Class 4,! Consciousness and the Leninist Party Ernesf Mandel SPARK PUBLISHERS LTD.

and the - Marxists Internet Archive LeninistParty Ernesf Mandel SPARK ... corpsenra veryniccperm,who hzlicvzd in pnzliamenmry socialism nnn gmdualism ... to I Consciousness and the

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Class 4,! ‘


and theLeninist Party

Ernesf Mandel


‘I. r’\

nu U 11.. an 9/mgmm mud: bymm Illamhl, the Secretary.1/ummum International, at the 1...” CrnrwmyMann;mm.".1 b; ». Inrevrvnzivnnllllaurxl mm m L.»..1.;.. on 22 Alan! mo.

Introduction by K. HARDY


rnhnsmd lor Snark Pnblishazs LId., by A BANDARA nl52/1, Puk Road. Colombo-Z.

INTRODUCTION'l'nd1Iy,oIm: ngain, nu rlcliulisul yomll all om Ihewurm

nm htcomingintzrcstefl in Lb: qulslinns nr mnlnunnnry IhtmyInd nvolulinnxry orglniulinn. In muin countries, (bu/zynnu. have Already gun: uamugnn ccrlain mm: ‘H upnricllcrr

on me qmunn nr nrglninlimznl Leaks. Fur insllnne. they umum Lhc mnh, Ihc deveioplnmn nna an: am: nnflnpsa ol sud:loan!) kniI,|Ilinclasi\e and bxnnumna nrgnnisnnons Iilu (II:s. n. n Gummy mm. s. D. s In Lhz Unitzd Sums. Sam: atthose who were I|i5i|l:Is\o-ed by uni: expcricncc ha»: made amu degree mm and begun to advncnclhc fnrmrnimu nr nmnCnmlnnndosynuurs Thc‘Wen1lmm:u' of us A no am -1.».

Gnuchn |’roletnrI:.\nnc' in mm who have adnplcd (hes: orglnisa»zinnax lamb nm nevtnhelzxx Bilnlltn mskc any hcmhuy.

n is Ahereiom ncrcsxnry in am a blhncr: sum nr mmexperiences,lac\ami\1ew!|)'Khescnrgxnisnlioni failul Fnrmmlelwn [urge mnuhcr ollilnse radnmls haw: begun in Ink: sm:-k of theirexpflirnccs Todly in: dear lo mas: nx them mu m: ullcslionof organisation cxmum he mm: Hghlly: um nxganimxnnnnqmcmnx are primarily politirnl questions.

um types nr orgnnisafinns vrfzrrcd In above‘ haw nncmy impurunr kllnrc In common. That in, Lucy won: Iml: theprod mnv pugmlkism. In n4|I:rv|urds. they um the result n.elnp an adapralion la the nnnmum silusfiwu without umapprenialion nr (Ive mm: stage 1:! development ms it wasnbavu nllpoliricsov Ihrhlc my Hm determined um slrllcmn:and {arm n: um urgsnisafions.

Time ml lime agnin we luveucn how mnununnnny movem-ms

m lad inlo nunn illeys by gm Inhpr ‘nus It was nut ury longlgm am"we lull hysnlne Vevolulionnrigs‘ um the makingcuss: Enmpe and man America nna bu-ninlagnlcd inlo theClnitnlisl Stan: Ind mexelon ma -mung nllss mun nn hangerhe unlnidrredthzzgency nnnci-I change, Tbs: unyincisu um»nmununnmnurn: me mu; my hiled tn distinguish an.imludillo and supzrficill leuunsfmm nu; basic nnamysngmud,

This ndayu nu delumined ll): oigaaimioau form: ofpnlitiaalcamais such Is Tmvas‘ 0|‘ Ncthzrlznds. m Mny—]IIn: mm inFnnnc, however, sluueted this myfll.

Th: ‘Workens1n' uhhz 1. s gmlly in Brilninis anoillzr suchadlplaflon. mi: papa, me ‘Socialist Wo1ke'r',sp¢ri:|Iu-1 ingiving a weekly maianam-yan an dly-\o»d:y, auiaiy ecnnnminic,svmggi. ullhc-wolkiI11:class.T|Iis anhpmlion is him an themixcnlczpfian mmn maaaiic nrlgglts nnmmnically mi inpnlmul (i e uvollnmnary Sorillist) sfrugglts and am thewarking—<‘l.1w will alvmyl am lb: necrssary wuclusions {mmmaaaama, strngglmsnchrelsoning, ai course, iS[1l|<Ea|xdl'n rmmaiaaa us at !..¢nin'ssI1IIgg!eIg:in:I Ewnumiun. m foflnningaasaage hum mm 1: 2.: 5: Dune mm! up uaia-. attitudein ms qunsliun:

"Worku.v’ T/xmlg/H believe than paiims inlwnyi nh:~nliuully lolluws cconnmim (aim The W/:rker:' Cuure gimmmlher umiiaa Iolhklhes ,-ia Ra-aia.a.m than my mlmconnlry, cvonomic strngzk 's iusepnablr. {mm political saaggw;ram pnmulllcs nl Workzrfl Thuug/1! rum me WvrkcrflCame ax completely iaaamca ii by pull TS is mum Satin-Democratic pnlitici. Ihe economic smuggle M an warms3! very ama connected (lhnngh aoi iluupnrably) ma bourgenk,clerical &c , ynliiiu. as we have already sun Th! postfllllti ofThe wzmem raw am carmclif palnxu is undcnwad Islud¢ruIiunisl1m|iiics_ i.:,: genera] 11-ndmcy of an mums Insccurefrumthe gnvcnlrnl mczsuresngninxl me mimas mm.o[ Ihnirpns 'nn but which do uni zliminxle Ihiu pasiliun,um II‘ an nukabolish the xnhicclicn of labunr lo unitnl. Tlxzrleniency indeed is commnnmflleBrikishiude union Is (who amiaimxno sacialh J,Io Callwlilwarkus In ‘Znhnnile’ mm;A. naim [MIT csuIdualiliu.1nns we sum]! in reluion m[Jul an smrgglc nsm:l|,Worl<er.v' Thought macs Int su munchrcpndnt: it as worship spanlllleiiy, its uncoliscinuxness".

I-‘llnhenunrt, Lenin upmisea the and la inlroluu rm-voluIi—

nuyaori Kunscionslksx inlollm wnrking—ch\q' iaauama; Ingiveitaymlimsaldirerriamllestllbbunzlyupyosedllilism tie. tailcndlnglhz wurLing4-lass) and III: xcmlminnzxy party ldlpljngitself IOIl1¢l0l¢il"e\¢| of III: snuggle. Tujny, ii is um umimpnrtull m IeIux|!L:s|y smigxll: lgflnsl pragmatic Ind mpiriulmpm Is, Letxuscinchmar. |zs(:V:n llnw gum in I-11phus¢alngy)x2pnrInt an snrleflltnons xccepmue a|' bnnrxwixidcolugy.

In uonlndislincflnn,mm’: IhzoryoforglnisakinnsVI: wason - mmnghgning mlym nl‘ the basic zomndicflunx in theCnpi list satiety, lb: suziologial huix nhlmewovking dzssxnd theum... um combined dzvdapumlx of -mm gvcluq wnscinnslass.Tim .5 why in as impurllut an all uvnlminnary soanms toum:-I1y slurly nu Lcninixl cnnkcyl of the pmy. In mg in amsugu of youth ndicalisntion. . large mlmbex uf youth were hostiletolheveryiniu or me lcninist plrty. This was [urfly (III: to anerroneous idmfificadan at‘ the Stalinm, buruncnlized, [units withIII: Leninist concept of Lhe oxganisalinm, mi panly alsn dim to ‘hemismnceptimx lhltbwcnucnfic ddnrmnlinns arise mm nrgalxisKim-nl nlher mm lb: satin] ma muerill uluzs. Tmhy. new con—{union has largely um overturn: nun . gmwing number ul purplehave begun m study um concept n[ m leninin pally.

llnduuhlzdly, clnrifiutiou ofmum Inkling m oxganisaliunnlIuhis ahsomltly mszmizl {or in rcvo|nIinnuics auuihisxs ;mnkrihnlinn m this process than \VE pnbrish Ems: Mmdd's speedton hnin's lllwxy of wnxkingm»camaunsumnu ma revolutio-vury 1m11«

1 Nvvemher 1970 K. HARDY


YES11;RDAY,{oday.znmonnw, in many pansni the World

peaple an: ce1:bta\ing |he uenlznnry cl Lenin‘: bnui, bun withx0fl1c\«Vb.'l|dl[f$l'tnt and nisgnsung spectnclns. Thcy have, as I)|n'French comrades from me CommunisIcLn-.5511:would say, pn:onscarthlighw Ind are preparing Io ninn candlcs around um

carpi: nln gran: mniniion. y in ordtr Ia placalc in: rulingfarcesaf klllxxvoxld: In othcrwordsm explain Ihat Lhe corpsewhich thcy nay: piami on pnbiic vicw is am: all in: corpse nr averynicc perm, who hzlicvzd in pnzliamenmry socialism nnngmdualism. To apologke in; him nnn In my um he yinsnu as badas baurgeois hislorinnshavcpainlcil him to be, nna than my arequickly going in blow on: the candles because mn the corpus incandle-lighl is a bit annoying for Ihun and their poiiucalpurposes. And |h:nth<y art going back to businexs as uwal,whichA5Ih2s,lh=irg¢ncxal reforrnixtbuiinzssDfpencefillco-cxislencenswzknaw it pnnczisnn in Print: during cm May mun andcverywhzrc else in me world We do not bnlicvc lhal it 1! pvssibleto cclebrnlc Lenin‘: birlhday and In bc wunhy of L:ninby |his (we or speclable. wna: Lenin m=ri|s is notcnndina but ml fires. mvolulionzry fires The Andy wnywe can um, and pay uibme Io 1t.nin’s cann-ibuliun (0 «in historyor mankind, ixby being revoIu1iomri:s.And Lenin bad that incolumn)! \viLlxMa1x:—he understood Rh: necexsily of uniiy henWccnlheory and pracliceun avzty high mu nr lhecry nna amy high Iavel of pmiiw mninuonniy lhzoly nna xcvolutionarypractice. So inslgad ofuukinghere |his awning an agilllicmlspcsuh, and Idling you an about wlmtyuu already knov. Lenin‘:theory nr xmpqixlism and Lenin’: mncept oi man and xevnlutims—1 will try in dwell nn wnn: ii by far his inns: Impmlanl canni-bution lathe nminpnienc DfMnrx‘s theory, Io Lb: devel plllcntnr n lhmry which acxnnuy dlscuvzud some gaps In lhc wii ng afMux nnn Engclx. Xflmb nolrdevzlopcd pans at max meoiy.

In diSCu\s\\1g Um Lheoxy ofXbVL7I\|Liul|:\ry organisation I shalltry In in‘ In: s1\.'.\VySu and in: understanding Oflhll uinnny la nSumewhnt llighel lovcl man i.» dam: g:n:m|.Iy Xn dixputes regardinglhaHhmry,\Vh\ch snll gfl onmy ycars :\fI:r Wm 1. In 5. pmhm hcen wrin:u,.and nsiiwiu nidnnmy um go on rd: manymi: 1amnkirxcdncnnmiincnwnnucdnm calllha Ill! ficulr0a(sorLcnilI’$|h:ory of orgnnlxauon, 1 will aim contxihulc Iounderlining and stressing hi: pniuicnr acuvily. Bccausz umpnnmcni nmmy is today understood in me nnm Ur [ht nnuiniirevahllion, understood n the ugh: dnnn crczlion aHh:Thud In-mnmnnnr, ulldustood in me iigni nr and dcvclapmnn|offl!cncvorincionaiynnnvamengnrm Um dngennminn or me Rusxiun worker»:mm xnd the cmniinn ofmvnluiionary Mmisi Drganlsalxon \uChas ours mu dc ofdlccontrol or m: ru g bnmumicy Iherc.Thccn|inulIyi:int|1: firstplncc tssenlialiy lh confinuily of (bl:theory of orgzmisallon. Many pen;-le see Lcni s |h:o.'y of L7rgam—

slllonmtlxc ampzmns so|n:Ir/::hnicalgimmis;k:d1ey see 1135somemla, same noiniinn of ha‘/lug a rnnuioning orgnnixalionwhich Ca rmdsmaocruin numbzr of mics Th: min ofdeinwnixc oulllmhsm is the best known and also Ihc mun discus-3ad.b\Ik II is my cnntzntion um «in Uwflly of nrganismian,Lenin‘: umnny of DKgL\nisauoII,isnol by any meanx an anmlgamufa number ofurganuauonaln:l:s:t1\at 5100!: arc much ddnpu,“IS conccrncd mm much more vmpurlant, much more keenquesfions, mmni qucslmm (0 flvcvgrycanrepl or a sacmliwircv .xnunn, and nf:eL|'—=n\ancina1mn dr lh: working <:!ass and itnhouuhcsc dnnnmdnu of L211-n’: Khcoly of argmmalion max| would like to make some cnmmenxs.

Lenin’s Thenry nf Organisation and TwoContradictory Themes in Marx

In nnn1iiy,wnniLcn.n-.- lJ1:oryoinrgam.\a(iun is abnnl inexsanlinlly aLh:oxy afworkh.1g—cXassconsclonxncsx, Dfthl: dcvelop—mcnluf classconsciuumcss,ofthcabsznmuh r=gu|1\r nndwen dc»velopmcnk in the workingclnss cnnsniouxnzss. We mm ID understandLhix theoretically, we have In lry Io innidinnr» lhwxy aglunslcanlendmg Conccptsandlhwricswhxcllwere devclupud fifly ormay yen; ago, nnd from which Vi: cnn draw n hisloncal balanocshut today; andwchavelu match them also In an: ngm orhixmxical experienm. in the Iighl dr zrnpi -al evidu-we whiuh has

aociiiiiiii-mixam the Ins! |)criud.NOW WcC0\Ilfl shin wmi IWD

vzry miiiihaicthiy flalrmcnls whiiiim la be round iii Mainwiiiiiig, which were wiiimi by M40: and which Yogicillly ihiiii I0

very very diitiieiii \‘;/poi hr oigiiiiiaiioim Cm1(‘Ep|S.

oiihhxpiisiuhii hiiiic df/VC]K)}IlI|tn| or AZIJISX mi. IDUSHCSS‘

of the piohiciiis hi aim cciiiicihiisiim which )'l}U

(‘EH1 him ih [ht ‘¢\Ti|[ngS [V01 only of (hr: )Bul|gmix. iiiiiiiiio hr Marxhiic ziigeh hr mm yciin [2\I|hDugh ihcy hi-..iiiie madlficdlalcr, hiizwhicii ynll siiimiia Il\ |hEnI] is i\sd=vclap-mcfll mm: (7! lmsnnlomnlitally mini! ciiisi simggl .Y0l) hmlllcu H syiiiigiiiih lypz Ortiz-Soniflgi capilalism i>lO\‘lI, iihiivhidhhiy

io:ii,hy chisssiiiig-,~ih.Thcwhikiiigci-iishiia U1: hapii-iiiii ciass

iiiiieriiiiiiameiiiaiiyhiiiiiiichiiy ainhieiii iiiicims. and ihhy Clash-

Thes: ciishis land I!) iigms and oiii Klflhtibfighls [yDu mu find

ihe ioiihiiihe iii Scvtrfl wiiiiiigi of Marx and of L~iighisiiiiiiwoia.i-

bly Wfllklng-(‘W5 Lallitlousnesi develops; ihac iSlD‘ny um.~.i aflcflnlfl poihiiiiiiieihiigiii H'\CV\'K!IkCrsm§|ni~c am lh:Had: \Il|lUl\S find [hen In: polhiml p.-iiiici. iiiid Ulcn (lacy become

KURSC iisoriiihi. imircsfl hi 1 Class Ind |h:y fight for im-i:|X|2|\1Clpl|.iUn. This i. Ont: lint or miihniiigiiiia lhis UL): or

imhhihg was |l’\lC hr H1:Wrilln sofiiflarx ai1dEngeIs Phiiiiiiiy

.ii 1:115! lhlscolmrpl mix.» lDi|Cu'l1\iI1 caiicipi of main} dr_mo—

cm iiiasspmiiimiichi will Conn: back to afm .1 few

n\iI||flC' «we knew ihuii ai ihh End hr 111: mi aiiii lh:hegiiiiiihg or lb: zmh iiciihiiiy.

iaiii $110!! yhii hm: inafller line of |hcughl, or aiiaiyii; whichhimiiihsiiimiigi Marx's \AriLh1gS,CSpcEldHy the iiihic Emflllle

MSIX, which md. to iaihei aflpesile caiiciiisihiis and ii

i: the coiicip: miii iii any Kbilicl)‘ which is : clnu ihiieiy

ih. iiiiiiig iaihihgy is «he iiiiiiiiigy hi llw iiiiiiig EH55, and of€()\|l’SA irii i» {I imiiihgriii Stnicnllz iiiii tannolbtdcall iviih flimtlfllngalflllhe Idtoiogy of iheniiiiigciiissisihhidhoiagy orlhtlullngdass, hmiiiisnhiiiwoiiiii no: he ii SD\1l\‘.K\Cb al all |hal\|4fiI|ldbCjL|S(3E3ulD10gy. What Marx mmis when he says weiiiiiiig iiiehiog is ihc iiieiiihgy of (he ruling class is ihiii. hrcoiiisc,the iiiliiig idmlogyistheldzology of all ciasici. and n0( only

oftke fulfils lhcmsalvts. Aha IL is not airriciiii lo iiiideisiaiid thatUleic two line» of msoiiiug kid in very diermhi chii.ciiisiohi, hechiii: irii Is uiieiiihi Kheidbvlogy of an whihiiig thisufldll’ sublecapilllislsuciuy I5 hhiiigahis, DI pail hhiiigcois

men it obviously down no: fnllaw llml it ii suflicicmIa nsscmblr. me vmrlms somewlierkanywliere nnmrliecandilions or beginning elnss struggle, to hay: than dzvelop moreox 1:53 nninniniinnlly .1 socialist clxss consciousness to eninnnr mecnniialis: clnss. You men zlpproncll Lhn quzsflon in a much morePomplex, much more complicated |:robl:l!|,u\d llien ilie wholelyp: nr reasoning which is 3! IX}: bath or Lenins rlienry ofmgauirmtian can b: nndemnod perfecfly. Lclmcsay iinnieninuly Ih<uKhhtypc or reasoning VV1\\1DCKV|‘/Blltfld by L=nin, um it waswarkcd out much earlier by Kaulsky and nliier Aluhiall socialdemocnsls. You can find it in lJ\:: or innl lvamelnnd of ll-leAmtrlmn mcialdclnocxncy, so cnlledinme Ivunifcsto wl-iinl. wasadopted il|1X89,andymxc:«n rind ixvzry elea.ly,i belimz, Insome afLhnlaluwmlngsuA'bo|l‘\ Marx and Engelx. I will newjust one cxampla, n very slriking example, bccauieii has me rerywards which were lnier so strongly med in repronch Lsmn wnenlie uwd mun many years laler

Uneven and Combined Development ofWorking-classConsciousness

on lzmury in law, Mam wrolcn eirenlar l¢|t:r [or merim ImcrI\:L|ionalcol.1ceming a problzm \vhic1I!s still on Ihtordzr nrriie day mdny—Ihe problem of working,-class canwluunersin BrIAam—andhe stys um some pcople, me later ulnar»chists, Ih: pwpl: who were in that lime inride are First lumr.nalional. repinncl-led us an our conucts wicililie Krndcdlnionnmeniennnride lh: nenernl council or III: First 1.-ilernarinnal.Tlaey dn nol nnaermnn why c maintain mesesnri of r=l|Iions:bin, :3)’: Mm, me si sh capitnlist elm: and thearilnla capilalist yress «understand my well what we.re trying to dn» we ny to inlrodnne me this ineweineri:of die lar-iiisn workingdnss mvolulionary :.n<;i::lism,nvoh||ionarysocialist canciousn:sx.Now l.he§€\'ely words you will End inL:nin's What]; to lie Dan that is, khcinlroduclion rroinaulsId:,rcvnlutionary Sonia} u cunsciousncss ii-ixn n class rlinrobviauxly did not have LYmmnsciousness.AIIybodywho wnni:In may English binary will ancepr ilnai me Englishworking Claus? ma did no! hav: a ruvolmionuxy socialistconsciousness, so nliis menipz. comcinns nnenipi, mail: byMarx was laken up nnd wed by zlie early sncialdcmalrrlzts, and

,5-it isfmmlhat sourcelhnlenintook some or UWS: ulherprovacntivu szntentel in Whar I: rn Be Dan: for which 11: tax muallnckcd sn min)’ um:$i so wirmhis )5 on sbouli: Ih: aminoInuat or C135: consciousness. Nomwzcanlry to avoid sedngxh:pmbIum.und xryia uvoidfinoingnrono ro solving it. h,shying either ihnmrorc is no nrohicni, or ihnr ilhas hucn solved,and that IS an cosy pmnmu aoaauscic is also rooted in Marx'smcory, w: can saylhazduringalvvaluliau, working-ulas= CD)“-ciausnnx jumps forward byleaps and bounds and cnn evennvcrr.ukc—ar mnsr umcs docs ovcrlak;—(l.IL conscimlsness zvm ofrevoluuunary oignnisnrioiu. and Lhru you can gwe cxampksHim in zhukussianycvalullon afl9l7th: revolutionary workersor Pelrogadmo in advnnce orrhc Bolshevlk upparnrus, thatin NI: Spranishrevohuianor was the rcvoiuiionnry workers orBarcelomi non oumr mwns worn HI advance of on pulilicalnrgnnisarions,whidiu generally union will nut oispnro rhisinlerprelatiombnt M 1 said bcfam, mi: does not ml»: {hrnrohicni ofhcw in make Ihe rzvolulion under cond 'uns of mocap: alixm

The problem is now you work for that rcvoiuuonwhuhzrthe only nhing ror you Io do in ro sit nud writ mi uni;rcvniuriou tomcs and than woruug chiss conscioumcn win makexuddcnly uemendous leaps foxward. Dnrc you undoosinndespeci-lly ll.va(revohmm\ary simafians da noloccur :v=ry any,evuy monlh or awry year, you an: faced agamwllh the Dmhlemasilnasposed by Lenin‘ youlmve a working Cla\s which ing:nc11\|do::sv|ot liavaan auiomatically socialist nniiricni cinsscolvsclmlsnzss, which cannot hue an autnmaliullysociniisz non —

ml Ckls-iCflV|SCl(V1]SL|bSl given |hccondiIion.sor me undcxcapiml m,and whiuh win hnvediflexent und vnriod forms or progress xoworasoinssoonrciournesi, devcloping atom: Aime, d.|s::ant|numg nrruuotherlime, moving gcographically in dificrem googrnphicuiuyus, diflemnlxcglunsi diflzrcnt fxdancs. slrutrurally dificrcuknngosconocrning gvusus srnnii moi-ics, comin Imdcs asopposcdto others, and so on and so room. I think Lhn:irisundenrnhicuiurLhiscuncopr of (h: oomhinod sun i|n:v:ndcvdopmenlofchssconsciousncsscfthc working cinss corres-oonaun his1orica| reality and la Lb: empirical cvidenc: or isoyear: nfluiwry or arc wnrking class. Th: example of England isprobably Lhc bzslonc to analysc the niinnircs iiich the youngMan lII:ik=:—veryhig mistakes. Then is; wvi ng n|’Marx‘s or

2 am; pm am :2 ‘mum 2-n J0 1|lSg1aIuu|auomd.mngo) pawmmmm p\:V'snuyr.:v:]a am In um [am 22.4.». mm; pueggxm_)o sqmom am uaamnq mp Eunjlom qauaxj =2: 5% apnpml:up 2; \p|xMs 2 pill m:.(wIp:n1g|uoqs 2 Lpm ugsum 1. asnwaq§n_ gns Kpmalgxz .2» S[v.)|\uq ‘$551 um :\-1| Jo salumm nqmmm ma um I10/C .22-42.5 mug qamm sunny; 2 me “mywaqm/Luann mm. mg; samnd ssauvtonxuoump ya Inmnawmmnam. pm: Iuamdow/op mann :11) new mam zsnm amavuzpyxc nzoumslq 12 Kym tmgxazgqo uB 2, )[oL71:v/I-J! ml, ,,u;:n051:] ‘min gm 1| :2 Awpolfincm :2 sgnansnogaslzoo oxcaunsgxaJD suonl no: mag nugnqiluns aatzgpemmg uv srmnp qagqm Sm1105231 5» adizsgm .224. mo!/.qo 5; 1, -gnomemm utmo sg sgqz

um um on :2 ms: ~m:< out -Uousavu :2 >109!my WV:una\sgx:v

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fcw mnmhs ago when we had adcbale with Mm\|yJohns|on’: 111:)‘

lried to Interpret the atliludc afxhe workers duringlhe gancralmike by Ike mind: dnnng c1::nons.Ti\c whom argumenti: very d We haw: Imard the same Hung in [he beginning of1919 mGerm.my rhert Wzzre Sremendousrcvohrunnarymmcrucmsmung up warkerscouncwls, smug up so ietmgaingncar in msborder of n soc'|alr<l rcvoiulian in the nmnths af Nnvnnbtr, D<c—

embar, Innuary 1919. In February you had general dzclrnn ‘ mesocial drrnacrals gal 43% of In: vaics, bourgeois parties gotkhere\l,zu1d the small voxescasr In favour of me Itvoluhonmylzndcncy were completely insignificant. But dots this mean thatthese workers who wcrc arming lhemsclvas, who Wu: makingrevoluuunary urmt battles in the s|rce1s of Berlin, who wcrchaving demansrrulions of 3,000 and 4,000 peuplc. were in rzalltynot revolution’ ‘es? No,vr dneflnul mmn lhml. ll mcam thatworking-class xonsciousnzss d=v3Iap: cxactly in Ihis way, In Lenin

mu ir. and as I said bcforc, in unevzn and irrcgumr movcmznls.Thu rr can make big maps from one currcme to anolhcr inrather 24 shun lime, Hm Lin make big spurts Iarwnrd and Khan

Lorne bxckagain nfrcr um, and am as lung as you mo}: 1: thedrmrganisgdclass in gentmi, yam can have your ‘hat turned bycommdrctory indicanons which varv If nor from one day toanother, at lusl from ml: mnnlh or from one year |o another.How docs this happen? Wall. W: can hav: zcvcml Lxplsmvnon: fur nus uneven and irregular devclnpmanl of working—class cmlsuiuusnesa.

The firstrofcoursn. which is by far the mast 1mpur|.mA. ismm mmesor pcnplc do no! harm from rmxmg, mxssts of

rd: do nulassimiiatz expariznce and consrzioxrsnch rhroughrudivlgorindivrdunl study: tinymm. are consciousness fromM: ‘on and 2 permanzmly dsmloningam con'~ciousn:ss ms a 'pKe— oudiuor: a perrlmncntly active arm, and a pcnnancnllymireems is ur contrzdinionxv h the very nzhub of capitalist social).rr isby Kl»: nature ofmpimllsr soclstyxhal workers xn: forcedms:l||J.x¢ir labaur power in ordcr ta xurvivc, and rrrmror:rhcy carrrror he on apcrmanenlmare, and Ihzy cannot be an a“yErmanent"mvuIIrLion.They cannot nmkcsmke: and rcvnlwlions every day be:ausa if lhcy wound do mar rhcy wauldstarva.

1EmznMnndeI tr henrv/Hung m .7 debunk: had mm M.”:o;mm., .;..mm u/' u..- Dubvekue wing of mg Hrlnrh Cumulu-ulxl Party, an m: autumn of Tmllkyum (in way),

_g,so Lhisdiscontillumlsnnllfle u{wnrkingdxssltlian dcwnnineirho dxscoluinimus nature of working-clash conxcinusncss. 1: i.only in big spurts ofactians, ihasyou huvca big hug forwardofmnscmusness, and ifisinevimblzlhataftcr sixh o big spunforwanl or ncnnn you hm a xelreal mo nrir action has no! 1:»;la a revolulianaryrexuli yuu ii. passing. that is lhercaxon, that i~ih: missinglinlc bgtween [ha wzyin which class couscwusnesidevc1opssndLh: kcyrula of a revuhnliou to pmh Ihm cIaS~consciousness farward in u very quitkWay, bezause what shunt-leriscs the xcvnlutiun in npp(I:itian|o normal =vL-ry»:laycizvImI—

xmucé wilh business as usual, wui. Llny-lorday lira nndcr c:x;u1a—hsm,I~. am in a revolution pcoplc hocume very active, ruo p:Y—Inantfllly active. You have d~:mons|r:fion5 nearly cvuy dxy.you have nrmirigs nzarly every d.Iy, which completely fll!ru_nKncrmallife. ma. n,v\om:.1| integmicdlnfc in bourgeois suciety.and btcnusenflhnt rt.\son,I:nmtxousness can Corn: forward.leap forward runciu much on" urn. than Imdar d:y»ta<Ia)stable capim N oonriirinns.

Thcsbeond reason, muterml rm on. or ii yml want, nimrihiirzranson ror llnsuncvcn, discoufinlmus aha Irregular devc|np-mcnt cfclassconscmlullcss is rooted in the Campus on ofWI: walking clasn. -nu working sins. has {I I-iislonlike mry u rs and rho history oflhz war "hr; clanrcflccls ikselfln us Sim ification. Youlmve lb: families or lb:working clans who arc rhciurcms duzendcd rrhn. um urban wor-keys, sinocfnrwveralucnturiesnl1east,inc:n.:un pans of theworld, nor in on Vans (and immlhal ooih. or vizw Englandnua my nun country, Bdgium, EEC! mobably zmnngsl inc rnosrpxivilegtd onak), whzre you hav: had mun: long trad ion:ofuvban working class‘ or urhuu wage zarncrs. for n...n_.centuries. Youlmve othcrpansoflhe. working clnsl who or:dcmunnnxr or rural s:nIi»pn>!e1arians, for h much shorterperio youlmve aiherlayzrsoi me working class who at:dascandantsnflhepclry commudily)7rodncers_ lhal is ro nuy.Iand—owmng peasants. soir—produ:iug farmers or small cxafismzn.small ariirni-is, small llldcsmcn. You hnvc warkurs whom unlyrecenlly Ilrbanised as against wnrirm whehave huh workers rorn lerig period, ind it yuu combinedlhis hirmricaimuie, Ihcresult oflhe history 0! Ah: origin of the working class. in in x=In—

lion win. Lhe ideological and zulmfll smxtificalinn, Ihen you hminyeis of [he working clnss who at: run incuy Imd-:1 Ihe pnwnrrui


grip of, an instxnoe, churches. I think of me camolm clinicli Incountries lik: luly ox nzlgiumzlu Flemish parlof Eelglum).You have pant Dflhewnmng class who are under infiucnct: orulhcr ruiingclasx, idnologlul cuflenls and inslilu-lians.YoI| I-mvc |he ulh:( side ofthz xpnclmm, parts or canworking chss wlmsl-.nnmiin and even grnndparenls wcrcalrnadynygnniienin the trade union Inovtmunu, in III: mclullsl ninmnntxin (Ila): ldzmeualic movements or in U|hcr working-class Icndencies. If you combine : '5 Ideulogiwl sunlificavionwllhlhehlsmritll zlndloclal nunli minn, and lfyouiiuecl inzninninnnuiuelnnnnnl, or Which, ufcnursc, generally Mnrxlsls do:10! like to speak ll. much, nnl which is unnmnnnulyn rm; uminn havetdsn individual ditfennces. um ynu have cmnm peoplewho limnnnzninlrcnclinninmnll agninsl injustice and youhave QUICK peaplf who am ralhcr mm nmivn» when my are[need withoppression and injlslict. When ynn combine all Lhasanncinl, idealngical andindividun1difi'cr=noc:,yo\| will nndnmanamy clearly am it 15 not the problem nr grmt Uleflly and (ampli-cared memphyslcalthnnghttosee inn: pan: or lh: wurklng class.lchlev:d mucll nniclm um. other pans an elemenmry classcansciousnuss, polifical dasx consciousness, and re‘/ulnlionarysncinlisl clnxs conclausncss. Thar: luv: l1::n Sam: sllikmg sacio»lngicnl anquiriesmad: dlning in: last min which 0an1'|nn:d thisin am, clcsrwny In lhc rgccnt hlslory or lhc inlernzmonnllabmnr niavzninnz.

Sociologcnl Roots of BolsllevislnThu: is nn eminent English so£1'oInglst(I:l!, fake lch, if you

vmlly wnnz lu gainln Ihat deflnifian) callzd David Lane‘ wnn luxwriuen what is Iomy knowledge in: rim sociology ormenmvisynand Bnlxhevism but of ocurse theman ncl so many facis whichcan be axscmblod on Ihls subject. But from Aha mm which hr. hasassembled from all possible sources, a my striking dlflemllozarises; in sums um the great majority of inrlusmnl woxkzrs In(owns with mine: long indusrrinl traditions, big towns with nigfatlarits. wcr: Bulshev x. The stronghold of Ike Menshaviks,who lina n gut nnmbnroflheworkexs and talking ofthe pewiod1902 and mo and l9ls—uie Menshuviks had Xhair mnngzolds insmalllype indnmy, in indnmies which are by dennl mu no: in bigmwnx, like Lh: mimnglnduslry or iii: oi|inl‘lus|ry. xn diszuninglhedlclllonhip n! in: proletmizt youwill no: find in.5'Iar¢ and Rzvalw

_m_lion n sxngve line about me ltadiug 1-01: or 11:: Pnrly as Ignmil mosovm. In nonsensc. becnuselhat Ieadingmle was conceivedby Lnnin as a 1:51:11 of oo11ncn1an11nori1y,nx arssuh nrunocinyFor convincing warkzrs, but not as something which his to beimpoxtd by cnnsarship, Ivy violwc: or by rcpxession against 11::xnnssofme people I my um this cunccpt which is ml: 17! nmflyWynn: ml: nna workcrs' sulc, is Lenin‘: conccpt. How canyou r:aYly rcconulc 11111. 11.15, cnncnunzn or Lenin concerning1.1::Party as subsumllng flsclflar 11:: working class or forth: mxssfi?11’ yon ny m makun objacdve synthaaix bomon who: lpnin wmxcabout 11-12 Pnfly, one what Lmin wmun abom woxkgrs’ councils,noon: Sovmtpowczr nnn nhon: mo workers‘ mun. you will haveIn nnnnn 11-1n1 for him mo txisltnce or o revolutmnaxy omy, theau|huri|y nrn mn1n«1nn.nzypom mo !cAdA:r$hipcapacity of maxrcvnluxionavy pax1.y,Was not my nn1 cuunlcrvuxrd on: npr:condi|io1:1 For a devclonmznt of wnnkingmse s.r.If-ac!


wnmng-c1m conscioumcsx, without which mo Parry onnld nevzrhave develaped 1n such :1 dcgrcc. And am we also can make .1

historical compnmnn, because hmoxy ans nnswma um qutsfionabout snbs1i:n11«m,o-axmnsnunn madeag- 5| Lemn. C<>rn—

mo workers’ oonnnns in diflcrcnl pan! or mo wond, bncrnlxcwc have men vJ\:m nlxmdy 1n dnrmn: p.-zr|5 or lhnwoxld. com.pare Ihcm in thc Rmsmn lawns mhzw you mm the Bolshevik1nnjom,1n1917-1910, and comparclllem with warkzrs’ conncnsw|ucL\ M: sxw in mher pans ofRu~~I.1wh¢x: you had me Men—

mcvlk miuonly. Camparcthem wnJ.| the workers’ councils inHungary or in soon. nnn1=11:1noc.—.n11, when did my 1:13: onlongest, when: dxdthevxhow mo highcsl dcgrte af warkingnum iuninhvc. whcr: did they show the possibility or xnsnng foro lnngnrnc, nndcnabling 111: warkers 1o am an maximum Mself—e:<nr:~sion and sn1eac11v11y- what: you nod a Eolsh:vikPnt\yas men ladusllxp or where the warkzrs wtmmlaxnvcly unpoli 1,

am, they WA-rcundnzr lhtsway or socIA]—de.1nacxaucpxmcs, underthcsway or Anarchist Iendenciev. Nzverbeforcin history haveno sccn m much seif-acuvily. <0 much sclflarganixalian andso muchinhiallvu or wmkuv. as in (hm-.._Russian wmkcrs’ cmm.ci]s,inIh:R1|ssm1 Sovicn. nndcr Bols)-cvik leadership belwcen1917 Ind 192az1. Thu islhc hismrical umucr 1o this onosnon,or course vmcan :ay nflcrvmlds n!n11nown.bm wlnal caused it 1nswcwc downwnms was me :::nvI|y cflh: workrn Ilncmulves.Th: room or mo acgenmninn or ill: Russian motnuon is no! a

_;1,pm by ¢)I¢Bo1xh:viks: nntcvena plul by SlaIin.The mat is th:gm ng pmvny of ma Rusxian working class at a result ofan hxsloricnlcircumslances, which we knaw—hu.ngr.r, isolalxon,defeal of wafld revnluliou. decnnauon eflh: workers, disorg:u.II—sation nf mum-y—um AS the rcalhistonml root. The micof smsn, the pawn cf the bureaucucy, is the camequenccand not 1 cause uf xi-is phcnomenan, so (ha oniy thing you cansay is um when you don’! have an active working ems, youcan‘! have sch"-acuvlly or the workels or Sov1:ls.Thi€i5 mmmrmdcnn, bmwhal hixmry hnsnm thown. mm .1 has notshown anywhcrc, is Lhu Lhc existcnce of A smmg xavalutionaqvanguard puny, whiuhu a mu wnrklllgrdasx pally. which has realmm; in Lheworkingclnss,.1ndwhich has gaincd i|s aulhmily by asvolnicalcapacixy, ,3 in any my \vhaIsoc‘v:ran ohslnxclion. or anobuxclz. on thermal ers=1r.mg,mm.on and 52111:: A)’ uf theworkmgclass.

1.. mm smsc uhcnwe sly um lcninm-n loday,lh.1t(?\e comlmuny of Lcmnism today, lies in the Fourth [menu . nu}. W: arecanscmus of the facnhatby |shing‘bywamlng,, by nying tobmldamvuluriuuary urgzmsa an‘ revoluhunary my cs, 4 xevn.lmionaryinicrnznuonal.wein no way conflm, or unpedalhamadof grcming workvngwlassaclIvIty,;clf»c\prr:ssiun and iniuativ:rm: an (hcculumry, as we have znlrzady shown on a mu: stalcin me 521:: gr France, w: only mm beflcrtondixions for :1 highmm 01' sclf-acLi ,s:lf»urganisnxionum:

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