINFAMU has had success in conducting workshops, dialogues, consultation at central levels

and participating in trips.

Weak point – MINFAMU’s technical ability to develop training material and conduct gender mainstreaming

training for implementing partners, government policy makers needs to be strengthened. Partnership

should be sort with specialized training and academic institutions.

Program management and particularly the financial administration staff of MINFAMU’s Gender unit

is weak and needs to be strengthened.

Presentation of the JGP program to provincial government and stakeholders has taken place though

there lacks clarity on implementation modules and processes for effective engagement at provincial

and municipal level. MINFAMU ‘s provincial directorate in Benguela DPFSAC are not very clear on

the status of implementing the JGP at provincial level. Though aware of the existence of the JGP,

they were less clear on procedures and implementation at provincial level and at what stage the

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Muchimba Sikumba-Dils, [email protected],

Cel. 258 84 318 3330, Tel/Fax 21 32 85 84

process was between the province and central MINFAMU.

Disbursement of funds to implementing partners has been slow and often delayed. Sometimes

implementing partners have had to work “without” funds in order not to interrupt implementation

of activities.

Effective reporting is essential to monitor progress and outputs of the program and its partners.

Reports by implementing partners do not reflect the content of the training/sensitization nor do

they reflect the lists of participants by both OMA and Rede Mulher therefore it makes it difficult to

deduce the effectiveness and outputs of these activities.

Given the mandate of JGP secretariat of coordinating a and mainstreaming gender while at the

same time an integral unit of MINFAMU, the secretariat plays the role of coordinator and also

implementer of the program.

How relevant is it to have DPFASAC as the implementing partner at provincial level given its duel

roles, social and political. Currently national priorities are aimed at elections process, to what

extent does this JGP implementation agenda at provincial level. A need to reflect and review the

working structures pertaining to the project implementation.

It is not clear what the process implementation of the JGP at provincial level. DPFASAC still awaits

further orientation from MINFAMU on procedures to implement the program at provincial level in

line with JGP central objectives. UNFPA Benguela like other partners took part in the workshop but

requests more information on participation and implementation.

Capacity building of MINFAMU and partner NGOs has began at senior management level, this has

to continue right through the structures and CEDAW should be included in this capacity building.

Continued training of implementing partners on effective reporting using indicators will ensure

better performance.

MINFAMU’s partners – Rede Mulher and OMA should develop and submit annual work plans to

MINFAMU. Performance should be measured based on the approved work plans. Reporting

modules should be used by implementing partners to ensure that relevant and adequate content is


Some JGP activities are carried out by UNIFEM’s regional office such as participating in international

conferences. Concern was raised on effective information sharing between participants to

international conferences including UNIFEM and partner NGOs with MINFAMU. Information

sharing and disseminated is important to MINFAMU and linking that with other government


Output 1.2 MINFAMU Documentation Unit Reinforced

Achieved – Overall has implemented 2 out of 3 activities.

Weak point – Weak capacity and IT technical knowhow to establish the database and link it to other users

and providers of information such as NGOs in the HIV and especially the health service sector, the judiciary

system at provincial and district levels.

An assessment of the documentation centre and the counseling centers has to done to measure

their effectiveness, challenges and areas of improvement.

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Cel. 258 84 318 3330, Tel/Fax 21 32 85 84

Output 1.3: Data on socio-economic and political situation of women and men in Angola available

Achievement - Conducted needs assessments, meetings and training.

Weak point – a weak technical capacity to create a database for use by both government and non-

government stakeholders countrywide.

Output 1.4 Engendering of national budgets supported

Achievement – conducted assessments and training in gender budgeting in sector ministries.

Weak point – the technical ability to implement and monitor gender budgeting

Our response to the report is that in the area of programming it is possible that the Ministry has

gained the experience and technical expertise to manage the programmatic elements quite

competently. The programme has exposed staff to gender training in a variety of ways, they have

participated in south to south cooperation related initiatives, they are now even engaged in gender

responsive budgeting which they were not familiar with initially.

Output 1.5 Network for women living with HIV/AIDS launched and institutional support provided

Muenho has demonstrated commitment and good implementation of activities by in partnership with RM.

It still lacks the capacity to conduct research and disseminate findings.

Output 1.6: Participation of women in national and local elections and other decision making positions


Achieved – conducted assessment, information dissemination on gender equality if political and decision

making process and conducted a number of meetings with key government sectors and women’s


Weak point – has still not conducted a TOT in transformative leadership.

Output 2.1 HIV/AIDS Policy revised and gender and human rights mainstreamed

Achieved – have conducted meetings with NGO networks on HIV, leadership structures to disseminate

information on HIV/AIDS

Weak point – the HIV policy revision is being lead by MINSAU has not yet been concluded.

Output 2.2: National Gender Policy developed and submitted for approval

Achieved – numerous meetings and consultation meetings have been held by the multi-sector commission

lead by MINFAMU. A draft National Gender Policy exists.

Weak point – the National Gender Policy has still not be finalized nor consulted throughout the provinces

prior to its submission to the Ministers Council for approval. This key policy document seems a long way

yet to being finalized and approved.

Developing the National Gender Policy has been slow. The document is still in draft form and is not

yet ready for submission to the Minister’s Council. This is a key instrument to guide the national

gender effort in the country and efforts to speed up its elaboration and approval need to be

stepped up under the leadership of MINFAMU.

Output 2.3: Supported implementation of 10 year review of ICPD and Beijing Platform recommendations

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Achieved – meetings to discuss Beijing Platform of action have been conducted.

Need to build this into the national policies and continue to disseminate these recommendations down to

provincial and municipal levels.

Output 3.1 Data on violence against women and children and Harmful Traditional Practices (HTP)

available and used for advocacy

Achieved – two studies have been carried out one by MINFAMU and another by UNIFEM on aspects of

gender based violence and the two await their being approved and published. Publicity material also has

been produced for use during commemorative events.

Weak point – weak technical knowhow to install IT data base information systems to track and monitor

victims of domestic violence.

Output 3.2: Law proposal on Domestic Violence designed and presented for approval

Achieved – the draft law on Domestic Violence has been submitted to the council of ministers for approval.

Weak point – to lobby government, parliament, civil society and gather public opinion in support for the

speedy approval of this draft law.

Output 3.3: Support services for victims/survivors of domestic violence strengthened

Achieved – a study on has been done, an action plan against domestic violence has been elaborated and

publicity and awareness material has been produced the leadership of MINFAMU.

Weak point – setting up a data base system to track victims of domestic violence has not yet been


Output 3.4: CEDAW integrated in legal, policy, planning and programming frameworks

Achieved – training of government officials on CEDAW has taken place at provincial level.

Weak point – only 2 out 9 of the activities have been completed this far, 4 are ongoing and 3 have not yet

been implemented. Implementing of these activities is falling behind schedule and need to be completed

within the remaining timeframe of the project.

Output 3.5: Angolan Women Lawyers Association strengthened

Weak point – This output has not been achieved at all. The Angolan Women Lawyers Association, due to

its internal circumstances has been unable to engage in JGP’s activities. This partnership needs to be

reviewed to consider the future of this partnership.

Output 3.6: Security Council Resolution 1325 implemented

Weak point: Only one out of three activities of this output have been carried out. Once again the capacity

to give technical support to implement and monitor the Security Council Resolution 1325 has to be secured

by MINFAMU to ensure the implementation of these activities.

Output 4.1: Women engaged in decent work

Achieved – a business women’s association exists in Luanda and this has expected to be duplicated at

Provincial level. Benguela province has already formed a business with affiliate associations in some

provinces exist. One workshop has been facilitated for the Business Women’s Association by MINFAMU

was held in 2007.

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Weak point – only two of 6 activities for this output have been carried out. Further activities such as

technical assistance, training in business management, gender, HIV and AIDS and Domestic Violence need

to be carried out. Economic empowerment of women activities has been limited to training only so far.

The economic empowerment program with the Business women’s association has so far only implemented

one workshop for the business women.


Output 1.1: Strengthen the capacity of MINFAMU and the CCMG

Continued strengthening MINFAMU’s gender unit through technical support and capacity building

in program management, monitoring and evaluation and UN financial norms and procedures.

Financial CTA to support and strengthen the capacity of the Gender unit while preparing for the

final hand over.

Urgently recruit a senior finance officer for the JGP office in MINFAMU. There is a strong urge to

relinquish greater autonomy to MINFAMU to manage the program. This implies strengthening the

capacity of the unit by recruiting a stronger professional team including a senior financial officer.

Continued capacity building NGO implementing partners in monitoring and effective

implementation of the program activities at provincial level in coordination with MINFAMU’s

provincial directorates.

MINFAMU needs to strengthen its coordination with its provincial directorates on the JGP implementation. Clarify procedures for the effective launch and implementation of JGP activities in Benguela and other provinces including funding and resource allocation to the provincial implementing partners. A logical framework at provincial level needs to be developed in order to clarify the JGP objectives, results, indicators and activities to guide the implementing partners and monitoring processes.

Review the current disbursement of funds procedures in view of the scheduled phase out of

management and hand over to MINFAMU. UN agencies should consider how to effectively begin to

phase out the administrative and financial management of the JGP while securing continued

technical support in critical areas such as financial and program management, advocacy, lobbying

and policy development.

Reinforce resource mobilization by UN partner agencies and MINFAMU to raise the remaining

............. to cover the funding gap before the end of the program. In an effort to win greater donor

interest and support for gender activities, MINFAMU needs show positive outputs for efforts made

in the gender effort. Advocacy and the speedy approval of any or all two of the key policy

documents; The National Gender Policy, The Law Against Domestic Violence would be a strategic

achievement sending a positive message on government’s commitment and delivery on

commitments made to women. UNDP could take to lead among UN agencies to step up resource


There is a need to review the indicators of the JGP and build them in throughout the reporting modules of all implementing partners such as OMA, Rede Mulher. To design a reporting model that will guide the partners to include more detail and substance of the implementation activities.

Both Rede Mulher and OMA have an extensive network at the grassroots level offering an

opportunity to design specific community based activities with NGO and CBO to have an immediate

and visible impact at a local level. This will help improve the visibility and relevance of the program

beyond the institutional level.

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To decentralize the implementation of the JGP by establishing a provincial implementation

commission that will add local dynamics to the program and ensure that it is driven by the needs

and priorities felt at provincial level. To integrate the JGP work plan into the provincial gender work

plan so it can begin to be implemented and financed by both government and JGP funds.

In view of a phased out handover in the JGM management and coordination, MINFAMU’s national

directorates should take a greater role in implementation of the programs activities, incorporating

the program into the mainstream MINFAMU activities. Funds should be channelled directly to

MINFAMU for management and implementation of the JGP. UN partners should help strengthen

its capacity to implement with greater flexibility in a decentralized manner of program

implementation at provincial level.

Greater information sharing after participation in international seminars and workshops between

UNIFEM’s regional office and MINFAMU such as participating in international conferences. This

information should then be shared with other government sectors by MINFAMU as a way of

updating key government policy and decision makers aware of development and trends.

UNDP should have a greater role in the hand over and assume the “risk to experiment” putting MINFAMU to take the leading role in management and implementing the JGP. The JGP partnership on good governance with Ministry of Planning should serve as the link with MINFAMU.

MINFAMU should increase its capacity to participate in more aspects of the good governance program in partnership UNDP. Gender equality should be mainstreamed in UNDP’s governance program and the poverty alleviation program as this will broadened its impact at municipally and local levels. This way, the JGP program can source funds from the governance and poverty alleviation donors to supplement its own activities.

The JGP should be decentralized to the provincial level. More training and capacity building of MINFAMU and its provincial government departments to strengthen the implementation of the program by both government and NGO provincial implementing partners.

A much clearer reflection of commitment to gender equality has to be integrated into the government at central and provincial levels. Despite expressed intensions, little has been done to effectively increase the number of women in senior and decision making ranks at central and provincial levels of government. MINFAMU should take the lead in advocating for this with the support of the UN’s good governance program.

Consider incorporating Luanda into the program with specific activities in order to set a faster pace of the program implementation with tangible results.

MINFAMU should report and show case concrete gender outputs and success attained by the JGP and previous efforts as a way of attract the interest of potential donors.

The current implementation strategy of the JGP program was born of the post-war era. This needs

to be reviewed and revised to suit the current economic rehabilitation environment that the

program is being implemented.

Output 1.2 MINFAMU Documentation Unit Reinforced

Technical support to the MINFAMU Documentation centre should be strengthened both with skills

and IT equipment and materials.

Link MINFAMU’s data base systems to other sources of valuable information on domestic violence

and HIV/AIDS prevalence, testing and treatment such as the health posts and counselling centres

run by government, NGO and religious organizations at provincial and municipal level using the

networks of OMA and Rede Mulher.

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Strengthen methods of information sharing of MINFAMU’s data base to senior policy makers,

planners, health and education service providers, social interest groups and others as a way of

sensitizing the public, influencing decision making processes and stimulating engagement and

greater information collection and sharing with the users.

Output 1.3: Data on socio-economic and political situation of women and men in Angola available

Continued technical support and IT equipment to Rede Mulher, OMA and MINFAMU for data

collection and analysis,

Training of provincial statistics officers on gender desegregated data collection methods,

Establish linkages between MINFAMU and Ministry of Planning’s data base and statistics systems in

order to broaden the data base and enhance information sharing between the two sector

ministries, partner and stakeholders.

Install the gender desegregated data base in the Ministry of Planning and its provincial directorates.

Output 1.4 Engendering of national budgets supported

Complete assessment of National budget formulation in three provinces and disseminate findings

Continued training of senior planners in gender budgeting at central level.

Output 1.5 Network for women living with HIV/AIDS launched and institutional support provided

Support and strengthen the capacity of Muenho to conduct the gender analysis for Home Based


Carry out gender analysis in Home Based Care and disseminate findings.

Output 1.6: Participation of women in national and local elections and other decision making positions


Women’s participation in 2008 elections process and politics. Given that Angola is going for

elections this year and partnership that JGP between government and the UN greater effort should

be made to use the JGP to lobby and advocate political parties and all the processes to ensure

greater participation of women in the 2008 elections process. MINFAMU should explore greater

collaboration and partnership with UNDP’s good governance program to strengthen their advocacy

and lobby components drawing from the experiences and resources that that program brings. For

this effort MINFAMU should take the lead to engage government while OMA could ensure that its

affiliate party MPLA respect and ensures greater participation of women candidates in the elections


Further training should be given to provincial government, political party leaders and church

leaders in order to strengthen their capacities to promote gender sensitive actions at all ranks both

in government structures and civil activities.

Output 2.1 HIV/AIDS Policy revised and gender and human rights mainstreamed

Ministry of Health should update MINFAMU on the status of gender and Human Rights analysis of

the HIV/AIDS policy followed by a policy dialogue with parliamentarians to discuss the findings.

Output 2.2: National Gender Policy developed and submitted for approval

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Though all three activities of this output has been carried for this output, the National Gender

Policy has not yet been finalized nor submitted for approval.

MINFAMU needs to exert greater effort to speed up and conclude with the elaboration of the

National Gender Policy, conduct the provincial consultations and submit this policy to the Minister’s

council for approval.

Output 3.1 Data on violence against women and children and Harmful Traditional Practices (HTP)

available and used for advocacy

Data and information on violence against women is collected at different points in the health, social

and judicial sectors. Greater information flow and sharing is required during the management

meetings and steering committee meetings in order to avoid blockages and impasses such as the

case of the UNICEF study.

Output 3.2: Law proposal on Domestic Violence designed and presented for approval

The law on Domestic Violence has been approved and is in its final stages of being amended. Effort

should be given to NGO partners to disseminate this law to the communities and monitor it’s


Advocate for tightening of the penal code in order to punish offender and this way discourage

perpetuation of violence against women.

Output 3.3: Support services for victims/survivors of domestic violence strengthened

Strengthen the capacity of MINFAMU counselling centres and improve the equipment and material

for improved service delivery.

Continued efforts to advocate for tougher penal code to punish domestic violence offenders.

Currently MINFAMU and DPFASAC are working in collaboration with OMA at central and provincial

level to address this problem.

Output 3.4: CEDAW integrated in legal, policy, planning and programming frameworks

Strengthen the technical capacity for MINFAMU to conduct sensitization a workshop for the

constitutional commission, government and private sector on CEDAW.

Support MINFAMU to strengthen its capacity to advocate for the adaptation of CEDAW framework

for its adoption and implementation.

Output 3.5: Angolan Women Lawyers Association strengthened

MISAU’s Gender Unit should reflect and review its partnership with the Women Lawyers

Association as no activities could be carried out as the association is currently “dysfunctional.”

Output 3.6: Security Council Resolution 1325 implemented

Giver greater support to MINFAMU implement activities aimed at implementing and monitoring

Resolution 1325.

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Output 4.1: Women engaged in decent work

Give the Association of Business Women greater support such as training in business financial

management coupled with support towards securing financing mechanisms for start-up and

expansion of business initiatives.

The Business Women’s Association needs greater technical training in business management, IT

and support to access credit facilities for SMEs and business initiatives.

There is a need to develop institutional infrastructure that ensure access of women to economic



Program and financial management of the JGP is critical for the sustainability of the program. UNIFEM’s

responsibility as management agent of the program is meant to phased with a handover to the

Government thereafter. Therefore it is critical that MINFAMU’s gender unit demonstrate technical skills,

transparency in both financial procedures and program management skill for the smooth handover and

sustainability of the program.

Staff: In this light MINFAMU’s gender unit has since recruited a program coordinator and a project officer

who will interface between central and provincial government and implementing partners.

A qualified and experienced financial assistant has been identified and the process of recruitment is in

course. It is expected that the recruitment should finalized by end June and installed by 1st July 2009 to

complete the team. Currently the gender unit is composed of a coordinator, program officer, a secretary

and a driverThe unit still lacks adequate capacity on the financial management and a financial officer is still

in the process recruitment.

Program integration: At its inception, the JGP was perceived as a separate program from the rest of

MINFAMU’s programs. In order to change this and guarantee its integration into the core of MINFAMU’s

program, JGP secretariat has positioned itself as a funding mechanism for MINFAMU gender

mainstreaming program incorporating all its key departments: DNPC, DNDP, DNPF, and GEPE). There is a

need to appropriate JGP activities for direct implementation by MINFAMU’s key departments.

The JGP activities continue to be an integral priority of government and will be included in the next 5 year


The JGP continues relevant to the ministry in capacity building of senior government officials in gender,

domestic violence, gender budgeting to influence policy and legislature through which instruments are

being developed for advocacy. The surveys and studies that have been carried out are used as important

tools to gather and disseminate information both within and between ministries.

MINFAMU has gained the experience and technical expertise to manage the programmatic elements. The

programme has exposed staff to gender training in a variety of ways, they have participated in south to

south cooperation related initiatives. Currently MINFAMU senior staff are engaged in gender responsive

budgeting which, something they were not familiar with initially.

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Funding modalities: UN donor agencies need to review their funding and management modalities in relation to the JGP while seeking solutions to current funding delays, communication channels and obstacles in so doing improving solutions for the implementation of the program to MINFAMU and its partners.

Financial mobilization: A high level UN and MINFAMU should meet to reflect on the phase out of the

project and strategic donor mobilization for JGP and the country’s gender effort. In the light of UN

requirements for an effective handover and phase out of the JGP program management, MINFAMU has to

harmonize its accounting system to enable for the direct transfer of UN funds into MINFAMU’s general

accounts systems as well as an institutional assessment and training carried.

Currently UNIFEM is applying the advanced payment system for program’s operation which is to a certain

extent limiting and inflexible for daily operations.

The UN donors agencies need to continue to mobilize and assist MINFAMU to restore the confidence of

gender donors by demonstrating positive achievements and impact on policy, government commitment

and legislature.

Program relevance: The JGP activities and implementations strategies need to be revised in the light of

current changes and economic/socio and political environment in order to maintain the relevance of the



The JGP was conceived as the UN’s partnership to compliment government’s national gender effort. The program is based within the institutional structure of MINFAMU, and is an integral part of MINFAMU’s activities. JGP staff, offices and operations equipment is incorporated within MINFAMU’s physical space and compliments MINFAMU priority areas of action. HIV/AIDS, domestic violence and gender equality remain a priority and the challenge on how to integrate gender equality in all other government sectors. The UN partners use pool funding mechanism managed by UNIFEM applying UN management norms and procedures. The physical absence of UNIFEM has posed operations challenges such as delays in disbursements, daily operations and communication due to language barriers, distance, information sharing and other program management related actions. Nonetheless the UN partner agencies have given continuous technical support to MINFAMU’s gender unit which acts as the secretariat of the program and upheld regular steering committee and management meetings. UN donated funds are disbursed directly to MINFAMU and NGO partner for program implementation. Opportunities lie in strengthening MINFAMU’s capacity to lobby and advocate for policy development and approval of key documents such as the National Gender Policy and the dissemination of the law against domestic at community level. The participation of women in political processes and decision making remains well below SADC’s recommended minimum 30% at all levels therefore MINFAMU has to exert greater effort to lobby and advocate for the attainment of this goal. MINFAMU should explore closer partnership between the JGP and the UN system’s Good Governance program to strengthen it’s capacity and resources required to achieve this goal. The UN system should reflect on adjusting its strategy of engagement and do less direct management of program resources to building the capacity of MINFAMU to strategically mobilize, advocate, lobby and build a critical mass that will ensure delivery on gender issues and implementation of adequate gender sensitive policies. MINFAMU’s Gender Unit coordinates the overall program implementation working directly to mainstream gender in key government sector ministries, policy makers, parliamentarians, provincial government and NGO implementing partners – Rede Mulher and OMA. Though MINFAMU’s Gender Unit is the overall

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coordinator of the program, the two NGOs’ implementing partners each have each signed separate MOUs directly with UNIFEM Gender and receive their funds directly, independent of MINFAMU structures. This arrangement poses a degree of added coordination challenges as the NGO’s reporting and financing priorities lie with the funding agencies before the coordinator. Likewise information and performance standards and norms fall for the implementing partners seem to be shared or divided vaguely between the funding agency, UNIFEM and the coordinating entity, MINFAMU. This far, the JGP’s implementation has been mainly in Luanda at the central MINFAMU and sector ministries, parliament level and much less at provincial level. The partner NGO’s have been working more on the grassroots level, with an easier outreach to at the provincial and municipal level. The provincial government structures, particularly MINFAMU’s provincial directorates seem less aware of the JGP operation models and have had much less training and capacity in gender mainstreaming in their specific sectors such as planning, statistics, health, leadership and economic development. The JGP only covers part of Angola’s provinces leaving out the majority of the country with similar and sometimes more pressing development challenges. There is an expressed need by implementing partners to expand the program to the rest of the country in order to begin to address and reverse social challenges posed by gender inequality in leadership and other challenges. The JGP’s funding gap has to be addressed by both the UN agencies and government with urgency. Fundraising strategies have to be used to revamp donor interest in gender including show casing successes attained this far in the gender effort, approval and application of progressive gender sensitive policies and laws, greater accountability and transparency. UNDP and its partner UN agencies expressed a need to strengthen collaboration with MINFAMU while seeking to be part of the solution making process to challenges faced in up lifting gender equality in Angola.

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Annex 1

Terms of Reference

Angola Joint Gender Programme Mid-Term Review

A. Background

The Government of Angola with technical and financial support from UNDP, UNFPA and UNIFEM has been be

implementing a four year Programme (2005 – 2008) to build the capacity of the Ministry of the Family and Promotion

of Women (MINFAMU) as well as selected NGOs in various areas. Specifically the Programme addresses the need to

build and strengthen national capacity for advocating and mainstreaming gender and human rights into various

development processes in Angola, thus contributing to gender equality and the empowerment of Angolan women. In

order to accomplish this it focuses on the following main areas:

i) Strengthening the capacity of MINFAMU, the Multi-Sectoral Gender Committees at national level and in selected

Provinces as well as key women’s organizations;

ii) Supporting policy development and dialogue, especially the National Gender Policy and ensuring that gender and

human rights are mainstreamed into the HIV/AIDS policy and Strategic Framework;

iii) Improving protection of women’s civil and political rights, including the review and reform of key laws using the

Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and design of an awareness

campaign to ensure the provisions of CEDAW and other legal frameworks such as the Family Law Code are well

known through the development of an advocacy strategy, training and support services for addressing violence

against women and children;

iv) Supporting the socio-economic empowerment of women and their families, targeting disadvantaged women and

their families through inter alia the creation of community-based cooperatives and business training skills and

information that integrates Human Rights, gender based violence and HIV and AIDS.

As part of the Monitoring and Evaluation component of the Joint Programme Document a Mid term review of the

Programme will be conducted to inter alia ascertain the following:

B. Objectives of the overall review

The main objectives of the proposed review are to: (i) take stock of current programme achievements, problems

and opportunities; (ii) verify the continued relevance and pertinence of the Joint Gender Programme (JGP) as well

as the related sustainability; (iv) identify the necessary adjustments, if any, in project design, objectives, strategies

and implementation arrangement in light of changes in the environment; (v) make recommendations on how to

improve performance of the JGP; (vi) identify areas which the funding and implementing partners and programme

management should pay specific attention to in order to achieve project objectives.

C. Scope and elements of the review

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1. Scope of the Mid-Term Review. The review will cover the following areas; (i) analysis of the context and environment for successful implementation and design of the Programme; (ii) implementation of all programme outputs and activities (quantity, quality and utility); (vi) outcomes, effects and impact; and (vii) sustainability.

2. The Design of the Programme. Using all relevant documents, the mid-term review team will assess the validity of the assumptions and premises that formed the basis for the design and implementation of the JGP to determine their correctness and continued relevance. The programme’s enabling environment will also be assessed to determine ownership and support by its partners and beneficiaries.

3. Programme Governance and Management. The mid-term review team will also assess the management structure of the JGP, its functions and performance in order to determine its adequacy and effectiveness. JGP management will also be assessed especially as it relates to the leadership for implementation of programme activities, monitoring and reporting systems, including analysis of work plan activities against agreed budgets, so as to determine their relevance and compatibility with provisions, objectives and activities as designed.

4. Programme Implementation. The implementation of the programme components and activities will be reviewed in order to take stock of the quantity and quality of achievements, compare them with what was planned and ascertain the likelihood of the programme achieving its objectives.

5. The review will examine the JGP’s instruments for planning and monitoring and assess their adequacy. These will include but not be limited to annual work programs and budgets, six-monthly progress and financial reports and audit reports.

6. The review will examine the adequacy of inputs for the delivery of project outputs and the timelines of the delivery of such inputs. The inputs will include selection criteria of consultants, service providers, equipment and other material inputs.

7. With regard to financing, the mid-term review will compare the JGP budget with actual disbursements, timeliness of disbursement of funds, and implementing partners’ absorptive capacity.

8. Outputs, Impact and Sustainability. The mid-term review will assess the programmes overall outputs and will compare quantity and quality of the outputs produced with what was planned and will determine whether the mid-term review will assess programme outcomes. Effect and impact (or prospects of impact). Based on these assessments, the team will identify specific constraints and opportunities and make specific recommendations on how to improve programme performance and consider its future expansion and sustainability.

9. Conclusions and Recommendations: the review, based on its findings and observations, will draw conclusions and make recommendations for decision making on the future direction of the JGP.

D. Methodology

(i) Meeting with National Project Coordinator, UNDP, UNFPA, UNIFEM as well as the coordinators of OMA and Rede Mulher to discuss the review exercise, the methodology and approaches to be used;

(ii) Review all documentation related to the JGP (programme document, work plans and budgets, progress reports, minutes, concept papers, workshop and mission reports, monitoring visit reports etc.);

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(iii) Discussions with the beneficiaries of the JGP on the relevance of the project including to the Provinces where necessary,

(iv) Discussions with representatives of organizations and international agencies that work in gender on the relevance of the project, its design, its effectiveness and impact, challenges and long-term sustainability; More importantly the review will also ascertain how a greater involvement of partners not currently benefiting from the Programme can be included in the subsequent initiatives.

(v) Review of the programme management arrangements to assess effectiveness in its implementation;

(vi) Preparation by the Consultant of preliminary and final reports on the mid-term review of the programme with conclusions and recommendations. The preliminary report will be submitted to MINFAMU, UNDP, UNFPA, UNIFEM as well as OMA and Rede Mulher before departure and final report two weeks after the mission completion in both Portuguese and English.

E. Output

18. A report on the mid-term review with its conclusions and recommendations.

F. Duration

19. The consultancy will be for a total of 10 working days from the 17 – 28th March 2008.

G. Qualifications required:

In view of the assigned task the lead international consultant shall possess the following qualifications:

Possess a postgraduate degree with more than five years experience working in the area of gender and women’s rights.

Good analytical and gender analysis skills

At least five years experience in a management position and organizational development skills will be an added advantage.

Have extensive experience in conducting evaluations.

Have experience in working with communities.

Must speak and write in English and Portuguese.

The national consultation will have the following qualifications and skills

Possess a first degree or diploma in gender and development or at least five years in related work area.

Have experience in conducting evaluations

Have experience in working with communities

Details of the last evaluation conducted with the contact details of the organisation may be requested.

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H. Remuneration

Payment will be made in accordance with UNDP rules and procedures, which will be outlined in contract issued. 50% will be paid on presentation of the first draft and the other 50 % on presentation of a satisfactory final draft.

I. Disclaimer

The material arising from the consultancy shall be the property of members of the Joint Gender Programme and cannot be used without their express consent.

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Date Name Institution and Title

24/04/08 Ms. Nomcebo Manzini UNIFEM Regional Office, Johannesburg


Dra. Margarida Ulizavo

Sr. Jose Broa,

MINFAMU Gender Unit

JGP Coordinator

MINFAMU, JGP Project Officer


Dalina Carlos

Beatriz Naquinda

Ilda Marisa Carlos Aguas

Maria Josefina Marques

DPFASAC Benguela


DPFASAC, Technical

DPFASAC Head of Dept.

DPFASAC Head of Dept.


Doctor Conceicao Canga,

Sra. Riqueta Mendes,

Doctor Denis

UNFPA Benguela:

Technical Counselor for Reproductive Health

Family Planning Officer

UNFPA officer


Ms. Anabela de Trinidade Jordao,

Ms. Elsa Amado,

OMA, Benguela

OMA Provincial Secretary

Legal and Social Affairs Officer

28/04/08 Doctor Teresa Sambo CICA

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Doctor Conceicao Canga

Sra. Riqueta Mendes

Dr. Denis

UNFPA Benguela

Technical Counsellor for Reproductive Health

Family Planning Officer

UNFPA officer


Sra. Celina Moko


Executive Management


Teresa Palmira Segunda




Teresa Borjes

Asssociação de Mulhers Empresárias de




Dr Katum,

Sra Inês Gaspar

Rosa Pedro



Executive Secretary, project assistant.


Dra Maria Gabriela Simas,

Madam Safiathu Singhateh,

UNFPA Angola

Program Officer

Regional Gender Advisor

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Muchimba Sikumba-Dils, [email protected],

Cel. 258 84 318 3330, Tel/Fax 21 32 85 84


Pedro Kiala

Sra. Ana Paula dos Santos

Ministry of Planning

Gender focal person

Gender focal


Fernanda Ricardo ,

Miguel de Jesus

Rede Mulher

NGO links officer

General Assistant


Roshni Basu


ACSD M&E Specialist


Gita Welch


Ana Graça

United Nations Development Program

Country director

Gender focal point

Head of Governance cluster


H.E. Celeste




Emilia Fernandes

Maria Mjava Madina

Margarida Ulisavo,

Alberta Laurinda J. Domingos,


Director of GEPE

National Director for the Directorate of


National Director for Promotion and


Head of Department for Family Policy

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Muchimba Sikumba-Dils, [email protected],

Cel. 258 84 318 3330, Tel/Fax 21 32 85 84

05/05/08 OMA

Alice Dombolo chivaca

Carolina Cerqueira

Serafina Pinto

Adélia de Carvalho

Denis Almeida

Josefina Gomes

Eulália Maria Alves Rocha e Silva

Secretária Nacional adjunta

Secretária dos Assuntos Jurídicos

Aconselhamento e solidariedade


Assistente Financeiro

OMA Provincial

OMA Provincial


Findings Chart: Current Programme Achievements

Outcome 1: Strengthen the capacity of government institutions (MINFAMU and CCMG) and civil

society organizations in mainstreaming gender into development policies, programs and


Strategy 1: Capacity building and strengthening of MINFAMU, CCMG and women’s organizations.

Output 1.1: Strengthen the capacity of MINFAMU and the CCMG

Indicators Activities Status/Comments



2. Number of

manuals and

tools developed

3. Number of

people, male

and female


1.1.1 Prepare TORs and recruit

international consultant and national

consultants to undertake an institutional

assessment of MINFAMU for

mainstreaming gender and human rights



1.1.2 Organize 2 day consultation with

members of CCMG to redefine roles and

responsibilities and define action plan at

national level and in 3 provinces

MINFAMU, 2006,


1.1.3 Conduct training needs assessment

and a focus on mainstreaming gender

analysis, human rights and HIV/AIDS for

MINFAMU and CCMG (3 provinces)


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Muchimba Sikumba-Dils, [email protected],

Cel. 258 84 318 3330, Tel/Fax 21 32 85 84

1.1.4 Adapt and or develop appropriate

training materials and tools for gender


Not yet done

1.1.5 Conduct 5 training sessions based

on findings of needs assessments and

manuals and tools developed for

MINFAMU and CCMG (including one


MINFAMU, 2006,


1.1.6 Set up and operate secretariat of

the CCMG

Not yet done

1.1.7 Host 2 one day CCMG information

sharing meetings annually


during the 1.1.3


1.1.8 Conduct refresher training for

National Network of Gender Trainers

Not yet implemented

dependent on identification

of international consultant.

Held a reflection meeting

with gender trainers.

1.1.9 South to South cooperation visit to

selected countries

MINFAMU, 2006.

Two trips in 2006,

Zimbabwe and


1.1.10 Support networking and

participation in international

conferences, training programs

MINFAMU, 2006,

2007, 2008

Output 1.2 MINFAMU Documentation Unit Reinforced

Functional database

and webpage on

accurate, gender

related information


1.2.1 Undertake rapid needs assessment

of MINFAMU documentation unit and

implement recommendations


1.2.2 Create webpage on gender and

development in Angola


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Muchimba Sikumba-Dils, [email protected],

Cel. 258 84 318 3330, Tel/Fax 21 32 85 84

1.2.3 Create database on gender and

development NGOs and consultants

Not yet carried out. GEPE

(Gabinete de Estudos e

Planiamento) is taking the

lead in implementing this


1.2.4 Publish half bi-annual newsletter MINFAMU, 2007-8

have made only one


Output 1.3: Data on socio-economic and political situation of women and men in Angola


Number of male and

female planning

officials trained in

application of gender

analysis increased

1.3.1 Review current system and

competence for data collection and

storage in MINFAMU, Rede Mulher and

OMA including requirements



1.3.2 Install appropriate data information

management systems

Not yet implemented

1.3.3 Set up gender Task force (from

CCMG members) and define action plan

to ensure gender mainstreaming in

census process



group has been

formed and needs to

strengthen its


1.3.4 Train national statistics officers,

planners and census enumerators to

collect analyze and apply gender

disaggregated data as part of UNFPA

support to INE under PDS


MINFAMU, 2007 one

training has been

carried out. Need to

carryout same

training at provincial

level. Need capacity

building of INE staff in

gender and statistics

1.3.5 Publish: Women and men in Angola Not yet carried out and not

planned this far.

1.3.6 Conduct workshop to develop

gender sensitive monitoring indicators

for MDGs, PRSPs etc

Not yet carried out, planned

for 2008

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Page 30

Muchimba Sikumba-Dils, [email protected],

Cel. 258 84 318 3330, Tel/Fax 21 32 85 84

1.3.7 Participate in compilation of MDG



CCMG, 2005, 2006

outside JGP activities

Output 1.4 Engendering of national budgets supported

1. Number of

NGOs trained in




2. Increased



cial budget

plans taking into

account a

gender and

human rights


1.4.1 Conduct assessment of national

budget formulation process at national

and provincial level (in 3 provinces)

MINFAMU, 2007-8

will be concluded by


1.4.2 Conduct gender analysis of budgets

training and link to PRSP for MINFAMU,

CCMG and women’s organizations and

elaborate action plan for monitoring

budgeting processes

Not yet implemented,

depends on conclusion of


1.4.3 Conduct advocacy training for

gender sensitive budgets

MINFAMU, 2007 for

CCMG and NGOs and


directorates. Plan to

give training for

senior planners at

ministry level for


1.4.4 Implement gender budget action

and monitoring plan

Not yet implemented

Output 1.5 Network for women living with HIV/AIDS launched and institutional support provided

1. Number of NGO

staff trained

and working as

advocates on

gender issues,

2. Number of

women and

men trained in

gender analysis,

human rights


1.5.1 Host a 2-day consultative meeting

with women living with HIV/AIDS in

Luanda and action plan - launch network

RM, NGOs, 2006,


1.5.2 Adapt training materials on gender,

human rights and HIV/AIDS

MINFAMU, RM, 2007-


1.5.3 Conduct two 3-day gender and

human rights training for women living


RM, NGOs 2006, 2007

1.5.4 Develop statutes, strategy and

support establishment and operations

for women’s network

RM, NGOs 2006-7

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Muchimba Sikumba-Dils, [email protected],

Cel. 258 84 318 3330, Tel/Fax 21 32 85 84

1.5.5 Host at least two policy dialogues

between women living with HIV/AIDS

and parliamentarians

RM, NGOs 2007

1.5.6 Facilitate 4 dialogue forums and

debates between women and men,

young and old to discuss gender,

violence and HIV/AIDS



1.5.7 Undertake gender analysis of home

based care work in three communities

Not yet implemented

1.5.8 Disseminate research findings and

engage in advocacy and link to gender

analysis of budgets and PRSP

Not yet implemented,

dependent on 1.5.7

1.5.9 Support participation of women

living with HIV/AIDS in international

conferences and symposia



Output 1.6: Participation of women in national and local elections and other decision making

positions supported

Number of Women

trained to participant in

governance structures

1.6.1 Undertake an assessment to

determine levels of women’s

participation in private and public sector


1.6.2 Disseminate results of assessment

and define plan for supporting women’s

involvement in positions of decision

making in the private and public sector

especially parliament and cabinet

planned to publish

reports July 2008.

1.6.3 Host one TOT workshop on

transformative leadership

Not yet implemented

1.6.4 Host eight national and provincial

workshops on transformative leadership

for women to participate in national


MINFAMU, 2008 held

one so far on


participation in

electoral processes,

with funding of



Workshop – Canada

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Page 32

Muchimba Sikumba-Dils, [email protected],

Cel. 258 84 318 3330, Tel/Fax 21 32 85 84

Outcome 2: Increased production of women’s rights, access to justice by women and increased

awareness by Angolan women on their civil, political and socio-economic rights

Strategy 2: Support the Policy development and dialogue

Output 2.1 HIV/AIDS Policy revised and gender and human rights mainstreamed

1. Gender


in the HIV/AIDS


2. Number of male

and female

policy makers,

justice officials,



planners, police

and health

workers trained

at national and

provincial level

2.1.1 Conduct gender and human rights

analysis of current HIV/AIDS policy and

strategy framework and develop

framework for gender sensitive and

human rights centred policy and strategy


activity lead by Ministry of


2.1.2 Host one-day policy dialogue with

parliamentarians to disseminate findings

and sensitize them on the issues

Not yet implemented

2.1.3 Organize training for members of

AIDS council, traditional leaders,

planners, police justice, lawyers, on

gender, human rights and HIV/AIDS at

national and provincial level


PNLS, 2007, Malange,

Cuando Cubango,


Output 2.2 : National Gender Policy developed and submitted for approval

1. Participatory

National Gender



2.2.1 Set up National Gender Policy Task

Force from members of the CCMG



2.2.2 Host one day workshop to define

TORs and action plan for task force



2.2.3 Implement action plan MINFAMU, CCMG,


Output 2.3: Supported implementation of 10 year review of ICPD and Beijing Platform


1. Number of


ns implemented


2.3.1 Host national and provincial

consultation to brief on outcomes of

ICPD and B+10 review and develop

action plan


2007 including

capacity building on


Strategy 3: Improved protection of women’s civil and political rights and access to justice

Output 3.1 Data on violence against women and children and Harmful Traditional Practices (HTP)

available and used for advocacy

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Page 33

Muchimba Sikumba-Dils, [email protected],

Cel. 258 84 318 3330, Tel/Fax 21 32 85 84

1. At least one

study on GBV

2. Functional MIS

for VAW

3.1.1 Undertake study on violence

against women and girls in selected

provinces linking HIV/AIDS and poverty


2007, plan to


information of survey

in July 2008.

Discussions between



procedures and way

forward on the

UNICEF survey.

3.1.2 Repackage research findings and

distribute for advocacy

Not done, awaiting approval

of study by MINFAMU

3.1.3 Develop and implement advocacy

and social mobilization strategy to end

violence against women and girls and


MINFAMU, 2007 The

national action plan

against domestic

violence done.

Enriched with

contributions and

consultation in all

provinces. Awaits

approval and

adoption by

Minister’s council.

3.1.4 Provide technical assistance to

develop management information

systems (MIS) for tracking violence

against women and girls,

Not yet implemented. The

MINFAMU counselling

centers have been

established and are collecting

data that will later be

analysed and reported.

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Page 34

Muchimba Sikumba-Dils, [email protected],

Cel. 258 84 318 3330, Tel/Fax 21 32 85 84

3.1.5 Produce knowledge including

videos, publication on research, fact

sheets and training materials

MINFAMU, 2007-8

production of mini-

series on violence

video. Produced

pamphlets, posters,

banners. More

material planned for

till end of the


Output 3.2: Law proposal on Domestic Violence designed and presented for approval

Participative proposal

on Domestic violence


3.2.1 Arrange debates and supporting

plans about domestic law proposal at

national and provincial level



3.2.2 Complete the elaboration of

domestic violence law and forward to



Output 3.3: Support services for victims/survivors of domestic violence strengthened

1. GBV MIS fully


2. Number of


sensitized on

GBV advocacy,

3. Number of men

sensitized and

involved in GBV


4. Number of legal



3.3.1 Asses current status and set up MIS

for organizations providing support to

victims/survivors of violence and input

data into MINFAMU database

Not yet implemented,

planned for 2009

3.3.2 Extend victims/survivor tracking

system to relevant state institutions

Not yet implemented,

planned for 2009

3.3.3 Organize 5 dialogue forums

between women and children survivors

of violence and policy makers and law

enforcement agents: national and




3.3.4 Conduct 5 dialogue forums with

theme on men as agents for change to

end violence against women and girls


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Page 35

Muchimba Sikumba-Dils, [email protected],

Cel. 258 84 318 3330, Tel/Fax 21 32 85 84

3.3.5 Support the creation of a men for

change network with a special focus on

ending violence against women and

children, HIV/AIDS and sexual and

reproductive health


2007-8 working with

Men’s NGOs in

Huambo and

Benguela have carried

out a needs

assessments of the


3.3.6 Organize and conduct gender

sensitization and human rights training

for journalists

MINFAMU, 2006,

have been requested

to do more training

with journalist

3.3.7 Conduct needs assessment of

existing legal/counselling centres



3.3.8 Prioritize recommendations of

assessment and implement

MINFAMU on-going

3.3.9 Compile ten-year review of SADC

Gender and Development Declaration

and Addendum on violence against

women and children



participation in 3

national conferences

and 4 SADC regional


Output 3.4: CEDAW integrated in legal, policy, planning and programming frameworks

1. Number of legal

frameworks and

policies revised

according to


2. Number of


officials and

private sector

sensitized on


3. Six CEDAW

3.4.1 Conduct law review of key legal

instruments for gender sensitization

MINFAMU, 2007-


3.4.2 Conduct sensitization workshop for

constitutional commission

Not yet implemented

3.4.3 Provide gender technical assistance

to constitutional commission

Not yet implemented

3.4.4 Dissemination of translated family

law code and CEDAW: simplification and

audience appropriate including radio and


MINFAMU 2006-7

ongoing highlighting

women’s rights issues

on commemorative

women’s days

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Muchimba Sikumba-Dils, [email protected],

Cel. 258 84 318 3330, Tel/Fax 21 32 85 84

country report


3.4.5 Adaptation of models and

frameworks for implementation of


Not yet implemented

3.4.6 Conduct training for MINFAMU,

CCMG and Rede Mulher on CEDAW


MINFAMU, 2006-7,

held training in

Milange, Huila and


3.4.7 Five one-day sensitization of key

decision makers in government and

private sector on CEDAW

Not yet implemented

3.4.8 Support documentation of sixth

country report to CEDAW committees

MINFAMU, 2007-


3.4.9 Participation in CEDAW committee


MINFAMU, 2007 –


Output 3.5: Angolan Women Lawyers Association strengthened

Angolan Women

Lawyers Association


3.5.1 Conduct review of operations,

challenges and opportunities for the


Not implemented due to an

apparent lack of interest and

internal coordination by the


3.5.2 Hold a one-consultation to share

results of review and define the way


Not implemented

3.5.3 Implement action plan Not implemented

Output 3.6: Security Council Resolution 1325 implemented

Number of

demobilization and

integrations plans and

projects taking into

account the resolution

3.6.1 Organize 2 national and 3 provincial

workshops to disseminate translated



NGOs 2006-7

3.6.2 Strengthen/develop national

mechanism for implementation and


Not yet implemented

3.6.3 Support monitoring of Resolution


Not yet implemented

Output 4.1: Women engaged in decent work

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Muchimba Sikumba-Dils, [email protected],

Cel. 258 84 318 3330, Tel/Fax 21 32 85 84

1. Number of

associations or


created in the

target areas,

2. Number of




3. Number of

women trained.

4.1.1 Undertake participatory baseline

study with communities identified for

support and identify priority needs,

Not yet implemented,

planned for 2009

4.1.2 Identify business agents MINFAMU, 2006

Will create a database of

business women

4.1.3 Broad assessment study on

entrepreneurship, vocational and

business training needs of women and

make an impact assessment of micro-

finance for women,

Not yet implemented

4.1.4 Conduct training in business

management, gender, HIV/AIDS violence

etc. in the context of personal

empowerment and business success

Not yet implemented

4.1.5 Support the establishment of

cooperatives or business enterprises,

Not yet implemented

4.1.6 Provide technical backstopping for

business enterprises.


support for

realization of the

National Business

women conference

including a
