Analyzing Assessing Performance

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  • 8/4/2019 Analyzing Assessing Performance


    Dr Sanyukta Jolly

    4/21/2012 1

  • 8/4/2019 Analyzing Assessing Performance


    Performance management is an importantconcept to understand for academic study andbegan in late 1980s and it has been undertakenin several fields such as logistics management,

    marketing, human resources management andoperations management to name a few.

    The idea of managing both individual and

    organizational performance is not new and theexact date when a formal method of reviewingperformance was first introduced is not known.

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    Koontz (1971) mentioned the role of imperial rater whose

    task was to evaluate the performance of official family of theWei dynasty (AD 221-265) in China.

    The first formal system evolved before World War I (WWI) withthe pioneering work of Fredrick Taylor with the ratings ofofficers in the U.S. armed services which took place in early1950s.

    It began with personality based appraisals, shifting towardsgoal-setting and assessment of performance related abilities in1960s.

    Beginning 1980 to 1990 the organizations underwent a rapidand successive change and performance appraisal became acentral theme for managing people and business in general.

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    By the end of 1990, performance management cameto be seen as a core management process and a wellintegrated strategic tool.

    Broadly speaking, in the 1950-1960s the focus was

    on merit rating in USA and UK and known asperformance appraisal.

    1960s to 1970s was the period of management by

    objectives (MBO), critical incidents technique and useof behaviourally anchored scales (BARS), which are

    used extensively even now by various organizations.

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    The word performance management was first used in1970s but did not become a recognized process until thelater half of 1980s.

    The performance management literature can be traced inthree major phases-

    1. from performance measurement to performancemanagement

    2. from individual to collaborative performance measurement

    3. from lagging to leading performance management.

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    Performance measurement is universal.

    In the work setting especially performance measurementgoes beyond annual review and can be used for manypurposes:

    1. Criterion data

    2. Employee development

    3. Motivation/satisfaction

    4. Promotion5. Transfer

    6. Rewards

    7. Layoffs

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    Sources forEmployeeAppraisals






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    Graphic RatingScale

    Mixed StandardScale



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    Graphic Rating-Scale Method A trait approach to performance appraisal whereby

    each employee is rated according to a scale ofindividual characteristics.

    Mixed-Standard Scale Method An approach to performance appraisal similar to

    other scale methods but based on comparison with

    (better than, equal to, or worse than) a standard.

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    Graphic RatingScale withProvision forComments

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    Example of a Mixed-Standard Scale

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    Forced-Choice Method Requires the rater to choose from statements

    designed to distinguish between successful andunsuccessful performance.

    1. ______ a) Works hard _____ b) Works quickly

    2. ______ a) Shows initiative _____ b) Is responsive to customers

    3. ______ a) Produces poor quality _____ b) Lacks good work habits

    Essay Method Requires the rater to compose a statement

    describing employee behavior.

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    Critical Incident

    Behavioral Checklist

    Behaviorally AnchoredRating Scale (BARS)

    Behavior ObservationScale (BOS)

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    Critical Incident Method Critical incident

    An unusual event that denotes superior or inferioremployee performance in some part of the job

    The manager keeps a log or diary for each employeethroughout the appraisal period and notes specificcritical incidents related to how well they perform.

    Behavioral Checklist Method The rater checks statements on a list that the rater

    believes are characteristic of the employeesperformance or behavior.

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    Consists of a series of vertical scales, one for eachdimension of job performance; typically developedby a committee that includes both subordinates andmanagers.

    Originally conceived by Smith & Kendall (1963) aregraphic-performance rating scales with specificbehavioral descriptions defining points against eachscale (i.e. Behavioral anchors), which represents adimension, factor or work function considered

    important for performance

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    BARS Example

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    A performance appraisal that measures thefrequency of observed behavior (critical incidents).

    Preferred over BARS for maintaining objectivity,distinguishing good performers from poor

    performers, providing feedback, and identifyingtraining needs.

    Developed by Latham & Wexley (1977) aresummated scales based on statements about

    desirable & undesirable work behavior.

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    BOS Example

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    Productivity Measures Appraisals based on quantitative measures (e.g.,

    sales volume) that directly link what employeesaccomplish to results beneficial to the organization.

    Criterion contamination

    Focus on short-term results

    Management by Objectives (MBO)

    A philosophy of management that ratesperformance on the basis of employee achievementof goals set by mutual agreement of employee andmanager.

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    The appraisal focuses on four related categories Financial, customer, processes, and learning

    Ensuring the methods success:

    Translate strategy into a scorecard of clear objectives. Attach measures to each objective.

    Cascade scorecards to the front line.

    Provide performance feedback based on measures.

    Empower employees to make performanceimprovements.

    Reassess strategy.

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    Tool Advantages Disadvantages

    Graphic ratingscale

    Simple to use; provides aquantitative rating for eachemployee.

    Standards may be unclear; haloeffect, central tendency, leniency,bias can also be problems.

    BARS Provides behavioral anchors.BARS is very accurate.

    Difficult to develop.

    Alternation ranking Simple to use (but not as simple asgraphic rating scales). Avoids centraltendency and other problems ofrating scales.

    Can cause disagreements amongemployees and may be unfair if allemployees are, in fact, excellent.

    Forced distributionmethod

    End up with a predetermined numberor % of people in each group.

    Employees appraisal results dependon your choice of cutoff points.

    Critical incident


    Helps specify what is right and

    wrong about the employeesperformance; forces supervisor toevaluate subordinates on an ongoingbasis.

    Difficult to rate or rank employees

    relative to one another.

    MBO Tied to jointly agreed-uponperformance objectives.


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    Summary of Various Appraisal Methods

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    What does it mean?Contrast Effect The tendency of the rater to evaluate people in comparison with other

    individuals rather than against the standards for the job


    The tendency of a manager to make an initial positive or negativejudgment of an employee and allow that first impression to color or distortlater information

    Halo or HornEffect

    Inappropriate generalizations from one aspect of an individualsperformance to all areas of that persons performance.

    Similar-to- meEffect

    The tendency of individuals to rate people who resemble themselves morehighly than they rate others.


    The inclination to rate people in the middle of the scale even when theirperformance clearly warrants a substantially higher or lower ratings

    Negative &Positive Skew

    The opposite of central tendency: the rating of all individuals as higher orlower than their performance actually warrants.

    Attribution Bias The tendency to attribute performance failings to factors under the controlof the individual & performance successes to external causes

    Recency Effect The tendency to minor events that have happened recently to have moreinfluence on the rating than major events months ago

    Stereotyping The tendency to generalize across groups and ignore individualdifferences. 4/21/2012 24

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    360 degree feedbck is also known as amultisource assessment

    Ward (1997) defined 360 degree feedback asthe systematic collection and feedback ofperformance data on individul or groupderived from a number of stakeholders

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    Developmental purpose

    For appraisal

    For pay

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    Define objectives

    Define recipients

    Decide on who will give the feedback

    Decide how feedback will be given

    Decide on areas of work and behavior on which feedback will

    be given Decide on the method of collecting the data

    Decide on data analysis and presentation

    Decide how the data will be used

    Plan the initial implementation program

    Analyze the outcome of the pilot scheme

    Plan and implement full program

    Monitor and evaluate

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    Communication Administration

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    Broader perspective

    Individuals know their strengths & weakneses

    More reliable feedback is provided

    New insights get highlighted

    Critical performance & competency requirementsare clarified

    People given more rounded view of theirperformance

    Key development areas are identified

    Managers are more aware on how they impact

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    People may not give frank or honest feedback

    People put under stress in receiving or givingfeedback

    Lack of action following feedback Over-reliance on technology

    Too much bureaucracy

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    When there is active support of top management

    When there is commitment

    Real determination by all to use feedback data

    Questionnaire items fit or reflect typical and significant

    aspects of behaviour Items relate to actual events

    Comprehensive & well delivered communication,followed by training

    No one is threatened by the process Questionnaire easy to complete

    Bureaucracy is minimized

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    The problem is that not everything thatcounts can be counted, and not everythingthat can be counted counts

    The origin of the Balance Scorecard can betraced back to 1990, when the research armof KPMG sponsored a study on measuringperformance in organizations.

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    Is a strategic approach and a performancemanagement system that enables theorganization to translate its vision andstrategy into implementation.

    It is a conceptual framework for translatingorganizations vision into a set ofperformance indicators distributed amongfour perspectives

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    Financial: measures reflecting financialperformance, for example number of debtors,cash flow, or ROI

    Customer Perspective: captures the ability of theorganization to provide quality goods andservices, effective delivery and overall customersatisfaction for both internal & external

    customers. For example, time to process a phonecall, results of customer survey, number ofcomplaints or competitive rankings.

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    Business Process Perspective: provides dataregarding the internal business results againstmeasures that lead to financial success andsatisfied customers.

    To meet organizational objectives and customerexpectations, organizations must identify the keybusiness processes at which they must excel.

    For example, the time spent in prospecting newcustomers, number of units that required reworkor process cost.

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    Learning & Growth Perspective: captures theability of employees, information systems andorganizational alignment to manage business

    and adapt to change.

    In order to meet changing requirements andcustomer expectations, employees are beingasked to take on dramatically newresponsibilities that may require skills,capabilities, technologies, and organizationaldesigns that were not available before.

    It measures the organizations learning curve, forexample, number of employee suggestions ortotal hours spent on staff training.

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    Clarify and update strategy Communicate strategy throughout the


    Align unit and individual goals with strategy

    Link strategic objectives to long term targetsand annual budgets

    Identify and align strategic initiatives

    Conduct periodic performance reviews tolearn about and improve strategy

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    Translation of strategy into measurableparameters

    Communication of strategy to allstakeholders

    Alignment of individual goals withorganizations strategic objectives.

    Feedback of implementation results to

    strategic planning process Preparing the organization for a change

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    Lack of well defined strategy Using only lagging measures

    Use of generic metrics

    Failure at all levels

    Failure to follow through completion