Hand Gestures Across Cultures And Their Impact On Globalization

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Hand Gestures Across Cultures

And Their Impact On Globalization

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Everyone’s hands should be up for this

These expressions all mean the same thing…

== =

Latin America UK/

AustraliaMiddle East


This could lead to confusion in communication between different cultures.

Consequently, it is important for us to learn about other cultures, and to respect their customs.

In order to demonstrate the confusion that can arise between different cultural hand gestures, let’s conduct an experiment…

As much as 90% of any conversation can be

communicated non-verbally

Wrong hand gestures serious consequences

For instance…

President George W. Bush’s visit to Australia in


Connecting hand gestures and body language to

globalizationGlobalization (n) – the process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through a globe-spanning network of communication and execution

Knowledge of customs and gestures

More effective communication

Ability to integrate and trade between cultures

In Southern America, the symbol for “A-OK” used to have malicious undertones. However, due to globalization, they now interpret it as a symbol for approval.

In Eastern Europe, people traditionally used to “hold their thumbs” for good luck. Now, they have adopted the Western equivalent, crossing your fingers.

How hand gestures and globalization are already impacting each other in today’s world…

How will hand gestures continue to

adapt across the globe?