1438 رجب16 13.4.17 And [mention] Nuh, when he called [to Allah ] before [that time], so We responded to him and saved him and his family from the great flood. Allah has described Nuh م الس عليهas a grateful slave. He was عبد, a slave, who didn't do anything but what his Master commanded, like a soldier, moving only when ordered by his commander. The slave of Allah goes wherever Allah sends him, does whatever job Allah gives him, takes whatever Allah gives him. Allah also describes Nuh م الس عليهas شكورا, grateful, not براصا, patient, but grateful. He was so grateful for the job that Allah had given to him, even though he faced so many difficulties and constant rejection. A grateful slave is happy to obey the commands of his master, even if he doesn't get a positive response. So he preached for 950 years, uncomplainingly, happily, gratefully. He built the huge ark, the first example of a ship on earth' he collected the animals, pairs of all species which existed at that time. A patient slave would obey, but he would look different, not happy. But a grateful slave would be happy, smiling all the time, eager to work. Nuh م الس عليهgave 950 years of service to Allah. We don't live this long, our time is limited, which is a blessing, because our trials and weaknesses are more. ٰ ىَ ادَ نْ ذِ إ اً وحُ نَ وIn this surah, the end of the epic quest of Nuh م الس عليهis mentioned, not the long mission, only the last few months, or the last year. Nuh م الس عليهinvoked Allah for the destruction of the disbelievers, after 950 years, when their transgressions knew no end, and is was obvious they would not change. Allah tells us about his dua, and the consequence. To be grateful to Allah is to invoke Him. Dua is a great blessing. You must ask Allah for whatever you need, however big or small. Allah is Able to give you everything without you asking Him. He has already given you everything you need. The small things that are left, you invoke Him for them, and He gives them to you. Allah appreciated your dua, they show your need to Him, and your gratitude. ُ لْ بَ ق نِ مNuh م الس عليهwas the first messenger, his was the first example of dua. Before his people, all mankind which existed were believers. The duas of Nuh م الس عليهis mentioned in the Qura'an in several different surahs. اً ورُ كَ شاً دْ بَ عَ انَ كُ ه نِ إۚ ٍ وحُ نَعَ م اَ نْ لَ مَ حْ نَ مَ ة ي رُ ذO descendants of those We carried [in the ship] with Nuh. Indeed, he was a grateful servant. سراء ا سورة17:3

And [mention] Nuh, when he called [to Allah ] before [that ...€¦ · In this surah, the end of the epic quest of Nuh مسلا هيلع is mentioned, not the long mission, only the

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  • 16 رجب 143813.4.17

    And [mention] Nuh, when he called [to

    Allah ] before [that time], so We responded to him and saved him and his family from the great flood.

    Allah has described Nuh عليه السالم as a grateful slave. He was عبد, a slave, who didn't do anything but what his Master commanded, like a soldier, moving only when ordered by his commander. The slave of Allah goes wherever Allah sends him, does whatever job Allah gives him, takes whatever Allah gives him.

    Allah also describes Nuh عليه السالم as شكورا, grateful, not صابرا, patient, but grateful. He was so grateful for the job that Allah had given to him, even though he faced so many difficulties and constant rejection.

    A grateful slave is happy to obey the commands of his master, even if he doesn't get a positive response. So he preached for 950 years, uncomplainingly, happily, gratefully. He built the huge ark, the first example of a ship on earth' he collected the animals, pairs of all species which existed at that time.

    A patient slave would obey, but he would look different, not happy. But a grateful slave would be happy, smiling all the time, eager to work. Nuh عليه السالم gave 950 years of service to Allah. We don't live this long, our time is limited, which is a blessing, because our trials and weaknesses are more.

    َونُوًحا إِذْ نَاَدٰىIn this surah, the end of the epic quest of Nuh عليه السالم is mentioned, not the long mission, only the last few months, or the last year. Nuh عليه السالم invoked Allah for the destruction of the disbelievers, after 950 years, when their transgressions knew no end, and is was obvious they would not change. Allah tells us about his dua, and the consequence.

    To be grateful to Allah is to invoke Him. Dua is a great blessing. You must ask Allah for whatever you need, however big or small. Allah is Able to give you everything without you asking Him. He has already given you everything you need. The small things that are left, you invoke Him for them, and He gives them to you. Allah appreciated your dua, they show your need to Him, and your gratitude.

    ِمن َقبُْلNuh عليه السالم was the first messenger, his was the first example of dua. Before his people, all mankind which existed were believers.

    The duas of Nuh عليه السالم is mentioned in the Qura'an in several different surahs.

    يََّة َمْن َحَمْلنَا َمعَ نُوحٍ ۚ إِنَُّه َكاَن َعبًْدا َشُكورًا ذُرِّO descendants of those We carried [in the ship] with Nuh.

    Indeed, he was a grateful servant.سورة اإلسراء


  • Nuh عليه السالم preached for so many years, but when he saw no change, he invoked Allah for the destruction of his nation. If the were left alive, they would continue to misguide the future generations.

    Nuh عليه السالم also asked for forgiveness for himself and his parents, and all the believers, men and women.

    His son was drowning, he was a disbeliever, therefore he didn't obey his father and board the ship. Nuh عليه السالم wanted Allah to save him, and he was hopeful, because Allah had promised He would save Nuh and his أهل. He assumed this included his son, and that he would be saved. So he invoked Allah, reiterated that the promises of Allah are always fulfilled. He would accept the decision of Allah. So Allah informs him that his family cannot include disbelievers. His son was not from his family, because he was a sinner.

    You must keep within the boundaries even when invoking Allah. Don't ask for things which you don't know about. There are rules and manners for invoking Allah, and you must not transgress them.

    When he heard this, Nuh عليه السالم again made dua to Allah, seeking refuge with Him, from transgressing in dua. Allah forbade him, so he made dua to be able to fulfill the command.

    Allah instructed Nuh عليه السالم to ask for a blessed landing. The were saved, everyone else was drowning in front of their eyes, this could lead to arrogance. So Allah tells Nuh to attribute it to Him by saying الحمد هلل. Its the beginning of a new life, so he should praise Allah and ask Him to bless it. Nuh surely obeys his Rabb, and

    made the dua.

    The people belied Nuh عليه السالم, so he asked Allah for victory and salvation for himself and the believers. After preaching for 950 years, there was no hope left.

    The dua of Nuh عليه السالم in Surah Al-Qamar is short and to the point. He invoked Allah in his language, a

    َوَقاَل نُوحٌ رَّبِّ اَل تَذَْر َعَلى اأْلَرِْض ِمَن اْلَكاِفِريَن َديَّارًا

    And Nuh said : My Lord, do not leave upon the earth from among the

    disbelievers an inhabitantإِنََّك إِن تَذَرُْهْم يُِضلُّوا ِعبَاَدَك واََل يَلُِدوا إاِلَّ فَاِجرًا

    َكفَّارًاIndeed, if You leave them, they will

    mislead Your servants and not beget except [every] wicked one and

    [confirmed] disbelieverرَّبِّ اْغِفْر لِي َولِوَالَِديَّ َومِلَن َدَخَل بَيِْتيَ ُمؤِْمنًا َولِْلُمؤِْمِننَي َوامْلُؤِْمنَاِت واََل تَزِِد الظَّامِلنَِي إاِلَّ تَبَارًا

    My Lord, forgive me and my parents and whoever enters my house a believer and the believing men and believing women.

    And do not increase the wrongdoers except in destruction.

    سورة نوح 71:26-28

    بَُّه فََقاَل رَبِّ إِنَّ ابِْني ِمْن أَْهلِي َونَاَدٰى نُوحٌ رََّوإِنَّ َوْعَدَك اْلَحقُّ َوأَنَت أَْحَكُم اْلَحاِكِمنَي

    And Nuh called to his Lord and said, "My Lord, indeed my son is of my

    family; and indeed, Your promise is true; and You are the most just of

    judges!"َقاَل يَا نُوحُ إِنَُّه َليَْس ِمْن أَْهلَِك ۖ إِنَُّه َعَمٌل َغيُْر َصالِحٍ ۖ فاََل تَْسأَْلِن َما َليَْس َلَك ِبِه ِعْلٌم ۖ إِنِّي

    أَِعظَُك أَن تَُكوَن ِمَن اْلَجاِهلنَِيHe said, "O Nuh, indeed he is not of

    your family; indeed, he is [one whose] work was other than righteous, so ask Me not for that about which you have no knowledge. Indeed, I advise you,

    lest you be among the ignorant."َقاَل رَبِّ إِنِّي أَُعوذُ ِبَك أَْن أَْسأََلَك َما َليَْس لِي ِبِه

    ِعْلٌم ۖ َوإاِلَّ تَْغِفْر لِي َوتَرَْحْمِني أَُكن مَِّن اْلَخاِسِريَن

    [Nuh] said, "My Lord, I seek refuge in You from asking that of which I have

    no knowledge. And unless You forgive me and have mercy upon me, I will be

    among the losers."سورة هود 11:45-47

    فَِإذَا اْستَوَيَْت أَنَت َوَمن مََّعَك َعَلى اْلفُْلِك فَُقِل اْلَحْمُد هللَِِّ انَا ِمَن اْلَقوْمِ الظَّامِلنَِي الَِّذي نَجَّ

    And when you have boarded the ship, you and those with you, then say, 'Praise to Allah who has saved us form the wrongdoing people.'َوُقل رَّبِّ أَنزِْلِني ُمنزاًَل مُّبَارًَكا َوأَنَت َخيُْر امْلُنزِلنَِي

    And say, 'My Lord, let me land at a blessed landing place, and You are the best to

    accommodate [us].' سورة املؤمنون


    َقاَل رَبِّ إِنَّ َقوِْمي َكذَّبُوِنHe said, "My Lord, indeed my people

    have denied me.ِني َوَمن مَِّعيَ ِمَن فَافْتَحْ بَيِْني َوبَيْنَُهْم فَتًْحا َونَجِّ

    امْلُؤِْمِننَيThen judge between me and them with decisive judgement and save me and

    those with me of the believers."سورة الشعراء 26:117-118

    فََدَعا َربَُّه أَنِّي َمْغُلوٌب فَانتَِصْرSo he invoked his Lord,

    "Indeed, I am overpowered, so help."سورة القمر


  • millennia ago, and Allah mentions his invocations to us in the Qura'an in the Arabic language. The Qura'an explains the Qura'an. Search for the explanation of any ayah in the Qura'an itself. This makes your knowledge strong.

    فَاْستََجبْنَا َلُهWhat did Allah do? He responded to the invocation of Nuh عليه السالم. The فاء shows sequence and speed; Allah ,الترتيب والتعقيبresponded at the same time as Nuh was making the dua. You must make dua to Allah, or He will not care about you.

    Think of the messengers, the made dua too, they didn't rely on their position. So don't be a miser, and make dua to Allah. If you don't, you are arrogant, because this seems as if you don't need Allah. If you are

    in pain, ask Allah to cure you, before taking any means. Run to Allah first in any situation; you will not lose anything. If you don't invoke Allah, He will create situations in which you are forced to make dua to Him. This is why we have needs, until we get attached to Allah.

    So Allah responded to the dua of Nuh عليه السالم. When Allah responds to your dua, He guides you to the best and the right way.


    to bring ► جاَب to answer ► أجاَبto seek the response ► استجاَب the response ► أجابة

    Allah will bring you the answer to your supplication. You must believe He will answer for sure. The response is parallel to the dua. If your dua is not up to the standard, it will not be answered, and you are to blame for this. Focus on your actions. You are the one who benefits from the response of Allah.

    يْنَاهُ َوأَْهَلُه فَنَجَّAllah responded to the dua of Nuh عليه السالم, by saving him and all the believers. Allah is able or save him without any dua, but He wanted Nuh عليه السالم to invoke Him. The أهل is the one who is worthy, the believer. The belief in the heart brings people together. If there is no belief, even if it is the mother, there is no connection of the hearts.

    ِمَن اْلَكرِْب اْلَعِظيمِAllah saved Nuh عليه السالم and his followers, from a great distress. The word : refers to كرب🔺 A rope which is pulled in a tug of war; the distress feels as if you are pulled apart. 🔺 Dryness; the distress dries you out.🔺 Choking; the distress chokes you, making you gasp for relief.

    Nuh عليه السالم was facing rejection for 950 years. It was tearing his heart, choking him. The calamity he faced gratefully for so many years was very intense. We must take the messengers as our role models.

    ُقْل َما يَْعبَأُ ِبُكْم َربِّي َلواَْل ُدَعاؤُُكْم ۖ فََقْد َكذَّبْتُْم فََسوَْف يَُكوُن لِزَاًما

    Say, "What would my Lord care for you if not for your

    supplication?" For you [disbelievers] have denied, so your denial is going to

    be adherent.سورة الفرقان


    َمْن لْم يدُع اهللَ يَْغَضْب عليِهالراوي : أبو هريرة | املحدث : األلباني | املصدر : السلسلة

    الصحيحةالصفحة أو الرقم: 2654 | خالصة

    حكم املحدث : حسنAllah is angry with the one

    so doesn't invoke Him.

    َوإِذَا َسأََلَك ِعبَاِدي َعنِّي فَِإنِّي َقِريٌب ۖ أُِجيُب َدْعوَةَ الدَّاِع إِذَا َدَعاِن ۖ فَْليَْستَِجيبُوا لِي

    َوْليُؤِْمنُوا ِبي َلَعلَُّهْم يَرُْشُدوَنAnd when My servants ask you, [O

    Muhammad], concerning Me - indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that

    they may be [rightly] guided.سورة البقرة



    ⇩الحبل يشد في وسطه

    اليأبس يأخذ النفس