ANALYZING FILM In most narrative filmmaking, everything you see is designed to produce a precise graphic or pictorial رى يو ص تeffect. Everything is motivated ع ف ىء دا شل كوراء. The image is shaped to cause you to make assumptions اض ر ت ف اabout a character according to the way he or she is dressed and moves in the frame, or is situated ع ق تwith respect to their environment. Here are some key terms and

ANALYZING FILM In most narrative filmmaking, everything you see is designed to produce a precise graphic or pictorial تصويرى effect. Everything is motivatedوراء

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Page 1: ANALYZING FILM In most narrative filmmaking, everything you see is designed to produce a precise graphic or pictorial تصويرى effect. Everything is motivatedوراء

ANALYZING FILMIn most narrative filmmaking, everything you see is designed to produce a precise graphic or pictorial كل effect. Everything is motivated تصويرى وراء

دافع The image is shaped to cause you to .شىءmake assumptionsافتراض about a character according to the way he or she is dressed and moves in the frame, or is situatedتقع with respect to their environment.

Here are some key terms and techniques you can use in analyzing film.

Page 2: ANALYZING FILM In most narrative filmmaking, everything you see is designed to produce a precise graphic or pictorial تصويرى effect. Everything is motivatedوراء

Steps for analyzing such a movie

• 1- Analyze title and creditsYou may not think that analyzing the title or opening credits will do anything for you.  But in actuality, it is crucial you take the time to pay close attention to the credits as well.  Think about why the movie was titled as it is and how the credits help to establish a tone والتجانس In  . التناغمaddition, try to see if you can identify any motifs out of the credits.

Page 3: ANALYZING FILM In most narrative filmmaking, everything you see is designed to produce a precise graphic or pictorial تصويرى effect. Everything is motivatedوراء

• Freeze-frames الفيلميه األطرWhen analyzing a film, it is common to stop the movie and watch one scene several different times.  This allows you to take detailed notes and truly catch everything that is going on from the lighting to the camera angles to the costumes.  Be prepared for it to take quite a while to conduct a movie analysis.

Page 4: ANALYZING FILM In most narrative filmmaking, everything you see is designed to produce a precise graphic or pictorial تصويرى effect. Everything is motivatedوراء

• Dialogue subtitles الحوار ترجمةTo truly understand the dialogue, it is worth turning on the dialogue subtitles.  This allows you to know exactly what everyone is saying throughout every scene.  This is where it can be to watch a movie a few different times.

Page 5: ANALYZING FILM In most narrative filmmaking, everything you see is designed to produce a precise graphic or pictorial تصويرى effect. Everything is motivatedوراء

• 4. Production valuesPart of your film analysis should include evaluating the production values.  You want to consider whether the film has poor values or high-quality values.  High-quality product values consist of a glossyالمع and expensive look while low-quality values will look like an amateur created the movie الفيلم صنع . هواه

Page 6: ANALYZING FILM In most narrative filmmaking, everything you see is designed to produce a precise graphic or pictorial تصويرى effect. Everything is motivatedوراء

• Watch extrasAfter you have watched the entire movie الفيلم the next thing you want to do is watch the ,كامالfilm’s extrasاضافات.  You want to view everything from the theatrical trailer الجانب to the deleted scenes.  All of the specialالمسرحىfeatures and extras show how the movie was actually put together.

Page 7: ANALYZING FILM In most narrative filmmaking, everything you see is designed to produce a precise graphic or pictorial تصويرى effect. Everything is motivatedوراء

• Overall qualityThe last step to your movie analysis is evaluating the overall quality of the film.  While some scenes might have been good, you have to evaluate the entire film as a whole.  Each individual scene made up the entire movie, which is what you have to critique at the end; the movie as a whole.

Page 8: ANALYZING FILM In most narrative filmmaking, everything you see is designed to produce a precise graphic or pictorial تصويرى effect. Everything is motivatedوراء


Questions to ask when discussing the narrative:• What is the chronological order of the film التسلسل

للفيلم real ,الوراءIs it told in flashbacks ? الزمنىtime, or over an extendedممتد period of time?

• Are there voice-overs or title cards to help narrate the film? What is the plotالحبكة of the film?

• Is the narrative conformingمطابق to the conventions التفاقات of a specific genre النوع هذا من? (Romance, Western, Crime?)

Page 9: ANALYZING FILM In most narrative filmmaking, everything you see is designed to produce a precise graphic or pictorial تصويرى effect. Everything is motivatedوراء

CHARACTER الشخصيات

Analyzing Filmic Characters is similar to analyzing written characters: Are they realistic, how do they change over the course of the film, what do they represent etc.?

Types Of Characters:Round Characters

– Complex, life-like, multidimensional, and changeable– Usually only a few per film– Appear throughout the film– Essential to the plot

Flat Characters– Simple, stereotypical, minorقاصر , one-dimensional, unchanging– Appear only in a few scenes– Are rarely essential to the plot but add interest

Page 10: ANALYZING FILM In most narrative filmmaking, everything you see is designed to produce a precise graphic or pictorial تصويرى effect. Everything is motivatedوراء

Two Examples of Round Characters in The Matrix – Neo and Trinity

Example of Flat Characters in The Matrix – extra agents who help Agent Smith


Page 11: ANALYZING FILM In most narrative filmmaking, everything you see is designed to produce a precise graphic or pictorial تصويرى effect. Everything is motivatedوراء

• How does the camera’s eye limit or control what you see? How do affect the viewer’s understanding of the film?

Page 12: ANALYZING FILM In most narrative filmmaking, everything you see is designed to produce a precise graphic or pictorial تصويرى effect. Everything is motivatedوراء

Point of View

How do the different POVs in these two images create interpretations?

Objective POV in The Matrix (1999)

Subjective POV in The Matrix Revolutions (2003)

Page 13: ANALYZING FILM In most narrative filmmaking, everything you see is designed to produce a precise graphic or pictorial تصويرى effect. Everything is motivatedوراء

MISE-EN-SCÈNEالمشهد اخراج

“put into the scene” and refers to sets and backdrops, the use of propsالدعائم and lighting, as well as the blocking of actors’ movements within the dramatic space. The term is used to describe the space constructed for the camera. It includes two important elements:

1.Settingاالعداد 2.Composition الفنى التركيب

Page 14: ANALYZING FILM In most narrative filmmaking, everything you see is designed to produce a precise graphic or pictorial تصويرى effect. Everything is motivatedوراء


• Lightingاالضاءة : is it harshحادة or soft? Tintedملونة or colored? Naturalطبيبعه or artificialاصطناعيه ? What shadows does it create?

• Costumesأزياء: what do we learn about the characters from what they wear (or don’t wear)?

• Sets: Are props or sets significant? How do characters relate to them? Are they related to any themes?

Page 15: ANALYZING FILM In most narrative filmmaking, everything you see is designed to produce a precise graphic or pictorial تصويرى effect. Everything is motivatedوراء

Setting: Lighting

How does side lighting influence the interpretation of the frame?

The Sixth Sense (1999)

What is the effect of back-lighting in this image from The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)?

Page 16: ANALYZING FILM In most narrative filmmaking, everything you see is designed to produce a precise graphic or pictorial تصويرى effect. Everything is motivatedوراء

Setting: CostumesCostumes may be used to distinguishيميز main characters from secondary characters, to further the plotline, and to identify good and evil.

Gone With the Wind (1939)

Star Wars (1977)

Page 17: ANALYZING FILM In most narrative filmmaking, everything you see is designed to produce a precise graphic or pictorial تصويرى effect. Everything is motivatedوراء

Setting: SetsSets can revealيكشف how a character has changed. In these two shots from American Beauty (1999), the setting echoes the changing relationship between Lester and his wife.

Page 18: ANALYZING FILM In most narrative filmmaking, everything you see is designed to produce a precise graphic or pictorial تصويرى effect. Everything is motivatedوراء

MISE-EN-SCÈNE: Composition الفنى التركيب

Some questions to consider when analyzing composition:

– The Arrangement: How are the elements in the frame arranged? (Foregroundالمقدمة and Backgroundخلفيه )

– Photographic qualities: Are the images grainy محببه معالجةor processed , هشةcrisp ,مآساويهdistressed , لطيفةin a special way?

– Framing: Do elements (besides the screen itself) confine/divide/exclude parts of the image? What is off-screen? How is space created or violated by the frame?

– Camera angle, distance,المسافة and tiltاالماله : Does the camera itself move (tracking) or does it stand still and just rotate (a pan)?

Page 19: ANALYZING FILM In most narrative filmmaking, everything you see is designed to produce a precise graphic or pictorial تصويرى effect. Everything is motivatedوراء

Composition: Arrangement (Part 1)Foreground and Background

How filmmakers position people and objects in the background and foreground in a given image influences what the image communicates.

The background of an action may go unnoticed because it is obscurelyبغموض lit or out of focus or because subjects in the foreground draw so much of the viewer’s attention.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets االسرار (2002)غرفة

Page 20: ANALYZING FILM In most narrative filmmaking, everything you see is designed to produce a precise graphic or pictorial تصويرى effect. Everything is motivatedوراء

Composition: ArrangementSymmetrical Composition المتماثل الفنى التركيب

In symmetrical compositions, the subject(s) is seen in the approximateتقريبى center of the frame.

Moulin Rouge (2001)

Page 21: ANALYZING FILM In most narrative filmmaking, everything you see is designed to produce a precise graphic or pictorial تصويرى effect. Everything is motivatedوراء

Composition: Photographic Qualities of The Shot

The grainy, washed-out quality in this shot from Minority Report (2002) recalls the hard-boiled detective genre, suggesting that المخبرTom Cruise’s character will be involved in a mysteryسر.

What could this greenish االخضر tint اللونsuggest about the scene or the character in the image?

The Matrix Reloaded (2003)

Page 22: ANALYZING FILM In most narrative filmmaking, everything you see is designed to produce a precise graphic or pictorial تصويرى effect. Everything is motivatedوراء

Composition: FramingTrinity seems to literally touch the camera lens, which emphasizes a framing device that separates the viewer from her. This shot could also be useful in an analysis of fore and background.

This jaggedمسنن frame of broken glass could emphasize the havocخراب that Agent Smith wreaksتجربه. How else does this framing device work?

The Matrix (1999)The Matrix Reloaded (2003)

Page 23: ANALYZING FILM In most narrative filmmaking, everything you see is designed to produce a precise graphic or pictorial تصويرى effect. Everything is motivatedوراء

Composition: Framing (continued)

In these two images, which follow each other sequentially in the film ,.we cut directly to the subject looking outside the frame at that object. This happens quite often in scenes of dialogue.

The Age of Innocence (1993)

Page 24: ANALYZING FILM In most narrative filmmaking, everything you see is designed to produce a precise graphic or pictorial تصويرى effect. Everything is motivatedوراء

Composition: A Framing Sequence in The Matrix1 2

3 4

Page 25: ANALYZING FILM In most narrative filmmaking, everything you see is designed to produce a precise graphic or pictorial تصويرى effect. Everything is motivatedوراء

Composition: Camera Angle, Distance and Tilt

Here are two interesting “from-above” camera angles. How could this camera angle change or enhance our interpretation of characters, events or themes in the film?

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) The Matrix (1999)

Page 26: ANALYZING FILM In most narrative filmmaking, everything you see is designed to produce a precise graphic or pictorial تصويرى effect. Everything is motivatedوراء

SUMMARYThe following elements should help you analyze any film.

• Narrative

• Characters

• Point of View

• Mise-en-Scène– Setting (lighting, costumes, sets)

– Composition (arrangement, photographic qualities, framing, camera angle)