Anatomy Sg 2010

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  • 8/14/2019 Anatomy Sg 2010


    anatomy- the science of the structure of living organisms

    physiology- the science of the functioning of living organisms

    cell- the basic biological unit of living organisms, containing a nucleus and a variety oforganelles enclosed by a limiting membrane

    tissues- a group of similar cells specialized to preform a specific function; primarytissue types are epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous tissues

    organ- a part of the body formed of two or more tissues that preforms a specialized


    organ system- a group of organs that work together to preform a vital body function! -Integumentary- skin! ! -protection! -Skeletal- bones, cartilages, ligaments, and joints! ! -supports and protects! -Muscular- muscles! ! -movement! -Nervous- brain, spinal cord, nerves, and sensory receptors! ! -fast acting control! -Endocrine- hormones! ! -regulate body! -Cardiovascular- heart and blood vessels! ! -transports oxygen in blood! -Lymphatic- lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, spleen, and tonsils! ! -cleans blood, houses immunity cells (think lysol)! -Respiratory- nasal passages, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs! ! -supplies body with oxygen! -Digestive- mouth, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine, and rectum! ! -breaks down food for absorption! -Urinary- kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra! ! -removes nitrogen wastes! -Reproductive- male- penis ; female - vagina! ! -produce offspringorganism- an individual living thing

    homeostasis- a state of body equilibrium or stable internal environment of the body

    1Anatomy without Lab

    Midterm Study Guide

  • 8/14/2019 Anatomy Sg 2010


    hematopoiesis- formation of blood cells

    negative feedback- feedback that causes the stimulus to decline or end

    anatomical position- standing erect, limbs extended, palms facing forward

    Directional Terms

    Superior (A)- above, towards the head

    Inferior (H)- below, towards the feet

    Anterior (B) (ventral)- in front of the body

    Posterior (C) (dorsal)- behind the body

    Proximal (F)- closer to the root of the limb

    Distal (G)- farther from the root of the limb

    Superfical (I)- towards the surface

    Deep (J)- farther from the surface

    right and left- their right and left; not yours

    Sagittal- left and right halves! -midsagittal / median- equal left and right halvesCoronal- anterior and posterior halves

    Transverse (cross)- superior and inferior halves


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  • 8/14/2019 Anatomy Sg 2010


    dialysis- diffusion of solute(s) through a semipermeable membrane

    filtration- the passage of a slovent and dissolved substances through a membrane orfilter

    active transport- net movement of a substance across a membrane against aconcentration gradient; requires release and use of cellular energy

    passive transport- membrane transport that do not require cellular energy

    diffusion- the spreading of particles in a gas or solution with a movement towarduniform distribution of particles

    osmosis- the diffusion of a solvent through a membrane from a dilute solution into amore concentrated one

    microvilli- the tiny projections on the free surfaces of some epithelial cells; increasesurface area for absorption

    pinocytosis- the engulfing extracellular fluid by cells

    phagocytosis- the ingestion of solid particles by cells

    mucous membranes (mucosa)- membrane that forms the lining of body cavities open

    the the exterior (digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive tracts)


    Superficial to deep:

    stratum corneum- 20/30 cell layers thick; always dead; horny layer

    stratum lucidum-thin layer of flat cells; clear

    stratum granulosum- begin to die; absorbs keratin

    stratum germinativum- cell division; mitosis; 25% melanocytes


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    dermis- the deep layer of the skin; composed of dense irregular connective tissue

    melanocyte- a cell that produces melanin

    melanin- the dark pigment synthesized by melanocytes; responsible for skin color

    keratin- a tough, insoluble protein found in tissues such as hair, nails, and epidermis ofthe skin; waterproof

    sweat glands- secrete sweat

    apocrine glands- less numerous sweat gland; salt, water, protein; BO- armpits/ gooch

    eccrine glands- sweat gland; salt and water

    sebaceous glands- secretes oils; attached to hair follicle;

    hair follicles- surrounds hair shaft int he dermis

    sensory receptors- nerve endings in the skin

    papillary layer- dermal papili; causes finger prints

    hair bulb- bulb at the bottom of the hair shaft

    sebum- the oily secretion of sebaceous glands

    Burns-1st degree- sunburn, mild; epidermis damage and redness! 2nd degree- bad sunburn; epidermis and dermis damage; partial thickness;! ! ! most painful! 3rd degree- black, grey, white; full thickness; skin grafting;! ! ! painlessacne- inflammatory disease of the skin; infection of the sebaceous glands

    cutaneous membrane- the skin; composed of epidermal and dermal layers


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    Bones and Joints


    1) Diarthroses- synovial- movable

    -Hinge (knee), Eliptical (wrist), Ball and Socket (shoulder), Saddle (thumb), Pivot (neck)

    2) Amphiarthroses- cartilaginous- slightly movable-Vertebrae, Pubic Synthesis

    3) Synarthroses- fibrous- immovable-Sutures

    synovial membrane- membrane that lines the capsule of a synovial joint

    visceral- pertaining to the the internal part of a structure or the internal organs

    parietal- pertaining to the walls of a cavity

    long bone- femur, tibia, humorous

    short bone- carpals, tarsals

    flat bone- skull (8 bones)

    irregular bone- vertebrae

    epiphysis- end of bone

    periosteum- thin superficial layer

    diaphysis- shaft of the bone

    epiphyseal plate- growth plate

    compact bone- very dense bone; calcium

    hyaline cartilage-(articular) covers joints

    compound fractures- a fracture in which the bone is sticking through the skin

    ossification- process of bone formation

    osteoclasts- large cells that resorb or break down bone matrix


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    hematoma- a localized swelling filled with blood

    fibrocartilage callus- a temporary formation of fibroblasts and chondroblasts whichforms at the area of a bone fracture as the bone attempts to heal itself

    foramen- opening/ hole! -foramen magnum- skull (spine)! -mental foramen- jaw (nerves)! -Foramen ovale- skull (nerves)sinus- air filled cavity

    ramus- a branch of a bone

    facet- flat surface

    fossa- depression! -olecranon fossa (humorous)tubercle- small rounded projection! -greater tubercle (humorous/ shoulder)trochanter- large irregular projection! -greater trochanter (hip)tuberosity- large rounded projection! -tibial tuberosity (knee)acromion- the outermost point of the spine of the shoulder bladefontanels- soft spots on a baby's skull

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    skeletal muscle- a muscle that is connected at either or both ends to a bone and somove parts of the skeleton

    striated muscle- voluntary muscle

    smooth muscle- Involuntary muscle

    cardiac muscle- muscle tissue of the heart

    intercalated disks- membrane separating adjacent cells in cardiac muscle fibers

    acetylcholine- a neurotransmitter

    sliding filament theory- a process used by muscles to contract

    neuromuscular junction- the junction between a nerve fiber and the muscle it supplies

    antagonist- muscles that move in opposition to a prime mover muscle

    synergist- muscles cooperating with another to produce a desired movement

    prime mover- (agonist) a muscle that bears the primary responsibility for causing acertain movement

    mastication- movement of chewing your food


    synapse- the region of communications between two neurons

    neuron body- region of the cell where the nucleus is located

    dendrites- the branching extensions of neurons that carry impulses to the cell body

    axon- neuron process that carries impulses away from the cell body; efferent process

    motor neuron- controls the muscles in reflex

    association neuron- (interneuron) connect sensory neurons to motor neurons

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  • 8/14/2019 Anatomy Sg 2010



    Nerve Tissue Simple Squamous Epithelium Simple Cuboidal Epithelium

  • 8/14/2019 Anatomy Sg 2010



    Sudorferous Gland

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    possible places to study from:

    Lab Manual:

    pg 68

    pg 78pg 86

    pg 96

    pg 98

    pg 103

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