UB0 l™**- * Agriculture Fisheries and Food FRCA Agricultural Land Classificatioa Bittaford 1 Legend | Gride 1 Grade 2 Grade 3a Grade 3b Grade 4 Grade 5 ^ ^^H H 1 1 •1 Quality Excellent Very Good Good Moderate Poor Very Poor .Agricultural not surveyed Other land Boundary of survey area Total agricultural land Total survey land area area * Not pnatm within surrey area Area (ha) 0.0 0.0 3g.g 64.9 22.2 1.6 0.0 38.1 127i 185.6 L _L Furihcr deuiU conuiocd to MAFF (1988) AgrKuliural Und Ctassificatioa of EnflaDd anJ Wain - Revised guidelines nod criirru fur ^radini ibc quality of agricultural taad. Maff tpnblicationi), London S£99 7TF. The informaiion it accunic •! base map Kale bai any caJargeaiciit would be misleadiog. Reproduction in whole or in pan by any meaoi ii probibiied wiihoui the prior permissioQ of MAFF. SurTcyed lad d n v n by the Re&ource Planning Team, FRCA Western Region. Based on the 1982 Ordauce Survey 1:10,00(1 map with the permiuton of the CnniToIler of Her Majesty's Srationery Office. Unaurhoriwd reproduction infringes Crown copyright and mty lead to proiecmioii or civil proceedings. MAl'l- Licence No: 00272361 Source inap(s»: SX65NE^X65NW Reference no; 94/98 © Crow Copyright Reserved 1998

and Food Agricultural Land Classificatioa Bittaford

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l ™ * * - * Agriculture Fisheries and Food

FRCA Agricultural Land Classificatioa


1 Legend |

Gride 1

Grade 2

Grade 3a

Grade 3b

Grade 4

Grade 5


^^H H 1 1

• 1



Very Good




Very Poor

.Agricultural not surveyed

Other land

Boundary of survey area

Total agricultural land

Total survey



area * Not pnatm within surrey area

Area (ha)











L _L Furihcr deuiU conuiocd to MAFF (1988) AgrKuliural Und Ctassificatioa of EnflaDd anJ Wain - Revised guidelines nod criirru fur ^radini ibc quality of agricultural taad. Maff tpnblicationi), London S£99 7TF. The informaiion it accunic •! base map Kale bai any caJargeaiciit would be misleadiog. Reproduction in whole or in pan by any meaoi ii probibiied wiihoui the prior permissioQ of MAFF.

SurTcyed lad d n v n by the Re&ource Planning Team, FRCA Western Region. Based on the 1982 Ordauce Survey 1:10,00(1 map with the permiuton of the CnniToIler of Her Majesty's Srationery Office. Unaurhoriwd reproduction infringes Crown copyright and mty lead to proiecmioii or civil proceedings. MAl'l- Licence No: 00272361 Source inap(s»: SX65NE^X65NW Reference no; 94/98 © Crow Copyright Reserved 1998

M A F F Ministry of !!•'*•• % Agriculture

" Fisheries and Food


Agricultural Land Classificatioa


Sample Po in t M a p


Location of soil pit

Location of auger sample point

C7 Boundary of survey area

Agricultural land not surveyed

I I Other land

Purihcr deiails contained in MAFI' (1988) Agricniiural Land Clasuficaiioa of England and Wales - Revised guidelines and criurru tor grading the quality of agncultiual land. Maff (puMicalions), Loodon SF99 7TP. The inXormaiion n acckr<Uc at btiK map scale bui any cniiiigcoicst wcmJd be misleading. Reproduction ia whole or In pan bv any mciiu ii prohibiied wiihout ibe piioi permissioQ of MAFF.

SuiTeved and drawn by the Resource Planninf! Team, FRCA Western Region. Bttud on the 1982 Ordoance Survey lJO,CK)fl map with the permiision of the Controller of Hei Majesty's Stirionery Office. UnauThonted reproducTion infringes Crown copyrighl and may lead to protecurion or ciMl proceedia^ M.MI- Lkente No; 00272361 Sourte n)ap(s»; SX65NU>X65NW Reference no; »i/9B © Crown CInpyfighi Reserved 1998