Ang Angay Bind

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  • 7/30/2019 Ang Angay Bind






    Tea is the second most consumed beverage in the entire world

    (MacFarlane, 2004). According to the History Channel, tea has been with us since

    10th century B.C. It plays a big role in the Chinese, Indian and Western Culture.

    Tea comes from a plant called Camellia sinensis. Green tea, black tea and oolong

    tea all come from this plant. It is just that the leaves are processed differently.

    Green tea leaves are not fermented; they are withered and steamed. Black tea and

    oolong tea leaves undergo a crushing and fermenting process, says John

    Weisburger, PhD, senior researcher at the Institute for Cancer Prevention in

    Valhalla, N.Y The major subject of interest is the antioxidant found inside tea.

    These are the catechins.

    These antioxidants, collectively called polyphenols, have been purported to

    improve endothelial function (Habauzit, 2012), cut stroke risk, lower blood

    pressure, among others. (O'Riordan, 2012). Tea catechins is a most researched

    subject concerning the health potential of tea. Of all the catechins, EGCg

    (epigallocatechin 3-gallate) has the most scientific attention, being singled out in a

    number of them as a key contributive element to the possible health effects of tea

    (Yang et al., 2009; Carmen Cabrera, 2006; Yang J. D., 2003). A study

    conducted by Nagao,et.Al found out that tea lowers serum cholesterol levels,

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    reduces systolic blood pressure and reduces visceral fat area around the waist.

    Newer studies include anti-tumor properties as reported by Molly Lang et.Al.

    Recently, around the 1980s, a new type of tea was invented ---the milk tea.

    The origins of this tea are ambiguous, but a famous story of a man who was

    inspired by the famous cold coffee that originated in japan. He then added tapioca

    balls and milk to his tea thus, the milk tea. In the Philippines, The Manila Bulletin

    (Keyser, 2012) reports that Filipinos are gulping down milk tea as the preference

    nowadays for their daily fix of delicious beverage. It reports that Filipinos drink this

    because it is a sweet alternative to drinking traditional tea while still having all the

    benefits per se.

    The reason why people drink tea probably has no single answer. It has been

    with us for more than a thousand years. Legend has it that tea was discovered by

    the Chinese Emperor, Shan Nong, in 2737 B.C. The Emperor had a habit of boiling

    his drinking water. One day while he was in his garden a few tea leaves fell by

    chance into his boiling water which then gave off a rich, alluring aroma. The

    Emperor, upon drinking this brew, discovered it to be refreshing and energizing. He

    immediately gave the command that tea bushes to be planted in the gardens of his

    palace. Until the fifth century A.D., tea was primarily used as a remedy, due to

    the medicinal benefits attributed to it. This is probably the reason why people drink

    tea. It is refreshing, and appears to give a sense of better well-being and health.
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    This research aims to find out what the effect of milk is on green tea.

    This would lead to a clearer knowledge for tea drinkers and non-drinkers alike as to

    the nutritional implications of drinking milk tea over regular tea. This would also

    lead them to assess the primary reason for drinking milk tea as a tastier alternative

    for the regular tea.


    What is the effect of milk on the anti-oxidant capacity of green tea

    extracts as measured by DPPH assay at 520nm?


    To compare the anti-oxidant capacity of milk tea versus regular tea as

    measured spectrophotometrically by the DPPH assay at 520nm.


    To compute, and subsequently compare, the level of antioxidant (AO%) in a

    preparation of regular green tea versus a preparation of milk tea made using

    regular green tea with fresh whole milk.

    To determine the effective concentration (EC50) of the antioxidants

    present/remaining in both regular green tea and milk tea, and to ascertain which

    group contains more concentration in vitro.

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    It would be necessary to point out at this moment that the group aims to

    research green tea in particular. It comes from the plant Camellia sinensis. Green

    tea, black tea and oolong tea all come from this plant. It is just that the leaves are

    processed differently. Green tea leaves are not fermented; they are withered and

    steamed. Black tea and oolong tea leaves undergo a crushing and fermenting

    process, says John Weisburger, PhD, senior researcher at the Institute for Cancer

    Prevention in Valhalla, N.Y.

    Tea is consumed differently around the world. Generally, tea is prepared by

    placing loose tea leaves, either directly or in a tea infuser, into a tea pot orteacup

    and pour freshly boiled water over the leaves. Modern tea is packaged in a tea

    bag. After a few minutes the leaves are usually removed again, either by removing

    the infuser, or by straining the tea while serving. In the United States and Canada,

    80% of tea is consumed cold, as iced tea. The British prefer black tea, served in

    mugs with milk and perhaps sugar. (Tea)


    The studies on catechins (the antioxidants) in tea are overwhelming. Its

    touted benefits include reduction of obesity and lowering cardiovascular risk. One

    research conducted by a Japanese firm showed that the continuous ingestion of a

    GTE high in catechins led to a reduction in body fat, systolic blood pressure and

    LDL cholesterol, suggesting that the ingestion of this kind of extract contributes to a

    decrease in obesity and cardiovascular disease risks (Nagao T, 2007), as shown in

    the table below.
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    Table A. Correlation coefficients between cardiovascular risk parameters and

    body fat parameters by group


    Body fatratio

    Visceralfat area


    ular risk




    r P r p r p




    (mm Hg)*

    Catechin 0.187 0.1678 0.105 0.4402 0.014 0.9169

    Initial 130

    mm Hg

    Control 0.011 0.9338 0.145 0.2662 0.074 0.5698

    Serum total



    Catechin 0.189 0.0359 0.068 0.4517 0.149 0.6251

    Control 0.125 0.1794 0.068 0.4648 - 0.024 0.1095

    Serum HDLcholesterol


    Catechin 0.001 0.9884 - 0.145 0.1103 - 0.115 0.2070

    Control - 0.039 0.6777 - 0.007 0.9362 0.075 0.4217

    Serum LDL



    Catechin 0.092 0.3109 0.095 0.2964 - 0.024 0.7919

    Control 0.101 0.2783 0.180 0.0519 - 0.008 0.9329




    Catechin 0.011 0.9050 - 0.021 0.8137 - 0.042 0.6427

    Control 0.107 0.2489 0.013 0.8908 0.060 0.5176

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    The effects of catechins on energy and fat metabolism have recently been

    examined in humans. Dulloo et al. reported that the ingestion of 270 mg/dL of

    catechins resulted in increased energy expenditure and lipid oxidation in 10

    subjects (Dulloo, 1999). Chantre et al. reported that ingestion of 375 mg/dL of

    catechins tended to decrease waist circumference in 70 subjects (Chantre, 2002).

    Another particular study, although still in its infancy and has not been

    significantly proven in humans is the ability for the catechins in tea to inhibit

    apoptosis, which is cell death, in cholangiocarcinoma cells. It concluded that the

    green tea polyphenol EGCG (Epigallocatechin-gallate) sensitizes human

    cholangiocarcinoma cells to chemotherapy-induced apoptosis and warrants

    evaluation as an adjunct to chemotherapy for the treatment of human

    cholangiocarcinoma. (Molly Lang, 2009) .

    There was even another study saying catechins in green tea possess

    anticancer properties against "cancer in various organs, including the colorectum

    and liver, and are known to exert anti-obesity, antidiabetic, and anti-inflammatory

    effects." "Branched-chain amino acids in green tea may prevent progressive

    hepatic failure in patients with chronic liver diseases, and might be effective for the

    suppression of obesity-related liver carcinogenesis. (Masahito Shimizu, 2012)

    A newer study conducted by Kakuda shows that catechins, particularly

    theanine, from tea extracts can protect the neurons in the brain from damage and

    preserve cognitive function. (Kakuda, 2011)

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    Although the topic of antioxidants is vast, the review of literature will limit

    only to the nature of antioxidants especially catechins, which is the point of

    emphasis. Metabolism involving oxygen such as respiration and other activities

    naturally generate natural by-products called reactive oxygen species or ROS.

    These are important in cell signaling and homeostasis (Apel & Hirt, 2004).

    However, during times of environmental stress such as UV or heat

    exposure, ROS levels can increase dramatically (Apel & Hirt, 2004). This results to

    cell damage or even cell death (apoptosis) and is cumulatively known as oxidative

    stress. Oxidative stress is closely related to these very reactive and unstable

    radicals (Fang, Yang, & Wu, 2002). It is their reactivity that is responsible for some

    human diseases like cancer and cardiovascular diseases and is able to cause

    oxidative damages to proteins, DNA, and lipids (Jacob & Burri, 1996).

    Antioxidants stop these reactions by removing free radical intermediates,

    and inhibit other oxidation reactions. They do this by being oxidized themselves, so

    antioxidants are often reducing agents such as thiols, ascorbic acid, or

    polyphenols. Catechines are a part of the polyphenols group.


    Just as the origin of tea is ambiguous, so is its distinctly Asian sibling. The

    more famous story revolved around one man and his tea shop in the 1980s, who

    developed a beverage wherein Chinese tea was served cold. His supposed
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    inspiration came from cold coffee served in Japan during those times. Then, in

    1988, his product development manager added on to this idea by putting tapioca

    balls (sago) into the iced drink. The bubble tea (milk tea as it is more commonly

    referred to locally) was then born.

    The other story states that another teashop owner by the name of Tu Tsong

    He Hanlin, added white fenyuan balls to his tea. The balls resembled pearls,

    earning it the nickname of pearl tea. Later on, the white balls were replaced with

    black ones, thus becoming bubble tea.

    Regardless of its origins, one thing remains certain: this drink has spread

    throughout the world, particularly in Asia. Now, this drink is consumed regularly by

    Filipinos, particularly by the youth. This is accentuated by the fact that Filipinos

    readily embrace and accept anything hip and fashionable.

    Bubble tea, or milk tea, is served in the Philippines much like it has been in

    Taiwan. Since there is no single shop that monopolizes the industry, most shops

    focus on differentiating their brand from others. Such tactics include addition of

    fruity flavors to the bubble tea, or other add-ons such as pudding or jelly.

    A study on the effects of this new craze is necessary due to the lack of

    research about the topic. Milk tea, just like many of the other crazes that have

    arrived in the Philippines, may or may not have a positive impact on our health. Its

    nutritional content and benefits are undocumented, despite the fact that its principal

    ingredients, milk and tea, have been around for centuries. Perhaps, mixing the two

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    would produce less-than-desirable effects? Maybe the two work antagonistically

    towards each other?

    The paper, then, aims to discover whether or not the addition of milk will

    reduce the antioxidant capacity of catechins. Here are a couple of research studies

    on how conflicting reports led to the pursuance of the topic by this group. An

    important reminder would be that although some of these studies were conducted

    more than 10 years ago, these studies were the only ones performed such that no

    study has succeeded in refuting or supporting the claims of the aforementioned

    research work thus making it the most up-to-date. Additionally, these researches

    were made outside the country, where milk tea is prepared differently.


    Back in 1998, a study by Unilever Research Labs in Netherlands conducted

    a study on the bioavailability of catechins in the blood after ingesting green or black

    tea and the effect of adding milk to it. The study was conducted on 12 humans who

    were given randomly green tea, black tea and black tea with semi-skimmed milk.

    Their blood was taken before and eight hours after consumption.

    The results showed that milk did not seem to affect the bioavailability of

    catechins in the blood and that they were still rapidly absorbed (Unilever Research

    Vlaardingen, 1998). The objective was accomplished and the results were

    unbiased. However, the question here is whether a correlation was made between

    bioavailability and anti-oxidant capacity of the catechins. These were not assessed.

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    Dr. Verana Stangl, et al published in the European Heart Journal on

    September, 2006 that they have conducted a study on the effect of milk in tea as to

    the vascular benefits of black tea. They used human, rat and HPLC assays to

    affirm their research. It was shown that subjects given tea without milk showed

    markedly undisturbed flow mediated dilatation (FMD), which is the hallmark of

    endothelial function, in the brachial artery measured through ultrasound. Those

    subjects that had milk mixed with their tea showed only 10% of the dilatation.

    The results led the team to measure nitric oxide, the vasodilator, when tea

    (with and without milk) was ingested. The level of nitric oxide was measured as

    eNOS (Endothelial nitric oxide synthase) activity. Tea alone showed 400% eNOS

    activity while tea with milk completely eliminated nitric oxide activity. The

    researchers then decided to evaluate which of the individual milk proteins affect the

    production of nitric oxide. They assumed that casein, the major milk protein, binds

    with these catechins and therefore reduces its ability to cause catechin-dependent


    The research concluded that catechins do bind to certain proline-rich

    proteins, such as casein, and that milk strikingly reduces the ability of catechins to

    mediate a vasodilatory effect, thus abolishing the cardiovascular benefits of tea

    (Mario Lorenz, 2006). The study was thorough and gave new insight to the effects

    of milk towards black tea.

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    However, the study was conducted largely in vivo. In fact, the determination

    of total catechins after centrifugation with milk gave no indication of the

    methodology used to measure the catechins. The study was also based solely on

    endothelial function. Catechins do play a major role in cardiovascular function, but

    it also has other roles such as insulin regulation as conducted on a separate study

    by Anderson, Polansky from the J Agric Food Chem 50:7182-6 (2002). It is

    important to note that green tea was NOT studied because the population target

    only included those people drinking black tea (which is commonplace to consume

    with milk) whereas green tea is almost always consumed without milk. However,

    the growing trend of the milk tea has changed this dynamic. Hence, the group

    aims to improve the study by applying the scenario into the modern, Philippine

    setting of consuming tea (which is similar to consuming a fruit shake) instead of the

    Western style.

    Between the researches, there is a gap of knowledge that needs to be filled.

    How can one research say that catechins remain almost completely bioavailable

    even with milk and another study claiming that the milk protein, chiefly casein,

    binds with the catechins, and therefore abolishing its effects? Does abolishing its

    endothelial effect mean all its other anti-oxidative properties are also abolished?

    Did former tests detect bound and unbound catechins as one, thereby reporting

    them as bioavailable altogether?

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    There seems to be a commonality in the problems encountered in these

    researchesmethodology. What is the best way to measure anti-oxidative


    Until now, the assay largely been used was the FRAP assay. But that was subject

    to interfering factors and calibration curves, though standardized, cannot be

    completely accurate because results rely heavily on individual values. In short,

    though in vivo testing provides a clear indication of how these catechins function, it

    does not tell us its capacity to do so. If the question is whether or not milk affects

    tea and that the binding of protein to catechins does affect its anti-oxidative

    capacity, shouldnt the determination of all these be performed in vitro? The

    research performed by Dr. Stang et al did perform such in vitro test, but no

    methodology was put in place for the in vitro determination.

    Dr. Aruna Prakash, PhD, Fred Rigelhof and Eugene MIller, PhD of

    Medallion Labs conducted an experiment on DPPH and how it measures the anti-

    oxidant capacity of certain fruits, vegetables, etc. DPPH is a stable free radical

    with characteristic absorption at 515 nm and antioxidants react with DPPH and

    convert it to 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazine. The DPPH radical has been widely

    used to test the free radical-scavenging ability of various natural products and has

    been accepted as a model compound for scavenging free radicals in tea. In the

    DPPH radical-scavenging method, a compound with high antioxidant potential

    effectively traps the radical, thereby preventing its propagation and the resultant

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    chain reaction. The degree of discoloration from violet to yellow indicates the

    scavenging potential of the antioxidant extract, which is due to the hydrogen

    donating or radical scavenging ability (Brand-Williams, 1995). High % DPPH

    radical scavenging activity would imply a high activity. The samples were extracted

    in 80% methanol for 4 hours at 35 degrees Celsius. DPPH was added and Trolox

    agent was used as a standard. The absorbance was measured at 517nm and

    compared. The methodology provided was quick and simple.

    The research however has not implicated anything other than the fact that

    DPPH is a relatively accurate way to measure anti-oxidant capacity and that no

    correlation with health benefits were made. The study also does not include the

    measurement of tea. The study claims that DPPH is able to measure all kinds of

    polyphenols (a broad group of anti-oxidants of which catechin is a member).

    The mechanism of an anti-oxidant is that it binds to free radicals to prevent

    oxidative damage to tissues and cause effects such as cell aging, liver disease,

    and cancer, among others. Therefore, in order to measure anti-oxidant capacity, a

    substance that acts a free radical must be used as a reagent upon which the anti-

    oxidant acts upon. The reaction must then be quantified.

    The groups research aims to bridge the information gap by utilizing the

    DPPH assay. This assay is rapid, simple and requires no pre-treatment of samples

    and measures the anti-oxidant activity directly as a scavenger free radical. While

    assays such as the FRAP rely on the reduction of iron, this assay is much more

    refined, owing to the fact that the reagent becomes the radical itself---which is what

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    anti-oxidants act upon. This reagent also binds to both soluble and insoluble forms

    of flavonoids and is more accurate in determining anti-oxidant capacity.

    There is reason to believe that it is necessary to perform this kind of assay

    on this much-debated issue to further resolve conflicting reports on the effect of

    milk in tea. We are linking the studies made by Dr. Stangl and using the

    methodology proposed by Dr. Prakash, et al. The issue may be resolved by using

    the correct sample (green tea alone, milk and green tea combined) with the correct

    proportion as well. British tea customarily has 10-15% milk and is drunk like coffee

    mixed with creamer. The type of consumption of tea this group aims to study is the

    more current and growing fad especially here in the Philippines, which is milk

    mixed with tea (and is taken cold), with additives such as tapioca balls and sugar

    (of which will not be entertained in the study).

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    The research design is comparative. It deals only with the comparison of the

    anti-oxidant activity of milk tea and regular tea using percentage values and the EC

    50 Method. The design is also experimental in nature.


    Inclusion Criteria

    The tea to be selected must be green tea (Twinnings green tea

    extract). The milk added will be fresh whole milk (Nestle).

    Exclusion Criteria

    Only fresh whole milk from Nestle, and Twinnings green tea were

    used included in the sampling and experimentation.

    Sampling Procedure

    The sampling procedure was done by determining a desired

    statistical power of the trial, and the effect size. The desired effect was 0.5

    (medium effect), and the power was arbitrarily set at the default 0.8.

    Sample Size

    The Sample size, at medium effect (0.5) and power at 0.8, was found

    to be 64.

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    Data Collection Technique

    The materials included are the green tea (in the form of a tea bag) and the

    milk; the milk tea was independently prepared by the researchers. This was done

    to eliminate bias; all the milk and tea used were of the same caliber.

    Procedure for Data Collection

    This procedure was based on an experiment performed by Libag, et. al, of

    the Department of Chemistry Our Lady of Fatima University involving the

    antioxidants found in plants like the Kamias and Calachuchi.

    Tea Preparation

    The purchased tea bags were submerged in absolute methanol for

    30 minutes. This amount of time is sufficient to extract the antioxidants

    present in the tea bag. Methanol was chosen for the primary reason that it is

    also the solvent of the reagent and it possesses excellent antioxidant

    extraction properties. Two (2) mL of the resulting solution was used for the


    The milk tea samples were treated similarly; all were put through an

    immersion procedure in fresh whole milk for ten dips. This allowed contact

    with milk and the relatively short amount of time was chosen to ensure

    antioxidants dont diffuse out of the bag and into the milk. Afterwards, the

    same procedure was followed as per the regular tea samples.

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    Standardization of Vitamin C Calibration Curve

    The purpose of this step is to establish a calibration curve as a basis

    to determine whether tea has anti-oxidant capacity or not by checking

    whether the assay is valid by using a standard as a positive control.

    Ascorbic Acid or Sodium Ascorbate (in salt form) is a well accepted

    standard (Bondet, 1997; Kim, 2002; Sa nchez-Moreno, 1999). Another

    purpose for this curve is for it to serve as a basis to derive the antioxidant

    capacity. Generally, it should be presented in terms of the number of DPPH

    molecules reduced by one mole of substrate. Since tea extracts cannot be

    computed for its molar value, the equivalent anti-oxidant per gram of

    extract was used; hence this procedure.

    A vitamin C (sodium ascorbate) preparation from a tablet such as

    Fern-C was made at initial concentrations of 0.25mg/mL. The DPPH reagent

    prepartion was patterned on the procedure of Molyneux. 10mg of DPPH

    was dissolved in 250mL 80% ethanol to produce a concentration of 100uM.

    The blank contained the DPPH reagent alone.

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    Figure 1. Table showing the preparation of Vitamin C solutions for standardization


    in mL



















    2mL 2mL 2mL 2mL 2mL 2mL 2mL 2mL

    Vitamin C


    0.10 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.10 1.20



    1.90 1.80 1.60 1.40 1.20 1.00 0.9 0.8



    4mL 4mL 4mL 4mL 4mL 4mL 4mL 4mL

    The extracts from the green tea and milk tea preparation were

    prepared at 0.125mg/mL. This was done by taking 2.5microliter of extract

    and adding to 1.9 mL water to achieve 0.125mg/mL. A 2mL DPPH solution

    was added to 2mL of the extract solution for all the 8 control groups

    designated 1 to 8. The same was performed on the experimental group. The

    handling of all solutions required the use of semi-automated pipettes with

    preset calibrations and disposal tips. In this way, interferences were avoided

    and cross-contamination of samples eliminated.

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    During the experiment, the DPPH reagent was protected from light,

    and all reagents in lyophilized form were prepared using an analytical

    balance to ensure exact measurements. The solutions were placed in a

    cuvette and read at 520nm in a spectrophotometer at the Velez College

    laboratory. The absorbances were collected. To minimize and keep stray

    light (extraneous light) from interfering with absorbances, the reading was

    done in the dark and the cuvettes used did not contain scratches because

    this can interefere with the reading. The absorbance of the Vitamin C curve

    was constructed and the slope was taken to form a regressive function and

    an equation to calculate the antioxidant mg/mL was formed as:

    where y = absorbance of samplesm = slope of the line

    b = absorbance of blankx = antioxidant activity in mg/mL

    To represent the results in percentage, the equation below was used

    to convert the mg/mL to percent:

    where Ao = antioxidant present

    Since the research is about resolving the anti-oxidant capacity

    remaining in tea versus milk added to tea, another computation was

    necessary to show the ability of anti-oxidants to inhibit DPPH (which acts as

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    the free radical). This method is known as the EC50. This is the ability of the

    substrate (in this case the catechins) to cause 50% loss of DPPH activity.

    Percent inhibition was expressed as EC values of 0.125mg/mL of crude


    The computation EC values, designated as C will be as follows:


    ) x 100,

    Where Ao = absorbance of control (DPPH only)Ac = absorbance of solution containing the extract and DPPHThe values were then tabulated to compare the controls (tea only)

    with the samples (milk and tea) as to the EC50 values and as to the

    antioxidant value in mg/mL shown earlier.

    In order to determine the significance of the values, an independent t-

    test was performed. It is a not parametric test that tests the null hypothesis

    that two populations are the same. The variables needed are the standard

    deviations, means, and sample sizes from both populations. The formula is

    as follows:


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    Data Collection Tools

    1 Spectrophotometer

    2 Cuvettes

    3 Test tubes

    4 Pipettes

    5 Regular Tea

    6 Milk Tea

    7 DPPH reagent

    8 Distilled water

    9 80% methyl alcohol



    12Sample cups

    13 Vitamin C tablet (Fern-C)


    a Regular tea - tea prepared only by infusing GREEN tea extract (in tea

    bags) with water; no additives

    b Milk tea regular green tea that is added with milk

    c Antioxidant -a substance that inhibits oxidation or reactions promoted

    by oxygen, peroxide or free radicals, as in this case, the DPPH reagent

    serves as the free radical

    d Antioxidant Capacity - the amount of antioxidant that is able to bind or

    inhibit the DPPH

    e Ascorbic Acid Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity the anti-oxidant level

    measured as a function of Vitamin C; it is simply the level of anti-

    oxidant level equal to the one given off by ascorbic acid at the same


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    f EC50- the method of measuring the antioxidant capacity wherein an

    antioxidant can inhibit a radical to 50% of its activity.

    g DPPH stands for 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl; serves as the free

    radical to which antioxidant binds to


    The independent variable would be the regular tea. Nothing was added to

    the test system. This served as the control group. The dependent variable was the

    milk tea, unto which fresh milk was added to the test system. This served the

    experimental group.


    The first set of raw data, which is the absorbance of the Vitamin C solutions

    were taken then presented graphically. The slope was then computed for so that

    the mg/mL of antioxidants could be taken. A regressive equation was used then

    the percent antioxidant was then computed for subsequently based on the

    individual absorbances the 64 samples gave. The results of the computations were

    presented in a graph.

    The final set of data was computed for using the formula in percent inhibition

    determination. The results were again presented in a graph.

    From the tabulated data, the mean %AO and standard deviation from both

    sets were computed. Smiths statistical package was then used to compute for the

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    t value. The EC50 values were used to confirm that the %AO values were correct.

    The higher the %AO in solution, the lower the EC50 remaining in sample. The

    computed t-value will then be compared against the p-value of 0.05. If the p-value

    is lesser than or equal to the computed t, then the null hypothesis will be rejected.


    Null: Milk will not significantly reduce the anti-oxidant capacity of green tea.

    Alternative: Milk will significantly reduce the anti-oxidant capacity of green tea.


    The statistical test employed for the experiment was the independent T-test;

    the values are interval in nature and are independent samples, namely, the regular

    tea and milk tea. The software utilized was the free software Smiths statistical

    package available online.


    The level of significance arbitrarily chosen for the hypothesis test was 5%.

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    Chapter IV


    During the experiment, the DPPH reagent was protected from light, and all

    reagents in lyophilized form were prepared using an analytical balance to ensure

    exact measurements. Once the DPPH was added to the tea mixture, the color

    changed from purple to yellow, indicating that the reaction was valid and that the

    reagent was functioning.

    Figure 1. Vitamin C standardizat ion cu rve. The reagent is in con trol

    and serves as the curve where the AEAC (Ascorbic Acid Equivalent

    Ant iox idant Capci ty) wi l l be der ived. I t is a funct ion of co ncentrat ion as to the










    0.0125 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1


    Concentration (mg/mL)

    Concentration of Vitamin C in mg/mL

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    The spectrophotometric readings are of interval measurements. A zero

    reading does not indicate the absence of the anti-oxidant. Therefore, the

    experiment converted these readings into percentage values using the equation of

    the slope which is y=mx+b. In this manner, the values were then representing

    measurements that have meaningful zeroes. The statistical tool used when

    predicting the anti-oxidant level of the tea samples from the values set up in the

    Vitamin C standardization curve was the simple linear regression as shown in

    Figure 1. This is used to determine the Ascorbic Acid Equivalent Anti-oxidant

    Capacity. Simply put, the formula equates the absorbance of the tea samples to

    that of Ascorbic Acid and deriving the level of anti-oxidant from that equation.

    Figure 2. Anti -oxidant Act iv i ty o f Mi lk Tea versus Regular tea in mg /mL.








    Average Abs of Green Teas Average Abs of Green Teas

    w/ Milk



  • 7/30/2019 Ang Angay Bind



    Figure 3. Percent of Ant i -oxidant of mi lk tea versus regular tea.

    FIGURE 4. EC50 level of Milk Tea vs. the Regu lar tea. The graph shows

    the EC50level of the Milk Tea Samp les versus the Regular tea. The EC50levels

    correspon d to th e amou nt of reagent (oxidant) in the sample.










    Average %AO in tea Average %AO in milk tea









    EC50 of tea EC50 of milk tea



  • 7/30/2019 Ang Angay Bind



    As shown in Figures 2 and 3, the levels of antioxidant in regular tea proved

    to be greater than the ones present in the milk tea for all samples. In Figure 4, the

    percent inhibition of milk tea samples or EC50 are greater than those of regular

    tea. The interpretation of this means that a greater amount of antioxidant in the

    milk tea is required to inhibit the DPPH reagent than that of the regular tea. This

    means that the antioxidant in regular tea is more capable of causing the reagent to

    be inhibited or inactivated; thus, it has greater antioxidant capacity. The findings

    agree with the %AO computation.

    The results of the independent t-test on the %AO show that at a 5% level of

    significance, the p value comes out at 0.00390600. This is lower than the 0.05 or

    5% level of significance set for the experiment; therefore, the null hypothesis (Ho)

    was rejected. Milk significantly affects the anti-oxidant capacity of regular tea.

    This study is consistent with the one performed by Dr. Stang et. al which

    was aimed at determining if the antioxidants in the tea were still able to affect

    endothelial function in the sense that the antioxidants were still active. This

    however is very different from the studies done by the Uniliver Research Labs in

    the 90s where the studies showed complete bioavailibity of the antioxidants in tea

    despite the milk. It seems then that bioavailability and antioxidant capacity are not

    synonymous. Bioavailability may be seen as merely counting the antioxidants

    while antioxidant capacity can be seen as determining whether these antioxidants

    still have its properties to bind to oxidizing agents, DPPH in the case of this study.

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    In whatever preparation of tea, for as long as there is milk added to it, it will

    depress antioxidant capacity.

    It must be noted that the study used tea bags extracted with methanol and

    immersed directly with milk. This preparation is optimal, since the full concentration

    of antioxidants were extracted and made to react with milk. Commercial

    preparations of milk tea have considerably less concentrations of tea per serving

    since the extraction process isnt done with methanol and contain many other

    ingredients. It is also dubious as to whether an entire teabag is utilized per serving,

    viewed in terms of the economy of such preparation. In other words, since the

    study showed that the antioxidant capacity is much lower in such controlled and

    ideal conditions, it is very unlikely to assume that the trend will be different in other

    studies and commercial preparations.

  • 7/30/2019 Ang Angay Bind



    Chapter V


    The findings of this research are in line with experiments using other

    methodologies; milk will affect the antioxidant capacity of green tea. The reason as

    to why this occurs has not yet been proven. It is believed that the milk proteins

    (particularly casein) bind to the antioxidants of tea therefore rendering it incapable

    of binding to free radicals such as the reagent used in the experiment.

    So if one were to take milk tea for the touted health benefits found in

    conventional tea, one may have to think twice. Plus, milk tea sold commercially

    isnt really just milk with tea; they usually contain sugar, cream, cheese, tapioca

    balls and other ingredients. It would be recommended that for those seeking to get

    the benefits of the antioxidants of tea, one should consume it conventionally.

    It must be noted, however, that the research only demonstrated milk s effect

    on antioxidant capacity. Other factors were not included in the study, namely: the

    additional effect/s of adding sugar and other ingredients to the milk tea, and the

    actual in vivo effect. The actual in vivo effect is much harder to quantify, as it

    includes factors such as intestinal absorbance, first-pass metabolism, etc. Further

    research may concentrate more on these effect/s. Another area for further study

    would be to explore other kinds of tea like oolong, earl grey tea, etc. to see if it

    produces similar results. Further study may also lead to the identification of the

    exact interaction of milk and tea at a molecular level to prove this effect.

  • 7/30/2019 Ang Angay Bind




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  • 7/30/2019 Ang Angay Bind





    DPPH reagent 6,150.00

    Fresh milk 30.00

    Twinnings Green tea 100.00

    Methanol 40.00

    Distilled Water 25.00

    Vitamin C 12.00

    Bondpaper 100.00

    Folder 6.00

    TOTAL 6,463.00

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  • 7/30/2019 Ang Angay Bind



    FIGURE 1.Antioxidant output of the 64 samples of milk tea and regular tea

    FIGURE 2. EC50 levels of all 64 samples of milk tea and regular tea









    1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61



    %AO in tea

    %AO in milk













    1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61



    EC50 of tea

    EC50 of

    milk tea

  • 7/30/2019 Ang Angay Bind
