Ancient Ancient Japan Japan

Ancient Japan. Japan – Geography Japan consists of four large islands and thousands of smaller ones Japan faces China & Korea to the west and the Pacific

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Page 1: Ancient Japan. Japan – Geography Japan consists of four large islands and thousands of smaller ones Japan faces China & Korea to the west and the Pacific

Ancient JapanAncient Japan

Page 2: Ancient Japan. Japan – Geography Japan consists of four large islands and thousands of smaller ones Japan faces China & Korea to the west and the Pacific

Japan – Geography

• Japan consists of four large islands and thousands of smaller ones

• Japan faces China & Korea to the west and the Pacific Ocean to the east

• Japan is part of an archipelago

• Japan has extreme climates• Snow in islands to the north

• Tropics (almost) in islands to the south

Page 3: Ancient Japan. Japan – Geography Japan consists of four large islands and thousands of smaller ones Japan faces China & Korea to the west and the Pacific

Japan – Geography

• Japan is a part of the Ring of Fire

• Sits on a plate boundary

• Volcanoes and earthquakes

• Japan is mountainous

• 20% is farmable

• Most live on coast or few plains


Page 4: Ancient Japan. Japan – Geography Japan consists of four large islands and thousands of smaller ones Japan faces China & Korea to the west and the Pacific

Japan – Religion


• Native religion of Japan

• Means “way of gods”

• Each clan worshiped own kami (god/spirit)

• Kami found in natural objects (trees)

• People built shrines wherever felt the power of kami

Page 5: Ancient Japan. Japan – Geography Japan consists of four large islands and thousands of smaller ones Japan faces China & Korea to the west and the Pacific

Japan – Religion

Shinto Myth (first emperor)• Sun Goddess and the Storm God


• Each god supported a different clan who wanted to rule Japan

• Sun Goddess won and her grandson Ninigi became ruler

• She gave him three treasures:

• a bronze mirror (symbol of truth)

• a sword (symbol of wisdom)

• a curved jewel (symbol of kindness)

• Niningi passed symbols down to his grandson Jimmu who became first emperor in about 600 B.C.

Page 6: Ancient Japan. Japan – Geography Japan consists of four large islands and thousands of smaller ones Japan faces China & Korea to the west and the Pacific

Japan - Religion


• Entered Japan in 552 from Korea

• Many sects

Page 7: Ancient Japan. Japan – Geography Japan consists of four large islands and thousands of smaller ones Japan faces China & Korea to the west and the Pacific

Japan – Religion

Pure Land Buddhism

• Appealed to all classes

• Most popular in Japan today

• Centers around a bodhisattva known as Amida

• He ruled a paradise called Pure Land

• Bodhisattva is enlightened being who choose to stay on earth and help others

• By placing trust in Amida and repeating his name, followers entered a paradise called Pure Land upon death

Page 8: Ancient Japan. Japan – Geography Japan consists of four large islands and thousands of smaller ones Japan faces China & Korea to the west and the Pacific

Japan – Religion

Zen Buddhism

•Came from China

•Stressed meditation – clear mind to achieve spiritual development

•Focus on self-control and discipline

•Appealed to samurai class


Page 9: Ancient Japan. Japan – Geography Japan consists of four large islands and thousands of smaller ones Japan faces China & Korea to the west and the Pacific

Japan - Achievemen

tsThe Tale of Genji

•Considered to be the first novel in the world

•It is about the romantic adventures of a prince named Genji

•It was written by a woman named Murasaki Shikibu – she served the empress

Page 10: Ancient Japan. Japan – Geography Japan consists of four large islands and thousands of smaller ones Japan faces China & Korea to the west and the Pacific

Japan - Achievements

Yamato-e (scroll paintings) Distinctly Japanese Story is told as the scroll is unrolled The story is told with pictures and sometimes words

Page 11: Ancient Japan. Japan – Geography Japan consists of four large islands and thousands of smaller ones Japan faces China & Korea to the west and the Pacific

Japan - Achievemen

tsNoh drama

•Serious and intense style of drama

•Used colorful costumes, masks, chants, music, and dance

•Feature gods, warriors, beautiful women, mad people, ghosts, and devils•An evening of Noh drama would included several serious plays with funny skits in between

Page 12: Ancient Japan. Japan – Geography Japan consists of four large islands and thousands of smaller ones Japan faces China & Korea to the west and the Pacific

Japan - Achievemen


•Around 900, Japanese simplified writing system

•New set of symbols called kana

•Each kana stood for one syllable


Page 13: Ancient Japan. Japan – Geography Japan consists of four large islands and thousands of smaller ones Japan faces China & Korea to the west and the Pacific

Japan - Politics

First Emperor

•Historians believe the first emperor appeared around A.D. 200 or 300

•Several clans competed/fought for land and power

•The Yamato clan gradually gained power over Japan

Page 14: Ancient Japan. Japan – Geography Japan consists of four large islands and thousands of smaller ones Japan faces China & Korea to the west and the Pacific

Japan - Politics

Yamato Clan•The Yamato clan gradually gained power over Japan•They would try to win another clans loyalty through marriage or warfare if necessary•They claimed to be descendants from the Sun Goddess•They believed they were living gods

Page 15: Ancient Japan. Japan – Geography Japan consists of four large islands and thousands of smaller ones Japan faces China & Korea to the west and the Pacific

Japan - Politics

Prince Shotoku

•Took power in 593

•He was a regent – a person who governs in the name of a ruler (too young or unable to rule)

•Goal was to unite Japan

Page 16: Ancient Japan. Japan – Geography Japan consists of four large islands and thousands of smaller ones Japan faces China & Korea to the west and the Pacific

Japan - Politics

Prince Shotoku•Goal was to unite Japan

1. Bring Buddhism to Japan

• Reduce power of clan leaders - people looked to clan leaders as Shinto priests

• Having one faith would unite the country

2. Bring Confucianism to Japan

• Respect for family and social order

• Prince Shotoku gave Japan it’s first constitution or plan of government

• It was called the Constitution of Seventeen articles

• Based on Buddhist and Confucian thought


Page 17: Ancient Japan. Japan – Geography Japan consists of four large islands and thousands of smaller ones Japan faces China & Korea to the west and the Pacific

Japan - Politics


•Prince Shotoku’s work carried on after his death in 622

•Taika Reform – means “great change”

• Law that made everyone subject to the emperor

• Lands and people controlled by the clans now belonged to the emperor

Page 18: Ancient Japan. Japan – Geography Japan consists of four large islands and thousands of smaller ones Japan faces China & Korea to the west and the Pacific

Japan - Politics


•To carry out the reform, a new law code was issued to the entire country

•Called the The Taiho Code

• Officially made the Yamato clan leader emperor

• Included laws for the organization of local government

• Defined crimes and punishments

Page 19: Ancient Japan. Japan – Geography Japan consists of four large islands and thousands of smaller ones Japan faces China & Korea to the west and the Pacific

Japan - Politics

Two New Capitals

•Taika Reform also called for the building of a permanent capitol

•The city of Nara was chosen and modeled after Chang’an in China

•Buddha influence dominated the capital

•Government officials felt threatened by wealth and power of Buddhist monks – moved the capital to Heian-kyo or Koyoto

•Monks & monasteries were not allowed to follow

Page 20: Ancient Japan. Japan – Geography Japan consists of four large islands and thousands of smaller ones Japan faces China & Korea to the west and the Pacific

Japan - Politics

The Fujiwara Family

•In the 800’s, the emperors power began to fade

•Fujiwara family ran the country

•The emperor was a “puppet”

•Sisters or daughters would marry princes

•Ruled for about 300 years & Japan was unified

Page 21: Ancient Japan. Japan – Geography Japan consists of four large islands and thousands of smaller ones Japan faces China & Korea to the west and the Pacific

Japan - Politics

The Shoguns

•The Taira and Minamoto clans fought together and were able to drive the Fujiwara family from power

•Over the years power shifted between the two clans

Page 22: Ancient Japan. Japan – Geography Japan consists of four large islands and thousands of smaller ones Japan faces China & Korea to the west and the Pacific

Japan - Politics

The Shoguns – Minamoto Yoritomo

•In 1159, the Minamoto clan stormed the palace in Kyoto

•In 1185, the two clans fought at sea

•Minamoto Yoritomo was the winner and he took the title of Shogun – did not plan to give up the title

•A new social order was developed


Page 23: Ancient Japan. Japan – Geography Japan consists of four large islands and thousands of smaller ones Japan faces China & Korea to the west and the Pacific

Japan - Economy

Heian Period

•Trade increased – economic growth

•Towns sprang up

•Artisans made goods and merchants bought and sold them

•Trade increased with China

Page 24: Ancient Japan. Japan – Geography Japan consists of four large islands and thousands of smaller ones Japan faces China & Korea to the west and the Pacific

Japan - Social

What is feudalism?

•Each daimyo relied on peasants to work the land.

•In exchange for their labor, he provided protection.

•The protection came in the form of samurai warriors

•The daimyo would then give money or land to the samurai

Page 25: Ancient Japan. Japan – Geography Japan consists of four large islands and thousands of smaller ones Japan faces China & Korea to the west and the Pacific

Japan - Social






A New Social Order

•Life under Shoguns was lawless and violent

•New social order developed

Page 26: Ancient Japan. Japan – Geography Japan consists of four large islands and thousands of smaller ones Japan faces China & Korea to the west and the Pacific

Japan - Social

1.Emperors (during Shoguns)

• Had the highest rank, but held no real power

Page 27: Ancient Japan. Japan – Geography Japan consists of four large islands and thousands of smaller ones Japan faces China & Korea to the west and the Pacific

Japan - Social

2. Shoguns (during Shoguns)

• Actual ruler of Japan

• Highest military rank

Page 28: Ancient Japan. Japan – Geography Japan consists of four large islands and thousands of smaller ones Japan faces China & Korea to the west and the Pacific

Japan - Social

3. Daimyo (during Shoguns)

• Large landowners who protected peasants in exchange for labor

Page 29: Ancient Japan. Japan – Geography Japan consists of four large islands and thousands of smaller ones Japan faces China & Korea to the west and the Pacific

Japan - Social

4. Samurai

• Highly trained warriors

• Trained fiercely, fought bravely, died with honor

• Followed a code called the bushido

• Bushido means “the way of the warrior”

Page 30: Ancient Japan. Japan – Geography Japan consists of four large islands and thousands of smaller ones Japan faces China & Korea to the west and the Pacific

Japan - Social

4. Samurai

• Personal Honor

• Pride in how trained and fought

• Pride in appearance (robe, armor, & horse)

• Loyalty to one’s lord

• More important than family, religion, or emperor

Page 31: Ancient Japan. Japan – Geography Japan consists of four large islands and thousands of smaller ones Japan faces China & Korea to the west and the Pacific

Japan - Social

5. Peasants/Merchants/Artisans (during Shoguns)

• Made up about three fourths of the population
