THE X LINE Expertise in synthetic monofilaments NYLON - FLUOROCARBON - BRAIDED PE www. perlonmonofil.com HOOK MAKERS HOLDING FIRM Updates from VMC, Mustad and more p39 Essential reading for buyers in the tackle trade May 2011 Issue 40 es from VMC, d and more p39 Online at angling-international.com THE EFTTEX COUNTDOWN Come and visit us on stands B62/D01 NOW MAILED TO 11, 000+ BUSINESSES AROUND THE WORLD

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Expertise in synthetic monofilaments


www. perlonmonofil.com


Updates from VMC,Mustad and more p39

Essential reading for buyers in the tackle trade

May 2011 Issue 40

es from VMC,d and more p39

Online at angling-international.com


Come and visit uson stands B62/D01





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Gruppo DP, Strike Pro,Sanger and more p63-74

Essential reading for buyers in the tackle trade

May 2011 Issue 40

DP, Strike Pro,and more p63-74444

Online at angling-international.com








Demand in China and Russiais helping sales p39-45


Japanese firmsturn to exportsThe tsunami has taken its tollon the domestic market p8

As pre-registration begins, history suggests Amsterdam willdeliver a huge uplift in visitor numbers, says Jean-Claude Bel.


COMMUNIQUÉ continued on page 8 >

fees to retailers, wholesalers and manufacturers visiting theshow. For those who pre-register before May 30th, entrancefees will be:

• Retailers: €10 (€30 on the day);• Wholesalers €20 (€50 on the day);• Manufacturers €120 (€150 on the day)Jean-Claude said: “The exhibition provides visitors with a

great opportunity to meet existing contacts and make new onesfrom around the world and that is a price worth paying for.”

The money raised will go towards EFTTA’s lobbyingprogramme in Brussels. There is no charge for EFTTAmembers or members of the press.

New productsyou can stock

How kayaks aremaking waves inthe US and beyond

The market leaders share their plans p47


AsDemand in China and Ruussiais helping sales p39-45 deli says numbers, visitor in uplift huge a deliver

Why hook makersare so positive

EFTTEX 2011 returns toAmsterdam for an unprec-edented 11th time in Junewith high hopes that itcould be one of the best

exhibitions in the 30-year history ofthe show.

And all the signs are encouraging foran exhibition that was sold out a fullsix months before the event inAmsterdam starts on June 17.

The Dutch capital is a universallypopular venue among exhibitors and visitors alike withtremendous facilities and transport links.

Jean-Claude Bel, CEO of EFTTA, the organiser of thepremier European show, is predicting a bumper attendancethat he believes could show a 20% increase on last year’sevent in Valencia, Spain.

Jean-Claude told Angling International: “We are expecting avery good attendance for the show. I am confident we will seean increase in visitor numbers of between 15% and 20%.

“Amsterdam is a superb venue and is the most asked-forlocation by our members. It is so central and easy to get toand from all over Europe. You can travel there and back in aday from many locations.

“EFTTEX has been held in Amsterdam ten times since ourfirst ever exhibition in 1982. Historically it has alwaysproduced the goods. Its return after a decade has beenreceived enthusiastically by exhibitors.

“The fact that the stand space was sold out in Decembershows just how popular it is.”

Jean-Claude has called on visitors to pre-register as soon aspossible to make attending the event an even more pleasurableexperience. He said: “If you don’t want the hassle of queueingup outside to get in I strongly recommend that you fill in thepre-registration form on the EFTTA website.”

EFTTA has also announced that it is to bring back admission

Japan’s fishing tackle industry is being forced to concentratemore on exports as it copes with the loss of key domesticmarkets following the carnage of the earthquake and tsunamithat has devastated the north-west region.

Companies have seen some of their lucrative homemarkets disappear overnight and say that export business willbecome increasingly important while the country’s infrastruc-ture is rebuilt and a semblance of normality eventually returnsto a nation still in despair.

• For the full story, see page 8.


Jean-Claude Bel: Strongattendance expected.

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Angling International May 20116


MAY 2011

So EFTTEX 2011 couldattract a 20% bigger attend-ance than last year’s showin Valencia. Floor spacehas been sold out for six

months and one of the best showsin the 30-year history of EFTTEX iseagerly anticipated.

What a fantastic prospect for theEuropean fishing tackle trade and forthe increasing number of exhibitorsand visitors from elsewhere in theworld that now attend the show.

And yet it wasn’t so long ago thatEFTTA – the owner and organiser ofthe event – was receiving more thanits fair share of criticism for every-thing from how it allocated its fundsto how it ran its show.

Okay, so much of that was driven

by vested interest, but EFTTA has tobe admired for the way it has steppedup to the mark, appointed a CEO,introduced new blood on to theBoard, become more pro-active andseen off a rival show along the way.

Angling International has workedclosely with the Association sincethe magazine’s launch, promotingits activities and initiatives andhelping generate worldwide interestin EFTTEX.

Now, as the Association’s officialmedia partner, we look forward toproducing our biggest ever issue nextmonth as we preview Amsterdam.

To quote EFTTA CEO Jean-ClaudeBel: “Angling International is wherethe worldwide trade reads officialEFTTEX News. Together we present

a powerful platform for exhibitors topromote their products ahead of theshow.”

So if you want your companyto feature in our big June EFTTEXPreview Issue – read by the mostcommitted buyers – don’t delay incontacting International CommercialDirector Lucie Henton or US NationalSales Manager Stuart Pavlik to findout about our special advertising andeditorial packages. All advertisers areguaranteed editorial coverage.

• A special welcome to eightcompanies advertising in AnglingInternational for the first time.

Mel [email protected]

• Publishing editor: Mel Bagnall; [email protected] +44 (0)1733 392 977 • Assistant Editor: Anthony Hawkswell; [email protected]• Editorial director: Rob Carter; [email protected] • Art Director: Keely Docherty-Lee; [email protected]• Designer: Kate Holt • Database Manager: Graham Goor; [email protected]• Subscription enquiries: [email protected] • Colour reproduction: AT Graphics UK Ltd, Peterborough

Angling International magazine is published by Top Corner Editorial and Design Limited. 4 Milnyard Square, Bakewell Road, Orton Southgate, Peterborough Cambridgeshire,United Kingdom, PE2 6GX • International Commercial Director: Lucie Henton; [email protected]; Tel. +44 7825 999230; Skype. lpetrickova• U.S. National Sales Manager: Stuart Pavlik; [email protected]; Tel. 561-627-2520 direct; Skype. stuart.pavlik

•THANKS THIS ISSUE GO TO: Marcel Alberts, Pierre Bronsgeest, Fanny Champlon, Elaine Connolly, Klas Elm, Joe George, Graham Goor, Ken Harada, Donna Leonard, John Loftus, Beatrice Lopez,Anouk Luykx, Christine Ma, Dan Mangus, John Mazurkiewicz, Dawn Mercadal, Rasmus Oveson, Ralf Scheipers, Oda Takaki, Stephanie Vatalaro, Timo Vernooij, Austin Wang, Gareth Whittington,Mary Jane Williamson, Bob Wiltshire, Yvette at Recfishwest.●Nopartofthismagazinemaybereproducedwithoutthepermissionofthepublisher.Themagazineassumesnoresponsibilityforthesafetyofcontributions,althoughallreasonablecarewillbetaken.


Meet the makers of Angling International...

ROB CARTER, EDITORIAL DIRECTORRob began his career writing for and editing specialistconsumer magazines in the UK (including Match foot-ball magazine, Fore! golf magazine and Trout Fisher-man) before being appointed editor-in-chief of Emap’scontractpublishingdepartment.He is a founder director ofTop Corner, the publishers of Angling International.

KEELY DOCHERTY-LEE, ART DIRECTORAs Top Corner’s art director and co-founder, Keely has16 years’ design experience, and a proven record ofproducing successful ad campaigns, brochures anddirect mail. She has worked with many angling clientsand today leads the design team on Angling Interna-tional, managing the editorial production of each issue.

LUCIE HENTON,INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL DIRECTORLucie can call upon 11 years’ experience of deliver-ing commercial solutions for angling clients. Czech-born, she is also familiar with other eastern Europeanlanguages. Call her to discuss your advertising andmarketing needs.

MEL BAGNALL, PUBLISHING EDITORMel’s vast experience in the angling industry includessix years as the publisher of UK company Emap’sangling business. He began his career on AnglingTimes where he was reporter, feature writer, subeditor and news editor. He has worked in magazines formore than 39 years.

ANTHONY HAWKSWELL, ASSISTANT EDITORAnthony is an experienced news editor with a strongbackground in angling journalism, having worked asNews Editor on the UK’s leading angling weekly news-paper, Angling Times. His background also includestime spent editing a national business-to-businesstitle in the UK.

STUART PAVLIK, US NATIONAL SALES MANAGERStuart is based in North Palm Beach, Florida where hemanages the accounts of Angling International’s USand Canadian clients. An avid fisherman with advertis-ing experience gained at Florida Sportsman, Stuart hasa strong understanding of worldwide fishing from histenure at IGFA and from extensive travel.

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8 Angling International May 2011

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A s Japan comes to terms with thedevastating impact of the earthquakeand tsunami which wiped out townsin the north-east of the country, fishingtackle manufacturers are being forced

to reposition their businesses and put the emphasison their export markets.

It is not yet known how many fishing tacklemanufacturers and retailers were lost in the cruellestof circumstances, but those that have survived arelooking to pick up the pieces and return to somesemblance of normality.

Export has now become a priority as Japan’slucrative fishing market takes time to recover.

Ken Harada, Chief Man-ager at Momoi Fishing Line,told Angling International:“The earthquake devastatedthe foremost fishing groundsin the northern part of Japan.The markets there had beenplaying a key role indeveloping new fishing gearand methods.

“Fishing tackle manu-facturers in the Tohoku

region have incurred serious damage. Although fewcompanies have their headquarters out there, somehave production bases in these areas so fishing tacklewill be in short supply.

“In the short term the domestic economy will befragile and therefore exports will play a larger part in

our business strategy.“However, we will not

give up on our Japanesemarket and have confi-dence that as a nation wecan rebuild the region. Wehave done it before after theSecond World War and 16years ago following the greatHanshin earthquake.”

Oda Takaki, ExportManager of fishing hooks

and tackle manufacturer Sasame, also acknowledgedthat foreign sales had become doubly important forhis company.

He said: “Many Japanese firms will be looking tothe export markets this year. For that reason EFTTEXwill be particularly important for us. It is a highpriority. Our main targets will be the UK, the Beneluxcountries, Germany, Scandinavia and the US.

“Our company is based in the west of Japan sowe did not feel any effects of the earthquake, but thedisaster stunned the whole nation. Like millions ofmy countrymen I could not work for days after theearthquake as I took in the enormity of the situation.

“The earthquake has caused huge damage tothe fishing industry. We can’t expect any sales thisyear from the many tackle shops that were close tothe sea. It will be some time before the situationimproves.”

With some 70% of the Japanese market,Gamakatsu is one of the leading makers of hooksin the country. In a statement its Board of Directorssaid: “It is obvious to us that we will have to shift ourfocus to exporting as the domestic business is notgoing to get better for some time.

“Our production has not been affected becauseGamakatsu is based away from the affected areas, butour domestic sales will be hit. We will concentrate onsales in western Japan and abroad.

“We believe that the fishing market will decline byaround 10% and there will be some bankruptcies.The affected areas are in the same situation as afterthe Second World War. However, the difference is thatJapan is much stronger financially now. We shouldnot be too pessimistic because it only impacts on lessthan 5% of our overall economy.”

Bait company Marukyu is situated outside of the

Ken Harada of Momoi:“Exports will be key now.”

Leading companies confident of making up domestic shortfall following disaster.


SHIMANO DONATES 100m YENJapanese fishing giant Shimano has donated 100mYen (approximately €850,000) to its country’s RedCross Society and also winter clothing worth 30m Yento support the earthquake victims.

In a statement the company said: “We expressour heartfelt sympathy to the people affected by theearthquake and sincerely hope for the safety and swiftrecovery of the people.”

The Japan Fishing Festival – due to take place in March– was cancelled as a result of the disaster. Formerlyknown as the Japan International Sportfishing Show(JISPO), it was scheduled to take place in Japan’ssecond city of Yokohama, south of Tokyo, before theearthquake and tsunami struck.

The earthquake and tsunami are expected to result inthe loss of over 81,500 jobs in the coastal areas of thethree hardest hit prefectures over the next six years.The estimate, which covers 38 municipalities in thethree prefectures, is based on the assumption that thedisaster will have the same impact in the employmentsituation as the 1995 Great Hanshin Earthquake.

Japan has imposed a fishing ban within a 30km radiusof its stricken nuclear power plant at Fukushima.

Some 10,000 tons of radiation-contaminated waterhas been discharged into the sea as the authoritiesbattle a crisis that has officially been recognised asbeing as serious as the Chernobyl disaster.

area that suffered the worst of the disaster. “Ourwarehouse was only slightly damaged and repairwork has now been completed and the warehouseand shipping system is once again fully functional,”said Overseas Trade Department Director OsamuAshina.

“During the repair work we shipped from our twodomestic distribution centres located in the southof Japan and kept disruption to our customers to aminimum.”

Sasame’s Oda Takaki: “EFTTEXwill be very important.”

Disaster: the earthquake and tsunami “devastated the foremostfishing grounds of north Japan,” says Momoi’s Ken Harada.




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Angling International May 2011

DSM Dyneema has introduced a new“robust and secure” licensing schemeto more strictly control the use of itsproducts by fishing line manufactur-ers. The Dyneema® Brand Licensing

Program means that the Dyneema® trademark cannow only be used under licence by authorisedcompanies.

No manufacturer can claim to be using DSMDyneema Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene(UHMWPE) material or the Dyneema® trademarkwithout an official and explicit licensing agreement.

The move by the Dutch company to tighten upcontrols on the use of its lightweight, ultra-strongUHMWPE material follows persistent false claims orreferences to the Dyneema® brand without properauthorisation and without using legitimate Dyneema®

product.There is no fee payable, but applicants will have to

meet a stringent set of criteria before being grantedthe licence. Companies issued with a licence will bepermitted to use the diamond logo on their products.

DSM Dyneema Global Marketing Manager, NoudSteffens, told Angling International: “This is a moretransparent, secure and robust licensing programme.It will reduce the number of players referring to thebrand and using our trademark because many aredoing this without proper authorisation or withoutusing real Dyneema®.

“Our Premium Manufacturing Partners can selltheir products to leading fishing line brand own-ers across the world, who in turn will be granted alicence for the use of the Dyneema® brand on theirproducts and packaging. Pure Fishing is one of theleading brand owners within the Dyneema® BrandLicensing Programme.

“It gives us more control throughout the valuechain and consequently delivers higher value andbenefit to all our approved partners and fishing linesellers.

“This will bring improved clarity and security tothe market and importantly will reinforce our licensedpartners and their respective channel partners’position of strength through their authorised use of

the Dyneema® brand. The Dyneema® brand becomesa very clear mark of quality assurance.”

The issue of licences will depend, says DSMDyneema, on stringent criteria being met. Amongother things, the applicant will have to demonstrateit is a proven, quality player, has a diverse productportfolio and is successful in fulfilling the needs ofthe industry through its products and innovation.

Both existing and new users of Dyneema® willhave to commit to the new scheme. All current brandlicensees in all markets and regions will need to havethe new licensing agreement with DSM in order tocontinue to use the trademark.

“DSM is determined to create a clear distinctionbetween fishing lines that actually contain genuineDyneema® and those thatdo not,” continued NoudSteffens. “Fishermen haveto be sure they are buyinghigh quality products. Ourimproved programme helpsto achieve this by produc-ing better security andtransparency throughoutthe entire value chain.”

DSM Dyneema has intro-duced the new programmeafter talking to braiders,brands, distributors andfishermen to get their viewsand support and to engagethem in the process.

One of these was DutchOEM company Eurocord,whose General ManagerTimo Vernooij told Angling

“DSM is determined tocreate a clear distinctionbetween fishing lines thatcontain genuine Dyneema®and those that do not.”

International: “With its experience in the line market,Eurocord was able to provide input into develop-ing the programme and applications. Following ouractive involvement and being a promoter of solutionswith Dyneema® we are proud to be one of the firstPremium ManufacturingPartners and to pass on this added value to ourcustomers.”

Manufacturer and distributor Angler Pro was alsoinvited to participate in the process as an end userand is already using DSM Dyneema’s endorsementas an approved licensee in its trade advertising (seepage 62). “We are delighted to be among the first tobe granted the licence,” said owner Daniel Paluch. “Itis positive proof that our products contain Dyneema®

and really means something in the market place.”

• DSM is a diversified multi-national company activein the pharmaceutical, food, automotive, electronics,agriculture, sport and textile industries. It introducedDyneema® – a high molecular weight polyethyleneUHMWPE – in 1990.

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Angling International May 2011

Industry support: newowner Clem Dippel.

Thomas & Thomas companysaved by Florida enthusiastA Florida fly fisherman has boughtquality American rod builder Thomas &Thomas (T&T) and secured its long-termfuture. Mark Richens, of Islamorada, hasformed a new company that will sell thebamboo, glass and graphite rods underthe T&T brand.

T&T has been struggling through theAmerican recession following financialdifficulties caused by the withdrawal ofbank funding. Key members of the for-mer Thomas & Thomas Rodmakers teamhave joined the new business, havingpreviously been made redundant.

Richens said: “T&T is one of the lasttrue American rod builders. Fly fishing

devotees around the world gravitatetoward the brand. I am no different andam privileged to be working with a vastlyexperienced crew in New England.

“We now own our own premises inMassachusetts and are well capitalised.I know of nobody who wanted to see T&Tdisappear – and this included a numberof competitors who called me to say asmuch. Their calls spoke volumes of thefellowship of fishermen.

“This is not a vanity purchase. There iswork to be done to ensure all opera-tional aspects of our business exudethe same quality as the finished itemsthemselves.”

America’s trademagazine forthe sport fish-ing industry,Fishing TackleRetailer (FTR),has returned

with a rejuvenated new look and defi-ant message for its readers.

Written off as dead in some quar-ters of the angling media, FTR sus-pended publication for a short timefollowing its sale to former Publisherand Advertisement Director, ClemDippel, from BASS LLC (Bass Anglers’Sportfishing Society) in December.In its comeback March issue, Dippeltold readers: “FTR has been and willcontinue to be the trade publicationand voice of the sport fishing industryin the United States.

“Our audited circulation reachesthe entire distribution system inthis country – independent retail-ers, regional and national chains,wagon jobbers, regional and nationaldistributors and marketers of sport

fishing tackle and related equipment.“FTR has substantial industry

support which has been earned overseveral decades of publishing. Our2011 staff has experience, talent and astrong passion for recreational fishingand all that it means to Americananglers. We believe we can make a dif-ference and contribute to the growthand prosperity of the industry.”

The new-look FTR plans to pub-lish seven editions this year and toincrease its frequency in 2012 in bothprint and electronic versions.

Delivered week of 20th May – over two weeks before EFTTEX. Contact:• Lucie Henton +44 7825 999230 (Europe/Asia)• Stuart Pavlik 561 627 2520 direct (USA)


UPDATEAdvertising in this issue

attracts the best buyers p12

The independent global tackle trade magazine

June 2011 Issue 29

Advertising in this issue

best buyers p12







OFFICIALPREVIEWYour ultimate guide to

Europe’s No.1 trade show

! AFW / Hi-Seas p47

! Alps p70

! Anglers’ Club

India p92

! Anhui Wilma

Fishing Tools p92

! Aquaz p25

! Bait Liner p59

! Balsax p43

! Bhagwati p72, 92

! Bidoz p92

! Bios AB p28

! Boone Bait Co p86

! Carbotex p17

! Carp Hunter p73

! Carp Italy p85

! CarpZoom p1

! Carson p87

! Chub p31

! Climax p39

! Composite

Developments p68

! Cralusso p34

! DCI Monofilament


! Dohitomi p44

! Dragon Tackle p55

! DTD p14

! Eagle Claw p44

! Ecstasy / Fun

Fishing p46

! EFTTEX p81

! Energofish p79

! Epohook p92

! Esca Global p90

! Extreme Fishing p65

! FirstDart p57

! Fish Master p73

! Fisherman’s

Partner p63

! Fly p54


! Gamma p52

! Greys p31

! Hardy p31

! Hart p29

! Indyline p64

! Italcanna p93

! Jetfish p91

! Jiuyu Fishing

Tackle p78

! JMC / Mouches de

Charette p23

! K & K Ltd / Filstar

p87, 92

! Lovec rapy p18

! Mann’s Bait Co p27

! Mapso p26

! Matagi p19

! Maxel p58

! Measom Freer p42

! Mike Dawes Flies p92

! Molix p45

! MS Handbuilt

Custom Rods p92

! Mustad p33

! Ningbo Huaxing


Machinery Co p66

! Panther Martin p38

! Parallelium p95

! Plastica Panaro p24

! Platil p4

! Power Shot p82

! Prime Line p12

! Reaction Strike p49

! Richard Wheatley

Ltd p62

! Salon Européen des

Pêche en Mer p56

! Scientific Anglers p36

! Sébile p87

! Sema Ltd p41

! Shimano p96

! Silstar p10

! Snowbee p20

! Sonik Sports p92

! Speedbaits p32

! Sportex p39

! Start’up / Fun

Fishing p88

! Stoppioni p6

! Strike Pro p7

! Strike Wire p2

! Stroft p37

! Sufix p11

! Think Big p69

! Trigger X p35

! Tuf-Line Duracast


! Turrall Flies p14

! Twinkle p76

! Vega p71

! Vosseler Pro

Flyfishing p55

! Weihai Yuanheng

Fishing Tackle p14

! Weihei Hanhigh

Fishing Tackle p77

! Weihei Mingyang

Fishing Tackle p84

! Western Filament

Inc p89

! WFT / World Fishing

Tackle p61

! Worth Company


! Wychwood p75

! Yakima Bait Co p14

! Yo-Zuri / Duel p57

! Zalt p50

! Zebco p8





The official EFTTEX Preview – endorsed by EFTTA

Proud sponsors of

the EFTTEX Best

New Product AwardsProud spoProud sponsors of


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Angling International May 2011

Anew category has been intro-duced at the EFTTEX 2011Best New Products Awards –Innovation of the Year. It is oneof 17 categories that will be

judged at EFTTEX 2011 in Amsterdam in June.EFTTA CEO Jean-Claude Bel said: “For

Innovation of the Year we are looking for theoutstanding product at the exhibition. It has tobe revolutionary and something that has neverbeen seen before.”

However, he added that if no product caughtthe eye of the judges the Innovation of the YearAward would not be presented. “We will notselect a winner unless there is a stand-outproduct. It has to be truly innovative.

“Like the Visitors’ Choice, all products atthe show willautomatically beentered for theInnovation of theYear Award.”

The prestig-ious awards willbe judged by apanel of expertson Friday, June17th. All judgeswork in theindustry and are

enthusiastic anglers themselves. The judges willbe looking for innovation, usability, design,quality and practicality.

No products that have been sold in the shopsbefore EFTTEX 2011 are eligible. They mustbe launched at EFTTEX 2011 for the first timeand be a new product for 2012. None of thecategories will be judged unless there are threeor more entries.

The winners will be announced at theEFTTEX Gala Dinner on Saturday, June 18th.

Exhibitors will not have to provide standsor display cases for their products. EFTTA hasintroduced display stands that are all the sameand will focus on the products themselves ratherthan their presentation. EFTTA will also providemannequins for the clothing category.

Entry forms have been sent to exhibitorsand should be returned to Victoria Seymour [email protected] by the closing datefor entries of Friday, May 20th. Companies willreceive a confirmation email before the deadlinefor entries. If you do not receive this confirma-tion, contact Victoria Seymour at EFTTA.

Dragon direct in IrelandDragon Tackle is distributing directto its customer base in Irelandfollowing the closure of Truetackle,which had distributed its fly rangefor over 30 years.

Announcing that direct distribu-tion will mean lower prices forhis customer base, Dragon TackleManaging Director Terry Cleasesaid: “The unfortunate demise ofTruetackle means we can workmuch closer to our Irish retailnetwork, making available a fullrange of more than 3,000 flies

and accessories. This was just notfeasible for a wholesaler.

A Euro-priced Dragon catalogueis available and the companyalso offers the option of paying inEuros directly into its Irish bankaccount.

Former Truetackle Sales andMarketing Director, GarethWhittington, will look after theDragon agency in Ireland. Whit-tington can be contacted on 086044 7241 or via email [email protected].

The EFTTA Best New Product categories• Best New Rod• Best New Fly Rod• Best New Fly Reel• Best New Fixed Spool Reel• Best New Multiplier Reel• Best New Fly Line• Best New Monofilament Line*• Best New Braided Line• Best New Hard Lure (Wobbler style)• Best New Soft Lure (Soft plastic style)• Best New Metal Lure• Best New Accessory• Best New Fishing Apparel• Best New Soft/Dough Natural Hook Bait• Best New Carp Bivvy/Shelter• Innovation of the Year• Visitors Choice Award

Above: Will he make it fourin 2011? Patrick Sébilewon three awards atEFTTEX last year.

*Open only to companies signed up to the EFTTA Line Charter.

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Sensas Presidentattacks line cheats

Angling International May 2011

A s the President of the Frenchfishing tackle trade association,GIFAP, Hugues Nello has beenat the forefront of the battleagainst line cheats. His

association has been a trailblazer on the issueand, in consultation with the French tradeauthorities, introduced its own line charterfive years before EFTTA followed suit withan initiative of its own.

Nello, President and Director General ofFrench line giant, Sensas – one of the latestcompanies to sign up to the Line Charter –told Angling International: “Governing bodiesshould always lead from the front and giveguidance on how to improve quality control.

“Inaccurate branding of line is a mas-sive problem, especially in the UK. Manycompanies stretch their tolerance limits tothe maximum and there seems to be very fewways of checking claims. Not many fishermen

have micrometers tocheck their line.

“Sensas is an hon-est and responsiblecompany that strivesto give our custom-ers exactly what theywant.

“False line diam-eters and breakingstrains can lead tobreakages and lost

tackle. Oversize lines also make for poor pres-entation and therefore poor catch results.

“It is very important that companies jointhe EFTTA Line Charter. If they are responsi-ble they should join us to give their productsand the industry credibility.

“Cheats should not be allowed to appeartechnologically advanced because of theirfalse claims.”

Hugues Nello: “This is amassive problem.”

Aqua Pro makes impactNew fly line brand Aqua Pro hasreported excellent early salesin the UK and is now lookingtowards overseas markets foradditional growth.

Aqua Pro’s Sales and Market-ing Director Simon Hentontold Angling International:“We launched Aqua Pro at theTackle and Guns Show and wereextremely pleased with the re-

sponse. We have workedvery closely with some

of the UK’s biggest retailers todeliver a product that not onlyrepresents affordable quality butalso delivers excellent margins.

“Now we can offer the samerange of product with fantasticmargins for distributors. Initiallywe are seeking further growththroughout countries withinmainland Europe and Scandina-via. Within the range are fly lines,leaders, copolymer tippets, leaderloops and much more.”

UK-based Dragon Tackle’s TerryClease endorsed the product,saying: “Feedback from retail-ers is excellent. Aqua Pro will

go from strength tostrength.”

For more de-tails on exclusivedistribution

opportunitiescontact Simon Hentonat simon@firstdart.

com or call +447836 243741.

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ANSPO to be mergedwith consumer show

ANSPO – the ailing German fishing tradeexhibition – is to be merged with theconsumer show that ran alongside it lastyear. At a crisis meeting in February the BVA,the German trade association that organises

ANSPO, decided to combine the trade event withAnglermeile – a show it ran for the first time in 2010.

ANSPO has increasingly come under fire from exhibi-tors for its poor attendance figures. Last year 2,000 peoplewent through the trade show doors, but they representedjust under 550 companies and dealers. More than 7,000visited the adjoining Anglermeile.

BVA Secretary, Dr Sabrina Preuss, told AnglingInternational: “We have decided to adopt a completelynew concept for the show. It will be combined withAnglermeile and open to all.”

Next year’s event will take place in Kassel from October26th to 28th with the first morning reserved for tradevisitors only. Preuss said: “The trade will get a chance tolook at all the new products in the morning before it isopened up to the general public.

“It was decided that ANSPO could not reach substan-tially more dealers, but it could address the needs of theend user. Over 7,000 people visited Anglermeile last yearand we are hopeful that we can at least emulate that figurein 2012.”

No name has been decided for the new event, butPreuss maintained that the ANSPO title would not be lost.She said: “The ANSPO name is very well known and itwould be a shame to lose it. Perhaps its name will end upbeing an amalgamation of the two – a decision on that hasyet to be made.”

After next year’s event, the BVA will make a decision onthe frequency of what is currently a bi-annual show.

Targeting a growingsector: Pascal Grillot.

Berkley to sponsor catfish tournamentPure Fishing’s Berkley is to be theheadline sponsor of the first-everWorld Catfish Classic.

The inaugural event will be held onthe River Ebro, in Chiprana, northernSpain, and is being organised by theman behind the hugely successfulWorld Carp Classic, Ross Honey.

Pure Fishing’s European MarketingDirector, Pascal Grillot, said: “There istremendous potential in catfishingand we believe that this tournament

can emulate the success of the World Carp Classic. This is avery good promotion for us.”

Berkley launched a range of catfish equipment lastautumn, including specialist rods and terminal tackle, as itgeared up to capitalise on the growing phenomenon.

“Catfishing is huge in Asia and America and growing in Europe.It is a massive emerging marketplace,” continued Grillot.

“There are representatives from over 16 nations taking partin the Classic and it is a great opportunity for us to attract a

larger audience. The Ebro is a fantastic venue and many fishfall in the 50kg to 150kg category.”

There will be over £45,000 in prize money, but the mostsought-after and prestigious prize will be the famous BerkleyPro bass boat and trailer, worth over £15,000, that will go tothe captor of the biggest catfish over the three-day event.

Despite being able to produce huge catfish – a 94kg mon-ster was caught from the venue earlier this year – the areasurrounding the Ebro has been described as a rubbish tip.

Grillot said: “Garbage is strewn alongside the bank and a bigvoluntary clean-up has been put into operation –by a voluntarygroup called Friends of the Ebro – to make sure it is ready for

the event.The Berkley

Catfish Classicevent startson May 31stwith fishingtaking placefrom June 1stto 3rd.

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Sportfiskemassanfuture still in balance

Angling International May 2011

Arecordattendanceat Sweden’smost popularangling fair has

failed to guarantee its futureas an annual event.

A best-ever 11,267 peoplevisited the three-day Sport-fiskemassan in Jankoping, butthe organisers of the show areyet to decide whether it will

return to the southern part of the country again.Owner of the show, the Swedish tackle trade

association, SPOF pole, is committed to runningthe event in Stockholm next year and in 2014 and2016, but its fate in the intervening years has yet tobe decided.

SPOF pole CEO Klas Elm said: “This year’s eventwas a big success – it was everything we hoped for.

“Now the big question is whether we run anothershow in the middle of Sweden or somewhere elsein 2013.”

Members of SPOF pole held a meeting soon after

SPOF pole CEO Klas Elm:Unsure about 2013 event.

the latest Sportfiskemassan but could not agree onthe crucial question of its duration. Elm said:“Everything is still up in the air.

“Running Sportfiskemassan every year inStockholm would be too much so we have a bigdecision to make.

“There are two different ways of looking at thesuccess of Jankoping. It was the first time it had beenthere for three years and therefore was somethingnew. If it was held there regularly the numbers wouldinevitably slip.

“On the other hand, the attendance could reflectthe resurgence of sport fishing in Sweden. We willhave to scrutinise the numbers and see what solutionis best for our business.

“Putting on a show is expensive and we need tobe able to attract an acceptable audience to make itworthwhile. We would be happy with anything over10,000 considering the size of Sweden and thefishing market. We hope to be able to make adecision in the forthcoming weeks, but I would notlike to predict which way it will go. I have yet to bepersuaded either way.”

Sponsors returnJohnson Outdoors UK is to repeat its sponsorshipof the OK (Ocean Kayak) Classic fishing tourna-ment. The May 28th event follows last year’ssuccessful inaugural tournament and includesthree fishing kayaks among an expanded prizelist – the Prowler Trident 13 Angler, the ProwlerTrident 11 Angler and the Caper Angler.

The competition takes place on Swanage Bay inDorset, UK, and is open to all amateur fishermen.Further information is available by [email protected].

Umpqua launchPremium fly manufacturer Umpqua FeatherMerchants has launched a new micro website,www.flyboxevolution.com, to support its award-winning line of UPG (Umpqua Professional Guide)fly boxes.

The site focuses on product detail using photo-graphic and video imagery along with blueprint-style detail and will, says the Louisville, Coloradocompany allow site visitors to learn moreabout its full range of fly boxes and to find theirnearest dealers.

Umpqua has introduced five new UPG fly boxmodels for spring 2011 – the Midge, Day Tripper,Streamer, Flats and Double Wide – in a varietyof translucent colours and with several newfeatures.

Colleen signs upThe Wright & McGill Co,manufacturer of EagleClaw Fishing Tackle, hasappointed Colleen Kellyas its new InventoryProject Manager. Kellypreviously worked forThule OrganizationalSolutions as GlobalCategory Manager andhas a background in both

product management and product developmentwithin the outdoor sporting goods industry.

Zona’s new dealWell-known US bass angler and television hostMark Zona is using G.Loomis rods, Shimano reelsand PowerPro braid in all his fishing adventuresfollowing a new alliance with Shimano-ownedbrands. Zona is the Bassmaster television hostand also hosts his own show on the OutdoorChannel.

“We look forward to his input on all threebrands, both from his own experiences andthrough interaction with bass anglers nationwide,”said Chris Hess, Marketing Manager for ShimanoAmerican Corporation’s fishing tackle division.

Hardy integrates shop into its websiteHardy fly fishing productsare being trialled in a newe-commerce initiative usinga web store integrated withinthe company’s website.

UK-based consumers willbe able to buy Hardy flyproducts online with theirorders fulfilled by authorizeddealers, not Hardy itself.

Hardy’s Ken Brewster.

Hardy fly dealers are being invited to sign up to theShopatron-powered scheme where they can elect tofulfill the orders generated.

Once the consumer has placed their order it willbe assigned to the closest Hardy fly retailer who thendelivers the product.

Hardy & Greys Sales and Marketing Director KenBrewster said: “We believe this initiative will increasesales, stock turn and profitability for all our Hardy flyretails partners.”

This year’s show in Jankoping drewa record attendance but was still notenough to convince organisers thatan annual event is viable.

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The Recreational Boating& Fishing Foundation(RBFF) is harnessing digitaltechnology in a big wayto help drive its mission

to increase participation in recreationalfishing and boating.

As the organisation behind the award-winning Take Me Fishing™ campaign,the RBFF recently unveiled its new mobilewebsite for boaters and anglers – anexciting initiative which follows its earlier

launch of a boat ramp application for iPhone and Androidphones.The new mobile website was launched at the MiamiInternational Boat Show and at the Bassmaster Classic Out-doors Expo, where visitors were able to try it out and to gatherinformation about additional digital tools developed in the pastyear, including the Boat Ramp App.

The site, which can be viewed at www.takemefishing.org/mobilefrom smartphones, provides users with access to theTakeMeFishing.org Hotspots Map and allows them to save theirown mobile hotspots. Users can also find information abouta variety of different fish species, boating and fishing tips andstate licensing and registration requirements.

Said RBFF President and CEO Frank Peterson: “With moreand more people using smartphones and downloadinginformation these days, we knew we had to invest even moreinto our digital offerings.

“We’re proud to be able to provide instant access to the bestfishing and boating ‘where to’ and ‘how to’ information right inthe palm of the user’s hand.”

The new site is the latest in a line of imaginative andinnovative initiatives from the RBFF aimed at getting morepeople on to the water, thereby protecting and restoring thecountry’s aquatic natural resources.

TakeMeFishing.org has attracted more than 7.9 millionunique visitors since it was relaunched in 2008 to helppeople discover, share and protect the legacy of fishing andboating through outreach programmes like Take Me Fishingand Anglers’ Legacy.

The mobile version of the website was developed to furthersupport the Take Me Fishing campaign’s objective to be thepremier online destination for anglers and boaters wantingto learn, plan and equip for time on the water.

To learn more about the RBFF and the Take Me Fishingcampaign visit TakeMeFishing.org. To receive updates viasocial media follow TakeMeFishing.org on Facebook and@Take_Me_Fishing on Twitter.

Angling International May 2011

RBFF boosts Take Me Fishingwith new smartphone website

Frank Peterson: “Anglerswant instant information.”

“It is just one of the many ways we areusing technology to inspire anglers.”

Looking for a placeto boat or fish? Theanswer could be rightin the palm of yourhand – thanks to theRBFF.

The non-profit pro-participation body hasunveiled a boat rampapplication to helpanglers search morethan 35,000 boatramps and marinasacross all 50 states.

The free app, part ofthe Foundation’s TakeMe Fishing™ cam-paign, is for iPhoneand Android phones.

It is available in theApple iTunes store andin the Android Market.

“This is all aboutconvenience,”explained RBFFPresident and CEOFrank Peterson.

“RBFF is committedto delivering informationto visitors when theywant it and how theywant it. It’s a logicaland useful extension ofTake Me Fishing.”

The Boat Ramp Apphas an easy-to-useinterface, providingusers with a list of ramps

close to their currentlocation by zip codeor city. It also providesusers with turn-by-turndriving directions.

Evidence that theRBFF had correctlyidentified a need in anincreasingly digitallyinclined outdoor mar-ket came in the shapeof 2,600 downloadsin the first week ofrelease, a statisticconsolidated by thefact that the app hasnow been downloadedby more than 37,000mobile users.


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MOREFROMRBFFINTHEUSARecent data indicates that states who partner with theRBFF sell more fishing licences. According to researchbody Southwick Associates, the nationwide averageincrease in licence sales in 2009 was 0.02%, but for the30 states participating in the RBFF’s Fishing LicenceMarketing Programme in 2008 and 2009 the averageshows a 0.76% increase.

The RBFF has this year added a live news feed to itswebsite www.TakeMeFishing.org. Pulling from popularwebsites including FieldandStream.com, OutdoorLife.comand Boat Trader’s WaterBlogged, the feed provides visitorswith the most up-to-date outdoor stories.

The RBFF’s TakeMeFishing.org Hotspots Map, an embed-dable map providing direct access to comprehensiveboating and fishing how-to and where-to information, isnow featured on 22 consumer websites. The RBFF hasmore than 65,000 fishing and boating locations and isadding them to the Hotspots Map to help make it easierfor people to plan a day on the water.

Ohio has become the second state to join the RBFF’sLapsed Boat Registration Pilot Program, aimed at increas-ing boat registration renewals among lapsed boaters. “Wewant lapsed boaters to understand that simply by gettingback on the water they are directly helping to preservetheir waterways,” said President and CEO Frank Peterson.

“TheBoat RampApp is just oneof many ways we areusing new technologyto engage anglers andboaters and inspirethem to get out onthe water,” continuedPeterson. “We arecontinuing to increaseour social mediapresence.”

The RBFF’s “innova-tive achievement” inintroducing the appwas recognised by theNational Marine Manu-facturers Association(NMMA) at the 70thannual Miami Interna-tional Boat Show.

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Felt ban takes hold in the US asfight against didymo continues

The movement to restrict the use of felt-soled waders and boots – which enablethe spread of invasive algae – gatheredmomentum in the US at the end ofMarch as Maryland became the first

state to implement a ban.Vermont followed Maryland’s example at the

beginning of April after legislative attempts to delay itfailed, and Alaska is slated to implement its own bannext year.

An Idaho resolution recognising the threat andcongratulating manufacturers who voluntarilyeliminate felt from their products looks likely to bepassed; and Maine is also looking at the need for aban. However, bills proposing bans in Montana andOregon now seem dead.

The growing ban will help stop the spread of theinvasive organism didymo between different riversand streams. Didymo contaminates water and forwhich there is no known treatment.

It is predicted the bans will see many consumers

scrambling to replace their current footwear and willleave US retailers with stock they cannot sell.

“People talk of the price of new waders but what’sreally at cost here is the price ofclean water,” said Jonathan McKnight,Associate Wildlife Director ofMaryland’s Department ofNatural Resources.

Maryland Fisheries Servicebiologist Susan Rivers saidswitiching to rubber-soled bootswas “something that will save ourwaterways.”

To prepare for the new regula-tion, Tony Tochterman, owner ofTochterman’s Fishing Tackle inFells Point, Maryland discountedhis felt-soled boots to $30 from$50 and to $60 from $150. He

said he had about 50 pairs of boots to get rid of.“We’re pretty sure we’re going to dump the rest

to out-of-state stores,” Tochterman said.

New Scierra catalogue

Just weeks after launching its own Facebook page, bait manufac-turer Richworth has launched a new website.Media Manager Pete Wilson explained: “The old site was full of

information but lacked interaction with the consumer. The newversion is fully interactive, has lots of features and informationand is up there with the best in carp fishing.”

Features include a video library and weekly blogs fromRichworth’s consultants, giving tips and tactics and answeringvisitors’ questions. Visit www.richworth.com or follow the linkfrom the Facebook page.

Scierra, the fly fishing brand from Svendsen Sport, has released its2011 catalogue. Fronted by an evocative front cover (pictured),the 48-page publication contains the full Scierra product line-up,including rods, reels and clothing.

Among the featured productsare the Nano Technology FlyLiteV2 rod and the elegant HM+ rod,along with reels including the ultrasmooth TX2+, the classy XDP+and the XDP+ Cassette. Also tobe found are Scierra’s no-stretchKevlar shooting line and the cool-looking SpeedCast wading jacket.

Distribution of the cataloguebegan in the middle of March. Itcan also be found in pdf format atwww.scierra.com.

Right: Felt soles are responsible for thespread of a contaminating organism.

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Support for Italy’s tuna efforts

Angling International May 2011

Conservation work carried out by thehead of Italian fishing tackle manu-facturer Normic has been recognisedby the country’s fisheries minister.Giancarlo Galan – the Minister for

Agriculture, Foodand Forestry Policiesin Silvio Berlusconi’sGovernment – metwith Michele Nodari,owner of the Padova-based sea fishingequipmentmanufacturer at theBologna Fishing Show.They discussed

Nodari’s involvement in conservation work to savetuna stocks along the Italian Mediterranean coastline.

Nodari is President of the sea fishing conservationgroup, Per Il Mare – ‘To the Sea’ – which wasfounded seven years ago. It is made up of 7,000fishing enthusiasts and is financially backed by thelocal Veneto regional government.

Nodari – a self-confessed ‘fan of the fish’ for 30years – has been working through Per Il Mare withlocal authorities on a number of conservation issues.

He said: “Per Il Mare has been working incollaboration with the Government at the highestlevel in a bid to bring tuna back to our shore aswell as working to defend the sea and promoteenvironmentally friendly fishing.

“The Minister is a former President of the Venetoregion and a big fishing fan. In the 1980s – beforethe decline – he had tuna up to 400kg to his name.

Nodari added: “By around 2002 tuna hadvirtually disappeared off the Mediterranean and

Ambitious Cebbra enters SwitzerlandGerman-based distributor Cebbra Fishing Internationalhas appointed a representative in Switzerland. As partof its plan to extend its business further, Cebbra hasreached an agreement with Engros Sport-Fisch, basedin Wetzikon in the north of the country, to distributeits products to retailers. Engros is also a distributor forZebco Sports Europe.

Cebbra distributes Jackson lures and rods andflexonit wire leaders and flexible braids and is one of thebiggest suppliers of predator fishing gear in Germany,Austria and the Czech Republic.

It also distributes other top brands, includingHumminbird, Koppers Live Target, Western Filamentand Eagle Claw.

Markus Jackson, Import and Export Manager forCebbra, told Angling International that the company was

keen to expand its operations worldwide, starting with apush into other European countries.

He said: “Since 2000 Cebbra has built up a big marketin Germany and surrounding countries. We are now look-ingtoexpandthatbase.Wehavedealersbuyingour productsacross Europe, but are now looking for distributors.

“Due to the demand and increasing interest in ourJackson brand – particularly the flagship The SHAD andREAL JERK – we are looking to channel those enquiriesthrough distributors.

With Jackson and flexonit, we feel we have the potentialand right package to build up a team of strong partners.”

From left: Eddy Werner, Rino Berardi and Hans Flury ofEngros Sport-Fisch, with Cebbra’s Markus Jackson – the

man behind the Jackson brand (back).

Adriatric coastlines of Italy because of exploitationby professional fishermen. The stocks werein crisis.

“Thanks to the support of the Government andthe work of Per Il Mare we have seen a gradual im-provement in fish stocks and this has had a rippleeffect within the industry. It has helped revitalisethe sea fishing tackle manufacturing sector in Italyand people are making angling products again.

“Tuna are coming back and there have beenreports of really big fish being caught again.”

Per Il Mare is also behind a Government-backedplan to conduct a sea fishing census throughoutItaly.

Nodari said: “There is estimated to be aroundtwo million sea fishermen in the country, but noone knows for sure. It is important that we getup-to-date data on the sport, its participants andhow much it is worth to the economy. This is vitalto take the fishing and tourism industries forward.”

Left: Michele Nodari ofNormic and Per Il Mare.

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Cautious support forRapala’s copyists move

Angling International May 2011

Leading fishing manufacturers from around theworld have given qualified support to a callby Rapala to draw up a database of copyrightinfringers. The global lure making giant hasrevealed plans to get tough on the copiers by

stating that it will take legal action against the fraudstersand has called for them to be named and shamed on aninternational database.

Gerard Bakkenes, Shimano Europe Marketing Manager,said: “I do not think it is necessary for a database, but itis important that the companies who own the intellectualproperty rights fight these thieves.

“Shimano has a clear policy against the copiers – weattack them and go all the way to the courts if needs be.Ending up in court is a last and costly resort, but protectingyour property is very important.

“Generally, I believe the situation is getting better,but it is still rife in China and the former Eastern Bloccountries of Europe where we have seen imitations ofour rods.”

Mads Grosell, Head of Product Development atSvendsen Sport, said: “More or less every new lure onthe market has already been invented so it is a verydifficult to police, but we should do anything we can tostop the copiers.

“If a database highlights the problem and theperpetrators it will have done some good.

“Our stance at Svendsen Sport is to go after anyonewho tries to imitate our products. I always act if I seeanyone ripping off one of my personal designs.”

Florida lure manufacturer, Boone Bait, has been thevictim of copyists in the past, but while applauding anyattempt to curb them, owner Peter Foley believes the timeand cost involved in taking action against the offendersmakes it prohibitive for many companies.

“Trademark and patent attorneys can cost up to $750an hour and you have to wonder if it is worth it. You mightprove your case, but you are going to spend a lot of timeand money doing it. The cost of winning is most cases istoo much.

“You are not going to stop them – especially in China.More power to organisations and businesses who try tostop them, but market leading products will always getknocked off.”

Field&StreamwinsforRapalaandPatagoniaRapala and its line brand, Sufix, have scooped prizes inthe prestigious Field & Stream Best of the Best Awards.The Rapala Clackin’ Minnow and the Sufix 832 AdvancedSuperline have been honoured in the lure and accessoriescategories for 2011 by the American-based magazine.

Also among the winners was Patagonia for its RioGallegos waders in the Outerwear section. The Reno,

Nevada-based company enjoyed similar success at lastyear’s EFTTEX Awards when the product won theBest New Clothing Category.

“Having the right gear is a huge part of fishing and theField & Stream Best of the Best Awards are our way ofvetting and recognizing the best stuff out there,” saidDeputy Editor Jay Cassell.

The full list of winners are:• Baitcasting G.Loomis NRX Bass Roads, Shimano Caenan CAE100 Reel• Spinning Pinnacle Performa XT Reel, St Croix Eyecon Spinning Series Rod• Flyfishing Insta-Set Strike Indicators, Redington Pursuit Fly Rods,

Rio Avid Freshwater Trout Fly Line, Waterworks-Lamson Vanquish Reel• Lures and accessories Rapala Clackin’ Minnow,

Sufix 832 Advanced Superline• Outerwear Columbia Omni-Heat Squall Line Bib and Parka,

Costa 580P Sunglasses, Korkers Chrome Wading Bootwith Kling-On and Plain Felt Shoes,LL Bean Kennebec River Chest Pack,Patagonia Rio Gallegos Waders

• Marine Garmin 78SC GPS-Chartplotter,Yamaha V MAX SHO VF250 Four-Stroke Outboard

Gerard Bakkenes: Unsureabout database idea.

Mads Grosell: Svendsendoes everything it can.

Peter Foley: Costs can bethe biggest challenge.

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Irish Lures puts USAand Europe on alertT here will be opportunities for distributors in

Europe and the USA following the launchof new company Irish Lures by former Tru-etackle (Ireland) owner Celine Moorkens.

Moorkens was the original founder ofIreland’s top selling Super C brand and now plans to revi-talise and offer the range with immediate effect.

“Due to demand I have decided to take the brandforward,” she said. “Manufacturing will still take place in

Ireland and we will continue to deliver a fantastic productat an excellent price.”

In addition to the Super C lures, the Dublin businesswill continue with the production of the German Spratand Cruiser bass lures, while progressing other plans forproduct development. There will be “exciting distributionopportunities” for companies willing to offer the range inthe UK, France, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and the US.

Truetackle, which was Ireland’s longest-surviving dis-tributor, went into liquidation in February. Moorkens, whowas Managing Director and is the daughter of the com-pany founder, Joe Moorkens, said: “After the Royal Bank ofScotland pulled out of Ireland it became very difficult tofind a bank to work with.

“This gave us no alternative but to close the doors.However, the future is bright for Irish Lures.”

Truetackle was famed for launching and establishingbrands like Daiwa, Maxima, Mustad, Shakespeare andMasterline Walker into the Irish market.

For further information call +353 86 230 1610,fax +353 1294 1870 or email [email protected].

Wolstenholmejoins Board

John Wolsten-holme, Salesand MarketingDirector for Full-ing Mill, has beenappointed to theBoard of theUK-based flyand tacklemanufacturer.

Wolstenholme,who joined the

business from Hardy & Greys two yearago, has a background and experiencein Africa, the location of the company’sprincipal factory.

In addition to working in other parts ofthe world, he will make regular visits tothe factory to help maintain Fulling Mill’sreputation for quality flies.

Said Fulling Mill Managing Director BarryUnwin: “John is the perfect addition to ourBoard. I know he will bring a great dealto the role. His relative youth ensuresthat the future at Fulling Mill remains insecure hands.”

Focusing on the future:John Wolstenholme.

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A s Visma announced its thirdattendance decline in arow, calls have been madeto reduce the Netherland’sshowcase angling event to a

three-day programme – or at least shorten themarathon 12-hour opening day.

Figures released by the show organiserrevealed that 19,500 people visited the 43rdVisma at the Ahoy Arena, Rotterdam, comparedto over 20,000 last year and 22,000 in 2009.

Pierre Bronsgeest, Editor of the Dutchfishing magazine Beet, said: “There is ageneral feeling among exhibitors that theevent is too long. The first day attracted4,000 visitors and from a financial point ofview many exhibitors felt it would be a goodmove to reduce it by a day.”

The event has already beenscheduled for March 22nd to25th next year and Bronsgeestadded: “If losing a day cannotbe done, then it was felt itwould help to reduce the dura-tion of the show on Thursday,the first day. Exhibitors are ontheir feet for 12 hours and thatis a very long time.”

Pascal Vermeulen, Spro’s Sen-ior Director, Product Develop-ment, told Angling International:“I don’t believe the event would losea lot of punters by going from Friday toSunday. I would love to see it as a three-dayevent. Many people agree that Thursdayis really quiet and wonder why the showis open then.

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Calls for Visma to drop a dayas attendance falls by 5,000

TURKEY3rd Outdoor Sports, Hunting,Shooting, Fishing and CampingMaterials FairDate: June 2-5Venue: Tuyap BursaInternational Fair andCongress CentreVisitors: Trade andgeneral publicWebsite: www.tuyap.com● Last year’s event attracted42,923 visitorsand 151companies from 12 countries.

FINLANDLuonto & Era (OutdoorFishing & Hunting)Date: June 10-12Venue: JyvaskylanPaviljonki, JyvaskylaVisitors: Trade and general publicWebsite: www.jklpaviljonki.fi● Staged every two years, thereis a special area for businesses.

HOLLANDEFTTEX 2011Date: June 17-19

Venue: Amsterdam RAIVisitors: Trade onlyWebsite: www.eftta.com● More coverage from page 63.

UNITED KINGDOMBritish Fly Fair InternationalDate: June 18-19Venue: Staffordshire CountyShowground, StaffordVisitors: General publicWebsite: www.bffi.co.uk● Moved forward fromOctober to a new venue.

USAICAST (International Conventionof Allied Sportfishing Trades)Date: July 13-15Venue: North Halls, Las VegasConvention Center, NevadaVisitors: Trade and mediaWebsite: www.icastfishing.org● The go-to destination for theUS tackle trade with a growinginternational attendance. Claimedto be the world’s largest fishingtrade show. Returns to Vegas forsecond successive year.

SOUTH AFRICASAFTAD Show (South AfricanFishing Tackle Agents andDistributors)Date: July 23-24Venue: Unisa ConferenceCentre, Ormonde, Johannesburg,South AfricaVisitors: Sportfishingprofessionals onlyWebsite: www.sportstrader.co.za● South Africa’s only fishing tradeshow recorded modest growth invisitor numbers last year.

“The costs of exhibitingwould be reduced consider-ably, which would also be avery good thing.”

Sheila de Lange, Commu-nications Executive for Ahoy,said: “It’s correct that someexhibitors would prefer Vismato be a three-day event, butmost are content with thecurrent duration.

“From a cost perspective a four-day eventis more profitable than a three-day showbecause the overhead costs remain thesame. It is unlikely that next year’s Vismawill be three days.”

Show Manager Erika Bronkhorst blamed

the attendance figure on a scorching hotSaturday in Holland. Rotterdam basked inunseasonally high temperatures that she saidpersuaded people to enjoy outdoor pursuitsrather than be confined indoors.

Bronkhurst said: “Although visitor numberswere down, businesses reported brisk sales.A lot of people came to buy.”

Reflecting on the show overall, Pierre Bron-sgeest added: “It was better than last year –the stands looked better and visitors seemedto be happy with what they could see.

“Shimano, Pure Fishing and Spro werethe major exhibitors and they each had reallyimpressive stands, but there were also a lot ofsmaller companies selling specific gear wholooked to be doing good business.”

ld be a good



Above and inset: Effortsmade by exhibitors areappreciated by visitors,but the opening daywhen staff are on theirfeet for 12 hours is takingits toll.


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Fishing shows in central Europe continue todraw huge crowds – emphasising the growthpotential for the tackle industry in theemerging region.

In the Czech Republic two shows wereheld in the same month with the For FishingExhibition – an exclusively angling event –attracting 98 exhibitors and more than19,000 visitors.

In the capital Prague, Rybareni was runalongside a trio of other leisure events andpulled in an overall audience of more than40,000.

Mikbaits – one of the Czech Republic’sbiggest manufacturers of carp baits – was amajor exhibitor at For Fishing. Its founder,Michal Kucera, said: “We saw a great dealof visitors return from the previous year andsometimes we were so busy it was difficultto cope. Although it was challenging and ex-hausting it was a thoroughly enjoyable eventand we look forward to going back next year.”

Miroslav Drahoradova, of carp specialist,

Czech Republic’s two springshows delight the local trade

Just some of the hugecrowds that attendedthe events in Pragueand Brno.

Tomas Carpio, said: “It was a great opportu-nity to present our products to the public forthe second time at Fun Fishing and we lookforward to repeating it again next year.”

Dates for the 2012 event have yetto be confirmed, but the organiser said itwould be held in the second half of February.

Rybareni again proved to be a hugelypopular meeting place for Czech Republicand Slovakian anglers. Stanislav Odvarka,Business Director of Sportcarp, said: “Wehave been at the show since the start and findit an important place where we can meet ourstable customers.

“This year there were more visitors thanever before and I believe that means we canexpect a better season than the previous one.”

Roman Cejka, of the internet sports maga-zine, MRK.cz, said: “Exhibitors I spoke tosaid they were happy with sales. The visitorsreally buy a lot more here than in Prague.

“Rybareni has a longer traditionand is still a key exhibition for the Czech

Republic and Slovakia. Visitors come here tobuy and to improve their business.”

Next year’s Rybareni will take place at Brnofrom March 8th to 12th.

In Hungary, FeHoVa – the Hunting,Fishing and Arms International Exhibition –hosted 215 exhibitors from 12 countries andreported a 15% increase in attendances overthe four-day event.

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Angling International May 2011

C hina’s rolein the globalfishing tackleindustry andJapan’s struggle

to recover from its recentdisaster will be focal points atthis year’s ICAST show in LasVegas in July.

Michael Colopy, a world-recognised expert in globalpolitical and economic agen-das, will be guest speaker at

the show’s ‘State of the Industry’ breakfast and willprovide an overview of the trends that will have animpact on future global trade.

In particular, he will focus on China’s role in areassuch as energy, food and resources for manufacturingand on Japan’s struggle for recovery.

Mike Nussman, President and CEO of the ASA,the organiser of ICAST, will also provide inside infor-mation on the state of the industry with his industryremarks at the breakfast, which takes place on thefirst morning of the show. His remarks will also in-clude an update of KeepAmericaFishing, the Associa-tion’s angler advocacy campaign, which was launched

at last year’s ICAST. Tickets for thebreakfast can be purchased whenregistering for the show.

ICAST is scheduled for July 13thto 15th and the ASA has emphasisedthe importance to the associationand its members of producing ashow with worldwide appeal.

Nussman told Angling Interna-tional: “Attracting more internationalattendees opens up a world ofpossibilities for ASA members toforge relationships with new buyers.”

In 2010, ICAST attracted 900international attendees represent-ing 63 countries. And the ASA is confident that thisyear’s show will once again live up to ICAST’s reputa-tion as the world’s largest sportfishing trade show.

Nussman added: “Numbers, whether it is thenumber of attendees, the number of booths sold,growth in square footage and the number of newproducts on display, are only one barometer of asuccessful trade show.

“For the ASA, as the show’s producer, ICAST is asuccess if we have met, and exceeded, our exhibitors’and attendees’ expectations as a venue to conduct

business and buildrelationships.”

The New ProductShowcase remains, saysthe ASA, ICAST’s flag-ship feature and is thenumber one reason whybuyers and media attendthe show. Its importanceto the trade is summedup by the fact that 210companies entered750 new products andinnovations in 2010.Winning an award isperceived by manufacturersto have direct commer-cial value – as well asthe obvious prestige andmedia coverage.

“More internationalattendees opens up aworld of possibilities formembers.” – Mike Nussman

New Dinsmores website is an instant Euro hitDinsmores – one of the UK’s best knowncoarse fishing tackle brands – has relaunchedits website in a bid to broaden its profile inEurope and beyond.

The company’s Managing Director, Nigel May,told Angling International that within two weeksof the new-look site going live it had receivedenquiries from dealers in Greece, Italy, Germany

and Holland who expressed interest in openingaccounts and buying from the company.

“It is an excellent medium for us to broadenour brand and product range. For the first timewe are able to put our whole catalogue on thedesks of dealers throughout the world withoutgoing through the tremendously expensivepostal route.”

Added May: “There is scope out there for usto expand our business because the Britishbrand is respected in Europe and worldwide.

“We have reached a situation in the UK whereit is difficult to grow our business substantiallyand the new website offers us an opportunityto take advantage of opportunities furtheraround the world.”

To further meet the needs of buyers and exhibitors,ICAST has this year refined the ‘best of show’categories. In 2011 the New Product Showcase willinclude awards in 21 categories plus an overall Bestof Show award. There will be new categories for flyfishing products and an expanded boat category.

Only buyers and media can vote for the awards,with voting beginning on the eve of the show,Tuesday July 12th at 5.30pm.

The winners will be announced during theChairman’s Industry Awards Reception, sponsoredby Frabill Inc, the following evening, when all ICASTattendees are welcome to attend.

Wider reach: DinsmoresMD Nigel May.

ASA CEO Mike Nussmanis promising a moreinternational show.

Smart choice: the appeal of LasVegas is an added bonus when

attracting global visitors.

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Western Filament: ‘Snowbeeis our ideal partner in Europe’

Western Filament’sRex Nelson: “Snowbeehas the right experience.”

Colorado fishing line manufacturer Western Filamenthas stepped up its European sales strategy with theappointment of UK company Snowbee as exclusivedistributor for select countries.

Snowbee will manage the distribution of theUS company’s TUF Line braids in 22 countries,complementing other European distributionagreements already in place.

Western Filament enjoys strong sales across theUS with its products, including TUF Line XP, andis looking to accelerate its expansion across Europewith this latest alliance.

“Western Filament has been committed to theEuropean market since our first EFTTEX 12 yearsago,” said President Rex Nelson. “Our European saleshave continued to be strong over the past five years,with double digit growth each year. Our strategy isto continue to grow our TUF Line brand in Europethrough strong regional distribution.

“We have excellent distribution in numerous coun-

tries that have been in place for many years, includingGermany, Spain and Russia. These agreementswill not change but rather enjoy continued growththrough the increased brand awareness created bySnowbee’s distribution channels in other countries.

“We looked at many companies capable of coveringthe entirety of the available territory. We also wanted

a well-known business with an excellent reputationfor selling quality products. My searches continued topoint towards Russell and Simon at Snowbee. Theirwell-rounded knowledge and vast experience wasideal for the further promotion of TUF Line.

“We look forward to growing our internationalbusiness with Snowbee’s assistance.”

Snowbee’s Managing Director Russell Westontold Angling International: “I eagerly anticipate theprospect of growing market share in Europe forTUF Line. The product is an excellent fit withinthe range of products that we sell.”

Snowbee will manage distribution of the UScompany’s TUF Line braids in Belarus, Bulgaria,Denmark, Estonia, Georgia, Greece, Greenland,Holland, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan,Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Slovakia,Turkey, Ukraine and the UK.

For more information contact Snowbee at+44 1752 334933 or [email protected].

Russell Weston: “TUFLine is an excellent fit forour business.”

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Turkish showgathering pace

Angling International May 2011

Popular English anglerClaire Dagnall rememberedOne of England’s finest lady matchanglers, Claire Dagnall, has died at theage of 46 after a long illness.

A brand manager with UK fishingtackle manufacturer, Leeda, Clairerepresented England in seven WorldChampionships, winning three teamgolds, one silver and one bronze. She

also won the UK Ladies’ National andLadies’ Fishomania twice.

Leeda Marketing Manager, Nic Brown,said: “Claire was an incredibly popularlady as a friend and one of the UK’s topfemale match anglers. She will be sadlymissed by all here at Leeda and by herfamily and friends.”

More than 45,500visitors from over16 countriesattended the 2ndBursa, Nature,

Hunting 2010 show in Turkey lastyear.

And the organiser, Tuyap Bursa FairsOrganisation Inc, is expecting a similarturnout for this year’s event that takesplace from June 2nd to 5th at theBursa International Fair andConvention Centre, Bursa, in thenorth-western part of the country.

Fishing is one of the major attrac-tions at the exhibition which last yearattracted 204 leading companies from17 countries.

Visitors attended from as far afieldas Georgia, Austria, Iran, Macedonia,Turkey and the USA to add inter-

national spice to an event that hasalready become a popular fixture onthe Turkish outdoor sports calendar.

Last year 15.1% of the visitors– more than 6,800 visitors – wereanglers. That was the second largestcontingent behind the most over-whelmingly popular hunting andhunting equipment sector.

The angling section will includedisplays of the latest fishing tackle,baits and clothing on the market fromsome of the top manufacturers inEurope and beyond.

The doors open at 11am and closeat 9pm on June 2nd to 4th, while onthe final day the opening times arefrom 11am to 8pm.Tel: +90 224 211 5081Email: [email protected]: www.tuyap.com.tr.

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Angling International May 201138

Cortland: ‘It was time for a change’

The American Fly Fishing TradeAssociation (AFFTA) haswelcomed a new piece ofresearch that indicates stronggrowth in fly fishing.

As the build up to the Associa-tion’s International Fly TackleDealer (IFTD) show gathers realmomentum, the report revealsthat sales of fly fishing gearshowed “impressive gains” with59.3% of anglers reporting they

bought fly tackle in 2010. That was an increase of 4.1%over the previous year.

The findings, along with detailed information on the mostpurchased brands, types of equipment bought and fly an-gler demographics, are contained in Southwick Associates’first ever comprehensive Fly Fishing Market Survey.

“This is a great indicator that the fly fishing industry is

rebounding from tough economic times,” observed IFTDDirector Randi Swisher. “It is also reflective of the strengthand support we have established through the IFTD show.

“I fully anticipate the IFTD space will be sold out for2011. We continue to receive great support from theindustry and even at this early stage, show attendancelooks extremely strong and several of the show hotels arealready full. We are looking forward to playing an importantrole in the continued growth of the fly fishing industry.”

With the optimism generated by the report, and thesupport being shown by the industry – including spacebookings from those companies who did not commitlast year – AFFTA is predicting this year’s IFTD will be thebiggest in recent years.

Additional key findings from the Fly Fishing MarketSurvey reveal that the most rods purchased (15.4%) werefrom Temple Fork Outfitters, while the most purchasedreels (23.5%) were by Orvis.


For a complete list of all exhibitors to date visit www.afftaiftd.com.Click on the ‘For Retailers’ icon and scroll down to the ‘List of Exhibitors.’

Delighted with the news:IFTD’s Randi Swisher.



More US fly anglers buying

Ever-present IFTD exhibitor Cortland Fishing Line islooking forward to showing off its new products atthe new location for the show.

The company is delighted that the event is movingto New Orleans for the August showcase. ProductDesign Manager Nate Dablock said: “A change ofvenue is necessary from time to time and we hopethat it will prove successful.

“The IFTD is an important show for the start ofthe new year. It is an excellent opportunity forCortland to meet its customers face-to-face and toshow our support for the fly fishing industry.

“It is also an opportunity to meet new customersand to make as wide an audience as possible awareof our products and the Cortland Fishing Line brand.

The ultimate goal, obviously, is translating all thatinto increased sales for the upcoming year.”

The New York company has already introduceda new range to its Diamondback glass fly rods for2011.

They are made from Diamondback’s S22 fibreglassblend and feature a midnight blue gloss blank, darkblue wraps, silver accent wraps, stainless chromesnake guides and a buried Mappa seat reel.

They are designed to be ultra-accurate at closerange yet capable of reaching out when necessary.Each model has a unique taper that maintains thedistinct glass touch in the tip and mid section.Tel: + 1 607 756 2851 Email: [email protected]: www.cortlandline.com


FLYINGFISHERMAN‘EXCITED’BYBIGEASYEyewear manufacturer Flying Fisherman is lookingforward to a new venue for the IFTD Show. Its VicePresident, Linda Sheldon, told Angling International:“We are excited about New Orleans and the newdate because it really works well for us. We arelooking forward to seeing friends and customers, andhoping to do some good business.”

The company’s new product launches will includeseveral new polarised eyewear models, a new T-shirtseries – Midnight Angler – and a range of new selec-tions from its SunBandit™ protective headwear line.

St.Croix is the latest addition to the Flying Fisher-man Master Angler range and the company will beintroducing two new frames and lens colours – blackframe/smoke blue mirror lens and tortoise frame/amber green lens for its 7317 series.

The 7310 Pago will be unveiled in a new stylewith two new frames and lens colours.

More than six new designs are being added tothe SunBandit™ range – including Sailfish, Tuna,Speckled Trout and Redfish patterns, while the newT-shirts will be dark and short-sleeved with nighttime game fish designs. Tel: +1 305 852 8989Email: [email protected]: www.flyingfisherman.com

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Many new things are happening atMustad and the company says thatwith the uplift in the financial mar-ket impacting on the trade, it hasnever been more ready than now

to take advantage. In the USA Mustad is the ‘hottestitem on the block’ with the profile of the new KevinVan Dam treble hook boosted by Van Dam himselfwinning his record-tying fourth Bassmaster Classic.

No-one else can boast of such an achievement andMustad likes to think that the hook has played itspart. It comes nicely wrapped in award-winning pack-aging that revolutionises the presentation of treblehooks (see inset picture, far right).

In Europe the launch of the tailor-made AsianRange for the Mediterranean market has helped bringnew innovative fishing styles into the sector thanks togood co-operation with one of Mustad’s leading long-time distributors.

Meanwhile, because of the location of the com-pany’s main factory in Wuxi, China, and the openingof the Chinese market, Mustad sees good expansionopportunities in this vast country. Many manufactur-ers of lures and rigs are already established in Chinato assemble their lures, and new ones are settling in.With a local presence, Mustad and the manufacturershave good reasons to look at a bright future.

Wanting to see every fish caught on a Mustad hookrather than tread water as the global financial marketcontracted, Mustad has been busy with a growthmanagement strategy that is set to re-energise thebusiness.

Investment has been made in almost every area ofthe business. These include:● New logistics processes introduced to reduce leadtimes and increase service levels.● State-of-the-art IT systems now encompassing every-thing from order confirmation through to bill of materials.● More effective methods of warehouse storage andlocation systems in operation.● The refocusing of the portfolio based on changingcustomer requirements.● Employees from the shop floor to management andkey design engineers have been trained, re-trainedand better equipped to meet the demands of customerneeds.● Reorganised manufacturing processes and newtechnologies are in place to ensure that Mustad stays at


May 2011 Angling International 39

the forefront of innovation with the sharp, strong, reliablehooks that its name is built upon.

Whilst the immensity of this investment at timesfelt like swimming upstream, Mustad is now headingback to open waters and the results can be seenin output capacity that has nearly doubled, fasterresponse to customer demands and unprecedentedquality standards.

Being established in China with a manufacturingunit for ten years has proved to be a good strategy,says Mustad.

“We will now get the full benefit of economy ofscale by having the largest manufacturing unit inChina,” says enthusiastic CEO Lars Lemhag, whojoined Mustad in 2008 and has since engineered a

number of changes in the company. “We could not bebetter placed to maximise on the returning market!”

The company adds that with 134 years of historyin making fish hooks, Mustad will continue to be thebest selling hook on the planet for many generationsto come.

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HOOKS 2011

A series of calculated investments are about to pay off, says the hook giant. It hashuge-scale capacity in China, a winning formula in the US and an innovative newrange for Europe. “We could not be better placed,” says CEO Lars Lemhag.

“We will now get the fullbenefit of economy ofscale by having thelargest manufacturing unitin China” – Lars Lemhag

?Want to talk to Mustad?Here’s how to find them...Tel: +47 61 13 77 00 Email: [email protected]: www.mustad.no

The huge Mustad production plant inWuxi. Inset: Mustad’s award-winning

packaging is also helping to drive sales.

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HOOKS 2011

The wickedest piece of metal that a bass willever encounter’ – that’s the proud boast ofAmerican hook manufacturer Lazer TroKarabout its latest new products for 2011.

The Denver, Colorado company hasintroduced four new styles of hook which it claims‘exude sheer aggression and lip-piercing fury’.

The TK160 and TK170 Magnum Swimbait are saidto be the beefiest on the market. Made to withstandthe brutal forces exerted by a Skeet Reese hookset, theTK160 can handle most situations. Whether using acreature bait, swimbait or big tube, it offers anglers the

Lazer TroKar promises ‘sheeraggression’ with its latest range

bait clearance needed to properly drive home the LazerTroKar point.

The TK170 offers anglers a weighted version,fashioned to keep the bait in the strike zone.

Designed specifically for its Elite tournament profes-sionals is the TK180 light wire Finesse Worm – perfectfor prolonging the life of soft plastics. It has beenengineered to be used with ultra-soft worms for a moretechnical presentation and utilises the TroKar BARB(Bait Alignment Retention Barb) to securely hold the softplastics in place.

Used exclusively for years by Bassmaster Elite angler,

Business contactsTel: +1 720 941 8777 Email: [email protected] Web: www.lazertrokar.com

Shaw Grigsby, the TK190 Tournament Tube is a favouritefor fishing tubes. The company says it has added thesharpest point ‘in the world’ and a BARB to keep tubespegged in place.

Lazer TroKar says the extra wide gap and in-line pullof the TK190 makes it one of the most vicious andversatile hooks in the TK line-up.

All Lazer TroKar hooks are finished with an auto-catalytic plating technique that results in a silky blackchrome finish. The hooks are designed, manufacturedand sold by the company and come in three colours –red, white and blue.

TK170: created withextra weight.

TK160: made forforceful strikes.

TK180: designedfor finesse fishing.

TK190: viciousand versatile.

Since its takeover byFishingMatters in2009, Partridge ofRedditch has beenworking hard to

improve the compliance issuesthat have plagued the brand inrecent years.

FishingMatters DirectorMark Hamnett said: “Continu-ity of supply is critical to us

and we have started to see significant improvement

since the beginning of the year. That improvement –combined with the great team at our Wincanton, UKoffice – means that the prospects for 2011/12 arelooking good.”

Hamnett told Angling International that taking onthe legacy of Partridge of Redditch – an iconic hookbrand known worldwide – has been a case of gettingback to basics.

He said: “We have been telling our customers andfishermen alike that the brand is back in business andthat things are about to get interesting.

“We are planning new branding and communi-

cations and a range rationalisation that has beenimproved with the addition of smaller sizes on anumber of established patterns – most noticeably inthe salmon and tube fly markets.”

Added Hamnett: “Product developments include anew straight-eyed spider/soft hackle pattern expectedthis summer and a number of others later in theyear.”

He added that Partridge would be exhibiting at theIFTD Show in New Orleans in August where it willbe looking to finalise its North American strategy andfind distributors in certain European markets.

Business contactsTel: +44 1963 31623 Email: [email protected] Web: www.fishingmatters.biz

Mark Hamnett: “The brandis back in business.”

Partridge ready to make majoradvances after business overhaul

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For more than 100years, VMC Pêchehas been at theforefront of hooktechnology. It is

the undisputed leader in treblehook sales worldwide – aposition it has built up froma solid base in Europe.

The French giant exportsto 70 countries on all five

continents of the world and its foreign traderepresents 70% of the company’s overall dailyproduction capacity of four million hooks.

Yet, despite its considerable global strength, VMCPêche President and Managing Director, Stanislas deCastelnau, has told Angling International that thereare still many growth opportunities for the company.

He said: “We are always looking to expand andI believe there is still room for growth, especially inNorth America, Asia and Russia.

“The Russian market represents potential becauseboth the fishing tackle market and the country’seconomy in general are on an upward curve.

“We also have plans to develop sales in China – amarket that offers a new challenge because hookpatterns and sizes are different from anywhere elsein the world.”

Product development is central to the company’sstrategy and de Castelnau said: “Our engineers inR&D and production are working together withour pro-staffers, customers and industry partners toproduce the hooks of tomorrow.

”We are always investing in new machines and tech-nological improvements at our workshop in France.”

The VMC factory in Morvillars, in eastern France,

works night and day, seven days a week with all itshooks coming off exclusively-designed automaticmachines made by the company’s engineers.

Stanislas de Castelnau explained: “Our long-termrelationships with our OEM customers, includingRapala, are the cornerstone of our strategy indeveloping new products and maintaining ourhigh level of customer service.

“We are looking to develop high-end hooks forspecific markets. Fishing techniques are becomingmore technological and specialised. Customers aremore demanding – especially in the carp segmentand niches within predator fishing.

“Market standards are getting higher all the timeand the average price a customer is willing to pay forhooks is also rising. Anglers are paying more attentionto their hooks than they used to in the past.

“The rise in technology that the lure industry hasseen over the last few years has now hit the hooksector – that is why hook innovation is so important.”

The company is committed to consolidating its po-sition with OEM customers and is investing stronglyin marketing to support its retail activity.

“We plan to invest more heavily in marketing com-munications and the two main areas we are concentrat-ing on are sponsorship and the development of newretail packaging for our hooks,” said de Castelnau.

“We recognise the need to take that extra step to

Russia is a prime target, says MD Stanislas deCastelnau – and product innovation will be key.

reinforce the brand’s well known name and makeour image even more dynamic – especially in Europeand the US.”

The company has become more involved infishing as a sport through extra sponsorship andhas strengthened its partnerships with pro-staffers,tournament anglers and fishing guides.

“As a result we are now getting first hand feedbackon the very latest fishing techniques and trends tofuel our innovation,” said de Castelnau.

VMC, which is part of the VMC Rapala Group,was a founding member of EFTTA and its annualtackle show, EFTTEX. It is also strongly committedto environmental issues and is developing hooks thatcause as little damage to fish as possible. A prime ex-ample of this is VMC’s range of tournament-friendlycircle hooks and hooks with micro-barbs for catchand release fishing.

The Fastgrip is particularly suited for this purpose.Its three micro-barbs ensure the hook setting is in-stant. The upper barb ensures swift connection withthe fish while the other two barbs prevent the fishfrom coming off even when the line is slack. It alsoreduces damage compared to a regular barbed hook,complementing catch and release procedures.

The company has also just added more patterns toits successful Spark Point range of premium hooks –the 7556 3X Treble Hook for wild and tough fishingstyles and ultra-light single models for drop shotfishing and soft plastic rigs.

Stanislas de Castelnau:“China is interesting too.”

?Want to talk to VMC?Here’s how to find them...Tel: +33 384 573 434 Email: [email protected]: www.vmcpeche.com

Left: the 7119 Spark Point DropShot hook, part of the successfulrange of premium hooks devel-oped by VMC. Right: hooks thataid catch and release are alsohigh up the company’s agenda.

“We are developing high-endhooks for specific markets. Therise in technology in the luremarket has now hit our sector.”


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HOOKS 2011

Northland Fishing Tackle saysthat in 1987 its President,John Petersen, designed andmade the original Sting’rHooks. Since then they have

become the company’s hottest sellers acrossNorth America.

The latest member of the renowned familyis the Trailing Sting’r Hook. It is custom-builtfor spinnerbaits, buzzers and spoons and issaid to ‘nip and sting those short strikingbiters’.

It features a premium Mustad Ultra-Pointhook and a ‘quick change’ snap on/offrubberised hook eye that can be attachedto any hook in seconds.

Also in the hook range is the Lip-stick

Worm Hooks, which are said to be bassanglers’ favourite new design in ‘weighted’worm hooks. They are moulded with pre-mium Mustad Ultra-Point hooks and featurea sleek ‘weighted’ design that slips and slidesthrough heavily matted weeds, brush andtimber without hanging up.

The company’s Roach Hooks are a premiumquality salmon-egg-style hook designed forlive bait rigging and spinner rig fishing.

They feature a VMC Cone-Cut light wire

design for quick penetration and better hook-ing performance. Northland says that theyare extremely effective at focusing attentionto live bait minnows, crawlers, leeches, grubsand craws. The salmon-egg-style hook ischemically sharpened with Cone-Cut tips forquick and effective penetration.

Business contactsTel: +1 218 751 6723 Email: [email protected] Web: www.northlandtackle.com

Assistant Brand ManagerChris Morgal is nowlooking beyond the US,starting at EFTTEX.

Northland builds on the appeal ofits hottest seller with new additions

Just some of theNorthland hooks thatare proving popularamong keen anglersin the US.

“The Lip-stick WormHook is said to be a newfavourite among bassanglers in the US.”

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What percentage of the worldhooks market does Gamakatsucurrently have?This is a very difficult questionbecause it is hard to say howmany hooks are sold in theworld. Also, with new emergingmarkets and new productionfacilities opening up, it is veryhard to estimate. However whatwe can say is that Gamakatsu

has a very big share worldwide and that it is grow-ing. We are continuously working hard on expandingour production capacity because demand keeps onsurpassing production levels. We hope that, withupcoming major investments, we have a chance to beahead of the trend for the years to come.In which hook category is Gamakatsu strongest?Worldwide, the strongest segment for us is singlehooks. But we are also famous for our strong andextremely sharp treble hooks. The latest addition is theTreble 18, a double-strong hook in regular and shortshank for salt and freshwater.Where does the company see the strongest future growth?This will come from the BRIC nations – Brazil, Russia,India and of course China. These are already importantmarkets for us and will become even more importantfor us in the future. As a matter of fact we have openeda special sales and marketing office in Guangzhou toserve the Chinese market better.What are the key consumer trends in the hook marketand how is Gamakatsu reacting to these?If we knew we would not be telling!Is there still scope for new materials and processesto make hooks even better?Sure there is! We have special task forces in the factory

in Japan that work closely with engineering groupsaround the world to develop new products withnew materials, new treatments and coatings to makeour products even better and to stay ahead of thecompetition. Examples are the G-Hard and A1 hooks.Of course, there is always the balance between newdevelopments and what anglers are willing to spend onhooks. So new materials and treatments are one thing;making these marketable is another.What is it that gives Gamakatsu an edge over itscompetitors?Our hook points are very strong. One of the keybenefits is that Gamakatsu hooks are ultra sharpwhen you buy them and they also stay sharp!Gamakatsu has been in the US since 1992. How isthe business progressing there?We are dealing with some major US retailers and wehave achieved double digit increases year-on-yearsince we started.What is Gamakatsu’s position on the environmentand eco-friendly manufacturing?First and foremost, at Gamakatsu everyone is veryconcerned with the environment. We realise very wellthat, apart from all the good humanitarian reasons, itis in our own business interests to respect nature. Ourchairman made a movie presentation for television inJapan that promoted environmental well-being andadvised on taking measures against pollution.

High on Gamakatsu’s new product list for 2011are the Treble 18 and the Rubber Jig.

The Treble 18 is based on Gamakatsu’sfamous Treble 13, but has a double-strong wireand the patented ME Magic Eye feature. It isavailable in both freshwater and saltwater ver-sions. A special SS Short Shank is also availablefor rapid, secure and rock-solid hook setting. It isproduced in sizes 1/0, 1, 2, 4 and 6.

The 8g, 10g and 12g Rubber Jig WS SS comescomplete with a size 3/0 Gamakatsu hook andis available in six attractive colours. Mr Tanaka,Gamakatsu’s Brand Manager in The Netherlands,told Angling International: “These new Gam-akatsu jigs feature a fine silicone rubber skirtand a heavy wire Gamakatsu jig hook with awire keeper to hold tails and grubs. The new jigsstand on their head when dropped in the water,imitating feeding prey on the bottom.”

NEW DEVELOPMENTS FOR 2011Mr Toshitaka Fujii explains why Gamakatsu cancapitalise on the demand for hooks in new markets.

CEO Toshitaka Fujii: “Weare growing strongly.”

?Want to talk to Gamakatsu?Here’s how to find them...Tel: +65 6557 2338 Fax: +65 6557 0138 Email: [email protected] PTE Ltd, 3 Philip Street, #15-02 Commerce Point, Singapore 048693

Sharp operators:Gamakatsu hooks are

renowned for theirability to last. Below:

the new Rubber Jig andTreble 18 hook.

NEW DEVELOPMENTS FOR 2NEW DEVELOPMENTS FOR 2MMMMMMrrrrrr TTTTTTooooosssssshhhhhhhhiiiiiitttttaaaaakkkkkkkaaaaaa FFFFFFuuuuuujjjjjjjjiiiiiiiiiiiii eeeeeexxxxxxpppppplllllllaaaaaaiiiiiinnnnnssssss wwwwwhhhhhhhhyyyyyy GGGGGGGGaaaaaammmmmaaaaakkkkkkkkaaaaaatttttsssssuuuuu cccccaaaaannnnniiiiii

abilitthththththeee nenew


ir head when dropped in the water,eding prey on the bottom.”


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44 Angling International May 2011

The returnof Tru-Turnhooks to theEuropeanmatch scene

has been warmly welcomedby anglers old enough toremember their awesomecatching power. So says Anjavan Assen of Holland-basedHengelsport AAS, the

company with the rights to distribute Tru-Turnmatch hooks in Europe.

Hengelsport AAS reintroduced the hooks tothe Benelux market to huge acclaim last year.Encouraged by the positive response from formerenthusiasts as well as newcomers to the brand, thecompany has now committed itself to increasedproduction in Japan and has embarked upon anambitious programme of signing up agents anddistributors throughout Europe.

“For anyone who partners with us, this isn’tlike trying to develop a market with a brand newproduct,” says Anja. “You have to remember howsuccessful Tru-Turn match hooks were in Europe20 years ago. There is still a huge demand for thesevery special hooks among pole, match and feeder

anglers – which we always knew but hadconfirmed to us when we showed them tolocal anglers last year.

“The reaction was unbelievably positive.So many anglers had warm memories of thehooks and were delighted to see them back.And because of their unique shape, we’re expectingyounger anglers to love them too. Who wouldn’twant a hook that catches up to 50% more fish?”

Tru-Turn hooks are famous for their unusual offset– or slightly bent – shape. The offset has the effect offorcing the point to turn towards pressure, thussecuring more bites. The original Tru-Turn was designedby John W. Campbell and has sold in its millions inhis native America and beyond. “But the match hooksare especially designed for Europe,” explains Anja.

Originally, Hengelsport AAS only had smaller sizesfrom America to sell to its new customers in Benelux:sizes 14, 16, 18 and 20. By investing in productionin Japan it now has the capability to also produceand deliver large sizes such as 10 and 12 in sufficientquantities. “All sizes are available in bronze, nickel andred colours,” says Anja.

Hengelsport AAS, which has also successfullydistributed Parallelium premium quality lines inBenelux for the past three years, will continue tosell Tru-Turn match hooks direct to retailers in the

Benelux region whilelooking for the rightdistribution partners inthe rest of Europe.

“Our ambition for thebrand in Europe is tofind distributors to reachretailers in all territorieswhere pole, match and

After too long an absence and a successful mini-launchin Benelux, Tru-Turn match hooks are back. Couldyou distribute them in your territory?

Looking for distributors:Anja van Assen.

feeder fishing are popular.“We have been successful in Benelux because we

know the market well. We want distributors whocan match our expertise in their own territories andcan use that expertise to successfully market Tru-Turn match hooks to anglers. The incentive is there:Tru-Turn match hooks have an appeal that stretchesall the way from committed competition anglers tohobby fishermen.”

Hengelsport AAS also says it has introduced newpackaging for the hooks, which will be available in sizes10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 and, on request, 22 and 24.

“Distributors and retailers throughout Europe canexpect to make very respectable margins,” adds Anja.

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I N S I G H T • A N A L Y S I S • T R A D E N E W S

HOOKS 2011

?Want to talk to Hengelsport AAS?Here’s how to find them...Contact: Anja van Assen Tel: +31 6 15 59 39 24Email: [email protected] Web: www.hengelsportaas-pnp.nl

Tru-Turn match hooks withtheir distinctive ‘twisted’

shape are available in bronze,red and nickel colours.


Left: Another catch onthe hooks. Right: Thenew packaging for theEuropean market.

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“Absolutely the hottest segment inrecreational fishing” – that’s howone manufacturer has described thebooming kayak fishing sector.

In a mature industry that continuesto be shackled by turgid tradingconditions, the rise and rise of kayakfishing certainly represents arefreshing opportunity for growthand, in the case of some fishing tacklemanufacturers, new business.

While kayak fishing can no longerbe called new – it has been around inthe US for years – it continues to growat a rapid rate there, and the rippleeffect is gathering momentum acrossthe world as anglers are seduced byits particular sense of adventure.

Add to that the attraction ofpaddling or peddling into previouslyinaccessible spots, its application inboth sea and freshwater, the absence

of fuel bills and boat launch fees andthe fun of playing fish from such alight craft and it’s easy to see whykayak fishing ticks an awful lot ofboxes for so many anglers.

Most importantly for the tackleindustry, this emerging tranch ofconsumers has spawned a whole newtrade sector.

Existing kayak specialists areproducing far more custom-built

fishing craft, while conventional tackleproducers are looking at kayaks andkayak accessories as a profitable andserious diversification.

Angling International talked to someof the leading brands to discover moreabout the impact of kayaks on theirbusinesses, their latest designbreakthroughs and the excitingproducts they have in store forconsumers in 2011.

May 2011 Angling International 47

Angling InternationalPublishing EditorMel Bagnall

What is Freedom Hawk’s business philosophy?David Haddon: Freedom Hawk was founded in 2006with the goal of making the ultimate fishing kayakin the world. While some companies simply add rodholders to existing models, our boats are designed

from the hull up with the aim of making you a betterangler. We started with the premise that to fish betteryou need to fish from a standing position. We are theonly kayak company to offer a built-in patented out-rigger system that allows the kayak to transform froma traditional sit-on-top kayak to a fishing platform inseconds by simply moving two levers.What are your most popular products?Our Freedom 14 is our original model and offersmaximum stability. It has been in production for fouryears now, but is still one of our most popular withanglers over 250lbs.

Introduced in the fall of 2009, our 12-footer issmaller and easier to transport and use on smallerwaters. With an optional motor mount, it becamean instant hit and today is our bestseller. We alsointroduced a ‘canoe/hybrid’ version of this hull, the

Freedom 12 Ultralight. At 64lbs in weight, it’s ourlightest model and a favourite on small lakes, ponds,creeks and protected water.What developments are you most proud of?Obviously our patented outrigger system is very pop-ular, but we back this up with superior hull designsfor maximum efficiency and all the best kayak fishingfeatures – rod holders, casting braces, and durablehulls built for a lifetime of fishing and comfort.

For 2011 we introduced an Elite Seating system forour 12ft series. It means that, whether you are seatedor standing, you have the best and most comfortablefishing boat on the market.What are Freedom Hawk’s plans for the coming year?We are never resting. Our entire staff and sales forceare made up of real anglers – most are on the waterfor a minimum 50 days a year. We consistently comeup with new, innovative and feature-rich products atthe best value to our customer. We want to continueto push the future of kayak angling. Watch out fora new model featuring our latestand greatest ideas in 2012.What is the current state of themarket?Kayak fishing is one of themost popular categories inboth fishing and paddlesports.While many categories havebeen hit by the world recession,this is an area that continues tothrive. While early kayak fishingsales were done in paddles-ports shops, today’s angler islooking for more. They want asalesperson that is able to talkboats and fishing techniques.Because of this, we are seeing a

switch to tackle shop sales. Almost 70% of our salesare through fishing tackle and fly shops worldwide. Weare also seeing a significant growth in the global andEuropean markets and have added more than sixdistributors worldwide. We are constantly looking fornew European and international partners.

CONTACT Tel: +1 978 225 1511Email:[email protected]: www.freedomhawkkayaks.com

Freedom Hawk increases standingDesigns by real anglers have given his company an edge, says David Haddon.


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By adding the award-winning MirageDrive® pedal system toits kayaks, Hobie® has revolutionised the sector. “We’re allabout innovation,” says Director of Marketing Dan Mangus.

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The name Hobie has become synonymouswith kayak fishing everywhere. TheCalifornian company’s philosophy thatkayaking should be accessible, rewardingand – above all else – fun, has won favour

with kayak fishermen right around the world.Nice words, you might say. But Hobie has backed its

promise with the introduction of a string of pioneeringdevelopments that are literally changing the very wayanglers approach their sport and catch their fish.

Take, for example, Hobie’s proprietary and award-winning MirageDrive system.

Enjoying a day on the water starts, reasons Hobie,with the way you power your crafts. For many, thechore of paddling can threaten the fun factor, plus thefact that paddle splashes can scare fish.

Why struggle to pull with your arms when it’s fasterand more efficient to push with your legs. The answer,

say Hobie, is to lose the paddle and start pedalling,leaving the arms free for the important business ofcatching fish.

Hobie’s MirageDrive system links a set of cockpit-mounted pedals to a pair of powerful underwater finswhich, when pushed, flex to take on the shape of apropeller blade. These power the kayak through thewater as they scissor back and forth on both the frontstroke and back stroke.

The pedal action generates equal power on bothsides to keep the boat tracking evenly. In addition, thefins ‘feather’ with water flow when they are not beingused – which reduces drag – and they can fold upflush against the hull for exploring tight corners andshallow water or for beaching. The MirageDrive is usedin both the Hobie Mirage Pro Angler and the HobieMirage Oasis® models, but is just one of the featuresmake these Hobie kayaks a joy to fish from.


THE MULTI-FEATURE HOBIE MIRAGE OASISLong, narrow and lightweight, the new sleek tandem Oasis boasts rapid acceleration andimpressive hull speed without sacrificing functionality or hauling capacity. There arethree enclosed stowage areas and one large on-deck cargo space, dual steering controlsand a roomy cockpit with dual MirageDrives.

Key component: the Mirage-Drive system allows anglersto pedal their Hobie kayaks,keeping their arms free forfishing. “It adds enjoyment,”says Hobie.











Re-designed ruddercontrol


withinflatable lumbarsupport





withon-hull s







Re-designed ruddercontrol


withinflatable lumbarsupport









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“Our key focus for growth will bein Europe, Australia and Asia. We

just don’t see any limitations.”

?Want to talk to Hobie?Hobie Cat Company Tel: +1 760 758 9100 Web: www.hobiecat.comHobie Cat Australasia Tel: +61 (02) 44418 400 Web: www.hobiecat.com.auHobie Kayak Europe Tel: +31 (0) 187 499 440 Web: www.hobie-kayak.com

The Mirage Pro Angler kayak inaction. “It stands apart as a greatvessel,” says Keeton Eoff.

HOBIE MIRAGE PRO ANGLERA no-nonsense, extremely stable fishing kayak, the ProAngler is packed with essential features including easy-to-reach cutting board, adjustable Cool Ride® Seat and spacefor 13 tackle boxes. A horizontal stowage area accommo-dates six rods while the voluminous bow and stern lockersand on-deck storage provide a 600lb payload. Its versatilitystretches from farms ponds to lakes to the ocean.

Do you see significant further growth in kayak fishing?Keeton Eoff, Hobie Fishing Strategic Development: Yes.The great thing about kayak fishing is that anglers arenot limited by income, geographical location, genderor age. At one end we are seeing professional tourna-ment trails develop and at the other families lookingfor adventure. It’s too much fun not to try!

How do you plan to grow beyond North America in thefuture?We also have significant distribution in Europe andAustralasia and all areas are showing growth. Our keyfocus for growth will be in Europe, Australia and Asia.We don’t set any limitations.What are the trends in consumer demand?We are seeing all areas do well. The Mirage Pro Anglerstands apart as a great fishing vessel. We’ve reintro-duced the new and improved Mirage Oasis, whichis a first class tandem; and the Mirage Outback andMirage Revolution are fantastic fishing kayaks. Wehave a variety of models, each with its own benefitsto meet anglers’ needs.Will pedal motion become the key driver in the sector?The pedal drive is revolutionary to the sport. When itcomes to control, efficiency and ease of operation itis unbeatable.Do you see scope in technological advances?We’d prefer not to share that information. Suffice tosay that for more than 60 years Hobie has continued

to introduce new and exciting concepts to watersports. We don’t plan to change that!Kayaks could be construed as ‘big ticket’ purchasesand not frequently repeatable. Is market share wherethe key market battle lies?The market is huge. We pride ourselves on innova-tion and customer service. Kayaks are very affordablecompared to the traditional fishing boat and motor.


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Wilderness Systems has an award-winning pedigreewhen it comes to the design of its craft.

For the last two years the company has won ‘BoatBrand of the Year’ at the annual Canoe & KayakPaddlesports Industry Awards.

Wilderness became the first boat brand ever towin the prestigious award two years in a row and SueRechner, CEO of parent company, Confluence Water-sports, said: “We are grateful to our retailers for theirvote of confidence – it inspires us to do even better.”

The award-winning kayak design team hasexpanded its Commander fleet for 2011 with theaddition of the Commander 140 – a craft that hasthe same hybrid canoe/kayak design, stable hulland comfort of the Commander 120, but is two feetlonger at 14ft.

The extra length gives a roomier ride, more footroom and greater storage space.

Lead designer, Bob McDonough, said: “TheCommander 140 is designed to be a versatile, highcapacity recreational kayak that has great fishingcharacteristics. It delivers a wide variety of applications,especially excelling in situations that need great sta-bility and a seat comfortable enough to use all day.”

Three paddling positions offers the variety neededto spend all day in the water and its dual seatingsystem gives an elevated position in themoulded Captain’sSeat and a lowerposition in theadjustable FreedomElite Seat.

Optional angler accessories include:• Slide Trax Accessory System on the top and sides• Slide Trax Anchor Trolley with anchor• Slide Trax Universal Mounting Plate• Integral trolling motor mounting block• Two flush mount rod holders• Scotty rod holder

CONTACT Tel: +1 888 52 KAYAKEmail: www.wildernesssystems.com/forms/contactWeb: www.wildernesssystems.com

Kayak fishing accessories has been one of the drivingforces behind the phenomenal growth of outdoorsporting goods producer, PrecisionPak. The companysays that sales in the last year have risen by around200% as it continues to expand.

PrecisionPak is the own brand of AlphatanInternatonal, a Toronto-based manufacturer anddistributor of bags and luggage.

Richard Tan, told Angling International: ”Whenwe started promoting kayak fishing products back in2007 at ICAST not too many people were interested.Today almost all retailers are talking about it – andit’s not just in North America either. It has become aglobal thing.

“We were one of the pioneers who created variousstorage boxes for the sport – especially the CratePaks.Now, with the surge in demand, we are making ourproducts in advance rather than to order as we didin the past. With our pro-staff in the field we arelooking to diversify our lines from cut and sewproducts to hard accessories and we expect tolaunch these at ICAST in July.”

PrecisionPak’s products are manufactured at itsown and affiliated factories in China.

Tan said that the CratePak and CratePak Max arenow firmly established in the kayak fishing market.He said: “They are affordable, and feature an easy toaccess system for fishing gear and rod storage.”

The CratePak fits over a standard milk crate andhas three built-in rod holders, multiple mesh andfabric pockets and a safety light holder.

The outside features D-rings to secure it to thekayak. Slits in the top of the unit can be connectedto straps for carrying. It is available in black, blazeorange and a special edition camouflage.

The CratePak Max is a complete redesign andis geared towards kayaking, boating and fishing ingeneral. It is fully self-contained and made ofwater-resistant poly. It also features padded insidepanels for extra stability.

Three integrated rod holders are built into oneside, while the other features a variety of coveredpockets and storage bags. All pockets have plasticgrommets to drain away water.

The outside has a built-in holder for a safety light.The top of the unit features side flaps for safe and drystorage of items like maps, cell phones or GPS units.

A shoulder strap is included for transport of theCratePak Max which comes in lime green or blazeorange colour options.

CONTACT Tel: +1 905 475 2527Email: [email protected]: www.precision-pak.com

PrecisionPak’s sales grow by 200%


DIABLO MAKING WAVES WITH ITS HYBRID MODELSDiablo Paddlesports is now in the second year ofproduction of its hybrid SUP-kayaks – craft thatwill change the way you fish, says the company.

The Adios – a 12ft 6ins cross between a SUPboard and a sit-on-top kayak – was launchedlast year and it has been followed by the 10ft5ins Chupacabra. Both craft offer the ability tostand up or sit down to paddle or fish.The wide beam, that measures 36ins, and sta-

ble tri-hull design, means that standing to castor paddle is easy for all users. This combinationis also said to allow both models to accommo-

date larger paddlers or more fishing gear withoutsacrificing draft or performance.

Diablos have a flat deck that will not catchstripped line, easy access dry and wet storageand double paddle holders.

A leash comes out of the front of the cockpitto help standing and the cockpit is covered in atraction pad for secure footing.

CONTACT Tel: +1 512 282 2628Email: [email protected]: www.diablopaddlesports.com

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Sea Eagle: ‘This is the most vibrant sector in the US’

Cecil Hoge: “Kayaks’wide appeal is the key.”

May 2011 Angling International 51

Cecil C. Hoge Sr startedout over 50 years ago witha fishing lure company thatcame to buy an inflatableboat business. Today thecompany is run by brothersCecil and John Hoge and isbetter known as an inflatableboat company which alsohas a fishing company. That’show Co-Partner Cecil Hoge

describes the transformation in the fortunes of SeaEagle and its Panther Martin lure business.

Hoge told Angling International that the changein impetus has been aided by sales of kayaks, fol-lowed by the sale of pontoon fishing boats. He said:“Kayaks are the most important category for us ininflatable boat sales, with pontoon fishing boatscoming second.’

Hoge added that last year the two companies hadcombined sales of just under $11m – with $7.5m ofthat coming from its boats.

“Kayak and pontoon fishing have become a bigthing in America. They are the only vibrant parts ofthe fishing tackle industry over here. The rest remain

stagnant as companies fight the recession, badtrends, and reduced shelf space being offered by theretail stores.

“Our lure business with the Panther Martin brandis holding up, but sales are not going anywhere.However, inflatable boat sales are bucking the trendin the US and beating the recession.

“Kayak and pontoon fishing have really caught onand they appeal to a wide range of anglers, includingthe younger generation who find it exciting and anopportunity to catch big fish.”

One of the most popular craft for fishing is theFastTrack Kayak 465 that was introduced in Aprillast year.

Hoge said: “Up to the end of 2010 we sold 600units. We expect sales of over 2,000 for this year.”

Hoge added that there were many reasons for thesurge in inflatable sales, including the high cost offuel, lifestyle changes and versatility of the craft.

He said: “Inflatables – and kayaks and pontoonfishing boats in particular – offer so many advantagesin that they are affordable and portable; they are prac-tical in that they can reach areas bigger boats cannotaccess; and they are easy to store and transportbecause they can easily fit in the trunk of a car.”

The new Sea Eagle FastTrack inflatable kayak canbe used to fish lakes, meandering rivers, inland baysand hidden coves.

The secret of the new design is the outside dropstitch keel in the bow and the large skeg in the stern.These combine to limit the sideways movementwhen using a double-end paddle. and create extra‘bite’ on the water.

Hoge said: “Kayaks can be terrible to paddle, butbecause of the drop stitch keel it can go faster andstraighter than other craft.

“Other kayaks may look similar, but underneaththere is a world of difference in the performance.”

The FastTracks can be equipped with a swivel seatfishing module that can be dropped into the craft inseconds and allows fisherman to sit comfortably forhours. It gives a high line of vision and can turn360 degrees.

The fishing module weighs just 16lbs and includestwo rod holders and the ability to accept a fishfinderor GPS.

CONTACT Tel: +1 631 731 1701Email: [email protected]: www.seaeagle.com


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California’s Ocean Kayak stillsitting pretty on top of the sector

Ocean Kayak – which will becelebrating its 40th anniver-sary this year – is said to be themarket leader in the kayak fishingsector.

The company was set up in1971 in Malibu, California, andhas since established itself as abrand that is synonymous withsit-on-top kayaking.

It was one of the first manufac-turers to make and sell rotation-ally moulded sit-on-top craftand now boasts a huge range ofrobust kayaks for both childrenand adults, including a dedicatedline-up of modelsspecially designed for anglers.

Ocean Kayak says it continuesto lead sit-on-top development

today through its new productsthat include the Trident Ultra 4.7fishing kayak.

One of its most popular kayaksremains the Scrambler that stillretains many of the originalOcean Kayak features. It has amoulded-in seat well, moulded-infootwells, storage areas, paddlekeepers and carrying handles.The tri-form hull adds greaterstability, and being rotomouldedout of polyethylane increases itsdurability. All materials can berepaired and recycled.

CONTACTTel: +44 1493 745192Email: [email protected]: www.johnsonoutdoors.co.uk


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Success in business is often about taking theright opportunity at the right time. ZebcoEurope’s first step into the kayak fishingmarket is a perfect example.

The German-based business is enjoyingfantastic sales with its striking Sharkoon fishingkayak, part of the well-known Rhino brand which ischaracterised by its robust, high performance, value-for-money products.

But, as Marketing Manager Frerk Petersen explained,it may never have come about if Zebco had notdiscovered – quite by coincidence – a kayak buildingplant close to one of its rod making factories.

“We were already interested in the exciting growthin the kayak fishing sector. So when we came acrossthis factory early last year, which was already makingkayaks for export to Australia, we felt it was the righttime to test the market,” he explained.

“The results have been amazing. The instantresponse from the trade and press to the Sharkoonhas been greater than we have experienced for anyother product. Sales have been good from the startand we have had to re-order.

“We believe sales will get even better becausethe product did not arrive in the warehouse untilOctober, which is clearly not the best time. So thebest sales period is yet to come.”

The bright red Sharkoon, with its dynamic hulldesign and distinctive shark-toothed grin, has madean immediate impact on both the trade and consumers.

The low-weight kayak is easy to transport andlaunch and its design, says Zebco, guarantees fastand stable manoeuvring with minimal effort. Featuresinclude a watertight storage area at the front and twoadditional storage compartments using rubbernetting. It comes complete with side paddlemountings and seating mat.

Zebco believes that part of its success withSharkoon can be attributed to the wider range ofaccessories also available.

“We built a complete, fishing-specific packagebefore launch,” explained Petersen. “We wanted tooffer a total solution to the trade and this approachhas been very well received. Most companies don’toffer this.”

Buoyed by the popularity of the 3m Sharkoon,Zebco are now considering adding a heavier 3.4mmodel at the end of this year.

“We are not a kayak specialist, but we have widerdistribution than most kayak specialists and that isa big advantage for us,” added Petersen.

“Kayak fishing could certainly be an importantelement of what we do at Zebco Europe.It can be good business for us.”

The range of tailored Rhino accessories to transform theSharkoon into a customised catching machine includes:

● Alu Paddle A robust light paddle featuring analuminium shaft.● Carbon paddle Lightweight, carbon fibre shaftfor fatigue-free paddling.● Kayak seat Finished in high-quality nylon andergonomically designed to support the back.● Fishfinder mounting Includes a swivellingcross-bar for easy vision.● Kayak trolley With robust wheels and maximumgrip treads for any terrain.● Rod holder mountings To accommodate up tofour rods.● Double rod holder fitting The robust cross barcan accommodate two Rhino rod holders simultane-ously. Simple slot connections optimise flexibility.● Rhino NC Sharkoon rods The purpose-builtSharkoon 40 range rods are designed at the optimumlength for playing and boating fish and are availablewith a choice of conventional reel seats or trigger-style handles for multiplier reels. The Sharkoon80 series has higher casting weights of up to 80g,perfect for larger lures.


?Want to talk to Zebco Sports Europe?Here’s how to find them...Tel: +49 41 82 294334 Email: [email protected]: www.zebco-europe.com

“Results have beenamazing. Sales have beengood from the start andwe’ve had to re-order.”


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Old Ghost has taken another step in itsstrategy to break into the Europeanbait market by detailing its first threeproduct launches. All three remaintrue to the company’s aim of

enlarging the market with baits that make fishingeasier for newcomers as well as passionate anglers.

“The key to getting more people fishing – andto getting them hooked – is to make angling easier,quicker and more enjoyable,” says Old Ghost Presi-dent Yi Zhe. “To this end, we will be focusing ondelivering innovative, even revolutionary, baits to theEuropean market and beyond.

“We are completely confident we can do this asit is the same strategy that has brought us hugesuccess in China these past two decades.

“Innovation is the lifeblood of Old Ghost,” addsYi Zhe. “We are sure our new products, starting withthe three we are detailing now, will be a serious ad-dition to dealers’ ranges and become firm favouritesamong anglers in Europe.”

It took fullythree years ofresearch beforeOld Ghost washappy it haddeveloped a se-ries of hookbaitsausages that

would be irresistible to fish and would keep for aslong as anglers needed them.

Wrapped in a world-class hi-tech fresh-keepingplastic film, Fresh-keeping Hookbait Sausages aremade with the highest quality natural ingredients,such as squid, bloodworm, freshwater snail andsweetcorn. By adding its own exclusive fish attract-ant, Old Ghost has created baits that fish find deli-cious and extremely enticing.

“As its name suggests, the Fresh-keeping HookbaitSausage’s greatest asset is how long it keeps fresh.Thanks to its highly-effective fresh-keeping coating,it can remain fresh for as long as one year on the shelf

and for two years stored in cold conditions,” says Yi Zhe.“During its guarantee period, whenever you open

it, you will notice its strong, fresh aroma of animalprotein. Its aroma and nutritional qualities are kepttotally fresh, which means outstanding performanceevery time.

“And the most fantastic aspect of these sausages isthat you can cut them into pieces as big or as smallas you want according to the size of your targets. Thebait can be hooked directly on the hook or attachedto the line alongside the hook to make a chod rig.”

These revolu-tionary ground-baits combinepure naturalingredients suchas freshwatersnail powder,marine algae

and silkworm chrysalis with Old Ghost’s exclusiveattractant, which is rich in animal and plant protein,amino acid and vitamins. The result is a pellet thatOld Ghost regards as a ‘revolution in groundbait’.

It absorbs water as soon as it is under the surfaceand dissolves slowly into a cloud, releasing attract-ants that all fish find irresistible, says Old Ghost. Asthe dissolving process slowly runs its course, the fishgroup together around the bait and remain in theswim for up to three hours.

“We call it the revolution in groundbait,” says YiZhe. “Compared with traditional powder groundbait,the Continuously-dissolving Pellet really makesfishing easier, quicker and more enjoyable.

“You don’t have to mix it with water like powder

groundbaits, you just need to throw it to your swimby hand or by catapult. So it is especially ideal forthose who are new to angling or less experienced andnot familiar with mixing techniques.

“In addition, and more importantly, Continuously-dissolving Pellets are more environmentally-friendlythan powder groundbait. They dissolve and spreadvery slowly in the water, which means much more iseaten up by the fish. Powder groundbait spreads veryquickly in the water which means most of it can’t beeaten by the fish, resulting in pollution and eutrophi-cation of the water.”

“We knowboilies are verypopular withEurope’s carpanglers,” saysYi Zhe. “So, toenable them toenjoy more fish-

ing pleasure and catches, we especially designed theDouble-layered Boilies.

“We looked closely at existing boilies on the Euro-pean market and found that they are very hard anddon’t release attractants very efficiently, meaning theycan not attract fish effectively. To solve this, Europeananglers often dip the hard ball in dip bait, whichdoesn’t last long. Plus, it simply makes fishing morecomplicated.

“To make it easy, we designed the Double-layeredBoilies. The layer on the outside can slowly releaseparticle attractants instantly once in the water. Theseare released very slowly, taking on a fluffy, morenatural shape around the boilie, and can last for overten hours.

“In addition, because of their perfect disguise,the Double-layered Boilies are irresistible even to thebiggest carp that have become highly alert after beingcaught and released so many times.”





?Want to talk to Old Ghost?Here’s how to find them...Tel: +86 27 8756 1355 Email: [email protected]: www.oldghostbait.com

Old Ghost gives details onits first European launches“These revolutionary baits will make angling easierand encourage newcomers into the market,” says aconfident Yi Zhe, the man behind the launch.

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A focus on quality has given Meiho’s tackleboxes legendary status among predatoranglers in Japan. Now it is looking furtherafield. “We want to appoint agents in newglobal markets,” says Hiroaki Kiyomoto.

Everything must be perfect” – that’s themantra of Japanese tackle boxmanufacturer, Meiho. The companybelieves that to create the ‘king of tackleboxes’ attention to detail is crucial. And it

is a belief that has reaped rewards and established it asone of the world’s foremost producers of lure fishingtackle boxes and an award winner countless times over.

For five years running it has picked up the ‘Tackle ofthe Year’ Award from Lure Magazine – Japan’s iconiclure fishing monthly.

And it is also a former winner of the Good DesignAward from the prestigious Japan Industrial DesignPromotion Organisation (JIDPO).


Left and above: Meiho has become a fixture on the Japaneseindustrial landscape since it was founded in 1947.

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?Want to talk to Meiho?Here’s how to find them...Tel: +81 66791 3515 Email: [email protected]: www.meihokagaku.co.jp

May 2011 Angling International 57


Above: Meiho has won the ‘Tackle of theYear’ Award from Japan’s Lure Magazine

five times in succession. Its tackle boxeshave also won the Good Design Award

presented by the Japan Industrial DesignPromotion Organisation.

Stand G55

Hiroaki Kiyomoto explained that attention to detailis vital to the development of what Meiho believes arethe ‘best tackle boxes in the world’.

He said: “Everything – structure, design, strength,durability and storage area – is crucial.”

Meiho was the first company to become a specialisedbuilder of tackle boxes 30 years ago. It started out lifein 1947 in Osaka as a supplier of glass and plasticproducts to the electrical appliances industry, but nowthe emphasis is firmly and solely on its tackles boxes. Itlaunched its Versus brand for the lure sector 16 years ago.

Kiyomoto said: “Our concept when designing atackle box is to look at the product from thecustomer’s point of view.

“They want a quality product that will last them along time – therefore the components are very impor-tant and are the reason why we use only virgin resinmaterial when we are making the products. This keepsthe boxes strong and stops them going out of shape.

“Quality comes first because consumers need to besafe in the knowledge that they are using a productthat will not let them down.”

Alongside its Japanese virgin resin, Meiho usesrust-resistant stainless steel pins to connect the mainbody of the product so that it can be used for bothfresh and saltwater fishing.

Kiyomoto explained: “Unlike many manufacturers,we never use brass pins. Our superior components –and our unique knowledge from our long experiencein the business – mean that we can offer the highestlevel of quality which our rivals cannot compete with.

“We believe that we are at the cutting edge of tacklebox technology and we take pride in the fact that our‘king of tackle boxes’ can overcome the harshest challenges.”

Meiho’s strength is within its own domestic mar-

ketplace, where it sells 80% of its products, but thedevastating earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan inMarch has been one of the major factors behind itsdecision to expand its export market.

Kiyomoto said: “The earthquake disaster in easternJapan has had a huge impact on the fishing tacklemarket in the country. And it will take a longtime for it to recover.

“Therefore we need to look at other countries wherelure fishing is prominent.”

Meiho will be using EFTTEX 2011 in Amsterdamin June as the opportunity to recruit agents to sell itsproducts in regions of the world where it still has notbroken into the market, such as the UK, North and SouthAmerica, South Africa, Oceania and the Middle East.

Kiyomoto added: “Our policy is to recruit one agentfor each individual country and that will be our aim atEFTTEX.”

Just in time for the Netherlands showpiece, Meihoalso plans to release a limited edition metallic colourversion of its VS8050 and VS3078 tackle boxes and inJanuary 2012 it will do the same for the VS3080 andVS3070 boxes.

Above: Meiho is committed to quality from the factory floorto the boardroom. “Consumers need to know the productwon’t let them down,” says Hiroaki Kiyomoto.

Above: Just some of the tackle boxes which have madeMeiho so popular in Japan, including (top left and right)versions of the VS8050.

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Okuma was an instant winner with itsnew Andros 2-Speed sea fishing reel.The reel made its debut at EFTTEX2010 in Valencia and was immediatelyvoted Best New Multiplier Reel after

receiving glowing praise from the judging panel. As itseeks to capitalise on this early success, Okuma’s Eu-ropean distributor Svendsen Sport points out that theAndros 2-Speed has a long list of cool design features.It comes in five sizes and offers:• Two-speed set-up (6.4:1 and 3.8:1)• 6 EZO Japan ball bearing ABEC-5• Cast control system• Dual anti-reverse• Quick set anti-reverse rolling bearing

+ratchet system ratchet lever drag• Ergo grip handle-knob• Recessed reel foot design

Svendsen says it is the recessed reel foot designthat sets the Okuma Andros apart from other two-speeds on the market as it allows the reel to sit closerto the reel seat and also increases the height of thespool diameter. The line capacity is 350m of 0.40mmnylon and 260m of 0.45mm.

Mads Grosell, Product Manager for Svendsen, said:“It is perfect for the monsters of the deep and will be

good for the upcoming halibut and cod season.”After it scooped the EFTTEX award, Grosell said:

“Without doubt the brilliant Andros will receive cultstatus among sea fishermen in general. The reel isjust part of a truly impressive 2011 programme fromOkuma that brings great innovation and quality toanglers all over the world.”

The recommended retail price in the UK for theAndros reel is £318.

The Andros is one of three new sea fishing reelsdesigned for the 2011 season and all are said to beperfect for northern European sea fishing for cod,pollack, halibut and conger.

The Okuma Cortez reel is the second in the line-up and is said to be a real workhorse that will pullthe biggest fish from the depths of the sea.

Svendsen adds that it is the ideal compromisebetween elegance and design on one hand and dura-bility on the other. It comes fitted with 4+1 SUSball bearings, graphite side plates to make it lighter,an anodised aluminium spool, ergo-grip, criticaldrain ports, 303 grade SUS gears and many otherfeatures. Said to be extremely functional, it is pricedat £120.

The new Clarion reel is the last in the range andSvendsen claims it further establishes Okuma’sreputation for making high quality reels with itsmachine aluminium spool, tension spool controlsystem for trolling, mechanical line counter,multi-disc carbonite drag system, 5:1:1 gear ratio,ratcheting drag star, speed lock pinion gear systemand silent retrieve spool engaging mechanism. Itis said to strike the perfect balance betweenaffordability and quality.

The Clarion comes in three different sizes and cancarry up to 580m of 0.42mm nylon. It retails at £120.


?Want to talk to Svendsen Sport?Here’s how to find them...Tel: +45 4619 1913 Email: [email protected]: www.svendsen-sport.com

From the top: Okuma’sAndros 2-Speed, Cortezand Clarion sea fishingreels for 2011. “They’reimpressive,” says MadsGrosell.

EFTTEXaward-winner setto thrill Europe’s sea sector

Okuma’s Andros 2-Speed sits ontop of an exciting new range that,says distributor Svendsen, is ‘perfectfor the monsters of the deep’.

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Hart is celebrating its 20th anniversarythis year and to mark the occasionhas launched the Revolution rangeof lures. The company says that thenewcomers to the Hart family have

been introduced as a tribute to all fishermen whohave supported the brand and believed in it for somany years.

Hart sees these innovative introductions as achance to pay back that confidence with an‘absolutely outstanding new range’. Included among

the new products arethe Slim Bait – whichis a universal lurefor walking, sliding,jerking and twitching– the Topwater, theMissile and the LCB.

Not content to siton its laurels, Hartpromises more newproducts in the nottoo distant future, butGeneral Manager InakiOdriozola explained:“We do not want

to go into details just yet, but some of our ‘newbabies’ will include soon-to-be revealedfreshwater lures.

“We are constantly pushed by fishermenaround the world to produce even betterproducts and we will not disappoint.”

The international brand Hart – which is part ofthe Europe-wide Evia group which has companies inFrance, Spain Portugal and Germany – started in thefishing world by creating lures.

It took up the challenge of developing state-of-the-art lures, using the most creative designs andadvanced technology to persuade fishing enthusiastsof the Atlantic and Mediterranean to try new ways ofattracting fish.

Inaki Odriozola added: “Being among the pioneershas not been an easy path, but without doubt it hasbeen a very rewarding one and we are proud that Hart’sidentity has been built on the creation of its lures.”

To remain at the cutting edge of lure creativity,Hart saw the need to have an international productteam in place, realising that it was not enough tolisten to experts from one country or to top namesin one particular style of the sport.

Listening to as many experts as possible, thecompany can now count on the expertise of productengineers in France, Spain, Portugal, Germany andScandinavia to help it develop the most lethal lures.

“Whatever language your water speaks – Hart islistening,” says Odriozola.

Specialists in different fishing disciplines outline theinitial ideas and proposals based on water resistance,buoyancy, swimming action, weight and other factors.

That information is then passed on to the indus-trial design and development team, which then goesto work and painstakingly develops the perfect lurefor the job.

The company is also adamant that one aspect ofits thinking will never be compromised – quality.

Innovative technology, combined with researchand testing by an international research team is asfundamental to product development as workingwith its own unique moulds and using only thefinest quality materials.

By achieving this, Hart is confident it has come upwith products that meet the highest expectations ofits many customers.


?Want to talk to Hart?Here’s how to find them...Tel: +34 943 820033 Email: [email protected]: www.evia.es

Hart’s Revolution is‘a tribute to anglers’

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• X130 A classic Perlon line

• X135 Has extra softness and strength;ideal as an IGFA line

• X145 10-times higher abrasion resistance

• X170 Strongest in the nylon range

• XF100 Multi-purpose fluorocarbon

• XF200 Strongest fluorocarbon

• XP100 Soft and sinking PE braid

• XP200 Round and hard coating PR braid



Gruppo DP and Perlon to unveilnew mono range at AmsterdamGruppo DP and Perlon Monofil

GmbH – partners for more than 50years – have combined to launch anew range of sportfishing mono-filaments, which will be jointly

distributed by both companies, depending on thegeographical area.

All polyamide lines will be manufactured atPerlon’s plant in Germany while the fluorocarbonmonofilaments and PE braids will be made byspecialised manufacturers under the strict specifica-tions of Perlon Monofil.

Perlon has been producing bulk spool line formany years, but will now be offering high qualityfishing line in ready-to-sell packaging. Gruppo DPand Perlon Monofil will also be looking for distribu-tors worldwide to sell the new products.

Perlon, whose company slogan is ‘Expertise insynthetic monofilaments’ will be using a selectionof first class resins, some of them made availabledirectly from its parent company, the LanxessGroup, to ensure the high quality standard forwhich it is renowned.

The new products will make their debut atEFTTEX in June where they will be shown at boththe Gruppo DP booth (B62) and Perlon Monofil

GmbH booth (D01). The line range will include:• X170 Made of a unique raw materialformulated by Perlon Monofil, it is avery strong premium fishing line thatis ideal for competition anglers. It issaid to offer maximum linear and knotstrength, with no soft spots, superiortoughness and controlled stretch forextra sensitivity and ‘superfast’ hooksetting.• XF200 The latest in fluorocarbontechnology. Its unique blend of PVDF raw materialenhances all the characteristics of fluorocarbon andmakes it one of the strongest lines for hook lengthsand match fishing. It is strong, has high resistanceand sinks three times faster than nylon.• XP200 The very latest in PE braid development.Braided by the most advanced machines, theXP200 is a rounder line that performs better thanflat braids. Its shape and smooth body improvecasting accuracy and distance. It is thermally en-hanced with a unique hot temperature coating thatadds extra stiffness to the line and holds its colourmuch longer. It also creates less wind knots and isideal for spinning and casting.

FINLANDIA RETURNS WITH HIGHQUALITY NEW LURESThe Finnish manufacturer is comingback to EFTTEX after a six-year break.

FRABILL READY TO MAKEITS EFTTEX DEBUTThe US apparel specialist istargeting growth in Europe.

FULLING MILL TO SHOWPREMIUM FLY PATTERNSPre-show reaction has encouragedthe UK manufacturer.


MAKE CONTACT WITH GRUPPO DPTel +39 010 369846Email [email protected] www.gruppodp.com


Delivered week of 20th May – over two weeks before EFTTEXContact Lucie Henton +44 7825 999230 (Europe/Asia) Stuart Pavlik 561 627 2520 direct (USA)

MAKE CONTACT WITH PERLON MONOFILTel +49 2133 51 3506Email [email protected] www.perlon-monofil.com


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attracts the best buyers p12

The independent global tackle trade magazine

June 2011 Issue 29

in this issue

best buyers p12







OFFICIALPREVIEWYour ultimate guide to

Europe’s No.1 trade show

! AFW / Hi-Seas p47

! Alps p70

! Anglers’ Club

India p92

! Anhui Wilma

Fishing Tools p92

! Aquaz p25

! Bait Liner p59

! Balsax p43

! Bhagwati p72, 92

! Bidoz p92

! Bios AB p28

! Boone Bait Co p86

! Carbotex p17

! Carp Hunter p73

! Carp Italy p85

! CarpZoom p1

! Carson p87

! Chub p31

! Climax p39

! Composite

Developments p68

! Cralusso p34

! DCI Monofilament


! Dohitomi p44

! Dragon Tackle p55

! DTD p14

! Eagle Claw p44

! Ecstasy / Fun

Fishing p46

! EFTTEX p81

! Energofish p79

! Epohook p92

! Esca Global p90

! Extreme Fishing p65

! FirstDart p57

! Fish Master p73

! Fisherman’s

Partner p63

! Fly p54


! Gamma p52

! Greys p31

! Hardy p31

! Hart p29

! Indyline p64

! Italcanna p93

! Jetfish p91

! Jiuyu Fishing

Tackle p78

! JMC / Mouches de

Charette p23

! K & K Ltd / Filstar

p87, 92

! Lovec rapy p18

! Mann’s Bait Co p27

! Mapso p26

! Matagi p19

! Maxel p58

! Measom Freer p42

! Mike Dawes Flies p92

! Molix p45

! MS Handbuilt

Custom Rods p92

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Machinery Co p66

! Panther Martin p38

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! Reaction Strike p49

! Richard Wheatley

Ltd p62

! Salon Européen des

Pêche en Mer p56

! Scientific Anglers p36

! Sébile p87

! Sema Ltd p41

! Shimano p96

! Silstar p10

! Snowbee p20

! Sonik Sports p92

! Speedbaits p32

! Sportex p39

! Start’up / Fun

Fishing p88

! Stoppioni p6

! Strike Pro p7

! Strike Wire p2

! Stroft p37

! Sufix p11

! Think Big p69

! Trigger X p35

! Tuf-Line Duracast


! Turrall Flies p14

! Twinkle p76

! Vega p71

! Vosseler Pro

Flyfishing p55

! Weihai Yuanheng

Fishing Tackle p14

! Weihei Hanhigh

Fishing Tackle p77

! Weihei Mingyang

Fishing Tackle p84

! Western Filament

Inc p89

! WFT / World Fishing

Tackle p61

! Worth Company


! Wychwood p75

! Yakima Bait Co p14

! Yo-Zuri / Duel p57

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The official EFTTEX Preview – endorsed by EFTTA

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Angling International May 201164


Finlandia-uistin Oy is returningto EFTTEX after a six-year breakand is looking for new distribu-tors. The Finnish-based company,which is the creator and manufac-

turer of the Nils Master and Bete lure ranges,says it is particularly interested in meetingnew customers, particularly from Americaand the Netherlands.

The company’s International Sales & Mar-keting Manager, Martin Crewe, told AnglingInternational: “ We see EFTTEX as being veryimportant to us as we are looking to attractnew customers in Amsterdam.

“Being a Finnish company, we are verystrong in Scandinavia and Russia, but thereare still many countries where we are seekingnew distributors with America and the Neth-erlands at the top of that list.

“As EFTTEX is in Amsterdam we are hope-

Finlandia returnswith new lures

ful of getting enquiries from the Netherlands.”Finlandia-uistin Oy has been a member of

EFTTA since 1981 and attended its first EFT-TEX the following year. It was a regular exhibitoruntil 2004.

“We stopped going because of the highcost of exhibiting,” said Crewe. “However, asEFTTEX is the largest show in Europe we feelwe must attend if we are to grow our business.That is why we have decided to return.”

Pride of place at its booth will be reserved forfour new 2011 launches:• The Japittaja lure. A new 5.5cm 9g luresuitable for casting and trolling for trout, salmonand grayling in running water and rapids, whilein calm standing water it is ideal for catchingperch and pike.• The new Nisa 50mm 12g. Described as atotally new jigger, the lure has hooks at bothends and is also equipped with a clasp which

MAKE CONTACT BEFORE EFTTEXContact Martin CreweTel +358 3 7674 153Email [email protected]


Heading to EFTTEX:Finlandia’s new 75mmBete Lotto (above)and Nisa lures.

allows the central hook to be easily changed.• The 10cm 12g BeteZAP lure. Made frompolymer, it is shaped like a small fish and suit-able for casting and trolling.• The 75mm 24gr Bete Lotto. A new biggerversion designed to cope with bigger fish.

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Western Filament enters its 12thEFTTEX ‘very excited’ about the fu-ture direction of its TUF Line brand.

Among the three new items theUS company will be launching inAmsterdam is its new braided Stain-less Steel TUF Leader. It is packagedin 5m spools and designed for toothypredators like pike. Western Filamentsays that – unlike other steel leaders– the TUF Leader can be tied withtraditional knots with no crimps.

The company will also be addingnew 6lb and 8lb TUF Line XP to itspopular braided series. These newversions are 0.05mm and 0.07mmrespectively and offer finesse anglersthe small diameter and low stretchproperties of high performance braid.

The last newcomer is an improvedfourth generation Duracast line. Itis stronger, has 25% less diameter,greater knot strength and is up to five

times more abrasion resistant thantraditional spinning ‘super lines’.

Western Filament President RexNelson said: “We are very excitedabout the future direction of TUFLine. We have completely redesignedthe packaging to incorporate a stand-ard logo throughout the range. Thisgives us more exposure in the mar-ketplace where product placementand shelf space is at a premium.

“We are looking forward to return-ing to Amsterdam because the RAIvenue has always been good for us.”


MAKE CONTACT BEFORE EFTTEXTel +46 8761 0600Email [email protected] www.strikepro.eu

EFTTEX STANDNUMBERC10MAKE CONTACT BEFORE EFTTEXTel +46 8761 0600Email [email protected] www.strikepro.eu


Strike Pro gives pride ofplace to its new Wolftail

MAKE CONTACT BEFORE EFTTEXTel +1 970 241 8780Email [email protected] www.wfilament.com


Strike Pro Europe – an EFTTEX ex-hibitor since 2000 – traditionally usesthe European showcase to launch itsnew products for the year.

And the event in Amsterdam will beno different, with the company show-ing off its new Wolftail predator lurefor the first time. The company simplysays that the newcomer to its range willcatch a lot of ‘really big fish’.

The Wolftail comes in two versions– one shallow and one sinker – andmeasures 23cm. It has been designedby Anders Uvforsen at WolfcreekLures for Strike Pro Europe and willtake pride of place at the exhibition

alongside other ad-ditions to its sportfishing ranges.

Leif Collin, Strike Pro Europe/CWC Managing Director, told AnglingInternational: “Strike Pro is lookingforward to EFTTEX.

“It is a very important event for thecompany since it is a meeting placefor our distributors in Europe, Russiaand several other countries. It is alsothe stage on which we launch our newproducts.

“We will meet distributors fromareas we do not currently cover, butthe most important aspect of the showis meeting up with our establishedpartners.”

Strike Pro Europe exports its prod-ucts in Europe, Russia and Australia,but is expanding its business in theUS, South America and China.

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Fulling Mill’s Tactical River Flies Serieslooks certain to generate considerableinterest when the leading fly andtackle manufacturer returns to EFT-TEX for the first time in seven years.

The range of 58 premium quality fly patterns,ranging from streamers to dry flies, has beenextremely popular in Europe since its launchlast year.

And further endorsement has come fromCzech Republic retailer Pavel Adamovsky who,after using the flies himself, said: “Now all flyfishers have the opportunity to fish with patternswhich have up to now been hidden in the flyboxes of only the best European fishers.

“What particularly caught my attention werethe tungsten jig flies. I have long practisednymphing, both French and Czech styles, and

Pre-show acclaimboosts Fulling Mill

know from experience how difficult it is toobtain quality commercial tungsten nymphsand nymphs on special jig hooks.

“These are exactly those patterns I see mycompetition friends using at world-class level.Fulling Mill has changed that by making theTactical Series commercially available. It coversmost needs of the European fly fisher.”

Fulling Mill’s Marketing Director JohnWolstenholme explained that each fly is tied onquality barbless hooks with the most suitablestyle of hook chosen for each individual pattern.

“We maintain unbelievably highstandards of quality control and usethe very best materials,” he added.“The range includes flies from ourconsultant Oliver Edwards that havebeen individually approved by him.”

Right: The new FishtronQ9 TX bite alarm will beon show at the Flajzarstand in Amsterdam.

MAKE CONTACT BEFORE EFTTEXTel +44 1293 778600Email [email protected] www.fullingmill.com


Electronics experts Flajzar will useEFTTEX as a ‘springboard to expansion’

business partners. Amsterdam is the ideallocation for the company and exposure at theshow is important to our business plan.”

Flajzar has been at the forefront of thedevelopment of security and communicationequipment since it was formed in 1994, and itsknowledge in electronics has seen it introducea top class range of bite indicators that today

represents around 75% of its business.The company now produces five

different ranges of bite alarms to suitvarious functions and all come witha three-year warranty – longer, said

Hrachovsky, than any competitor.He added that with the company’s extensiveR&D facilities at its base in Vnorovy, it is

well placed to develop bite alarms to suitcustomers’ specific requirements. He

said: “We can provide custom-made products that are unique

to individual clients and willbe pleased to discuss thiswith interested parties atEFTTEX.”

New for 2011 is a range ofbite alarms with a built-in trans-

mitter, the Fishtron Q9 TX, and a brandnew receiver, the Q-RX2. But Hrachovsky

promises further new developments in time forwhat it describes as an exciting EFTTEX.

MAKE CONTACT BEFORE EFTTEXTel +420 518 628 596Email [email protected] www.flajzar.cz


Above: Dan Svroek, former Czech national squad member,chooses a Tactical fly on the River Test in the UK.

Fulling Mill has high hopes for its return to EFTTEXfollowing the high levels of interest being shown inits products in Europe. “We have always had a strongrelationship with retailers in Europe. However, ourconsistency, quality and range of products is attractingnew buyers,” explained Wolstenholme.

Flajzar Electronics is returning to EFTTEX for thefirst time since the company’s debut in its homecountry capital of Prague in 2007.

And the manufacturer of bite alarms is look-ing to the event in Amsterdam to build on thesuccess of its business outside its main marketsin the Czech Republic, Slovakia and theNetherlands.

Flajzar’s Head of the International BusinessDepartment, Tomas Hrachovsky, said:“We are planning to expand andwill be using EFTTEX tohelp us find further

Angling International May 201166

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Fun Fishing is preparing to conquer Europe withits innovative bait range.

Founded in 1994, the French company,which has a capacity to produce up to 7,000kgof bait a day from its modern factory based inthe west of the country, is using this year’sEFTTEX in Amsterdam to boost its export drive.

Founder Franck Martin told Angling Interna-tional that the company will be showing off itsnew 100% natural range of baits, including theAK47, Salmon & Tuna and Origin’s.

He said: “With their highly attractive anddigestible formula they have already enjoyedincredible success this year with carp up to30kg being reported from waters in France andBelgium.”

Martin added that the company’s FluoPop-Ups have also been gathering an excellent

Fun Fishing seton an export drive

reputation in Europe. Their particular blend ofdyeing powders and Fun Fishing’s exclusivetechnology – Airball System – allows it to haveone of the most buoyant pop-ups with ultra-bright colours, “Our customers love their brightcolours and power to stay buoyant,” says Martin.

The company’s most exclusive product is itsSoluball – a bait that can be used both as a hookbait and also for baiting. Martin said: “We knowthere are other soluble baits on the market, butI believe that once anglers try Soluball they willrealise there is nothing to compare with it.

“Its efficiency comes from its extremelypowerful formula and its progressive dissolvingprocess. The Soluball has been developed forcarp anglers fishing in difficult waters.It acts like a magnet to carp and theysimply become crazy when they try it.”

MAKE CONTACT BEFORE EFTTEXTel +33 29947 8628Email [email protected] www.funfishing.fr

EFTTEX STANDNUMBERF59“These baits have already caught carp up to30kg from waters in France and Belgium.”

US manufacturer Frabill will attendits first ever EFTTEX in June – seeingthe European showcase as the idealopportunity to explore the potentialfor growth in Europe.

The Wisconsin company has beensuccessfully marketing its high qualityapparel, stowable landing nets and icefishing supplies in America for morethan seventy years.

But increasing interest from centraland eastern Europe, Scandinavia and theUK has caused it to look further afield.

“We’re looking forward to givingvisitors to the show the opportunityto look at and feel products they maynot have seen before,” said Frabill’sVice President Marketing JeffKolodzinski.

“We are seeing such a lot of inter-net interest from Europe that we feelexhibiting is a good investment. We

aim to establish distributor relation-ships if possible and over time wewould like to provide anglers with thequality experience that is associatedwith the Frabill brand.

“When anglers make an investmentin a product they are entitled toexpect it to perform. Frabill has areputation for making products thatcan be relied upon.”

Kolodzinski is no stranger to Euro-pean fishing, having represented theUS teams seven times in the worldmatch fishing championships. He alsoholds the world record for the mostfish (2,164) caught in 24 hours.

Frabill’s number one focus isapparel, but its fresh and saltwaterranges also include a wide selection oflanding nets, bait systems, ice shelters,ice rods, reels and combos and otheraccessories.

MAKE CONTACT BEFORE EFTTEXTel +1 262 677 4740Email [email protected] www.frabill.com


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General Manager XiaNing: “We have built areputation for quality.”

May 2011 Angling International


Along tradition of net weaving in China’sAnhui region has developed into agrowing nets and rope business forYaska Fishing Tackle.

Established 31 years ago, the specialistcompany today employs 500 people on its 10,000-acresite, complete with its own chemical and physicslaboratory and R&D department.

Its customer base includes buyers in Europe,Australia, South Africa and the US – a total of morethan 20 countries worldwide.

“We have built a good reputation for high quality,good value products and perfect service,” saysGeneral Manager Xia Ning, who will onceagain be taking Yaska to EFTTEX.

“Our laboratories enable us to makeaccurate analysis of our products while our re-search and development teams are constantlydeveloping new products and packaging tomeet customers’ requirements.”

Yaska’s main products include hand-madenet and machine weaves for cast nets, gill netsand trap nets and also a wide range of twistedand braided rope products.

“Customers from home and abroad arewelcome to supply samples or materials forprocessing and to establish cooperation,”invited Xia Ning.

MAKE CONTACT BEFORE EFTTEXTel +49 231 4447 2012Email [email protected] www.thinkbig-online.de


THINK BIG TO LAUNCHNEW STRETCHABLE SHADSGerman company Think Big plans to useEFTTEX as the perfect platform to launcha new product line called Elasfish.

Think Big Director Jürgen Haeseexplained that the first product from therange is called Moby – a shad with anumber of distinctive features.

He said: “Moby is unique due to thefact that it is stretchable, doesn’t smelland the colours do not rub off, even whenall the colours are together in one box.The advantages for fishermen are clear.”

Moby is made in Germany and is

available in three sizes – 5cm, 10cmand 15cm – and in 12 colours. Think Bigplans to introduce the lure to retailersvisiting the Amsterdam show but willalso be looking fordistributors.

Yaska looking to neteven more global clients

MAKE CONTACT BEFORE EFTTEXTel +86 551 5696488Email [email protected] www.yaskafishing.com


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Delighted with the venue:Sanger’s Andreas Rudolph.



German-based Sanger TopTackle is making its EFTTEXdebut in Amsterdam in June.The company produces arange of fishing tackle –including the Anaconda,Uni Cat, Iron Claw and IronTrout brands – mainly for itsdomestic market as well asexporting to Austria, Polandand Slovakia.

Sales Manager AndreasRudolph sees the exhibition in Holland as the idealshowcase to promote its products to other Europeancountries. He said: “Over the last few years we havebecome very strong in Germany and neighbouringcountries, but we feel now is the right time to branchout and show our products to new customers.”

Sanger targets Dutch marketRudolph added that the choice of venue for EFT-

TEX this year was a crucial factor in its decision toexhibit for the first time.

He explained: “The last two exhibitions in Valenciaand Budapest were not the right locations for us. Weregard Amsterdam as an excellent city for a Europeantrade exhibition. In our view EFTTEX should be thereevery year. However, we understand that EFTTA has apolicy of sharing the venue around different countriesin Europe.

“Geographically, Amsterdam is ideally placed toattract customers from all over Europe. Its location,transport links and facilities make it astand-out venue for us. We have exhibitedthere before with excellent results.”

Rudolph said that Sanger was looking todevelop new partnerships in the Neth-erlands, Italy, Portugal and beyond. “We

MAKE CONTACT BEFORE EFTTEXTel +49 6085 98130Email [email protected] www.saenger-tts.com


Momoi looking forward afternarrow escape in tsunami

MAKE CONTACT BEFORE EFTTEXTel +81 78 391 5448Email [email protected] www.momoifishing.jp


have some very strong brands within our portfolioand we want to introduce them to new markets.

“We now have the infrastructure in place to meetthe extra supply demands from new wholesalers.”

Sanger’s carp brand, Anaconda, celebrates its tenthanniversary and the company will be celebrating themilestone by introducing a series of new items –including a tent and bedchair – into its popular rangelater this year.

He also revealed that Sanger was checking out theAmerican market for its Anaconda range.

Staff at Momoi Fishing Lines had amiraculous escape as its office in Shi-ogama was swept away by the devastat-ing tsunami which struck Japan.

The company’s Chief Manager, KenHarada, told Angling International:“Our staff escaped by a hair’s breadthto a hill above the town, but our officewas completely destroyed.

“It was not a big loss for us, but wemust grieve for many of our tradingpartners and their families who werekilled in the unbelievable disaster.

“Our headquarters, factory andtrading department are away from thestricken area and we have managed tomaintain some semblance of business.

“We are proud of the words ‘Made inJapan’ and despite all the difficulties ourcountry currently faces, we believe thatthe Japanese nation will recover fromthis nightmare and be strong again.”

It is against this tragic backdrop thatthe company will be attending its fifthEFTTEX in Amsterdam in June andlooking for more distributors.

Harada said: “Over the last fouryears we have been able to find somedistributors, but ourname is not yet fullyestablished in Europe.

“We will be lookingto strengthen our pres-

ence in Europe and also the emergingAfrican and Asian markets.”

The company has just released twotypes of PE line – the JigLine MX8 andJigLine Multi-Colour.

The new JigLine MX8 has beenevolved from the JigLine Takumi. Itis ultra-strong and has high abrasionresistance with eight braided fibres.

The JigLine Multi-Colour is alsobased on the JigLine Takumi and makesit easier for the angler to maintain aconsistent casting range once he haslocated the fish. In addition, a newmonofilament and further fluorocarbonproducts are planned.

Angling International May 201172

Showing at EFTTEX for the first timeon the Svendsen Sport booth willbe the New Green bag range fromPrologic.

It includes five specialist bagsthat are designed for specificpurposes. They are heavy duty andcome with padded pockets, internalzipped pockets, tough bases, sidemesh pockets and heavy-duty zips.

The 600D waterproof fabric comesin the New Green colour that Prologicsays everyone is talking about.

Three models are available: Large(30x36x38cm); XL (37x40x65cm)and Monster (38x42x87cm).

The range also includes the NewGreen Scent and Bait Bag as well asthe New Green Big Feast Bag– a real specialist bag,says Prologic.

The Scent and Bait Bagis said to be the perfectsolution for storing allyour scents and baitsand is made with two-padded side pocketsand one large front

pocket. The main padded section hasa detachable inner bag and a robustzipped hard base. It comes with com-fortable padded detachable shoulderstraps. It is made from heavy duty600D waterproof material andmeasures 77x39x59cm.

The bags have been developed incollaboration with some of the mostexperienced carp anglers in Europeand are competitively priced at thefollowing prices:• Large New Green Travel Bag£29.99• XL New Green Travel Bag£44.99• Monster New Green Travel Bag£59.99

MAKE CONTACT BEFORE EFTTEXTel +45 46 191913Email [email protected] www.prologicfishing.com


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Pledge your support hereand join them in the fightagainst line cheats.




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May 2011 Angling International 75


you needproductsto knowabout

Each month the product editors at Angling

International select the most exciting new

tackle being brought to market. To help you

decide on their appeal to your customers, we

will include insight from the manufacturers so

you can start doing business immediately.12


Business contactsTel: +36 34 312 496 Email: [email protected]: www.carpzoom.com

Freezer dumbells from RichworthBy popular demand, Richworth Baits is introducing freezer dumbells to its popularrange of UK boilies after countless requests from customers. The shelf-life Dumbellrange has been very popular in Europe over the past year with more and moreanglers seeing that the quality baits Richworth produce catch more fish, says thecompany. Made using exactly the same high quality mixes as the boilies, they arean ideal addition for those anglers that want a bait with a real edge. By mixing bothdumbells and conventional round boilies in different sizes you can make it harderfor fish to distinguish which is the hook bait. They are available in 1kg bags and infour flavours – Tutti Frutti, Pineapple Hawaiian, K-G-1 and the New XLR8.What the makers say: “Many anglers have come to realize just how effectivedumbells or ‘chops’ can be and these new ones are set to be just as popular astheir round counterparts.”Business contactsTel: UK +44 208 9417770 Europe: for individual country wholesaler [email protected] Website: www.richworthbaits.com


Natural baits from Carp ZoomHungarian carp bait manufacturer Carp Zoom has introduced two brandnew floaters made from purely natural ingredients. The Natural CornFloaters (NCF) and Natural Pellet Floaters (NPF) are made from onegrain of corn and are designed to be durable during fishing sessions. TheNCF comes in three flavours – honey, strawberry and natural – while theNPF comes in two sizes, mini and midi, and has three flavours – honey,strawberry and vanilla.What the makers say: “The NCF and NPF can be used on their own oralongside other baits as hook raisers. They are the first in a rangeof natural baits that Carp Zoom will be producing.”

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Angling International May 201176

you needproductsto knowabout

12A near-unbreakable float for themost extreme fishing conditions

‘Game changing’ swivel that’sastonishing anglers worldwide

Versatile line winders from Lovy


Business contactsEmail: [email protected] Website: www.lovy.cz

Business contactsTel: +1 904 273 7200 Email: [email protected] Website: www.aquateko.com


5The Trigger X Aggression range from Rapala – thanks to a special pheromone formula – triggers a ‘predatorversus prey’ reaction in fish. Body shapes have been fine-tuned for better performance and a Phthalate-freecomposition eliminates the ‘plastic’ smell found in other soft baits, putting an end to scent contamination.What the makers say: “Its significant rib structure creates a softer, life-like feel, while increasing the luresurface area and allowing more distribution of the synthetic pheromones. The body designs presentthe exact required profile and the professionally picked colours make it perfect for all conditions.”

Lovy supplies line winding machines to the wholesale trade and to a limitednumber of tackle shops. The new ULW07 model enables line to be wound ontothe spools of baitcasting, spinning or fly reels or directly on to multiplier reels. Itfeatures a new digital counter (110v or 220v) that counts from zero to the requiredlength, or the reverse. Price to distributors is 299 euros.What the makers say: “The main advantage of Lovy products are that they allowspooling to left and right-hand wind reels and multipliers, with a brand new featuredetermining the length of the line that you want on your spool.”

The H-buoy is made of a special plastic and non-absorbent foam that makes it virtuallyindestructible, says its manufacturer, Carp Servis. Because the float stays upright it is possible touse a heavy weight to make sure it is stable even in the most extreme weather conditions. Thedistance between the float and weight is precisely balanced so that when it is suddenly drawnto a greater depth it will not sink.What the maker says: “The most important detail is the locking clip. It does not hinder buoyunwinding and is adapted for that purpose. To stop it unwinding literally takes a split second.”

An EFTTEX 2010 award winner, the InvisaSwivel from Aquateko is described bythe company as a ‘game changing’ device. The product, commended at last year’sexhibition in Valencia, has gone from strength to strength ever since. The swivel bends andflexes 180 degrees in all directions and then recovers with zero adverse effects to itstransparent material or free-running rotation. The Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida companyadds that the fact that the InvisaSwivel is also corrosion-proof, self-lubricating and nearneutrally buoyant – as well as invisible under water – makes it an obvious choice whenconditions call for a natural presentation. Sizes range from 12lbs to 200lbs.What the makers say: “Wherever we go demonstrating the InvisaSwivel the reactionsare the same. Anglers can’t believe what they are seeing – or, more like, not seeing.”

Business contactsTel: +420 777 003 066 Email: [email protected] Web: www.carpservis.cz

Business contactsTel: +358 9 7562 540 Email: [email protected] Website: www.triggerx.com

Refinement from Rapala


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Business contactsTel: +39 0583 709036 Email: [email protected]: www.p-line-europe.com

Reel excellence from China

Business contactsTel: +86 769 82085328 Email: [email protected]: www.leadfishingreels.com and www.canyonreels.com

Business contactsWebsite: www.berkley-fishing.eu

‘Perfect’ fluorocarbon line

An extra comfortable rucksack

Berkley’s tournament quality PE braid

Lead Sporting Goods Company’s Canyon Reels EX-80 Trolling and HS-15 Jigging reelshave a one-piece T6 aircraft aluminum frame, forged aluminum spool and feature adeep-spool line capacity. They are equipped with ABEC ball bearings and stainless steelgears. The lever drag features accurate pre-sets with special high wear-proof carbonfibre drag washer. Custom colours and handles, including the T-power handle, are alosavailable as options.What the makers say: “Canyon – as one of our agents in the US – has already beenenjoying very good sales for our products. There is a two-year warranty on all our reelsand each one is inspected and tuned before it is packaged.”

Business contactsTel: +39 011 450 1668 Email: [email protected] Website: www.carson.it

Italy-based Carson Tackle has extended its accessories line-up with the Zaino Universale rucksack.It features a main compartment with enough space to store a large amount of fishing tackle anda smaller removable section for less bulky items. It can be carried in comfort thanks to its fullypadded shoulder straps and can also be adjusted to fit more comfortably onto your back. It comesin green or camouflage.What the makers say: “The rucksack is also equipped with a removable fish keeper which can beused to keep the fish fresh while returning home from your angling expedition.”


P-Line Europe says that to produce the perfect fluorocarbon you haveto start with the best raw materials obtainable. And the companyclaims that it has done just that in developing the Shinsei fluorocarbonthat it adds is made of the purest and cleanest fluorocarbon crystals tomake the most invisible fluorocarbon on the market.What the maker says: “After spending painstaking hours in researchand development with a team of Japanese engineers, we havedeveloped the perfect combination of strength, stretch and durability.The end result is a product that will absorb shock while having theattributes needed for tying the perfect leader.”

‘P f t’ fl



7The new FireLine Exceed – tipped as the next generation in fused PE braid – is now availablein the shops. Berkley has introduced Fireline Tournament Exceed to fill the needs of cutting-edge tournament techniques that demand the highest performance braided lines. FirelineExceed Flame Green and Smoke are available from 0.10mm up to 0.50mm, while theFireline Exceed Crystal is available from 0.10mm up to 0.25mm.What the makers say: “The incredibly thin diameter improves casting distance, provides greatercontact and control for subtle detection of strikes, delivers superior lure performance, improvesdrag capability and increases reel capacity. Berkley Advanced Fused Braid Technology retains thehigh knot strength, manageability and abrasion resistance anglers expect from FireLine.”

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