Anchor Page · and leaned close to Jade’s face, “just stay out of my way!” Before Jade could reply, the whistle blew, signaling the start of the race. Both boys leaped into

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Page 1: Anchor Page · and leaned close to Jade’s face, “just stay out of my way!” Before Jade could reply, the whistle blew, signaling the start of the race. Both boys leaped into
Page 2: Anchor Page · and leaned close to Jade’s face, “just stay out of my way!” Before Jade could reply, the whistle blew, signaling the start of the race. Both boys leaped into
Page 3: Anchor Page · and leaned close to Jade’s face, “just stay out of my way!” Before Jade could reply, the whistle blew, signaling the start of the race. Both boys leaped into

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Anchor Page: HONEST

Anchor Word: Honest

Think about these words. What connection can you make to these words? Write or draw a picture of your connection.

This is the definition of the anchor word.

This is the antonym or opposite of the anchor word.

These words are synonyms or can be exchanged with

the anchor word.

To tell the truthTo play fair

To lie or cheat honorable (do the right thing)ethical (have morals)

sincere (mean what you say)righteous (share with others

what’s right)trustworthy (can be

counted on)straightforward (honest

and open)conscientious (care about

doing the right thing)dependable (can rely on)

reliable (can count on)truthful (honest)

moral (follow what’s right)

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Page 4: Anchor Page · and leaned close to Jade’s face, “just stay out of my way!” Before Jade could reply, the whistle blew, signaling the start of the race. Both boys leaped into

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It is important to do the honorable thing when faced with a difficult decision.

Being a judge means you’re willing to make strong ethical decisions.

It is critical to be sincere when making an apology.

Johan expressed righteous anger to his parents over his low allowance.

When you’re trustworthy, people will share personal information.

He was straightforward in his approach to solving the disagreement.

Finnegan was conscientious when counting change from the store’s money drawer.

People hired movers from Delancey Street because of their reputation as dependable.

Tina was reliable and therefore a good person to hire as a pet sitter.

Fables have morals that teach the reader life lessons.

Word Exchange: HONEST Use teacher directions onlinewww.onestopwordshop.com

Page 5: Anchor Page · and leaned close to Jade’s face, “just stay out of my way!” Before Jade could reply, the whistle blew, signaling the start of the race. Both boys leaped into

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Directions: Underline words in the selection that mean the same as the word in bold.


There are many ways to be honest. “Putting in an honest day’s work” means you are hard working,

reliable, and dependable. Friends and family can count on you to finish the job and do the right

thing. It is also honorable and ethical to tell the truth. Sometimes telling the truth can be difficult.

It’s not easy sometimes to be straightforward. Sometimes people lie so they don’t get in trouble. It is

better to answer sincerely. Being stuck between telling a lie or the truth is called a “moral dilemma.”

Have you ever heard the saying, “Honesty is the best policy”? Being straightforward and truthful is

best. To have a good character, it is essential to be trustworthy and conscientious.

Draw a picture, using the author’s words, to help you remember the meaning of the word honest.

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Page 6: Anchor Page · and leaned close to Jade’s face, “just stay out of my way!” Before Jade could reply, the whistle blew, signaling the start of the race. Both boys leaped into

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HonestOne morning, just as the sun was rising, the king, a man with strong morals, summoned his

two sons to the center of the village. “Why did you awaken us so early, Father?” mumbled Ecru, as he crossed his arms and flopped onto the soft, wet ground. “Ugh! Now my new pair of pants is ruined!” Before Ecru could stand up and trudge off, Jade cut in. “Father, isn’t the sunrise beautiful?” He knew if Ecru left it would be a sign of disrespect to the king, an action that could lead to banishment. The king stared at both his sons for a long time. He loved both sons equally. Yet, they were as different as day is to night. Ecru was strong physically. Jade understood nature. Finally, after a deep sigh, the king slowly announced the reason they had been asked to come meet with him. “In the morning, you will race. The first honorable son to reach the finish line will be our next king. Now go prepare for the race.”

Both boys quickly turned and headed home. Ecru was the first to break the silence. “You have no way of winning, Jade. I am both stronger and faster than you. You have never beat me in anything. I am sorry, brother, but I am destined to be the next king.” Ecru revealed a self-assured smile. Turning unexpectedly, Ecru headed toward the supply store before Jade could respond.

Too distracted to think about why Ecru was not heading home, Jade allowed his mind to be filled with thoughts of the upcoming race. To be honest, he knew what Ecru was saying was truthful. Jade had never won a race against his younger brother. He never understood why. Isn’t the oldest supposed to be the best at everything? Yet, it seemed like each time he tried to win, some terrible accident would cause him to lose.

The next day the entire village turned out for the race. As Jade strode toward the starting line he saw Ecru in the distance, speaking to the village blacksmith. “That’s strange,” Jade whispered to himself. “I did not realize they were friends.” Deep inside, he questioned Ecru’s ability to remain ethical, knowing how badly Ecru wanted to be king. “I’m just imagining things. My younger brother is a man of honor and I have always found him to be trustworthy.”

Just as the race was about to begin, Ecru rushed to the starting line and joined his brother. “Brother, may the best man win,” said Jade, as he extended his hand. He was shocked when Ecru refused to shake it. “You are pathetic. This is a serious race. If you can’t take the heat,” Ecru sneered and leaned close to Jade’s face, “just stay out of my way!” Before Jade could reply, the whistle blew, signaling the start of the race.

Both boys leaped into action as the crowd cheered wildly. The three-mile course led up a hill and through a small patch of woods before ending beside the river’s edge, where their father waited. Most of the race was available for the viewing of all the villagers. However, the wooded path was closed off to all observers. To everyone’s surprise, Jade was in the lead. His long legs easily covered the ground, causing him to distance himself from his younger brother with each passing second. Jade looked backed and noticed that his brother did not appear to be distressed by his ever-growing lead. “Maybe he is happy for me,” Jade thought to himself. A few moments later he was the first to reach the woods. Tired from pushing himself, he decided to stop long enough to get a drink of water from a familiar stream. As he stooped down to quench his thirst he heard a noise behind him. Suddenly he felt two arms grab him as a large sack was placed over his head. He struggled to free himself. Cries of help were muffled by the sack that prevented him from seeing his attackers. Bracing for a blow to his body, he was surprised when the robbers held his legs and snatched his only pair

Extended Read: HONEST Use teacher directions onlinewww.onestopwordshop.com

Page 7: Anchor Page · and leaned close to Jade’s face, “just stay out of my way!” Before Jade could reply, the whistle blew, signaling the start of the race. Both boys leaped into

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of shoes off his feet. Loosely tying his hands, they tossed him into the nearby stream and took off running. After several minutes, he was discovered by Ecru.

“What happened, my brother?” Ecru questioned. “Are you okay?” Jade explained that he had been attacked by a band of robbers. “Do you want to continue the race?” Ecru asked. Believing his brother was sincere, Jade quickly spoke up. “Brother, thank you for your concern. I will be okay. Let’s continue the race.” Jade winced in pain as he ran on the rugged ground full of sharp, protruding objects. Instead of slowing down to help his brother, Ecru ran faster and then stopped abruptly, seeing something in their path. “What is it?” Jade shouted as he limped closer.

To their amazement, a patch of hot, smoking stones covered the width of the path. Jade could not believe what he was seeing. How would he ever cross over these hot stones with feet that were already sore and hurting? As if reading his thoughts, Ecru answered, “Brother, over there are two large sticks. We can use them to help us jump over the stones. I will go first to see if it works since I still have my shoes. Once I cross over I will give you my shoes and then we will finish the race. It’s the honorable thing to do.” Before Jade could protest, Ecru grabbed a stick and ran toward the stones. He planted the stick into the ground and easily leaped over the rocks. Once on the other side, he turned to Jade. Jade slowly walked over to grab the other stick. It looked much thinner than the one Ecru used. Anticipating his brother’s shoes, Jade was disappointed at what happened next. As he reached out, Ecru let out a deep, dark laugh. “Your righteous attitude, brother, is your downfall. Did you really think I would be dependable during the biggest race of our lives?” Ecru shook his head in disgust. “I have tricked you so many times and you never caught on. Today is my finest hour. When I am king, I will banish you! So long, brother.” Ecru took off running as fast as he could, determined to win.

Suddenly everything made sense. Jade realized his younger brother’s heart had turned cold and he had set an inescapable trap. Or so he thought. As Jade looked at the ground, he noticed a special patch of soil. Jade had spent hours in these woods, studying every inch of this area. Instead of using the stick to jump over the stones, he used it to dig a deep hole to reveal a special clay. Quickly, he covered his feet with clay that was enriched by the minerals of the earth. What Ecru did not know was that this clay could provide a natural foot coating. Not wanting to delay any longer, Jade jumped up and crossed over the coals without any problems. Running as fast as he could, he headed for the finish line. In the distance, he could see the back of Ecru. Not wanting to give up, Jade continued to push himself and finished the race only a few minutes behind his younger brother.

Both boys collapsed in exhaustion at the feet of the king. “Stand!” the king ordered. Using all the strength they could muster, the young men stood and waited for the crowning of the next king. Jade fought back tears at the thought of his younger brother’s betrayal. After what seemed like an eternity, the king spoke. “My sons, today I will crown the most honorable man to have finished the race. And that is Jade.” Ecru looked at his father and then at Jade. “Father! How could this be? I won! I won fair and square!” he shouted. But before he could finish, out stepped Jade’s assailants and the blacksmith. The king looked at Ecru with tears in his eyes. “You chose a path that was unnecessary, son. I put the path through the woods to test your integrity. The assailants you approached work for me. They told me yesterday of your plan. I am sorry, son. You can never be king.” Then he placed the crown on Jade’s head. “Jade,” said the king, “you are a man of sincerity. You have proven that you will be reliable and conscientious. For that, I am very proud.”

Extended Read: HONEST Use teacher directions onlinewww.onestopwordshop.com

Page 8: Anchor Page · and leaned close to Jade’s face, “just stay out of my way!” Before Jade could reply, the whistle blew, signaling the start of the race. Both boys leaped into

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Honest Generous Persevere

diligence sincerity plentiful

committed trustworthy bountiful

persistence straightforward big-hearted

staying power conscientious concerned

diligent dependable considerate

loyal reliable unselfish

steadfast truthful lavish

Sorting Use teacher directions onlinewww.onestopwordshop.com

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ethical straightforward conscientious reliable honorableunselfish magnanimous big-hearted plentiful lavishtenacity committed steadfast persistence diligence

1. The referee was thought of as _______________ because he made the right calls.

2. The manager was _______________________ about the employee’s attendance policy.

3. Known as a ___________________ student, Destiny always turned in her work.

4. People expect mail carriers to be ___________________.

5. Jonathan’s actions were __________________ when he didn’t leave his friends behind.

6. The homeless man was _____________when he shared his food with a stranger.

7. Receiving a _________________________amount of donations, the shelter was able to help a vast amount of people.

8. The tall __________________ wrestler visited the children’s hospital to sign autographs.

9. A ____________________bag of candy when trick-or-treating means a good night.

10. Celebrities are often given _____________________gifts for their birthdays.

11. The dalmatian showed ____________________when digging for his bone.

12. Cali was a __________________customer of her favorite cereal. 13. Manuel was ___________ to getting good grades so he could get into college.

14. Mountain climbers show great __________________when trying to reach the top of a mountain.

15. With great _________________ the squirrel gathered all the available acorns for his winter supply.

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Page 10: Anchor Page · and leaned close to Jade’s face, “just stay out of my way!” Before Jade could reply, the whistle blew, signaling the start of the race. Both boys leaped into

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Anchor Page: LAZY

Anchor Word: Lazy

Think about these words. What connection can you make to these words? Write or draw a picture of your connection.

This is the definition of the anchor word.

This is the antonym or opposite of the anchor word.

These words are synonyms or can be exchanged with

the anchor word.

Not wanting to work or move Moved to action or to have energy

slothful (slow moving)sluggish (little energy)

lethargic (tired)unmotivated (not wanting to

move)inattentive (little focus)

weary (tired)inactive (not active)

idle (wait)couch potato (sit often)

listless (low energy)lackadaisical (lack of


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Koala bears are considered slothful animals due to the fact that they move so slowly.

If you don’t get enough sleep, you’ll feel sluggish in the morning.

Eating healthy keeps people from feeling lethargic.

Timmy was learning to play the piano but was unmotivated to practice.

Small children are often inattentive when watching a movie.

Dave was weary after doing all the housework.

Being inactive can cause health issues.

Sally waited idly in the doctor’s office until it was time for her appointment.

If you watch hours and hours of television without moving you may be called a couch potato.

The fever caused Quinn to lie listlessly in bed.

Chloe was lackadaisical when it came to doing her Saturday morning chores.

Word Exchange: LAZY Use teacher directions onlinewww.onestopwordshop.com

Page 12: Anchor Page · and leaned close to Jade’s face, “just stay out of my way!” Before Jade could reply, the whistle blew, signaling the start of the race. Both boys leaped into

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Quick Read: LAZY Use teacher directions onlinewww.onestopwordshop.com

Directions: Underline words in the selection that mean the same as the word in bold.


Animals are fascinating to watch as they behave in a variety of ways. Some animals are stealthy and

move quickly, while others can be considered sluggish or slothful. Many animals move slowly or

barely at all. Hippos are lackadaisical, often appearing weary or asleep when wading in the water.

The koala bear spends 75 percent of its day inactive and listlessly dozing. Brown bats are mostly idle,

awake for only four hours a day and also hibernating half of the year. Sloths are arguably the most

lethargic and unmotivated in the animal kingdom. Many refer to them as the couch potatoes of

treetop animals. Watching animals, even when they barely move, can be really interesting.

Draw a picture, using the author’s words, to help you remember the meaning of the word lazy.

Page 13: Anchor Page · and leaned close to Jade’s face, “just stay out of my way!” Before Jade could reply, the whistle blew, signaling the start of the race. Both boys leaped into

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Extended Read: LAZY Use teacher directions onlinewww.onestopwordshop.com

Several years ago, on a Wyoming mountainside, a beautiful grey wolf gave birth to four pups. As with typical wolf families, the young pups had two main jobs: eating and playing. Constant pampering by adults in the pack caused the pups to want for nothing. Because of their overprotective grandfather, the alpha male, their every need was instantly met. “My grandkids deserve the best,” he stated with pride. In fact, the pups were allowed to eat even before the adults, who often went several days without food.

Watching her pups day after day, Mother Wolf beamed with pride. Last year, her entire litter died of a dreadful disease. Teary eyed, the young mother was thrilled to see her pups chase and jump on each other in youthful bliss. However, one pup seemed especially unmotivated. Mother Wolf observed this pup’s slothful behavior and immediately became concerned. “He doesn’t seem to be interested in play that prepares you for hunting,” she thought quietly to herself. “Perhaps he is sickly.” Concerned for his health, Mother Wolf monitored her second-born pup even more closely than the others, being careful not to let him out of her sight. If he tried to follow his siblings into a patch of grass to chase small animals or butterflies, his mother would gently nudge him back. “You might get hurt,” she would whisper to Lone Wolf, the name his grandfather gave him. Bored, Lone Wolf would lie in the grass, sometimes inactive for hours.

“That one is just plain lazy,” Grandfather Wolf shared openly one day after observing Lone Wolf relaxing. “If something is not done it could be his downfall.” With gentle coaxing, he convinced the pup to go play with his siblings. Playing with his only sister, he began to have fun. Suddenly, out of nowhere, his youngest brother jumped him from behind and pinned him to the ground. Thinking it was a ferocious wild animal, he began to cry. His youngest brother beamed with pride to know he was the stronger of the two. Abashed, Lone Wolf searched for a way out of this situation. Everyone around him began to giggle and call him crybaby. Frustrated by the teasing, he purposely winced in pain. Feigning a cough, he whimpered and walked back home to his mother’s waiting arms.

“I don’t feel well,” he lied when his mother asked what was wrong. “Don’t baby him!” Grandfather Wolf, who had witnessed everything, warned. He had followed Lone Wolf back home. “He’s not lying, Father,” Lone Wolf’s mother said assuredly. “We will finish this conversation another day.” Not wanting to make a scene, Grandfather turned and walked away.

A lack of play made Lone Wolf more and more listless as the days went by. His mom catered to his every need. It was great at first. He felt like he was loved more than the others. But after a few days of being smothered, he wanted things to return to normal. Sadly, they never did. Eventually, he became a forest couch potato and simply watched life pass by.

Several weeks later, Grandfather Wolf announced it was time for the wolf pack to look for food. “Mother would only panic if I tried to chase anything,” Lone Wolf thought to himself. His youngest brother tormented him for being uninvolved. “You are worthless!” he would state under his breath, careful to not let his mother hear.

Always last in the pack, Lone Wolf stared at his surroundings lackadaisically. Even with the earth bursting with new life all around him, he remained inattentive. On any given day, a herd of wild buffalo would stop along the river to drink. Occasionally, a mother grizzly bear and her cubs would saunter by, looking for food. Idle, Lone Wolf would allow the creatures to run past without even a slight chase. Watching his grandfather lead the pack at speeds of 40 mph or more to hunt down small elk for dinner made Lone Wolf weary.

Page 14: Anchor Page · and leaned close to Jade’s face, “just stay out of my way!” Before Jade could reply, the whistle blew, signaling the start of the race. Both boys leaped into

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Extended Read: LAZY Use teacher directions onlinewww.onestopwordshop.com

Trying to convince Lone Wolf to join him on a hunt, Grandfather Wolf watched the growing cub devour the latest kill. “I’ll never be able to feed my family like you, Grandfather.” he declared between bites of food. Lethargic from the run, Grandfather Wolf smiled and answered, “You can do it little one. Tomorrow we will go hunting.”

The thought of being on a real hunt with his grandfather was overwhelming. “You’ll never last,” his youngest wolf brother uttered as he shook his head in disgust. Lone Wolf knew he was right. Months of inactivity had made him more than sluggish. He couldn’t imagine running at full speed in pursuit of a large creature.

Morning arrived much sooner than expected for Lone Wolf. As Grandfather Wolf, an excellent hunter and teacher, led him out toward the field where large cow elk would be grazing, he struggled to keep up. His muscles ached a few minutes into the journey. Thinking it would be best if he turned around to avoid another humiliating moment, he slowed down.

Just then, his grandfather lowered his head and focused intensely on an elk that was separated from the herd. “Let’s go!” were the last words he heard as the alpha male rushed to attack. Nervous, Lone Wolf mustered enough strength to try to catch up. At first, it looked as if his grandfather was able to handle the situation on his own. Grandfather ran toward the neck of the elk, lunging forward to grab hold and drag the large animal to the ground. Quick and nimble, the elk effortlessly avoided the attack of the accomplished predator. “Lone Wolf!” he cried out. “Where are you?” Undaunted, Grandfather Wolf rushed in again and tried to latch onto the side of the animal. He cried for Lone Wolf to come help. Sadly, Lone Wolf didn’t move. Held fast by gripping fear, Lone Wolf felt helpless. “Lone Wolf, come!” his grandfather shouted. “Together we can take him!” But Lone Wolf held his position.

Suddenly, as if on cue, Lone Wolf’s youngest brother darted past him and ran to his grandfather’s rescue. The two lunged for the cow elk and successfully brought it to the ground. The kill would give the family much-needed food for weeks. As Lone Wolf approached, ready to partake in the eating of the kill, his youngest brother lunged toward him, pinning him to the ground once again. “Get off of me! I’m hungry,” Lone Wolf cried. “You don’t deserve to eat,” his baby brother replied. Looking at his grandfather, Lone Wolf was shocked when his grandfather stood beside his youngest brother, protecting the kill. Shocked and angry, Lone Wolf turned and walked away. He left the pack, knowing he would have to face the wild on his own from that moment on. To this day, no one knows whether Lone Wolf survived. But it is certain that all wolves understand, “A wolf who does not hunt does not eat.”

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Spicy Sentences: LAZY

Create 3-5 Spicy Sentences using your exchange words.

How spicy is your writing?

Questions can help you create spicy (interesting) sentences.

Who did what? Where? When? Why? How?

Using these questions will help strengthen your writing by giving the reader greater details.

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Page 16: Anchor Page · and leaned close to Jade’s face, “just stay out of my way!” Before Jade could reply, the whistle blew, signaling the start of the race. Both boys leaped into
Page 17: Anchor Page · and leaned close to Jade’s face, “just stay out of my way!” Before Jade could reply, the whistle blew, signaling the start of the race. Both boys leaped into

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Lesson 1 Anchor Page: Depth of Knowledge

Digging into Your Depth of Knowledge

Directions: Use an Anchor Chart, Quick Read, or Extended Read to complete one or more of the following tasks.

Dollar of Difficulty Task

$20.00Write your own story -or- rewrite an existing story. All stories must

include most of the words from the Anchor List. Note: If you use an existing story, change at least 2 aspects of the story

(Ex. Change the character’s actions, problem, setting, or ending).

$15.00Use a Quick Read and Extended Read to create 6 questions and answers.

Earn an extra $5.00 by swapping your questions with a friend and answering each other’s questions.

$10.00Select 2 words from one or more Anchor Charts. Compare the words

and explain differences and similarities. Use a sentence with each word that reflects comparisons.

$5.00 Add 5 new synonyms (or almost synonymous words) to an Anchor Chart list.

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Degrees of Meaning

Supports Anchor Page and Word Exchange

Directions: Using the word list from the Anchor Page, place the words on the thermometer frommost to least intense. You may use the Word Exchange page to help with placement.

Justify or explainthe order ofyour wordsto a partner

The LeastIntense



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Super Hero Interview

Step 1: Answer the questions below.

Step 2: Choose an anchor page. Think of a situation your character is facing. Use words from the Word Exchange List to write a story based on the answers provided to the above questions.

Step 3: Turn your story into a simple comic book using dialogue to tell what happens.

A. What is your character’s name?

B. What is special about this character? What power does he/she have?

C. What does your character look like?

D. What does your character want to accomplish? Interests? Ambitions?

E. Where does this character live?

F. Where does this character like to hang out?

G. What type of friend would this character like?

H. Who is the enemy of this character and why?

Lesson 1 Anchor Page: Super Hero

Page 20: Anchor Page · and leaned close to Jade’s face, “just stay out of my way!” Before Jade could reply, the whistle blew, signaling the start of the race. Both boys leaped into

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Word Play: Cartoon Conversation

Directions: Ask students to select words from a Word Exchange List to create a cartoon conversation between two characters.

Cartoon Template A

Talk Time: Create a conversation between two characters.

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How Much Is the Word Worth?

Directions: Select words from the Anchor Page and place them in the box below. Use the code below to determine or decide how much each word is worth.

Name: Date:

Create sentences using the most expensive and least expensive words.

a e i o u b c d f g h j k l m n o p q u r s t v w x y z

$2.00 $4.00 $5.00 $6.00 $10.00

Word Cost

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Lesson 1 Anchor Word: Greedy

Fluency Practice Directions: Read the text below. Pause between each slash as you read. The banker / collected the money / with a great amount of gluttony.

Kalvin knew / that buying so much candy / was self-indulgent.

Caring more / about products and things than people / is consider materialistic.

Your Turn Directions: Insert your own slashes. Practice reading the sentences with the new slash marks.

The dog trainer was stingy with her praise and kindness toward the puppy.

Vivian was tight with the money she saved from babysitting.

Penny-pinching can include cutting coupons to save money at the store.

Voice Fun Directions: Read sentences below using different emotions: sadness, anger, excitement, joy, fear, disgust, shame, envy, or amusement.

Ben was selfish when it came to sharing his snack with his sister.

Students seem insatiable when drinking water from the fountain.

The rabbit had a voracious appetite for carrots.

People who are money-grubbing can be thought of as egotistical.

Page 23: Anchor Page · and leaned close to Jade’s face, “just stay out of my way!” Before Jade could reply, the whistle blew, signaling the start of the race. Both boys leaped into
Page 24: Anchor Page · and leaned close to Jade’s face, “just stay out of my way!” Before Jade could reply, the whistle blew, signaling the start of the race. Both boys leaped into

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OSWS Character Trait Unit 2

Name: Date: Teacher:

Directions: Answer the questions by circling the letter beside the best answer. There are 12 questions.

1. Which word means the same or almost the same as the word slothful? A. greedy B. mean C. lazy D. do not know

2. Which word means the same or almost the same as the word vile? A. greedy B. mean C. lazy D. do not know

3. Which word means the same or almost the same as the word miserly? A. greedy B. mean C. lazy D. do not know

4. Which word means the same or almost the same as the word selfish? A. greedy B. mean C. lazy D. do not know

5 Which word means the same or almost the same as the word fiendish? A. greedy B. mean C. lazy D. do not know

6. Which word means the same or almost the same as the word lethargic? A. greedy B. mean C. lazy D. do not know

7. Which word means the same or almost the same as the word idle? A. greedy B. mean C. lazy D. do not know

8. Which word means the same or almost the same as the word corrupt? A. greedy B. mean C. lazy D. do not know

9. Which word means the same or almost the same as the word insatiable? A. greedy B. mean C. lazy D. do not know

10. Which word means the same or almost the same as the word weary? A. greedy B. mean C. lazy D. do not know

11. Which word means the same or almost the same as the word vile? A. greedy B. mean C. lazy D. do not know

12. Which word means the same or almost the same as the word tight? A. greedy B. mean C. lazy D. do not know

Page 25: Anchor Page · and leaned close to Jade’s face, “just stay out of my way!” Before Jade could reply, the whistle blew, signaling the start of the race. Both boys leaped into

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Vocabulary Resources One Stop Word Shop

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Lesson Book A

Lesson Book B

A year-long word study including figurative- language phrases. Fun,engaging lessons

that support speaking, writing, and reading comprehension.

OSWS Shop Character Trait

One Stop Word Shop explores critical character traits frequently found in literature

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