anglicanlife A Section of the ANGLICAN JOURNAL NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR May 2015 Youth Alpha Submitted by Rev. Randy Lockyer Youth Alpha Program Continues to be Fruitful at Holy Trinity Church, Grand Falls-Windsor. Six years ago, it was suggested by the Chris- tian Education Committee and leaders of the adult Alpha course, that we offer Youth Al- pha at Holy Trini- ty Church, Grand Falls–Windsor to young people in the parish and from other de- nominations in town that would like to participate. Because the sug- gested time to of- fer the course was just prior to the time of Confirmation in our parish, I recommended that we would make it a requirement of any young person desiring Confirmation to first do Youth Alpha. I can honestly say that we have a won- derful group of leaders who put a tremendous amount of time and en- ergy into preparing for these young people to come each year to do the course. It is structured very much like the adult Alpha, but on a youth level. Over 10 weeks, they explore the basics of the Christian faith through song, video pre- sentations, discussion, Spirit weekend and, of course, games and lots of food. During these 10 weeks, we see a group of young people and lead- ers bubbling over with excitement and a real desire to be there each week. I would recommend the program to any parish and, for us, it really enhances the Confirmation preparation pro- gram. We say it is part one of our Confirmation pro- gram. This year Aar- on Brace, Kenne- dy Bulgin, Deitric Cornect, Nathan Hewitt, Eric Hewitt, Al- exander Hewitt, Claire Prince, Nicolas Rice, Megan Rose, and Heidi Rose participated in the program. I am delighted to present the 2015 Leave a Legacy section (see pages 2 and 3) in Anglican Life and my thanks go out to Father Sam who, as editor, has supported this initiative each year. The Leave a Legacy program is sponsored by the Canadian Association of Gift Planners and its purpose is to raise the level of awareness about the gift planning and its many benefits both to donors and charities. Each May, the Anglican Church is a partner with Leave a Legacy along with many other charities in Newfoundland and Labrador. This edition features a number of articles revolving around the word Legacy and asks questions such as what will your legacy be, what hap- pens when families disagree or where does a legacy fit into an estate plan. For that matter, what is an estate plan? And, we also look at the legacy of plastic and how it will impact the planet for years to come. In my columns and talks over the years, I have encour- aged Anglicans to ensure that they have a legal Will and to prayerfully consider leaving something in their Will for their Church – the local Parish, the Diocese, General Synod, or The Primate’s World relief and Development Fund. From my experience, 80-90% of planned gifts that have been made originate from bequests in wills and the major ben- eficiary has been the local parish. I have witnessed some wonderful gifts. But, there is much more that can be accom- plished. Good Works , a national organization, recently asked Environics Research to conduct a poll among 1500 Canadians and they found some very interesting statistics about legacy giving: 1. Over 1.18 million Ca- nadians have made bequests to charities in their wills. 2. These bequests are worth $165 billion 3. However, almost half (46%) have not made their wills yet. 4. This represents 9 mil- lion adults in this country. 5. This group were asked how likely they were to make a will and almost four in ten (38%) say they are very likely. Essentially if half our adult parishioners do not have wills, it is incumbent on us to encour- age them to have a legal will. It will give them enormous peace of mind and at the same time, hopefully benefit the church as well. I have suggested that parishes hold wills seminars featuring local lawyers to ex- plain the details about will making and the results have been very encouraging. How- ever, legacy making is not just for one month a year, it is a year-round effort and certainly worthy of consideration. Kevin Smith is a gift planning con- sultant for the Anglican Church of Canada. He can be contacted at 709 739-5667 or by email: [email protected] Kevin Smith Columnist

Anglican Life May 2015

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Anglican Life May 2015About Us:Anglican Life in Newfoundland and Labrador, incorporating the Anglican Journal/Journal Anglican, is the journal of the Anglican Church in the Province of Newfoundland & Labrador. A co-operative venture of the three Newfoundland Dioceses, it is published monthly, except July - August, with an independent editorial policy.It has a monthly circulation of 23,000. The paper is supervised by the Anglican Life Committee, with clerical and lay representatives from the Diocese of Western Newfoundland, Central Newfoundland and Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador.The Committee appoints the Editor-in-Chief (subject to the approval of the Tri-Diocesan Joint Committee).Editor-in-Chief:The Venerable Sam RoseAnglican Life WebsiteYou can view entire issues of Anglican Life online at:http://anglicanlife.blogspot.com/TreasurerThe Rt. Rev. Donald YoungAdvertising Inquiries can be made to:The Rt. Rev. Donald YoungSubscription Rates$15.00 Newfoundland and Labrador$20.00 Outside of Newfoundland and Labrador$25.00 InternationalChange of AddressEach parish is responsible for updating their own subscription list to Anglican Life.Change of Address should be sent to the Circulation Manager, 34 Fraser Road, Gander, NL A1V 2E8, Telephone: (709) 256-2372, Fax: (709) 256-2396.Also, subscription changes can be made directly by visiting:http://www.anglicanjournal.com/subscription.htmlAdvertisingAdvertisers can reach a wide market throughout the Province, Circulation 23,000 per issue, mailed directly to homes and online.Advertizing Rates$9.30 per column inch, for example 2 columns x 2 inches (business card size) $37.20 per insertion (no tax) Column width 1 7/8 inches, 5 columns per page.Additional advertising Rates and information can be obtained from Bishop Donald Young (see contact information above)Who We Are:Welcome to the website of Anglican Life in Newfoundland & Labrador which features an online version of the monthly print edition of the newspaper Anglican Life . We are the Church newspaper for the three Anglican Dioceses of Eastern Newfoundland & Labrador, Central Newfoundland & Western Newfoundland.

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  • 1MAY 2015

    anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador

    A Section of the AnglicAn JournAlanglicanlifeNEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR

    May 2015

    Youth Alpha

    Submitted byRev. Randy Lockyer

    Youth Alpha Program Continues to be Fruitful at Holy Trinity Church, Grand Falls-Windsor.

    Six years ago, it was suggested by the Chris-t ian Educat ion Committee and leaders of the adult Alpha course, that we offer Youth Al-pha at Holy Trini-ty Church, Grand FallsWindsor to young people in the par ish and from other de-nominat ions in town that would like to participate. Because the sug-gested time to of-fer the course was just prior to the time of Confirmation in our parish, I recommended that we would make it a requirement of any young person desiring Confirmation to first do

    Youth Alpha. I can honestly say

    that we have a won-derful group of leaders who put a tremendous amount of time and en-ergy into preparing for these young people to

    come each year to do the course. It is structured very much like the adult Alpha, but on a youth level. Over 10 weeks, they explore the basics of the Christian faith

    through song, video pre-sentations, discussion, Spirit weekend and, of course, games and lots of food. During these 10 weeks, we see a group of young people and lead-ers bubbling over with

    excitement and a real desire to be there each week. I would recommend the program to any parish and, for us, it really enhances the Confirmation preparation pro-gram. We say it is part one of our Confirmation pro-gram.

    This year Aar-on Brace, Kenne-dy Bulgin, Deitric Cornect, Nathan

    Hewitt, Eric Hewitt, Al-exander Hewitt, Claire Prince, Nicolas Rice, Megan Rose, and Heidi Rose participated in the program.

    I am delighted to present the 2015 Leave a Legacy section (see pages 2 and 3) in Anglican Life and my thanks go out to Father Sam who, as editor, has supported this initiative each year. The Leave a Legacy program is sponsored by the Canadian Association of Gift Planners and its purpose is to raise the level of awareness about the gift planning and its many benefits both to donors and charities. Each May, the Anglican Church is a partner with Leave a Legacy along with many other charities in Newfoundland and Labrador.

    This edition features a number of articles revolving around the word Legacy and asks questions such as what will your legacy be, what hap-pens when families disagree or where does a legacy fit into an estate plan. For that matter, what is an estate plan? And, we also look at the legacy of plastic and how it will impact the planet for years to come.

    In my columns and talks over the years, I have encour-aged Anglicans to ensure that they have a legal Will and to prayerfully consider leaving something in their Will for their Church the local Parish, the Diocese, General Synod, or The Primates World relief and Development Fund. From my experience, 80-90% of planned gifts that have been made originate from bequests in wills and the major ben-eficiary has been the local parish. I have witnessed some wonderful gifts. But, there is much more that can be accom-plished.

    Good Works, a national organization, recently asked Environics Research to conduct a poll among 1500 Canadians and they found some very interesting statistics about legacy giving:

    1. Over 1.18 million Ca-nadians have made bequests to charities in their wills.

    2. These bequests are worth $165 billion

    3. However, almost half (46%) have not made their wills yet.

    4. This represents 9 mil-lion adults in this country.

    5. This group were asked how likely they were to make a will and almost four in ten (38%) say they are very likely.

    Essentially if half our adult parishioners do not have wills, it is incumbent on us to encour-age them to have a legal will. It will give them enormous peace of mind and at the same time, hopefully benefit the church as well. I have suggested that parishes hold wills seminars featuring local lawyers to ex-plain the details about will making and the results have been very encouraging. How-ever, legacy making is not just for one month a year, it is a year-round effort and certainly worthy of consideration.

    Kevin Smith is a gift planning con-sultant for the Anglican Church of Canada. He can be contacted at 709 739-5667 or by email: [email protected]

    Kevin SmithColumnist

  • MAY 20152

    anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador

    Submitted byJanet Gadeski

    I want to learn more about Leave a Legacy

    Please send me: A free brochure on writing a will A quote on a Gift Plus Annuity Information on other ways of giving I have already remembered my church in my will

    Name _______________________________________Address ___________________________________________________________________________________Postal Code ___________ Telephone ______________

    Date of Birth (for annuity quote)If you are Male ________________________________If you are Female _______________________________

    Mail to: Kevin SmithRegional Gift Planning Consultant

    Anglican Church of Canada10 Strawberry Marsh Road

    St. Johns, NL A1B 2V4

    Planned GivingStraight Answers for Regular Folks

    Janet Gadeski was President of Hilborn, a publisher sharing the knowledge that charities and their leaders need to change the world, and Editorial Director for PGgrowth, a consultancy that helps charities inspire donors to include charitable bequests in their Wills. This article, previously published as a blog, was printed with permission.

    What is planned giving anyway?Planned giving is a phrase that charities use often and do-nors almost never say! In a nutshell, it means you create a charitable gift now that goes to the organization you love in the future, usually when you die.

    Its planned because it takes some thought and prepa-ration, and because you should consult a lawyer and your financial planner about it. The easiest planned gift is part of something you should have anyway: your Will.

    Sounds like a lot of work. Is it complicated? Its not really a lot of work. Everyone, regardless of income or assets, should have a Will, and everyone should prepare that Will with the help of a lawyer and a financial advisor. Including a charitable gift adds a few minutes to those con-versations and just a few sentences to your Will.

    Why should I consider it?A gift in your Will lets you make the gift of a lifetime to a cause you believe in a gift you might not be able to afford while youre alive. Heres the compelling explanation from Colleen Bradley, my colleague at PGgrowth and a lifetime specialist in Wills and estate planning.

    People think that leaving money to a charity will diminish what they can leave to their kids. But because of Canadas tax regulations, you can give money to a charity that you would otherwise give to Canada Revenue Agency in taxes. And if your net income in the year of your death is lower than the amount you give, your executor can claim a rebate against your previous years income and add that to your estate.

    What should I tell my family?Talking it through your with kids is a crucial step, Colleen advises. Explain that your charitable donation will offset tax-es on the estate. Theyll be happy to see it go somewhere other than the tax collector!

    And even if they arent, she says, its your money. You have the right to give it to charity.

    How does it benefit the charity I care about?That charity probably struggles to support its current pro-grams, launch new ones, renew buildings and equipment, perhaps take a risk on something promising but untried. When it receives a gift through someones Will, the char-ity can use that gift for something special something it couldnt do otherwise. Or it can save and invest the gift so that the yearly interest goes on supporting programs youve been giving to year by year. Talk to the charity you love about using your bequest in the way youd like it to be used.

    Anyone can make a bequest. The amount doesnt matter but supporting a cause you cherish, leaving a legacy of val-ues as well as financial disbursements, matters a lot. Its one of the most important things you can do to build the world youd like to see.

    1. Wills The cornerstone of any estate plan and the most common method for assets to be transferred. The main purpose of a Will is to describe how you want your assets to be distributed.

    2. Joint ownership Registration of assets in joint ownership is one of the simplest ways to transfer assets. Joint Tenancy with Right of Survivorship, when one par-ty dies, ownership is automatically transferred to the surviving party. Although useful for avoiding probate taxes, other tax and legal complications can arise.

    3. Gifting assets before death Without doubt the eas-iest way to transfer assets is to give them away while youre alive. While gifting to charitable causes can lead to tax benefits, other gifting can create tax liabilities.

    4. Testamentary trusts A testamentary trust takes effect at death and becomes part of the Will. It allows ownership of assets to be transferred while control of the assets is determined by the provisions of the trust.

    5. Living trusts A living trust is created while you are alive and there are many reasons why they are used. But they serve the same basic purpose of transferring own-ership of assets while retaining control.

    Source: RBC

    Strategies for Transferring Assets

  • 3MAY 2015

    anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador

    Where there is a WillThere is a Way

    Submitted byHilary Wicks

    Many Newfoundlanders and Labradorians apparently do not have a legal will and this can cause some serious issues in a family situation. To ad-dress this issue, the Parish of the Good Shepherd in Mount Pearl held a wills seminar in March. Invited along for the evening was Kevin Smith, Diocesan Planned Giving Consultant and Hilary Wicks, an Associate with Roebothan, McKay and Marshall. Ms Wicks covered a number of areas of interest. The following list some of the points she raised.

    How do you arrange your estate?In Newfoundland, your estate can either be organized as set out by the terms stipulated in a valid will or by provincial regulation. A will gives you some control over what happens to your estate after you die. You can know that your things will go to the people who want to have them. However, if you die without a will, or intestate, your estate will be divided among according to the Intestate Succession Act which may not have been what you would have wanted.

    What are the requirements for a will?A will must in writing (typed or handwritten). The person making the will (the testator) must be 17 years of age. The will must be signed before two witnesses, both present at the same time of signing. The witnesses cannot be beneficiaries. All pages of the will must be ini-tialed by the testator and the witnesses. The testator must make the will free from pressure from other people. Finally, the testator must have legal capacity. This means the testator understands what he or she is doing, the type and the amount of property being given and that the will is benefiting certain people and excluding others.

    What are the contents for a will?The current date must be included. If you have more than one will, this will make it clear which is your most recent will. An executor should be named who is responsible for proving your will is valid by having it probated, filing your final income tax return and distrib-uting your estate to your beneficiaries. It is often useful to appoint an alternative executor in the case where your executor is unable or unwilling to act.Guardianship is important too. If you have children under the age of majority or adult children with disabilities for whom you are respon-sible, you can identify who you want to be responsible for caring for these children. Your will should also contain clear instructions as to who you want to get your specific possessions, property and other financial assets after you die. You should also name your beneficiary who will receive all or a portion of your estate after distribution.

    Note: Because of space requirements, we could not include all the points raised by Ms Wicks. A follow up will be included at a later date.

    AnnuitiesA win-Win Planned Gift A charitable gift is something that you give to an orga-nization you believe in and wish to support. An annuity is a fixed sum of money that is paid to you each year. Put them together and you have a charitable gift annuity the gift that pays you back. Rita Jackson (not her real name) wanted to do some-thing for her parish church in a small community in the Di-ocese of Central Newfoundland. The 87 year old wanted to make a substantial gift to her church and at the same time increase her cash flow. She funded her gift annui-ty with $50,000 from her savings and receives guaran-teed annuity payments that are significantly higher than the interest she had been receiving. Whats more, in her case, these payments are 100% tax free. In Ritas situation, she receives $4585.50 annually from her annuity and these payments are guaranteed as long as she lives. A tax receipt of $13,213.73 was also deliv-ered to her from this transaction. The parish church in her community has always been very special to Mrs. Jackson and her family and she feels that this gift will benefit her parish greatly. Upon her passing, the principle will be gifted to the parish. It is Ri-tas wish that the amount, 80-90% of the original amount be invested and the interest used annually to support her parish. Diocesan Bishop David Torraville was pleased to hear of this gift saying, This is a wonderful way for Mrs. Jackson to support her church after she passes. We are greatly in-debted to this wonderful lady for her generous support. Bishop Torraville also encourages others to prayerfully consider making a similar gift to their church.

  • MAY 20154

    anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador

    ANGLICAN LIFE in Newfoundland and Labrador is the newspaper of the Anglican Church in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador. A co-operative effort of the three Dioceses in Newfoundland and Labrador, it is publishes ten issues each calendar year with an independent editorial policy.

    Anglican Life is a section of the Anglican Journal

    Editor:The Venerable Sam Rose8 Croydon StreetParadise, NLA1L 1P7Email: [email protected]

    Advertising Rates and other information may be obtained from:Bishop Donald Young34 Fraser Road, Gander, NL, A1V 2E8Phone: (709) 256-7701Email: [email protected] Paid Subscription Rates: Newfoundland and Labrador: $15.00Outside the province: $20.00International: $25.00

    New subscriptions, cancellations, & changes of address should be sent to: CirculationThe Anglican Journal (attn. Bev Murphy)80 Hayden Street, Toronto, ON, M4Y 3G2 (416) 924-9192 (O) (416) 925-8811 (fax)Email: [email protected]

    Each parish is responsible for maintaining its own subscription list - please notify your parish office of any changes. Changes sent to parish offices may take months to take effect. Please also send your updated information to Circulation at the Anglican Journal (above) or to Don Young at 34 Fraser Road, Gander NL A1V 2E8.

    Articles and photographs: Send to the Editor (above)

    Letters to the Editor: Send to the Editor, Sam Rose (address as above). All letters must include the writers name, address, and telephone number. Telephone numbers will not be published. Anglican Life does not publish letters under nom de plume. Letters should not exceed 300 words (one double spaced typewritten page), and are subject to editing at the discretion of the editor.

    These policies were adopted by the Anglican Life Committee.

    Layout & Design by: The Editor

    Printed and Mailed by:Webnews Printing Inc.8 High Meadow PlaceNorth York, ON, M9L 2Z5

    Circulation: 20,183 BMO Wealth Management is the brand name for a business group consisting of Bank of Montreal and certain of its affiliates, including BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc., in providing wealth management products and services. BMO (M-bar roundel symbol) is a registered trade-mark of Bank of Montreal, used under licence. Nesbitt Burns is a registered trade-mark of BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bank of Montreal. If you are already a client of BMO Nesbitt Burns, please contact your Investment Advisor for more information.

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    Christian caregiving

    The Rev. Greg MercerColumnistI am visiting with a

    parishioner at a hospital and I am about to pray with the person when in walks the doctor and his team. I am prepared to step back and allow the doctor to speak with his patient. Instead, rec-ognizing my collar and that I am a member of the clergy he signals for me to continue, and I do. After I finish praying with the parishioner I turn to the good doctor to let him know that I am done. He affirms what I did with a nod of his head.

    A couple of things happened here in my ex-change with the doctor and his medical team. First of all, as a secular professional helper, the doctor respects what I do as a Christian care-giver. And secondly, he recognizes that I bring something distinctively Christian to the healing situation.

    For almost twenty two years now as an ordained priest I have provided Christian care to people in all kinds of circumstances. But it was only recently that I realized how unique, distinctive and import-ant it is what we as Chris-tian caregivers offer. Up until now I was just do-ing what I always did and thought no more of it. But there is much more to it than that. In some sense I (we), whether clergy or lay are Christian therapists. A therapist rightly under-stood from the Greek therapeau as a person whose relationship with others is characterized by service and caring. As Christian caregivers we prepare the ground for the Great Cure-giver. That is to say, through the use of such tools as prayer, the use of the Bi-ble offering a Word of hope blessings, active listening, and even hear-ing a confession and offering forgiveness, we create a therapeutic sit-uation and then wait on the Lord expectantly to provide the cure.

    The point is that we are not just being nice people and what we are offering is effective Christian care. All too often as Christians we discount what we do as important. We go to church, we get involved in church serving on committees and boards,

    we take part in the con-gregations program of visitation to shut-ins and hospitals, we serve on food banks, partic-ipate in other charities and when asked what we do most Christians just shrug it off. I just try to help out where I am needed. Being nice and being modest, fitting in with the crowd, thats what we do. Christ had no problem being distinctly Christian.

    But it is not only what we do but why we do it. When asked why he was a psychologist, Lutheran Pastor Kenneth Haugk responded: The reason I am a psychologist lies in my faith in God and what God has done for me in Jesus Christ. I believe that Jesus cares for me so much that he was willing to give his life for me. Remem-bering his love, I cant help but reach out and share that love and care with others. (Christian Caregiving: A Way of Life, copyright 2012 by Stephen Ministries).

    Our ultimate moti-vation for caring is Je-sus Christ. It is he who provides purpose and power in all that we do. We are a Christ to the other by our Christian caring bringing hope to the deep and complex needs of people.

  • 5MAY 2015

    anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador

    Cursillo Triennial Conference You are who I am

    Rev. Canon Gerald WestcottColumnistIn March of this year I com-

    pleted the second residency in a two year program offered by Shalem Institute in Baltimore, titled Transforming Community: Leading Contemplative Groups and Retreats.

    This has been a wonder-ful opportunity of deepening contemplative practice in com-munity, and of stretching my experience with new and varied meditative practices. The objec-tive of meditation is to help open up our ego personalities and our thinking minds, in order to become aware of and live out of that deep well of living waters within. Our deepest and truest self is our spiritual heart made in the image of God and is in absolute and undivided union with Divine. This deep and loving union cannot be merited, bought or won; it simply is. Jesus says I am in the Father and the Father is in me; I am in you and you are in me. St. Paul says that it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. Christ calls us to learn to live and love more

    deeply out of our spiritual heart. One of the meditation ex-

    ercises that we did while in Baltimore, was to sit knee to knee with another person, and to look directly into their eyes for 10-20 minutes. Where am I seeing that person from within myself? And what is it that I am seeing in the other person? If I am only seeing from my ego or thinking mind, I cannot know deep union with the person. If I am only seeing their personality or how they think and behave, I cannot know deeper union with the person. But if I am gazing from my spiritual heart, I am going to see the person as God sees them. I will see past what separates us, and will expe-rience a deeper soul union with the person. Cathy was the person who I sat with for this exercise. A sophisticated and bright mind who works for Congress in Wash-ington, and is gay. As we sat in silence gazing upon one another, what I saw in her was not her personality or sexuality, not her intelligent thinking mind, but I saw myself in her. My spiritual heart gazing upon her spiritual heart. The same Spirit lovingly gazing upon the same Spirit. It was a holy Communion.

    There is a beautiful Sufi mys-tical song that says I am who I am, thank God I am. I am who you are, looking back. You are who I am, can you imagine that. There is one God, that is a fact. This is simply another way of re-framing what Jesus also teaches. The call on the human spirit is to learn to live from a deeper place within our soul, where there is no judg-ing or separating, only unitive conscious love in God.

    Submitted byEmmie Marsh

    The Diocese of Central New-foundland has been chosen to host the upcoming Canadian Anglican National Cursillo Tri-ennial Conference and General Meeting, August 28 - 30, 2015. We look forward to welcoming delegates from across the coun-try to the scenic Lewisporte area.

    The chosen venue, Emmanu-el Camp and Conference Centre, offers beautiful accommoda-tions, a glorious worship space and ultra- modern kitchen and dining room. Wouldnt it be wonderful to have the worship

    space there filled with Cursillis-tas and their friends for the Grand Ultreya on Saturday August 29? (Ultreya is a Spanish word of encouragement; meaning onward and upward.) The space can seat 1000 so theres room for everyone! One need not have attended a Cursillo Weekend to attend this Saturday evening gathering. Everyone is welcome! The planning committee has been working diligently and preparations are well in place.

    Cursillo has been active in the diocese since the mid -eighties. Cursillo has the over-sight and strong support of the Diocesan Bishops. Always, there

    is a Bishop present at a Cursillo Weekend.

    Cursillo weekends bring Christians together to commit or recommit to the realities of what it means to live a Christian life. It is a movement within the Church with a method which enables people to live a life in Christ by supporting and encouraging one another through prayer and planned action (individually and collectively). Thus, being cognizant of the needs of others, we move forward to change the world for Christ following the Cursillo motto: Make a Friend, Be a Friend and bring that Friend to Christ.

  • MAY 20156

    anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador

    Anglican Foundation gives boy some new wheels

    Submitted byAnglican Foundation

    The Anglican Foundation of Canada


    thanks every parish in the Dioceses of Western Newfoundland,

    Central Newfoundland, and Eastern Newfoundland & Labrador for your continued memberships.

    Your donations allow AFC to help build strong faith communities every day.

    Together we can do things that matter

    Thank you!

    W h e n A n g l i c a n Foundations Execu-tive Director received a request from Rhon-da Noseworthy, social worker at the Janeway Childrens Health & Re-habilitation Centre in St Johns, NL, she was quick to respond with a generous gift from the Foundations Kids Helping Kids Fund.

    The gift fully paid for a manual wheelchair for James Renouf, a young boy who, with his family attend St Marks Anglican Church in St Johns. Ten-year old James has Duchenes muscular dystrophy, a condition that leads to progressive loss of muscle function and weakness. A special wheelchair will make it possible for James to stay active and go on school outings.

    Executive Director, Judy Rois visited James with his mom, phys-iotherapist and social

    worker at The Janeway Centre in March where James enthusiastically showed her a photo of his new wheelchair. He also was very happy to receive a Hope Bear, the mascot for the Kids Helping Kids Fund.

    The gift relieved the Renouf family of one of many financial costs that accompany this kind of medical diag-nosis.

    When James and his mom Nancy hugged Rois with gratitude, she said the Foundation considered it a privi-lege to ease the finan-cial stress. Everyone had tears in their eyes, but the best part was the gratitude evident in the big smile on the face of a 10-year old boy.

    The Foundation in-vites Anglican youth to collect toonies to con-tribute to Kids Helping Kids so that young peo-ple across Canada are able to receive funds when they need a help-ing hand.

    The Revd Canon Judy Rois (left) Executive Director of the Anglican Foundation presented young James Renouf (centre) with the gift of a new wheelchair from the Foundation. Also pictured is James mother Nancy Renouf (right) Photo: Anglican Foundation

    Western Diocesan PWRDF coordinator

    During her first Lenten season as PWRDF coordinator, Mona Edwards had the privilege of sharing with several parishes in the Western Diocese as they lived out their Baptismal covenant in service to others. All Saints Church in Corner Brook hosted a soup and sandwich luncheon following their morning service March 1st with a free-will offering donated to PWRDF. The Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in Corner Brook hosted a beans and touton lunch March 7th and donated the proceeds to PWRDF. The Parish of Bonne Bay North hosted weekly lunches following their Wednesday Lenten services with free-will of-ferings donated as well. If any parish in Western Diocese would like to Mona to speak about how your generosity is helping others, please contact her at 709-635-4606 or email: [email protected]

  • 7MAY 2015

    anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador

    150th for St. James, CarbonearSubmitted by

    Judy Finn

    St. James Anglican Church Completes its 150th Anniversary Year.

    2014 marked the 150th Anniversary of the consecration of St. James Church. The Goth-ic Revival style wooden structure features a high lancet arch roof system with stud-ded walls and timber floors on a stone foundation. The roof con-struction, which was unusual for the time, allowed for the absence of supporting pil-lars thus giving the congregation an unobstructed view of the chan-cel. This impos-ing and intricate s t ructure was built on an ex-posed hillside by a work-force composed largely of fishermen and has withstood the elements for 150 years. It became a Registered Heritage Structure on September 15th, 2001.

    The celebration of the 150th anniversary has been a yearlong event beginning with a visit from Bishop Peddle in January 2014. The Bishop officiated at a church service which was followed by a social hour in the Church Hall.

    Februarys planned event was rescheduled due to inclement weath-er and March was also uneventful but on April 23rd a Gospel concert previously planned for February went ahead at The Sheila Na Giera The-atre. The entertainment, provided by local talent, was well enjoyed by all those in attendance.

    St. James CLB ar-ranged for a visit from the CLB Regimental Band on April 26th. The band performed a Sat-urday night concert in the Church. Visitors from around the area attend-ed the concert and the band stayed overnight in

    the Church Hall.Mays special event

    was a visit from the choir from the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in St. Johns. The service was conducted by The Very Revd Josiah Noel, Dean and Rector of the Cathe-dral, assisted by Rex Cot-

    ter, Liturgical Lay Minis-ter. A wonderful evening of song and praise was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended this special service.

    The Vestry of St. James organized a very successful Take-out Tur-key Tea which took place on June 4th.

    On July 27th, a Walk

    Down Memory Lane was organized by a small group of enthusiastic ladies who prepared the church, hall and cloister with many artifacts, pic-

    tures, memorabilia and other interesting items depicting the history of St. James. Visitors from near and far enjoyed a guided tour followed by refreshments.

    Augusts event was a community Jiggs Dinner held in the Hall on the

    4th. This event was in conjunc-tion with Carbonear Day Cele-brations.

    J a -cobs Pas-sage from S t . A u -gustines Church in St. Johns p a i d u s a visit on S e p t e m -ber 28th and they, as well as A m a n d a Hulan and

    Scott Cooper, presented a very enjoyable evening of Gospel music and song.

    The Sunday morn-ing service on October 19th was designated as a Youth Service. The young adults of our par-ish participated in most aspects of this service. It was wonderful to see

    them involved as greet-ers, readers, collection takers and music provid-ers for this special event.

    The ACW organized a very successful Memorial

    Hymn Sing which took place on November 2nd. As a special commemora-tive keepsake, the ladies had a beautiful memorial booklet printed which included the order of ser-vice, hymns, memorials and a message of thanks and recognition to past and present members of the church whose contri-butions are part of our heritage.

    Throughout the year former parish rectors accepted our invitation to conduct services or preach. We were happy to see them again and appreciated that they returned to help us cele-brate our 150th year.

    The most challenging event taken on by the 150th Anniversary Com-mittee was the Anniver-sary Service and Dinner which took place on No-vember 9th. The service began at 3:00 pm with some special visitors in attendance: The Bishop of Eastern Newfound-land and Labrador the Rt. Rev. Dr. Geoffrey Peddle, The Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador His Honour Frank Fagan and Her Honour Patricia Fagan, former St. James Clergy and other Civic, Fraternal Organizations as well as

    Provincial and Municipal Government representa-tives. The celebrant for the service was Rev. Mor-ley Boutcher, a retired priest and faithful mem-

    ber of the St. James congregation. Following the service, a banquet was held at the Knights of Columbus with 175 people in attendance. An Anniversary Booklet was given to everyone. This booklet included greet-ings from dignitaries, congratulatory messages from local businesses, interesting facts and a brief history of St. James and the parish of Car-bonear as well as a little Church humor. A 150th anniversary cake was of-ficially cut by Mr. Ruben Buckle, a senior member of our parish, assisted by Their Honours, Lieu-tenant Governor and Mrs. Fagan. A power point presentation on the construction of St. James Church 150 years ago was prepared and presented by Rex Cotter and Dawson Higdon. Fol-lowing the official closing of the banquet with a prayer by Rev. Ken Pen-ney, Priest in Charge of St. James, many people, including Their Honours, stayed for a while to mingle and share in fel-lowship with each other.

    Other projects under-taken during the year, with Vestrys help, were the improvements and repairs of the physical structure of the church. The chapel window has been repaired and will be reinstalled once the weather improves.

    The final project of the year was not com-pleted until January, 2015. A time capsule, prepared by the Anni-versary Committee and including memorabilia from members of the parish, was sealed and placed underneath the font at the morning ser-vice on January 11th. This capsule wil l be opened on the occasion of the 175th Anniversary in 2039.

    Thanks are extended to all members of the committee and the many other parish members who worked so diligently to make our 150th An-niversary a tremendous success.

  • MAY 20158

    anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador

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    No more labels Spring cleaning

    The Rt. Rev. David TorravilleBishopCentral NewfoundlandSo often we view the world

    as geography, with resources, with boarders, with geopolitical challenges. We fall into view-ing the world as a dualism: our friends and our enemies; those who are with us and those who are against; those who share our values and those who do not; our ally or adversary. Our present political situation makes this all the easier and more attractive.

    Over against this is my mem-ory of another time, an even more frightening moment. I remember the week I spent at Mint Brook immediately following 9/11 with passengers from a plane stranded in Gander. One of the memories I cherish is the kindness shown by two young Muslim men to a small group of elderly French nuns. There was not a lot of conversation and almost no physical contact but the young men seemed to hover in the background, ready to fetch a blanket, move a chair, re-turn empty plates. Small almost unnoticeable kindnesses which established respect and perhaps even affection. The Muslim men and the Catholic nuns were not simply categories, but people, not

    potential enemies but tentative friends.

    Just recently Canada agreed to attack Syria after bombing in Iraq. While we cannot be so na-ive as to believe that the terrible violence in the Middle East can be ended by good intent or rhetoric, whether hawkish or pacifist, nei-ther can we as Christians, absolve ourselves by claiming we bomb an abstract concept whether that be a country or a terrorist orga-nization.

    As Christians we can never forget, whatever the label people are assigned, they are people. As difficult as it is, we are called to love our enemies and when we demonize them we not only de-humanize them we dehumanize ourselves.

    One of the great struggles of faith is how we deal with evil but even in the battle with principal-ities and powers we do indeed deal with flesh and blood, and we can never forget that. People of faith; Muslim or Christian alike cannot let the other be caricatured in a way that makes violence easier.

    We need to support the in-nocent, the victims maimed in body and spirit, of all sides, of all faiths of all sects. We need to be discontent with simple answers. We need to be a voice for justice and peace even when we may be uncertain as to what justice and peace may finally be, even when they may seem impossible to establish; even if all we can do is assert that the final answer is not violence.

    May God bless all the leaders of nations and of peoples with wisdom to turn from self-interest and sinful pride to generous peace. May we see in each other that which God created in us. May God through us be with the vic-tims, and may God show us a way toward peace and justice for all.

    Allison BillardColumnistAs I write this we are seeing

    the first signs of spring after some late winter storms and I can feel the change in the air. Not just out-doors, but inside as well. At home and at work the atmosphere is just a little bit lighter, smiles a little brighter, tasks a little easier. Winter is hard on us, people get grumpy and pessimistic but as spring seeps into our environ-ment our moods get springier as well.

    Spring often makes me think about Noah and his ark. A friend and I had talked about this pre-viously, but as I was reading a Noahs Ark storybook to my three year old one day it occurred to me how frightening that story really is. My son was following along in the story and pointing out the things he saw in the pictures and he asked what happened to all the people after the animals went on the boat. I didnt know how to tell him that they were washed away in the flood. I didnt know how to explain that all the animals were saved along with Noah and his family, but not the people.

    Now I know my toddler like-ly would not understand the magnitude of such revelations

    even if I could find the words. My adult understanding of the story is beyond what his developing brain can infer. And I did my best to explain that God was unhappy about people being mean to each other and wanted to start over and make everyone be nice again. These things he understands, since we talk about naughty vs. nice behaviour 24 hours a day. But he seemed very concerned about all the people left behind, and I worry that I did not do the story justice.

    As in life the Bible offers us many teachable moments. Rais-ing two kids in a secular world and trying to make sure they develop Christian values and understand-ing is a daunting task. I am glad there are so many resources to help, and a faith community to support us in this task. As Spring washes away the last vestiges of winter, I will be spring cleaning our habits and focusing anew on leading and teaching by example what it is to embrace our faith in the day to day, including facing the tough questions head on.

    Like many conversations I will have with my children as they grow up, the Noahs Ark dis-cussion made me uncomfortable. The Bible always challenges me, my assumptions, my understand-ings, my interpretations. But I think that if I was comfortable with what the Bible was saying, I would be reading it wrong. Isnt the message all about doing what is right even when your instinct is to do otherwise? Listening to God and following His will rather than your own? I believe we grow in faith when we embrace that which makes us uncomfortable and welcome the change that is needed to deepen our relation-ship with God.

    Which of your habits need spring cleaning this year?

    Saint Lukes to host estate planning

    Submitted byRobert Sexty

    Dont wait, estate planning for seniors should be done before a life changing event.

    As part of its 50th year celebration, Saint Lukes Homes is organiz-ing a half-day conference for seniors and families about financial and fu-neral planning. The focus will be about wills, taxes, the role of executors, power of attorney, and funeral planning.

    The conference will be held on May 8th from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Corpus Christi Catho-lic Community Centre on Waterford Bridge Road.

    The conference is tai-lored to anyone with an interest in or questions about end-of-life finan-cial and funeral planning. The featured speakers bring a wealth of knowl-edge and experience: Pamela Earle, Senior Will and Estate Planner, and Craig Bishop, Financial Consultant, both of Sco-tia Private Client Group; Archdeacon Sandra Til-ley, of the Anglican Di-ocese of Eastern New-foundland and Labrador; and John Anderson, Jr., of Cauls Funeral Home.

    They will address many of the questions you have and some you may not have yet thought of. Questions like: What is estate planning? How do I avoid probate? How do I protect my money for the ones I love? Does my family know the kind of funeral I want? If the answers to these ques-tions are not completely clear, then this confer-ence may be for you. Our presenters will answer them in a clear and con-cise manner, giving you the tools and confidence to make important deci-sions affecting you and your loved ones.

    Call Pam at 752-8926 or email at [email protected] to pre-register.

  • 9MAY 2015

    anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador

    Ive lived 100 years!

    St. Philips hosts World Day of Prayer

    Ron ClarkeColumnist

    Submitted bySt. Philips ACW

    Photo: Rev. Ed Bonnell

    No! I havent actually lived 100 years, though I of-ten feel that way. Ive lived 86 years though. How much has everything changed during 86 years? So much so that, to me, the differences are incredible.

    My earliest memories are of living in Chance Cove, a small fishing village in Trin-ity Bay- population less than 200. We were all interrelated there, a family village. Every-one over 40 were our un-cles and aunts. Like family members, we took good care of each other. Whenever a woman got ill every other woman came to her rescue. A sick fisherman had his nets tended to, his firewood re-plenished, etc.

    Our homes would, today, be considered absolutely crude. No insulation, for ex-ample, single glass in the windows. A lone wood stove in the kitchen lit only during the day. Water buckets in the porch, that always froze solid in the winter nights, were for drinking and washing. Imagine when large families often used the same water in the same pan. Buried under several home-made quilts, we were warm in the winter nights. Open windows, and/ or doors, in summer attracted swarms of hungry flies.

    The church was certainly the very centre of our cultural lives. Since our minister could only visit once a month, and then, usually, on a weekday, our teacher/ lay reader con-ducted Sunday services. At 11 oclock every healthy male

    would come to the service. Fishermen would sit around the entrance exchanging news-of-the-week. The wives would be at home preparing the most important meal of the week. At 2 oclock all of us kids had to attend Sunday School. At 7 oclock every healthy person in the place would be in church. The sing-ing would rattle the windows.

    As a community we were a close family. The rest of the world we knew almost noth-ing about. Our village had one phone, a big box with a large crank. The wires were galvanized, with no insula-tion. Reaching someone 10 miles away required some very lusty screaming. Nobody except the postmistress used it anyway.

    The winter of 1938, a very dramatic one for me, a

    merchant got the first radio, a huge box. The power supply was a wind charger and batteries. Very few of us were allowed to see and hear it. We got our first radio (battery operated) when I was 13 years old. We didnt have too much entertainment, because it was too hard on the battery. World news? Only really sen-sational stuff ever reached us, and then much later. King George 5th was dead about two weeks before we knew about it.

    In our snug village God was important to all, and we lived in harmony, oblivious to the outside world. Today, what an enormous differ-ence! Incredible systems of communication bring every-thing good, bad and indif-ferent- especially bad- smack into our faces- in Chance Cove

    just as well as New York! And, right now, our whole planet seems to be threatened- by climate changes. Terrorism seems worldwide, no place seems safe anymore. Oh, we have all the great comforts and luxuries that modern living provides.

    Religion seems to be evaporating. Too unscien-tific, too restrictive, old fashioned. Churches are too often half empty, congrega-tions mainly elderly. What a comfort for believers to be assured that the God of our grandfathers is still very much alive, very real.

    One of these days an awful lot of people are go-ing to be awestruck when Jesus Christ comes in glory to establish the Fathers next kingdom, and peace, love, joy will be with us all- FOREVER!

    The first Friday in March is known as the World Day Of Prayer. On Friday, March 6th the ladies of the community of Por-tugal Cove - St Philips gathered at the Church of St. Philip for this special service.

    The theme of this years ser-vice was Jesus said to them, Do you Know What I have Done to You? The service was prepare by the World Day of Prayer Commit-tee of the Bahamas. The service was well attended by women ,men and clergy of the various churches in the community.

    The guest speaker for the service was Mrs Joyce Few-er-Keeping. Joyce shared with the people that gathered for this service about the Bahamas

    saying that the Baha-mas consist of over 700 islands, scattered over 100,000 square miles in an arc just north of Cuba between the Flor-ida Keys and Haiti. Only 23 of the seashell strewn islands are inhabited with a population little over 350,000 people.

    On Friday March 6th, an estimated 3 mil-lion people, in over 70 countries are gathering to observe this World Day of Prayer to act in solidarity with the peo-ple of the Bahamas.

    The ladies of the Bahamas have incorporated the theme into their service called Radical Love based on the read-ing from the Gospel of St. John,

    Chapter 13, verses 1- 17. From this service came an invoking question for all of us, What are some services we can perform in our community that might be

    perceived as true radical love?In conclusion to the talk,

    Joyce ended with the prayer by Kathleen Skinner, Chairperson of the International Committee

    for the 2015 World Day of Prayer:

    Lord Jesus, as you washed your disciples feet, bathe us in your refreshing spirit. As you wiped away the dust of the road, wipe away our days accumulation of stress and tiredness. As you took the towel to dry sore feet, soothe the sore pieces of our lives; so that replenished, renewed and restored, we are ready to follow your way of servant love. Amen

    Following the service a lunch was prepared by the women of St. Philips Parish. The local committee

    would like to thank the ladies for sharing in this special service of worship as we honor the ladies of the Bahamas.

  • MAY 201510

    anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador

    Fogo hosts ACW Conference

    Rebuilding Christchurch

    Cynthia Haines-TurnerColumnistJesus answered them De-

    stroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. But he was speaking of the temple of his body. John 2:21

    I was in New Zealand this past February, on vacation with my husband, and one of our must-see stops was Christchurch.

    We visited the Cathe-dral that had been se-riously damaged by an earthquake and then visited the transition-al Cathedral that now serves the Diocese, the so-called Cardboard Cathedral.

    The destruction caused by the earth-quake was a disturbing sight. It was terribly sad to see what was once a beautiful mon-ument built to provide a place of worship, of-fering the best that people had to offer, in such ruin. But it was also disturbing to witness the controversy over how to proceed with a site that was so seriously compromised by the earthquake. Options rang-ing from demolition to complete restoration, and other proposals in between, were considered.

    The Diocese was hampered in its decision-making by a campaign entitled Restore our Cathedral, which claims that the Cathedral can be restored for $67 million, $40 million of that coming from insurance money, leaving only $27 million to be raised. The Diocese estimates that full restoration could cost as much as

    $221 million. There are lawsuits. Currently, the Diocese is consid-ering a compromise proposal that may break the deadlock.

    The leaflet pinned to the fence around the Cathedral by the Restore our Cathedral campaign described it as the symbolic heart and soul of the city. Their website says We see

    restoration of the Cathedral as essential to the recovery of the spirit and identity of our city, a historic legacy. On the other hand, Bishop Victoria Matthews writes The Cathedral needs to encourage the mission of God across the region and beyond. This means having a new Cathedral in the square in a reasonable time frame and a beautiful building that will not cost so much that [it] is built at the expense of ministry to and by the people. The main purpose of the building is not for civic or heritage purposes, the church has said, it is to reveal and tell of God.

    Its not simply a matter of whether or not the money can be raised but rather if money is best spent on buildings or ministry. We like to say that the Church is the people gathered. As we read in Acts 7:48 the Most High does not dwell in houses made with human hands. On the other hand, putting our very best into these structures is one of the ways we give glory to God. In a case like this where there is so much public scrutiny and where emotions run high, it takes a lot of courage on the part of Victoria Matthews and the leadership of the Diocese to call people back to the real reason we build churches and to our real purpose as people of God. It is counter- cultural but then so was Jesus and so was his message.

    Submitted byLisa Snow

    The Parish of Fogo Is-land West was honored to host the 39th Annual Con-ference of the ACW of the Central Diocese on October 3-5, 2014.

    The theme for the week-end was Come to the Wa-ter: Women of Faith, Wom-en of Courage. We had a lovely church service on Friday night at St Andrews in Fogo. Also on Friday night Mayor Andrew Shea brought greetings from the Town of Fogo Island.

    Bishop David shared a bible study with us on the story of Moses. It helped us to see the courage and faith of Moses mother to place the child in a basket.

    Sandra Durdle gave a very touching talk as she shared her story of the visits to Uganda in Africa. It made us feel how import-ant our outreach of dresses, skirts, shorts and money donations are to those less fortunate.

    M a r g a r e t J e n n i e x shared with us a booklet Scrapes & Tidbits which provided ideas for our de-votional times at our meet-ings.

    Our honorary president Karen Torraville, was our guest speaker at the ban-quet. By using a slide pre-sentation, she went through our baptismal vows. Many of the slides were related to water-rain drops on a pond, rain running down

    a window pane and others. This was really interesting and as we w a t c h e d each slide w e c o u l d i m a g i n e something new.

    A t t h e end of our banquet we were enter-tained by two of our youth; Mark Warrick and Christopher Payne. They played, sang and acted. It was a fun time enjoyed by all.

    There were several cler-

    gy in attendance, which is very important to our group. On Sunday morning an uplifting service was held at St Andrews with over 200 in attendance.

    Despite the ferry inter-ruption we had a wonderful weekend with 51 delegates attending.

  • 11MAY 2015

    anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador

    Margaree-Fox Roost news The difference Christ makes

    In January, election for St. Augustines Vestry in Margaree-Fox Roost took place. There were returning members and some new people taking on roles for our community. This year marks the 110th anniversary of St. Augustines which will be celebrated during an ACW fellowship on April 23rd at the local community centre. This will be an exciting year with lots of events planned, some of which include: Community Supper in April, Gospel Night in May, Church Picnic and fun day in June, Rubber Duck race in August, Church BBQ, and Dinner theatre in October 2015. Submitted by Karen Simon.

    Rocky Harbour turns green

    On Monday, March 16th, 2015 St. Matthews church in Rocky Harbour held its 6th annual St. Patricks Irish stew and other dishes fundraiser. The event saw over 100 people in attendance with lots of food, fun and fellowship. In addition to the meal, there was a bake sale hosting a wonderful variety of baked goods. Submitted by Dale Decker

    The Rev. Everett HobbsColumnistOne of the Online tools I use

    is You tube. Through You tube, I can listen to talks on all kinds of topics, including the religious and spiritual. The one I share with you here is a lecture by Sam Wells, Vicar of St Martin-in-the-Fields, London. He and others were making presentations on the life and thinking of Stanley Hauerwas on his retirement from Duke University. He is considered one of the leading theologians of our time.

    The focus of Wells talk is the emphasis of Hauerwas on the centrality of Jesus Christ in the life the Christian and the Church, and how it affects every facet of life, such as ethics, politics, culture, economics as well as spirituality. Wells identified ten ways that Hauerwas express-es the centrality of Christ:

    1. It is not possible to sepa-rate Christ from his life.

    2. It is not possible to sepa-rate Christ from the early Church.

    3. It is not possible to sepa-rate Christ from his story.

    4. It is not possible to sepa-

    rate Christ from his work.5. It is not possible to sepa-

    rate Christ from the cross..6. It is not possible to sep-

    arate Christ from the Kingdom of God.

    7. It is not possible to sep-arate Christ from being his dis-ciple.

    8. It is not possible to sep-arate Christ from social ethics.

    9. It is not possible to sepa-rate the religious from the social.

    10. It is not possible to sep-arate Jesus from Israel.

    Our task as Christians is to hold these together as a demonstration of the fullness of Christ. We tend to choose only some of them and thereby serve an incomplete Christ. When we as Church or individuals sepa-rate them, we serve a Christ who makes little or no difference.

    Hauerwas believes that the first task of the church is to be the church. There are five ways in which this claim rests on the difference Christ makes.

    1. This claim assumes that Christ makes a difference. - in-deed, all the difference. The church does not make a differ-ence. The church lives in the difference Christ makes.

    2. Being the church isnt easy.

    3. The difference between the church and the world is simply put: Christ.

    4. The difference Christ makes is this: peace.

    5. Not the churchs only task: she participates in struggles for justice, freedom, dignity, respect.

    This church would be small-er, leaner and more committed. It would be liberated from its status, power and influence. It would no longer underwrite the dominate ethos of our culture or the social status of its mem-bers It would retain the disci-pline of prayer, and worship, love of the poor, and friendship with God and neighbour. Its leaders would be expected to trust that God creates and sus-tains the church - after all, it is Gods church.

    For the Christian Jesus Christ is a choice and a deci-sion.. It is about making Christ the centre of my life or placing him on the margins: Its about the difference Christ makes.

    You can find Wells talk on You tube and it can be read as a PDF transcript. All the pre-sentations at Stanley Hauerwas retirement are published as The Difference Christ Makes.

  • MAY 201512

    anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador

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    The Anglican Church in Newfoundland & Labrador has a story to tell and your support makes all the difference. Your gift to Anglican Life has helped in a real way in keeping Anglicans across our province informed, engaged and connected to the wider Anglican Communion. With your support, we are able to make sure that our three Anglican Dioceses and our local witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ is made known.

    Your financial gift helps make a real difference in sharing stories that matter to Anglicans in our three Dioceses and across our country. We thank you for this, and we hope you will renew your commitment to this valuable ministry by making a gift to the Anglican Life Appeal this year.

    As one of the largest church newspapers in Canada, stories from our churches in Newfoundland & Labrador reach over 20,000 households. Your financial gift helps to ensure that Anglican Life will continue to tell our story for many years to come.

    As the publishers of Anglican Life and your Bishops, we thank you as we continue to share the wonderful stories of Gods people in our world.

    2015 Anglican Life Appeal

    The Most Revd Percy CoffinBishop of Western Newfoundland

    The Rt. Revd David TorravilleBishop of Central Newfoundland

    The Rt. Revd Dr. Geoffrey PeddleBishop of Eastern Newfoundland & Labrador