S4 !.W is h "aat3Bxaioaa!nejjaagat! t) ll, - I v VOL. XVI.N. 884. MVJtUZ&ZXSSVZEESSMtiih Ml JSUVm?fXlU3fSBmaBBaaEBaZBB&ireMB&Tan awgiwrtfw. TERMS OF. THE GAZETTE. This paper is pubuflied weekly, at two dollars per annum, paid tn ad- vance. Those who write to the Editor, mud pay the portage of their letters. T TEN DOLLARS REWARD. STOLEN from the subscriber, (out of his (table) A SADDLE, aimed new, has been used about three months ; the maker's name is Seth Creigh, , which will be sound undir the (kirt of the saddle. Any nerfon who will five such informa tion as will enible me to prosecute the thief, (hall have the above re ward, or FIVE DOLLARS f Saddle onlv. JOHN A. SEITZ. Lexington, 21ft Dec. 1802. fr?" In all nrohahilitv the Saddl will be offered for l'ale in this neigh b irhood. THE of JOHN JORDAN Juk. & Co. having this day expired All those indebted' to said firm either by bond, note or book account, are requested to make immediate piyment to Jobn Jordan sun. or Andrew r. Price or liens will be taken to compel the same. JOHN JORDAN Jun.Stgo. N. B. The bufmefs in futue will be done by Tohn Jordan IihiXwho has a Large and General Assortment of MERCHANDIZE, which he 'is determined to dispose of on the moll reafonabfe terms for Cadi, Hemp, Country Linen, or ap proved produce. Jo Credit. xr iiiiuu, i.. j.i(uv. uni, iuu.6 IT ':j ;,v"t:"s."tn To Lease, A VALUABLE FARM, "LYING in Mercer county on Salt ri vef. ibout one mile and half above Maj. R1M1 man's mill, on the road leadin frajn Frankfort to Harrodfburgh with abAjt 100 acres of Cleared Land, a gnod)welling House and 'other Conve-n'-- nt Buildings, a large anule and Peach Orchard, Meadow and Parture the whole in good repair ' James Maccoiin. Lexington, March 14, 1803. FOR SALE, Tbe following Tracts of LAND, CONVEYED bv Tohn Fowlerefn. to to Cuth. Banks and T. Bodley, by deed ef tiuft, dated the 16th dayof Decem- ber 1800, to wit. 280J acres in Mont- gomery county, Flat creek, between Small-Mounta- in creek and the upper Salt Spring, entered in the name ol Crump and Patterson also, 1700 acrei in Campbell county, part,of a survey in the name of Jacob Rubfammorf, inclu-din- -j Fowler's hrk also, 1000 acies in said county, o 1 Bank-lic- k, being part of a tract of 4000 acres 'in the name, of Wdliam Jmes. Which said trads of land, or either, or put of them, will be sold at private faL-- , for the purpose of anl difi.rnr.jin-- the trufls men- tioned in said deed. The terms may be known by applying to the fubfenbers in Lexington. Cutb. Banks, Tbos. Bodley. March 14th, 1803. STRAYED FROM my fiim about ten days ago, a small SORREL FILLEY, thre-year- s old this furmg, about 13 hand hioh, (bort docked and the hair of thi tail eat by cattle Also a dark ba two year old FILLEY, rather tallei than the sorrel, no biand or fl-- fli mar on either recollected. A reafon-ibl- e rU ward will be given to have them icut, home, or notice given where they are tc oe iouna. ROBERT BARR. Fayette, May 27, 1803. tf FLAX I? HEMP SEED. J 70 ?V &? WIL Li AM Bonn , WILL purcliafe a quantitv of Ft.av and Hrnip Skhd, delivered at their Oil Mill ne- - Le- - inqton ; for which the UilnmaT? . pr"Ks v'll be ,i ci - ir Oath vietl tuHtilL. BY CHE A P GOODS FOR CASH IN HAND. SEITZ 6? JOHNSON Haae received Drib, "1 Brown, Cloths, . Blue, J -- ) ' Mixed, White, ! Caffimere. Blue, Drab, j ' Counterpanes, Furnituie Dimity, Fancycord, Extra Silk Gloves. 31-2- , 4, 4 1- -2 & 5 lb. Pins, Loytine do. 3 ron Check, iirth Webb, 3eaver Gloves, r Silk Bi Fringe, Cotton Socks and Stockings, Ink Powder, Sewing Silk, Coat Moles, Nuns'. Thread, Clouts and Tacks', Fish Hooks, j Thimbles, Awl Blades, Handsaw Files, ' Stoughton's Bitters, Smelling Bottles, Knittihg Pins, Gun Flints, 1 umblers, ' Salt Cellars, Large Wfyte Plates, Blue and Green do. Cups and Saucers, Bowls, Mugs, and Pitchers, Wine GlafTes, Card of elegant Pen Knives, , Ladies' Elastic Garters, Sattin Shoes, 'An elegant affortment of Neck- - lace, , A sew let of Caff Weights. IN AnniTKiVj Tn thf. aunvu. A Very extensive and well cholen Cargo of JJKV bUUUb, GROCERIES HARD, "GLASS,, , ! Wares QUEEN'S & CHINA J ' IRON MONGERY, CUTLERY, SADDLERY, fe?c. Is expected to arrive in a)l next month'. Lexington, 31ft May, 1803. CP A large nuantitv of SALT PETRE wanted, enquire as above! or til' ts r. ' juL.uij uuiu, W THE SUBSCRIBER, NVISHES to inform the public, liiv. w- - i.uiHinuca iu uaiiy uii uic BLUr- - ijyirU, on Main Croli Street. VlPfWHPti Mr Aititn WoUer' and Mr. Myers's, where he will dye L.otton, Linen and Wool, with a warm dye Cotton deeDefl blue, at 4f6 per pound JyVool at is 6 per pound, which he will warrant to be equal to any dye in the town of Les- - ngton. JACOB BOSHART. Lexington, June 25, 1801. stf BOOK BINDING. HAVING emnloved a Bom: BruDER, who has been repularlfc bred to the business in Philadelphia, any orders for RECORD, AC COUNT, or any other BLANK BOOKS, will be thankfullv receiv ed and punctually executed. I have on hand, and iliall conftanth keep, a lupplyot bLANK. iJOUKS. Old Books in the neatest and belt manner. DANl. BRADFORD. Gazette Office, ") Lexineton. J i AKLN up bv "Robert'Newell, Hsrnfoi county, nearthe mouth ot Mill creek, aDar s Horse' f"ur vears oId' about sixteen Vh',8h;faar .'" h'!.r"ead. P on fie right hind ham, and a mrU knot on hisbick.no brand: apuraifed tneirhtv dollars before me. 'toschhut Ptrr!n h TAKEN up by Cader Edwaids in Barren countv. a SORREI MARE, about six or seven year: fcioia, n , oranaed . . on both y laws and nea hnn Hpr Tith R U... .U;. W. r. c. c.t A TTHSTPTF VM. AND GENERAL ADVERTISER; 51 k A: t4 .WuaJllwaJwu)iwui DANIEL BRADFORD, LEXINGTON. """' BOURBON CIRCUIT May Term, 1803. John Todd, Complainant, Against John Edwards, Defendant. Ty In Chvnceky. THE defendant not havingenter-f- d his appearance herein agreeably to the acl of affembly, and Tyles of this court, and it appearing to the utisfadlion of the court that he is not an inhabitant of this common wealth, on motion of complain ant th th a that a copy of this order be inserted in lome one ot trie Gazettes of this Mate for eight weeks fucceffively, an- - 300 Acres of Land, a good Ful'-oth- er copy posted at the door of the ling Mill, with all its utensils on court-hous- e and at the front doovi Howard's creek, Clarke countv. r tne rreibyterian meeling-houfeAlfo- ,a first rate Seat f.r a Merchant in Paris. fnmp Dfldnir imn.Dinfal.. aster divine service. A copy, THO. ARNOLD, Clk. Vitate 0 Kentucky, Fayette Circuit Court, June term, IB03 Thomas Bocllej, complainant, Samuel Bvcrs, and he children of John Ders, neirs ana legatee's ot Joleph By ers, dec. and John i'arker and Robert yTodd, executors, Elizabeth I'arker, wi- - J Bow, Mary 1'jTker, James Parkei, Ell ' za Parker, Uobeit Paikei, John Todd Pirker. and Andrew vA ilium pnr 2, Parkei. heirs and leo:atces of Rohert I raiMr.uec. (ill 01 laid heirs being in fant's under the age of 21 years, by Archd. M'llvain fen. their ituardian.) and John Mixwell, John M'Dowell, Robert JWegowan, Henry Marshall and Robert 1'atterf.in, trufiees for the Lex ingtonPrelbytenan Congregation. In (Iiuur.pnv. THE defendants samuel Bversand the child ren of John Byeis fuVing failid to enter their ,,.. u'.: f... . . . . 7 a.aioinc ucicip agreeaoie io law tne rules, of this court, and it appearing to oir fatisfic-- , tion that they arenot inhabitants of this com monwealth on the motion of the complainant uy ins rouniei, it is ordered that she laid d lendants do appear here on the thud dav of tui next icn'em npr. rprin. ;inri ,n umr i complainants.bl, 'tint a copy of this orr ue iniertea in tne K.entuclcv Uazette or raid accordinff to law. another nnftVrt at jdoor of the cou? house lor Faytte tounty, ' ind that a coovof this order he nn I lOme SunaV lniinedmfelv nfrer rll,Mnrferuir ,f h,- - .!. ' f .,. A.u.. ".. " I V.:;.' in Lexington. A Copy, Tette Thos. Bodley, c.r. c Tbe Matchless Hist or v of JOSEPH & HIS BRETREREN, tor sale at this ojjicc. Price gd. NICHOLAS 3RIGHT, r&? SHOE MmurAc- - TURER. REtURNS his thahks tohiscuf- - tomers for their pad savors and nbopes by his attention to business to merit tnem in iuture. ne pegs leave to inform the public in general that he continues to carry on the above business next door to Mr. Boggs's, opposite Capt. Marfiial's tavern, Main street. He lias just received from Philadelphia, a quantity of first qualitied imp'orted Boot Legs and Englilh Ben boals. Any gentleman fljnay be turnilhed with .Boots or JSho es. done in the neatest and belt nanner, and on the Hiorteft notice, oy applying as anove. Lexington, Jnlyb, 1003. Knox Countv, fulv Term. i8cn, ru T3 1.1...1. r- - i: . juuu ncuuitK, v,onipiainant, v. s. Robert Campbell, surviving"") '. a of the late firvn of Hicks I nhell. and tbe hairs nnd ! rt. 1 i -- 3 fentatives of James Hicks g ifed.latenartnerin the firm is Hicks & Lampbeil, and Tohn iJallinger. In Chancery. " The defendants Robeit Campbell, " the heirs and .eprefentatives of James Hicks decealed, not having entered their an- - pearance herein according to law, and it aD- - peanng to the fatisfaftion of the court that thev arenot lnb3biants of ilie commonwealth ns Kentuck on the mntinn ns rh rnjinki nant, bv his counsel, it is ordered, that thr lamdetenrtanrs tlo appear here on the first day of our next Oftohr term nl nnr fnirl rnmi and answer ll e complairant's bill that a co- - .. . . . . miiuiiiT watnK: iui iwu iiiuiiuis luccciiive li. ij -- - .i. j .t . ...,, I l iiiniL i ...w...., ....!. ,, uuuui liiii icfiiMi, puieu up ic tne imiitooor ot tne court hands high; appraised to twenty ,,ou,e of this county, and pubhfhcd forae Sun- - three dollars Mav l8th iSoi S ,"nme'1 lte,v a1ter Divine service at the . ,r ' J P.cbvtenan meeting house near Stanford. J. rOO", lli'e 1 T, r. T .... b. 1 , C.R CS.r.T.' LEWIS SANDERS sc? CO. HAVE lately received from Phil-delnhi- a, a frefli affortmenr ns pIp. gant and falhionable FANCY GOODS. y A general adortment ol Hrdvvare,Iron-mongery- , &c. Chi na I ea letts nnmnlpfp inrl (fhma wares. Glass and Queens Ware. A eood aflbrtment ns Cm. cenes, Madeira and Sherry Wine, Jamaica spirits, Acid, belt Spanilh tnoigo ana other dye Itufte. Shad, low T?rSr c a 1 c- - Mill, tn tne Dam and Kace and a for the Mill all readv. and ol Stone on the lnot lor build- - A good Dwelling House, and House, and otherimnrovements. t Springs that never sail. ere is 2t feet fall can be had. and lenty 6i water in the season ior two pair of (lones. It is within two mijes of Boonlborough, and the same of Combs's ware-hous- e, and good waggon roads t6 each. Snmp indulgence can be given thepurcha-- 3 ser, and part property taken. A ge-- 3 neral warranty deed will be given-- , ana runner particulars made known by the subscriber, living on the place. AVm. TAYLOR. N. B. The Fulling Butffol will Hill be carried on as ufifanvfitf A fvf A M A v r. T. intr luuicri " ber.livino;near the mon triiif Strodp' '. cree'k, Bourbon county, thefirftday of April lad a Negro Woman, named SWER. about thirtv veara of ap-e- . J .'. : o - :hick trunchy made, her hair low down her sorehead lips, her bread hangs down flabby, her buttocks stick out than common, lhe has got lome all Icars orrher arms, lmall feet. ... r nn anQ 's very cratty. v noever wili deliver me the laid woman, or con trive so that I feet her again, dull receive the sum of TEN DOL LARS, paid by me. 4W JOHN CLAY. FOR SALE, V Tbe Valuable Stallion SILVER HERTS WHICH stood at Mr. Edmund Bryant's. Teffamine countv. rhr mft season, and covered between 90 and 100 mares. I he pedigree of this horse is good, and hiay be seen by re- ference to the Stud Book for the year 1803, or to the subscriber, in Clarke county. One or two years credit will be given on giving bond and lecunty Une or two geldings would be received m hand is nrefr- - redby the purchaser. Augufl 7 th 1803. tf TO BE SOLD, - BY a power of attorney from the executors of Patrick Henry decea sed, a 1 KAUT ot LAND, on Mill miles fronvthe mouth of Kentucky, d 40 miles fr"om the Falls of Ohio, lltainin? lion nr.rpc. bv fnrvev -- j -- j -- j o 1 made in 1784, and is a moiety of 3000 acres, patented to Mr. May and Mr. Henry, and accordingly di- vided. Also tfoo acres on the Rolling fork of Salt river, bv a furvev in 1784. patented to Mr. Henry. I understand these lands are valu- - aDle, but a , purchaser would clmfe to j r r JunSe tor ""Ulelt. I he terms may be known by applying to the fubferi ber, livine; in Fayette county W. WARFIELD. August 8th, 1801. tf llarnlon County. TAKENnpby William Shropfhire, on Mill i 'eek. a dark bav Horfp. fVni- - or flwp v.irt' f . ' uiu', luuiiccu anu u nan innds niffn. no Drandl r . , ,. b'. .1 a lmau Uar inlus anda Roman nose, two hind fert white, spots, a bob tail, a natural trotter, had a small bell on ; roaol before me. trr. lir.it.... l. .. . J. Jure 32, ? 3 "" """ "IJ" " TUESDAY, AUGUST year5,up perceivaoie, sorehead, fomefaddlc appiaifed t 23, 1803. FORTY DOLLARS REWARD STOLEN, on the night of the nth instant, out of my (table, in Lexington, a Chefnut Sorrel HORSE. Fifteen and a half hnnrl. u;u r..- - old Jnft natural' years (pring, a rrot- - mr. moo. an round, a Itar on his sore head, a small white frjot on hUnprt- - on the near Gde ; he is a strong . . . ,.rll 4. J 1 r 01 """ none, witn a round bo dy ; his head and neck much inferi abova hoffe 3 nrm u - wHii3 tor the horle only. ALEX. PARK-R- Lexington, July 12, 1803. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, June 2Atb, 1803 -- Notice is hereby given, THAT Proposals will be recei- ved at Vincennes, by the Governor' of tbe Indiana Territn im;i ,u. r - "e t y y UIIL11 Lili 30th day of September next enfuingv ,U1 "cauug, ior tne term ot Three Years; commencinp- - on thp ift of DeceniDer iRo. thp SATr SPRINGS near the Wabafli, lately ceded by the Indians to 'the UnHp,l States. The following conditions will ba required on the part of the UnirprJ States. Viz. I. No rent (lull be demanded for the first year of the lease : Imr th leffees (lull pay to the United States, one thousand bushels, equal To fifty thoufarid oounds mtrrhnti- - ble fait, for the annual rent of each lucceeding year the fait to be de- livered at the works, in such quanti- ties, and at such time and timp within the year, as (lull be fixed by uie terms or tne leale II. The lelTees dull pftnbHfk within the Srft year, kettles, for th&V purpose of making fait of the atJ ,gatp contents of at least eight thou- - lanu ganons ; and they null, within the second year, encreafe the quan- tity to fifteen thousand gallons. A during the remainder of the lease, keep up and employ kettles of the laid aggregate contents of fifteen thousand gallons : ihe kettles re maining on hand at the expiration of me leaie, to he valued and paid for to the lelTtes, is the lease (lull not- - be renewed. III. The leffees (hall be bound annually, and each vear atter rl,Z end of the first year, 'to manufa&ure. at lealt the quantity of (alt which dull be agreed cm bv the terms Xt the lease ; and to sell the whole quantity which, during the sour years of their lease, they flu ft man. ufaclure, at a price not greater than that fixed by the said terms : anrf-i- n order to prevent any combination or evanon, the United States re-se- rve to themselves the right of nnr- - chasing the whole at that price. iv ror the purpoie of aflifting the leffees in the purchase of kettles. and ereclion of the works, the Uni ted states Hull advance two thou- fand five hiindred dollars : to be re paid at the end of the lease, with intereit, at the rate ot lix per cent, a year, from the expiration of the first year of the lease. V. lhe lellees (hall give bond with approved fecurky, for the ful- filment of the agreement, and for the of the money. The perlons who intend to lease, will (late in the proposals, the quan- tity of fait which they will agrei. to make annually, and the price at which they will engage to sell the same : it being intended, the other terms being equal, and the security tndifputable, to lease the spring to those who (hall engace to sell the greatest quantity of lalt at the low- - eit price. Should nnvrjerfhns. ntherwifi Ap- - j 1 - 7 firous to leaie, think the quantity o !?frtlpa 1 C (t'itr.n in llip er nnA ifti . hj ..Mb,., .it W.f IbUIIU a. H cle. to be greater than thev can est- - ablifli ; they may, n their proposals, irate tne quantity, exprened in gal- - nnc rr tn . rnnronrc nrhirh thaif .- - " ,...1..., ,.!.., mv would agree to eftablifli and keep ALBERT GALLATIN. t2oS Secretory of tbe Treasury, BLANK BILLS OF LADlNGj And MANIFESTS, For sale at this Office. f y

AND GENERAL ADVERTISER;nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt71jw86ht2b/data/0128.pdf · 2012-06-04 · v VOL. XVI.N. 884. MVJtUZ&ZXSSVZEESSMtiih Ml JSUVm?fXlU3fSBmaBBaaEBaZBB&ireMB&Tan awgiwrtfw. TERMS

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Page 1: AND GENERAL ADVERTISER;nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt71jw86ht2b/data/0128.pdf · 2012-06-04 · v VOL. XVI.N. 884. MVJtUZ&ZXSSVZEESSMtiih Ml JSUVm?fXlU3fSBmaBBaaEBaZBB&ireMB&Tan awgiwrtfw. TERMS








VOL. XVI.N. 884.


This paper is pubuflied weekly, attwo dollars per annum, paid tn ad-

vance.Those who write to the Editor, mud

pay the portage of their letters.


STOLEN from the subscriber,(out of his (table) A SADDLE,aimed new, has been used aboutthree months ; the maker's name isSeth Creigh, , which will be soundundir the (kirt of the saddle. Anynerfon who will five such information as will enible me to prosecutethe thief, (hall have the above reward, or FIVE DOLLARS fSaddle onlv.

JOHN A. SEITZ.Lexington, 21ft Dec. 1802.

fr?" In all nrohahilitv the Saddlwill be offered for l'ale in this neighb irhood.

THE of JOHNJORDAN Juk. & Co. having this

day expired All those indebted' tosaid firm either by bond, note orbook account, are requested to makeimmediate piyment to Jobn Jordansun. or Andrew r. Price or liens

will be taken to compel the same.

JOHN JORDAN Jun.Stgo.N. B. The bufmefs in futue will

be done by Tohn Jordan IihiXwhohas a

Large and General Assortment ofMERCHANDIZE,

which he 'is determined to dispose of

on the moll reafonabfe terms forCadi, Hemp, Country Linen, or approved produce. Jo Credit.

xr iiiiuu, i.. j.i(uv. uni, iuu.6




"LYING in Mercer county on Salt rivef. ibout one mile and half above Maj.R1M1 man's mill, on the road leadinfrajn Frankfort to Harrodfburgh withabAjt 100 acres of Cleared Land, a

gnod)welling House and 'other Conve-n'-- nt

Buildings, a large anule and PeachOrchard, Meadow and Parture thewhole in good repair '

James Maccoiin.Lexington, March 14, 1803.


Tbe following Tracts ofLAND,

CONVEYED bv Tohn Fowlerefn. toto Cuth. Banks and T. Bodley, by deedef tiuft, dated the 16th dayof Decem-ber 1800, to wit. 280J acres in Mont-gomery county, Flat creek, betweenSmall-Mounta- in creek and the upperSalt Spring, entered in the name olCrump and Patterson also, 1700 acreiin Campbell county, part,of a survey inthe name of Jacob Rubfammorf, inclu-din- -j

Fowler's hrk also, 1000 acies insaid county, o 1 Bank-lic- k, being part ofa tract of 4000 acres 'in the name, ofWdliam Jmes. Which said trads ofland, or either, or put of them, will besold at private faL--, for the purpose of

anl difi.rnr.jin-- the trufls men-tioned in said deed. The terms may beknown by applying to the fubfenbers inLexington.

Cutb. Banks,Tbos. Bodley.

March 14th, 1803.

STRAYEDFROM my fiim about ten days ago,

a small SORREL FILLEY, thre-year- s

old this furmg, about 13 handhioh, (bort docked and the hair of thitail eat by cattle Also a dark batwo year old FILLEY, rather talleithan the sorrel, no biand or fl-- fli maron either recollected. A reafon-ibl- e rUward will be given to have them icut,home, or notice given where they are tcoe iouna.

ROBERT BARR.Fayette, May 27, 1803. tf


70 ?V &? WIL LiAM Bonn ,WILL purcliafe a quantitv of Ft.avand Hrnip Skhd, delivered at theirOil Mill ne- - Le- - inqton ; for whichthe UilnmaT?

.pr"Ks v'll be ,i ci-

ir Oath vietl tuHtilL.



SEITZ 6? JOHNSONHaae received

Drib, "1

Brown, Cloths,. Blue, J


'Mixed,White, !

Caffimere.Blue,Drab, j '

Counterpanes,Furnituie Dimity,Fancycord,Extra Silk Gloves.31-2- , 4, 4 1- -2 & 5 lb. Pins,Loytine do.

3 ron Check,iirth Webb,3eaver Gloves,

rSilk BiFringe,Cotton Socks and Stockings,Ink Powder,Sewing Silk,Coat Moles,Nuns'. Thread,Clouts and Tacks',Fish Hooks, j

Thimbles,Awl Blades,Handsaw Files,

' Stoughton's Bitters,Smelling Bottles,Knittihg Pins,Gun Flints,1 umblers, 'Salt Cellars,Large Wfyte Plates,Blue and Green do.Cups and Saucers,Bowls, Mugs, and Pitchers,Wine GlafTes,Card of elegant Pen Knives,

, Ladies' Elastic Garters,Sattin Shoes,'An elegant affortment of Neck- -

lace,, A sew let of Caff Weights.IN AnniTKiVj Tn thf. aunvu.

A Very extensive and well cholen Cargo ofJJKV bUUUb,GROCERIESHARD,

"GLASS,, , !

WaresQUEEN'S &



Is expected to arrive in a)l nextmonth'.

Lexington, 31ft May, 1803.CP A large nuantitv of SALT

PETRE wanted, enquire as above!or til' ts r. '

juL.uij uuiu,W THE SUBSCRIBER,

NVISHES to inform the public,liiv. w- - i.uiHinuca iu uaiiy uii uicBLUr- - ijyirU, on Main CroliStreet. VlPfWHPti Mr Aititn WoUer'and Mr. Myers's, where he will dyeL.otton, Linen and Wool, with awarm dye Cotton deeDefl blue, at4f6 per pound JyVool at is6 perpound, which he will warrant to beequal to any dye in the town of Les- -


Lexington, June 25, 1801. stfBOOK BINDING.

HAVING emnloved a Bom:BruDER, who has been repularlfcbred to the business in Philadelphia,any orders for RECORD, ACCOUNT, or any other BLANKBOOKS, will be thankfullv received and punctually executed. I haveon hand, and iliall conftanth keep, a

lupplyot bLANK. iJOUKS. OldBooks in the neatest andbelt manner.

DANl. BRADFORD.Gazette Office, ")

Lexineton. Ji AKLN up bv "Robert'Newell, Hsrnfoi

county, nearthe mouth ot Mill creek, aDars Horse' f"ur vears oId' about sixteen

Vh',8h;faar .'" h'!.r"ead. P onfie right hind ham, and a mrU

knot on hisbick.no brand: apuraifed tneirhtvdollars before me.

'toschhut Ptrr!n h

TAKEN up by Cader Edwaidsin Barren countv. a SORREIMARE, about six or seven year:

fcioia,n ,oranaed

. .on both ylaws and nea

hnn Hpr Tith R U... .U;.

W. r. c. c.t









May Term, 1803.John Todd, Complainant,


John Edwards, Defendant.Ty In Chvnceky.

THE defendant not havingenter-f- d

his appearance herein agreeablyto the acl of affembly, and Tyles ofthis court, and it appearing to theutisfadlion of the court that he isnot an inhabitant of this commonwealth, on motion of complainantththa

that a copy of this order be insertedin lome one ot trie Gazettes of thisMate for eight weeks fucceffively, an- - 300 Acres of Land, a good Ful'-oth- er

copy posted at the door of the ling Mill, with all its utensils oncourt-hous- e and at the front doovi Howard's creek, Clarke countv.

r tne rreibyterian meeling-houfeAlfo- ,a first rate Seat f.r a Merchantin Paris. fnmp Dfldnir imn.Dinfal..aster divine service.

A copy,THO. ARNOLD, Clk.

Vitate 0 Kentucky, Fayette Circuit Court,June term, IB03

Thomas Bocllej, complainant,

Samuel Bvcrs, and he children of JohnDers, neirs ana legatee's ot Joleph Byers, dec. and John i'arker and Robert

yTodd, executors, Elizabeth I'arker, wi- -

J Bow, Mary 1'jTker, James Parkei, Ell' za Parker, Uobeit Paikei, John ToddPirker. and Andrew vA ilium pnr 2,Parkei. heirs and leo:atces of Rohert IraiMr.uec. (ill 01 laid heirs being infant's under the age of 21 years, byArchd. M'llvain fen. their ituardian.)and John Mixwell, John M'Dowell,Robert JWegowan, Henry Marshall andRobert 1'atterf.in, trufiees for the LexingtonPrelbytenan Congregation.

In (Iiuur.pnv.THE defendants samuel Bversand the child

ren of John Byeis fuVing failid to enter their,,.. u'.: f... . . . . 7a.aioinc ucicip agreeaoie io law tne rules,of this court, and it appearing to oir fatisfic-- ,tion that they arenot inhabitants of this commonwealth on the motion of the complainantuy ins rouniei, it is ordered that she laid dlendants do appear here on the thud dav oftui next icn'em npr. rprin. ;inri ,n umr icomplainants.bl, 'tint a copy of this orrue iniertea in tne K.entuclcv Uazette orraid accordinff to law. another nnftVrt atjdoor of the cou? house lor Faytte tounty, 'ind that a coovof this order he nn IlOme SunaV lniinedmfelv nfrer rll,Mnrferuir,f h,- - .!. ' f .,. A.u.. ".. " I V.:;.'in Lexington.

A Copy, TetteThos. Bodley, c.r. c

Tbe Matchless Historv ofJOSEPH & HIS BRETREREN,

tor sale at this ojjicc.Price gd.


r&? SHOE

MmurAc- - TURER.

REtURNS his thahks tohiscuf- -tomers for their pad savors and

nbopes by his attention to business tomerit tnem in iuture. ne pegs leaveto inform the public in general thathe continues to carry on the abovebusiness next door to Mr. Boggs's,opposite Capt. Marfiial's tavern,Main street. He lias just receivedfrom Philadelphia, a quantity of firstqualitied imp'orted Boot Legs andEnglilh Ben boals. Any gentleman

fljnay be turnilhed with .Boots orJSho es. done in the neatest and belt

nanner, and on the Hiorteft notice,oy applying as anove.

Lexington, Jnlyb, 1003.

Knox Countv, fulv Term. i8cn,ru T3 1.1...1. r- - i: .juuu ncuuitK, v,onipiainant,v. s.

Robert Campbell, surviving"") '.a of the late firvn of Hicks I

nhell. and tbe hairs nnd ! rt.1 i -- 3

fentatives of James Hicks gifed.latenartnerin the firm

is Hicks & Lampbeil, and TohniJallinger.

In Chancery. "

The defendants Robeit Campbell," the heirs and .eprefentatives of JamesHicks decealed, not having entered their an- -pearance herein according to law, and it aD- -

peanng to the fatisfaftion of the court thatthev arenot lnb3biants of ilie commonwealthns Kentuck on the mntinn ns rh rnjinkinant, bv his counsel, it is ordered, that thrlamdetenrtanrs tlo appear here on the first dayof our next Oftohr term nl nnr fnirl rnmiand answer ll e complairant's bill that a co- -.. . . . .

miiuiiiT watnK: iui iwu iiiuiiuis luccciiiveli. ij -- - .i. j .t .

...,, Il iiiniL i

...w...., ....!. ,, uuuui liiii icfiiMi, puieu up ic tne imiitooor ot tne courthands high; appraised to twenty ,,ou,e of this county, and pubhfhcd forae Sun- -

three dollars Mav l8th iSoi S ,"nme'1 lte,v a1ter Divine service at the. ,r ' J P.cbvtenan meeting house near Stanford.

J. rOO", lli'e 1 T, r. T ....b.


, C.R CS.r.T.'

LEWIS SANDERS sc? CO.HAVE lately received from Phil-delnhi- a,

a frefli affortmenr ns pIp.gant and falhionable

FANCY GOODS.y A general adortment ol

Hrdvvare,Iron-mongery- , &c. China I ea letts nnmnlpfp inrl(fhma wares. Glass and QueensWare. A eood aflbrtment ns Cm.cenes, Madeira and Sherry Wine,Jamaica spirits, Acid, belt Spanilhtnoigo ana other dye Itufte. Shad,

lowT?rSr c a 1 c- -

Mill, tn tne Dam and Kace and afor the Mill all readv. andol Stone on the lnot lor build- -

A good Dwelling House, andHouse, and otherimnrovements.

t Springs that never sail.ere is 2t feet fall can be had. and

lenty 6i water in the season iortwo pair of (lones. It is within twomijes of Boonlborough, and thesame of Combs's ware-hous- e, andgood waggon roads t6 each. Snmpindulgence can be given thepurcha-- 3

ser, and part property taken. A ge-- 3

neral warranty deed will be given-- ,

ana runner particulars made knownby the subscriber, living on theplace. AVm. TAYLOR.

N. B. The Fulling Butffol willHill be carried on as ufifanvfitf

A fvf A M A v r. T.

intr luuicri"ber.livino;near the mon triiif Strodp''.

cree'k, Bourbon county, thefirftdayof April lad a Negro Woman, namedSWER. about thirtv veara of ap-e-.

J .'. : o -

:hick trunchy made, her hairlow down her sorehead

lips, her bread hangs downflabby, her buttocks stick outthan common, lhe has got lome

all Icars orrher arms, lmall feet....r nnanQ 's very cratty. v noever wilideliver me the laid woman, or contrive so that I feet her again, dullreceive the sum of TEN DOLLARS, paid by me.


FOR SALE,V Tbe Valuable StallionSILVER HERTS

WHICH stood at Mr. EdmundBryant's. Teffamine countv. rhr mftseason, and covered between 90 and100 mares. I he pedigree of thishorse is good, and hiay be seen by re-ference to the Stud Book for theyear 1803, or to the subscriber, inClarke county. One or two yearscredit will be given on giving bondand lecunty Une or two geldingswould be received m hand is nrefr- -redby the purchaser.

Augufl 7 th 1803. tfTO BE SOLD, -

BY a power of attorney from theexecutors of Patrick Henry deceased, a 1 KAUT ot LAND, on Mill

miles fronvthe mouth of Kentucky,d 40 miles fr"om the Falls of Ohio,lltainin? lion nr.rpc. bv fnrvev-- j --j --jo 1

made in 1784, and is a moiety of3000 acres, patented to Mr. Mayand Mr. Henry, and accordingly di-

vided.Also tfoo acres on the Rolling fork

of Salt river, bv a furvev in 1784.patented to Mr. Henry.

I understand these lands are valu- -

aDle, but a,

purchaser would clmfe toj r rJunSe tor ""Ulelt. I he terms maybe known by applying to the fubferiber, livine; in Fayette county

W. WARFIELD.August 8th, 1801. tf

llarnlon County.TAKENnpby William Shropfhire, on Milli 'eek. a dark bav Horfp. fVni- - or flwp v.irt'f . '

uiu', luuiiccu anu u nan innds niffn. no Drandlr . , ,. b'. .1a lmau Uar inlus andaRoman nose, two hind fert white,spots, a bob tail, a natural trotter, had a smallbell on ; roaol before me.

trr.lir.it.... l. .. . J.

Jure 32, ? 3" " """ "IJ" "



perceivaoie, sorehead,fomefaddlc



23, 1803.

FORTY DOLLARS REWARDSTOLEN, on the night of thenth instant, out of my (table, in

Lexington, a Chefnut SorrelHORSE.

Fifteen and a half hnnrl. u;u r..- -old Jnft natural'years (pring, a rrot- -

mr. moo. an round, a Itar on his sorehead, a small white frjot on hUnprt--on the near Gde ; he is a strong

. . .,.rll 4. J 1 r 01""" none, witn a round body ; his head and neck much inferi


3nrmu - wHii3tor the horle only.


Lexington, July 12, 1803.


--Notice is hereby given,THAT Proposals will be recei-

ved at Vincennes, by the Governor'of tbe Indiana Territn im;i ,u.r - "e t y y UIIL11 Lili30th day of September next enfuingv,U1 "cauug, ior tne term ot ThreeYears; commencinp- - on thp iftof DeceniDer iRo. thp SATrSPRINGS near the Wabafli, latelyceded by the Indians to 'the UnHp,lStates.

The following conditions will barequired on the part of the UnirprJStates. Viz.

I. No rent (lull be demanded forthe first year of the lease : Imr thleffees (lull pay to the UnitedStates, one thousand bushels, equalTo fifty thoufarid oounds mtrrhnti- -ble fait, for the annual rent of eachlucceeding year the fait to be de-livered at the works, in such quanti-ties, and at such time and timpwithin the year, as (lull be fixed byuie terms or tne leale

II. The lelTees dull pftnbHfkwithin the Srft year, kettles, for th&Vpurpose of making fait of the atJ,gatp contents of at least eight thou- -lanu ganons ; and they null, withinthe second year, encreafe the quan-tity to fifteen thousand gallons. A

during the remainder of the lease,keep up and employ kettles of thelaid aggregate contents of fifteenthousand gallons : ihe kettles remaining on hand at the expiration ofme leaie, to he valued and paid forto the lelTtes, is the lease (lull not- -

be renewed.III. The leffees (hall be bound

annually, and each vear atter rl,Zend of the first year, 'to manufa&ure.at lealt the quantity of (alt whichdull be agreed cm bv the terms Xtthe lease ; and to sell the wholequantity which, during the souryears of their lease, they flu ft man.ufaclure, at a price not greater thanthat fixed by the said terms : anrf-i- n

order to prevent any combinationor evanon, the United States re-se- rve

to themselves the right of nnr--chasing the whole at that price.

iv ror the purpoie of afliftingthe leffees in the purchase of kettles.and ereclion of the works, the United states Hull advance two thou-fand five hiindred dollars : to be repaid at the end of the lease, withintereit, at the rate ot lix per cent,a year, from the expiration of thefirst year of the lease.

V. lhe lellees (hall give bondwith approved fecurky, for the ful-filment of the agreement, and forthe of the money.

The perlons who intend to lease,will (late in the proposals, the quan-tity of fait which they will agrei. tomake annually, and the price atwhich they will engage to sell thesame : it being intended, the otherterms being equal, and the securitytndifputable, to lease the spring tothose who (hall engace to sell thegreatest quantity of lalt at the low--eit price.

Should nnvrjerfhns. ntherwifi Ap- -j 1- 7

firous to leaie, think the quantity o!?frtlpa 1 C (t'itr.n in llip er nnA ifti .hj ..Mb,., .it W.f IbUIIU a. Hcle. to be greater than thev can est- -ablifli ; they may, n their proposals,irate tne quantity, exprened in gal- -nnc rr tn. rnnronrc nrhirh thaif.- - " ,...1..., ,.!.., mv

would agree to eftablifli and keep

ALBERT GALLATIN.t2oS Secretory of tbe Treasury,


For sale at this Office.

