World Café Questions ASSESSMENT: 1. How do you encourage the key stakeholder to continue the process? Value opinion Using others as an example (peer pressure) We have information from source A Providing information-the end results Food! Personalize Publicize what is being done by coalition Keep focus on subject (be the change) See goal as not just $ related 6 of the 12 sectors are represented at all times- youth/summer may be an issue Validate where “they” are at. Can you supply another person with passion. New to the process, still thinking of who to bring on board, more than how to keep on board Talk about all things you have assessed. Focus on working together. LEW is committed to what needs to be changed. Bringing it to coalition each time through subcommittees Have key important people involved who influence others to help and support

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Page 1: and... · Web viewCar accidents Only talk about fun times while drinking Sense of entitlement – I go out because I deserve it 3. Why is underage drinking a problem in YOUR county?

World Café Questions


1. How do you encourage the key stakeholder to continue the process?

Value opinion Using others as an example (peer pressure) We have information from source A Providing information-the end results Food! Personalize Publicize what is being done by coalition Keep focus on subject (be the change) See goal as not just $ related

6 of the 12 sectors are represented at all times- youth/summer may be an issue Validate where “they” are at. Can you supply another person with passion. New to the process, still thinking of who to bring on board, more than how to

keep on board Talk about all things you have assessed. Focus on working together. LEW is

committed to what needs to be changed. Bringing it to coalition each time through subcommittees Have key important people involved who influence others to help and support Coalition thinks that since they know who to blame, the problem is solved. Get

them to understand they are the “power” behind the (SPF/SIG) Coordinator Engage key stakeholders: must have vested interest; what’s the “win” for them;

make sure everyone leaves with task; point out shared consequences, shared goals/priorities; avoid finger pointing, get to the “why”

Communication Shared consequences Excusing data/ denial/ hopelessness Show a plan that will lead to improvement Presentations on results Make sure they are aware Have full support already cause the coalition is well established Stepping back and giving them ownership Definition of binge drinking (why is this definition, the one we use)

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2. What are the benefits in your county for completing the CAW and/or the assessment process?

Organizing thoughts and information The CAW has shown them what underage drinking and adult binge drinking Show where at in process Already stakeholders Time is a problem with people sometimes #’s to back up information. Many different examples Overall picture of various aspects of things you would have never known. Some

of it I would have never looked up-like arrest rates-I never paid attention to graduation rates

Understanding of the culture ?…….created have framework-could use as template for other issues as you

compare apples to apples Share: create summary pieces, radio and newspapers, share concise facts and

figures Show them the data to help educate Has led to new questions Data reflects what the coalition already felt Don’t like the definition of binge drinking That there is a process that we are using

3. What are you finding as a common issue in your county? It is a cultural belief Owning binge drinking as an adult problem High school population is being overlooked Environmental issues Underage more prevalent than binge Turn heads (leaderships) Kids will be kids What they do! Cultural prog Lack of resources Consensus that underage and binge drinking are accepted practices-lose focus

on these and focus on other priorities like poverty and child abuse People think issue is too big to change Want to talk in smaller settings not greater community

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No local compliance checks: they don’t get the money to them, no one knows who job it is

Not enough compliance checks High failure rate of compliance checks How acceptable it is to drink Parent hosts No recovery community Working around school events to get punishment done Has Octoberfest in the school (social acceptance)

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1. Share your ideas where you recruit and engage your county members.

If not ready come back. Start at the top. “Can’t do this without you.” People want $ to fund services. Mentoring groups, civil organizations Law enforcement, mental health, schools. HAVE FOOD! Small communities-go to them. School registration with parent survey. Stick to time agenda and keep on topic. Influential community member, older community

members, working with people that are trying to improve life Talk to DHS for possible referrals of lower socioeconomic background Maybe someone working to improve their lives at community college Your existing stakeholders know if other people that would be valuable to SPF SIG Maintain positive relationships-don’t exclude, don’t point out faults. Maintain interaction within groups and agencies. Be gracious, aware of time, nonjudgmental environment. One town heavy school district across county boundaries. Groups-civic, fire department, boosters, PTO’s, youth Board that talked about SPF SIG and had at events. Have an incentive for parent participation in form. Town Halls in small communities. Youth commission for everyone but the “BIG” city. Information is publicized and the community members become engaged. Asking stakeholders to invite members. LEW has involved community members through involvement with service clubs Coordinator

has become involved. Speaking at city councils, teacher in-service.

2. In the long run how will you work with your members to maximize their potential through the process? (5 areas of Capacity: Human, Technical, Fiscal, Structural, Cultural)

How structured the coalition is, what is their interest level, how can you empower them. Engage people’s strengths. Integrate-‘talk about it.’ Appropriate efforts-let people know-‘This is what I appreciate about you.’ Share assessment information with all agencies involved. Communication with other agencies/organizations-to share info and services. Travel to different areas in the county to hold meetings. Try to break down barriers between communities. Give them something to do based on natural abilities (motivation)

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Feel like making a connection. Show them how they get something out of it. Survey for new members that included resources that they bring to the table. Members of coalition advocating for financial support. Finding resources for meeting, etc… Bylaws, leadership roles. Involving various cultures and keeping engaged. Keeping community members engaged.

3. Share some ways you are providing information about the SPF process with your county members.

Through community coalitions Know people who know people Sent a letter to introduce self and then call to schedule presentations SPF is new Social Media -Facebook page, Blog, Emails, Web-based media Keep a ‘did’ list – accomplishments Explain at county wide meetings. County festivals. Person to person. Media-Newspaper/Radio Send information home with kids ($ funding to do this?) One on one. Community Readiness Diversion Class. Back to School Nights. Including them in the questions and get their feedback.

4. What does cultural competency look like in your county? Laws community with their own council and everything. Sensitive to needs and aware of differences. Printing information in Spanish. Poverty issues. Religious differences. Be sensitive. College students. Farmers. Educated, professionals. Elderly, RSVP.

5. How are you connecting to culturally diverse populations? Keep trying. Build relationships with key leaders. Local ethnic stores / restaurants.

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People involved directly that can be your champion. Empower the groups to take the lead. Coalition has been approached by youth. Media.

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PLANNING… the why? And the why here?

1. WHY is underage drinking a problem in general?

It is illegal Fun – not allowed to do – take risks Accepted in media, on tv, it is a cool thing to do Desensitized Adults introduce into children’s acitivities How we celebrate, modeled for kids, weird not to have Impairment problems Start young will have problems later Modeled Acceptable (2) Parents are allowing it to happen The kids are mimicking adult behavior Lack of consequences School Parents Law enforcement Unhealthy Unsafe Youth are diminishing their value Affects community Affects other choices youth make Social acceptance Death

2. WHY is adult binge drinking a problem in general?

Don’t know what it is (3) Considered an acceptable part of college experience Associate binge drinking with youth not adults Misconception of binge drinking (2) OWI Setting a bad example for youth Unnatural way for adults to social and escape their issues It is expensive Reduces productivity

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Health care, treatment and recovery cost a lot (2) Work place problems Domestic Abuse Suicide rates increase Undesirable outcomes Adults don’t realize consequences Alcohol poisoning Death Social norming (2) Black outs Car accidents Only talk about fun times while drinking Sense of entitlement – I go out because I deserve it

3. Why is underage drinking a problem in YOUR county?

Lapse in consumption and consequence – conditional disciplinary action at school Enabling by adults It is a cycle that is continued Parents accept youth drinking as a social norm (4) Enforcement of underage drinking laws Partners as part of planning Work on logic model with – need for buy in Need people to buy in for implementation Boredom (2) Social norm (4) Availability (3) Lack of consequences Judicial Lack of education Loss of control At risk for problem drinking Lack of judgment

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4. Why is adult binge drinking a problem in YOUR county?

Accessible (2) Adults trade alcohol for food stamps Adults view the drinking as a social norm (3) The perception of binge drinking Intergenerational River communities / recreational Socioeconomic (3) Part of college life Drink specials (2) Genetic Liquor outlets Lack of enforcement “what you do”

5. How do you see your partners being part of the planning process?

Involving them through a positive approach Allowing all members to have input Inviting members to meetings Vested interest Shared consequences Countywide policy – to bring all together (2) Do world café with your group Get colleges involved Getting recognition of the issues Educating on environmental strategies

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1. What strengths does your county have to be able to assist with the implementation of environmental strategies?

Local police and law enforcement/DNR (6) Concerned citizens who want to make a change (3) Programs supporting youth (2) Having a coalition formed already

that is aware of SPF SIG (4) High level of readiness (1) “local” oriented (2) New members (1) County-wide (1) Past/current support of environmental strategies (3) Engaged media (1) Key people willing to help/Connectivity/Connected Leadership (5) Public Health support (1) Members are starting from vague awareness (1)

2. Where do you anticipate barriers in your county for successful implementation?

Lack of funding/turf/trust issues (5) Lack of community support for policy changes (2) Attitude of acceptance (4) Denial that there is a problem/Resistance/FEAR (5) Community culture through established events or normative beliefs (3) Huge political influence of specialized groups that believe that this “isn’t my problem” (2) Time (2) Timing of meetings (2): Could be addressed through multiple mtgs, meeting wizard, doodle,

conference calls Short timeframe (1) Limited law enforcement (1) Rethink past tools and definitions: could be addressed through more awareness/media (1)

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1. What questions / concerns do you have regarding evaluation?

Differences between DFC and other Not knowing the questions to ask. Not seeing change Keeping in mind each step as we get to evaluation. How strategies relate to our community. Lag in the outcome data following implementation. If it takes 7 years to change, what happens after 3

years? Hoping it will be on ongoing process. Evaluation of program will help decide what

problems need to continue to be focused on - sustainability.

Need more training on evaluation, seems like it is so far down the road.

Coalition needs to assess what their function is. How will I know that the selection of EBP will be the right fit? Feel like we’re not there yet, will focus more when we get to planning and creating logic

model. What kind of resources will coordinators need ? Examples to share with community, how to

communicate in “laymen’s” terms If it’s not working, what’ the next step? Making sure the group understands the value. Focus on big numbers. What is our community ready to address? Review trends with Iowa Youth Survey Accountability for law enforcement Good form of measurement Hope for a relationship with key stakeholders, law enforcement Compliance check data is hard to find/get Are kids accessing alcohol? How will we get the data? Law data is inconsistent Iowa youth survey delayed What do we do when?

… what happens then, what is the goal, if we meet the goal we will use the funding. How does it fit in to 2014 goals? Skipping ahead. We were told not to think. Will we lose buy in if the strategy fails? How will the incomplete assessment affect evaluation data? Additional Questions: ODSS excited to get info

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Different people may evaluated than assessed Will those evaluations have all the info Will the buy in be the same Change in community Some really get into quantitative vs qualitative Will still be excited? Will it benefit my agency? Accountability Will show progress “keeping score” or not working How to keep cohesiveness, at different levels