fada Izmar Clairvoyant Palmist f-f 1 n n » Irailce m^ium Special Readings 50c- My iVorh Speaks For Itself. W Is '.* I liave endorsements of hun- dreds of tin most noted nu n and wo- Uieu of America, 1 deem them of Ht- tp* value since I stand nlone upon tli< merits i«t' my work. Any prison wlio can believe lliolr own eyes and ears cannot help but know that my work V- of tit" highest order of gen- uin" ciuirvoyance. Why arc you so unsuccessful in business? Why are you so melancholy ami (discouraged? Wity arc you drawn through life so pjllmppY? V'.'liy'ls some one sharing the love thai is rightfully yours? 'I hose und Vindrcd questions can h.» unswercd, advised, upon, and the ra:i c explained, i will impart to you a force iio-^ffîmg. fo subtle that life becomes Bright Happy and Prosper- ous. K you care to know what business you shall follow to be successful, where you shall go. and wlio fa avoid, if you intend to make uny changes, or to start a business, buy or sell property, or, in fact, take any import- ant steps, you should call on me at Thos.> who arc in sorrow, doubt and dstress should. I have helped thous- ands, why not you? No matter how had your conditions or of how long (ütnnding; I can bring the success and I happiness that is rightfully yours. 11 t5-.il habits and influences that bear >ou down, causing bad luck and makhig you despondent and unable to gala your desires, I can, through my fully developed psychic forces, remove. My long and successful practice In adjusting business affairs makes it impossible to fail in being of benefit in affairs of love, marriage, divorce, changes, wills, deeds, mortgages, pat- ents, sickness, and, in fact, every- thing. If you have trouble or difficulties or any kind come to me and have a rjulec chat, confidentially. I will tell you what can be done. I can assist you in all walks of life. Don't des- pondent, worry or reel bad' when you oniy have to call. * Now, as a business adviser, I stand preeminent I will teli you more about your own. business than you know yourself. If you are not doing well, and want to do totter, call on t me.i . lave you .'domestic difficulties? Is \or.r wife',* husband or sweetheart un- iruc7 Do others share the love that rightfully belongs to you? If so, don't nesltate. Call quick before too late. I am beslegt»d<n;vKry hay.-with the very best. peoDjp of Anderson and surrounding country, seeking advice and information on all matters or in- terest such as business transactions, lawsuits, contested will, lifo Insur- ance, damage, shits,'deeds, mortgages, collections, speculations, stocks and financial affairs, love, courtship, mar- riage and divorces. ijounlte the separated,, settle lover's quarrelö; locates Tost relatives ir frlerds. You will also be told how to Have your every Want acd wish satisfied, how lo live happily and con- tented the remainder of your life. Docs evorythlng^seent to go wrong? Han fortune never smiled, oh you? las'your life been full of ups and downs?. If so, why not call and let ma advise you how to overcome tho stumbling blocks that seem to stand In your way. I* teach palmistry and persounl magnetifin. -Develop* weak mediums, bud will instruct you in the occult, mparting to you-the wonderful secret I.'.'Succes's.", My practice and professional repu- ation Is built upon hpnor, reason- ble charges, faithful', service and needy success. Call. today for Ao-t orro>a may be loo late. Special Readings 50c. ZORADA IZMAR ; McDufflo St, one block c.aat of office-; near the -ntaridplpo. \>i'Ap a. m. k,HU R p. STATE OF SOL ^De^ftment of Ägrjpctilräej * BUREAU OF * E. J.WATSON f Weekly Bulletin "The notice you put in the bureau of marketing bulletin last Tuesday for my :!0 Orpington chickens Hold all of them, and checks are Btlll contint; In for more. All of the orders came from your city but one. I wish to thank yon for the grea* work you are doing for the fnnnerH. I think the bureau of market» you have establish- ed is the greatest medium through which to advertise that I ever saw." The above notice readied* the bu- reau on March IS front a farmer near Cheraw. A fanner from Lexing- ton writes: "I am greatly interested in your i work, and think it a great thing for our people if they will only make use' of it." These are but samples of letters, that now reac h the stale; bureau of, marketing in amosi every mail. The bureau is called ujion to conduct transactions from such as three ! thousand bushels of corn or one bun- dred tons of hay on down to flower bulbs, and almost every other tiling | that, enters int^ the economy of, t'-» farm or mercantile business. During; the present season th^efi'orts of the bureau several distributing houses inj tlie State have been enabled to se" Kood. pure home raised corn and up to the present time have not bough: for distribution one pound of Wes- tern corn, something that has never happened before since they have been in business. Again the bureau would admonish all citizens of the State making use of its services that it is a strict re- quirement in making offerings or in expressing wants that they shall state clearly tho exact amount offered for sale or wanted, and if for sale the price nt which the offer is made, and whether that price be P. O. B. or de- livered. The bureau would also again impress upon all such the absolute necessity of filling in and mailing the return pcjst card when goods have been sold or purchases have been made, in order that the calls may be eliminated from the record. It is to be hoped that these requirements will be strictly compiled with in the fu- tore. If they are not, sometimes the listing of articles offered for sale is unnecessarily delayed for a whole week. During the week just closed the ac- tivltlcs of the bureau have "been va- ried and numerous and the offerings have been plentiful. Among 'the of-1 ferings and wants not yet disposed of for the* week may be mentioned tho following: \ oooooooooooooooooooo 0 FIRST CHEEK SOCIALS <> o o o o o.o O O O-.o O O 0 O OO 0 0 o o The farmers arc finishing picking cotton this week. There have been a lots to-pick since Christmas,. Mr. Harmon Fisher a delegate of Bethel W. O. W. camp left Monday for Charleston to attend the W. O. W. convention which is held at that place and he will return home Friday. Miss CoL'hran of Shoals Junction is spending a few days with her sister. Miss Maggie Lee'Cochran. Mr. and Mrs. W. .J. Murdock attend- ed preaching at Mt. Bethel Sunday and dined with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lowe. Mr. and Mr3. J. \V. Fisher and fam- ily vlsttèd MJss It. E. Brock Sunday. Master Capers Lathen spent Satur- day night with Master Henry Tyler. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Hall, Jr., were shoppers in the Electric City Mon- day. Mr and. Mrs. E. C. Colo visited relatives of this community Sunday, Mr. Garnet Tench is expected home today from Tbccoa, o- Mr. Tench Iras been there to see um brother wlrS i is critically 111. Mr. Anderson Brock worshiped ut Bethney Sunday afternoon. Mr. M.-A. McClellan and sister, Miss Allie of the Vernncs section visited relatives of this .community last week. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Hall and -Mr. Oeorge Carson were out automoblling Sunday afternoon. Rev. O. L Martin filled his regular appointment at this place Sunday. A large congregation, was present. Mr: Preston Ashley spent Sunday with Mr. W. J, Murdock. Mr. Sam Fisher is now clerking for his son, Mr. H.G. Fisher while he has gone to Charleston. Miss Clandia Brock called on her grandmother, Mrs.: R. E. Brook re- cently. Mrs. Rosa McCurry spent a few hours Sunday with her daughter, Mm. John ABhley. « VMr. J. P. Owen was a recent visitor t-.v Anderson. Am .Wonder where 'hose Z. Boys, went Sunday, we caw.-^maglne. nooooooo 0.0 &6 oo-oooooo a Ä o 0 MEAL'S CUEKK^B'S « oooooooo o o^ÄTo o,o o o o n There is much mcj^ sick-ies3 to re- port from this community than usual. There is still hope for» the recovery of Mr. and .Mrs, Moffott Pruttfs lit- tle girl who was seriously burned re- cently.. It is incerely hoped he --will- recover. Rev. J. T. Mann underwent, an op- eration' at his home last Tuesday, per- formed by Ors. Haynle and Todd of Belton. Ho is doing as well as could be expected, and It is believed this operation will greatly strenghten him in his work far tho^a^^gffl" Mr. Frank -Eitrln -gSlffiam a wagqo. loaded with wood QQ^my^^AJWSWtT striking his anldt^fj>»»tfKiCMvapoii tire. It- is "caujrt^blrn: cbnw'dortble pain. althOMdj^ l^Alwjia^rhe will noon bo ouwagain. j& '! "ffl,, ^1 Slilrïo^nnffc.fe.1 tin nt,' maaPm appendicitis this week, (hi t G0mrfi3fce and ln^s»jp'»Ä_ MARKE8*SMct >*»f ! Commissioner t of Information Wants. White Holland turkey eggs for hatching. One bushe l of velvèe-bean seed. Pure bred silver lacéd Wyandotl« eggs for hatching. One.bushel of Chufu seed. Upland rie,, seed. Anyone having a supply of tliis seed please communi- cate with us at otue. Offerings. Sever mammoth fcagc plants. , Several, K'>m!red large Russian vio- lât UlaitfïC very reasonably priced. Gray and blue violet plants at 2üs per dozen. Canna bulbs. $3.00 per hundred, cents each in less quantities. One thoroughbred Jersey heifer, nine months old. $25.00 F. (). 15.. Co- lumbia. O ii?-cock and three in ns. Mottle*d Anconas, hens now laying, §5.00 l'<<r tlie lot. , For sale or exchange »ine Maxwell runabout lor liorHe or i'cll cattle of equal value. lluds or sjjroijfej from very fine peach ar*Ä. . */,«>0 uoard feel of seasoned walnut lumber. » 50 tons of liîfy. tO tons or oat straw, and 20 tons of prime baled fodder. 3,000 bushels of corn in the shu^k. Two registered Jersey bull calves. 10 months old. Will exchange lor milch cows. Two hens and two pullets S. ('., brown leghorns, $2.00 each. Eggs in hatching from prize win- ning pen:; of S f.* brown leghorns, $3.00 Tor 15, $â.00 for 30. Eggs for hatching from pur? or; ! S. C. brown 'eghorr? and a. ('. Rhode Island reds. $1,00 for 15. 100 bushels of tripple selected mon- ey maker cotton s-jed, $1.00 per bush- el. Viole, niant» at 12 l-2c per dozen. Canna bulbs at r.Oc per dozen, Chrysanthemum plnnts at 20c per dozen or $1.25 per hundred. One Duroc Jersey gilt, six months old, price $20.00. Fifteen Duroc Jer- sey pigs, eight weeks old, $10.00 each. All entitled to registration. One car of oat straw at ?!>.üü per ton P. O. B. Hatesburg, 50 cords of eight foot wood. One car or stovo wood sawed to order. One extra fancy registered Berk- shire gilt, six months old, $40.00. 50 bushels of peas for quick sale. Canna bulbs, assorted varieties, 25c per dozen. Three Guerney bull calves entitled to registration^ Friday afternoon Bhe was somewhat improved. The many friends of Miss Russie Kay will regret to learn that she has something like paralysis, hut it is not serious, according to her physician, who holds out hope for her final re- covery. This will be the wish of many. Mrs. R. C. Shirley has been unable to attend to her domestic duties for several days. Mr. Editor I regret to make this 3uch a sad letter, but the above par- agraphs are facts in which friends and relatives In other sections will he interested. Mr. Henry Smith and family have moved into our community, occupying a house on Mr. J. L. Kay's place near Mr. Joseph Erskine's. Mr. Smith will* work a small farm. We are glad his health has improved and hope lie will grow stronger. Mrs. -J-.ettle Shipley, who has spent Bovon months with her daughter, Mrs. George Jacks of Bowersvllle, Ga., is expected to return to the home of her son, Mr. R. G. Shirley this week. Miss Cecilia Abercrombe of New- Prospect visited relatives here recent- WON'T LEAVE SPARTAV <l'ltG lir:"Pendleton Has Declined Cull Ex- tended by Macon. SPARTANBÜRG, March 21..The Rev. W. H. K. Pendleton, rector of the Episcopal church of the Advent, 'an- nounced to his congregation at the morning service touay that he had de- cided to decline the call recently re- ceived by him from Christ Church> Macon, Ga., and would remain in Spartanburg. Tho announcement was received, with general rejoicing on the part of lite members of his church and- will- be gratifying to tho people of-tt e city. Mr. Pendleton said ther.e were many evidences that his work In Spartanburg and In South Carolina was still effective and that many of the things he had on his jjrünjl .and heart in this field wero *&£8K*Hplish- cd. He spoke of his wont in connec- tion with the 'State Sunday School association, of which he and said he did not feel abandon that oKthis ores&ed n?preclaty^n& Macon, lx't said,-«-a<?' that his work In Sparta'Aburg ana m South'Carolina was. not filched, and so long pi> ho was ,making progress and had the support of, so many loyal coftyborcrs he. felt<>.he should, remain with them. . VfA VAGES OF WAR Thousands of Towns Destroyed b; Germans. LONDON,. March 22..Statistics published In Petrograd concerning losses.to propertv in as a jresul tated, burned .TbcsO flgrtrcs. -by P.'suterVi correspond y h-.tVt.i_ Polish provinces. Tim dr-'. j ht mon- thon $â'of!,f.d0,0ft0 Monday, Mardi 22.. Local cotton" 8 1-2 cents. v NEW VOHK MARKET. Open. High. Low. Close. March.x.7<: s.so :;.7G s.jf> May.!».ö0 y.tij :'.<io 9. OS July.9.83 9.40 ;>.:>:! !».4(> October .. .. 9.G4 9.79 9.04 0.71 Suets 9.1 5. LIVERPOOL. Open. Closo. May-June.r>.22 5.24 July-August .6.34 5.3*1 Oct-Nov.5.49 5.61 Spols ö. Sale:; 8.000. Receipts 17.001). Cotton Shuns Strength. N'BW VOHK. March 22.- Cotton showed renewed strength early to day. Soon alter opening active months sold about 0 to 10 points net Uglier, making a new high record for the sea- son on. July and later deliveries. Prices continued to hold firm early afternoon on continued investment buying and scattered covering. n o o t> o o o 0 o o o ev» ft 0 o o o o o 0 *** « « SfcOlV Hil l. ITEMS. » »' o O O O OO O O O O (1 o O oO (I O O o o Tho weather has been excellent for the past week. Tim; fur piers bave been making us..- of it plowing and getting their land in lix to Pknit their crops. Mr. Jesse T. Drake has planted fifteenau.crcs of corn. The roads have been hi good fix for i'.e fut men; to :-??t their fertilizer hauled home. It looks like we were s;;:i;'g t:; lune. r< in? more rain ami bad weather which will delay the farmers from their work. Mr. anil Mr.;-. L\ B. Pruitt spent last Sunday with Mrs. Joe Lyon. Mr. and Mrs. Webster Kcbinson of Augusta, Gà., spent part, of !: ; week with Mr, iSugcric Robinson. Mr. and Mr:-.. J. P. Ashley nn»l th<-'r i t * » son. Marvin. spent lar." Sunday with their tarr-ii. Uv. Mrs. ,f. .V, Fi : her. Mr. Joan Thr.mas Drake spent last Sunday v/'lli his friend Mr. Henry Fisher Mr. Robinson and son of An- dersoi- .. S rday with Mr. Oscnr Robin: Mr. î 0. Robin son went to Ander- son. Wednesday on business. Mr. Harmon G. Fisher has returned from his nice trip to Charleston last Tuesday which lie enjoyed very much. His friends were all glad that he could go. Little Miss Eugenia and Ruth Drake uro stayine; with their grand- mother. Mrs. James Drake who will be ninety three years old on her birth- day which is March 22. Mr. John R. Drake bas ginned seven hundred and fifteen bales of cotton this season. 0000.0.0 0 000000 0 000000 o NEWS FROM SENECA o oooooooooooooooooooo A very charming affair was the re- ception recently tendered by" the* Misses Giguilliut to »Miss. Wingcs of St. Matthews, who lias been fheir at- tractive guest for several weeks. The guest were received at the door by îviiHâ Lüh* UigniHiat, and shown to the parlor Where' they were enter- tained until a late hour by a progres- sive conversational contest. Mr. R. D. Neill was thc-winner in this inter- esting feature, Mr. Tom Nlmmons coining second. The guests were then shown to the dining room where an elegant salad luncheon was served. The house was attractively.£rcoratcd in huge yel- low .lowers. Those present were the Misses May and Luclle Hamilton, Louiso Farmer, Cussle Cunningham, Miss Golhpin, Miss Reid, Mlss'Mor- riyon, Miss Jennings, and Mis Wittges, Messrs. R. D. Neill, Tom and R. K. Nimtuons, Chas. Verncr, Carl Moore, Prof. H. C. Smith. Whit. Holoman, Oliver Doyle. , Another interesting ovent was the meeting of the Gossipcrs Club, with Mrs. J. S. Stribllng on last'Tuesday afternoon. It is generally understood that wlnn "this lively bunch is called'] together that there is something* un- usually interesting in the air. It did irot appear, however, until near the close of the meeting, when what provi ed to bo the interesting piece of news; that was to reward their' présent as- sembling, as, when the last course in the elaborate retrsshmentè were pao-i sed, there was a note on each plate announcing tho engagement of Miss May Hamilton to Mr. R. D. Neill. the marriage to tako place iv;>r|) 21, .191-0. Tho gUest were ont-jrbained by a Floral Wedding. Study Story Contest. Thoso preBpnt were Misses QlgnlHbjjs, and their guest, Miss .Wingcs, V^pt. Matthews, Misses May and JfAiCtlc Hamilton, Mis Cunningham. Miss Hopkins. Miss Harper, Misses Reid. Morrison,. Fincannon, Sleigh, ,T£U niags, Moore. Riohbure. ArnoldiüÄ'v- W. K. Livingston ^rs' ÏK- TSLjaPfo'* ger, Mrs. G.: -Jp^wreuftv ..P^* fei.ti. Jones, Mrs. Dr. E. C. Doyle Mr^. L?**i; L-owry and Mm. T. L. Stribllng. Atfellghtful salad anil sweet course was? erved by Misses Francis Ham- iitoii und Luîa.Wiiey. ," Miss Lula GIgnilliat had* for her] charming week-end gueal Miss Snrah White of Abbeville. , GOOD VRGM-CTIOX "When Broadway Was n TrnÜ," at Thé Anderson.. "Whe.v Broadway Ws3 reel Shubcrt of the leading" Anderson" todny.- of\ historical nat princi- pal leads and it is unnecessary 'to' a&jj| that* everyone known v>£ tber/> ciaso meting before the camera. Tho pregfv.pi at "The And ë m cm" today.-is unusually'good no Chas. Çlmpîin in rt I wo reel production ."The Champ- ion" will nhto bo shown SIX AND TWENTY m kill et-tion was ft of wcath- lhon snow On lay Saturday thi visited by almost all 1 ( ; . Pirat rain, then snb anil rain. Iben some sl«*.' rain and snow. aiK.l In the afternoon clear and sunshiny. Por several days past tii farmers in this section lias simply »jsi making things hum. Soute haviö hd/an putting in guuuc, some nre preiiring corn land, and oiic of our cltiziis, Mr. C. X. Murphy has finished renting in fertilizer. <\ j .Mrs. Robt. .Murphy or V'lat Rock community has been visitinV her chil- dren, Mr. Adoiplma-Murphi and Mrs. A. M. Mai tin. \ Wo thiilk the famous gumming den known as the '"Ape YanU" & the up- per edge of Uarvhi townidp will soon have a successful rival In this community. From reports t seems that quite a lot of gambling!.-; being indulged in every Sunday nötla thous- and miles from this !»!,:t VYo wouldn't mind seeitig^Tlie BlidViff run i:i abolit a dozen violators soA Hun- day. \ On account of ih(> cold dlsuttecable weather Sunday \.c drfei m»l have "Me a'! largo attendance at Enday scliool as usual. Only 1*0 bcini pres- ent. \ .Air. and Airs. A. M. Alarlir. I>ited at the home of M». J. il- Mass fnear AU. Springs Sunday. Messrs. .; S. Martin, A. P.|ftrif fit!'.. W. M. Stone and A. i;. have each purcfineed a cream tor aud will giyo the creamery iness a thorough trial. Kingslcy once sa'<l that man wn|th. most precious and useful thiu earth, but the countries of Kuroji not seem to believe what lie said. Relieving that the aft of list is finer than that of talking, we decided to. say nothing mere nl the bond issue. We have seen somC people who greatly stuck on themselves. Tl certainly must tu« a good grade glue. It is said that the people of i! country spend one thousand sev hundred and twouty-four million do lur.i for liquor every year. If liqm was banished from this nation till great amount of money thai hi wors than wasted eftch year for intoxicatim liquor would be expended lor mon and better food and clothing. ')'( upply this greatly increased domain for provisions and goods of all kindi would require the building of thous andj of row factories and give cm ployment to millions of laborer more than are now employed, whlcl wouid easily take up all the labor am capital now in the liquor business, I would .do away with the employmcn question and to a largo extent obviât, the necessity of child labor. W< would soon be the busiest, healthiest happiest and most prosperous pcoph on earth. W. C. B. do 118 il OOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOt o o WEST CHEDDAR M-WS * < L S , - >' oooo 0 0000 o/o O00OO0O0« Mr. Joe Smith and Air. Allei Mahaffey attended the W. X). W meeting held at ("hurlest'.:i have re turned and reported a nice trip. Our people in West Cheddar shouh he proud of oür mall -carrier Mr Silas Horton as lie is prompt and ne. f.r.îhmCïiiiting to all r.u the route, am don't think he ever has the blues a he Is;always iniillrig. if all the ma! .carriers in the country were a prompt as ours, the mall would no bo delayed. Their is one eld bachelor left il West Cheddar and we believe he ha decided to jdin the matrimonial bain, and anyone wishing to takq him up a3 he Is a fine looking gentlcpmn. S< come.nil you young h-.dies u3 the!: 's a chance fir some one. It tküks all you can hear is of lb road question, and I have "come li the conclusion if the people vote tin bond Issuo they will be no more thai the old negro In slavery time. I seems at tills day .nnd time tho hi; man wanti tho "little fellow to Wail .up r.ud ask him what ho will hav< lilm tin do. Well, of course, the farm ers Will lose a week from their fa fini before they will vote for the bom issue. I wish you well. As heart can ViBh. Or tongue can toll, I wish you well, Glod bless you all. THE LITTLEST GIRL . \ " that comes into- this market ~wM an order from her mother gets JubI as gopd meat as the mother woulc WIJ IIIIX'T IVAUtj'^l' THE iWoBElitïÎTSf on anybody, no matter .how liitk square d"il npairket, with' squ'ari - ;. thèy. know- of mo&Ja. 1i\iz .,!«. t deal methods. THE Eiljfe^lrttifE 3IARKKT. Ires Cf>4 and GOr.. J. X. l.indsa.v,' Prop. NE WTO NIA AT [IV CREME A delicious preparation for icing and -tilling tor line takes. Pressing for fruit sala'ds, pastries^ gelatines, shortcakes, etc., for ice cream- sherbets and candies. Foi sundaes, hot ehoco- late or Cocoa. !-*<*r Sale By CaijsSi Grocery Co, Bay Roofing Now! Prices Âtacin Prices on this Corrugated and V-Crimped Roofing has advanced in I price about doubie what we paid the manufacturer for the supply we ir:cw have; so if interested in roof BUY NOW. We will give you the advantage of our fortunate purchase.' East Whitner Street The following editorial from The New-" I ark Sunday Call, .February 7th, 1915, is in- teresting and amusing: \ "The Mutual Ilcnelit Life insurance! Company's policy I boldcrf is Joseph I.. Winslow, of Portland, Me, It seems i\e was insured in January, 18-16, for.$3.5oo. He.lias? made isoney on the investment, which is now nearly seventy years old, and,- of course, the company is proiifl of this* fact. He was insured when he was only 15, so he-is about 85 years olS now. What we d<> not understand aiiput this insurance Iiumess % why "the companies advertise the money return \ ani business beuciils; They are all right, bf course, but the realpoint is that you get yourself insured on an annual ba/Tis youlHve to be 85 or 90 years old and seîfn to be healjjn haply and" prosperous. It is the same wa\| if you an atom it y, but, of course, that'is seliish. 'No man of woul|die if he had an annuity which stoppeifc Insurltice where you pay something every yegnys a reaftlife-saver, in spite of yourself, our ni dc probably ,k> die at once and collect," but youcl l> all, yoVlive und grow portly and smoke a lfcigA read thVnewspapers, like Mr.' Winslow, aild gJurseV vertisemfoesides. By all means insure, unies? 1 are of existitce.'" Note:l ^Literally this should be "the hold est polie;!'-.not the "oldest policy-holder." Write t\r our leaflet, "A Serene-and Care-i'r M-MATTISÖ. \ General Agent C. W. JVebltj District Agent J. J.*Trowbridge, Ui ^lôck!ej:-Hldg., Anderson, S. C. Èhîsholm Trowbridge & Suggs New Tîiçatre Building. W, WMtner

Anderson intelligencer.(Anderson, S.C.) 1915-03-23 [PAGE ...historicnewspapers.sc.edu/lccn/sn93067658/1915-03-23/ed-1/seq-12.pdf · Mr. Sam Fisher is nowclerking for his son, Mr

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Page 1: Anderson intelligencer.(Anderson, S.C.) 1915-03-23 [PAGE ...historicnewspapers.sc.edu/lccn/sn93067658/1915-03-23/ed-1/seq-12.pdf · Mr. Sam Fisher is nowclerking for his son, Mr

fada IzmarClairvoyant

Palmistf-f 1 n n »Irailce m^ium

Special Readings 50c-

My iVorh Speaks For Itself.W Is '.* I liave endorsements of hun-

dreds of tin most noted nu n and wo-Uieu of America, 1 deem them of Ht-tp* value since I stand nlone upontli< merits i«t' my work. Any prisonwlio can believe lliolr own eyes andears cannot help but know that mywork V- of tit" highest order of gen-uin" ciuirvoyance.

Why arc you so unsuccessful inbusiness?Why are you so melancholy ami

(discouraged?Wity arc you drawn through life so

pjllmppY?V'.'liy'ls some one sharing the love

thai is rightfully yours?

'I hose und Vindrcd questions canh.» unswercd, advised, upon, and thera:i c explained, i will impart to youa force iio-^ffîmg. fo subtle that lifebecomes Bright Happy and Prosper-ous.

K you care to know what businessyou shall follow to be successful,where you shall go. and wlio fa avoid,if you intend to make uny changes,or to start a business, buy or sellproperty, or, in fact, take any import-ant steps, you should call on me at

Thos.> who arc in sorrow, doubt anddstress should. I have helped thous-ands, why not you? No matter howhad your conditions or of how long(ütnnding; I can bring the success andI happiness that is rightfully yours.

11t5-.il habits and influences that

bear >ou down, causing bad luck andmakhig you despondent and unableto gala your desires, I can, throughmy fully developed psychic forces,remove.

My long and successful practice Inadjusting business affairs makes itimpossible to fail in being of benefitin affairs of love, marriage, divorce,changes, wills, deeds, mortgages, pat-ents, sickness, and, in fact, every-thing.

If you have trouble or difficulties orany kind come to me and have arjulec chat, confidentially. I will tellyou what can be done. I can assistyou in all walks of life. Don't b« des-pondent, worry or reel bad' when youoniy have to call. *

Now, as a business adviser, I standpreeminent I will teli you moreabout your own. business than youknow yourself. If you are not doingwell, and want to do totter, call on tme.i .

lave you .'domestic difficulties? Is\or.r wife',* husband or sweetheart un-iruc7 Do others share the love thatrightfully belongs to you? If so, don'tnesltate. Call quick before too late.

I am beslegt»d<n;vKry hay.-with thevery best. peoDjp of Anderson andsurrounding country, seeking adviceand information on all matters or in-terest such as business transactions,lawsuits, contested will, lifo Insur-ance, damage, shits,'deeds, mortgages,collections, speculations, stocks andfinancial affairs, love, courtship, mar-riage and divorces.

ijounlte the separated,, settlelover's quarrelö; locates Tost relativesir frlerds. You will also be told howto Have your every Want acd wishsatisfied, how lo live happily and con-tented the remainder of your life.

Docs evorythlng^seent to go wrong?Han fortune never smiled, oh you?

!» las'your life been full of ups anddowns?. If so, why not call and letma advise you how to overcome thostumbling blocks that seem to standIn your way.

I* teach palmistry and persounlmagnetifin. -Develop* weak mediums,bud will instruct you in the occult,mparting to you-the wonderful secret


My practice and professional repu-ation Is built upon hpnor, reason-ble charges, faithful', service andneedy success. Call. today for Ao-torro>a may be loo late.

Special Readings 50c.

ZORADA IZMAR; McDufflo St, one block c.aat of

office-; near the -ntaridplpo.\>i'Ap a. m. k,HU R p.

STATE OF SOL^De^ftment of Ägrjpctilräej* BUREAU OF


f Weekly Bulletin"The notice you put in the bureau

of marketing bulletin last Tuesdayfor my :!0 Orpington chickens Hold allof them, and checks are Btlll contint;In for more. All of the orders camefrom your city but one. I wish tothank yon for the grea* work you aredoing for the fnnnerH. I think thebureau of market» you have establish-ed is the greatest medium throughwhich to advertise that I ever saw."The above notice readied* the bu-

reau on March IS front a farmernear Cheraw. A fanner from Lexing-ton writes:

"I am greatly interested in your iwork, and think it a great thing forour people if they will only make use'of it."These are but samples of letters,

that now reac h the stale; bureau of,marketing in amosi every mail. Thebureau is called ujion to conducttransactions from such as three !thousand bushels of corn or one bun-dred tons of hay on down to flowerbulbs, and almost every other tiling |that, enters int^ the economy of, t'-»farm or mercantile business. During;the present season th^efi'orts of thebureau several distributing houses injtlie State have been enabled to se"Kood. pure home raised corn and upto the present time have not bough:for distribution one pound of Wes-tern corn, something that has never

happened before since they have beenin business.Again the bureau would admonish

all citizens of the State making useof its services that it is a strict re-

quirement in making offerings or inexpressing wants that they shall stateclearly tho exact amount offered forsale or wanted, and if for sale theprice nt which the offer is made, andwhether that price be P. O. B. or de-livered. The bureau would also againimpress upon all such the absolutenecessity of filling in and mailing thereturn pcjst card when goods havebeen sold or purchases have beenmade, in order that the calls may beeliminated from the record. It is tobe hoped that these requirements willbe strictly compiled with in the fu-tore. If they are not, sometimes thelisting of articles offered for sale isunnecessarily delayed for a wholeweek.During the week just closed the ac-

tivltlcs of the bureau have "been va-ried and numerous and the offeringshave been plentiful. Among 'the of-1ferings and wants not yet disposed offor the* week may be mentioned thofollowing: \oooooooooooooooooooo0 FIRST CHEEK SOCIALS <>o o o o o.o O O O-.o O O 0 O O O 0 0 o o

The farmers arc finishing pickingcotton this week. There have been alots to-pick since Christmas,.Mr. Harmon Fisher a delegate of

Bethel W. O. W. camp left Mondayfor Charleston to attend the W. O. W.convention which is held at thatplace and he will return home Friday.Miss CoL'hran of Shoals Junction is

spending a few days with her sister.Miss Maggie Lee'Cochran.Mr. and Mrs. W. .J. Murdock attend-

ed preaching at Mt. Bethel Sundayand dined with Mr. and Mrs. LeoLowe.Mr. and Mr3. J. \V. Fisher and fam-

ily vlsttèd MJss It. E. Brock Sunday.Master Capers Lathen spent Satur-

day night with Master Henry Tyler.Mr. and Mrs. Asa Hall, Jr., were

shoppers in the Electric City Mon-day.Mr and. Mrs. E. C. Colo visited

relatives of this community Sunday,Mr. Garnet Tench is expected home

today from Tbccoa, o- Mr. TenchIras been there to see um brother wlrS iis critically 111.Mr. Anderson Brock worshiped ut

Bethney Sunday afternoon.Mr. M.-A. McClellan and sister, Miss

Allie of the Vernncs section visitedrelatives of this .community last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Asa Hall and -Mr.Oeorge Carson were out automobllingSunday afternoon.Rev. O. L Martin filled his regular

appointment at this place Sunday. Alarge congregation, was present.Mr: Preston Ashley spent Sunday

with Mr. W. J, Murdock.Mr. Sam Fisher is now clerking for

his son, Mr. H.G. Fisher while he hasgone to Charleston.Miss Clandia Brock called on her

grandmother, Mrs.: R. E. Brook re-cently.Mrs. Rosa McCurry spent a few

hours Sunday with her daughter, Mm.John ABhley. «

VMr. J. P. Owen was a recent visitort-.v Anderson. Am.Wonder where 'hose Z. Boys,went Sunday, we caw.-^maglne.nooooooo 0.0 &6 oo-ooooooa Ä o0 MEAL'S CUEKK^B'S «

oooooooo o o^ÄTo o,o o o o nThere is much mcj^ sick-ies3 to re-

port from this community than usual.There is still hope for» the recovery

of Mr. and .Mrs, Moffott Pruttfs lit-tle girl who was seriously burned re-

cently.. It is incerely hoped he --will-recover.

Rev. J. T. Mann underwent, an op-eration' at his home last Tuesday, per-formed by Ors. Haynle and Todd ofBelton. Ho is doing as well as couldbe expected, and It is believed thisoperation will greatly strenghten himin his work far tho^a^^gffl"Mr. Frank -Eitrln -gSlffiam a wagqo.loaded with wood QQ^my^^AJWSWtTstriking his anldt^fj>»»tfKiCMvapoiitire. It- is "caujrt^blrn: cbnw'dortblepain. althOMdj^ l^Alwjia^rhe willnoon bo ouwagain. j& '!

"ffl,,^1 Slilrïo^nnffc.fe.1 tin nt,'maaPm appendicitis this week, (hi

t G0mrfi3fce and ln^s»jp'»Ä_MARKE8*SMct >*»f! Commissioner

t of InformationWants.

White Holland turkey eggs forhatching.One bushe l of velvèe-bean seed.Pure bred silver lacéd Wyandotl«

eggs for hatching.One.bushel of Chufu seed.Upland rie,, seed. Anyone having a

supply of tliis seed please communi-cate with us at otue.

Offerings.Sever mammoth fcagc plants. ,

Several, K'>m!red large Russian vio-lât UlaitfïC very reasonably priced.Gray and blue violet plants at 2üs

per dozen.Canna bulbs. $3.00 per hundred,

cents each in less quantities.One thoroughbred Jersey heifer,

nine months old. $25.00 F. (). 15.. Co-lumbia.O ii?-cock and three in ns. Mottle*d

Anconas, hens now laying, §5.00 l'<<rtlie lot. ,

For sale or exchange »ine Maxwellrunabout lor liorHe or i'cll cattle ofequal value.

lluds or sjjroijfej from very finepeach ar*Ä.. */,«>0 uoard feel of seasoned walnutlumber. »

50 tons of liîfy. tO tons or oat straw,and 20 tons of prime baled fodder.

3,000 bushels of corn in the shu^k.Two registered Jersey bull calves.

10 months old. Will exchange lormilch cows.Two hens and two pullets S. ('.,

brown leghorns, $2.00 each.Eggs in hatching from prize win-

ning pen:; of S f.* brown leghorns,$3.00 Tor 15, $â.00 for 30.Eggs for hatching from pur? or; !

S. C. brown 'eghorr? and a. ('. RhodeIsland reds. $1,00 for 15.

100 bushels of tripple selected mon-ey maker cotton s-jed, $1.00 per bush-el.

Viole, niant» at 12 l-2c per dozen.Canna bulbs at r.Oc per dozen,Chrysanthemum plnnts at 20c per

dozen or $1.25 per hundred.One Duroc Jersey gilt, six months

old, price $20.00. Fifteen Duroc Jer-sey pigs, eight weeks old, $10.00each. All entitled to registration.One car of oat straw at ?!>.üü per

ton P. O. B. Hatesburg,50 cords of eight foot wood.One car or stovo wood sawed to

order.One extra fancy registered Berk-

shire gilt, six months old, $40.00.50 bushels of peas for quick sale.Canna bulbs, assorted varieties, 25c

per dozen.Three Guerney bull calves entitled

to registration^Friday afternoon Bhe was somewhatimproved.The many friends of Miss Russie

Kay will regret to learn that she hassomething like paralysis, hut it is notserious, according to her physician,who holds out hope for her final re-covery. This will be the wish ofmany.Mrs. R. C. Shirley has been unable

to attend to her domestic duties forseveral days.Mr. Editor I regret to make this

3uch a sad letter, but the above par-agraphs are facts in which friendsand relatives In other sections willhe interested.Mr. Henry Smith and family have

moved into our community, occupyinga house on Mr. J. L. Kay's place nearMr. Joseph Erskine's. Mr. Smith will*work a small farm. We are glad hishealth has improved and hope lie willgrow stronger.Mrs. -J-.ettle Shipley, who has spent

Bovon months with her daughter, Mrs.George Jacks of Bowersvllle, Ga., isexpected to return to the home of herson, Mr. R. G. Shirley this week.Miss Cecilia Abercrombe of New-

Prospect visited relatives here recent-


lir:"Pendleton Has Declined Cull Ex-tended by Macon.

SPARTANBÜRG, March 21..TheRev. W. H. K. Pendleton, rector of theEpiscopal church of the Advent, 'an-nounced to his congregation at themorning service touay that he had de-cided to decline the call recently re-ceived by him from Christ Church>Macon, Ga., and would remain inSpartanburg. Tho announcement wasreceived, with general rejoicing on thepart of lite members of his churchand- will- be gratifying to tho peopleof-tt e city. Mr. Pendleton said ther.ewere many evidences that his work InSpartanburg and In South Carolinawas still effective and that many ofthe things he had on his jjrünjl .andheart in this field wero *&£8K*Hplish-cd. He spoke of his wont in connec-tion with the 'State Sunday Schoolassociation, of which heand said he did not feelabandon that oKthisores&ed n?preclaty^n&Macon, lx't said,-«-a<?' V»that his work In Sparta'Aburg ana mSouth'Carolina was. not filched, andso long pi> ho was ,making progressand had the support of, so many loyalcoftyborcrs he. felt<>.he should, remainwith them. .


Thousands of Towns Destroyed b;Germans.

LONDON,. March 22..Statisticspublished In Petrograd concerninglosses.to propertv inas a jresul

tated,burned.TbcsO flgrtrcs. -by P.'suterVi

correspond y h-.tVt.i_ Polishprovinces. Tim dr-'. jht mon- thon $â'of!,f.d0,0ft0

Monday, Mardi 22..Local cotton" 8 1-2 cents. v

NEW VOHK MARKET.Open. High. Low. Close.

March.x.7<: s.so :;.7G s.jf>May.!».ö0 y.tij :'.<io 9. OSJuly.9.83 9.40 ;>.:>:! !».4(>

October .. .. 9.G4 9.79 9.04 0.71Suets 9.1 5.

LIVERPOOL.Open. Closo.

May-June.r>.22 5.24July-August .6.34 5.3*1Oct-Nov.5.49 5.61

Spols ö.Sale:; 8.000.Receipts 17.001).

Cotton Shuns Strength.N'BW VOHK. March 22.- Cotton

showed renewed strength early today. Soon alter opening active monthssold about 0 to 10 points net Uglier,making a new high record for the sea-son on. July and later deliveries.Prices continued to hold firm earlyafternoon on continued investmentbuying and scattered covering.n o o t> o o o 0 o o o ev» ft 0 o o o o o

0 *** «'» « SfcOlV Hil l. ITEMS. »»' oO O O O O O O O O (1 o O o O (I O <» O o o

Tho weather has been excellent forthe past week. Tim; furpiers bave beenmaking us..- of it plowing and gettingtheir land in lix to Pknit their crops.

Mr. Jesse T. Drake has plantedfifteenau.crcs of corn.The roads have been hi good fix for

i'.e fut men; to :-??t their fertilizerhauled home.

It looks like we were s;;:i;'g t:; lune.r< in? more rain ami bad weatherwhich will delay the farmers fromtheir work.

Mr. anil Mr.;-. L\ B. Pruitt spentlast Sunday with Mrs. Joe Lyon.Mr. and Mrs. Webster Kcbinson of

Augusta, Gà., spent part, of !: ; weekwith Mr, iSugcric Robinson.Mr. and Mr:-.. J. P. Ashley nn»l th<-'r

i t * t « » son. Marvin. spent lar." Sundaywith their tarr-ii. Uv. Mrs. ,f..V, Fi : her.Mr. Joan Thr.mas Drake spent last

Sunday v/'lli his friend Mr. HenryFisherMr. Robinson and son of An-

dersoi- .. S rday with Mr. OscnrRobin:

Mr. î 0. Robin son went to Ander-son. Wednesday on business.Mr. Harmon G. Fisher has returned

from his nice trip to Charleston lastTuesday which lie enjoyed very much.His friends were all glad that hecould go.

Little Miss Eugenia and RuthDrake uro stayine; with their grand-mother. Mrs. James Drake who willbe ninety three years old on her birth-day which is March 22.Mr. John R. Drake bas ginned seven

hundred and fifteen bales of cottonthis season.

0000.0.0 0 000000 0 000000o NEWS FROM SENECA ooooooooooooooooooooo

A very charming affair was the re-ception recently tendered by" the*Misses Giguilliut to »Miss. Wingcs ofSt. Matthews, who lias been fheir at-tractive guest for several weeks.The guest were received at the door

by îviiHâ Lüh* UigniHiat, and shownto the parlor Where' they were enter-tained until a late hour by a progres-sive conversational contest. Mr. R.D. Neill was thc-winner in this inter-esting feature, Mr. Tom Nlmmonscoining second.The guests were then shown to the

dining room where an elegant saladluncheon was served. The house wasattractively.£rcoratcd in huge yel-low .lowers. Those present were theMisses May and Luclle Hamilton,Louiso Farmer, Cussle Cunningham,Miss Golhpin, Miss Reid, Mlss'Mor-riyon, Miss Jennings, and Mis Wittges,Messrs. R. D. Neill, Tom and R. K.Nimtuons, Chas. Verncr, Carl Moore,Prof. H. C. Smith. Whit. Holoman,Oliver Doyle. ,

Another interesting ovent was themeeting of the Gossipcrs Club, withMrs. J. S. Stribllng on last'Tuesdayafternoon. It is generally understoodthat wlnn "this lively bunch is called']together that there is something* un-usually interesting in the air. It didirot appear, however, until near theclose of the meeting, when what provied to bo the interesting piece of news;that was to reward their' présent as-sembling, as, when the last course inthe elaborate retrsshmentè were pao-ised, there was a note on each plateannouncing tho engagement of MissMay Hamilton to Mr. R. D. Neill. themarriage to tako place iv;>r|) 21, .191-0.Tho gUest were ont-jrbained by a

Floral Wedding. Study Story Contest.Thoso preBpnt were Misses QlgnlHbjjs,and their guest, Miss .Wingcs, V^pt.Matthews, Misses May and JfAiCtlcHamilton, Mis Cunningham. MissHopkins. Miss Harper, Misses Reid.Morrison,. Fincannon, Sleigh, ,T£Uniags, Moore. Riohbure. ArnoldiüÄ'v-W. K. Livingston ^rs' ÏK- TSLjaPfo'*ger, Mrs. G.: -Jp^wreuftv ..P^* fei.ti.Jones, Mrs. Dr. E. C. Doyle Mr^. L?**i;L-owry and Mm. T. L. Stribllng.

Atfellghtful salad anil sweet coursewas? erved by Misses Francis Ham-iitoii und Luîa.Wiiey. ,"Miss Lula GIgnilliat had* for her]

charming week-end gueal Miss SnrahWhite of Abbeville.,

GOOD VRGM-CTIOX"When Broadway Was n TrnÜ," at

Thé Anderson..

"Whe.v Broadway Ws3reel Shubcrtof the leading"Anderson" todny.-of\ historical nat

princi-pal leads and it is unnecessary 'to' a&jj|that* everyone known v>£ tber/>ciaso meting before the camera. Thopregfv.pi at "The And ëmcm" today.-isunusually'good no Chas. Çlmpîin inrt I wo reel production ."The Champ-ion" will nhto bo shown

SIX AND TWENTYmkill et-tion was

ft of wcath-lhon snow

On lay Saturday thivisited by almost all 1( ; . Pirat rain, then snbanil rain. Iben some sl«*.' rain andsnow. aiK.l In the afternoon clear andsunshiny.

Por several days past tii farmers inthis section lias simply »jsi makingthings hum. Soute haviö hd/an puttingin guuuc, some nre preiiring cornland, and oiic of our cltiziis, Mr. C.X. Murphy has finished renting infertilizer. <\ j

.Mrs. Robt. .Murphy or V'lat Rockcommunity has been visitinV her chil-dren, Mr. Adoiplma-Murphi and Mrs.A. M. Mai tin. \Wo thiilk the famous gumming den

known as the '"Ape YanU" & the up-per edge of Uarvhi townidp willsoon have a successful rival In thiscommunity. From reports t seemsthat quite a lot of gambling!.-; beingindulged in every Sunday nötla thous-and miles from this !»!,:t VYowouldn't mind seeitig^Tlie BlidViff runi:i abolit a dozen violators soA Hun-day. \On account of ih(> cold dlsuttecableweather Sunday \.c drfei m»l have"Me a'! largo attendance at Enday

scliool as usual. Only 1*0 bcini pres-ent. \

.Air. and Airs. A. M. Alarlir. I>itedat the home of M». J. il- Mass fnearAU. Springs Sunday.

Messrs. .; S. Martin, A. P.|ftriffit!'.. W. M. Stone and A. i;.have each purcfineed a creamtor aud will giyo the creameryiness a thorough trial.

Kingslcy once sa'<l that man wn|th.most precious and useful thiuearth, but the countries of Kurojinot seem to believe what lie said.

Relieving that the aft of listis finer than that of talking, wedecided to. say nothing mere nlthe bond issue.We have seen somC people who

greatly stuck on themselves. Tlcertainly must tu« a good gradeglue.

It is said that the people of i!country spend one thousand sev

hundred and twouty-four million dolur.i for liquor every year. If liqmwas banished from this nation tillgreat amount of money thai hi worsthan wasted eftch year for intoxicatimliquor would be expended lor monand better food and clothing. ')'(upply this greatly increased domain

for provisions and goods of all kindiwould require the building of thousandj of row factories and give cm

ployment to millions of laborermore than are now employed, whlclwouid easily take up all the labor am

capital now in the liquor business, Iwould .do away with the employmcnquestion and to a largo extent obviât,the necessity of child labor. W<would soon be the busiest, healthiesthappiest and most prosperous pcophon earth.

W. C. B.





<L S ,- >'

oooo 0 0000 o/o O00OO0O0«Mr. Joe Smith and Air. Allei

Mahaffey attended the W. X). Wmeeting held at ("hurlest'.:i have returned and reported a nice trip.Our people in West Cheddar shouh

he proud of oür mall -carrier MrSilas Horton as lie is prompt and ne.

f.r.îhmCïiiiting to all r.u the route, amdon't think he ever has the blues ahe Is;always iniillrig. if all the ma!.carriers in the country were a

prompt as ours, the mall would nobo delayed.Their is one eld bachelor left il

West Cheddar and we believe he hadecided to jdin the matrimonial bain,and anyone wishing to takq him upa3 he Is a fine looking gentlcpmn. S<come.nil you young h-.dies u3 the!:'s a chance fir some one.

It tküks all you can hear is of lbroad question, and I have "come lithe conclusion if the people vote tinbond Issuo they will be no more thaithe old negro In slavery time. Iseems at tills day .nnd time tho hi;man wanti tho "little fellow to Wail.up r.ud ask him what ho will hav<lilm tin do. Well, of course, the farmers Will lose a week from their fa finibefore they will vote for the bomissue.

I wish you well.As heart can ViBh.Or tongue can toll,I wish you well,Glod bless you all.

THE LITTLEST GIRL . \" that comes into- this market ~wMan order from her mother gets JubIas gopd meat as the mother woulc


on anybody, no matter .how liitksquare d"il npairket, with' squ'ari

- ;. thèy. know- of mo&Ja. 1i\iz .,!«. tdeal methods.THE Eiljfe^lrttifE 3IARKKT.

Ires Cf>4 and GOr..J. X. l.indsa.v,' Prop.


A delicious preparation for icing and -tilling tor line takes.Pressing for fruit sala'ds, pastries^ gelatines, shortcakes, etc.,for ice cream- sherbets and candies. Foi sundaes, hot ehoco-late or Cocoa.

!-*<*r Sale By

CaijsSi Grocery Co,

Bay Roofing Now! Prices Âtacin

Prices on this Corrugated and V-Crimped Roofing has advanced inI price about doubie what we paid the manufacturer for the supply weir:cw have; so if interested in roof BUY NOW. We will give you theadvantage of our fortunate purchase.'

East Whitner Street

The following editorial from The New-"Iark Sunday Call,.February 7th, 1915, is in-teresting and amusing:\ "The Mutual Ilcnelit Life insurance! Company's policy Iboldcrf is Joseph I.. Winslow, of Portland, Me, It seemsi\e was insured in January, 18-16, for.$3.5oo. He.lias? madeisoney on the investment, which is now nearly seventy yearsold, and,- of course, the company is proiifl of this* fact. Hewas insured when he was only 15, so he-is about 85 yearsolS now. What we d<> not understand aiiput this insuranceIiumess % why "the companies advertise the money return \ani business beuciils; They are all right, bf course, but therealpoint is that you get yourself insured on an annual ba/TisyoulHve to be 85 or 90 years old and seîfn to be healjjnhaply and" prosperous. It is the same wa\| if youan atom it y, but, of course, that'is seliish. 'No man ofwoul|die if he had an annuity which stoppeifcInsurltice where you pay something every yegnysa reaftlife-saver, in spite of yourself, our ni dcprobably ,k> die at once and collect," but youcl l>all, yoVlive und grow portly and smoke a lfcigAread thVnewspapers, like Mr.' Winslow, aild gJurseVvertisemfoesides. By all means insure, unies? 1 areof existitce.'"

Note:l ^Literally this should be "the holdest polie;!'-.not the "oldest policy-holder."

Write t\r our leaflet, "A Serene-and Care-i'r

M-MATTISÖ.\ General Agent

C. W. JVebltj District Agent J. J.*Trowbridge, Ui

^lôck!ej:-Hldg., Anderson, S. C.

Èhîsholm Trowbridge & SuggsNew Tîiçatre Building. W, WMtner