J ... k ' 4 J T H J- - 1 A . . Hi ! 1 ti I fi 7-- XV Established July 2, 1856. VOL. XXIII., NO. 4224. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1896. PRICE 5 CENTS SPECIAL BUSINESS ITEMS. M.W. McCHESNEY & SONS WHOLESALE G ROC BUS refreshments during the day, and his liberality and dexterity in opening bottles of liquids was the cause of sev- eral headaches later in the day. Quite a number of gentlemen who did not avail themselves of the lnvl-tatlo- u extended by Ahlo called on Aswan on Nuuanu street ami did am- - Cle justice to a capital dinner provided this old-ti- me gentleman and - pre-par- ed by his daughter, Mrs. Ed Iru-hof- F. The aladji, potato and chicken, were veritable drem in tne culinary art. The tables were loaded down with good things cooked as only Mrs. Irahoff can cook them. Mr. Aawxn came to the inlands in 1851" He was engaged in the dry goods business on Maunnkea street until the benefits of the reciprocity treaty wero explained to him and what a good thing he would have if he went into the cultivation of rice. He acquired leaseholds at Anahole, Kaneohe and Late and began plant- ing. When be retired two years age the output of his crop was about forty Pui Mun, Chow Choy, Wee Shing, Ching Yee Shun. To the right of the reception room is the club's banquet hall. From twelve until two the table was sur- rounded by Government- - offlcia's, members of the diplomatic aud con- sular corps aud many prominent residents. The society was organized for the benefit of Chinese and was chartered under the laws of Hawaii, August 27, 1S84, by Chui,g King Chin (C. Alee) and Goo Kim. In Chinese it is known "Chin Wa Hui Quon.' As a chartered company it has the richt to bold personal aud real estate fori he use and benefit, of its objects and purpose to the amount of $L'00 0r0. The lot and building o the society cost $20,000. That th-societ- y has the morl support of the Chinese government is evideut by the fact that on the wall in the meet ing room and opposite the chairs of the president and vice-preside- nt is a handsome illuminated banner written m W i ill" . ' TABLE DECORATIONS. Kwong Sam Kee Stoxe. PROSPERODS nun JEW YEAR Happy Times Among the Chinese. BIG TIME AT THE CLUB HOUSE. The Merchants Receive and Cele- brate Ahlo Sets a Fine Dinner. Aswan Entertains Ills Friends In Great Style Other Festivities. "Konobi" is quite an institution in Honolulu, and almost the entire popu. Iation iooks forward to it as an event which requires particular notice. On the first day of the New Year, in the store of the Chinese merchant or in the club rooms of the United Chinese societies, the white merchant, the banker and the professional men touch elbows with the representatives of foreign governments all over the world in extending congratulations to the Chinese residing here. The relations which this nationality has borue to the white merchants and the Hawaiians have been both friendly and profitable. While slow to adopt the manners and customs of the people of the effete East here in Honolulu they have been in close touch with the people; hence the desire to make calls on New Year's day. The day w.s more generally ob served yesterday than for some years, probably, because of the settled con dition of affairs on the island. Last year there were no fireworks on account of the revolution, but thi GOO KIM, President United Chinese Society. time it is different and if there ia an evil spirit tiopoinir around anywhere within the boundaries of the Chinese listricr, hig wings and tail piece muat be. at least, scorched. From ix o'clock Wedne-da- v nitrht until loner pant noon vsterdav there was a constant din and it i safe to say that more than a gmilliou fare crackers went up in. smoke during: tnat time. With tKe exception of a few eatiDtr bouses aud fruit stores business among th Chinese was suspended aud the day was given up to feasting and a general exchange of calls. I he merchants generally bent open house and tables in the utores or back rooms of their establishments were loaded down with good things solid and liquid. liesides the delicaci-- s for the inner man, there is a lot of highlv-decorate.- 1 candles aud cards, and the never saucer of China lilies, the luck of whose owner depends largely upou the number of blossoms the plant bears. The center of attraction from half-pa- st eleven until two was the Chi nese Club house on King street, nt-a- r Nuuanu. Following the usual custom. Minister Cooper sent the Government band to the house, and, during the hours of reception, musical relectious were rendered. In a room at the head of the stairs the following: Chinese merchants re ceived the callers : Goo Kim, Chinese Consular Agent, President of the United Chinese Societies, Chu Gem, Wong Kwai, Wong Kow, Leong Ting Kong, C. Winam, Ho Fon, Chang Kim, Lum Tung Chun, Wat Ring. Dai Kwai, H. Sing Fook, Ng Chan, Ng Ging, Wong OBIS' UIDE THROUGH HAWAII. II. 31. Whitney, Publisher. Only Complete Guide Published BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. Price 75 Cents. FOR SALE BY Hawaiian News Company and Thrum's Bookstore, fort Street. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. A. S. HUMPHREYS, Attorney at Law, HONOLULU, H. I. Olfice: On Kaahumanu street, lately occupied by Mr. Thurston. WILLIAM C. PARKE, Attorney at Law AND Agent to Take Acknowledgments Office at Kaahumanu st., Honolulu H.I. LYLE A. DICKEY, Attorney at Law 11 KAAHUMANU STREET. Telephone 345. GILBERT F. LITTLE, Attorney at Law, IIILO, HAWAII. DR. C. Clifford RYDER, FORMERLY OF THE: CALIFORNIA STATE WOMAN'S HOSPITAL Office: No. 73 Beretania street, opposite the Hawaiian Hotel. TELEPHONE 244. DR. I. MORI, Office Fort street near Beretania. Hours 7 to 8 :30 a. m. and 4 to 8:30 p. m. Hatur day and Sunday, 1 to 5 p. m. Telephone Residence Arlington Hotel. DR. E. C. SURMANN Has removed to Garden Lane. Telephone 181. DR. TUCKER Has removed his office to Corner of Beretania and Fort Streets Office hours: & to 11 a. m 4 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. MJty Telephones: Office 923. resi- - den re 427. M.E.GROSSMAM,D.B.S. DENTIST I 98 Hotel Street, Honolulu. Office Hours: a. m. to 4 p m. AGENCY OF Kobe Immigration Company. Office at A. G. M. Robertson's Law Office. Honolulu. P. O. Box 116. Telephone 539 42U-l- f J. L. CARTER & CO. Pratical Painters Iecorative Paper-hangin- g And Calclmlnlne: a Specialty. Paints mixed to order while you wait. Pots and Brushes Loaned Free. WARING BLOCK, Telephone 73. Beretania and I'ort sts. WILEY'S IMPROVED Ironing: Table Double Boards, Adjustable for Pants and Skirts FOR SALE BY HOPP & CO., 74 King street, Or J. W. WILKi , at r. a. oiit:iij..ui v. Ronnh if! liuildice. AND DEALERS I If Leather iand :- - -- : Shoe Findings. AGENTS Honolulu Soap Works Company and Honolulu Tannery. H. MAY & CO., Hale on Mi Grocers 98 FOHT STREET. Telephone 22. P. O. Box 470. S. KIMURA, -- WHOLESALE DEALER IN- - Japanese Wines, Liquors AND PROVISIONS. Saki a specialty. ALLEN STREET. TELEPHONE 704. LEWERS & COOKE, Successors to Lewers fe Dirkson, Irrmorters and Dealers In Lumber And All Kinds of Building Material. NO. 82 FORT STREET. HONOLULU. fiiifln Lively nitf Boarding Slots. Cor. Merchant and Richard st9. LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES Carriages. Surrevs nd Hacs at all hours. TELEPHONE 490. GONSALVES & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND WINE MERCHANTS . 25 Queen Street, Houluln. H. I. ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON. ASSETS $10,000,000. H. W. Schmidt & Sons, Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., Steam Engines, RntT.ERst. Sugar Mills. Coolers. Brass and Lead Castings, And Machinery of every description made n rrrtr Particular attention pnm 10 ahi-n- hlarksmithinz. Job work executed on the shortest notice. LEWIS & CO., Hale ni M imb 111 FORT STREET. Telephone 240. P. O. Box 29 H. JAOUEN, Practical :- -: Qunmaker, w;n H anv kind of repairing to Firearms, also Browning and Blueing and Restocking equal to factory wor. kuui- - Union street, with C. Sterling. Painter. BEAVER SALOON, te Wilder & Co.'s. H.J. NOLTE, Proprietor. First-clas- s Luncties Served With Tea Coffee, Soda Water, Ginger Ale or AliiK. Irion frnm u Til t.l . I 10 D.1U. mokers Requisities a specialty. MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. Cor. King and Nunanu streets. 1 t. brrivrn rv Til V At'STRALIA A FRESH Invoice of Enterprise Beer and Oysters : FOR COCKTAILS: Telephone 805. HALF AND HALF 99 IS A GREAT APPETIZER Makes the wenk stout and purifies the blood. Sold at the Empire Saloon. Two for 25 cents. N. FERNANDEZ, Mnfaru DnKlin anri Timnujritflr liuiuij i uunu uiiu ijuuniuvi, U KAAHUMANU STREET, P. O. Box 336. Telephone 34. H. HACKFELD & CO., General Comsson is, Corner Fort and Queen sts.. Honolulu. J. T. LUND, 128Iand 130 Fort St., opp. Club Stables, y Gciicni Gun nod LocM. NICKEL. PIATTXG A SPECIALTY. JAMES L. HOLT, General Busi- ness Agent, Accountant and Col- lector. Office on Kaahumanu street. Telephone 639. Prompt Attention Guaranteed. All kinds of SECOND-HAN- D FURNITURE sold cheap for cash at the I X L, corner Nunanu and King streets. If you want to sell out your Fur- niture in its entirety, or for bar- gains, call at the I. X. L., corner of Nuuanu and King streets. A. J. Derby, D. D. S. Dental Rooms 100 Alakea St., between Beretania and Hotel. Treatment of dead teeth and roots a specialty. Office hoars, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Tel. 615. THE SINGER received 54 first awards for sewing ma- chines and embroidery work at the World's Fair, Chicago, 111., being the largest number of awards obtained by any exhibitor and more than double the num ber ghen to all other sewing ma chines. For sale, lease and rent. Repairing done B. BERGERSEN, 113 Bethel City Carriage Company have re moved to the corner of Fort and Aferchant streets; Telephone No. 113. First-clas- s carriages at all hours. JOHN S. ANDRADE. G. R. Harrison, Practical Piano and Organ Maker and Tuner, can furnish best factory references. Orders left at the Hawaiian News Co. will receive prompt attention. All work guaranteed to be the same as done in factory. Sans Souci Seaside Resort. The pleasantest, quietest, shadiest and most Derfectlv ai nointed seaside resnrf. nn the Islands. It is only four miles from the heart of the citv and wirhin easy reach of tne tiamcars, wnicn run everv twentv minutes or oftener. Elegantfv furnished detached cottages or rooms are obtained on easy terms, lbe table is superior to that of any of the city hotels and all tne modern conveniences are provided. f lcnics and bathing parties can obtain extra accommodations bv lelenhonine in advance. The bathing facilities of Sans Souci are superior to those of any place on the neacn. 4157-t- f BRUCE WARING & CO. DEALERS IN -:- - Ml Elilfi Hi It HOUSES AND LOTS AND LANDS FOR SALE. Parties wishing to dispose of their pro perties are invited to call on us. 503 FORI STREET NEAR 016 SIREE1 The Pasteur Filter INVENTED BY LATE PROF. PASTEUR, x ronouncea tne oest water j? uter in use. r or sale and can be seen in operation at J. A. HOPPER'S. 4203-3- W EAGLE HOUSE, Family Hotel, NUUANU - : AVENUE Mb. McLean, Proprietor. Per day ?1.2o; pr week $7.50. Special monthly rates. Finest location in the citv. HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO.. Hardware, Cutlery and Clow. 307 Fort Street Honolulu. Typewriting and Copying. MISS M. F. LEDERER, Office HawaiianJA-bstrac- t and JTitle Co. Corner Fort and Merchant streets. 4211-- m by the band of the Viceroy of China. Having paid respects toSthe Com- mercial Ageut aud the comrnKtee, the guests scattered through the different sections of the Chinese quartenhand made calls on the individuals. Ahlo at the corner of Chaplain lane and Nuuanu serves a good dinner and he understands, perfectly, the as sortment of wines to go with the dinner. His reputation, in this res pect has increased his list of visitors during the past ten years to an extent that he must either set one poor din uer or enlarge his dining room. Ahlo is a caterer, and ne snows how tne articles should be cooked and served This reputation has earned for him the soubriquet "f he gourmets' ftfj-nd- ,' and he deserves it. Chu Gem, manager for Quong Sam Kee, at the corner of Hotel and Mau- - nakea street-1- , dos not net a lunch, but he provides an abundance of other and less solid refreshments. He spent a good portion of yesterday supplying his numerous friends with bottles of ASWAN. sparkling champagne and making them feel very much at home in many ways. The table decorations at this store were elaborate, and the panels behind the table aud around the room not t he forgotten. Lu L-- k, mauatrerfor Yuen Chaug, on Hotel street, dispensed nil kinds of ton each season. Not a bad showing. During tils resideuce here Aswan has made a host of friends among the white people, and by his honesty and Integrity in business dealings he has retained their friendship. Another prominent member of the society who did the honors at his Nuuanu street store was W. Ah ana, the tailor. Everyone knows Abaua because he is a liberal advertiser and 'rom the number of persons who called on him yesterday it may be in- ferred that he knows every body. Abana had an assortment of fruits aud confections on hl rahlo and of drinkables in his sideboard that would tempt, the palate of anyone aud he dealt it out with a liberal hand. Among the otuer pominent mer- chants upon whom a number of for elgners called were the following: Wine Wo ChT, Wing Mow Chan, Liu Tai Co., Hop Hiug, Kwong Hip Lungr, Wing Wo Tai, Tong On Jan, Wing Tai Lung and many others. The chief part of the celebration was over last night, but the Chinese mer chants as a rule will abandon busi ness until next Monday. Minister Terrell Condemned. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 28. A special to the Republic from Alton, III., sais: v. L. Sachtlebeu, the American cy- clist, set to Asia Minor to search for Frank G. Lenz. the missing Pittsburg wheelman, has written another letter to his father in this city. The young American is still at Erze-rou- m and takes occasion in his letter to strongly condemn Mr. Terrell, the United States Minister at Constanti nople for his refusal to assist in the capture and prosecution of the murder nrs of Linr z Mr. Sachtlfben expresses the hope that he will be borne br-fo'-e a great while. His attempts to bring (he murderers of Lenz to justice prom ie nothing but faiiurn and great ier- - vonal danger, and he will leave Erze-mu- m if an opportunity to do so safelv presents Itself. ChArtres Against the Iloers. LONDON, Jan. 29. The Times ha received a vaguely worded teier.ini dated January 27th and signed " Brit ish Residents of Johannesburg"," bit terly complaining of the dictatorial and menacing attitude of the Boer forces around the town, who. the dis patch phvh, are selecting a site for a fort with (he aid of a German expert. The disp'iffh also a-se- r's that Mm Johannesburg wnmn are uMvoted to luauueniiig indignities, and predicts that there will be an uprising unlesss the British "are released from their serf-li- ke position. National Convention Delegate. WASHINGTON, Jan. 28. Perry H. Cart-on- , colored, ami Andrew Glea- - 8on, white, were today chosen dele gates to the National Republican Con- vention. J. W. Bell and W. F. Thomas were te'ectd alternates. Carson is Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report said to favor Reed. rented or for sale saop, opposite .cr, - Bicycles repaired

AND DEALERS If Leather :- lnvl-tatlo-u me - pre-par- ed F. SECOND … · 2015. 6. 2. · J k ' 4 J T H J--1A.. Hi! 1 ti I fi 7--XV Established July 2, 1856. VOL. XXIII., NO. 4224

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Page 1: AND DEALERS If Leather :- lnvl-tatlo-u me - pre-par- ed F. SECOND … · 2015. 6. 2. · J k ' 4 J T H J--1A.. Hi! 1 ti I fi 7--XV Established July 2, 1856. VOL. XXIII., NO. 4224

J... k

' 4J


HJ- - 1 A . .


! 1 ti I fi7--


Established July 2, 1856.



refreshments during the day, and hisliberality and dexterity in openingbottles of liquids was the cause of sev-eral headaches later in the day.

Quite a number of gentlemen whodid not avail themselves of the lnvl-tatlo- u

extended by Ahlo called onAswan on Nuuanu street ami did am- -Cle justice to a capital dinner provided

this old-ti- me gentleman and - pre-par- ed

by his daughter, Mrs. Ed Iru-hof- F.

The aladji, potato and chicken,were veritable drem in tne culinaryart. The tables were loaded downwith good things cooked as only Mrs.Irahoff can cook them.

Mr. Aawxn came to the inlands in1851" He was engaged in the drygoods business on Maunnkea streetuntil the benefits of the reciprocitytreaty wero explained to him andwhat a good thing he would have ifhe went into the cultivation of rice.He acquired leaseholds at Anahole,Kaneohe and Late and began plant-ing. When be retired two years agethe output of his crop was about forty

Pui Mun, Chow Choy, Wee Shing,Ching Yee Shun.

To the right of the reception roomis the club's banquet hall. Fromtwelve until two the table was sur-rounded by Government- - offlcia's,members of the diplomatic aud con-sular corps aud many prominentresidents.

The society was organized for thebenefit of Chinese and was charteredunder the laws of Hawaii, August 27,1S84, by Chui,g King Chin (C. Alee)and Goo Kim.

In Chinese it is known "Chin WaHui Quon.' As a chartered companyit has the richt to bold personal audreal estate fori he use and benefit, ofits objects and purpose to the amountof $L'00 0r0. The lot and building othe society cost $20,000. That th-societ- y

has the morl support of theChinese government is evideut bythe fact that on the wall in the meeting room and opposite the chairs ofthe president and vice-preside- nt is ahandsome illuminated banner written

m W i ill"

. 'TABLE DECORATIONS.Kwong Sam Kee Stoxe.


Happy Times Among theChinese.


The Merchants Receive and Cele-brate Ahlo Sets a Fine Dinner.Aswan Entertains Ills FriendsIn Great Style Other Festivities.

"Konobi" is quite an institution inHonolulu, and almost the entire popu.Iation iooks forward to it as an eventwhich requires particular notice. Onthe first day of the New Year, in thestore of the Chinese merchant or inthe club rooms of the United Chinesesocieties, the white merchant, thebanker and the professional men touchelbows with the representatives offoreign governments all over theworld in extending congratulations tothe Chinese residing here.

The relations which this nationalityhas borue to the white merchantsand the Hawaiians have been bothfriendly and profitable. While slowto adopt the manners and customsof the people of the effete East here inHonolulu they have been in closetouch with the people; hence thedesire to make calls on New Year'sday.

The day w.s more generally observed yesterday than for some years,probably, because of the settled condition of affairs on the island. Lastyear there were no fireworks onaccount of the revolution, but thi

GOO KIM,President United Chinese Society.

time it is different and if there ia anevil spirit tiopoinir around anywherewithin the boundaries of the Chineselistricr, hig wings and tail piece muat

be. at least, scorched.From ix o'clock Wedne-da- v nitrht

until loner pant noon vsterdav therewas a constant din and it i safe tosay that more than a gmilliou farecrackers went up in. smoke during:tnat time.

With tKe exception of a few eatiDtrbouses aud fruit stores businessamong th Chinese was suspendedaud the day was given up to feastingand a general exchange of calls.

I he merchants generally bent openhouse and tables in the utores or backrooms of their establishments wereloaded down with good things solidand liquid.

liesides the delicaci-- s for the innerman, there is a lot of highlv-decorate.- 1

candles aud cards, and the neversaucer of China lilies,

the luck of whose owner dependslargely upou the number of blossomsthe plant bears.

The center of attraction fromhalf-pa- st eleven until two was the Chinese Club house on King street, nt-a- r

Nuuanu. Following the usual custom.Minister Cooper sent the Governmentband to the house, and, during thehours of reception, musical relectiouswere rendered.

In a room at the head of the stairsthe following: Chinese merchants received the callers :

Goo Kim, Chinese Consular Agent,President of the United ChineseSocieties, Chu Gem, Wong Kwai,Wong Kow, Leong Ting Kong, C.Winam, Ho Fon, Chang Kim, LumTung Chun, Wat Ring. Dai Kwai, H.Sing Fook, Ng Chan, Ng Ging, Wong



II. 31. Whitney, Publisher.Only Complete Guide Published


Price 75 Cents.FOR SALE BY

Hawaiian News Company andThrum's Bookstore,

fort Street. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

A. S. HUMPHREYS,Attorney at Law,

HONOLULU, H. I.Olfice: On Kaahumanu street, lately

occupied by Mr. Thurston.

WILLIAM C. PARKE,Attorney at Law


Agent to Take AcknowledgmentsOffice at Kaahumanu st., Honolulu H.I.


Attorney at Law11 KAAHUMANU STREET.

Telephone 345.


Attorney at Law,IIILO, HAWAII.


Office: No. 73 Beretania street,opposite the Hawaiian Hotel.


DR. I. MORI,Office Fort street near Beretania. Hours

7 to 8 :30 a. m. and 4 to 8:30 p. m. Haturday and Sunday, 1 to 5 p. m. Telephone

Residence Arlington Hotel.

DR. E. C. SURMANNHas removed to Garden Lane.

Telephone 181.

DR. TUCKERHas removed his office to

Corner of Beretania and Fort StreetsOffice hours: & to 11 a. m 4 to 5 p.m.

and 7 to 8 p.m.MJty Telephones: Office 923. resi- -

den re 427.



98 Hotel Street, Honolulu.

Office Hours: a. m. to 4 p m.


Kobe Immigration Company.

Office at A. G. M. Robertson's LawOffice. Honolulu.

P. O. Box 116. Telephone 53942U-l- f


Pratical PaintersIecorative Paper-hangin- g

And Calclmlnlne: a Specialty.Paints mixed to order while you wait.

Pots and Brushes Loaned Free.

WARING BLOCK,Telephone 73. Beretania and I'ort sts.


Ironing: TableDouble Boards, Adjustable for

Pants and SkirtsFOR SALE BY

HOPP & CO.,74 King street,

Or J. W. WILKi , at r. a. oiit:iij..uiv. Ronnh if! liuildice.


Leather iand :- --- : Shoe Findings.


Honolulu Soap Works Company andHonolulu Tannery.

H. MAY & CO.,

Hale on Mi Grocers

98 FOHT STREET.Telephone 22. P. O. Box 470.


Japanese Wines, LiquorsAND PROVISIONS.

Saki a specialty.ALLEN STREET. TELEPHONE 704.

LEWERS & COOKE,Successors to Lewers fe Dirkson,

Irrmorters and Dealers In LumberAnd All Kinds of Building Material.


fiiifln Lively nitf Boarding Slots.Cor. Merchant and Richard st9.

LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLESCarriages. Surrevs nd Hacs at all

hours. TELEPHONE 490.




25 Queen Street, Houluln. H. I.



ASSETS $10,000,000.

H. W. Schmidt & Sons,

Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.


RntT.ERst. Sugar Mills. Coolers. Brass andLead Castings,

And Machinery of every description maden rrrtr Particular attention pnm 10

ahi-n- hlarksmithinz. Job work executedon the shortest notice.


Hale ni M imb111 FORT STREET.

Telephone 240. P. O. Box 29

H. JAOUEN,Practical :- -: Qunmaker,w;n H anv kind of repairing to Firearms,also Browning and Blueing and Restockingequal to factory wor. kuui- -

Union street, with C. Sterling. Painter.

BEAVER SALOON,te Wilder & Co.'s.

H.J. NOLTE, Proprietor.First-clas- s Luncties Served With Tea

Coffee, Soda Water, Ginger Ale or AliiK.Irion frnm u Til t.l . I 10 D.1U.

mokers Requisities a specialty.

MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE.Cor. King and Nunanu streets.

1 t. brrivrn rv Til V At'STRALIA A FRESH

Invoice ofEnterprise Beer and Oysters

: FOR COCKTAILS:Telephone 805.



Makes the wenk stout and purifies theblood.

Sold at the Empire Saloon.Two for 25 cents.


Mnfaru DnKlin anri Timnujritflrliuiuij i uunu uiiu ijuuniuvi,

U KAAHUMANU STREET,P. O. Box 336. Telephone 34.


General Comsson is,

Corner Fort and Queen sts.. Honolulu.

J. T. LUND,128Iand 130 Fort St., opp. Club Stables,


JAMES L. HOLT, General Busi-ness Agent, Accountant and Col-

lector. Office on Kaahumanustreet. Telephone 639. PromptAttention Guaranteed.

All kinds of SECOND-HAN- D

FURNITURE sold cheap for cashat the I X L, corner Nunanu andKing streets.

If you want to sell out your Fur-niture in its entirety, or for bar-gains, call at the I. X. L., cornerof Nuuanu and King streets.

A. J. Derby, D. D. S. DentalRooms 100 Alakea St., betweenBeretania and Hotel. Treatmentof dead teeth and roots a specialty.Office hoars, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.Tel. 615.

THE SINGER received54 first awards for sewing ma-chines and embroidery work atthe World's Fair, Chicago, 111.,

being the largest number ofawards obtained by any exhibitorand more than double the number ghen to all other sewing machines. For sale, lease and rent.Repairing doneB. BERGERSEN, 113 Bethel

City Carriage Company have removed to the corner of Fort andAferchant streets; Telephone No.113. First-clas- s carriages at allhours. JOHN S. ANDRADE.

G. R. Harrison, Practical Pianoand Organ Maker and Tuner, canfurnish best factory references.Orders left at the Hawaiian NewsCo. will receive prompt attention.All work guaranteed to be thesame as done in factory.

Sans SouciSeaside Resort.

The pleasantest, quietest, shadiest andmost Derfectlv ai nointed seaside resnrf. nnthe Islands. It is only four miles from theheart of the citv and wirhin easy reach oftne tiamcars, wnicn run everv twentvminutes or oftener. Elegantfv furnisheddetached cottages or rooms are obtained oneasy terms, lbe table is superior to thatof any of the city hotels and all tne modernconveniences are provided.

flcnics and bathing parties can obtainextra accommodations bv lelenhonine inadvance.

The bathing facilities of Sans Souci aresuperior to those of any place on theneacn. 4157-t- f





Parties wishing to dispose of their properties are invited to call on us.


The Pasteur FilterINVENTED BY LATE

PROF. PASTEUR,x ronouncea tne oest water j? uter in use.

r or sale and can be seen in operation at

J. A. HOPPER'S.4203-3- W

EAGLE HOUSE,Family Hotel,

NUUANU - : AVENUEMb. McLean, Proprietor.

Per day ?1.2o; pr week $7.50. Specialmonthly rates. Finest location in the citv.


Hardware, Cutlery and Clow.307 Fort Street Honolulu.

Typewriting and Copying.MISS M. F. LEDERER,

Office HawaiianJA-bstrac- t and JTitle Co.Corner Fort and Merchant streets.

4211-- m

by the band of the Viceroy of China.Having paid respects toSthe Com-

mercial Ageut aud the comrnKtee, theguests scattered through the differentsections of the Chinese quartenhandmade calls on the individuals.

Ahlo at the corner of Chaplain laneand Nuuanu serves a good dinner andhe understands, perfectly, the assortment of wines to go with thedinner. His reputation, in this respect has increased his list of visitorsduring the past ten years to an extentthat he must either set one poor dinuer or enlarge his dining room. Ahlois a caterer, and ne snows how tnearticles should be cooked and servedThis reputation has earned for himthe soubriquet "f he gourmets' ftfj-nd-,'

and he deserves it.Chu Gem, manager for Quong Sam

Kee, at the corner of Hotel and Mau- -nakea street-1- , dos not net a lunch,but he provides an abundance of otherand less solid refreshments. He spenta good portion of yesterday supplyinghis numerous friends with bottles of


sparkling champagne and makingthem feel very much at home in manyways. The table decorations at thisstore were elaborate, and the panelsbehind the table aud around the roomnot t he forgotten.

Lu L-- k, mauatrerfor Yuen Chaug,on Hotel street, dispensed nil kinds of

ton each season. Not a bad showing.During tils resideuce here Aswan

has made a host of friends among thewhite people, and by his honesty andIntegrity in business dealings he hasretained their friendship.

Another prominent member of thesociety who did the honors at hisNuuanu street store was W. Ah ana,the tailor. Everyone knows Abauabecause he is a liberal advertiser and'rom the number of persons whocalled on him yesterday it may be in-ferred that he knows every body.

Abana had an assortment of fruitsaud confections on hl rahlo and ofdrinkables in his sideboard thatwould tempt, the palate of anyone audhe dealt it out with a liberal hand.

Among the otuer pominent mer-chants upon whom a number of forelgners called were the following:Wine Wo ChT, Wing Mow Chan,Liu Tai Co., Hop Hiug, Kwong HipLungr, Wing Wo Tai, Tong On Jan,Wing Tai Lung and many others.

The chief part of the celebration wasover last night, but the Chinese merchants as a rule will abandon business until next Monday.

Minister Terrell Condemned.ST. LOUIS, Jan. 28. A special to

the Republic from Alton, III., sais:v. L. Sachtlebeu, the American cy-

clist, set to Asia Minor to search forFrank G. Lenz. the missing Pittsburgwheelman, has written another letterto his father in this city.

The young American is still at Erze-rou- m

and takes occasion in his letterto strongly condemn Mr. Terrell, theUnited States Minister at Constantinople for his refusal to assist in thecapture and prosecution of the murdernrs of Linr z Mr. Sachtlfben expressesthe hope that he will be borne br-fo'-e

a great while. His attempts to bring(he murderers of Lenz to justice promie nothing but faiiurn and great ier- -vonal danger, and he will leave Erze-mu- m

if an opportunity to do so safelvpresents Itself.

ChArtres Against the Iloers.LONDON, Jan. 29. The Times ha

received a vaguely worded teier.inidated January 27th and signed " British Residents of Johannesburg"," bitterly complaining of the dictatorialand menacing attitude of the Boerforces around the town, who. the dispatch phvh, are selecting a site for afort with (he aid of a German expert.The disp'iffh also a-se- r's that MmJohannesburg wnmn are uMvoted toluauueniiig indignities, and predictsthat there will be an uprising unlesssthe British "are released from theirserf-li- ke position.

National Convention Delegate.WASHINGTON, Jan. 28. Perry

H. Cart-on- , colored, ami Andrew Glea- -

8on, white, were today chosen delegates to the National Republican Con-vention. J. W. Bell and W. F. Thomaswere te'ectd alternates. Carson is

Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report

said to favor Reed.rented or for sale saop, opposite .cr, -Bicycles repaired

Page 2: AND DEALERS If Leather :- lnvl-tatlo-u me - pre-par- ed F. SECOND … · 2015. 6. 2. · J k ' 4 J T H J--1A.. Hi! 1 ti I fi 7--XV Established July 2, 1856. VOL. XXIII., NO. 4224


81,The Birth Stonefor February is theAmethyst.

THE )- -


ten men wanted to borrow money ofhim who gave cold comfort. Hefailed.

Such, briefly, is a story of conspiracy tbt will probably assumegigantic proportions by tbe time itreaches the continent. Tbe importantactors will be denied bail and remand-ed to prison until the next term ofcourt in February. Tbey will thenbe tried by a jury " Why were notthese idiots sent offand told never toshow their faces again?" ask omewho think tbe Government arn mak-ing a tempest in a Uapot. "Becausethere is a great deal more behind thisscheme than you think," reply other-- ,who chake their heads and won't tellwhat tbey know. Guesers infer thatcertain royali-- t now in exile are im-plicated aud that a trial will unfoldvery interesting but thwatted machi-nations. We hhall see. Kte Fieldin the Chicago Times-Heral- d.

Court Notes.The motion of J. W. McDonald

et al. to have Club Stables Co. de-

clared bankrupts has been deniedby Judge Carter.

ninr n in nmvrrfmKATE i 1 1 I V

Ul llUlll1

Regarding Conspiracies and Con-



"What Amused Her at the Underwood-

-Sheridan Trial Ten Mento Take an Inland Easy to Do,She Don't Think It Posslle.

HONOLULU, Dec. 23, 1895. It iseaid that when a certain bishop ofHawaii returned to London on a visithe "waa announced at a grand recep-tion as the "Bishop of Hullabalool""Hullabaloo was as near as thecockney U9her could get to "Hono-lulu," and it seems to be as near asfilibusters get to the attainment oftheir wondrous designs on these beau-tiful islands. I no longer doubt thatHawaii would be a prey to adven-turers were there no organized forcebehind the Government. The UnitedStates is cursed with its quota ofbravados who, having nothing tolose and everything to gain, eagerlyconspire, provided they share thespoils. As the jumping-of- f place forthe North American continent, BanFrancisco may be considered head-quarters for this contingent, some ofwhom look with a longing eye onHawaii, deluding their unenligntenefsouls in the belief that nothing iseasier here than to stir up insurrec-tions, overthrow decent rulers andtake possession of banks'.

The late attempt at this sort ofgame bears so strong a likeness to aGilbett and Sullivan comic opera asto be incredible; the funniest thingabout it is Us truth I have just re-

turned from the police court, wheretwo conspirators listened to their ownstory as told by several importantwitnesses, and joined in tbe laughterelicited by at least one of the narra-tors. Were there any sentiment orprinciple mixed up with the crazy per-formances of Americans calling them-selves Dr. Underwood and J. K.Sheridan somebody might have sympathy for 'them. Were ihey Ha-waiia- ns

bent on restoring--a monarchof thrr own race their cause wouldappeal to royalists; but these con-spirators have no friends for tbe ex-cellent reason that their sole mo-tive is personal gain, dependent onestablisbiug a lottery on Lanai, an isl-and containing aboucone hundred aDdfifty thousand acres, now used as sheepranch and owned bv Mr. Hayselden.It was "known in San Francisco thatLanai had been offered for sale. Here,thought thw conspirators; was a finebase for operations, especially as MrHeyselden had not taken tbe oath ofallegiance to tbe Government

Wfth nothing in their pockets andvery little in their beads, these twoco nspirators sailed from San FrancUcoin the 8. G. Wilder, and, on reachingHonolulu, were at once known to thepolice. Seeking first Mr. Hayseldenand then his attorney, Paul Neumann,who is well known in the UnitedStates, these men made known theirintentions without pledge of secrecy.According to the conspirators, auAmerican sporting syndicate pine forLanai, that tbey may turn it into anOriental Monte Carlo, with races,prize fights, lotteries and their con-comitants galore. To transform theParadise of the Pacific into a gambling bell, with the devil to pay gener-ally, is the last straw needed to exter-minate native Hawaiians. This sirawour Gilbertian conspirators wildlyclinched. Kuowiurf that su- - h u bonwould not he granted by the .Republicthe sporting syndicate proposed to advance money for a revolution In favorof the monarchy, provided a lotteryconcession were obtained in advancefrom the queen. With Lanai as abase of operations, arms could belanded on Oahu and men would marchon to Honolulu. As for Hawaii andthe other islands their subjugationwas a mere bagatelle.

Our conspirators little dreamed thatPaul Neumann and Mr. Heyseldenwould report at once to the Government. They seemed to fancy becausethe queen had friends that thesefrienda were ready to hobnob withSatau himself for the sake of anotherrevolution.

A young man who bad been en-gaged in the last insurrection wasasked by Sheridan to name tbe bestperson to consult with in regard to anuprising. ''Go to Sam Nowlein," re-plied young Weed, whereupon every-body in court roared. Sam Nowlein,head and front of the January in-surrection, turned state's evidenceand betrayed his queen as soon as hewas arrested. Despised by both royal-ists and republicans, Sam Nowleinhas no friends left. When youngWeed referred this new kind of con-spirator to a traitor as the only person ready for an uprising, his sarcasmwas steeped in fact. Native Hawai-ians will never again aid and abetmonarchical plots, if there be any.Deserted by their leaders la?t Jan-uary, they suffered imprisonment,aud have bad enough. When Hawai-ians exclaim' "Paul" (done) theywash their hands of the business,whatever it may be, and think ofsomething else. Persistency, is nottheir characteristic. Those who knowthe natives best tell me that tbeyhava said "Pau!"

" How strong is the government?"asked Sheridan of Weed, who is ahalf white. "Just strong enough totake care of themselves," was the an-swer. Coming from an ex-conspi- ra

tor it is most significant. Then Sheri-dan talked to Weed about takingHilo, the largest town on Hawaii,with ten men. Derisive laughterfrom the court room audience greetedthis boast; broad smiles followedwhen auditors learned that tbe manwho could capture a big Island with


Ship Chandlersand -


MerchantsReceive Merchandise constantly from the

United States and Europe. Wehave just received

Horse Snoes11


HUcfe smiths' Tool,Waukeran Barbed Wire,

Wire Netlliikr, all kind;Plain GalvaDized Feuce Wire,

Carpenters Tools of all kinds,1

Success Water FiltersTHE BE8T KIND:

Road Hcrapers, Feed Cutters,;Hall's Aluminum Cane Kulvet,

LAWN MOWERS,Hoes nd Handles,

Plcksjand Mattocks,

0OVS 1 ifc

These are selling fast and you shouldsend your orders in soon.


DRYING HACKS,These Racks fold up like an umbrella.

Every househoM should have one.

CHARCOAL JRONS,Ox Yokes and Bows,

Mixed Paints, Turpentine,Tar, Pitch, Asphaltum,

Plaster of Paris,

Kakaako SaltWhitlns, Rosin.

Headquarters for the Columbia, Rambler and Stearns Bicyclesthe best made.



Is only "case deep." H Is much,easier to make a handsome case thanit is to put music into it. A tolerablemechanic can do the one the otherequires the best thought of a musicalartist. The

Kroeger PianosAll have handsome, tasteful, durabUcases, but in their factory constant,careful, studious attention is given tothe production of a perfect and lastinglone. The beauty and honesty of aKroeger begins with the varnish onthe case and goes straight through tothe iron plate that holds the strings.We'd like to show you the inside of aKroeger.


Old Instruments Taken in Part Payment

Tuning and Repairing a Specialty.

J. W. BERGSTROM,Office, Thrum's Book Store.


BANKERS,Honolulu, II. I.,

Issue Sight and Time Bills of Exchange,also Commercial and Travelers' Letters of

Credit on the principal parts of the world.Purchase approved Bills.


Receive deposits on open account andallow interest on term deposits.

Attend promptly to collections.

A General Banking Business Transacted.

YANASE & CO.Commission -- : Merchants


Jmm Gene fdl MenintoProvisions a Specialty.

P. O. BOX 116. Mutual Tel. 917.


:OF:- -

HonestyYou read our advertisements

from week to week. You read

others. All leave more or less im-

pression on your mind. Startlingbargains are told of here and there,and yet our plain statement of

honest facts and prices have made

us what we are today, the


We want your trade, and solicit

your trade on these grounds only:

that you will find everything asrepresented. When we say ourprices are the lowest, theyare the lowest. When we

say or r goods are better made, we

know it, and so do you. Whenthere is a defect in a piece of our

Furniture,' we tell you; if it escapes

us, we want you to tell us. Con-

sider these things in Luying. Come

and see us. It is worth considerable

to feel confidence in the man you

are dealing with, and our 20 yearsexperience and dealings with thepublic should be evidence enough

that we are selling

Honest GoodsAT

Honest Prices.That everything is just as we state it.New Goods continually arriving direct

from the manufacturer.

HOPP & COFurniture Dealers,


Jewelry.My stock of Jewelry, Diamonds,

Watches, Clocks, Ornaments, etc.,is complete.

Medals of all Kinds Made.



Sterling SilverwareNative Jewelry made in unique


E. A. JACOBSON,Fort Street.

(Wermer'fl Old Stands

lie Reason lor MeritAdvertisers use the Adve-

rtiser because tbey get pro-fitable results from tlieiradvertising in it.

They know, also, that eachone pays a like price for alike service.

Advertising space is notgiven to one house in orderthat it may act as a decoyduck for others.

No "discount" for one,"special discount" for ano-ther and "extra special dis-count" for still another.

Like price for like serviceis the only fair way.




At Hawaiian Gazette Office.

A good deal now-a-da- ys

about the cheapness at whichyou can purchase certain linesof goods.

Yougenerally. find upon in-

vestigation thatthecheapnessis only in the bare statementof the dealer, and is notborne out by fact.

Is It NotA Fact


That you cannot purchasefirst-cla- ss goods at prices forwhich third-ra- te goods aresold?

How temptingly the cheapplated stuff is made up andhow fluently the dealer stuffsyou about it being JUST AS

GOOD.How often vou make the

sad mistake to take his bareword for it, purchase some-th- in

and in so verv shorta time you find that it wasnot quite as good as nis wora,in fact no good at all.

It Is NotReasonableTo suppose that a dealer whoknows nis ousiness, wnoknows.

values, as no novice11 tjcan Know tnem, wuuiu

charge you for his knowl-edge. Knowledge of goodsmakes it easy for him to purchase right; and to sell right.

We claim to carry the bestgoods known in our variouslines, and quality consideredsell them lower than mosthouses in our line of trade.

It is duality we brag on; itis the backing we give ourgoods which make themngnt to you, ior uieie i: uuquestion but what ourguarantee means ABSOLUTE RELIAdILI 1 i.

.F.WICRMHave vou seen the new

silverware pattern ? It's fine.


Queen Street, Honolulu.


Furnished for Building All Classes ofMachinery. Kepur Work, ana

Reconstruction or Remodel-ing Old Plants

Iron, Brass, Phosphor - Bronze, ZincAlumim-im- . and Lead Casting. OrnampntHl and Plain Cast Iron and SteelHnlnmia Iron and fciteel Girders amiTrusses, Gratings, Doors and Shutters,and a general line of Iron and Brass Workirtr Kit i 1 rl i n tr! n f all classes. Shins' Blacksmith Work done with neatness and dispatch. All workmanship guaranteed tirst-clas- s,

and at prices that have been hithertonntriAirn r? th Hawaiian I slands.

Island Orders will receive prompt attention.

C. Rs McVEIGH.Manager and Proprietor

P. O. Box 457.Telephones r Office, 578: Works, 613.

Tree PlantsFOR SALE.

Just received per S. S. Monowai

600 Cocoanuts Already Sprouted

Of the Nin Lea (Dwarf) Variety of theSamoan Is'and3. Also

100 BREADFRUIT TREESOf the Finest Vanet3.

H. E. MdNTYRE & BRO.4221-lr- n

HUSTACE & CO.,Dealtrs In


Wfckb we wffl ten at m very towtt otrketrates.

Tejspboa No. 44

The Daily Advertiser 75 cents amouth. Delivered by carrier.

We are cleaning" np stock

anil will ffive you some Bar-

gains that Honolnln has never

before had.


MADE, but our entire stock

will be cleaned up.

Dress Hoods

Silks, Wash Goods,


Ladies' Furnishing Goods,

Gents' Furnishing Goods,

Household Goods,

Etc., Etc., Etc.

(ll.lll mmDon t Gamble

Your money by buying clotheof inexperienced tailors.

We take into considerationyour build as vrell as style,

best suited for you.We want your patronage.

miiis 5 era,Hotel Street, Arlington Biock.

SellingAt Cost.

To close out the stock drawnwork, silk spreads, Pajamas,Curtains, etc., will be sold atcost or less. Shirt Waists at60 cents each. Helmets at 25

cents. Special fine line ofmatting.


POI! POI!E. Van Doom & Co., Fort Street

Next Lucas' Planing Mill, will havefresh every day


KALI HI POI FACTORY,Which will be sold to families in large or

er8 Furnished.Store open evenings.

W. L. WILCOX,Proprietor Kalihi Poi Factory.



We've been pushing our business onward and upwara every uay tiuue westarted in business.

We sell good and fine jewelry at abso--

lutely me lowest vuuowi-tiif-1 i t xr

Buying trashy, cheap goods is worsetnan burning money we uuu b it.

BROWN & KUBEY.Arlington Block. Hotel street.


Alakea street. Masonic Temple.

Manufacturer ot


Tables, Stands, Hat Hacks,Rptppth. Flower Stands Chairs. Sofas- -

Book Cases and Bedroom Sets.


By agreement of counsel on bothsides a jury has been waived in thesuit of Kahananua vs. Ashford.

Judge Carter has denied requestof Margaret Moorhead for permis-sion to distrain the Club StablesCo. for rent due and unpaid.

The petition of J. W. McDonaldet al. to annul proceedings in caseof California Feed Co. vs. ClubStables Co. has been denied byJudge Carter.

Same parties have appealed fromJudge Carter's order to sell theproperty at upset price of $4750.

Band Today.Thomas Square comes in for its

turn with the band at 4 o'clockthis afternoon. Following is theprogram :

PART I.1. March "The Band Played On"

D Witt2. Overture 'William Tell'.Rossini3. Gavotte "Hamburg" Zinulka4. Polka " Hannah"- - . Kuhner

PART II.5. Selection "Little Christo

pher" Caryll6. Waltz "Waikiki Beach"... Berger7. Polka "Hilo Bay" Burger8. Galop "Iris" - Faust

"Hawaii Ponoi."

Everywhere We Go

We find some one who ha been curedby Hod' Sarsaparilla, aud people onall hands are praising this great medicin for what it ha done for them andtheir friends Taken In time Hood's 8ar--

sanartlla prevents serious illness bykeeping tbe blood pure and all tbeorgans In a healthy condition. It iea great blood purifier.

Hood's Pills become tbe favoritcathartic with very on who triethem. 25c. per box. Hobrou DrugfCo., wholesale agents

firth's Circus.Important Announcement.

Owing to the fact that the steamer withwhich the arrangements have been madeto convey the Circus to Japan, not leavinguntil February 21st Mr. vVirth wishes toannounce a series of



Tonight, : Thursday,When the same grand program of last

evening will be presented.


Still greater program.JTJG-Saturd-

ay two performances. Posi-tively last matinee in Honolulu at 3 p m.Doors open at 2. Fur convenience ofschool children and families, children willbe admitted to all parts of the pavilion for10 cents.

Evening performance at 8. Prices asusual; chairs 75 cent, gallery 25 cents.

4224-l- t

Wellmade Gowns.MISS KILLEAN,

Fashionable DressmakerWith a full corps of able assistants is now

located at J. J Egan's.



Fitted Up With all the Modern Ap-pliances for





LABOR BUREAU30S Merchant Street.







Page 3: AND DEALERS If Leather :- lnvl-tatlo-u me - pre-par- ed F. SECOND … · 2015. 6. 2. · J k ' 4 J T H J--1A.. Hi! 1 ti I fi 7--XV Established July 2, 1856. VOL. XXIII., NO. 4224


THE .SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. of. the fellMc commerciQl lifcfIssued Every Morning, Except

Sunday by the


U ci i Ueuiiiiigtori, Pigman, Hiio.MERCHANTMEN.

(This liiatdoea not include coasters.)Schr Henrietta, Anderson, Victoria.

brought to America. The slaveehip was taken to Liberia.

"The captain of the slaver wasNathaniel Gordon, and a year afterhis capture, he was hung on Bedlowisland, where the Statue of Libertynow stands. The first mate wassentenced to ten years' imprison-ment, the second mate received afive years' sentence and the twomen were each given a year."

HAWAIIAN GAZETTE COMPANY,Von Holt Block, King street.

Subscription Rates

-- cnr uobert bear es, riliz. rewcasue.Ger brk J C Ptiuger. Wolter, Liverpool.Bk Velocity. Marti-- , Hongkong.Bk C I) rvant. Jacobsen. Port Gamble.Bk ionantum. Newhull, Newcastle, NSW .

i ELECTED C lfir Ji &J VTS'vPtABSE: ! )) J amo .' TH E, CAN5 AS !

- t 'SW TIMnft contain Mcst lH111 J1 " ruivSrj TM05EOF0TMW tTiv' i fVAUTlJ SPECIALLY FOR QZAHVS. Jj

J fTjeTrja! wHl proe their nerr;. "'' ''''77

Steamship Line.

Steamers of the above line, rwnlnz hconnection with the CANADIAN PAClFdRAILWAY COMPANY between Vancouver,

B. a, and Sydney, N. S. V, and cH.nat Victoria, B. C, Honolulu and Suva(Fiji),

Are Due at HonoluluOn or about the dates below stated, via:

ton m suvo. lof flcume

Bktne b ti Wilder, MOeil, fian rrancistu.Nor bk Bien. (Jjernldsen, Port btanley.Bktne Irmgard. Schmidt. Newcastle.

THETOTAL RAINFALL FORW H Dimond, Mlson, ban r ran-isc- o.

Ship W F Babcok, Graham, S. F.Bk Coryphene. Grant, Newcastle.Schr Spokane, J amieson. Port Oambie.

YEAR 1895,

Tbe Daily Pacific Commercial Adver-tiser, Eight Pages.

Per month I 75

Per 3 months if paid in advance.. 2 00

Per year in advance 8 00

Per year, postpaid to the UnitedStates of America, Canada orMexico 11 00

Per 1 year, postpaid other foreign 14 00

to Weather Service.)Bk S U Allen, Thompson. an r ranciu.Bktne Planter. Dow, ban Francisco.Ship Indiana, Colley, Guaymas. Mexico (From Report:

Elev.Feet.fctmr Kahului. lyson,

IKIII" 'J "111. " - -

Rb Poi-- i Uf-n'-c- v Wi'icniann. Liverpool.Stations.

HawaiiWaiakea . ver. B. C:YoncouI Schr Aioha. Dfcbel. San Francisco

Hawaiian Gazette, Semi-Weekl- y, tight Bk Martha I)av(. S.mle. -an Francisco.


129 95126 SS124 59145.76109.74102.57

.fages, ruesaays auu r rmay . i dkimb mimwi, juci, . . PepeekeoHonomuHonouiuVor vpnr 1 ft4. numbers $5 00 vmnm smm

Per year, foreign countries 6 00 FOREIGN VESSELS EXPECTED.fiTLuePAYABLE IN ADVANCE. 81.7

S. S. "MIOWERA" Febniarvri. S.VAUU1M00" March 10

From Vicloriaona Vcncouver. B. C. lor

Suvo fiiin smnej:



107 3659 5365.4673.91

Advertisements unaccompanied by

HakalauOokalaKukaiauPaauiloPaauhauHonokaaKukuihaeleNiuliiKohalaKohaia Mission

, l . ?v ,.y - w

Vessels. Where from.

Schr Bertie Minor EurekaBK Foxglove Port Stanley.CASS Miowera Colours..Bk Holliswood New YorkK il 8 e jj ariosa S F .

' H S Anstrali FCASS Miowera. . .Vancouver.Q & O SS China ...China

Due... Due

Due. . ..DneFb 13

.Feb nFeb 24

.Feb 28

52 696594 March 2

March 31

specific instructions inseted till or-

dered out.Advertisements discontinued before

expiration of specified period will becharged as If continued for a full term.

S. S. "MIOWERA ....8. S."WAlUUMOO"56.36

:A Wl WiM UhW OT Vrf--45 5S o61.29 J ii

O Through tickets issued from Honolulu

to Canada, United States and Europe.75 9246.6843 43 0

Waiinea- - 2730Kailua 950Kealakekua 15S0Naalehu 650Pahala 1100Olaa (Mason) 1650Kapoho 50


For Freight and Passage and all general1S9 63


Stmr James ' Makee, Peterson, troinKapaa. --

Stmr Ke Au Hou. Thompson,Kauai. .

etnirJ A Cummins, Neilson, from Oahuports.

S3.41 information apply to

Theo. H. Davies & Co., Ltd.,

Liberal allowance on yearly and halfyearly contracts.

All persons desiring their advertise-ments discontinued must send a writ-ten order to that effect.

Where cuts are inserted they mustbe ALL METAL, not mounted on wood,

otherwise we assume no risk of theirpreservation.

C. G. BALLENTYNE,' Business Manager.

Puuomalei 1400 1728-- 1 m 4209-- 1 m6S7267.89200 GENKUAL, AUKNTS.10.6428.52


HanaOlowalu ..Kaanapali

MoiiOKAlMapulehu ...

DEPARTURES.Wednesday, Feb. 12.

Stmr Iwalani. Sniythe, for Lahaina, Ku-

kuihaele and Honokaa.OCEANIC70 38.82 OHOahuStmr Kauai. Brown. lor K.auai.

33 14

STEAMSHIP CO.PunahouW. BureauKulaokahua- -King St. (Kewalo)


50501510 23.21Kapiolanl Paris 50.11


Stmr.James Makee, Peterson, for Kapaaat 4 p m.

Am schr Robert Searles, Piltz, for SanFrancisco.

-:- - This is Good

So pleased I canmm Manoa 100

42 625042.18

safemi Ms41.0364.46 llll



PauoaInsane AsylumNuuauu (School st.)NuuanuCWyllie st.)Nuuanu (Elec. Stn)Nuuanu (H'f-wa- y H)"NTnnann. Tiiiakaha


IMPORTS.Per stmr James Makee 2614 bags sugar,

and 7 pkgs sundries.TRAINS 1454085078.60Slaunawili 300 GOOD' TOBACCOPer stmr Ke Au Hou 3960 bags sugar.

Per stmr J A Cummins 1200 bags sugar. 35 77c3







KahukuWaianaeEwa Plantation.

,1560 35 VII30.84 Si It

Kauai55 sS 200

aC .into --re: -

a 3



DIED.WHITNEY la this city, on Wednesday.

February 12, 1896. Mrs. Catherine M.Whitney, wife of Mr. H. M. Whitney ofthis city.

34.1950 50LihuetGrove Farm-T.ihn- A

f ATolokoa'i...- - 300Moo


Co.,TTanamaulu.: 200 Ho41 3366 51 lusterP.M.


For San Francisco:

The New and Fine Ai Steel Steamship

"ALAMEDA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company wW

be due at Honolulu from Sydney and Auck

land on or about

MARCH 6th,And will leave for the above port withMails and Passengers on or about that date.


Leave Honolulu.. S:40roro pori ntv. 7 :409:15 1:45 Kilauea 325

FTanalei 109:58 2:28 91 762:49 6:14

6:49Leave Ewa Miu.:w iw;aArrive Waianae lt:& C. J. Lyons,Weather Bureau Report.

Feb. 12, 9 p. m. Temperature, 70;i fi-r-o i x on fa CORNER FORT AND MERCHANT STREETS.In Charge of Weather Bureau.


03 dew point, Oi , Daromeier, ou.w.Probabilities fair weather.





?-- OS


S'- - r Dtamond Head. Feb. 12, 10 p. m. aa oo01 f la.'"3 erj1 40n--' . .a-- SMOKERS' ARTICLES IN SILVERS M


CDWeather, dear; wind, fresh N.E.5 05 2 H g 2Lay. a1X1 S.Oa a a4:16 The barkentine Bien has hauled

out into the stream. a.m. I4:51 a.m. p.m.

A.M. A.M. P.M.

Leave Waianae.. 6:44 ....Leave Ewa MU1..7.19 9:10 2:OT

Leave Pearl City.. 70 9:48 2:88Arrive Honolulu.. 8:23 104 3:11

p.m.7.13 9 31 6 24 5 55' 4.45



: : AXD THE Til : :

Smoking Stands. Cheap.Won . 10Taes ..,11

02.462.27The Mariposa is due from the 6.341 S 38

6.83i 5 5e5, 6 32

2. 42.423.16Ved .

8. 4 9.58 4a 10.21

a m.ip.m.ln.42, 9.i8

For Sydney and Auckland:

The New and Fine Ai Steel Steamship

"MARIPOSA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will

be due at Honolulu from San Francisco on

4. 2Vrelirlit trains will carry Passenger'seta.

fi.32 5.57 6.226.3li 5 68 7.106 81 6 59 7.676 30 6 89 8.47

4 14Th-ir- s



Coast today witn over a weeK slater news.

The barkentine Klikitat hauledalongside the Kinau wharf yester

accommodations. -vrT

4 40,10 58 10. 6.S.16 11.27 10.415 49 11.37 11.27

4.375. 4"nSreen. Pas. ft Tkt. Agrt.

day morning.FOREIGN MAIL SERVICE. easackoessNew moon on the 13th at 5ta, 43m. a.m.

The tides and moon phase are given in Stand-ard Time. The timed of sun and moon rising andBetting being given for all ports In the group

The schooner Robert Searles willQnH rriv very probably get away for ban

or about

FEBRUARY 13th,And will have prompt dispatch with MftWs

and Passengers for the atov ports.

are in Local lime, io wmcu iu naaiJotnTcto Standard Timea applicable to each

different port should be made. POSITIVELY PREVENTED.Francisco today,the followingfrom San Francisco on

dates till the close of 1896: Up to a late hour yesterday Tne stanaara aiu. vvmsno euuuu.30 s. (midnight) Greenwlcn Time, wmcn is x u.30 m. p.m. of Hawaiian Standard Time.Arrive at Honolulu

from san r cwcuor Vancouver.

Leave Honolulu ror I'aaay Liurus uau nuu icmuituSaInven with his yacht Spray.

The steamer Kauai did not getimon or About away until noon yesterday on ac- -nnr rPonl are t?rowirjff more aud

mnm in the habit of Jookioir to Ben- -" m 111 1 11896.

On or About,

ir.ia Feb 13 sou, Smith & Company for the latestaud best of everything in the drugMonowau eo o rnnt of a larere Ireient list.

The Underslcsel Are How Pftwreito iMae

Though Tickets to All Points


"a:r.'S T Aus"rauW..:Vpib M The steamer Mikahala will be in Jine. They sell Chamberlain's UougnvELIXIR PROPHYLACTIC.)China.. ec? I c roi rrJavPeking. .... . - March 3 Remedy, famous for its cures of baaShe will leaveAlameda Aiarcu b uuui j.vw, colds, croup ana wnooping vvuuu.Monowai...JWi" -". tmita Tarcn lb warriixoo.... March io . j the afternoon, returning

Australia... .March 21 B When in neei of sucn a rneaicine give28 The Only Known Specific that will InvariablywSf?moo:::arcbi i Miowera Apr as usual on Sunday. this remedy a trial and you will beii,q Anril 9 For further particulars regardta FrelcA

or Passage apply toPrevent "Mai de Mer."Gaelic April 10

Australia April 15 THE LAST SLAVE SHIP.TVi onlv cantain of a slave ves- -

Monowai apWarrimoo May &

fWno &iay o

Australia.... April 13

Rio de JaneiroApr 231

Miowera April aAustralia .May 4

Mariposa .May 7

Doric May 19Warrimoo....May Z4

Australia May 29lf.nnnrol June 4

Ausraiia.'.'.'.'.'.'May 9 se wno suffered the death penalty1 America by a crew GUARANTEED PERFECTLY HARMLESS,

Ano wSa..V.Ju?e in was capturedGeneral Agents.copuc - nt wmcn one oi me luemueis is

more than pleased with the result.

Light on the Stomach.Such is the verdict of all those

that have tried Seattle Brewingand Malting Cos product.

Some beers lie heavy on thestomach.

That is certainly not desirable.Avoid such beers.By using the Rainier or Olympic

brand you are sure of a mild, lightbeer, one that is easy to digest and

Peru Jun H' MariSsa.V.:::jmie 25 now a citizen of Cleveland, saysTuna 28 I i- - i f xlx tJ...rai a une

OCEANICBenson, Smith & Co.,

AGENTS FOR lIE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS.p,iEric July 24ori,i PnVft ComDanv.rnnAso .Tulv 30 STEAMSHIP CO.

TIME TABLE.AusSfa:.':V.Augr is The slave ship was the Erie,mode Janeiro. Aug is and it was tne jast American slaverwaimooV.V.l.sept i captured," said Mr. lathews, inAustralia .sept 9 ab0ut the historical event

nutritious. Sold at the Criterion

6China -- AugAustralia Aug 10

Miowera Aug 24

Monowai Aug 27Coptic SePt 2

Australia...... Sept 4

Alameda Sept 24

Warrimoo.... Sept zPeking Sept 28

Australia Sept 28Hfnrlnnaa OCt 52


A GREAT SUCCESSMariposa sept 17 with a reporter. 'She was takenr lirrnp OCt & ,t r Al " J.1 LOCAL LINE.--:v..",r ont s ntt the mourn oi me oiiku m iub THE-:- - -:- -

Peru.....::."." --ot g spring of 1861by the United StatesOctMonowai j MiMn r wnc n.,- -Belgic -- Oct 24

Miowera Oct 24AiiatraKa Oct 26 iilvPfe'flllllllAustralia uei i sioup ui o,i. iuuuivau. -- -

warrimoo get fnn of the foretoD and of the star Have You Tried It?Gaelic. -- V"v ,S . " , ,i r aAustralia Nov 16

Mnnnvat. NOV 19 Alameda tuv iT boara Waicn. me captuie ui uict.fmillii NOV 1 I i i l rrl 1


Warrimoo.... Nov 24Australia Dec 11

chuia "."....-De- c 2 slaver was acciaenxai. ine vesselsMiowera. vS?cio dealing in slaves would slip out in

S. S. AUSTRALIAFrom 8. F. For 8. F.Jao. 27, '96 - Fe. 1, '96Feb. 21, '96 F--. 26, '96Mar. 16, '96 Mur. 21,96'April 13, '96 April lo, '96

nnrte Dec 16Austfalla lec i the intervals ueiween ine patruxAlameda Dec 17

hpats of the men-of-wa- r. and theyCopuc.Miowera Dec Ua a 1 1 i, i , : t., mCONTENTS FOR JANUARY.

Notes on Current Topics.Sugar Crystalization in Motion.Cuba Sugar Factories.Pub) icai ions Received.Late-- t rusjar News.rnr.ri Yi!onial Viitp.Amirii-a'- s Great Revenue Problem

knew pretty wen our iiauiis. uutTdLrO iari OutinS" this time the.

Mohican was delayed, q nit:n for mail, andt j yjia-j-s ' o '

the island of Fernan- - THROUGH LINE&wlwo . -- : : sjTil dizo we sighted a vessel making Hawaiian Products at the Berkeleyy T T

fT-r-- thH mouth ot tne Uongo. eFrench flag and the From S. F. for

Sydney.Arrive Honolulu.

From Sydney forS. F.

Leave Honolofa.feggg stranger floated an American flag.

experimental Station in caiirornia.The (3ee Industry in Hawaii.The New Di9k Plow.Progressive Journalism and Ha

waii's Future.rv- -r 1 oration in Hawaii.



DELICIOUS.We signaieu iui jjci kj i,,but this request not being regarded,

i rrl 1 1 Rr.ort of Committee on Fertilizers.a shot was ftrea. men sne novetri'tVinnt. offerinsr resistance, and Renort ot Committee on Fibre

Mariposa Feb 13 '96 Monowai Feb 6, 96Monowai Marl2'96 Aiarrmla Mr .V 96Alameda Apr 9 '96 Mariposa Apr 2 '96Mariposa May 7 '96 Monowai Apr 309?


a party being sent aboard, found Harnakua, Hawaii, Correspondence.Trains will leave at 9-- o every one uiwu

. Lu.,o rtrr,a love hpfnre we discover- - Aunt Abbey.THAN ANY OTHER BRAND.DIFFERENT FROM AND BETTER

h'eanut Uii ana ieai.A Growing Industry,nraiiffps. Limes and Coflee.A. M. .and .:45 P. amv.ng m non0- - u. -- .

lulu at 3." P. M- - 2nd 5'-5-5 P. manned bv fifteen men, and had Improving Fibre aud Cotton by

rm board 890 slaves and three slave jCTFor sale by all leading Grocers.Cross Fertilization.Sciences in Farming.Pickling of Seed.Importing Laborers.

i nr- -: Tllr a- - fQ The slaves were landed

THE SERVICES OF MR. LIONEL V.liedpath haying been dispensed with bythe Hawaiian Gazette Company, he i. nolonger authorized to collect money or givereceipts on behalf of the said Compan j.

THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO.February 6, 1896. 4219-l- w

KUU K and the slave agents and five1st Class 2d Class gpaniards, who did not wish to

Pearl City.... $ 75 $ 50 claim American citizenship, were FRANK B. PETERSON & CO.S. F. AGENTS.Hawaiian Gazette Company,

Eight PUBLISHERS.Ewa Plantation. 1 w j eent away in a trade Doai.1 w 10Waianae ... -


Page 4: AND DEALERS If Leather :- lnvl-tatlo-u me - pre-par- ed F. SECOND … · 2015. 6. 2. · J k ' 4 J T H J--1A.. Hi! 1 ti I fi 7--XV Established July 2, 1856. VOL. XXIII., NO. 4224


A.v:BRUCE CARTWRiGHTReceiver's Sale! Delivery Wagoesment of the boundary line. It cer-

tainly makes it clear that there ismore than one wire that is being v1

IlECEIVEIl'S SALE OF THEworked to draw out Uncle Sam'sfirm assertion of friendship for theSouth American Republics. The

Property and EffectsREAL ESTATE,

BROKERAGE,INSURANCE.Forming an comprising the business car

iied on under the name of theMonroe doctrine of commerce maybe found to be at the bottom of the

EDITOR.WALLACE R. FARRINGTON. - a SilesMipgoy, I in We have built some of the best wagons in the city forwhole affair, and if such is the casethe tendency of the United Statesto make concessions in marking theFEBRUARY 13, 1890.THURSDAY,

Especial facilities for handling Es-

tates, Trusts, Guardianships andBusiness. Moneys carefully in-

vested, Loans negotiated, Rents, Divigrocers, butchers, hardware dealers, etc., and WE CAN

boundarv line will not be increased. By direction of CECIL BROWN.Receivr" of the Club tables Company, acting under

dends and Interests collected. Prop- - dttii n ONp FOR YOU at a mnHprate nrtee.sion.

ine large unaeveiopea areas oi the orders of the Hon. a. W. Carter, irstFirst Circuit Court of the R publicSouth America have attracted not of HeHWaii. i ara directed to sell at public

a little American capital, and al- - auction, at the premise of the Club Stables. . Company, street, Honolulu,

ready there is sharp competition oahu,for the Southern trade, which, very pr?4av FphfliarV 14. Qri

Advocates of the opium licensewill discover that the people of thiscountry are never so harmoniousand united in action as whendancing attendance at the funeralobsequies of an opium bill.

General Manager for the Hawaiian We guarantee our work for a year.Islands for the following insurancecompanies:Equitable Life Assurance Society ofiiKeiy, is a reason ior me uismcn- -

AT 13 O'CLOCK SOON the United States, assets $185,044,- -

310 06.Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd.,

nation of the European powers torecognize the Monroe doctrine asset forth by President Cleveland.Touch a man's loyalty by way of

of London, assets $16,517,786 00.

Percival Lowell after study-ing the planet Mars through atelescope erected " in Arizona hascome to the conclusion that thepeople of this mundane sphereoid

1 1Imperial Insurance Company, Limited,

Of said day. at the upset pricp of $1,750. allthe prop-ft- and effect of the Club Stables,1 imited. including Lease, btock,Carriages-- , sitnble Tools and Implements,the books of account and book debt duethe Club Stables Company. Limited.

A schedule of the property is as follows1 Open Surrv. I Open Bujrgy 1 Surry,1 Brake, 1 Wagonette, small; 2 Phaetons,7 -- ets Siner'e Harness. 6 Riding Bridles,

of London, assets $9,362,020 00. fthis pocket book and you will findhim thrice ready to fight. Lion Fire Insurance Company, Limit P

Jare not the only highly developed ed, of London, assets $4,125,000 00.The Board of Underwriters of Newbeings that are swinging about in A Shanhai paper has soundly

taken Great Britain to task for York.space. ie believes mat iuars isThe National Board of Marine Under

3 Whips. 1 Cloc-t- , 8 days; 1 Orhce Desk,1 Water Tooler. 1 Office Chair.4 Top Buggies. 1 Surrv, 1 bnrry,1 Road i art, I Wagonette, large;4 bets Double Harness. 5 Saddles,

NO. 70 QUEEN STREET.writers of New York.populated, but not necessarily by having followed a policy of moder-me- n.

In the developement of this ation in advances made in the 1 dozen Wrap Robes. 15 Pictures. 1 Mirror,idea he gives expression to the fol- - Chinese Empire. It is argued that 1 Commode, 6 Cbairs. 2 ink Bottles,

FOR LEASR.lowing sentiment: "To talk of Great Britain long ago had the l Bay Driving Horse "Turk " ARRIVEDMartian beings is not to mean opportunity to occupy the best K Bay iSivT'.y Horse -- Dick." ' NO. 5. THAT DESIRABLE LOT ONhe West side of Jndd street, on the Wwiki- -Martian men. Just as the proba- - norts alone the Chinese coast, but l rown Rrivin Mare '"sette ki side of the residence of C. Rolte, Ksq.. . I ii srown urmng uors JLuie,

1 r TA : . LI n - , . I XT iino " This affords one of the finest building sitesbilities point to the one, so do they by waiting for another to move, is An Entirely NewStock of :

In the city. A long lease on moderateterms to a desirable tenant.point away from the other. Even now obliged to stand by and watch

on this earth man is of the nature the other powers snatch up plumsof an accident. He is the sur- - that were once well within its

lSor.ei Driving Horse "Frank."1 Sorrel Saddle Horse "Dandy, "1 Bav Saddle Horse "McVey,"1 Sorrel Saddle Horse 4 NeUon,"1 sorrel Saddle Horse "Lirson "1 Grey Colt, Unbrokeu, 'Lottery."

FOR SALE.NO. 2. FOR SALE OR LEASE VA- - Dry. Goodsvival of by no means the highest grasp. Little or no credit is given I.pA.spnf nremises beinz Itase made bv cant lot on Young street, near Thomas

Square. Desirable location near the resi--physical organism. He is not even Japan for bringing about the dis- - I Marga-e- t Moorhead et al to c. H Nichol.... - . , for fifieen vear j from January 20. 18K6. at dence of Lt. Dee. fnce $2200. COMPRISINGa m m v wv a vwh I Tl 1 . . J I 1 1 P 1 " m 1 --r - . . - -a uiKii iviLu ui luaixiiuai. luuiu memDermeni oi tne Jiimnire. ne th vp1v rental of si200.ravabieionthiv NO. 6. LAND AT KUMUELI. KAMA--lioa pti Viis ahoVi'ntr "Pnr onrrV.f 1 u u v I ' advance. Ihe premises now in lo, Molokai. - Price $275. One-ha- lf expense" a v "M6"" niriiici Luaunaiua kuai lxclj uc from sub-tenai.- ts $88 leaving $12 a month ot aeeas. trice reaucea to srd.1 I . fwe can see. some lizard or for the erood of humanitv that the astne rental or tnac portion or me pre--

NO. 13. 328 ACRES GRAZING. COF--n L...J , . , , , , MP'ses occupied by me. uud ctaoiesuavraciiia.il uiigui. jusi t wen uuve snrintage oi unina nas aireaay De-- company. fee and feed lands at Honokua, South

Kona, Hawaii.

Ribbons, Veilings,Gloves, Hosiery,Dress Goods, Flannelettes,

popped into his place early in the gun, but most of us regret that it Lnb?Sto nfl NO 14 LAND AT PUIWA. NUUANUValley, mauka of "Hanaiakamalama"race, and been now the dominant has been indiscreetly hastened by transfer expenses at purchaser s cost.Queen Emma's old residence; area 3 77-1- 00

creature of this earth. Amid the the conduct of Japan: who, be it acres. Flamed to strawberries and taro.Price $500.surroundings that exist on Mars, remembered, was the first to initiate JAS. F. MORGAN.


onrrniinfU-nor- a cr d 1 flF5arn f frrm rr I V Tf ia n-r- o nnln in I Auctioneer. with grounds at Kalihi-waen- a. Houses. w r wv.5 wvi &vjuua & vuuu'-j.- . -- -' w a . vua i tine jiubcooi .v o, xxatoy yjmj a ilstables, outbuildings all complete. Waterown, we may be practically sure accordance with the eternal prin- -

Climatelaid on. Fruit trees in bearing





1 i,X- -.

I i




other organisms have been evolved ciples of justice that Japan has had W. W. DliVlOND. periect. Tice ?3o00.NO. 19 THE NEW, ELEGANT AND


of which we have no cognizance, little profit or glory out of heri I commodious family residence with spacious

I he average man KnOWS grounds, situate opposite the res.dence ofWhat manner of beings they may acquisitions.nAfh nrrohAiiffiH nrriincMro Native j. a.. Magoon, ou Ji.eeaumoKube we lack the data even to con- - nuuimgauwui iiiun& up oiuico utreet. A chance for a splendid bargain.rm.m . ... I m 1 1 ! Jl 1 I . 'I f J t I" ! 1 I 11 . ,. -

ceive." II tne scientists oi tne he oroaa smiie on ine pnysiog-- until ne SfeiS nail iniOUffn possession given on June u, iyt. j?oi iuui i i i n . e in uu. i . iu i 1 - .

iuiure are 10 suiunsu communica- - uuiujr ui uui jihjc cut lasicvcmugnjie WUIK, Lilt; 11 11 11 lUUKotion between the ueoDle of this was explained when that mdispen- - p?iqv pnnno--h whpn thp Hp--x x I . I J "O . . - w . D.c: J, L. ,Ln. I Un.,n , ,,K! B KERRearm anu a uiguij-ucveiupe- u race www 1" ncncaci p1 iiiii ill C CcUCiUliy UlctWIl UI1 property for sale and lease. For informa- -

of batrachians on Mars, a good por-- told us that during . its daily paper and everything appears tJon at Ule of"ce

tion of our present population will wanderings, it discovered the Fort to fit to a nicety. But when Cartwright Block, Merchant St. Queen Street.De satisnea 10 aie young. street, oracie reaaing auvertiseb tne men get ai It anQ naveeditorials upside down. The at- - open instructions to make an

--I BRUCE CARTWRIGHTtempts of our friend to satisfy his excellent job (they are work

ESTED. innate desire to call the Adver- - ing by the day), it is differ- -tiser names and wind up by fully ent and every moment Tnuui WXTTAM e IVV nUDACTTAn interesting phase of the coinciding with its nolicv lead lis rnnntc limiirl II rillrin Oil I'll UmVOLL0 x I w IlltJ I

One of the AdvantagesWhich the tourist and others who are desirous of taking pictures of thscenery of the Hawaiian Islands have, is the nearness and easy accessi-bility to the most romantic and picturesqut points.

Venezuelan question, that has to believe that the office cat is true We had expected to Show And Investment Companybeen followed up by Amerto its reputation for truth and vou on the i cth the stocks have begun to movtciican trade journals. is the veracity. arrav of jroods for the hnmeLl?possible connection between the j CD i c uuj mci tuco uiuuiiac a larnxs uruu mr

that VOU ever Saw hilt there 1896and with an estimated shortage of the I

world's production of One M illion Tons of A N OT HER OF THEPresident's Venezuelan message A U CTI O N SALE WaS the elevator tO Diare and Sugar, higher prices are looked for.Ii i i .It ersons alive tn the sitnation nro hpo-in- .and the real estate transactions ofAmericans within the disputed

T n Q C r 1 1 1 AOI Mirtrvr I . . . r- -OF tut ounu uai wuiucio lu ning to purcnase now. Daring the present

L.ni:nU J 1 X j. : a. I mnnt.h WP hVA mnrio mn-r- o ealoa nt TT'i'vof

territory. The Venezuelan Gov Portland Cement bkr'We are now buying and selline the folit done with the same care lowing:On Friday, February 14th, and attention to detail by

ADVANTAGESIs that we keg? constantly on hand a full stock of photographic supplies.For the holidays, we are offering you a camera called the

$8.00 NO. 2 BULLET $8.00(LOADED.)

Measures 4 x4 34X5 34 inches; makes a picture 3 x3 1- -2 Inches, and weighsloaded for 12 pictures, only 21 ounces. One button does it. The shutter is simplicityitself. To make a snap shot, slide the button to the left as far as it will go. This

Hawaiian bugar Company Stock,Ewa Plantation Company Stock,Haiku buerar Company Stock,Houomu Sugar Company Stock.at 10 ovm ock y. m , tne icth was out of the

Atth- - Pacific aiVh!f. 1 will sell at MUCLlUll. Hie llieil Iiave Hawaiian Agricultural Company Stock,; Pia rlantatin ('ornpanv Stock.worked harder than if theyPublic Auction, for hc cunt

whom it may Concern, about i Mutual Telephone Stock,had been doing it under con Hawaiian Klectric Company

Also Hawaiian Uovernment Bonds, and2000 Bbls.Best Portland Cement lJlantation hrt Mortfjasre Bonds. me aiiuuci. 1 1 cjj me uulluu uuwn. 1 n s maKes me exDOSure. 1 nerft arm nrtract, but the job could notbe done.

ernment has from time to timegranted valuable lands to Amer-ican syndicates, the latest dealbeing in April last when J. A.Bowman and others formed "TheManoa Company" and obtainedpossession of lands on either sideof the Schomburgk line. Presi-dent Bowman states that he has beenrequested by the American com-mission to act as a guide throughthe disputed country. In explain-ing the operations of his concernhe saj-- s the Manoa Company, oper-ating at the mouth of the Orinocowas formed under the laws of the Ve

We have some veryseeure boxes in the plugs or lens caps to lose, no extra levers, no complicated mechanismone buttonfe Deposit v juilts to let by the month or does it all.IN GOOD OKDEIi.

Monday, the 17th, is now l,y the year at very rfasonabIe ratesJus: landed ex Baik J. C. Pflnger, Wolte'S,master, from Breiuerliaven. set tor the opening day. Ali For wwcHiars away to $5.5o AItE Pocket Kodak $5.5othe cheap goods we have THE HAWAIIAN SAFE DEPOSIT

written aoout win tnen De. r i- - And Investment Company, Is about as big as a well filled purse and weiehs on v ; ounces. IIvs mil film i- -

JAS. F. MORGAN,Auctioneer.

422't-4f- c

AUCTION SALEor 18 exposures. Both can be loaded at daylight. Perfect in workmanship. Rich anddainty in finish.The crockerv will Hp thprp in S Fort Street, H0fifil?)Ju.

rn:ition their ic HrvurirlOF catch your eye whether you FOR RJEJNT !nezuelan Government in 1SS3. Then H0LLISTER DRUG COMPANY.wdiu lu ictr u ui nut. oLUvesthe Manoa Company Limited was

such as you never imaginedI TIIEand at prices that-wil- l asAN INDUCEMENT FORtound you will have your

AND attention. Ana so will every-thing else. Saucepans, for

odious n 11CH1NAWARE. ii

Under instructions from the Hawaiian

Out of Door LifeIs a Close, Stuffy Roomed House

G. W. LINCOLN'inVaoSiidihi''w111 h 35 a,ry comfortabl m a" ut

G. W. LINCOLN,' Contractor and Builder of Anvthin.


instance; a small item withus, but the one you pay$1.75" for in other establish-ments, we sell you at $1.10and make a profit.

It is the same --with every-thing else as with saucepans.

Remember, Monday, the17th, is the day the store will

Government. I will sell at public Auc-tion, at the Judiciary Building, in

the former Legislative Hall, on

Monday, February 24AT lO O'CLOCK A. M.,


be open. You have an in

formed in 18S5. This new com-pany was organized under the lawsof the United States, and, after thegrant was given, the papers wereproperly prepared in South Amer-ica and filed with the Secretary ofState at Washington. The mem-bers of the organization are nearlyall citizens of the United States,and have not renounced their loy-

alty, therefore they claim theirGovernment is bound to protectthem whether there is a Monroedoctrine or not.

The New York Evening Post,with its usual desire to make out acase against the United States,holds that this concession wasgranted the American company forthe obvious purpose of embroilingthe United States in the dispute.Whatever may have been the in-

tentions of the Venezuelan Govern-

ment, the fact that Americans havecommercial interests within thedisputed territory by no meanslessens the danger of seriouscomplications arising in the eettle--

VON HOLT BLOCK,Sterling Silver, vitation to call.

MERITCut Glass andChinaware King-- Street.


These premises adjoin the new store soon toFOSTER & HITCHCOCK,PROPRIETORS


beroccupied by W.W. Dimond. For parti-culars. apply to the

Sanders' Express Co.

Is what makes the ready sale of CLOISONEWARE as well as the Lacquer and BronzeWare. Special invitation is extended to lovers ofthe beautiful in these goods to inspect my stock.New Goods received ex Rhosina that will commandyour attention.

K. FURUYA,Next to Ordway & Porter s.

AND KALAKAUA,Comprising a large variety of HistoricalWares. Manager Hawaiian GazetteAre prepared to move Furniture at Sl.f0

to $4 per load according to distances. Bag-gage delivered to and from the Jteamer aspecialty. Freight handled with dispatch,60 cents per ton and upwards, according


4220-G- tw uiBiauee. r . n. ruolJUK.

Von Holt Block. I Hotel Street,Manager.



f!.,- -

Page 5: AND DEALERS If Leather :- lnvl-tatlo-u me - pre-par- ed F. SECOND … · 2015. 6. 2. · J k ' 4 J T H J--1A.. Hi! 1 ti I fi 7--XV Established July 2, 1856. VOL. XXIII., NO. 4224



The ew Street Is Very RapidlyFilling-- .


i r1


When the most benefit is to.be derivedfrom a good medicine, is early in theyear. This is the season when thetired body, weakened organs and nerv-

ous system yearn for a building-u- p

medicine like Hood's Sarsaparilla.Many wait for the open spring weatherand, in fact, delay giving attention totheir physical condition so long that along siege of sickness is inevitable.To rid the system of the impurities ac-

cumulated during the winter season,to purify the blood and to invigoratethe 'whole system, there is nothingequal '.to Hood's Sarsaparilla. Don'tput it off, but take Hood's Sarsaparillanow. It will do you good. Read thetestimonials published in behalf ofHood's Sarsaparilla, all form reliable,grateful people. They tell the story.

Hobkon Drug Co., wholesale agents.

Don't be Imposed Upon.When you ask for Seattle Brew-

ing and Malting Co.'s beer, do notaccept any other kind because youare told it is "just as good." Ifyou value your health you will notallow anyone to impose upon youby offering you a cheap substitute.Remember that the Rainer andOlympic beers are just what theyare represented to be. Both arethe product of the most perfectgrown barley and the best hops tobe had. For sale at Criterionsaloon.

tin fieA Cold Water Paint Especially

Designed for Inside Work on

Factories and Public


It Is a dry powder which can be pre-

pared for use by simply stirring in COLDWATER, and can be applied by my oneand will always produce good work.

It is VERY WHITE, extremely reflec-

tive and ha; dens on a wall like stone andwill take any tint.

It will lost for tv$ and is unaffectedby gases.

One coat covers better than two coats ofoil paint or whitewash.

It can be used on any surface and forill classes of work, even for the tmzst.bcorating.


This Is for Outside Work.

Such as Fences, Outbuildings and Labo-rer' Quarters. It is a thick paste to be

diluted with cold water; stands rain andexposure, as well as oil paint, and costsbut a fraction as much.

Adapted for Dwellings, Offices and PublicDwellings, or any other place vh;reKALSOMINE is used. It wili not rub,discolor or scale off.

LUCOL.A new Paint Oil. It comes raw and

boiled; is superior to Unseed, and covers

with one-thir- d less lead and pigment to thegallon.

P. and B. Corarouods and Papers.


l. fi. in s I, in1Agents tor the Bwt&Mi Utastfts.




Housekeeping Goods,AND


Agate Ware, Rubber llose,



Tin, GoDDer xsneet irca worK.


S. OZAKI,fill XInsc street, Corner of Smlthrstreet


We received a fine consignment of


Porcelain and Lacquer Ware,Silk Goods In end I ens variety


HUMS. Kimonos, Miles,!

'. Indies' and Gents" Silk Shirts,Japanese Toys and Novelties,

Bed Rock Prices !

The Yacht Spray and Her Pas-


Fra uk Allen Goes Afehore at Walanae.No Provisions on Yacht Allen

Says lied path Is Aboard.

Lionel V. Redpath has at lastbeen located and the far-fam- ed

yacht Spray with her very reticentCaptain Paddy Curtis are unmis-

takably mixed up in the affair.A telephone message was received

at the Police station last night tothe effect that Frank Allen, former-ly a boat boy, had been arrested.His story was as follows:

"The yacht Spray is anchoredabout six miles from Waianae ;

came ashore for provisions nothaving brought any from Hono-lulu; besides Paddy Curtis, Red-pat- h

and another man are aboard ;

the intention was to hang abouthere for a foreign schooner aboardwhich Redpath could be placed."

At a late hour the men sent outfor the Spray had not returned.


Tent Crowded to the Doors AGrand Performance.

The G. A. R. benefit at Wirth'scircus tent was a glorious successfinancially and artistically. Therewere extra numbers on the pro-gram, and the artists acquittedthemselves admirably.

The tent was profusely decoratedwith handsome flags of all nations,and for this the committee tenderthanks to Captain Pigman, of theBennington. The Hawaiian band,with Prof. Berger on the foretop,was present thanks to MinisterCooper ; and the tent was jammedin every part thanks to the goodfriends who felt an interest in theinstitution it was to help ; and toMr. Wirth, proprietor of the circus,and T. E. Evans, manager of theJapanese acrobats, for providingsuch an excellent performance.

There will be another perform-ance tonight, and every night thisweek, and Mr. Wirth will be delighted to see as many smilingfaces in the tent as there were lastnight.

Advance of Company D." Who said that Company D was

not in it?" Answer echoes : "Noone. inere was a time wnen tnatorganization was supposed to be onits last leg3, but that season haspassed, and Company D now standson a level with the best of them.

The annual meeting was heldlast night in the drill shed and theroom was packed with members.Lieutenant Bergstrom presided.

Messrs. Geo. Macy, Louis Whit-ing, Wm. Herrick, Chester Doyle,O. C. Johnson and W. W. Harriswere elected to membership in thecompany and several ot.'ier appli-cations were posted.

J. Eflinger was unanimously re-

elected secretary and S. L. Rumseytreasurer.

The following committees wereelected :

Finance Messrs. Fred Oat, Chas.McCarty and Ed Mclnerny.

Range Messrs. G. Gear, Mc-Kinn- ey

and C. Crane.Investigation Messrs. S.L. Rum-

sey, Crozier and Effinger.Armory Messrs. William Nott,

Charlock and Porter.The entertainment committee,

which has in charge the minstrelperformance to be given shortly, isdoing good work. The stage willbe in position this week, ready forthe rehearsals of the companytroupe.

A vote of thanks was tenderedCompanies F, G and H for assist-ance rendered in the make-u- p ofthe play and also to Ordway &

Porter for the loan of furniture.After the meeting a very jolly

time was spent in the rendition ofvarious songs and instrumentalmusic by members of the company.

Death of a Pioneer.Yesterday Mrs. Catherine March

Whitney, wife of H. M. Whitney,of this city, died, after a long ill-

ness of over four years, originatingin dropsy and terminating inmyxcedema. She was a native of

Portsmouth, N. H., and had resided

here for over forty years. During

the earlier period of her residencehere, she was an active member inDr. Damon's Bethel Church and of

several benevolent societies, inwhich she took a prominent part.Owing to the absence of her oldestson, Mr. H. M. Whitney, Jr., thefuneral has been postponed untilhis return. Notice of the funeralwill be given later.

Will do better onFIRST-CLAS- S FEED.



Is the very best at theVERY LOWEST PRICES.

Ill1 WPfflNuuanu and Queen Streets.




Hardware-:- - AND -:- -


BRi We wish to call your at-

tention to the following

goods just received from


Sheet Zinc, -

Bar Iron,Anvils,Fence Wire,

I Hyd rau 1 i c J acks , "

Rain Gauges,Hu'bbuck's White Lead,Hubbuck's White Zinc,Sauce Pans,Tea Kettles,Fish Hooks,Dog Chains,Chamois Skins,Razors, Etc., Etc.


Hardware and General IrclQise.

Gasoline $3.25 per case.delivered.


BISHOP & CO.Bankers

Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

Commercial and Travelers' Lettersof Credit issued, available in

all the principal citiesof the world.


The undersigned has received the ap-

pointment of Aeent for the Hawaiian Isl-and? of the above Company, which is oneof the ?'roi)e.t financially in the wo: Id,and i prepared to take risks at the regu-lar rates.

Capital, S3,000,(KiO.Total Assets, 41,;7'2,m.


at' Gazette office

A Place for House Lots and a Drive AMuch Xeeded Clxaue the lie-su- it

of Cholera.

Under the direction of the Super-intendent of Public Works, to-

gether with the work of the undersuperintendent, Mr. C. A. Fogarty,the retaining wall from the Kingstreet bridge along on the lowerBide of Nuuanu stream to a positionabout 500 feet up the stream is pro-gressing very rapidly, all thingsbeing taken into consideration.

Twenty-fiv- e men, composed ofAmericans, Portuguese and natives,have been employed in the workwhich has been in progress for sixweeks. About 400 feet of the wallhas already been completed. Thisis built of rough stone and is ninefeet deep in places, five feet beingbelow the water and four feet aboveat mean low tide.

During the progress of the workthe men had to excavate through agravel bed situated about 250 feetfrom the street. The sand obtain-ed from this excavation was usedfor the dam on the other side.

Beginning at about 200 feetfrom the street there is a gracefulcurve in the wall which will soonbe completed. It is now half wayacross the stream and when finish-ed next week will reach completelyacross to the grass bank on theother side. The end at this placewill be about 500 feet from thestreet. When this is completedeverything will be ready for theopening of the new bed of the riverthat will transform the whole placeinto an entirely different one fromwhat it is at the present time.

The progress of the work ofbuilding the wall has been verymuch retarded by the slow modeof transportation of the stone. Onaccoi nt of existing circumstancesit has been found necessary to takeon a scow all the material that hasbeen used so far. It is slow workgetting to the place where the stoneis and still slower work gettingback again with a load.

This will not last much longer.As soon as the dredger has pouredout enough mud, silt and sand up-on the makai bank of the stream,a track will be laid along by theBide of the coffer-da- m and then thework will bo expedited.

The dredger is making good pro-gress in building up the bank andmaking a large area of new landand when it has finished its workin that locality the Governmentwill have land all the way fromKing street to the St. Louis bridge;property along the stream will begiven a fine frontage where beforenothing but filth and slime wasthere to look upon and a fine drive-way will also be furnished all .theway from King to Beretania street.

This will be a direct continua-tion of the road leading from theold fishmarket. Hotel street willihen communicate with a decentthoroughfare 'whereas, before itsimply ran off into bulrushes andfilthy water.

The list of lepers at the Kalihireceiving station was presented.Moved that the afflicted be sent toKalaupapa as soon as possible.

A peculiar fact about the mudsilt and sand combination emptiedby the dredger is that it packsdown so solidly that a 'pick-ax- e is

almost necessary to stir it whenonce dried. There is hardly anystrain on the coffer-da- m from thisbed although in some places thereare over nine feet of it. A minuteafter a stream of this is poured outof the dredger pipes it is hard andsolid, the water having percolatedthrough, leaving it in a packedcondition. On account of this factno trouble has been experiencedwith strains on the foundations.

The work on the whole of thatportion of Nuuanu stream just des-

cribed has proven most satisfac-tory. Any one who retains evenJthe slightest recollection of whatit used to be will recognize none ofthe former characteristics in itspresent improved form.

Cream Baking Towdcr.Dr. Price's baking powder has

stood the test of years and is todayat the head of all "helps in thekitchen." At the World's Fair inChicago this preparation receivedthe highest award, both medal anddiploma, and is taking awardsfrom consumers wherever it is sold.Lewis & Co. are the Honoluluagents

The Hawaiian Gazette (semi-weekl- y)

and the Advertiser contain all the news of the week. Mailthem with your letters today. Tobe had in wrappers at news standsand publication pffiec.

A Model Plant Is not complete with-out Electric Power, thus dispensingwith small engines.

Why not generate your power froone CENTRAL Station? One gener-ator can furnish power to your Pumps,Centrifugals, Elevators, Plows, Rail-ways and Hoists; also furnish lightand power for a radius of from 15 to 20miles.

Electric power being used saves thelabor of hauling coal In your field, alsowater, and does away with high-price- d

engineers, and only have one engine tolook after In your mill.

Where water power Is available Itcosts nothing to generate ElectricPower.


PANY is now ready to furnish ElectricPlants and Generators of all descrip-tions at short nolice, and also has onhand a large elock of Vlr C:iMt!J'l-ler- s

and all Electrical Goods.All orders will be given prompt at

tention, and estimates furnished forLighting and Power Plants; also at-

tention is given to House and MarineWiring.


Sugar! Sugar! Sugar!If Sugar is what you want uso

F ERTI LIZER.The Hawaiian Fertilizing Company h?i

lust received per " Helen Brewer

50 Tons Soft Phosphate Florida',150 Tons Double Snperpl:osy,iiite,300 Tons Natural Phnt RkvV25 Tons Common Super piiospha-'-

Also pr " Martha Davis" and othervessels,

Nitrate of Soda,; Sulphate of Ammonfa.

Sulphate of Potash,Muriate of Potash & Kata't

High-Gra- de ManuresTo any analysis always on hand or

made to order.

A. F. COOKE, Agent.


Queen Street, Honolulu, H. I.

AGENTS FORHawaiian Agricultural Company, OnomeaSugar Company, Honornu Sugar Company,WaiU.ku Sugar C.i!!;-:miv- , Waib-?- e SugarCompany, Malvje Su..ir Company, Hale-akal- a

Ranch Company. Kapapala F?anch.Planters' Line San Francisco Packets,

Chas. Brewer & Co.'s Liae of Boston

Agents Boston Board of Underwriters.Agents Philadelphia Board of Under-

writers.List of orricers:

P. C. iones. president: Geo. H. Robertson, Manager; b. F. Bishop, Treasurer and

etary; Col. W. r. Allen, Auauor; .'. ' ':?, H. Waterhouse, A. W. Carter,

1 1 i (-- ', rr$


illW. W. WKIGIIT, Proprietor.


All orders from the other Islands In theCarriage Building, Trimming and Painting

ine will meet with prorppt attention.

P. O. Box 831.

128 and 130 FORT STREET.

--40-4THIS IS TM V. TKI.FI'HnVP Vl'vnni

i r rr cr if n if Vfiii YVxTit out- - I'lftmKir.v .r"I " ' " UU t M. ( I'll Vy

Tin work Jme pr mptly nml pr- - p rlj'.I am prepare ! to ln kind of work ;v

my line nl Hit-- LowM riril)Ie IJates.

Jobbing a Specialty.

J AS.- - NQTTv JR.,Tirui'thati'I Plumber.

Honolulu Royal Arch Chapter No.1

SPECIAL MEETING OF Ho-nolulu Koral Arch Chapter.No.1, will be held THIS (Thurs-day) EVENING, at 7 :30 o'clock.Masonic Temple. All sojourn-ing Royal Arch Masons arefrrtternally invited to attend.

Work: Koval Arch Degree.T. E. WALL,

4224 it Secretary.

Honolulu Commandery, No. 1.


of Honolulu Commandery, No. 1,at its asylum. Masonic IVmpIe, corneHotel ar d Alaka streets.T HIS (Thursday)EVENING at 7:30.

T. E. WALL,4224-I- t Secretary.'-'--

Quarterly Meeting.


of the Union Feed Company, Limited,will be hel" at the Company's office onS vTUKDaY, the 15th inst., at 10o'clock a. ru. '

Tt. VIDA.Secretiry Union Feed Company, Limited.

4224-3-t --

. i' '

German Benevolent .Society.


A.T THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THEGerman Benevolent Society, held on the:10th of February, the following officers- -

.- -were re-ele- ct ed : -

Mr. H. A. Wideniann. . President.Mr. J F. Haokfeld Vice President.Mr. F. Schultze .Treasure, .

Mr. H. J. Nolte . ...... Audit. r. -

Mr. J. F. Hackfeld Trustee.Mr. J. F. Ecfeanit ..'.Secretary.

J. F. ECKARDT,Secretary German Benevolent Society.

4223-2- 1. .


ALL BILLS AGAINST THE ROADDepartment contracted befo-- e December31, 1X95, should be presented to rhe office ofthe Road Hoard inunrdiat-l- y for ywyiuent

Signed v. . H . C V M i ING.S.Road (Supervisor.

Honolulu, Februarv Uth, lb.4223-- t

Copartnership Notice.

LAU TING, WONG WO, C. M. TA1,Mee Font, W rig Chee. :ml C. K;m Po.all residents of Honolulu, have formed acopartnership under the firm name of' The Chin Sank Well Company," for thepuipose of doing business at Honolulu,Oahu, as artesian well borers.


By WbN; Wo, Manager.Dated February 11, 1896.


Liquor Commission Notice.

THE MEMBERS OF THE COM.Mis-sion appointed to report to the comingsessioa of the Legislature upon the LiquorTraffic, being desirous of obtaining as fullan expression of Public Opinion as possi-ble upon the subject, invite any Individuals or Societies who desire to offer anvsuggestions to the Commission to presentsame in writinc as soon as possible.

Any pamphlets or reports upon the sub-ject will also be gladly received.

Address,H. WATERHOUSK, Chairman,OR F. J. LOWRKY. Secretary,

Liquor Commission.173'2-2- f

Cdolilefl Soflfl iter Works Co.,


Esplanade, corner Allen and Fort streets.

HOLLISTER & CO., Agents.

At Gazette Office.

Page 6: AND DEALERS If Leather :- lnvl-tatlo-u me - pre-par- ed F. SECOND … · 2015. 6. 2. · J k ' 4 J T H J--1A.. Hi! 1 ti I fi 7--XV Established July 2, 1856. VOL. XXIII., NO. 4224

You can't keeD clean a bed of wood ;. 1 . T 1: 1Will you walk into my workshop?

. iit . nr.-- fnFit it with Duplex" Wire you should,

THE BOARD OF HEALTH. You may not have much time to stop,Yet, enough to see the plan...j x i tAi

To (iive a Smoker on featuraa, r or iiiai s lue utu iu no u.No bugs or fleasYou then will tease

Sot One.February 20th.

v A meeting of the board of man Thp rpnnrt of the execu To lay your beadUpon.tive officer of the Board ofagement of the Honolulu Cricket

Club was held at the home ot 31 r. Health relative to therendition of the NuuanuA Rather Dry Meeting

at TiroEfi la at Tnesdav niffht. An iron bed enameled white, Woven Wire Bailey .Makes Iron Beds of Roodquality at a Low Price,and makes Wire Beds, too.

Or done in macs ana goiu,Wray Taylor was added to the ONE that's not too light,Something dangerOUS tO OUQrtXWof now the weather's cold,hpfllth. It alO SUPJSfeStS 11- 1- Of four hundred pounds,committee on club smoker to take

place on Saturday evening, Feb.29th. Tickets for this entertain

Mqu hp fnnnn. iinMiiiiiABOUT THE NUUANU RESERVOIRS. ters, good filters, something

that will effectually separater i a r:iiiment will be $1 50. Previous oc-

casions of the kind have always met


--THEthe water irom muu auu nun.Nstnrp haq done much

Has it occurred to youthat a picture is one of thebest things to make a Xmaspresent of ?

Everyone enjoys lookingat a beautiful thing andwhat thing of beauty canconvey more to the mindthan a picture ?

Let at least one of yourgifts this year be a picture,no matter how little theycost, they will cover moreground than anything elseyou can buy.

Remember we are sellingpictures and frames at SanFrancisco prices.

You will be astonished atthe low prices prevailing at

with marked success, and the comMr Kevnolds Considers Them Bad. toward providing the people

with nprpss?iries: it has also Waist"mittee in charge of arrangementshvf rWirled that this shall be nora of the Fish Inspector Ap- -

..,,,.fr,n Denied Mr. Rhodes at .cQ HI pOISCthe rule. The lastMolokal Lepers for the Settlement V&VVbtUU v -

amnl-p-r criven in the Scottishdone a little toward securingfor the people, luxuries. In

Wfllities a filter is aTv.ioti ninL hnll. is verv nleasantlv rftinprabered bv those who werej .,

Tor S&JEe! nSlty" Combines THREE GARMENTS in One--A. crw frvrtnnafp as to ne rjresenu

but the natural niters mat are uorsex, wciitL, cm vwiou v..The regular weekly meeting 01 "Messrs. W. F. Reynolds, A.Board of Health was held yes-- j fied an(i T Lighman were appoint-terda- y

afternoon. Some time was'j on the sub-committ- ee to see that... i . 1, a i i i , n f in nrnnpr Pin - sold have been much lm-Dro- ved

bv the ingenuity ofspent in awaiting memuers enuui me gruuuua aic yt, rr AI DOS STORE,man. '

. ri orl tw ame bust support as the regular boned corset, andCharcoal is admitted to be allow removal or reinsertion of

the bone pockets are so arranged as tothe most thorough purifying

, . beinci.wvv nnvr rinninff necessary.




S f




The effects diUon.to complete a quorum. Auerbach c. H. W.of Chinese new year were playfully Norton and w H. Paine were ap-suggest- ed

by one of the members? p0inte(j a committee to report onwhile waiting, but those referred to 'building a club house,soon turned up smiling, with no W. F. Reynolds was appointed a

... o Committee of one to have rulesaent known, consequeiuiy DonesauupuuCHiuu,1,..rf--- 0

AV-SSrS.S- lack & Brownlow Se- - Ladies who find it uncomfortable to wear the ordinary corset, and

in the manu- - will find the Equipoise Waist thelected it for USe gtm cannot do without some support,fsrtnfp of their filters. And

apparent, a pijcaiauvc u. x t.; I printed.

cup. mose present weiC ca . -The Honoiulu Cricket Club is in

Smith, members Reynolds, ur. a mogt prQSperous condition. All rrticaarthberaangdeno? " Corset Substitute Long Looked For.SaveWood, Dr. Emerson, Dr. Liay, jvo-- bills have been paid ana a Daiance

liipio together with Dr. Monsarrat still remains in the treasury. Thepxneetiner to have HonoIulu,asufficient guaran- -

and Deputy Marshal Hitchcock. tee' .bZ. lufYAlo Thp, fit. nerfectlv. and no one need fear that the graceful eleganceiliVUi UVA M w

some interesting matches duringThe fish report of Inspector Ke- -

the coming season.YourHoney.

cnaraciei ui lmc ai ui. jThe latest invoices Show o orm which is given by a perfect-fittin- g corset will be in

.the least

liinio showed some doUU risn re

three different, styles Ot the gacrificed by wearing the "Equipoise." For sale ata ii riKI T arifl Mark..7 .

ceived at the market during thepast week. These represented4Y,;iT-f;Ar-0 rliffp.rftnt kinds of fish

b. 6c d. rliterb auuA portion of an old nau tree Jhave in stock, just openeu B. R EHLER5 & CO.lljlilj

from twenty-thre- e places. fViom in fact, ana wethat has stood on the King streetside of H. E. Mclntyre's grocerystore for more than fifty years was


Mont wnnr attention.Mr. Mver wrote from the leperNr i wp will call it No,settlement telling of tke arrival of cut down yesterday in order that

i : t,'rtn rf f.li e irnnk i) is fitted with a movablext t? Virrlca and assistant at iva1U1. J.vvvi-- For Twenty- me remaiuiugi ll X A. n. n. I ... ilaupapa ana saying mai tuc,y wwc might be BaVea. piaie, bu mat wnn i.ww,

a great many years ago it was sary, the carbon may be takenthe custom, if not the law to plant aH xxrQhpd. it has also

getting things in readiness to beginthe work of tree planting. Yearsnr Afnnsarrat's report on the shade trees on the sidewalks ot ui Hirr ollnw--

The odd cents is what counts. !

can save you from 25 to 35 per cot,on vour clothes and guarantee a fit aadperfect satisfaction in every respect.

I make friends of my custom,and customers of my friends. Do notbe deceived by a grand display. Flatgoods well-mad- e Is half the battla.

Once tried you will come agala.Latest designs constantly received.

I must have room for my new stock.If you are need of clothes, now Is yourtime to see me.

mitigation act showed an increase certain streets and this particular a uiuvduic .....Ton'nnoep women resistered. I tree was planted with a number ot inp: access lO evciy Fai,L

rit - nniinn IT mil. flf 110. rip. trees were m Lf ihp intpnor. WnlCnJlgrt3 arc I1U DCYCUKJ ww w - yj LllVyi o ii""' 1 V "- - 'Kahookano, a resident of Haka- - rogue. may be kept perfectly SWeet

Uii. Hawaii, was present and ask-- Mr. jvrdntyre came to Honolulu , ripn.ed the Board that he be allowed to about fifty years .o ajaestates jj -


We have been tailoring at moderateprices.

Twenty years of experience to

profit by.Our KNOWLEDGE of CLOTHES for


to the leper settlement wnere that the tree was growing a 'cohis wife will soon be transported, time. with the same conveniences

I rkthpr hiltri.l.. VO r Unn nrr ocHe said sne was periwwj " t i iui Licaiiiii cio mv-- wtake care of herself, but he simply will a special sale of Dr. fhev have the important ad- - W. V. Ahana,wanted to go and be with her out j that every part, m--

reduce stock, prices win i uiuvnof aloha. Anotherl1 requesth.1



suit for regular sizes, and rudin the Dure" " Water stood the test as the liberal patronage nERCHANT TAILOR,from a woman by the name i -8- UHforXtralarge sizes. A'u cc.HIp aiv--

323 Nuuanu Street.Kanui that she be allowed to go 7uits7 all siz7s,white and Chamber, IS aCCeSSaDIC,

with her husband to Kalaupapa. natural, at $3 per suit. Do not let jng them all the leqUirementSTbP reauests were voted on to- - this opportunity pa8j to get these Filter." '

r a goods at mucn less iuttU - . o c. D- - Ias the sale will only last till stock is I L 1 1a rotifmn was received from lllc piicc, Ul 111- -fiitpr i; hplnw the others.reduced.. nun11.tt u1 Hnlhiim. E. C. Winston

fact.We have just received our fall

stock of woolens, which we are

offering at prices that will aston-ish you.

You should have one, be- -and Geo. McLeod to the effect that

to establish a fish- - cause it is a necessity.market for the sale of fresh fish atsipthe south west corner of King andVou0t0- - streets. Thev euar- - PACIFIC HARDWARE CO.

A GOOD SHAVE !anteed that a proper building wouldbe erected and concrete floors and

to assure cleanliness, also




Board of DirectorsTHROUGH P. O. BOX 219.


beA New Shipment Nothing pleases a man more thr.n topropcrJy shave .. Try the newthat all filth and dirt would be

riTA x? nines leadinsr out intoOF THIS Criterion Barber Shopthe bay, that marble tops would be

used on the tables and that therunning of the whole establishmentwould be subject to the rules and

iiatinna nf the Board of Health. id 11 Fort Street.(Opposite Pantheon Stables.) PLANING MILL,lllilll ENTERPRISE

FRANK PACHECO, Propr. V. O. Teixeira,moffpr was referred to the JUST TO HAND PER PETER HIGH & CO., Proprietors.

nccirr AWn MILL.X tic lUtV" the Interior. SECUETARY.Latest Styles of Hair Cutting.jfiiuiciivi

Tievnolds made the follow 4201 -- lmPaul Isenberg. Alakea and Richards Streets, near Queen, Honolulu, H. I.COOLEST SHOP IN TOWN!

4214-2- ming report on his inspection tour of

reservoirs in .Nuuanu valley:

ctlnff under instructions from the FOR :- - SALEMOULDINGSSaddlery and HarnessBoard, I made a visit or inspection 10 H. HACEFELD & CO.the reservoirs m x uui j i, . .ni,m;t. thA followintr : C. It. COI JL,rNS Etc.tens.C- - i raorvtiir. near the Electric lis, -- A-Sole Agents 337 King Street, near Nuuanuicht Station, i guarded from dralu- -

r.i tor About three hunaire iruixij i . monbA h a hmh bank Manufacturer and Importer of everytbiFOR THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS.TURNED AND SAWED WORK.in the Harness Line at lowest prices.runniLg parallel with the road, but

i l t Huotnoora from 4224-3- W e Power gb iii. . ,Knva fnnt no int. TELEPHONE: 65,Carriage Tops and Trimmings Prompt attention to all orders.MANOA LAND SALEvG 2 reservoir is crossed by the

road and receives all the drainage for Specialty.IN GOOD CONDITION'.

Call and see my stock and be convincedNo 3 also receives drainage from

rinriricr rainv weather. -- HOUSE LOTS. that I sell cheaper than others. H. E. McINTYRE & BRO., .v . tobu the drainage S3 Apply to theP. O. Box 496.Telephone 603.from the side hills which are covered FOR -:- - SALE.

Convenient to the Citj' of EAST CORNER FORT AND KINQ STREETSImporters and Dealers in

with rank veg' iaiion, uu vu. rU

New Fire Insurance Agency. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO.,Beautiful View, IUcn Soil,

Climate uooi ana urawuK.LIMITED.Natural rainfall furnishes an abundance Groceries, Provisions and Feed.rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN

Oi water. appOlUiea aeilU IUI iuc iianaiiau i ELECTION OF OFFICERSanas ot me we" uu""Prices From $260 Upwards.mnM4 ni'ihin iha rpfif h of anv man. RGRIBULTURi) 1 COMPANY

rvAw 9ni Fresh Goods received bv everv packet from California, Eastern State? 11uniinunUUIltv liuiuGet vour choice bv applying early to

number of cattle are g"s- -

The three reservoirs are nothingmud-hole- s, and, al-

thoughmore than huge

they have been flushed oftheir water, the mud still remains.

The loss of waW from seepage andevaporation in dry wea'her must

A visit to Luakaba will convinceanyone that Honolulu is blest witheood supply of pure water, if the samecould be conveyed direct from thatplace to the city without further con-

tamination or !s- - from seepage.There are severnl good pltes for re

servoirs in the ueighborbocd of thewater station, and a reservoir of about150 f- -t diameter and 20 feet Jeep, laidud with stonp and ni tit, would hold

ruux oii,.n. wliih could be oiped

and European Markets.4223-t- f Next Postoffice, Hnnol lu. Standard Grades of Cannea vegeiaDies. rruus ana rn.IFIRE INSURANCE COMPANY,

Goods delivered to any part ot the city satisfaction guaranteed. NOTICE 1H HEREBY GIVEN THATat the annual meeting of the HawaiianA crrln.nl t lira I Pnmnnnv ioKl this rlo. V.island traae soiiciicu.Limited, 0 ... .M-- . luio A.aj ,T1 under mentioned were elected to act asofficer- - of the company for the ensuingP. O. BOX 145.OF LONDON, ENGLAND, vear. viz:

1 a innv nc st Chas. M. Cooke. President

Y. M. C. A.

Lecture Course.SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15m,

at 7:45 p.m.

"Value of a Drainage System."


fire, on dwe.lings, stores, warehouses, me Sam!. C. Aliencnanaise, eve. tani ovu,in,u.' rnnl JJJ " the overflow fromdirect to the city,

V inn into the Dresent JAPANESE BAZAAR,William R. Castle.Next Door to Castle & Cooke's

. . v ice-i'resiue- ni

George H. Robertson TreasurerT. May AuditorE. F. Bishop SecretaryP. C. Jones 1

H. Waterhouse V DirectorsT.May j

E. F. BISHOP,Secretary.

Dated Honolulu. Jan. lfi. ISfKL

fnp same wu" -

reservoirs and be ued for electric lightol tire, etc.power or in caseit.h said that certi--

4207-- 1 ra rSo. 411 King Street,DEALER INIMPORTER AND$20 REWARD.n , iootV made out bv Chinese

ncaies w vn-c- v

V rtliirl have to be remedied Japanese Dry and Fancy Goods,A REWARD OF TWENTY DOLLARS 4201-l- m

Will De paia 10 am ptrsuii iuiiuuiug m- -

oVSint- - Gents.Furnishing5, Cotton Shirts, Cotton Crepes, Pajamas. Caps and St:aw Hats, CH0NG KEE RESTAURANTbefore being accepted by the Board.

one in which the physicianfave the cause of death of a patientI sickness," another was erup- -

Admission, 25 Cents.(Members of the Y. M. C. A. Free.)



Sam Sing : : : Proprietor.

Special Attention to the Traveling Public.MEALS AT ALL HOURS.

cemed in steaung tne r. . aia KKTistK .

WU1. Fancy Articles, etc., neap ior umi. cor Merchant and Nuuanu sts.

from the doorways where it is delivered. 3 --cluHAWAIIAN GAZETTE COMPANY. o-- " " ChlckiTs'ad Twice a Week

Th Dailv Advertiser 75 cents a I If TQOHllVlA- - Meala 15 cts. down stairs, 25 cts. upjiccr 1T cents a tIi- - ji jl.mw I stairs. 4iaunLUOIl til. LCUYC1CU UJ lliiri,

month. Delivered by carrier.


Page 7: AND DEALERS If Leather :- lnvl-tatlo-u me - pre-par- ed F. SECOND … · 2015. 6. 2. · J k ' 4 J T H J--1A.. Hi! 1 ti I fi 7--XV Established July 2, 1856. VOL. XXIII., NO. 4224


Stables to Chaplain lane will bef Prices From $23 to $35. H. H. WILLIAMS Cc & c01 III?LOCAL BREVITIES.

G. H. Ruttman has accepted aposition at Hilo.

An iron front is being put inWaterhouse's crockery store.

Hopp & Co., the furniture dealershave a change of ad in this issue.

The regular companies were givenartillery drill yesterday afternoon.

Mrs. Hanna has a laree and8 rTvltfS4J

yaried assortment of fine millinery.rI J. W. McFarland has been ap- -

pointed Hawaiian Vice-Cons- ul forV Vancouver. !"


, ..mk uirni nrou i, rj --rr ffI W 111 llllllir--

- 1M mi '






We keep on hand a large assortment ofGoods in our several departments. NewGoods every month.

TELEPHONES: Office, S46; Residencepnd night call, 849.

. I L aw is on si245 Is Our Telephone.


We move Furniture by the job or $2 tc$5 by the load, according to quality or dlstance, and we guarantee all work don byus.

Intending passengers on island or foeign steamers will find us prompt and uito all details in handling, marking anCchecking baggage.

All work superintended by", corapetwlmen.

WILLIAM LARSENProprietor Larscn's Express.

VorK speaKsPioiner Thas tgik

Hokoltjxe, H. I., July 20, 1&95.

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:This is to certify that C. Akima has

made several suits of clothes for me andthe workmanship hs ben of the best.take pleasure in recommending him andhis work to any and all.

Respectfully Yours,James B. Obertecffer,

Seattle. Wash., U. S. A.

GOO Kin,411 NuuanufStreet, - --g- Honolulu


11 have just received from America and.Europe, a iresn consignment ot

Goods Suitable T?E HolidaysChoice selection of Christmas Novelties.Don't fail to examine my stock before

buying elsewhere.



Jn-- t received ex Miowera.

A. L. MORRIS & CO.,Telephone 422. 51 Fort Street.


Collection Agency326 Merchant Street.

(Old Bulletin Building.)

Collections PromptlyAttended to.

Money Delivered on the Dayof Collection.

Bissell. Thomas. Hugh P. King.4213-- y


HOTEL STREET, Near FORT.Telephone. 302.

4208-t- f

A 1 who roes not trav-- l, who neverrides in a c.trriatre, streetcar,

omnibus or upon a bicycle, who neverwaits tue streets, wuo cannoislip nron the pavements, whodnes nof ro r.esr horses, whocan never nave .grains, dislo-cations, broken bones, oats orbruises, wh- - in tire will notburn, and water will notdrown, whom even a dog willnot bite, nor .lightning strike,who cannot fall from any-thing ?

SUCH A MANdoes not need Accident In-surance.

OTHERSshould apply to

. D. CHASE GeneralHawaiian




OF XKV YORK,40 Kort Street. Telephone IS.

Silk Goods Department

Our Silk Goods Line has becomefamous among people here WHY ?

re'ause the superior qualities andlow prices beats others.

A Iarso and Choice Stock ofFine Colored, Flerured and Striped

SILK -- : DRESS -- : G00D

Silk Shirts, Neckties, Sashes, Ki-

monos, Shawls, Handkerchiefs, Fans,Underwear, Piano Covers, Pajamas,Night Gowns, Photo Holders, TableCovers, Umbrellas, etc., etc.

Are Constantly on Hand at



1!B.All kinds of signs made on short notice.

Fresco Work,Bank Lettering,

Office anJWire Web Signs.


ice 1 Me Express

TEL.EPHOXK 80.419H-l-m


J eweler and Watchmaker,515 FORT STREET.


Hawaiian and Gold Wire Jewelry to order.Make handsome Presents.

Souvenir Spoons tt Very Low Prices.

P. O. .Box 055.

II J. HER,WATCHMAKER.Watches sold for the very lowest of cash

prices or on easy payments.

Watches -- : RepairedON SHORT NOTICE.

Workmanship guarantee and pricesvery reasonable.

Corner Fort andMerchant Streets.


91 Nuuanu Street,5000-m- en daily to drink the-50- 00

FAftlOUS SEATTLE BEER,Ice Cold on Draught.

EDWARD & HARRY,Postoffke Box 475, Honolulu


New Process Gasoline Stoves.

Gasoline S3.25 per case delivered.

Castle & Cooke, Ltd.,Sole Airents. - - Hawaiian Islands

mHZ moderrx stard- -

Jard Family GougK


CURES tKe coldsard cougKs tKal

afflict kurrarity.--ONE DOSE OF--

PUTNAITS:: f Iouqh





non Co.


Scribner's pilla are for bil-iousness, bilious headache,dyspepsia, heartburn, torpidliver, dizziness, sick headache,bad taste in the mouth, coatedtougue, loss of appetite, sallowskin, etc., when caused byconstipation, and constipationis the most frequent cause ofall of them.

fScribner's pills are purelyvegetable. The genuineare pink, and have a solu-ble coating of sugar whichmakes them easy to take,

in glass botifei only at25 cents each ; 5 for $1.

Get them of




Bicycles for RentTerms Reasonable.


The Daily Advertiser 75 cents amonth. Delivered by carrier.

improved in the same way.On account of the increasing de-

mand for Wiley's ironing table,that useful article will be manufac-tured on a more extensive scale,thereby giving the public advan-tage of cheaper prices. Mr. Wileyis also prepared to make boards ofany shape to order, and at reducedrates.

Wirth's Circus.There will be a repetition of the

program last night at the per-

formance tonight. This i3 posi-

tively the last week of the circus.

;as WeatKlr Bulletin.

Diamoxd Head. i

Fkbeuakt 12 1896. C

Weather clear; wind fresh northeast.


Ladies' Muslin Underwearfor one week only.

big cut in prices.Our Fine Underwear at

Half Price.

Our $.o night gownswill be sold tor $1.75.

Our $4 night gowns willgO for $2.2.

Our $2.75 chemise will gofor 1.50.

Don't fail to see our nightgowns for 50 cents.

Ladies' skirts for cents.Chemises, 3 for $1.

This sale is positively forone week only.

. N. S. Sachs,20 Fort street, Honolulu.


Estate of John Brodie.'

HAVTKO BEEN APPOINTED ADminittriitnr of the Etate of JohnBrodie, deceased, Jate of Hondlulu.Oahu, 1ViorfVnr TPnnpst. 11 nersons who are indebted to the said Estate or to the firm ofBrodie & Murray to make immediate pay-ment tn m at mv ffice. in Honolulu. AndI also hereby notify all persons hrtviDg

ZrrAin .r Mnrrnv to nrPSfint StlOh. ClaiDlSKJl AJt KJ "J - I -n mo r?nif authenticated, and with the

proper vouchers, if any exist, even if theclaim is secured Dy mortgage upon icoiestate, within six months from date hereofor the same will tv forever oarrea.

L. A. THURSTON.Administrator Estnte of John Brodie,

Office over bishop's Hank.Honolulu. February 11 189(3.

4223-6- t 173-4- w

Vocal Instruction.



the Voice."M 1GNON."

421S-n- i Beretatra Sr., near Victoria

COOK'S MUSIC SCHOOL,"Waring: Building.

Piano, Voice and HarmonyPupils desiring to teach should become

familiar wnn iue uieuiui.i u unaHarmony free to nil piano pupils.


TENNIS!Wa will offer this week a large and very

complete line oi

Sporting Goodsiust to hand from the well-know- n sporting

, t A fl SnnnlrliliE' it Bros.liUuoC -

Tennis Rackets,Tennis Balls,

Tennis Nets,Tennis Poles,

Tennis Markers,Tennis Shoes,

Tennis Belts,Tennis Caps.

Striking Bags, IndianFoot Balls, Croquet,Club Dumb l3el.s. Base Ball Supp;ies.

Keroember, we are Headquarters for

Sporting Goods.

WALL, NICHOLS COMPANYRepublic Building, King Stkeet.


Has gained the con-

fidence of all con-


Prices below any

other No. 1 Standard

Flour in the mar-




Theo. H,

Davies& Co.,

Sole Agents.


Wm.G. Trwin President and ManagerClans Spreckels Vice-Preside- nt

W. M. Giffard Kecietary and TreasurerTheo. C. Porter Audito'- -




Oceanic Steamship JCompanjOf San Francisco, Cal.


First-Clas- s Market inlEvery Fespcct.

Besides carrying a full line of meats weruake a tpecialty of



Westbrook & Gares,Proprietors.


Tiles for Floors and for Dec-orating Purposes.

MATTING OF ' ALL KINDS'.. Manila Cigars .'.

Wing Wo Chan & Co.210-21- 2 Nuuanu street.


Has Received by the Steamship Cityof Peklntr

A Fresh Shipment vof



Vases, Lacquer "Ware,Silk Handkerchiefs and Shawl s,Si!k Screens,Fine Mattings and Rattan Chairs,

Manila Ciiiars and Teas.

To Let or LeaseThe residence of Mrs. A. Long, one?iui!e

from postoffice. Larce houe with furni-ture. Four bed rontns parlor, large din-ing room, pantry, kitchen, bMh rooms, hotand cold water." with p;it-i- cU et-- . erv-a- nt

liouf.s. tablc5, hurse f)MdJck, t'i,rden and trees. A charrxinj: locution

Apply to J. ALFRED M jL.('iK)N.Merchant St.. next l'ostollicc.

4211-- U

There will be a rehearsal of theY. M. C. A. orchestra at the hall at7:30 this evening.

Owing to illness in the family ofMinister Cooper Mrs. Cooper willnot receive today.

Miss Lillie Paris is acting iri thecapacity of bookkeeper and cashierfor W. V. Dimond.

There will be a stated meetingof the Honolulu Commandery No.1 at 7:30 this evening.

Three deserters from the Ben-

nington were arrested at the BlueGate hotel last night.

There will be a Marshal's sale ofMaui real estate on Saturday 15thinstant at the station house.

L. L. Held took a very fine pic-

ture of the first and second lieu-tenants of Company D last week.

Reserved seats for the Kameha-meh- a

Girls' school entertainmentare for sale at the Hobron Drug Co.

The Kapena cottage, on Nuuanustreet, is being repaired and will beoccupied by J. F. Clay and family.

Mrs. Capt. Fuller and Mrs. T.W. Hobron will have charge of theChowder at the New England'sdinner.

There will be a meeting of theRoyai Arch Chapter No. 1 thisevening at 7:30. Work in RoyalArch degree.

Attention is called to the an-

nouncement of Miss Killean, fash-

ionable dressmaker. She is nowwith J. J. Egan.

H. Hackfeld & Co., have iuai re-

ceive a new invoice of the celebrat-ed Sauerbrunnen mineral water bythe Paul Isenberg.

There was some improvement inthe condition of Marshal Brownyesterday and he was able to takea little nourishment.

The.. band will play in sevenV

numbers with the Kamehamehagirls Saturday night besides sev-

eral pieces independently.The regular quarterly meeting of

the union reeu ou., nuuncu,be held at the company's office onSaturday next at iu oxiock.

There wasameeting of thefinancecommittee of the Uoard ot auca-tio- n

yesterday to consider a matterto be presented the Cabinet.

The Pacific Hardware Co. arethe agents for the celebrated Slack& Brownell filter. Read what they

i i 1

say about them in anoiner coiumn.T aqIJa Scott, son of ProfessorM.

M. Scott, is getting a little prac- -

tical knowledge ot ooKe ana iiauKstone in the office of J. A. iuagoon.

There will be a reception givento W. H. Hilliard, the artist, bythe Kilohana Art League at theirrooms on Hotel street at S o'clockthis evening.

The new lumber and buildingcompany, composed of T. J. Kingand several Chinamen, gave. a

lunch to several friends in itsheadquarters on King street yester-

day afternoon.The Hawaiian Electric Co., is

wiring the upper floor of theJudiciary building for electriclights. When finished the Gov-

ernment electric light station willfurnish the light.

Kate Field will give "An Even-

ing with Dickens" at Kaumaka-pil- iChurch on the 2oth inst. A

portion of the receipts from theentertainment will be devoted to

the Free Kindergarten Society.

At the election of Company C

held in the drill shed last night,Captain Camara was re-elect- ed.

Lieutenant Costa followed suit mthe office of first lieutenant;Silva was elected second lieutenant.

The Richelieu was crowded yes-

terday notwithstanding the tactthat the house has been much en-

larged. Guests who intend goingthere for meals should communi-cate with Mrs. Friemann. Satur-day night there will be a grandGerman dinner.

The papers transferring the pro-

perty at Fort and Beretania streetsfrom W. G. Irwin and Bruce War-

ing & Co. were signed at 5 p.m. onTuesday. It is the intention ofMr Waring to build a brick blockof 'stores on the site. In connec-

tion with this, it is rumored thatthe Love property from the Club

Medal and Highest Award.THE FISCHER PIANO obtains both at the

World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 189$.."AWARD. For Tone Quality, which is musical and powerful, combined with a

sympathetic and singing quality, especially marked in the Grands For a Touchwhich is Firm, vet Easy and Elastic, and Repeats promptly. The Materials used areof the Best, and Superior Workmanship is manifested in every detail. The Cases areArtistic in Design, and th- - taste shown in selection of Woods merits special com-


The above Award speaks for itself and needs but littlecomment. In Tone Quality, Touch, Materials, Work-manship and Design, the judges pronounce the "FischerPiano" Unexcelled for Superiority of Tone, Workmanship,Design and Durability.

We have just received an invoice of the Fischer Pianos.Call and see them.

Wall, Nichols Company,Agents for Hawaiian Islands.

ptpTf I imi 3

Page 8: AND DEALERS If Leather :- lnvl-tatlo-u me - pre-par- ed F. SECOND … · 2015. 6. 2. · J k ' 4 J T H J--1A.. Hi! 1 ti I fi 7--XV Established July 2, 1856. VOL. XXIII., NO. 4224

aking Powder in a!! the WorldForemost B

ft"IT rm


ff World's Tribute to

Dr Price's 1it

Cream Baking Powders )4

L1 Highest Award, bothV m it'Medal and



i 9bod sW rair

of1 mc


owderakinDm, Price sThe highest award was given on every claim, comprising superiority in leavening power, keeping properties,

purity and excellence. l ne veraicc na oeen given oy tne Desr jury ever asscmuicu iui juuf p ixv-- u v v"w

mendation of the Chief Chemist of the United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, who made an elabor-

ate examination and test of all the baking ? owder, This is pre-eminent- ly the highest authority on such matters in America.

This verdict conclusively settles the question and proves that Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is superior in every

way to any other brand.

NOTE The Chief Chemist rejected the Alum Powders, stating to the World's Fair jury that he considered them unwholesome.


"The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table."DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER is the standard for purity and perfec-

tion the world over, and is beyond comparison. Its purity and goodness are household words. Always full

weight. Never varies. Never disappoints.Dr. Price's is peculiarly adapted for export, as neither long sea voyages nor climatic changes affect it.

Will keep fresh and sweet for years.

How Cream of Tartar Is Made.It is a fact that certain envious

manufacturers of Baking Powder, wholacked the temerity to even place theirgoods in competition with Dr. Price'sCream Baking Powder at the World'sFair, have, since it closed, advertisedthat they actually received an award.To an enlightened, appreciative publ-

ic, comment on such an unfairand reprehensible act is quite

Cream of Tartar which enters so largely into the manufacture of Dr.

Price's Cream Baking Powder is obtained from the tart wines of France, Ger-

many, Austria, etc The Crude Tartar, called Argols, is deposited on the sides

of the wine casks during the fermentation of the wine. After the wine is drrwn

off this crystal deposit is removed, dried and exported to America, where the

elaborate process of refining goes on, producing the snow-whit- e crystals of Cream

of Tartar. Specimens of this product, in all its conditions, from the crude

Argols in its original wine cask to the purified and refined article embodied in Dr.

Price's Cream Baking Powder, were shown at the Price Baki Powder Com-

pany's late exhibit in the Agricultural Building, World's Columbian Exposition.

NOTE The Cream of Tartar Refinery controlled by the Price Baking PowderCompany is the moat complete and extensive in the world.

