record ON THE AUSTRALIAN NURSING FEDERATION VICTORIAN BRANCH NEWSLETTER JULY 2013 www.anfvic.asn.au NMHPV Wellness Conference page 6 STAFFING LEVELS Day oncology & rehab page 5 STAFFING LEVELS Mental health page 5 ANF launches ‘nurses and midwives say NO to violence’ campaign

Anf july 2013

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On The Record July 2013

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Wellness Conference page 6


Day oncology &rehab page 5


Mental health page 5

ANF launches ‘nurses and midwives say NO to violence’ campaign

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www.anfvic.asn.au2 On The Record July 2013

Lisa Fitzpatrick, State Secretary

Pip Carew, Assistant Secretary

Paul Gilbert, Assistant Secretary

ANF (Vic Branch)540 Elizabeth St, Melbourne Vic 3000Phone 9275 9333 Fax 9275 9344Info Line 9275 9300 (metro) 1800 133 353 (regional)Membership 9275 9313Library 9275 9391ANF Education Centre 9275 9363Website: www.anfvic.asn.auEmail: [email protected]

ON THE RECORD is the official publication of the Australian Nursing Federation (Victorian Branch). OTR is published monthly.

Your ANF

Special Interest Groups

Advance Care Planning SIGInq: Kathryn Whiteside Kathryn.

[email protected]

Community Health Nurses Date: 19 JulyTime: 11.30amVenue: ANF Boardroom, Level 3, ANF

House, 540 Elizabeth St, MelbourneTopic: AGMInq: Giancarlo Di Stefano 0448 754 945

or [email protected]

Complementary Therapies nq: Kathy Carmuciano 9497 4151 or

[email protected]

Day Surgery SIGInq: Priscilla Guy 0404 875 934

Diabetes Nurse Educators SIGDate: 14 AugustTime: 6pmTopic: Members meetingInq: Catherine Wallace-Wilkinson [email protected] 0411 557 631

Enrolled Nurses SIG Inq: Carole de Greenlaw 9275 9333

Immunisation Nurses SIGInq: Kerryn Lajoie 0433763338 or


Injured Nurses’ Support GroupDate: 16 JulyTime: 11amVenue: Carson Conference Centre, ANF

House, 540 Elizabeth St, MelbourneInq: Annie Rutter 1300 760 602

Vic Assoc of Maternal & Child Health NursesDate: 28 AugustTime: 6pmTopic: Member MeetingInquiries: Helen Watson 0419 103 795 [email protected]

Medical Imaging Nurses AssocInq: Deborah Shears [email protected]

Mental Health Nurses SIGInq: Carole de Greenlaw on 9275 9333

Nurses for ContinenceDate: 8 AugustTime: 6pmVenue: Carson Conference Centre, ANF

House, 540 Elizabeth St, MelbourneTopic: Committee meetingInq: Christine Sumper [email protected]

Orthopaedic Nurses’ AssocInq: Meinir Griffiths 9342 8417 Rita Moreno 9345 5303

Palliative Care SIGDate: 19 AugustTime: 6.30pmVenue: Carson Conference Centre, ANF

House, 540 Elizabeth St, MelbourneTopic: Member meetingInq: Carole Arbuckle 0433 066 281

Preadmission Nurses GroupDate: 20 JulyTime: 8amVenue: Carson Conference Centre, ANF

House, 540 Elizabeth St, MelbourneTopic: Member workshop and AGMInq: Leonie Reidy 5485 5389 [email protected]

Safe Patient Handling Date: 6 September Time: 9.30am Venue: Carson Conference Centre, ANF

House, 540 Elizabeth St, MelbourneTopic: ForumInq: Stephen Morley smorley@


Victorian School NursesDate: 30 JulyTime: 6pmTopic: Member meetingInq: Gina Harrex 0401 717 352

Vic Assoc of Research NursesDate: 13 September TIme: 8.30am - 5.00pm Venue: Carson Conference Centre, ANF

House, 540 Elizabeth St, MelbourneTopic: Professional Development DayInq: Ann-Marie Power, Ph. 8345 6734,

email: [email protected]

Vic Midwifery Homecare SIGInq: Ingrid Ridler 0425 860 624

Vic Perioperative Nurses’ GroupDate: 8 & 9 AugustVenue: Pullman in Albert ParkTopic: Golden 50th State Conference and celebratory dinnerInq: The registration brochure can be downloaded at www.vpng.org.au or contact [email protected]

Vic Urological Nurses SocietyDate: 30 JulyTime: 6.15pmTopic: Executive MeetingVenue: Carson Conference Centre, ANF House, 540 Elizabeth St, MelbourneInq: Ros Lawrence [email protected]

Visit www.anfvic.asn.au/interestgroups for all upcoming ANF (Victorian Branch) Special Interest Group news, events and meetings. Go to the ‘calendar view’ to see what’s on each month.

FRONT COVER: Media conference at ANF (Vic Branch) on Sunday 19 May 2013 launching the ‘Nurses and Midwives say NO to violence’ campaign. Pictured from left ANF (Vic Branch) Assistant Secretary Paul Gilbert, registered nurse Jackie, ANF (Vic Branch) Secretary Lisa Fitzpatrick, registered nurse Brett and ANF (Vic Branch) Assistant Secretary Pip Carew. The campaign is calling on the Napthine Government to urgently implement all 39 recommendations of the Parliamentary Inquiry into Violence in Hospitals. The campaign is also focused on addressing the high level of under-reporting of aggressive and violent incidents involving nurses and midwives. Story page 9. PHOTO: LES O’ROURKE

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Secretary’s report

News .............................................................................4Know Your Entitlements: Understanding

Respect Our Work: public sector EBA news ....................5Funding released for improved public sector day oncology and rehabilitation staffing


News ..........................................................................6-7NMHPV Wellness Conference: make your

ANF Education Centre course program ..................... 8-102013 ANF Job Rep, OHS and HSR training program ...... 11

Inside this edition


Fair Work Bill amendments will significantly improve workLisa Fitzpatrick, State Secretary

If violence or aggression happens to you at work

1. formally report the incident through your workplace processes

2. report the incident to ANF via our online form www.tiny.cc.ovareport

Nurses and midwives say NO to violence - see page 7.

At the time of print the House of Representatives had passed amendments to the federal laws that provide the framework for how nurses and midwives work.

If the Senate passes the Federal Government’s Fair Work Amendment Bill it will achieve significant changes that improve the way we work by:

arrangements, including expanding the right for pregnant women to transfer to a safe job, providing further flexibility in relation to concurrent unpaid parental leave, ensuring that any special maternity leave taken will not reduce an employee’s entitlement to unpaid parental leave and expanding access to the right to request flexible working arrangements to more groups of employees

employees about the impact of changes to regular rosters or hours of work, particularly in relation to family and caring responsibilities

(FWC) ensure that modern awards together with the National Employment Standards (NES) provide a fair and relevant minimum safety net of terms and conditions, take into account the need to provide additional remuneration for employees working overtime, unsocial, irregular or unpredictable hours, weekends or public holidays and shift work.

The Fair Work Amendment Bill will also give effect to the government’s response to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Education and Employment’s report Workplace Bullying “We just want it to stop”. If passed in the Senate the Bill will:

at work to apply to the Fair Work

Commission for an order to stop the bullying

which is consistent with the definition

by the committee in its report, and the proposed Safe Work Australia model Code of Practice: Preventing and Responding to Workplace Bullying

start dealing with an application for an order to stop bullying within 14 days of the application being made

to make any order it considers appropriate (other than an order for payment of a pecuniary amount) to stop the bullying.

Rostering, bullying and parental leave are all of significant importance to our membership, along with all industrial relations laws, and we strongly support the measures in this Bill. An update will be provided to members once the Bill has been through both houses of parliament.

Focusing on nurses’ and midwives’ wellnessMore than 900 nurses and midwives left the Nursing and Midwifery Health Program Victoria’s second Wellness Conference motivated and inspired to make their health a priority confirming how important it is to save this service and achieve permanent funding.

ANF co-presented this conference because it is important that those working in professions which spend so much time caring for others spend time on their own health. Shift work, night shift and the pressures of nursing and midwifery combined with family and personal commitments and obligations can mean your own health and wellbeing is pushed to the back of the line.

Dynamic speakers reminded us that making work/life balance and our health a priority is vital and sometimes easier to achieve than we think. See brief story and NMHPV contact details on page 6.

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Preparing for a new career Abbey Kink, ANF Graduate and Final Year Student Support Officer

The much anticipated annual ANF (Vic Branch) Undergraduate Nursing and Midwifery Student Study Day held at Carson Conference Centre proved again to be a huge hit with nearly 300 final year nursing and midwifery students.

The study day aims to prepare final year nursing and midwifery students for their upcoming professional registration entry and transition to practice and give them the skill and advice to assist in gaining a graduate year position.

Expert speakers covered topics relevant to future graduates including

interview process

The event concluded with former Victorian Health Services Commissioner Beth Wilson who entertained attendees with a song about hand hygiene.

Thank you to all the students who attended as well as all the guest speakers, who helped make the day a success.

ANF (Vic Branch) wishes all final year nursing and midwifery students the best of luck for the successful completion of their final semester of study and upcoming careers in nursing and midwifery.


Understanding overtime Bezi Lamb, Information Officer

Overtime is an entitlement and should be claimed and paid. By claiming your overtime you ensure actual working hours are recorded which means problems with inadequate staffing levels can be identified and addressed. Working excessive overtime may impact negatively on your practice and your health as well as compromise patient/resident care. You and your employer have a responsibility to prevent this from happening.

As a part-time employee, when am I entitled to claim for overtime?For nurses and midwives under the Public Sector Enterprise Agreement overtime applies whenever the employee works more than the normal standard full-time shift length on a daily basis (usually 7.6- or 8-hour day or evening shift or 9.5- or 10-hour night shift). This includes double shifts which should not occur except in emergency circumstances. You are also entitled to claim overtime when you work

more than 76 hours in a fortnightly pay period as a result of working additional shifts.

For mental health nurses under the Public Mental Health Services Enterprise Agreement, overtime applies after the ordinary rostered shift length (whatever length that shift may be) on any day.

In private aged care when am I entitled to overtime?For registered nurses in private aged care overtime applies as per the public sector above. However, for enrolled nurses and personal care workers working under enterprise agreements or the modern awards (see below), overtime applies for time worked in excess of the number of

fortnight’s work as the case may be. This means that if your hours for a day are fixed at 6 or 7 hours by agreement with the employer then overtime applies for work beyond that.

What rate of pay applies for overtime (general EBA provisions)?Overtime on weekdays is paid at time and a half for the first two hours and then double time for the remainder. All weekend overtime is double time (but does not include the weekend penalty).

What if I do not have an enterprise agreement?In this case you are covered by the Nurses Award 2010 (registered nurses and enrolled nurses) or the Aged Care Award 2010 (personal care workers).

For registered and enrolled nurses overtime applies when you have worked beyond the rostered daily ordinary full-time hours set for the shift (which cannot be more than 10) or 38 or 76 hours in a week or fortnight. Overtime rates are: (a) Monday to Saturday - time and a half

for the first 2 hours and double time thereafter

(b) Sunday – double time(c) public holidays – double time and a half

For personal care workers under the Aged Care Award 2010 overtime is paid as soon as you work beyond your rostered shift in any one day or beyond 38 hours in a week or 76 hours in a fortnight. For example, if your rostered shift is 6 hours, then overtime applies for work beyond that time. Overtime rates are the same as registered nurses and enrolled nurses above except all weekend overtime is paid at double time.

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Funding released for improved public sector day oncology and rehabilitation staffing levelsPaul Gilbert, Assistant Secretary

A significant win in the 2011/12 public sector enterprise agreement was additional staff to improve workloads in day oncology and rehabilitation.

Following negotiations with the Victorian Hospitals’ Industrial Association (VHIA) and the Victorian Department of Health, funding has been released to allow hospitals to make appointments to these new positions. Health services have been advised in writing of these allocations in letters jointly signed by the ANF, VHIA and the Department of Health.

It is critical that Job Reps at the campuses named in the adjacent boxes ensure that your health service makes permanent appointments to these positions, at the full shift length. If your workplace is not named above, and you are not already working to a 1:5 ratio in rehabilitation, please contact your Organiser urgently on 9275 9333.

Mental health nurses have welcomed news that funding has been finalised for the 43 additional equivalent full-time nursing positions achieved in the 2012 public mental health and Forensicare agreements.

Negotiations between the Department of Health, the Victorian Hospitals’ Industrial Association, ANF and HACSU have also finalised the health service staffing allocations which predominantly address night shift staffing levels in acute adult mental health wards. The location of the Casey Hospital night duty allocation is to be confirmed.

The additional shifts will provide long-awaited minimum night shift nursing hours in acute mental health wards or units where high dependency beds (however titled)

The following workplaces will receive additional funding for improved workloads in day oncology:Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute, Wangaratta Base Hospital, Wimmera Base Hospital, Ballarat Base Hospital, Echuca Regional Health, Shepparton Hospital, Craigieburn Health Service, Northern Hospital, Melton Superclinic, Western Hospital - Footscray, Monash Medical Centre - Clayton, Monash Medical Centre - Moorabbin, Dandenong Hospital, Mercy Hospital For Women, Olivia Newton-John Cancer & Wellness Centre, Bairnsdale Hospital, Latrobe Regional Hospital, Frankston Hospital, Rosebud Hospital, Royal Melbourne Hospital City Campus, Royal Women’s Hospital, Geelong Hospital, Hamilton Base Hospital, Ararat Hospital, St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne


New mental health nursing positions confirmedPip Carew, Assistant Secretary

exist. This will essentially increase the number of nurses rostered on night shift from three to four. Critically, this applies to environments where two distinct areas operate, for example high dependency beds and low dependency/ general mental health beds. Historically, minimum nursing hours to provide care within two distinct areas

were not available to clients. This Victorian benchmark is a significant achievement hard-won by members.

The local committees, which include ANF representatives, will monitor the new allocations. Members with queries may contact ANF Mental Health Nursing Officer Donna Hansen at [email protected]

The following mental health services will receive additional mental health nurses:Alfred Health Ground Floor, night shift and First Floor, night shiftBarwon Health Hilary Blakiston Oak End, night shiftBendigo Health Marjorie Phillips Unit (MPU), night shift, Vahland House, day and night shiftEastern Health Upton House, Opposite to 2007 shift (day), Inpatient Psychiatry Unit 2 (IPU 2) day shiftGoulburn Valley Health Wanyarra, night shiftLatrobe Regional Health Flynn Unit, night shiftNWMH (Melbourne Health) Broadmeadows Inpatient Psychiatry Unit (BIPU), night shift, Northern Psychiatry Unit 1 (NPU 1), night shift, Northern Psychiatry Unit 2 (NPU 2), night shift, Royal Melbourne Hospital John Cade Unit, night shift, Sunshine Adult Acute Psychiatry Unit (SAAPU), night shiftMercy Health IPU, night shift, Mother Baby Unit, night shift + 0.3Southern Health Casey Hospital, night shift (E Ward to be confirmed), P Block, night shiftSt Vincent’s Ground Floor, night shift, First Floor, night shift and K shift (10am-6.30pm)Northeast Health (Wangaratta) Kerferd Unit, night shiftForensicare 1 equivalent full time (EFT)

All rehabilitation wards should now be moving from a 1:7 ratio to a 1:5 ratio plus in charge on PM shifts. Additional funding has been provided to the following health services to facilitate the improved ratios:Northeast Health Wangaratta, Ballarat Health Services - Queen Elizabeth Geriatric Centre, Alpine Health, Goulburn Valley Health, Caulfield Hospital, Broadmeadows Health Service, Bundoora Extended Care Hospital, Sunshine Hospital, Casey Hospital, Dandenong Hospital, Kingston Centre, Mildura Base Hospital, Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital, Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre, Bairnsdale Regional Health Service, Latrobe Regional Hospital, Bendigo Health - Anne Caudle Centre, Castlemaine Health, Golf Links Road, Koo Wee Rup Regional Health Service, Rosebud Hospital, Royal Melbourne Hospital Royal Park Campus, McKellar Centre, South West Healthcare - Warrnambool, Angliss Hospital, Peter James Centre, Wantirna Health, St Georges Hospital, St Vincent’s Hospital

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Make your wellness a priority

ELECTION NOTICEFair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009

Branch Secretary Branch Assistant Secretaries (2)Branch PresidentBranch Vice PresidentBranch Executive Members (4)Ordinary Branch Councillors (14)

Written nominations which comply with the rules of the Federation must reach me not later than 12:00 noon on Monday 23 September 2013. Nominations cannot be withdrawn after this time.

Statements: In accordance with Branch Rule 85.5 candidates may submit a 200 word (maximum) statement and a photograph of themselves, in support of their candidature. The statement will be reproduced in a form suitable for posting to voters with ballot material. Statements must reach me not later than 12:00 noon on Monday 30 September 2013. Statements and photos must be in MS Word format and can be emailed to [email protected].

ADDRESS FOR LODGING NOMINATIONS & STATEMENTSBy Post: Australian Electoral Commission, GPO Box 4382, Melbourne, Vic, 3001By Hand: Level 8, Casselden Place, 2 Lonsdale Street, MelbourneBy Fax: (03) 9285 7149By Email: [email protected] (MUST BE signed and scanned)

BALLOT: The ballot, if required, will open on Monday 14 October 2013 and close

Changed Address? Advise the Federation now.

from me after the completion of the election.

Laura Leavy



In briefAgreements finalised for community health service mental health nursesAgreements have been belatedly finalised for public sector mental health nurses employed at the Ballarat, Grampians and Inner South Community Health Services reflecting the same benefits as the 2012 public sector outcome. This includes two 2.5 per cent wage increases, backdated respectively to 31 March 2012 and 31 March 2013, the 2012 $1000 continuing professional development (CPD) allowance payment and the first 2013 $450 CPD instalment.

The lengthy delay was the result of the Victorian Government’s refusal to include these services in the public sector Mental Health Agreement, finalised in December 2012. ANF was forced to negotiate three separate agreements for each community health service which include the same results ANF achieved in the public Mental Health Agreement.

ANF DiaryPlease find your new two-year ANF Diary enclosed with this month’s ANJ and OTR. We hope members find it useful.

ANF (Vic Branch) office closureThe ANF (Vic Branch) office and the ANF Information Line will be closed on Friday 5 July 2013 from 12 noon to 5pm for a staff function.

The Nursing and Midwifery Health Program Victoria (NMHPV) and ANF’s second Nurses and Midwives Wellness Conference was a great success with more than 900 participants.

The conference, held on 24 May 2013 at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, provided nurses and midwives with an opportunity to discover practical ways to achieve a healthier work/life balance.

The NMHPV is an independent support service for nurses, midwives and students of nursing and midwifery experiencing health issues related to their mental health or substance use. It is currently funded by Victorian nurse and midwife registration fees through the NMBA. If you or a colleague needs support visit www.nmhp.org.au or call 9415 7551.

Musician and artist Monique Brumby stirred up audience participation on a grand scale with her inspirational song about nursing which you can view on YouTube by following this link www.tiny.cc/nursessinging

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Nurses and midwives say NO to violenceANF launched the Nurses and Midwives say NO to violence campaign, on19 May, calling on the Napthine Government to turn talk about making hospitals safe places to work into action.

Too many nurses have continued to be seriously hurt at work and it is unacceptable. The Coalition Government made pre-election promises to spend $21 million on protective services officers to make hospitals and emergency departments safe. They have delivered $5.8 million over four years for duress alarms, CCTV and training.

On the same day as the campaign launch, the Napthine Government announced 40 hospitals would share $1 million for CCTV cameras and duress alarms. This does not deliver on pre-election promises and it is not a substitute for a plan to stop the violence, nor evaluate the work done by health facilities.

The Victorian Government’s 2011 Parliamentary Inquiry into Violence and Security Arrangements in Hospitals report and 39 recommendations were based on the principle that “all hospital staff are entitled to a safe and secure working environment that is free of all forms of violence”.

The government has had these recommendations, which provide a blueprint to make hospitals safe for all staff, patients and visitors, since December 2011. Now it needs to act.

ANF has developed a poster advising nurses and midwives on how to respond to an aggressive or violent incident at work. These posters will be displayed throughout health facilities and the information is also available online (details

below). Members are encouraged to read the information so that, should a stressful incident occur, you will be able to act with more confidence.

A critical part of the campaign is to encourage nurses and midwives to report occupational violence and aggression. Sadly, these incidents are often unreported or are not acted on appropriately. It is critical that if you experience or witness occupational violence or aggression at work you report it formally at work as soon as you are safe to do so.

It is also critical that you report the incident to ANF via a new online reporting form (details below) so we can advise you and help you to access support.

Incidences of workplace aggression or violence are harrowing for everyone involved. Reporting helps those involved get the support they need.

Report violence and aggression to ANF www.tiny.cc/ovareport

ANF advice & reporting poster www.tiny.cc/ovaposter

Help ANF put pressure on the Napthine Government to act:Please sign and encourage family and friends to sign the online petition asking Premier Denis Napthine and Health Minister David Davis to lead and fund reforms that will change the Victorian health system’s practices and attitude towards violence in our health facilities. Sign and share the petition www.tiny.cc/39ways

Australian Nursing Federation (Victorian Branch) Lisa Fitzpatrick addresses the media at the launch of the ‘Nurses and Midwives say NO to violence’ campaign accompanied by Assistant Secretary Paul Gilbert and extraordinary nurses Jackie and Brett who told of their experiences of workplace violence highlighting the importance of reporting incidences of violence and aggression.

OTR diaryANF Professional Issues in Practice ConferenceThursday 19 & Friday 20 September 2013Melbourne Convention and Exhibition CentreCPD hours: up to 14 hours for attending both daysMore than 50 speakers over two days will inform and inspire as they explore contemporary professional and clinical issues in nursing, midwifery, mental health and aged care. The program includes an occupational violence and no lifting stream and lifting equipment display. See the full program inside the June ANJ or at www.anfvic.asn.au

This conference, for nurses, midwives and personal care workers, is presented by ANF (Vic Branch) in conjunction with the National Enrolled Nurse Association (NENA). Take advantage of reduced costs for online registration at www.tiny.cc/13profconf

Inaugural Australian Day Surgery Nurses Association ConferenceSaturday 12 and Sunday 13 October 2013Melbourne Convention Centre in South Wharf.The Day Surgery Special Interest Group is assisting with the inaugural Australian Day Surgery Nurses Association Conference which will be a weekend packed full of interesting speakers and networking with colleagues. Registration www.adsna.info

Prevention of Workplace Bullying Seminar Thursday 17 October 2013, 9am-4.30pmCarson Conference Centre, Level 7, ANF House CPD hours: 6.25 hoursBullying and harassment are serious concerns for nurses, midwives and personal care workers working in health and aged care. This seminar will provide strategies for preventing and dealing with incidents of bullying and harassment.

Participants attending this solution-oriented seminar will have the opportunity to work with their workplace policies and procedures. Registration www.tiny.cc/2013bullyingsem


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Professional news P






















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ANF Education Centre phone: 9275 9363email: [email protected]

The ANF (Vic Branch) Education Centre, ANF (Vic Branch) Registered Training Organisation (RTO 3601), nursing laboratory and library are located near the Melbourne CBD at ANF House, 540 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne.

Visit wwwfor informmore upc

*NB: listings with an asterisk (*) may interest midwives

All Nurses, Midwives, AINS & PCAs*HLTFA311A Apply First AidCPD: 14 hours12 & 19 July, 9.00am-5pm, presenter Sandy WillisThis accredited and valuable course is offered over two days with a

Member $165, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $155


Assessment comprises 10 units of competence and focuses on the skills required to deliver training and assess competence in participants’ own

expertise) for educators and assessors in the VET Sector. The course is delivered over 9 study days on the following dates-:Course 1July 11, 18, 25, August 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 & September 5Course 2August 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, & September 6, 13, 20, 27ANF member $1570, non-member $1770, Job Rep/SIG member $147

*HLTCPR211A Perform CPRCPD: 4 hours16 August, 9:00am-1pm, presenter Sandy WillisThis course is a refresher in Basic CPR, and includes Australian Resuscitation Council updates. Participants receive training in management

which should be updated annually. Member $70, non-member $95, Job Rep/SIG member $65


Assessment5 August, 9.30am -1pm

Member $250, non-member $330, Job Rep/SIG member $220

Assessment6 & 27 August, 9.30am -4.30pm (both days)

Training & Assessment. Member $550, non-member $650, Job Rep/SIG member $520

All Registered & Enrolled Nurses

older peopleCPD: 6 hours12 July, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Dr Rosalie HudsonThis seminar focuses on advanced skills development for nurses caring for older people in any setting who suffer from chronic/persistent pain. How is

for those with cognitive impairment? What are the myths and counter facts of opioid use in older people and what is the place of non-pharmacological therapies?Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140

Delirium & depression in the older personCPD: 6 hours25 July, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Dr Rosalie HudsonWhen delirium and/or depression are suspected in an older person, the symptoms are often compounded by dementia. While the nurse’s role is not to diagnose, professional practice requires skilled observation, assessment, clinical decision-making. This seminar assists nurses to identify symptoms that can be effectively treated. Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140

CPD: 6 hours30 July, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Jennifer PoulterThis workshop reviews health care related infections and practices required to minimize the spread of infection. Risk management will be discussed including standard precautions, transmission based precautions and asepsis with an emphasis on practical application of knowledge and skills including aseptic techniques.Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140

CPD: 6 hours12 August, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Dr. Rosalie HudsonThis seminar focuses on skill development for palliative and aged care nurses wishing to provide best practice end-of-life care for older people in

life, best practice pain and symptom management, ethics and the physical, psycho-social, emotional and spiritual components of care.Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140

ACFI for registered and enrolled nursesCPD: 6 hours19 August, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Margaret LangThis seminar explores all ACFI business rules, a comprehensive breakdown of the ACFI questions and a practical review of compiling and completing the ACFI answer appraisal pack.Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140









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Professional news







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sit www.anfvic.asn.au/education r information about these and ore upcoming courses.

All nurses and midwives are required to undertake 20 hours of continuing professional development each year as part of the requirements to re-register with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. For information visit www.nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au

courses (excluding government-funded courses) are available to ANF members, Job Reps and ANF Special Interest Group members. Courses may be tax deductible. Ask your tax consultant for advice.

Innovation in wound managementCPD: 12 hours20 & 27 August, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenters Rhea Martin, Julie Baulch & Sandra DeanThis wound management course focuses on wound prevention and assessment, use of the latest products and appropriate and cost effective wound management techniques.Member $300, non-member $370, Job Rep/SIG member $280

CPD: 12 hours23 & 30 August, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Jenny PoulterThis course is designed to reacquaint nurses with the fundamentals of law and the legislation that impacts on nursing practice and outline the legal precepts, documents, scope of practice of registered and enrolled nurses in light of the recent regulatory changes. It will also focus on the legal and ethical principles of nursing practice.

Member $300, non-member $370, Job Rep/SIG member $280

CPD: 6 hours9 September, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Dr Rosalie HudsonFocusing on advanced skill development for nurses caring for people with dementia in any setting this seminar includes appropriate assessment and interventions for those unable to articulate their symptoms, especially when pain is present with an emphasis on end-of-life care for those with advanced dementia, covering ethical issues of resuscitation, nutrition & hydration, advance care planning, and family involvement. Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140

CPD: 6 hours3 September, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Helen ReevesThis workshop covers core knowledge and skills for staff employed in health services, focusing on the exploration of depression and anxiety, regarding the aetiology and biopsychosocial principles of intervention. Participants will gain practical skills and knowledge that is transferable to the workplace.Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140

CPD: 6 hours16 September, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Brendan ScullyThis seminar provides a variety of techniques nurses and other healthcare

Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140

& enrolled nursesCPD: 6 hours25 September, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Lynn MurrayA must for registered and enrolled nurses who wish to refresh or update their knowledge and skills in patient assessment, this new seminar focuses on the accurate, effective and timely assessment of patients in the acute setting, providing an overview of strategies to recognize and manage the deteriorating patient.Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140

Registered Nurses

CPD: 6 hours26 July, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Lynn Murray

therapies with a focus on advanced understanding and skill development for nurses

Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140

CPD: 6 hours9 August, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Lynn MurrayThis seminar teaches attendees the process and procedure for inserting peripheral cannulae in adult patients and covers anatomy, insertion sites and cannula selection and techniques, infection control, common problems and corrective action. Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140

administration for registered nurses & midwives9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Jennifer IrwinThis four day course revises the underpinning knowledge of pharmacology and medication administration for registered nurses. Common medications will be revised using a systems approach and medication administration via enteral, topical and parenteral routes will be reviewed. Legal aspects and professional issues including preventing medication errors will be explored and nursing laboratory sessions will cover practical aspects of medication administration, including the intravenous adminstration.

This short course is suitable for all registered nurses who wish to update their

the acute and non-acute sector.

The course will be delivered on the following dates;Mondays August 19 & 26 and Fridays September 6 & 13.Member $600, non-member $740, Job Rep/SIG member $560

revisited CPD: 12 hours20 & 27 September, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Sue PleunikThis workshop is designed to refresh and update registered nurses’ knowledge and skills in medication administration via all 5 routes and includes a review of drug calculations and managing IV pumps, syringe drivers and PCA systems.Member $300, non-member $370, Job Rep/SIG member $280

Managing the deteriorating patientCPD: 6 hours29 October, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Lynn MurrayWith the national focus on the deteriorating patient as one of 10 hospital standards,

in their management. This new one-day workshop will review and explore the associated challenges and focus on the knowledge and skills required for safe day-to-day practice.Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140

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MidwivesAnte Partum (APH) and Post-Partum Haemorrhage (PPH)CPD: 6 hours15 July, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Tracey GraingerMidwives who work in every area of midwifery whether it is the antenatal clinic,

value and relevance for all midwives from the novice right through to the most seasoned professional.Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140

Breastfeeding – Real life issues with real life solutionsCPD: 6 hours13 August, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Jen HockingThis seminar is designed to educate all midwives and aims to increase your knowledge base and awareness of current issues in this fundamental and yet often highly complex area of midwifery care.Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140

CPD: 6 hours26 August, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Tracey GraingerSuitable for midwives working predominantly in the birth centre this seminar is designed to increase your knowledge base and awareness of potential obstetric emergencies and their management, to empower the knowledge behind your current practice and to encourage discussion around practical strategies and interventions for real world situations.Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140

CPD: 6 hours10 September, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Tracey Grainger

predominately in the birth suite. It aims to increase your knowledge base and awareness of obesity and pregnancy whilst maintaining a strong focus on the holistic care of the bariatric woman in labour.Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140

How to Prepare New Mothers Properly for the Road AheadCPD: 6 hours17 September, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Jen HockingThis seminar is designed to educate all midwives in relation to maternity

visit. It encourages midwives to think practically about the prioritisation and organisation of education provided to women with a particular focus on strategies to assist in improved knowledge retention critical for women no longer under midwifery care.Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140

Pain management strategies in labourCPD: 6 hours26 September, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Tracey GraingerPrimarily designed for midwives working in the birth suite, this seminar will explore pain management, ongoing assessment and strategies intended to provide optimal choice of pain relief for the woman in labour.Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140

CPD: 6 hours17 October, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Tracey GraingerThis seminar is designed to give midwives a greater understanding and knowledge of Gestational Diabetes combining a practical and contemporary focus to assist midwives in managing the condition.Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140

CPD: 6 hours28 October, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Tracey GraingerThis seminar is designed to educate birthing suite midwives, and aims to deepen the knowledge base of Perineal Suturing. Particular attention will be given to the anatomy of the perineum, the skilled assessment of the perineal incision repair and the importance of long-term follow-up care.Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140

CPD: 6 hours22 October, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Jen HockingDesigned for midwives working within the antenatal education setting, this seminar

the antenatal period of care with attention given to the assessment of risk factors and the delivery of targeted education to reduce risk during pregnancy.Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140

Enrolled Nurses

Enrolled Nurses (4 Routes)CPD: 12 hours9 & 16 October, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Lissa RyanThe ANF Education Centre is offering a 12-hour professional development opportunity for Endorsed (4 routes) Enrolled Nurses to refresh and update their medication administration knowledge. This two-day workshop revises the foundation knowledge of pharmacology, medication administration, legal requirements, Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia regulatory standards, calculations and averting errors and includes a nursing laboratory practice.Cost per course: ANF member $300, Non-member $370, Job Rep or ANF SIG member $280

HLTEN519C Administer & Monitor Intravenous

(Funded by Skills Victoria)

administration (4 routes) & have successfully completed the HLTEN505C Contribute to the Complex Nursing Care of Clients unit. Successful completition of this course enables students to administer medications via 5 routes. The course will commence on Wednesday 31 July 2013 and offered over 15 study days on the following dates:-August: 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, 29, September: 4, 5, 11, 12, 18, 19Clinical placement will take place 23 September– 18 OctoberCost: $554

New Entrants

Applications are invited from people interested in undertaking the HLT51612 Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled/Division 2 Nursing) on a full-time basis. This course is scheduled to commence on Tuesday 16 July 2013.Applications are currently open, limited places available.Application forms are available on request by calling 9275 9363 or emailing [email protected] or online www.anfvic.asn.auEntry level criteria applies.This course has been approved by the former Nurses Board of Victoria and is therefore recognised and approved by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA).Satisfactory completion of this course will allow application to the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) for registration as an enrolled nurse (formerly known as Division 2 RN). However, interested applicants must note that the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia has implemented a new English Language Standard.More information regarding the English Language Standard for Registration can be obtained from the NMBA by visiting the AHPRA website www.ahpra.gov.au

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www.anfvic.asn.au On The Record July 2013 11www.anfvic.asn.auwww.anfvic.asn.au

Job Rep training programs, provided free to Job Reps, are designed to build your knowledge and

Full details regarding leave entitlements and provision of accommodation and meals are included in the registration brochure.All Melbourne-based programs are held at ANF House, 540 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne. Regional

TUTA leave applies where eligible.

Course and registration information is available at

call Elaine Toma on 9275 9333 for a registration brochure.

Program 1: Introduction to industrial relations and the role of the Job Representative (3 days)All Job Reps who have not attended training or attended training more than three years ago are strongly encouraged to attend this three-day introductory program. You’ll gain confidence in your role, learn when to ask for help and find out what resources are available to you from the ANF to assist you in the role.

Melbourne programs (9.15am - 4.30pm daily)M08/11 December 6, 7 & 8

2011 EBA: RESPECT OUR WORKDo you have Job Reps at your workplace?

2013 Job Representatives Training Program: www.anfvic.asn.au/jobreps/Job Rep training programs, provided free to Job Reps, are designed to build your knowledge and confidence in your important role in the union. Full details regarding leave entitlements and provision

of accommodation and meals are included in the registration brochure and at www.anfvic.asn.au. All Melbourne-based programs are held at ANF House, 540 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne. Regional program venues are

Introduction to Industrial Relations and Job Rep role

What will I learn in the Introductory Job Rep program?This program is held over three consecutive days and will focus on:

the role of ANF and unionsyour role, rights and responsibilities as an ANF Job Repthe Fair Work Act – learn about your rights at workwhat to do when you don’t know what to dofinding out who, what, where and how to access ANF resources to assist you in your role - identifying the roles and responsibilities of ANF staff and officialsa problem solving process to address workplace issuesthe principles of natural justice, procedural fairness and the disciplinary procedure your role in representing members and helping members to help themselvesbuilding and unifying workplace membership.

Five-day Initial HSR OHS Course (WorkSafe approved)Time: 9am – 5pm each day CPD: 35 hoursCost: $750 per participant (payable by employer)

Course 2 (Part 1) 7, 8, 9 August (Part 2) 29, 30 AugustCourse 3 (Part 1) 13, 14, 15 November (Part 2) 5, 6 December

Regional One-day HSR OHS Refresher Course (WorkSafe approved)Time: 9am – 5pm each day Cost: $250 per participant (payable by employer) Course 4: Bendigo 21 August Course 5: Wangaratta 25 SeptemberCourse 6: Geelong 20 November** Regional courses are subject to a minimum number of 10 participants per course

Metro One-day HSR OHS Refresher Course (WorkSafe approved)Course 2: 10 JulyCourse 3: 23 October

ANF OHS courses cater for the health sector, with a strong focus on issues and hazards relevant to nursing.

ANF Health and Safety Reps are urged to attend the approved training course, which relates to nursing and provides up-to-date

information about your industry.Subject to consultation with the employer,

HSRs have the right to choose the five-day initial HSR OHS course they will attend provided it is a WorkSafe approved course.

Under the Occupational Health and Safety

2013 Occupational Health & Safety Training - www.anfvic.asn.au/ohs/

notified with your registration confirmation. TUTA leave applies where eligible.Course and registration information is available at

www.anfvic.asn.au/jobreps/ or call Bree Taplin on 9275 9333 for a registration brochure.

Victorian No-Lifting Co-ordinators Network (VNLCN) ForumForum 2: 15 NovemberTime: 10.00am – 3.00pmCPD: 5 hoursCost: Free of Charge for No Lifting Co-ordinators

OHS Seminars and ConferencesANF (Vic Branch) Professional Issues Conference19 & 20 SeptemberDay 1 - Occupational Violence StreamDay 2 - No Lifting StreamPrevention of Workplace Bullying Seminar17 October

Contact the OHS Unit for further information: 9275 9333 or [email protected]

Act 2004, employers must not obstruct or prevent an HSR from attending an approved course of their choice; to do so may constitute an offence under the Act. Requests to attend training must be made at least 14 days before the course commences.

Melbourne courses: 9.15am-4.30pm daily. M05/13 9, 10 & 11 July (fully booked)M06/13 27, 28 & 29 AugustM07/13 1, 2, & 3 OctoberM08/13 22, 23 & 24 OctoberM09/13 12, 13 & 14 NovemberM10/13 3, 4 & 5 December

Regional courses: 9.15am-4.30pm daily.R03/13 Latrobe 30, 31 July & 1 AugR04/13 Geelong 13, 14 & 15 AugustR05/13 Bendigo 3, 4 & 5 SeptemberR06/13 Wangaratta 29, 30 & 31 OctoberR07/13 Warrnambool 19, 20 & 21 Nov

Metropolitan Advanced Job Rep TrainingTime: 9.15am-4pmVenue: ANF House, MelbourneThe new advanced level training program, Effective Dispute Resolution in the Workplace, includes information on your rights at work. Job Reps who undertake the advanced training will develop dispute resolution knowledge and skills about:

parents’ rights to request flexible working arrangementsthe difference between poor performance and professional misconduct in the context of the disciplinary procedureworkers’ rights when dealing with poor performance or professional misconduct allegations to ensure procedural fairnessthe role of the Fair Work Commission, EBA dispute settling procedures and legislation when dealing with the above.

RTS08/13 July 17 RTS09/13 October 16

This program is provided with assistance from the Trade Union Education Foundation.

Contact Bree Taplin for further information: 9275 9333 or [email protected]

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CPD: 14 hoursSave $50 by registering online before 15 July

Victorian Branch

Australian Nursing Federation (Victorian Branch) in conjunction with the National Enrolled Nurse Association

Thursday 19 September – Friday 20 September 2013

CPD: 14 hours for both days or 7 hours for a single day

Along with 38 presenters over the two days, keynote speakers include:

Australian nurses and midwives?: Professor Philip DarbyshireRobyn Moore, Communicator

Professor Philip Darbyshire, with:

Professor Linda Shields MD, PhD, FACN, Professor of Nursing - Tropical Health, James Cook University, Townsville and author: The demise of nursing in the United Kingdom: Lessons for Australian registered nurses and midwives February 2010

Barbara West, PhD, Culture Works Professor Glenn Gardner RN PhD FRCNA, Faculty of Health, School – Nursing, QUT

Dr Jessica Paterson, Senior Post-Doctoral Research Fellow,