Ancient Greece By Aleisha

Ancient Greece

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Ancient GreeceBy Aleisha

Page 2: Ancient Greece

Contents1. Title Page2. *Contents*3. Athens – A Daily Life4. Athens Government5. Sparta – A Daily Life6. Sparta’s Government7. Alexander the Great – Personal Info8. Alexander the Great - Empire9.Socrates10.Socrates11. Bibliography

Page 3: Ancient Greece

Athens – A Daily Life Athenian women learnt how to cook, clean, sew and how to look after children. Women were only allowed to leave the house to see other women or perform religious duties. The women made things like bread, cheese and olives. The women were in charge of making everyone's clothes. The women were restricted on where they could go and what they could do. The women could not vote for a government and they could not go to the the markets alone. Women were not entitled to own their own land.

Athenian men were involved more in government and public events and unlike women they could vote. The men could be Athenian citizens if they were born in Athens. Athenian men were described as lazy but luxurious.

Athenian women washing clothes, looking after children and embroidering fabricAthenian men voting for their Government.

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Athens GovernmentThe Athenian Government was a Democracy, but only to a point. The men could vote only if they were a citizen of Athens. No women, children, metics or slaves could vote. Their democracy was different because it was rather direct and there were limits. To be a citizen you had to be born in Athens.

Athenians didn’t vote for a politician to represent them, but the laws and policies. No Athenians were professional judges, politicians or professional lawyers. They were all amateurs. The people could vote on nearly anything. They could vote to raise or cut taxes. They voted by raising their hand.

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Sparta - A Daily LifeUntil children were 7 years old they lived in the women's quarter and slept in wicker baskets or wooden cradles. They slept in dorms and trained them as soldiers. The Spartans wanted strong babies not weak ones, so if their babies were weak or deformed they would leave it in a room to die. The Spartan women were trained in reading, writing and also how to protect them self. They believed that being strong and smart they would produce strong babies.

Spartan men ate ‘pork stew’ or ‘the black broth’. This was made with pork, vinegar, salt, figs, maze and blood. Also sometimes with this dish some fish. The soldiers (aged 7 up) didn’t eat much food. Mostly the animal blood/broth. Childs lifestyleWhen a baby was born, it was washed with white wine by its mother, or if it was deformed or weak it would be left for death. The Spartans believed by washing them with wine would make them strong. The father would take the baby to the elders, and if they thought it was weak they would kill the child in ways as throwing them off of a cliff. Then when aged 7 went to a military camp to train to be a soldier. The girls were taught things like wrestling, gymnastics and combat training. When aged 18 they had to pass a fitness test and were assigned a husband. If the boys or girls age 18 didn’t pass their fitness test they were then known as a perioikos. This means they weren't a citizen or had any political rights. http://www.sikyon.com/sparta/agogi_eg.html February 20, 2011 at 04:25:33AM


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Sparta GovernmentThe Spartans Government is called an Oligarchy. Sparta had two kings, they both came from different families. Citizens could only shout ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to policies and laws that the kings put forward, but even this could be overruled by a person greater power. The two kings did not have absolute power, they shared it with each other. The council of elders (Gerousia) advised the kings of the best decision. All of the people in the ‘Elders Council’ were male and over the age of 60.there were 28 men in the Elders Council.

The next assembly down was called the ‘Apella’, they all consisted of males over the age 30. these people voted on proposals set by the Gerousia. The Apella elected the elder men that served on the Gerousia.

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Alexander the Great –Personal Info

Alexander the Great was born on 356BC in Pella, Macedonia. Growing up Alexander hardly saw his father due to him being in long, military campaigns. Olympias, Alexanders mother made Alexander hate his father, make him believe he was bad. One of Alexanders first teachers was Leonidas. Leonidas was one of Olympia's relatives. Leonidas struggled to handle the defiant boy. Phillip (Alexanders Dad) hired Leonidas to train Alexander in Maths, Archery and Horsemanship. But Alexanders favourite Tudor was Lysimachus. He played a game with Alexander a game where Alexander would improvise the roll of Achilles. washttp://www.notablebiographies.com/A-An/Alexander-the-Great.htmlHe was the king of Macedonia from 336 b.c.e. until 323 b.c.e.

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Alexander the Great *Empire*356-323 BC

At the age of 20, Alexander took the throne, after his father died. Alexander died at the age of 32 and before he died he conquered a fair few countries. His empire was from Greece through to India. He conquered the Achaemenid Persian Empire. These included Anatolia, Syria, Phoenicia, Judea, Gaza, Egypt, Bactria and Mesopotamia. Some of his extended boundaries of his own empire were Punjub, India.

Before his death he had made plans for military and mercantile expansions into the peninsula of Arabia.


Alexander's Empire

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Socrates was born in 469 and died in 399 BC, born in Athens. He was a philosopher. This means they study basically every existing thing. He studied and taught his skills with others. His most famous student was Plato. Socrates was known as one of the best philosophers of all time. One of his family quotes was‘The only true knowledge comes from knowing that you know nothing’

His family members were: Father: Sophroniscus (sculptor)Mother: Phaenarete (midwife)Wife: XanthippeWife: MyrtoSon: Lamprocles (by Xanthippe)Son: Sophroniscus (by Myrto)Son: Menexenus (by MyrtoSocrates liked to think deep about things. He questioned everything that was done, thought about things. Socrates did not like polotics, and the democracy they had. Because of this he made lots of enemies. But he didn’t talk to people in a negative or angrily way. Evidence has shown that he enjoyed drinking parties. These included games, music and people talking to eachother.


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SocratesSocrates had to stand in front of a jury of 500 because he was accused of ‘refusing to recognize the gods recognized by the state’ and also ‘corrupting the youth’ . He had different opinions to those people who had political power. If he was found guilty his penalty could be death. He had 3 hours to defend himself. When people voted he was found guilty with 280 votes, and 220 people said he was not guilty. Unfortunately this meant he would go to jail and die. He said he would die defending his thoughts and beliefs. He believed it was wiser to die now than die of old age. He was given hemlock to drink, he then died In 399BChttp://wiki.answers.com/Q/Why_did_socrates_die

Poison Hemlock Socrates drinking Poison Hemlock

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Bibliographyhttp://www.angelfire.com/ca3/ancientchix/ by Casey Graham

http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_was_daily_life_in_Athens_Greece Copyright © 2011 Answers Corporationhttp://www.cummingsstudyguides.net/Socrates.html By Michael J. Cummings © 2004

http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/socrates.htm Copyright © Ibis Communications, Inc http://www.spartanhealth.com/spartanliving.htm Copyright©1996-2011 Anthony Bova http://languages.siuc.edu/classics/Johnson/HTML/L10.htm l 14/9/99 http://www.sikyon.com/sparta/agogi_eg.html February 20, 2011 at 04:25:33AM

http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_was_life_for_men_in_athens Copyright © 2011 Answers Corporation http://www.corbisimages.com/stock-photo/rights-managed/42-24145284/men-vote-to-ostracize-a-fellow-citizen© 2002-2011 by Corbis Corporation. All visual media © by Corbis Corporation and/or its media providers. All Rights Reserved.http://www.beechmontcrest.com/spartan_government.htm Sose alive 1- ancient greece ch 3 by mark easton ross smith stephen chapman maggy saldais peter van noorden 2003

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