Ancient Indian Civilizations WHI. 4b

Ancient Indian Civilizations WHI. 4b. Geography of India Physical Barriers that protected India from invasion: - How did people migrate to India? The

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Ancient Indian CivilizationsWHI. 4b

Geography of IndiaPhysical Barriers that protected India from invasion:


How did people migrate to India?

The two major rivers of India



Geography of India

Indus River



Geography of India

Indus River



Hindu Kush Mtns.

Himalaya Mtns.

Physical barriers that protected India from invasion:

• Himalaya Mountains

• Hindu Kush Mountains

• Indian Ocean

How did people migrate to India?

People migrated through mountain

passes in the Hindu Kush—Known as the

Khyber Pass

The major rivers of India=


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Indian Civilization

1) The two major cities of Indian Civilization include __________________ and __________________.2) The Aryans are best remembered in India for-3) The Mauryan Empire is was responsible for _______________ the people of India, under emperor

___________.4) Under the Gupta Empire, India reached a period of time known as the-

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Indian Civilization

Why people settled in India? Who were these people? How did they live?

1) The two major cities of Indian Civilization include __________________ and __________________.2) The Aryans are best remembered in India for-3) The Mauryan Empire is was responsible for _______________ the people of India, under emperor

___________.4) Under the Gupta Empire, India reached a period of time known as the-

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Indian Civilization

Why people settled in India? Who were these people? How did they live?

Beginning of Indian Civilization

Beginning of Indian Civilization:•Began in the Indus

River Valley

•Spread to the Ganges

•Spread without interruption because of location

•Major Cities= Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro

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Indian Civilization

Why people settled in India? Who were these people? How did they live?

Beginning of Indian Civilization

Began in the Indus Valley

Spread to the Ganges River

Spread without interruption b/c of location

Major cities: Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro

Aryan Migration

Dots vs No Dots Directions:

•Each student will either be a “Dot” or “No Dot”

•If you’re a “Dot” you want to be in a group with the largest percentage of just “Dots”

•If you’re a “No Dot” you want to try and infiltrate (sneak into) “Dot” groups

•You may not show anyone you’re card, you may only ask

•The group with the largest percentage of pure “Dots” will be rewarded

Aryan Migration•Migrated into India

and dominated

•Created the Caste System

•Caste System told people who they could interact with and what occupations they could do

The Aryans

•Indo-European people who migrated across Europe and Asia▫Sought water and pasture for their horses

and cattle▫Cattle were a major characteristic of the

Aryans•Fought with chariots and bows•Originally nomadic, later settled as

farmers•We know very little about the Aryans

▫Built no cities and left few artifacts

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Indian Civilization

Why people settled in India? Who were these people? How did they live?

Beginning of Indian Civilization

Began in the Indus Valley

Spread to the Ganges River

Spread without interruption b/c of location

Major cities: Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro

Aryan Migration

Migrated to India and dominated

Created the Caste System

The Caste System told people who they could interact with and what occupations they could do

Mauryan Empire

Mauryan Empire (321-185 B.C.E)•Greatest ruler= Emperor Asoka

Contributions of Mauryan Empire:

•Unified the people of India

•Spread Buddhism

•Created: free hospitals, veterinary clinics, and roads

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Indian Civilization

Why people settled in India? Who were these people? How did they live?

Beginning of Indian Civilization

Began in the Indus Valley

Spread to the Ganges River

Spread without interruption b/c of location

Major cities: Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro

Aryan Migration

Migrated to India and dominated

Created the Caste System

The Caste System told people who they could interact with and what occupations they could do

Mauryan Empire

Greatest Ruler= Emperor Asoka

Unified the people of India

Spread Buddhism

Created: free hospitals, veterinary clinics, and roads

Gupta Empire

Gupta Empire (320-550 C.E.)

•Gupta= Golden Age of Indian Culture

Contributions of Gupta Empire:•Math (concept of


•Medical advances (setting bones)

•Astronomy (round earth)

•New textiles


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Indian Civilization

Why people settled in India? Who were these people? How did they live?

Beginning of Indian Civilization

Began in the Indus Valley

Spread to the Ganges River

Spread without interruption b/c of location

Major cities: Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro

Aryan Migration

Migrated to India and dominated

Created the Caste System

The Caste System told people who they could interact with and what occupations they could do

Mauryan Empire

Greatest Ruler= Emperor Asoka

Unified the people of India

Spread Buddhism

Created: free hospitals, veterinary clinics, and roads

Gupta Empire

Golden Age of Indian Culture

Contributions include: math (concept of zero), medical advances (setting bones), astronomy (concept of a round earth), new textiles, and literature

1) The two major cities of Indian Civilization include __________________ and __________________.2) The Aryans are best remembered in India for-3) The Mauryan Empire is was responsible for _______________ the people of India, under emperor

___________.4) Under the Gupta Empire, India reached a period of time known as the-

ArchitectureHindu Buddhist

ArchitectureHindu Buddhist

Gupta: Art and ArchitectureHindu Temples Buddhist Temples

• Reflect cosmic powers• Squared shape inscribed

in a circle to symbolize eternity

• Wooden carved gods and goddesses, as well as animals

• Stupas▫ Large dome shaped▫ Held the remains of holy

people▫ Ringed with enclosed

walkways• Elaborate wooden carved

gateways▫ Told the life of Buddha

Gupta: Art and Architecture

•Renowned for its wooden carvings•Remembered for advancements in

literature▫Fables and folk tales recorded in Sanskrit▫Eventually carried west to Persia, Egypt,

and Greece

Fall of Gupta Empire

•Reached its height as the Roman Empire began to fall

•Eventually weak rulers, civil war, and foreign invaders caused a decline

•The White Huns eventually destroy the empire

•India split back into many kingdoms•No new empire for 1,000 years