7/23/2019 Andromeda 7 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/andromeda-7 1/3 Other operators give the position, linear momentum, and angular momentum of a st ate, and we can derive what these operators look like based on the nature and nu mber of the particles in the system. We will see a couple of examples of that in  the rest of this section. How the operators extract these parameters from the w avefunction depends on the operator, but as an example lets take a sine wave with  frequency ? : ?( x )=sin?( 2p?x ). Lene Vestergaard Hau is the Mallinckrodt Professor of Physics and of Applied Phy sics at Harvard University. Her group has been working on the interaction of lig ht with cold matter. The constant c=2.998· 10 8 m s ?-1 that we use throughout th is book is the speed of light in a vacuum, but light travels slower than this wh en it passes through matter. The Hau group has studied ways of slowing laser lig ht as it propagates through a very cold gas known as a BoseEinstein Condensate, o r BEC (See the companion volume of this text, Physical Chemistry: Statistical Me chanics, Thermodynamics, and Kinetics, Chapter 4). In a sample of atomic sodium gas cooled to roughly 10 ?-6 ?K , Hau and her coworkers slowed the photons to a speed of only 17?m? s ?-1 . This braking of the light can be switched on and off  by a second laser called the pump. With the pump laser off, a burst of light fr om the first laser (the probe) travels through the gas near its vacuum speed. Tu rning on the pump laser mixes together two quantum states of the sodium atoms in  a cleverly planned interaction that prevents the light from the probe laser fro m being absorbed but forces it to interact so strongly with the sample that the light slows down to a ten-millionth of its typical speed. The effect is used to study the nature of the BEC as well as the light that it affects so dramatically . Context Quantum mechanics often involves solving a lot of integrals, and its a big help i f we can set up a problem so that we know in advance that a whole class of integ rals over complicated functions evaluate to zero. We usually select the basis fu nctions that we will use to write wavefunctions so that they are mutually orthog onal. By clever planning along these lines, the daunting mathematics of quantum mechanics became sufficiently tractable during the 1980s that we could start rel iably predicting geometries of molecules based on only the fundamental physics. Computational quantum mechanics is now a major tool in the development of new dr ugs and new materials First, let us consider the classical solution to our problem. In the region 0<x< a , the potential energy is zero, so the kinetic energy is equal to the total en ergy: E=m v 2 /2 , where v is the speed of the particle. Higher energies corresp ond to higher speeds. The particle cannot be found outside the walls, in the reg ions x=0 or x>a , because any place where the potential energy becomes greater t han the total energy, the particle must turn around. Because the system has ener gy E=K+U and the kinetic energy K=m v 2 /2 is always positive, a classical syste m can never have an energy less than the potential energy at any given point We have taken the trouble here to define ? dB as h/| p x | , to ensure that it i s a positive number. This choice of phase defines the relationship between the m omentum operator and the Cartesian axes for everything that follows. (We neglect the trivial case n=0 , for which ?=0 .) We have our first genuinely quantum-mechanical energy expression. Like the energies of Bohrs one-electron ato m, only discrete values of the energy are possible. Furthermore, unlike the free particle, no state exists for which E=0 . Even the lowest energy quantum state, the ground state, has some kinetic energy. The diff erence between the energy of the ground state and the minimum value of the poten tial energy is called the zero-point energy, E zero-point = E gnd - U min , (2.32)

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Other operators give the position, linear momentum, and angular momentum of a state, and we can derive what these operators look like based on the nature and number of the particles in the system. We will see a couple of examples of that in the rest of this section. How the operators extract these parameters from the wavefunction depends on the operator, but as an example lets take a sine wave with frequency ? :?( x )=sin?( 2p?x ).

Lene Vestergaard Hau is the Mallinckrodt Professor of Physics and of Applied Physics at Harvard University. Her group has been working on the interaction of light with cold matter. The constant c=2.998· 10 8 m s ?-1 that we use throughout this book is the speed of light in a vacuum, but light travels slower than this when it passes through matter. The Hau group has studied ways of slowing laser light as it propagates through a very cold gas known as a BoseEinstein Condensate, or BEC (See the companion volume of this text, Physical Chemistry: Statistical Mechanics, Thermodynamics, and Kinetics, Chapter 4). In a sample of atomic sodiumgas cooled to roughly 10 ?-6 ?K , Hau and her coworkers slowed the photons to aspeed of only 17?m? s ?-1 . This braking of the light can be switched on and off by a second laser called the pump. With the pump laser off, a burst of light from the first laser (the probe) travels through the gas near its vacuum speed. Turning on the pump laser mixes together two quantum states of the sodium atoms in a cleverly planned interaction that prevents the light from the probe laser from being absorbed but forces it to interact so strongly with the sample that the

light slows down to a ten-millionth of its typical speed. The effect is used tostudy the nature of the BEC as well as the light that it affects so dramatically.Context

Quantum mechanics often involves solving a lot of integrals, and its a big help if we can set up a problem so that we know in advance that a whole class of integrals over complicated functions evaluate to zero. We usually select the basis functions that we will use to write wavefunctions so that they are mutually orthogonal. By clever planning along these lines, the daunting mathematics of quantummechanics became sufficiently tractable during the 1980s that we could start reliably predicting geometries of molecules based on only the fundamental physics.Computational quantum mechanics is now a major tool in the development of new dr

ugs and new materialsFirst, let us consider the classical solution to our problem. In the region 0<x<a , the potential energy is zero, so the kinetic energy is equal to the total energy: E=m v 2 /2 , where v is the speed of the particle. Higher energies correspond to higher speeds. The particle cannot be found outside the walls, in the regions x=0 or x>a , because any place where the potential energy becomes greater than the total energy, the particle must turn around. Because the system has energy E=K+U and the kinetic energy K=m v 2 /2 is always positive, a classical system can never have an energy less than the potential energy at any given pointWe have taken the trouble here to define ? dB as h/| p x | , to ensure that it is a positive number. This choice of phase defines the relationship between the momentum operator and the Cartesian axes for everything that follows.(We neglect the trivial case n=0 , for which ?=0 .) We have our first genuinely

quantum-mechanical energy expression. Like the energies of Bohrs one-electron atom, only discrete values of the energy are possible.

Furthermore, unlike the free particle, no state exists for which E=0 . Even thelowest energy quantum state, the ground state, has some kinetic energy. The difference between the energy of the ground state and the minimum value of the potential energy is called the zero-point energy,E zero-point = E gnd - U min ,(2.32)

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and it is present in any quantum-mechanical system for which the potential energy limits the particles domain.3 For the particle in a box, the zero-point energyis E 1 = p 2 ? 2 /( 2m a 2 ) .

3 The particles de Broglie wavelength requires this, because if the particle could have zero kinetic energy, then ? dB would become infinite. The only way for the particle to be at rest is for it to occupy all space. We will see, however, in Section 9.1 that, in the right coordinate system, this does not require the particle itself to be infinitely large.The free particle has the continuous energies of a classical system because theflat potential energy function means that the domain of the particle is infinite, larger than any de Broglie wavelength. To introduce the energetics of a quantum-mechanical system, we need a potential energy function that puts up walls, limiting the particles domain and thus allowing ? dB to become comparable to the domain. Our next consideration, therefore, is the solution to a Schrödinger equationwith a more interesting potential function.Tot era el dios local de Hermopolis del Delta (Bajo Egitpo XV Nomno) donde se le honraba bajo una de las formas antes dichasla de ibis, que siurvio para escribir su nombre: DhwfDe alli paso a Hemenopiolis Magna en el XV Nomo de Alto Egipto la actual -.---donde su culto se desarrollo y persistio hasta bien ebtrada la wra romana.Aqui adquirio el carcter de dios primordial del que surge la Ogdoada. sobre la colina primige iade Hermenopolis. Y desde Hemnopilis paso a intregrarse aistema de vida mas diver

sose le identoifica con la luna y como tal es el señor del tiempocalculador del tiepo de la vioda, corazon y pensamiento de Ra.

The GRE is comprised of three sections:¦ Analytical Writing: Within the Analytical Writing section, youll be asked to complete two writingtasks: an Analyze an Issue task and an Analyze an Argument task.¦ Verbal Reasoning: The Verbal Reasoning section includes critical-reading questions, text completions,and sentence equivalences.¦ Quantitative Reasoning: The Quantitative Reasoning questions may appear as multi

ple-choice,quantitative-comparison, or numeric-entry questions.In the answer keys for the Diagnostic Test and Full-Length Practice Test, youll find spaces to enteryour responses to some of the Quantitative Reasoning questions. On the computer-based test, youllsimply type your answer into a box on-screen. On the paper-based test, youll be asked to enter your

The current computer-based test is an adaptive testone that allows the computer to tailor the test to theability of the individual test-taker. The test allots a set time for each section and bases your score on the

number of questions you answer in that time period and on their level of difficulty. Youre presented firstwith medium-difficulty questions, which are scored as you answer them. Based onyour responses, thecomputer assigns you questions of higher, lower, or equal difficulty. Your score is based on the number ofquestions you answer correctly, as well as on the difficulty of the question, with the more difficult questionsearning more points. As a result, the number of questions you answer may be different from the number

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answered by another test-taker.

Hermeticism lays great emphasis on the sun, which is regarded as a kind of relay station for Gods creative and sustaining power and described in turn as the visible god and a second god.33 But although it isnt so surprising to find the sun givensuch prominence in the Hermetica, some passages about its importance are intriguingly specific. Treatise XVI, in which Asclepius expounds various points of teaching to King Ammon, contains two particularly tantalizing statements: For the sun is situated at the centre of the cosmos, wearing it like a crown34; and Around the sun are the eight spheres that depend from it: the sphere of the fixed stars,the six of the planets, and the one that surrounds the earth.35

These spheres correspond to the modern concept of orbits, as it was thought that the celestial bodies were fixed to transparent spheres. Under the old Ptolemaic system the spheres surround (depend from) the Earth, with the sun occupying its own sphere. But this is not what is described in Treatise XVI, with the spheres surrounding the sun, which is situated at the centre. And the Earth has its own sphere which, like the other planets, depends from the sun in a way thatonly makes sense in Copernican terms.

Perhaps most interesting of all is the fact the heliocentric aspects are only mentioned in passing, when some other principle is being elucidated. It appears that the writers of at least these particular Hermetic treatises took the Earths journey around the sun for granted. Clearly, by referring to Hermes Trismegistus i

n his own exposition of the heliocentric system  besides quoting from Ficino on the sun as the embodiment of God  Copernicus shows that he was at least familiar with the prototype for his own ideas. As Frances Yates concluded:

  One can say, either that the intense emphasis on the sun in this new worldview was the emotional driving force which induced Copernicus to undertake his mathematical calculations on the hypothesis that the sun is indeed at the centre of the planetary system; or that he wished to make his discovery acceptable by presenting it within the framework of this new attitude. Perhaps both explanations would be true, or some of each.

  At any rate, Copernicus discovery came out with the blessing of Hermes Trismegistus upon its head, with a quotation from that famous work in which Hermes

 describes the sun-worship of the Egyptians in