“Ancestral” visit to Stonehenge. A while ago, one of my big sea stars invited me to pay ancestral visit to Stonehenge temple. I was gratefull because I have never visited the site (temple) before. I am not sure if I had done that in my passed incarnations. I must say the travelling to the stone temple was quite impressive. I did not know what was in the minds of the people I travelled with regarding their own purpose of visiting the temple or what they wanted to get out of this journey. I think the commonality or the single thread which wrapped all of us in one was the element of cultural Mystery; the one with the hope of unraveling some ancient knowledge and functioning wisdom. The Ubuntu Social Living Group We got to the temple, did what we had to do in relation to monetary passes for the stonehenge temple is now an heritage and tour centre. Next we aligned with the rest of the people who already touring the temple. People were not allowed to get close to the stones. The closest you can get to the stones had to be done through Camera zooming and adjusting the power of your own eyes and more importantly the mystery of your true eye, your first eye (third eye). Yorùbá people called this third eye (inner eye), Ojú inú. We went around this temple several times reasoning with one another. Brother Daniel and Seastar Darna gave some lectures to the young people that were onboard. I think they were excited to have been there. They could have been somewhere else. I was hapi when I was observing them questioning brother Daniel, myself, Seastar Darna and themselves. There was something good about this group of young people and I credited Brother Daniel, seastar Darna and others for their influences and positions within the group. They (young stars)

Ancestral Visit to Stonehenge

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Ancestral visit to Stonehenge attested to reverencing the manifestation of ancestral energy. The visit was more than just mere pilgrimage for the youngstars and an opportunity to look within the realms of humanity and how these could be harnessed to manifest unique expressions of life.

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“Ancestral” visit to Stonehenge.

A while ago, one of my big sea stars invited me to pay ancestral visit to Stonehenge temple.I was gratefull because I have never visited the site (temple) before. I am not sure if I haddone that in my passed incarnations. I must say the travelling to the stone temple was quiteimpressive. I did not know what was in the minds of the people I travelled with regardingtheir own purpose of visiting the temple or what they wanted to get out of this journey. Ithink the commonality or the single thread which wrapped all of us in one was the elementof cultural Mystery; the one with the hope of unraveling some ancient knowledge andfunctioning wisdom.

The Ubuntu Social Living Group

We got to the temple, did what we had to do in relation to monetary passes for thestonehenge temple is now an heritage and tour centre. Next we aligned with the rest of thepeople who already touring the temple. People were not allowed to get close to the stones.The closest you can get to the stones had to be done through Camera zooming andadjusting the power of your own eyes and more importantly the mystery of your true eye,your first eye (third eye). Yorùbá people called this third eye (inner eye), Ojú inú.

We went around this temple several times reasoning with one another. Brother Daniel andSeastar Darna gave some lectures to the young people that were onboard. I think they wereexcited to have been there. They could have been somewhere else. I was hapi when I wasobserving them questioning brother Daniel, myself, Seastar Darna and themselves. Therewas something good about this group of young people and I credited Brother Daniel, seastarDarna and others for their influences and positions within the group. They (young stars)

appeared to be thirsty for knowledge because they were really throwing questions back andforth.

Ubuntu checking out the Stonehenge

I did like the stones and their arrangements. They appeared ancients and looked impressive.It was meant to be 360 degrees and arranged in a circle (cycle). I am not sure about the restof the group; I did feel like the stones were communicating with me. Like they were tellingme something but I could not fully grasp the message. Our search and research informedour group that the stones were not originally at where they are now. We are informed thatthe stones were moved from Wales to the present domain. We could not get informationon why the stones were moved and for the fact that the Elders who took us there did thisfor historical heritage, self-identity, group awareness and self-improvement. After all, thecommon unity of the group is “I am because we are, we are so therefore I am”, Ubuntu.

As we moved around these enormous and magnificent stony (bony) structures from MotherEarth, One of the Young People was reading from a book: “Free Your Mind” (AndrewMuhammad) which shone light on the possible origin, culture and spirituality of the peoplewith the first thought and deed of the Stone Temple. We were told the originality of theStone Temple (Stonehenge) was as ancient as the Great pyramid of ancient Kemet.

Although our reason for visiting the Stonehenge was not to affirmed the age of Stonehengeand most definitely not to engage in intellectual wrestling (debating) with forever ready forbattle specialists, it is rewarding to hear this type of information which may help the YoungPeople of Ubuntu to relate their mission of common unity and shared values with thecommunal living of Stone Temple. It is believed that spirits, entities and deities do reside instones, gems and crystals, trees, waters and other portals. Whether those that reside in

these domains are good or evil, positive or negative is another question. For the world weare living in is a world of duality and polarity; good/evil, positive/negative, female/male,feminine/masculine, anion/cation, child/elder. In Yorùbá system, this polarity is known as“Ti Ibi ti Ire ni a dá Ilé Ayé.”

And once the reality of duality living is realised, then we have the ability based on choice todo more good and positive things than negative things. For it is said that the Universeprocess positive information faster than the negative ones. This kind of groupouting/journey may be therapeutic fo the visitor. It is also said that it is perfectability ofcharacter which Yorùbá called Ìwà which matters at the end. We are reminded in ancientKemet that it is the weighing of the soul which correspond with weighing of the heart thatgrants us eternal freedom. This freedom or the lack thereof is ruled by Ma’at.

Young star reading about Stonehenge

After spending couple of hours walking around the temple, we finally bid farewell to theStonehenge centre and boarded our bus back to London. Everyone one of us reflected onthis amazing experience, especially the one that gave the young stars the opportunity andaffordability to tell their own stories using Stonehenge as one of their references. It is greatto read about something in a book, it is beautiful to be told about something orally and italso rewarding to see for self what’s been read and told when and if it is still around.

The stonehenge is a reflection of an ancient sacred geometry. There have been issuessurrounding this temple. Some of these issues surrounding the identity of the builders, thepurpose and use of this temple, when it was bbuilt and how it was built. You know thingsare so messed up these days that this sort of questions been going round and round. Justlike the matters of pyramids in Kemet and others all over the world. If we just focus on the

builders of these ancients structures what will happen to our own ancient structures whichinclude our mind, body, soul and spirit. It is all right to write thousands of pages withincredible findings and it is equally beautiful to write thousands of pages about the geneticmake-up of the researcher and the writer.

When I reflected on those beautiful megalithic structures I am reminded of the possibility ofgreat things which can come from these ancient children (young stars) of ours. It is notenough to make reference to ancestral heritage that serve as an ancestral cord with ourancestors, but to start thinking about how we can use the remains of the ancient structuresto further our journey to the essence of Ìwà (character). It is also insufficient to engage inthe history of things alone and not thinking of how we may balance this with the mysteryaspect of all things, the very key to attain wisdom in order for anything includingStonehenge to be used well. We read in history documentations that the Stonehenge wasused for many things, including astronomical calculation, planting/growing/harvesting tools,worship, etc.

Section of the Stonehenge

While we marvelled at these incredible stones and what purpose they served our ancestors,we also need to start thinking and doing what we would leave behind for generations tocome. I am impressed by the young stars for they came out to bear witness to what humanbeing can do on positive tone or negative note.

We need to make use of ancient artefacts and relics when available to educate ourselvesfirst and thereby passing on real knowledge and wisdom based on facts to our young stars.Our Educators must know better and create mind of using historical accomplishments forresponsibility rather than gratification. For what is the use of talking about passed

accomplishment of your ancestors without the children building on the ancestral heritage?Heritage is there to serve as a reference point (more like a drawing board) to give ussomething to start on. Once we have this we start building our own legacies based on thetime we are living while acknowledging ancestral presence in our endeavours. We also studyour ancestors reasoning of why they did what they did during their own physical time. Andwe also strive to avoid their mistakes for not all ancestral histories are pleasing to the soul.We are reminded that we are all ancestors coming back and forth to improve on our soul.Ancestors are in every one of us for we are the ancestors. It is wise to strive to ascend theancestors within us and also transform our ancestors into evolving Beings by emphasisingon finding the key to unlock the Òrìṣas within and remembered our dismembered ancestrallink.

Yoruba life science reminds us that before we reverence ancestors outside of self, we mustreverence our ancestors inside each and every one of us. This ancestral energy is theemanations of the Òrìṣas rooted in innerself. Yorùbá life sciences advise us to reverence ourOrí, the crown of our Energies (Òrìsàs) in us: “Orí mi, Orí mi, Orí mi. Ta ni a bá bọ bí kò n ṣeOrí. Kí á fi Òrìṣà sí’lẹ, kí á bọ Orí.” - My head, my head (soul), my head (spirit). Who shall wereverence rather than my head? It is best to reverence my head (the emanations of allÒrìṣàs within me, which is me) than to reverence an external Òrìṣàs. Organik religion andspirituality should lead you into the science and art of yourself. Stonehenge Temple mayhelp us to return to the knowledge of self because it is said that the Kingdom of the Creatoris within. Let us start the awakening of all the Stonehenges and the Pyramids within.

The Ubuntu Social Living Networks

I am thankfull for the entire Ubuntu Social Living for this opportunity. Ubuntu is” I am

because We are, and We are therefore I am.”


Thank you for reading.

This article is compliments of Ọmọ Àgbà Mẹtàlá and Wámikàmpt.